Desperate Desmond As a Pianist, the Villain Proves Himself a Wonderful Acrobat By Hershfield OapfTlfM. NsHotaU Nrwi Aawrlitlr. u'.A ISN'T DfcSMONPATl7Me,CLwei saaeh faa la nlajlan: the alaa when a elagle feara fa tfce irrni hey will brine a heavy basnaaer krr-atnak devra aa year bead. However, Desiaoa kaa eaelre, alaee ka Trill ka akat " like a rakblt If ka atone Playing far a single moment. We tenet If ka villain la pntlln mack xerelon lata whatever tune be la playta. although every llttla aete may fcave a sinister meaalag af It aw a. WANT ADS Want ad rocolved at any timo but to injure prp-r lafl'Mtln must be presented ln-foro Yi o'clot k in., fur the evening edition and before 7:3 p. m. for morning and Sunday edl Uon. Want nd received after Mich hour, will have their first iuaertlon under the heading "Too Late to CUaalfr." CASH HATEsTtjTlt WANT ADS. RKUIXAU CLAS.S1HCATION Due insertion 1 H cent per word and 1 cent per word for ea li au'ottequent innertion. Kmh insertion made on odd dajra 1 )4 rent per word. 91.50 per line per month. Want ad for The I lee may be left t any of the following drug utoroe one la your "corner druggirit" they re all branch offices for The Uee and yonr ad will bo inserted Just aa promptly and on the aame ratea aa at the main office In The Itee building, HeventeenUi and Farnam street: AJbach. W. C. 40th and Far nam. ' Hauin bru Co., Xi N. JBth Bt. Henaon Ptiarmaoy, Hrnn'in, Nrb. Komia Tark I'haxmacv, Hhi and Cumins. HoratiPk, 8. A., im 8. 11th bl. Uiai-Hrlh. Sim Hhermun Ave. Cauhaii, u. K., 4726 Lvpnwurtli. Cerniak, Kmll, )2oM b. ISlh Mt. Clifton Illil I'harmaoy, 2213 Military Ava. Coonoy J'harmaoy, na 6. 16ih 8U trlgey I'liarninoy, iHth and Lake. Khiar A. Co.. t2 LcAVahwurth. Koler A Arnoldl, ZIS N. Z&th ht. )eyta, J. J., 1!U N. :'4th Ht. ljegger l)ruK Co., 112 N. lSth Bt. i'luivnca J'l iig Co., F lorence, Nvb. Oren's Pharin'y, l'a'k Ave. and lJaciflo. Ureanouah Co., B. loth bt. Uraenougii Co., loth and Hickory. Goldman i'harm'y. inn and Ieaven worth Jtihannon lru Co., 24th and bpuuldlng. Johnson Pharmacy, OiiO lrarnan. Jfnuoom tark i'harm'y, 1601 b. 29th A v. llinterionK Drug Co., Slit Ava. and Far. liout, Jonn, 624 N. lth Bt. Huff, A. U, 2'.H Leavenworth. Kind, )L b., Itih and Karnatn. KounUa Place IMiari'incy, ZMl N. Hth. IjiUiiod I'harmacy, Z4th wid Hamilton. Warnn, Fred Li., aula Central Blvd. Monmouth Pharmacy, 3-xl and Ames Av. l'atiiuk Lrur Co' 15o2 N li4U bt. Haiatuua lrug Co , 1:4th and Ames Ave. Brhacfur's Cut Price, Kith and Chicago. Vachal, p. J., 602 pierce bt. M'slion Pharmacy , oth and Orafle. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cumlnc UBATIIS AND KLNEHAL MOTICUI. GRAACK-Oeorge. Funeral from resldenoa. Kll Cuming street, Thursday, 2 p. m. Interment. For est Uwn. Friends Invited. The funeral of Mrs. Marion Scott, who lld leieirtbor 6. lull, will take place from the late family residence, WJi Georgl avenue. Thursday, December 7, at 2 p. in. Interment Prospect Hill cemetery. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN, UNV-Kn. emhslmer. 114 Chicago St. D 16T.9. B 1H69. 1 1 P A V F IV Jb T T V. A TO V! V UN DKK- TAKF.KM. Moved to Mil Farnam. A m&. II iZ. UULSE & 1UEPEN, UNDKK TA K h.HH. 70 So. 16th St Doug. 1ZX, A-ZHA. FREE Colored Portrait with each wedding or. uer tnis month. HEYN IXTKKNIH A N I HOWARD b T 11 K F. T 8. 1'olCNfc.n Shoe liepalrlng, 2t21 L.ven worth. iKiUOIJVS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. Ml. HULSE &. ULEl'EN, UNDER. TAKKK.1 70B.So. lfith St. Doug. 1228.' A M. F,. Moi rtll, china paint. Hrandela Th BOILER, sheet iron and tank work. Omaha btructuial bteel Worki. Nu. bead Co., U'M Joiicb. lioth phones 11. O. BAVAQK, artificial atone anu hrick sldbaalk contractor; in J 4 North J wanty-slxth; Webster SZZb. Msggard Van Btoraaa. Pack, move, Store Mlid ship II II gooJa. D 1W. B 2ll't. MO VI NO picture niaclilnrs and supplln Nbraka Film Co.. 1318 Farnam bt. K AT, hair parlors; ladle & children only. 4 Neville Hlk. D 1S6. bODOASIS- iJt'NCH Kff HOT lu our beautiful downstairs lunch and aoda water room at l'.ih and Idge we are serving dainty lunchvs and hot and cold lr)nks. Try them! fcilf.HMA.V & M.CONNEUU DRl O CO. Five Good Irug Stores In Omaha. Uuttonholea fur hume tnsde garmenla. Anna Hllek. ladlee' tailor. ih City Nat I. MONEY & Phor TO LOAN-l-OW tte. In sums to S10 Hre llldir. T'NION LOAN CO. blorm eaah aid doora. Wrlrlch. W 2C77. 'I hompaon. diatributer of adv. ti N. to. l H. Cole bii;n Co. j Sit. 1 3lTTi'ariia'n. t' hulMailiig. piano, furn. rep. t.i4 Far FAltMEKb. write ua for prlcea ou oil, gasoline and lut.riraiiia. The tlreut Wealern Oil Co. liox (,;. omaha. Neb. We pay the freight. M.AMH, lckiiit. uiortL-i and bsntiagea; atoik always new, because ell bo many. Truaava fitted. Everything guaianteed. W. it. Hm.u ,:. tlie laigrat surgical supply house. 1410-lj iariiy Ol 3. K. 1' Uaiy for shoea. 412 N. 24. bu. Om. Hariiar, papgr banging, palnt'g. it 6 luf ' j'arti. k gravel. larToofa, laih A llakaT iwcuty lr nt lea than Omaha prlcea. HoME FT It Nil L'HK CO., Twentv-foui ih and L Hi , bouih Omaha. edtlii,g aimuuiiceiin.)i. Doug. ptg7Co7 lLEli GKANi) Mth'Vre: Turkish Bath TU'UKtJ inud tivm toiiib.iik;. lui) iruvrn f uri ri. t i y Mjr OimiuuiiU tit lrodegtvri . ii CuiUun i hoi e, dug hiMpilaL ViU N. U. Aa aa Claaae ana fteaaaaena have r lata the nest ream, tka villain nate a plan lata practice. ' Bjr whirling? arenas' rapidly, tka reaearrefnl aeenaarel makes tka plaaa ataal rlae la tka air. Relng? a kit af aa acrobat, Druntit rontlaaee ta play tka alaaa aa ka revolves. Tkla la a llttla ataat tkat few mails teachers Impart ta their naplls. It la nseful ta Desmond, ktnrrtf. Al'TO.MOillLKS honk;;H' honk IIRRK'K THK HKHT PLACE IN OMAHA DRUMM0ND IHili and Harney Hti. AUro.Mullllfc; utorake, fireproof build In?, down town; very reasonable. Phone DourIiis 42SI. MurpkyDidlt HEPA1K1NU, I'AINTINU, THIMMlNtt. A f ' ' I' 1 1 1 . i L J ! I LTLi - 1 . . 