Till: BKK; OMAHA. TIirnspAV. DKCKMr.KIl :, inn rr , n r i ' j " Gift Furniture Thero is nothing more lasting ami more useful than n pretty piece of furniture. THIS STORE IS FULL OF FURNITURE GIFT PIECES. Choosing is made easy and pleas ant for there is such : great variety of low and medium"" priced articles. arts and Grafts Rocker or arm Chair (Like Cut.) StickVoy Bros. mako. simple and plain in lines. Thorough In construction, una brown Spanish leather seat. Frame of best qualifty fumed cok. i'tkc each, spctal. .2)0 Fumed Osk KettPe?, Spanish lenilit-r seat. SUckloy Dros. mane, apodal 915 00 Morris Chair. Fumed oak. high rade. Spanish leather seat "? back 1520.00 Ivorker or Aim Chair. Lnrse nize with Spanish leather seat aim uui'ii, special Pillows or Cusblors. Spanish leather Hassocks. Spanish leather Tablo Covers. Spanish leather hide . Foot stools, fumed oak Magazine Stands, fumed oak ' Smoking Stands, fumed oak Grandfather Clocks, fumed oak Hookcases, funiel oak Library Tables, fumod oak Desks, fumed oak Telephone Stand pud Stool, fumed oak A Carlo,! of the Famous $22.00 52.73 $3.00 S3.50 75 to $12.00 S4.00 to 912.00 8-1.50 811.25 to 840.00 $18.00 to 830.00 $4.25 to $40.00 85.00 to 856.00 $7.00 Stickley Bros. Co., ARTS AND GRAFTS FURNITURE Just received for our holiday sale. We ran show a most com plet assortment of this popular furniture for dining room, living room and den. "INSPECTION IXVITKO." Orchard Wilhelm 6ar pet Qo. Wimfc er Trips Round Trip Excursion Tickets Are Now on Sale Daily via the C. C& N. W. Ry. to Florida, Cuba, New Orleans, Mobile and the Gulf Coast C. The splendid trains of the Chicago and North Western Railway between Omaha and Chicago connect at the latter city with all lines to the South and Southeast, forming a passenger service that cannot be surpassed. Through railway and tteamthip tiekmte art aUo on iota to tho Medittrrantan, the Holy Land and to all European cities. Sleeping car reservations and reservations of space on steamships to points named above given prompt aud careful attention. Trains leave Omaha for Chicago: Fourteen Fa$t Train Daily Between Omaha and Chicago The Best of Everything 7 AO s. si. 12:0$ S B. 5:10 s. a. 6 .-00 f.m. 6:35 . 7:5$ p.m. S :50 p.m. 12:40 a.m. Ticket Offiut 1401-1403 Farnam Stud Omaha, Nib. to IE TEA DARKENS THE HI 10 IES COLOR TO RESTOfl GRAY I Cures Dandruff, Stops the Hair from Falling Out and f Makes It Grow. There Is nothing new sheet the idea i t wslas; (or restoring the color of i.s i:Jr. Our aTtat-frandmotners -kept t..vir oiAn eoft, dark, and glosy Ly L'-lna'a "ease tee." Wlber.ever their I ur fall' out or took on a dull, faded or streaked appearaacf they made a t.iew of ease Itavee and applied it te their lair, with wdndufjlly bensflclal effect. Ntr don't have to retort to e'.d-lime, tiresome method of gathering the herbs and ir.aklr. the tta. This U eVr.e by skillful tbeaiiits belter tha we could do It ourselves, sad all we have te do la to call for the; ready-made product. Wyeth'e Sere and Sulphur Hair Item edr, containing sage In the proper strength, with the addition of aulpliur, another old-time scalp remedy. The manufacturers of thia remedy authorize druggists to sell It under guar antee that the money will be refunded If It falls to do fiacily as represented. Don't neglect your hair. Get a bottle of Wyeth'a Base and Sulphur today, and notice the difference after a few days' uae. Tt.ts preparation la offered to the publle at fifty cents a bottle, end ts recom mended and sold by all druggists. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Cor. IMS and Dodge. Cor ltith and Harney, Oor Mth and Farnam, 107 -OS North 1Mb St., Lyal Hotel. . WOMEN MAKE GOOD CLERKS? This Question Discussed by Hotel Men jn Convention. GOVERNOR SPOKE LAST NIGHT Dler Ranqaet at Ram Marke (I see the Tin hays' Preston of the .Nebraska ana lona Aaeolatloa. Whether a woman In the position of hotel clerk la aa satisfactory aa a man ws a question whlrh proved to be an In teresting one at the eeaalon of the Ne- jbraska and Iowa Hotel Clertis' convention In the hotel Home yesterday. After ! arguments by the score had been pre 'scnted asaloet women clerks, the ques tion was put over Indefinitely and no further action was taken. This question was brought up during the, "question box" period of the session ami It excited much comment. Another measure that was discussed was tho proposition to merge the Ne braska and Ioa association with the Twin City ai-Koclutloii of St. I'eul and Minneapolis. Colonel William Anderson, one of the organisers of the association, said that Inasmuch as the Nebraska or ganisation was already well founded and In much bettor shape than the Twin Cltr association, it would not be ndvlsable to effect the consolidation. However, he stated that If the Twin City association wished to com. In with the Nebraska and Iow;i association, they could do so by enteritis; the Nebraska and Iowa rsnHs as Individuals. I'urliur the morning session it was pro posed that the Nebraska slid Iowa -soclatlon take in all of the territory cov ered by the Northwestern Hotel Men's assockitlon and change the name of the organisation from the Nebraska and lows Hotel Clerks' 'association to that of the Northwestern Hotel Clerks' association. H. B. fkimers. of Ottumw-a. la., read an Interesting paper in which lie dla coursed upon the good of organisation among the clerks, and he told the dele gates that the Iowa clerks were heartily co-operating with their Nebraska broth era. Earl Byer, president of. the Twin City association, In a brief address told of the working of the organisation at which he stood at the head, and ho gave many pointeis to the delegates assembled In the matter of injecting enthusiasm into their organisations. The convention came to a close with a big banquet In the Her "Grand hotel, at which Governor C. II. Aldrlrh spoke. Shoplifters Are Busy in City; Trio Caught by Detective With the arrival of the Christmas sea son and the holiday crowds st the de partment stores has come the professional and amateur shoplifter. That some pro fessionals, have arrived Is proven by the arrest of three In the Brandeta store Tussdsy afternoon. They gave their names as Fred Harrison, John Arnold and Mable Donovan, but gave no address. The trio were arrested by W. II. Casey, a Plnkerton detective, who has been employed by the Mrandels stores to keep tils eyes open during the holiday rush. When searched by Mr. Casey Jn a pri vate office at the store, forty yards of expensive silk was taken from a con cealed pocket In the lining of Harrison's coat. They were arrested and placed In jail, while the local police investigate the case, with a view of locating more loot which Is known to have been stolen within the last few dsys. Fred Harrison, according to Mr. Casey, is an old timer at the game and one of the best in his profession. He Is known all over the county, but It was thought that he had left the country after serv ing a term In Colorado for grand larceny from a Pueblo store in 1908. His accom plices are also -well known lifters, and it la thought that thsy are part of a gang which Is working the stores In the city. The coat which Harrison wore had a pocket In the lining all the way around the bottom. , The loot could be slipped into tms expansive pocket through the outside coat pocket. They were spotted by lasey as soon aa they entered the store. But he waited until they had lifted something before he placed them under arrest. Not only has the Hrandeis' stores put on extra men for the holiday season, out Bennett s. Hsydens' and all the other Jarge department stores have done likewise. Uniformed officers are stationed In all the stores In the city and warning has been sent out by Acting Chief of Detectives William Devereese to watch out for pickpockets and shoplifters who are drifting Into the city. Cards to Be Given Instead of a Meal The Associated Charities are nremirlnir to do away with tlie tramp evil In Omaha. jwp thousand "clurity endorsement curds" have been lirlnted for tlm arwia. flon by tho Commercial club. These are yellow cards which will be distributed to Dtismoss men and throughout tbo resi dent district snd will bo given to the proletariat Instead of money or a hand out. ' "This card." said Miss la V. Jonls of the Associated Charities, "is printed and given uway simply for the purpoue of re ferring the tramps to this office. When they report here for food, or clothing we Investigate tliolr case and if they are deserving they