Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tin: m:vr. ontaha. Thursday, dkit.mhku 7, ion.
Outstanding; Paper Totals Over Hah"
Million Dalian.
M-Jnr rn Will Start In J:tiinri"i
in Make Tour of liisprrttun ot
Various ( nmp mlci In tho
Nattont-.t Cinnril,
From a Staff Correspondent.)
USrotA', Neb.. Dpo. A. -(Special.) T. .
ml-annunl report of State Auditor Hm:--
nn shows that since June 1. 19U. th.
'.mount of outstanding warrants of I'
tato have increased from 330S.60S to n- -776.64.
The amount of warrants Issue-1
luring the semi-annual period was $1,941 -4H.14
and the amount paid $1,751,297.19.
Most of the warrants outstanding arc
drawn on general funds and the tem
porary university fund. The warrants
outstanding on the general fund aggre
gate $294,761.04 and those of the temporary
university fund, $193,049.74.
Asks Heavy Damaares,
David Kroll haa brought suit against
the incoln Young Men's Christian asso
ciation for damages amounting to $25,000.
He alleges In his petition that he was
employed as foreman of Janitors In the
building of the defendant, and as such It
was part of his duties to fire the furnace
under the boiler at that time.
While thus engaged last August the
boiler burst and threw boiling water over
his bpdy In such a way that he was se
verely burned to the extent that he has.
been Incapacitated for work; that his
mental faculties have been Impaired and
that his treatment cost him $452. The
plaintiff alleges the defendant gave him
a. dangerous place to work and an unfit
Itinerary of I'cnn'i Trip.
The Itinerary for the trip which will be
taken by Major J. A. Penn of the No
tional guard for the Inspection of the va
rious companies of the organization has
been announced by Adjutant Ueneral
Phelps, The Inspection will begin Janu
ary 12 and will continue as follows:
Company C, Second regiment, Ne
braska City, Monday, January 22.
Company I, First regiment. Auburn.
Wednesday, January 24.
Company C, First regiment, Beatrice,
Friday, January 2ti.
Company K, First regiment, Wymore,
Monday, January 29.
Company I Second reghnent, Alma,
Wednesday, January 31.
. Company B, Second regiment. Beaver
City, Friday, February 2.
Company M, First regiment, McCook,
I'onday, February 5.
Company E, Second regiment, Hol
Orefre, Wednesday, February 7.
Company A, Second regiment, Kear
ney, Friday, February 9.
Company D, Second regiment, lias
tings, Monday, February 12.
Company O, First regiment, Geneva,
Wednesday, February 14.
Company A, First regiment, York, Fri
day, February 18.
Company 11, Second regiment, Aurora,
Monday, February 19.
Band. Second regiment. Central City,
Tuesday. February 20.
Company H, First regiment, Osceola,
Wednesday, February 2L
Company F, Second regiment, Lincoln,
Monday, February 20.
Company K, Second regiment, Schuy
ler, Monday, March 4. headquarters. Fuller ton, Tues
day, March 6. -
Company M" Second regiment Alblon.
Wednesday, March 6. '
Company B. First regiment, Stanton,
Friday, March 8.
Company D, Ffrst regiment, Norfolk,
Monday, March 11.
Band, First regiment, Bloomfleld,
Wednesday, March 13.
Company K, First regiment, Blair,
Thursday, March 14.
Company L, First regiment, Omaha,
Monday, March 18.
Company CJ, Second regiment, Omaha,
Tuesday, March 19.
Company I, Second regiment, Omaha,
Wedneedav, March 20.
Adjutant general's office, LJncon, Mon
day, March 25.
University Accounts Correct.