1 - for- the winter. Automobiles bought and sold. OWL OArtAGH CO., Telephone Douglas 1SI7. 1812 Harney. WIIOl.KHALK priciii on oil. Uoug. b'X. DKlrtCOL,!,, auto painting. N. iTithT Auto lamps repaired. Omaha bilver Co, MpfNTYRKAuto Vo.j Oaklajid and btearns Knight; bargains In used cars. Karnum. loug. 24ut. KXCKLIJiNT electric roups for sale reasonable. F Rli, care liee. V10 do better auto repairing and at half the price. Stroud Ac Co. FOKK DOORS Au, SodTsT topS". l KJLVU L'-'v-'i';JBllpcovers, palnun. Doug. 6M2. Pfefffer Carriage Woiks. FOU bALK Flve-paaeenger touring car, I2M. 1117 Farnam. NO NKKD of worrying about denaert when Dalsell Is In town. If Mrs. N. P. Dodge, lib 8. 4Mh bt., will coma to The Hee office within three days wa will give her an order for. a quart brU-k of this fine Ice cream. IJISINKSS CHANCES TO get in or out ot bumness tail on OANGcriTAD, 404 liee Plug. lei. D. 3477. WILL, sell 10U sharea United Wireless Telegraph preferred stock for $300. Box 76, I.ntle Hock, Ark. MOUTH AGES, 6 ON GOOD . FARMS Savings bonds secured by first mortgagee and our capital and surplua ot e4ou,u0u. NO oAlEl( INVESTMENT Bonds for tlOO, t2M and up. as suits your saving. Make your money bring you a good Inoome. Ask for i particulars. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO, iBtu ana Fsrnain bt., Omaha, Neb. GOOD meat mkt. Owner nick. W. 670, 2d-hand goods, Klener, 10.U Oilier. 1). MSI. MOTION Picture machine and film bar. gains. Omaha Film Fxoh., 14lh tt Doug. run call or rent two warniinuHA buildings ttlreproof), 40xM, on C, B. ft y. i. t. iracx in jowa town or s.uou; suita- uie ror wnoiesaie or produce business Addreas Y (12, care Bee. FOU bA LIC Beat arocerv bualnvaa In Iowa town of S.0UD. October aalea over H6.W0. A bargain. Addreaa Y Hi, care nee. TEXAS LAND EXPOSITION and Northern Settlers' Convention HOUSTON. T1CX.. January l&th to 2Kth. 1912. liomeseekera and investors should r-H nilaa this opportunity to. visit Texas anu aee the souths first arret Land fehow. Lowest railroad ratea ever offered from all section of the L'nltid btatea. eighteen lines Into Houston. More than l.otx) exhibits of farm products and ma chinery. Many notable speakers on pro- fraru. Kxposltlon open day and night, ull particulars about Texas and Texas im no ana opportunities on request. TEXAS LAND EXPOSITION Publicity Dept., Houston. Tex. 14TH 8T. HUblNEb.S ft RKAL KSTATH EXCIIANOE CO. Hardware. arocara. hotel, pool rooms, barber shop, saloons, etc., for sale; some good bsrgalns In real estate. 111 8, 14th St., second floor, rooms i ana x, Ka ttotnery, President. WHAT la Chrlatmaa without a nice box of the famous candy made by D, J, O'Brien T If Mra. T. (. Todd, 6019 Cap itol avenue, win come to The liee orrice within three days we will give her an order for a ao-cent box of O'Brien's candy. BUSINESS rKKSONALS Asaaaesneata. PETORB and after the show vlalt the uuisriA lor ice cream and randies. Aeoaatlo ieuipanles. GENERAL ACOUSTIC CO., M5 OMAHA NAT'L BANK BLDQ. Factory ft General office, Jamaica, N Y. fc.LKCt K1CAL IIEAR1NO ll&VICF.S. Arrkltecta. " J. Bowel), architect, 671 Ilrandets Bldg. Arteataa Well. I E. NBREROALU 1011-12 City Nafl. Kd Howe, well boring. Tel Benson 44o. Aspkalt, Oravel aad Hooflug. MICA ROOFING CO.. 1(9 8. 