are cared for. If they are not deserving they soon discover that the cards are of no use and that begging is unprofitable and so they leave. We have cleared whola districts of trumps In this manner." Thane curds will be distributed to eny ons In the city free of charge. They will bo sent to addressee If necessary, upon call by telephone and will prove," said Miss Jonta, "money savers, as a business man simply Kigns his name to one of them snd fills out the blank and tells the ueggar, tramp or charity seeker to go to the ofice In rotm 40S at the city hall. Thoee who would prefer work to tramp life, but have become disheartened, will be given Jobs, and those who are really unablo to work will be fed and clothed. BUT TWO TENANTS REMAIN IN UNION PACIFIC BUILDING The steel shelving for the offices of Freight Auditor Anderson of the I'nlon Pacific has arrived and as soon as it Is In plaoe, this department will be moved from the old, to the new headquarters' building. With Mr. Anderson leaving, the only occupants of the old build ing will be those of the passenger office, who do not expect to get out much before the first of next year. The furniture and equipment for the passen ger office has not arrived. It waa shipped a long time s.53, put trave untuls to locale, it. Burlington Agent Tells of the Tension at Los Angeles Trial KurllnKton rsllroad stents from all of the country west of the river are gather ing here, on their way to Chlcsao. where a faintly meeting la scheduled for the purpose of talking over company busi ness and matters that will Inure to the benefit of the road. Among those already In the city is YV. W. lClllott. lienors! sgent st Los Angeles. Cut., who not many years ago started as a clerk In the Omaha reneral offices. Mr. Flllott was In .I.o Angeles during sll of the time rf the McNamara trial, leaving there a couple of dsys before sentence was pronounced. Hpeakln of sentiment In the California city, he suld: "Nothing has ever occurred In I,os Angeles that ever created the excitement biousht on by the MrNsmara trial. Gen erally the people, believed the brotherr guilty or dynamiting the Times building, but their confession was a shock for which the public was not prrpsred. When It became known that the men hod con fessed to ihr blowing lip of the building business was practically suspended. The confession was the on topic cf conver sation, not only on the streets, hut In offices and business houses. For weeks beforo this, tho people bad been under a terrible strain and the confession eatnc a something of a relief. " . South Omaha Will Entertain Sheep Men Pouth Omaha business men are bending their energies toward plsns for making both pleasant and profitable the slay of the wool mo'n during the convention of the National Sheep Growers' association and Hie Mld-Wlnter Hhrep show, both be ginning Thursday of next week. They are contributing both their cash and their time. When the Aelesntes and visitors gather for the smoker and vaude ville entertainment to be tendered thsn at the South Omaha Live flock exchange on Friday night they will (be met In per son by the business men. Though tlu proKram for the "blowout" has been com pleted, the arrangement committee la not telling Juel what la going to happen. But the theaters hsve been ransacked for theatrical "stunts" nnd the entertain ment will be ns varied aa the "eats." DONAHUE WAITS FOR THE M'MANIGAL CONFESSION Chief of Police Donahue Is expecting to receive the text of Ortlo McManlaal's confession to dynamiting the power house of the Omaha & Council Bluffs ritreet Hallway company within the next two or three days. The confession In detail has not been made public, but Chief Donahue understands thst he con fesses to but the one Job In Omaha and disclaims any part In the attempt on the court house. However. Ihe chief he Ilexes some additional light may be thrown 011 the case when (he confession Is received. SOME TOWNS SELL ALL THEIR CHRISTMAS SEALS Though ISed Cross Chrlslmss seals Sere but recently placed on sale, four towns liaxe sold out their supplies and have ordered more from Mrs. K. II. J. F.dholm of ('maha. state agent for the seals. Among them are Randolph, which has already sold I.D worth of seals, and Wood River. Dr. l'lcott of Walthlll. chairman of th health committee of the Nehraska State Federation of Woman's clubs, hss Issued a letter to rlub women of the state, urging them to us all their In fluence In pushing the sale of the senls. Any woman's club selling tho seals may keep half of th proceeds, to be de voted to antl-tuberculosls work In it:i own romrounlty. The seals are ti he placed on the hacks of letters and Christmas piulkaaeM and the money derived from their siileu In to be devoted to anil-tuberculosis work, Charities Society Wants List of the Omaha Needy Poor Miss Ida V. Joins of the A'sicatsd Charities announce that dinners for thai poor on Christmas day will be dlstrihiitml from the offices of the association. A list of names of needy f.imllles has been Drouareil nnd nil charitable associations are requested to tel phone to 111.' Chari ties and find If the gift prepared by them Is duplicated. "Impress upon the people," said Miss) Jonlx, "the necessity of telephoning names of families thev would like, helped on Christmas day to the Charities enrly. Some tall up nt the last minute and want a family helped nnd w Imrr no baskets. Sunday school cla.-s s nr Individuals w ho want to he'p some one may snciae a list of the needy families from us." BLANKET OF SNOW COVERS ' MOST OF CENTRAL IOWA Key to tli Situation Heo Advertising. HalUIss Permits. Amy A. Fratt. HU Klllstotie avenue, frame dwelling, St. boo; Jesse Devls, Spencer street, franui dwelling. $J.r0n; Chriht A. Jensen. 4111 Corbv street, hi. How til dwelling. Il.nno; Ada Palmpang. SC14 Hpiing atreet. alterations an I repairs, $l.; J. Kriiiiklln. 2;:'l t sss etreet, re pairs to frame dwelling, ShUO. Passengers at riving today on tralna from east, state tliat a greater portion, of lona Is covered with snow that fell last night. In many places they say It fell to a depth of an Inch. According to reimrts, tho snow fall commenced at a point thirty to fifty miles rnt of 0:rsha and continued all the way to the Mississippi river. mmBrl Jul -sMmM t j u js mm a 17 n j . a ' a 1 1 miDwok A hp. r&SJ $2700 In buying a roadster you want style well-built, of course, and up to its work;-but stylish, roomy and comfortable. THE attractive lines of the "Say brook" Compartment Roadster are merely suggested in the cut. To appreciate its beauty you must see its details the nicety of a hundred little features that will call forth your admiration. With everyone who's seen it, it has taken like a whirlwind. There's plenty of room for two and seats are extra wide. Steering post is raked at an angle that allows plenty of leg room for the driver. Brake and control levers are placed within the body. And there's atnple space to operate both without cramping. Then the dust-proof and water-proof com partment for baggage, opening only within the car. Simply swing forward the back of the seats and there's your luggaSe as clean as when you packed it! It's the handiest, most compact, and yet the room iest car for touring ever built. Dcright Automobile Co. Omaha, Neb. MUaourl Valley, I Fred Urown Auto Co Fremont, Neb., Luther Larson. Louisville, Neb.. Tom Parmal- liloomrleld. Neb., Bogenhaen Auto Tokarnah, Neb., Lukens & Johnson Nebraak city, Neb It. A. Duff Co , . Dead wood, H. I., C. K. Peterson. Scranton. 1'a. Stoddard-Dayton Auto Co. Atlantic tlty, N. ., Sates Garage. S62 Atlantic St. I .am aster, C'onastoKa Auto Co 48 horse-power, with very fittle weight to carry that means all the power you'll ever need, no matter what the emergency. Gasolene tank holds 33 gallons. A gauge tells you just how much you have left.' Should you forget to read the gauge, you are automatically warned that you have but 3 gallons left. Tha equipment includes full mohair top, top boot and storm curtslns i quick detachable, demountabls rims (one estrs) 5 Hart lord shock absorbers) tirs irons and windshield (rain vision); (as tank and headlights; elcctrio and oil side and tail lamps; tools and th usual other equipment. All this, with Stoddard-Dsytoo quality and prsstige, included in the price, $2700 (f.o.b. Dayton). This lame style of body is mounted on our "Knight " chassis, $4900; on our" Stratford" chassis, $1750 and on our "Savoy" chassis, $1350. ' 1 t I Co. mi tiuu j i .? 111 ii a r-, 0:1 i - s '"WssbW -