State Accountant John W. Tulleys,
after a thorough Investigation of the
books of the state university, finds the
accounts of that . Institution . to be cor
rect Mr. Tulleys has filed a detailed re
port of his Investigation with the state
auditor. Four pages of the report show
a detailed account of trio expenditures of
each department of the university. There
are over 109 departments and the report
shows the total expended and from what
May be promoted by those who
gently cleanse the system, now and
then, when in need of a laxative
remedy, by taking a deseitspoonful
of the ever refreshing, wholesome
and truly beneficial Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna, which is the
only family laxative generally ap
proved by the most eminent phy
sicians, becajse it acts in a natural,
strengthening way and warms and
tones up the internal organs without
weakening them. It is equally bene
ficial for tne very young and the mid
dle aged, as it is always efficient and
free from all harmful ingredients. To
get its beneficial effects it is always
necessary to buy the genuine, bear
ing the name of the Company
California Fig Syrup Co. plainly
printed on the front of every package.
is Here
Let us install our double
Wtather Strips on your win
dows. Can I e put on both
old and new houses. Keeps
out tle toll end dust. Your
windows 111 never rattle.
We also strip roors, making
them ccld unci wind proof.
We will be please 1 to call
and explain the merits of
the American weather strip.
Sole Atrent America!)
Weather Strip Co.
Doug. 45WU. 50:1 Ware 151.
'-" ti i .mi f'
wL.i.Aiti u. nosKom.1
Delegate from Xubraska to the Na
tional Convention of the American
Automobile Association.
fund the money was drawn. There are
seven funds from which money was
drawn and the total expended by all de
partments In the six months ending No
vember 30 was $298,172.59. The expendi
tures from the different funds were as
Temporary university, salaries and
wages, $85,259.20; temporary current ex
penses, J42.932.S1; general fund, &59.03S.M ;
Morrill fund, $11,925.01; Income fund, $17,
941.74; experimental station fund. $17,
757.09; cash fund, $54,317.93. Total, $289,
172.59. The report of the examiner shows the
collection of a total of $76,542.57 In fees by
all departments during the six months.
Shallenberger Busy
Rapping Mr, Bryan
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., Dec. 6. (Special Tele
gram.) It Is the opinion of ex-Governor
Shallenberger, who was in the city yes
terday, that the democratic party should
get an issue and fight consistently for It
In the coming campaign, lie says farther
that the Issue should be one that will be
beneficial to the people one that .will re
lieve them from some of the weights with
which they are now overburdened.
"The time Is past," he claims, "when
the voter scratches his ballot because' of
a man Issues are what count. The party
with an issue and the party that fights
hard for that Issue, if It Is a worthy one,
Is the party that wins. Give the demo
cratic party an issue this next year and
Its candidates will be elected all the way
down, and where there are republicans In
the state house at the present time there
will be democrats."
Friend of W. J. Bryan see a thrust at
their political Idol in the Shallenberger
It Is thought by several of them that
the former executive meant to deal Bryan
a blow because of his unsuccessful at
tempt to win progressive republicans over
In the late campaign.
HASTINGS, Neb., Dec. 6.-(Speclal.)
The stockholders of' the. Hastings Base
Ball association hive made the pre
liminary preparations for the . continua
tion of league base ball next year.
A board of directors has been chosen
composed of II. E. Stein, Mayor Miles,
C. B. Hutton, John Pickens and G. J.
Evans, Mayor Miles is prominently men
tioned for the local presidency, H. E.
Stein having declined re-election. Will S.
Trltes, secretary of the Hastings Cham
ber of Commerce, may be elected secre
tary to succeed John Uerllng, who also
wishes to be relieved from active service.
The leagne presidency- was discussed at
the annual meeting of the stockholders
Tuesday. Charles S. Sherman of Lin
coln Is generally favored here for the
presidency, but the delegates, II. E. Stein
and Charles Jacobs, will go to the state
meeting unlnatructed.
Manager Shaner has been employed for
next year and Is already on the lookout
lor players.
BLOOMINGTON, Neb.. Dec. ., (Spe
al.) William Dunn, who haa been in
ie mercantile bus as. In this city for
. any years, hHS clu: ed a deal whereby
; H. Bushee of Hastings comes into pos
ession of his business. The new pro
.rumr lives In Hastings and has sent
here to continue the , business.
Mr. Dunn haa enough outside interests to
ieep him busy.
Bnhool haa taken up this week after a
four weeks' vacation, taken on account
of the disturbance caused by the In
stallation of a new 1.900 heating plant
ind work on an addition or rive new
rooms. This makes the Bloomlngton
school building one of the roomiest and
iiest appointed building in this part of
Th Btudttnts of the high school have
decided to publish a school annual. Ora
Mothershead has been chosen business
inanager and Maude Smith has been
hosen editor-in-chief.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb.. Dec. 6. (Special Tele
. ram.) The Nebraska Medical associa-
ion came Into possession and ownership
f the va-t l.brary of Dr. Alonzo D. Wil
kinson, who died yesterday. The assocla
t'on and a slater of the deceased, Jettle
V. Decker of Chicago, were the only
lvlsees named In the will.
The last will and testament of Dr. Wll-
i .niion was filed for probate ymterday
i;y Its terms the medical library is left
i , the Nebraska .Meoicai as"ciuuon ami
all the other propei ty to Mrs. Decker.
I'heie Is one proviso that the propei;-.
.si all go to the hlldren if the sitter
S.'-uli die before the testator.
The First Trust company has been ai
. .o n led special admin strator of Ire
esiate, as otherwise, without a specul
luinlniBiralor the proiirty would pas
It lo the hands of Kti a: iters. This Is tlx
l ist time that a trust company In 1 Pil
aster county has ever been appointed
!i administrator of an estate.
KniiirU f Mr. I'rwll.
KAIUF1ELU. Nb.. Dec. C.-(8 ec kl.l
1 he fum-rel of Mrs. Mary Ann Pywel:
took place at the Christian church Tuen
ay, Kev. Mr. Williams ufflclutlnK. Inur.
ii-iil ih et the Kalrfl Id -emtr;. Thi
r" cleaned had made her home with Mrs
' II Williams, a daughter, for three year.
Morekcad is First to
File for Nomination
for Governorship
(From n Staff Correspondent.) ,
LINCOLN, Dec. 6.-(tpecll Telegram )
John 8. Moreht ad, . looking to the ful
.i linent of the adage relative to the pro
. v.rjng of the worm by the alert bird.
i. H.ay filed as democratic candidate
i or the cubernatorlal nomination. Mr
.Morehead. whose home is at Falls I1ty.
.as president pro tern of tNt senate at
ile last vession of tho state legislature
He .s Interested In several banks In south -iH'.ern
Charles Fool of Tecumseli will mal;o
it race tig a Inst the Hichardson count)
ii. cn, and there are strong Indications
that 11. K Metcalfe of this city will also
be a contender for the primary honors.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec. 6.-(Speclal.)-S. W.
r.urnhatn. In reply to a letter from F.
P. Corrlck of the La Toilette league.
In this state, has written the latter a
strong communication in which lie de
clares that he does not care To affiliate
witli the Insunrent movement and that
the grand old party as It 1ms stood for
years past and as it stands with Presi
dent Taft Is still good enough for him.
Mr. llurnliam says: "I believe that
President Taft Is the strongest man In
the party today and the only logical
candidate to succeed himself. You go
on to say that the illustrious leader.
Colonel Theodore Hoosevelt, has been
forced to the conclusion that a new can
didate should be nominated, but I have
never seen the statement over the sig
nature of the former president, neither
have I seen any statement that would
indicate that he Is hostile to the re-
nomination of President Taft.
"You loose your letter by Inviting, me
to Join I rithe effort to send a delegation
to the next republican convention and to
the support of Senator La Follette. I
wish to Inform you that I am a repub
lican. It was my privilege and pleasure
to have Voted for Abraham Lincoln for
a second term, and I am proud of the
fact that I have ; voted for every re
publican candidate for president from
then until now. I admire a loyal repub
lican, and next to my admiration for a
loyal republican I have some respect for
a democrat, but the man who runs upon
a republican ticket and is elected by
republican votes and who after election'
Is too good, or thinks that he is, to
associate with republicans, but goes off
consorting with the democrats, is not,
to my mind, deserving of the further
support of loyal republics ns.
'I don't care whether he be a con
gressman from Nebraska or a senator
from Wisconsin. I have seen too many of
theso uprisings within the party to be
disturbed by them. You rtmember the
old greenback movement In the '70s, the
populist movement of . the '90s and the
silver craze later on but the republican
party. etUl survives and wilt' continue ta
do so after the Insurgent wave has passed
away nbecnfpfgptten.:;,.,., ; y,
CHAD RON, Neb., Dec. 6. Speclal)
Dawes county district court, November
term continued until December 4, is now
in session, Honorable W. H. Westover of
Ruahvllle; presiding judge, and J. D.
Scott, court reporter, in attendance.
There are eight criminal and eighty
civil cases to be heard, criminal being
first on the calendar. Nearly everybody
In-Crawford Is here today either as wit
nesses or otherwise interested, in the
case of Paris G. Cooper against the State
ef Nebraska, following a former case in
which the parties were reversed.
BROKEN BOW, Neb., Deo. 6. (Special)
Mrs. Adeline Olive Galther, M years
old, wife of Stephen Galther, a farmer
living twelve miles southwest of Mason,
was taken before the Insanity board to
day and adjudged Insane. Mrs. Gaither's
malady, it Is said, took the form of
violence, and, when excited, she was in
the habit of throwing knives and other
dangerous missies at members of - the
family. Her latest attack was made upon
one of her daughters and . the young
woman received several bad bruises while
defending herself. It was Immediately
after this that the family decided to
bring her to tho county seat for exam
ination. The board, composed of Alpha
A Poor Weak Woman
As she is termed, will endure bravely aad patiently
agonies which a strong man weuld give way under.
Tbe fact is women are more patient than tkey oujht
to be under such troubles. ,
Every woman ought to know that she may obtain
the most experienced medical advice frtt f chart
end in attaints etnfiienct and -privacy by writing to
the World's Dispensary Medical Association, K. V.
Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo N. Y. Dr. Pierce
has been chief consulting physician of the Iavalids'
Hotel end Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. V., for
many years and has had a wider practical experience
in the treatment of women's diseases than any other physician in this country.
Hi medicines are world-famous for their aitoiuiliing efficacy.
The most perfect remedy eer devised for week end deli
oate women is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
The meay and vsried symptoms of woman's peculiar ailments are fully -set
forth in Plain English in the People's Medical Adviser (HK H pages), a nrwly
revue J and itp-fo-iiate Filltion cloth-boned, vi'l be : nt -r iejci ol 31 one-
tnirit o pi) cost r,: 'vr- ppinf ui.'-i
In any ainouut on improved (or to improve) Omaha
and South Omaha real estate Residence or business.
Money On Hand No'coinmissions to pay Interest
rate. reasonable Repayments of $100 or more on prin
cipal received any day without notice. Prompt action
1614 Harney St., Omaha, Neb.
fj Geo. F. Gilmore, Prest.
'.'sjsj.w.ti mim. Hawaii
Morgan. George Malr and nr. Willis
Talbot, decided that the unfortunate wo
man was badly deranged and committed
her to the asylum at Hastings, where
she can m-elve proper treatment. Mrs.
(lalthrr is the motlu-r of fur chiidirn
the youngest being a girl of 15 years.
Wymore School Man
Attacked by a Patron
UK AT KICK, Neb, Dec (.-(Special
T lemam.) (leoi ge Iceland, a tiamxier at
Wymore, met l'iof. Graham, superintend
ent of sehools of that place, on the street
iasi eeiiing and accused the educator ot
t.eKlecting the Iceland children In school.
Mr. Granam denied the accusation, when
inland knocked him down and choked
htm. Today Iceland pleaded guilty to
assaulting Prof. Graham and was fined
K'O and costs by Judge Crawlord.
Mr. Graham is a brother of N. M.
Graham, superintendent of schools of
South Omaha.
TABLE ROCK, ieb.. Dee. 6 -( Special)
At the election- held- 'here yesterday
for the purpose of electing one member
of the board of supervisors for five
years, In drainage district No. 1, of
Pawnee county, Nebraska, A. It. Kovanda
was elected by a large majority.