10m. Attoraeya. O W. Shields, attorney, tn It. of Trad. LltfloN L. HXLL. l.AWVKK, ii liee. C. K bmlih. ait y at law. Oil Bee. D. SMI . Amaiaua aad Teat. OMAHA TKNT CO. Tel K!2 Douglas. 1 lias Maaafactarrra. BFMI" OMAHA HAD CO.. Omaha. Neb. Uagaaa aad TasUaba. THE ONLY WAY. Baggags checked to destination. Taxi raba and touring cars. Tei. Douglas Ui. Uakerte. Domestic Bakery, quality. 240a Cuming. Barker Skoua. Doe 8. S. Stewart, hair cutting 217 . 1. llux aad PacWaae Maaufar I arera. Wooden Box ft Package Co. 1214 N. Iiith (arsratcn aad Coatraetur. W. I. Deverell, conti actor. Ramge Bldg. blevenaon. eariwnler, cont. Both phunea. A- Liubvig, cai peuler, cuutiavior. IL i.'l eames within rearhlag distance af tka ham mer, kat kaw la ka ta grasp It wfthent Ingr tka mnale ta ataat An, kla feetl Ilka plnylagr tka alaaa with ' hack ta It. play Is It wltk tka feet la a comparatively rara accomplishment, although. It mast ka eases, many a maatcal person believe tkelr plaaoieag aclgaber ara playing; wltk tkalr feat. j UUSINESS PEUSONAL Car pet a, Has and JJranrrlea, POTiH Tl Pn ruff ruB. rag car carpet cleaning. 1541 8. 24. I). 2321, A-4243. 1'hlropodlsta. Ph. ROT. 1505 Farnam. Douglas 4W. I laara aad Tobacco. THR Sanitary Crown ripe. 115 B. 18th. llotklaa; Manafactarera. Wear Ideal dress shirts. M. K. 8mlth Co. Coal Dealere. Powers-Heafey Coal Co., Tel. D. M9. butter Feed dc Coal Co. Far. H. 644. Updike quality yd., 45 & Dodge. H. 737. C. 8. Johnson, coal, lath Ixard, il phoitas. POATi bpeclal prices by ton. t bu. for tl To, D Mln. 4;5 Coal for btove or furnaoe. Try IL V Harmon dr Weeth. Webster 848. COAL bv ton or ussket, five bushels i 00. 1'hone 1). 2w. B-1544. Coal and kindling. Wanner, H01 N. 1. 8. E. WATKHH, basket coal. Doug. 4tWi ISlKIlii'.H. VfUfJ il'V I'll A I . P. mi. Charles A. Westerfleld. A-1M3. Coffee, Tea, Mpvra aMa Magar. Moyune Tea Co.. 40g N. 16. Both phones. Creameries, Dairies aad kappllea Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID CO LB CRKAMKftV COM PAN rT Cera lee aad steel Celllags. CARTER SHEKT metal works. Omaha. Uanclugr A cm Ccu lea. Mackle's PanclngiArademy, 1R18 Harney. Dally claaaes Mon., Thiirs., Sat. evenings. MlbH MAKY COLL. WEB. 663t. 1 O lesaons MSTi. or Frl. p. m., at Mo. rand's. Ladles, S3; gentlemen, private leaaons during the day, tl. Mlaa Jewel bimpson. Tel Webster 24L Utaiiali. asBaaaaaaaaa S Bailey, the dentlat, 708 City Nat'l.D. 2366. Mach ft Mach, 3d fl. Paxton. D. 1UH5. Dr. Oaantnwr. over Merchants J'g. btore Dr. O. A. Oaantner, 71S-22 City Nat. D. it,", DR. DA1LKY, m Hrandela Bldg. D. 27J5 left a Dental Rooms, 1617 Doug. D. Elba. Detective. Omaha secret service defective agency, Inc., bonded, I'axtor! Blk. D. 1313. A-1319. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 Karbaoh Blk. JAM KH ALIA N, Neville Blk. Tyler 1138 Dreaauiakluu:. Terry'a Dresaikaklng College. ft Far. J DRK8SMAKING by day. Phone Web. 37W. BKWING in families by day. Good work guaranteed. Web. .M3. Drngalsta. PRUOS at cut prices: freight paid on 110 orders; catalogue tree, bherman Met onnrll Drug Co. Omaha, Neb. Kverytainsj lOlectrlval. Burgess-Granden Co., 1511 Howard. D. S1. Klectrlo lighting fix., wholesale and retail. M. J. VURRAN. wiring. I). N1. Johnston Kleo. Co., 411 b. loth. D. 4ue- 8UCOND-HAND KLECTRIC FANS. dynamos, Igniting dynamos, motors, re pair, ijm rr en, in a l.'tn at. J-Kiug. ilia. POTH Klec. Co. Motor repairing, D. 6M, Feed Mills aad Store a. Feed, all kinds. Glencoe Mills, 12 Iisrd. Florist. A. Donahue. KW I-arnam. P. 1001. A-1001. HiXS ft millHOIJA. 141& Farnam St blewart'a, florist ft seedsmen, lis N. 14 PA 1 ' LbKN. liorist. l.U ttrown Bt. hRA NUKls Fi.Olb'l, Hrandeis Hid. L. IIKNIiKKmiN, lbl Farnam. D. ll4. BATH'S FLORlbTb. Hoyd Theater Bldg. HhN. K'i "S. cut flovtkrs. Doug. Uj7 lini'HAN cut flower. Harney Z&i. Twenty-ninth and Dorcua. PKobPKCi Hill florist. W. 4491. fr-oaadrle. McDonald brass snd bronze foundry, alu minum, tin. lead castings, 15th A Jackson, Faraace aad Stove It e pa Ira. Olson Bros., furnace repairs. 2570 Leav. Fl'RN ACK AND bTOVK lElAlRb to fit your atove or beater. New furnace, laundry tank healers, gas healers, ther and combination warm air and hut water heating. Omaha btovs Itepalr Uu. l;i. dJ-l'Ai Douglas bt. Tel. Douglas SSlO. tnu. v-S.l. Kara. West. Fur Co., ralrs, remodels. 1334 Far, Itaraesa, Saddlery, Leather liooda. Wlchert, harness, leather goods. 00 8. It HAHN ESS, Baddies ,,j traveling goods. Aitrea t ornien ft t o., 1X10 Farnam bt. MusvUals. WISE MEMORIAL. 24th and Harney. RKTHANY. t4 Marry. Doug- 2C lusarauve. John Dale ft Son., Ins. 210 Ramgs Blk. INSiL'RK IN THK Ol.KNH FA 1.1. ti Rhouee-Mcntgoiuery Co, In". Kama' I'lk Iroa aad V ' t-uk,u, Anchor Fence Co.. 20T N. 17. Tel. Red 114. JeMrlry, litauawad aad Watekea, OPEN up a charge account with ua. A Mandelberg, Jeweler, Ib-J h amain. I.laktntaa Made. Nebraska Lightning Rod Co. 205 N. 17th. Laaadrlea. - FRL'NCII Hand Laundry. Tel. H. IKi. KMtKbuN Laundry, ljoi N. Jtlh bt. Both phonr. UL'ARAN'1'F.ti laundry, work, liouglas S.173. High grade FAMILY aaahing; all work guar. H. Ilia) WANTKl Family aaahlng, also cur tains lauuderca. iiamey Uju, Desmond la a wnttr. Ma kaawa tkat tkc "'at tka mnale cease. Clanae will return a akaat him aewn ka tka ear tkat ka la. rat ka ataat 4 a a rapid (ftantr. Seed tkat ka scattered aa tka keys af tka plaaa attract, aa ka kaa hence they wenln, a large era a a, aa tka klrd peek a at tka aeeda It prodneea a fair Imltatlaa af Deemend'a play la. Wltk a kaaraa ckackla tka Tlllala aaca kla alaa succeed. BUSINESS TEKSUNALS Lumber. H. