Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1911, Image 1

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    Tue Omaha Daily Bee
Our Magazin. Features
Wit, hnncr, fiction asd eomlt
pictures the best of eatsrtaln.
neut, U strait ion, tminrntal
Generally Fair
- 1 . - - M- - - . 1
VOL. U'X OMAHA, FIJI DAY- MOKNIXU, DKCKMHKK 8, 1 ! 1 1 TWKIA'E PA (IKS. : Kivm.K fnin- wn nmB
Federal Grand Jury in Los Anjele
Begins Probing Alleged Dyna
miting Conspiracy.
Brothers Will Decline to Give Panel
Any Information.
Charge Illegal Transportation of
Explosives from State to State.
District Attorney nginla that
Labor Leader Brlnst Salt for Ac
cuHullitK of Money la(
Into Defense Fund.
LOS ANGULKS, Dec. 7. Ortle K. Xle
Mar.lgat, tho dynamiter, who made the
' ' -iiii"nimi in in..- niL, Miuai m con
spiracy, wan taken before the federal
fond Jury which began Ha probe today,
McManlgal wa the first witness. He was
taken from the county jail to the federal
building by Sheriff Hammel at 10:60
John J. McNamara, confessed dyna
miter,' told Jailer Gallagher today that
under no circumstances would he give the
federal grand Jury any Information of
any kind.
Following thai announcement Under
Sheriff Bain pought Oscar I,awler, spe
cial government Investigator, to tell him
of the prisoner's statement.
It waa understood that James B. Mc
Namara would refuso to glvo testimony
to the federal grand Jury.
i he rederal grand Jury of the United
States district court for southern Cali
fornia convened here today to take up
evidence to be presented for the miriwu
of showing that a giant conspiracy ex
ists throughout the United States,
through which dynamiting damage run
ning into millions of dollars lias been
done to buildings under construction and
already completed; dynamite has beej;
transported unlawfully from one state to
another and perhaps that improper use
his been made of the mails.
While the government cannot Indict or
try. It is said, for Indlvldunl dynamiting,
the men, who brought them about are
liable under the conspiracy charge and
for the transportation of the explosive
A similar Investigation Is being con
ducted in Indianapolis.
Mnny Cases In California.
The reason for another grand jpry Is
said to be a vast amount of evidence ac
cumulated on tho coast by detectives
working under District Attornev Jnl.n n
Fredericks .of Ixe Angelea county for
-the purpose of convlctln John J mi
James B. XfeKatnat-
7 inui v.-1 in lUII'l
nection with the Wowing up of the Los
Angeles Times building on October 1,
1M0. . ,
Fredericks said today that McManlgal
would be required for many cases com
ing in California an that it would be
inadvisable at this time to let him be
taken elsewhere. This statement was
-considered toVdevelop another reason for
holding the grand Jury investigation out
here namely that many witnesses who
appeared before the grand Jury In the
.McNamara hearlnira llv in v. -
D ' v ... vi.v Bl-ID IIU
can be reached over night.
i ne state has been desirous for some
time of tracing the movements of James
B. McNamara after he came west from
Indianapolis to Ban Francisco and began
traveling up and down the coast. Wit
nesses probably wyi be summoned to tell
what they may know of where McNa
mara went and what he did and finally
who sent him.
It was reported that among the wit
nesses before the grand Jury would be
Mis. D. H. Ingersoll of San Francisco,
at whose lodging house James B. Mc
Namara lived for some time and Is sup.
posed to have met there prominent labor
II urns I lu fw York.. '
NEW YORK. Deo. 7.-Wllllam J.
Hums arrived In New York today to
consult with Walter Drew, counsel for the
National Sectors' association, which re-
(Continued on Second Page.)
The Weather
rain: colder
Unsettled, with
I-OR IOW A Increasing cloudiness with
probably local rain; warmer In west and
central portions.
Temperature at
. l:l
Highest yesterday....... s ?i
lowest yesterday zs i
Mean temperature 28 1
Precipitation CO .19
Temperature and precipitation
lines from the normal:
Normal temperaturo
Kxcesa for the day
.03 inch
ILt In, h
Total excess since March 1.
Normal precipitation
lrflciency for the duv.
Total rainfall since Marcli 1...I3.W inches
Deficiency since March 1 1 5 . 2.1 inchev
Deficiency for cor. pet,iod. 1&10..14.37 Inches
Excess for cor. period, lboV. ... 4.49 inches
Reports from Stations at ,T V. M.
Station and State Temp. High-. Rain-
01 w earner. 7 p. in.
Cheyenne, part cloudy at)
Davenport, part cloudy.... 4ri
1 enver, clear 42
Des Molnos, cloudy 42
iHxixe City, cloudy 44
Lander, clear...'. t
North Platte, clear 14 '
Dniaha, cloudy....... 47
l'iihto, ler .A 44
Hapld City, clear 40
Halt Ike City, clear Id
Hants Ke, part cloudy i
fhertdan. clear 2
Sioux City, clear M
Valentine, clear In
Qinafca Vrterht.
tN Hours. ljeg. i
Sa.m i'
O ?::K:::::::::::::-g
J m U
C1 5 111 "
1 l 12 111 40
A 2 P- m .41
4 p. m 47
P-m (7
J ' 8 P. n. 4
t 'omparatlta l.oval Record.
1X11. 1910.
est. fall
44 .00
62 .00
60 .00
41 .00
12 .00
14 .00
44 .00
4 .00
60 .00
41 .
15 .00
46 .00
40 .O)
41 ,o)
M .00
T tudlcatea trace or precipitation.
inditaics below aero.
1 A. W LLiiH, Local forecaster.
1 . , ssaaaaanannasaaannJ " '- V .1 -i 1 A J .
The National Capital
,I harsilny, December T, lull.
Tlio Senate.
In session at Z p. in.
Lorimer election Investigation hearing
. Corporation ethics discussed at anti
trust hearing by IS. 11. Gary of United
States Steel corporation. '
Employers' liability commission will be
gin final hearing. December H.
Adjourned 2:57 p. in. until S p. m. Mon
day. Tlip House
Met at noon.
President's mrssase on foreign relations
Sugar beet competition discussed before
Sugar trust committee.
Hearings on Clayton bill to provide Jury
trials In direct contempt proceedings
I'erslan appeal for aid read In house
Permanent tariff board bill potionod
In committee.
Report urging national reservation to
preserve Nnagnra falls received.
Add Senate
Democratic Leader Underwood endorsed
for the presidential nomination by the
Alabama representative.
Tobacco census bill vote deferred until
Adjourned 4:13 p. in. until noon to
Aimed at the domination of the tobacco
trust, a bill directing the census bureau
to publish statistics every six months as
to the amount of tobacco held by dealers
and manufacturers of the country was
debated for hours In the house and will
be voted upon tomorrow.
Dr. Hyde Worried by
thfe Introduction of
Collateral Facts
KANSAS CITY. Mo., Dec. 7. Success
ful attempt!) of tho state to introduce
evedence not directly connected with the
death of Colonel Thomas H. . Swobe for
whose alleged murder Dr. B. Clark Hyde
Is now on trial for a second tltno Is
causing the defense no little worry.
When the case was remanded for new
trial, by the supreme court lr. Hyde's
attorneys felt that only evidence relating
to the alleged murder of tue philanthropist
had been left for the state to build Its
case on. but the prosecution Is not con
tent with this evidence alone. It Is
righting hard to get before the Jury
practically all of the testimony given lu
the former trial.
Twice within as many days the stale
has been victorious." Witnesses have
been permitted to tell how Dr. Hyde gave
Stella Swope a. capeulq for her sister.
Sarah. The Inference which the etate
seeks to leave Is that tills was a poison
capsule, although there Is no direct proof
that it was. ...
MIsa Elisabeth Gordon, a nurse, today
resumed her tory "about how Dr. Hyde
Injected what , the state, asserts was
camphorated oil. The defense objected
strenuously to all of this testimony.
"It f apparent." said Attorney R. R.
firewater of the defense today, "that the
state Intends to drag In all of these col
lateral matters. We shall contend
throughout that only testimony directly
connected with the death of Colonel Snopc
Is competent."