The vote Is based on the acreage ot
land owned by the voter, one acre en
titling him to one vote. V. G. Foale,
one of the largest land owners In the
dtalnage district, who owns between 00
and TOO acres In tho drainage limits, cast
that number of votes, about one-fourth
of the total votes cast, there being over
t,600 votes. C. F. Reavls, a Fall City
attorney, .appeared for the village of
Table Rock. J. C. Dort of Pawnee City,
for StelnBUer and Bomerbalder, large
land owners, . and A. R. Kelm of Fall
City, for the drainage district.
Two Sudden Deaths nt t ruin.
CRAIG, Neb., Dec, 6.-(Speclal.)-Two
sudden deaths occurred In this vicinity
Sunday. At 5 a. m., with little or no
warning, Will Lytle, living five miles
northeast of this city, expired. x Ho
leaves a' widow and three very young
children without and means of support.
Over 176 was contributed for the benefit
of the widow la a short time. The body
was taken to Florence for burial.
Mrs. Wedergren, 73 years old, died at
the home of her son near here Sunday
evening. She had been slightly ailing for
a few days, but her illness was not con
sidered serious. Funeral services were
held at Oakland today.
(Continued iron First Page.)
Federation of Labor declared that Burns
had "told an unqualified untruth when
he said I had In any way criticised the
district attorney In Los Angeles."
Other ab- leaders In attendance were.
John B. Lrlmon, president, and Thomas
F. Tracy, ' secretary-treasurer of the
label trades department of the federation;
William 3. Spencer, secretary-treasurer
of the building trades department; A. J.
Beers, secretary-treasurer of the metal
trades department; Frank A. Morrison, j
secretary of the federation.
Sna-a-eat Pension Knnd for Families
of Times' Victim.
DES MOINES, la., Dec. 6-Anxious to
erase any blot on tlie escutcheon of union
labor that may result from the confes
sion of the McNamara brothers the Des
Moines branch of the International Broth
erhood of Painters, Decorators and Paper
Hangers today announced that last night
at Its regulnr meeting a resolution was
adopted providing for the establishment
j)f a pension fund for the widows and or
phans left by the Los Angeles Times dis
aster. The local union launches a movement
which Is to become nation wide. The
union has subscribed nearly $100 for the
defense of the McNamara brothers. They
agreed last night to raise twice that
amount for the widows' and orphans' pen
sion fund. The union will suggest that
a commission be named to have charge
of the fund raised, in a manner slmtlai
to the fund raised for the widows and
orphans of the Cherry mine disaster.
KEARNEY, Neb., Dec. 6.-The dyna
mite used in the destruction of the Los
Angeles Times building is said to have
been taken off a Union' Pacific train
while passing through this 'city In order
to evade a detective and hauled twenty
miles by a local drayman to Slielton.
where it was reahlpped to Los -Angeles. -
l4 f
Paul W. Kuhns, Secy.
your pipe.
down to dust-nne ashes. It has pert ec
fragrance and can't bite your tongue.
Slip a dime
u,s ' j, . nr nit
When hats cost more than
they coat too much. Ours. for..
$3,00 are five In all save price.
Billy Bourke has 97 price cm
mits of "Fall, 1911 designs
ind patterns. All sizes, tho not
ill sizes in every line: -318
for $13.50, $20 for $15.00,
25 for $18.75, etc., etc., etc.
Every Benja
min Suit stands
oa a "better
than TAIXiOK
MiDI" basts.
Bonrke rips op.
en tbe eeams
and proves up.
318 SOUTH 15TH ST.
0 ST -High Grade Furs
Coi ner 20Ui aud Farnaui.
Its time that everybody was making up their mind con
cerning their "Hunta Claus activities" for this season. In this
connection wo want to say that we believe we are best equipped
of any house in the city to help you decide how much to give
and what.
This store conialns thousands and thousands of articles,
and every one of them is entirely suitable for Christmas. Those
who reajly apprec ate tl.o mobi beautiful specimens of Art ta
pictuies, will be UohchteJ Willi one of our genuine Mezzotints
and us we aro now oft'orlug the entire stock al oue-iouith off
tl:e plainly marked pikes, MezOiluU should, by all mcauB, be
Ou your list.
Then we ;iro htd'qi.ailtrs for Powell I'roofs, (beautifully
hand colore 1 eiifciav . res) , l.urlingtou I'roois, Cumpbell Prints
and the ce:jbiaKu and v.Ty artistic Walluce Nuttlug Pictures.
We albo have a very complete line of foreign and domestic
ta,, nd tapestry covered bureau boxes, which are espec
ially suitable for gift purposes. Emoking seis for the iun In
bruts, copper a.i 1 gjii meial.
Craft Jewelry set with semi precious stones makes a de
lightful, as well as an Inexpensive remembrance. Remember
this one thing it don't matter how much, or how little you
want to spend you can see here Just what you want.
1531 Douglas St.
here's pipe tobacco
answers every question
A good many men have been handing them-
selves a lemon in the pipe tobacco line for!
a good many years. Old style cut plugs that
have to be crumpled between the hands, or
tongue-stinging mixtures.
But, listen I Here's a new deal.
mm Aiieif
combines every quality that smokers yearn for.
It's always ready. (3oes right from the tin to
It's long-burning, close-fire and
over the counter at the nearest
and say "Prince-Albert" then get 'out
jimmy pipe and take a fresh start in pipe smoking
enjoyment. Also in 5c bags and half-pound and
pound tins and pound glass humidors.
Winiton-Sftlem, N. C
mA mm
l 1st kmtFmt "'
Telephone Doufclns 3040.
Craft Shop)
ssejr-,ii sk mm, 11 vftw i I i sssshssi ja .1 . mM aw x - c 1
1 rv-iv-
that old
For Men
Fur lined Romeos, high last
Cavaliers In Red, Black, Brown
Ooze and Russia Calf, $3.00
to $5.00.
All styles of Opera Slippers,
genuine seal . and alligator,
brown and black kid, 81.00
to 83.50.
For Women
Fur -lined Romeos In all
colora, 81 81.50 and 82.
For Misses
Fur lined Romeos in all col
ors, 81 and 81.25.
We are showing - a full
line of Men's easy to paok
Pullman Bllppera for travel
ing. In case occupying
very small space.
1410 Farnim St.
Dainty Dorothy Vernon
Nothing- nicer for a Christmas present
than a bottle of Dorothy Vernon Per
fume or Bachet.
It's a dainty odor. In dainty packages,
or In bulk.
Dorothy Vernon Extract, in bottles. 25.
50.-, St. 00. 12.00 and ...13 00
Dorothy Vernon Toilet Water. 2c. 60-,-
ad 76o
Dorothy Vernon Huchet. bottle. . 5c, 60o
Dorothy Vernon Jiiith l'owdur 2Do
lorothy Vernon Talcum ,25a
Dorothy Vernon boap, 15c; 2 for i.ISo
Dorothy Vernon face Powder (3
shaiirs), at. I.ux jb0
Dorothy Vernon Liquid Face Powder.
hottle 6O0
Dorothy Vernon Cold Cream ih-i
Dorothy Vernon Vanishing- Cream ..26o
Vei l. on llose, Violet or Lily, oz. . . 31.01)
Vernon Hose, Violot or ' Lily, dainty
bottles 11.00 and 11.75
eriioii lluse, Violet and Ily Batchet
i'owder, i-ojs. bottles 75o
l'o.sey Harden Lxtratt, bulk, oz. ..31.25
1'oai y Warden Kx tract, dainty bottles,, (1.00. 1.75. 3.60 and J.u0
eo demonstration of above dainty pei
fumes at our stores.
Sherman & McConnell
Drug Co.
Corner lata aad Bodg-e.
Owl Brag Co., IStn and Harney. ,
SOCIAL. toViiNih 'iOUASf !
Jil) Tali's Dental Rccns
VT Ail liryJlllt.
.VfcOeWUlWf fffia