The victories of the state have caused
Dr. Hyde to take a more active part In
the conduct of his ease than he has here
tofore. He consults frequently with his
attorneys and prompts them constantly
when nurses and medical experts are on
the stand.
All of this collateral evidence has gone
in on the ground that It contradicts state
ments of Dr. Hyde. At the former trial
it was admitted, because Judge Ralph S.
La t show held that It tended to prove a
series of crimes.
Miss Cordon today read all her chart
of Margaret Swope's condition from the
time she became 111 with typhoid. The
chart showed her to be convalescent up
to the time the hypodermic injection was
given her. Immediately following she bi
came worse, the witness read.
"Soon after tho Injection was adminis
tered," Miss Gordon said, "the arm began
to swell and a hard place the size of a
dollar appeared around the point where
the needle entered the flesh. Margaret
was very restless and could not sleep
that night. The entire ami swelled and
It was necessary to rest it on a pillow."
Pittsburgh Wants
to Store Flood Waters
CHICAGO. Dec. T.-Tlie Pittsburgh
flood commission urgd the national irri
gation congress to Join with 11 In working
to Induce the government to undertake a
natlonaf policy of water storage at the
meeting of the congress today. George
H. Maxwell, member of the commission,
declared the commission had decided. In
lavor of a policy of building reservoirs
n the watersheds of the Allegheny and
Monongahela rivets, which, at a cost of
!C.00n.Uo would make Pittsburgh int
.nune from floods, check the floods of the
.ower Mississippi valley and jlut the
waters In the Mississippi in the summer
hen it Is needed to float boats.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.-With a splen
did and enormously expensive system of
coast defense fortifications almost com
pleted, there are not enough soldiers by
37.352 to provide for even one manning
delall, according to General K. M.
Weaver, chief of the coast artillery, In
his annual report.
General Weaver declares that unlecw the
necessary trained troops are provided for
this purpose, the vast expenditures for
coast defense already made will be worse
than wasted, since the people mill have
been lulled Into a false sense of security.
Therefore he wants to Increase the regu
lar artillery' by ; officers and lt.Mt men,
and the coast artillery militia by 90! offi
cers and 21.2t4 men.
New Postal Ranks.
WASHINGTON, Dee. fSpe. lal Tele
gram.) Postal savings banks will be es
tablished January i as folloms:
Nebraska Atkinson, Beaver City and
Iowa Center Point. Radcllffe, Rock
ford. Scranton and Walker.
bouUt If sola ilifr jui4 MM'ii
Imperial Salute of One Hundred and
One Ouns Greets Emperor and
, Empress of India.
j'iooj uiiuia nuu juuiau jvcguucuis
Guard Route to Camp.
Jewels and Brilliant Garments Add
to. Beauty of Ceremony.
Great Nam hers of .Natives Gather to
Witness Konr-Mllo Profession to
Durbar f amp l.nnccrs Ride
In the Lead.
DKI.III. India, Dec. 7. The roar of an
Imperial ralute of Ml guns welcomed the
klng-eniperor and queen-empress on their
arrival here today from Hoinbay. The
railroad station In the .Sellngarh station
of the fort had been the meeca since dnwn
for everybody In the city and the cor
onation camp.
Kqulpages which vied with each other
In splendor passed along roads, crowded
with Indian princes, military officers ami
government officials.. Streams of native."
went the Fame way.
The route to the camp was lined al
ternately by British and Indian regi
ments under the command of Lieutenant.
General Sir J. Wilcox and General Sir
K. G. Harrow.. In providing guards of
honor and escorts native troops were
also given equal share with British
The klng-empcror and queen-empre.s
were received 011 the decorated platform
by the viceroy and vicereine, the gov
ernors and heads of provinces, the com
mander-in-chief and a number of hlg'i
military and civil officials.
After a series of presentations their
ma.testies proceeded to a paviilioii within
a wall of the fort, where V0 ruling chic's
were Introduced. This brilliant cere
mony with Its gorgeous display of jewels
and richly colored garments occupied
considerable time. Meanwhile the provin
cial legislators had gathered on the ridge
by the Dunbar camp to greet the royui
party. ,
Great Procession Starts.
Then began the great Procession in the
camp, four mllea away. Throughout India
a holiday had been decreed and great
numbers of natives had gathered to net
a glimpse of their emperor and empress.
1 hey formed a striking back ground tc
tne gorgeously uniformed procession
which was headed by landers with bandr
Playing. Then came General Hey ton, ,1he
Herald, In silk and sold I shard m.
ilIaondvw1lh -tho oyal 'coat of arms,
and sixteen British and native trumpeter,
all mounted on black chargers. Next fol
lowed the native escort of the viceroy, Ir
scarlet and gold, preceding the imperial
cadet corps, composed entirely of priuces
and their sons. Their majesty and the
viceroy's suites succeeded.
As their majesties approached, the
command to present arms was passed
along the Una of trJOps. European spec
tators took off their hats and the natives
bent deep toward the ground. The king,
emperor, the queen-empress r.nd the
viceroy bowed right and left In acknowl
edgment. The bodyguard 'of Indian nrinces who
followed Immediately after outshone In
splendor all that had passed. In strict
order of precedence came 100 niaharajahs,
rajahs, nawabs and other chieftains. The
column was closed by a band of savage
looking Afghan and Hathan chiefs
mounted on wild ponies and a detachment
of native and British troops.
King's Gate Opened.
Their majesties entered the city
through the king's gate, now opened fer
the first time since 18S7, when the king
of Delhi went to public worship.
All along the route the impression
seemed to be profound and the reception
was a cordial one. On arrival at the
camp the troopj defiled past the Im
perial carriage, receptions followed and
the' king-emperor was presented with a
brief address of weloome, to which he
replied lu a few words.
Their majesties and the vice regal
party then repaired to their camp, of
which Circuit house, built by Lord
Curzon in 1903, 'la the center.
The vast camp, stretched along the
Great Trunk road in lo.i symmetrical
lows of white tents, almost blinding In
the vertical Indian suti, while the whole
place when their majesties entered blazed
with tlie bright hues of the east.
Kerne of SI any Cuutrasts.
Crowds of picturesque columns, from
the rajah in his sllki to the half-naked
wallah, gathered to welcome their em
peror, and they formed a perfect picture.
Mingled v.tlh them were lx Jeweled In
dian princes, army and administrative of
ficers, natlvo and Hrltlsh private sol
diers and large numbers of foic-lgn tour
ists. The ancient bullock cart, the smartest
modern carriage, the powerful motor car,
the richly caparisoned elcphHiit and the
blooded horso added variety.
The emperor's tent does not differ
greatly In appearance from the others.
Internally, however. It is palatial. Great
canvas halls stand near by for official
receptions and banquets.
About 2S0.OW) persons have taken up
their .quarters in tha canvas city, which
la brWu up by green lawns, polo
grounds, foiintulns and avenues of trees.
Throughout the morning the coming
and going of greit dignitaries continued
and the throngs of natives kept their
positions, patiently anxious to get an
other sight of their emperor and empress.
Culled from the Wire
The eatate of the late Otto Itingilng of
Baraboo. Wis., one of the five circus
kings, who died March si, IV1I, has been
appraised at $4:9.212. 3:'.
The Cunard liner Mauretsnla. which
went aground near Dingle during a storm
last night, i floated Thuisriay morning
uninjui eci.
lwls K. Cupp, chancellor of Christian
university of Canton, Mo., announced a
sift of U5.ono by a lit. Louis woman to be
used In providing a gymnasium for the
Inn1ltu1lr.11. The same benefactress two
ago gave the university Vii,ow) for
tj dormitory.
mm Witm
!! llK' '$jb I wxS if g
From the New York World.
Former Executive of Nebraska
Passes Away in Chicago.
Ills "Widow" iind A Daughter," Mrs.
Walter Anderson, Lire In
Lincoln Once ftpeaker of
Nebraska Mouse, .. ,s. . .
" r 1 ' j. '
CHICAGO, Dec. 7.-Alblnus Nance, 8?
years old and former governor of Ne
braska, died here today at the Augustana
hospital of pneumonia. Mr. Nance was
born In Stark county. Illinois, and moved
to Nebraska In 1877 after serving thiougli
the civil war. He served an a member of
the Nebraska legislature anif once speaker
of the Nebraska house of representative.
In 187S he was elected governor, serv
ing until 18S3. He Is survived by a widow
and a daughter, Mrs. Walter L. Ander
son, both of Lincoln, Neb., and six
Twice Klected Governor.
Mr. Nance was elected governor as
a republican In J87S 'and was re-elected
In IH80. serving two terms. It was a
curious fact that Mr. Nance, John II.
Mickey and C. II. Morrill were mem
bers of an Osceola banking firm, and
later the two former served two terms
each as thief executive of the state
while Mr. Morrill could have held the
office, being offered the nomination
several times by republican leaders In
the days when a republican nomination
meant an election.
Governor Nance left Lincoln shortly
after the expiration of hit last term
of office ,and since that time he has
made his home In Chicago. There he
waa engaged In handling railroad
stocks and bonds. lie was 63 years of
age at the time of his death.'
Alblnu8 Nance was known as the "boy
governor" of Nebraska, being but 30 years
of age when nominated. Mr. Nance was
born March 30, 148, at Lafayette, Stark
county, Illinois, and was the oldest son
In the family of Dr. Hi mm Nance, who
was for many years one of tlMh most sue.
ceesful physicians and ablesr surgeons In
central Illinois. The father went to
Illinois in lM. It was the far west of
that period and life was filled with
danger, difficulties and hardships. The
ancestry of Mr. Nance on the mother's"
side of the family was Kngllsh. The
maiden name of his mother was Sarah
I'.. Smith, and she was born in Ohio.
In C1U War.
Albluus Nance enlisted In the civil war
nt the age of 10 years. In the Nnth
Illinois cavalry. The youthful defender
was mustered In contrary to both the
wishes and protests of his parents and
friends. He continued In the service until
the close of the war and participated In
the following battles: Guntown, Hurri
cane Creek, franklin, Nashville, Tupelo,
Kpilng Hill and Columbia. He was one
In the line who made one of the most
daring and gallant charges at the battle
of Nashville, and was slightly woundec
during the fighting.
After the war was over Mr. Nance re
turned home and became u student at
Knox college, Galt-sburV, 111. rioon after
leaving college he commenced the study
of law, and In 1670 was admitted to the
bar n the supreme court of Illinois,
llvnieateaded In Toll.
In 171 Mr. Nance came to Nebraska
and secured a homestead In Polk county,
devoting part of his time to farming, but I
the larger part of the tima to his chosen'
profession. He moved to Osceola a few J
years later and In 1X73 his friends anh.
mltted his name to the republican con
vention of the Thirteenth district for rep
resentative In the state legislature. The
counties of Adsms. Hutler. Clay. Fillmore,
Hamilton. Platte. Polk and York sent
tCoutibued on becond page.;
Witness Heard of
Plot to Blackmail
Senator Lorimer
WASHINGTON, Dec, T.-Oeorg Gloss,
wltnesa-'befor tbe !orlmer suiiatotlal
Investigating Committee, caused a mild
sensation today when ho testified that
Frank Seems, a friend of Charles A.
White, had told Mm that he and White
were preparing a story to blackmail .Sen
ator Lorimer for $160,0ii0 If possible, or
at least 175.000.
The witness declared Seems had told
him White had declared they would turn
over all the paper to Lorimer If they
got tho noney, and they would all take
a trip.
"Seems first told me that lie wanted
me to go wlth-hlm to the l'sltnei' house
to witness the delivery of the story to
some magazine," snld Gloss. "Later he
told me those people would not buy It.
Ho tald White was going to try to kcII
It to a newspaper If the Ixirimer crowd
did not fall. I never saw the story nty
self." Here Judge llanecy brought In the name
of Kdwln It. Wright of the Illinois Fed
eration of Labor.
"Seems told me that Wright was going
to take WJilte to a newspaper that would
buy the story'." said Goss.
White eventually sold the story to the
Chicago Tribune.
Governors' Cars Too
Large for Tunnels
Near Baltimore
BALTLMOrtK, Md., Dec, 7--The special
train bearing the western governors,
which was due at Washington at 10 u. in.
today was held at Day View Junction at
the eastern edge of this city while the
executives were transferred to other
coaches for the rest of the trip to Wash
ington. ' ,
There cars proved to be too large to
pass through the tunnels of the Penn
sylvania railroad here, necessitating the
change. '
The railroad officials say the train did
not reach Philadelphia until S:SU o'clock
this morning. t
It reuured nearly one hour to make the
transfer of the baggage of tho governors
to the other train, which left I jay View
Junction at 11:57 o'clock. None of the
exhibits were tuaeu along,
WASHINGTON', Dec. 7.-The western
governors and their party, somewhat be
lated by thoir experience at Baltimore,
reached Washington this afternoon. Koine
of the parly attended the rivers and bar
bors congress and later were received by
President Taft. Tonight they will dine
at the White House with the president
and later attend a reception at the Na
tlonal Press club.
Government Passes
Twelve Veniremen
CHICAGO, Dec. 7. Attorneys for the
government late today tendered H tenia
tlve Jury of twelve; men to counsel for
the indicted packers In t'nited States Dis
trict Judge George A. Carpenter's court
after less than ten hours of actual court
Tomorrow counsel for the packers will
begin cross-examination of the tentative
Jurors, seven of whom sre farmers.
When court sdjourned today Attorney
James M. Sheean of special counsel for
the government had questioned forty-two
veniremen. Twenty were excused for' va
ried reaaons and ten were peren ptorlly
challenged. The government still hss the
right of twenty additional peremptory
challenges, while the Iackeis have thirty.
Eteel Magnate Believes Exchange of
Information is Not Illegal.
. ...... ,.). :(-ju.
Sara t honll 11 Authorised l
Permit Certain Pool In a- Arrange
nients When Conditions
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.-H. II. Gary,
head of the I'nltcd Htutes Btecl corpora-.
tlon, testified before the senate committee
on Interstate commerce today that he
always believed It was entirely legal for
competitors to com together and mutually
disclose their business conditions, to
steady and balance trade, without maklnu-
any. agreement on price-. He urged a
federal commission authorised to consider
management, character and extent of
corporations and to permit certain pool
lng agreements when conditions warrant.
- "No corporation can reach a, perma
nent auccesa In this country unless It Is
willing to recognize at all times the
publio interest and welfare," said Mr.
I'ndno llestraint la ladeflaed.
"No corporation has the right to ob
ject to the Hherman law If It means, as
I think It does, that no combination shall
be created with the purpoce of create a
monopoly; or which shall be carried on
for the purpose or with the result of un
duly restraining trade. If corporations
are prevented from creating monopolies
or unduly restraining trade, then the pub
Ha is protected.
"The Sherman law leaves everyone In
that position, but the trouble is that no
one, not even the courts, knows what
will be an undue restraint of trade.'
"If tho fulled Slates Steel corporation
has not done business in a fair way, If
it la not doing business fairlu. nnw T am
willing to cencede that there ought tol
- 10 compel 11 10 ao so," said Mr
"Jt was formed to do In a business way
what I think has been done fairly and
honeatly sIjico it was organized."
ot Over-Capltallsed.
Senator Ponicrene Baked If the corpora
tion had not been greatly over-cspltailztd
when formed In 1901.
"On the basis of the original cyt of the
proiM-rtles Involved It was undouhie.iiv
over-capltallued," said Judge Garv. "h...
on the basis of actual values of these
properties when the United States Steel
corporation Has formed and tha amount
It would have cost to reproduce them
it was not over-capitalized. "
Auked whether the steel trust ha. I l..n
formed as the remit of a financial com-
binatlon or to meet the necessities of
the trade, Mr. Gary emphatically replied:
It was not a 'Wall street
The leading and controlling motive waa
to form a corporation for business pur
poses of real and substantial benefit to
the country s bUHienss not Inimical to
NKW YORK. Dec. 7.-Tlis IncompleW
cross-examination of W. 10. D. Stokst lu
the trial of Lillian Graham and Kthel
Conrad, the show girls who are charged
with attempting to kill him, waa orders."
stricken from the records by Justice Mr
cus today. The Justice ordered that the
trial proceed and Indicated that Mr.
Stokes would be cross-examined later.
Mr. Stokes' condition, his physician
sa d, still la precarious. He will be un
able la take the af. nd before Monday.
The sluts rested Its case after the In
troduction of letters written by Lllllsu
Oriihum to Blokes. They were eventy
thrcs In, number and for the most part
already had een read into the vldence.
Message to Congress on the Rela
tions of United States with
Foreign Powers.
0 ,
, , r- '
General Movement Toward Further
Recognition of Principle.
President Believes Progress is Be
ing Made in Negotiations.
llevletv d( n Year's Transaction
with Other Countries tilves A o .
tlona for Farther Activity
of State Department.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.-Preildent Taft
sent to the congress this morning a mcit
sge dealing with the relations of tho
United Stales with other nations of the
world and giving In detail some of tho
more important transactions of the h'taU
department . during the year. The mes
sage touches on the Russian treaty ques
tion. Ihe mobilisation of troops 011 the
Mexican border and other eveuls of in
terest. Its text:
The relations of the United States allh
other countries hava continued during
the last twelve months upon a basis of
the usual good will and friendly Inter
course. "The year Just passed marks an Im
portant general movement on the part of
the powers for broader arbitration. In
the recognition of the manifold benefits
to. mankind In tho extension of the policy
of the aottlnment of International dis
putes by arbitration rather than by war,
and In response to a widespread demand
for an advance In that direction on the
part of the people of the United States
and of Great Britain and of France, new
arbitration treaties were negotiated last
spring with Great Hrltaln and France,
tho terms of which were designed, as ex
pressed In the preamble of these treaties,
to extend the scope and obligations of the
policy of arbitration adopted in our
present treaties with thoso governments.
To pave the way for this treaty with
Ihe United States, Great Britain negotia
ted an Important modification In Its al
liance with Japan, and the French gov
ernment also expedited the negotiations
with 'signal good will. The new treaties
have been submitted to the senate and
are s waiting its advice and consent to
thelf ratification. All the essentials of
theAa Important treaties have long been
known, and It la my earnest hope that
they will receive prompt and favorable
"In further Illustration ot the practiul
and. beneficent' application ot the prlnci
Pieof arbitration and the underlying
broad spirit of conciliation, I am happy tu
aavert to cue part ui ine umicu diki hi
facilitating amicable settlement of dis
putes which menaced the peaoe between
Panama and Costa Itlca and between
Haiti and the Dominican rtepublic.
"Our arbitration of the Chamlxal boun
dary question with Mexico was unfortu
nately abortive, but with tha earnest ef
forts on the psrt of both governments
which Its Importance commands, It Is felt
that an early practical adjustment should
prove possible.
"The recent political events In Mexico
received attention from thli government
because of the exceedingly delicate and
difficult situation created along our
southern border and the necessity for
taking measures properly to safeguard
American Interests. The government of
tha United States. In Its desire to secure
a proper observance and enforcement of
the ao-cnlled neutrality statutes of the
federal government. Issued directions to
the appropriate officer to exercise . a
diligent and vigilant regard for the re
quirements of such rules and laws. Al
though a condition of actual armed con
flict existed, there was no official recog
nition of belligerency Involving the
technical neutrality obligations of Inter
national law.
"On the Cth of March last, lu the ab-
tance of the secretary of tn(, I had a
personal Interview with Mr. Wilson, the
ambassador of the United States to
Mexico, In which he reported to me that
the conditions in Mexico were much morn
crlt'co! than the press dispatches dis
closed; that the small outbreaks which
had occurred were only symptomatic of
the whole condition; that a very largo
per cent of the people were In sympathy
wltli tlie Insurrection; that a general ex
plosion was probable at any time. :u
which case he feared that tha 40,000 or
more American residents In Mexico might
be assailed, and that the very largo
mnencan invesimenis migni ue injured
or destroyed.
"After a conference with tlie secretary
of war and tha secretary of the navy,
thought It wise to assemble an army
division of full strength t San Antonio,
Tex., a brigade of three regiments at
Galveston, a brigade of infantry In the
Los Angeles district of southern Cali
fornia, together with a squadron of battle-
ships and cruisers and transports at
(Continued on Fourth Page.) .
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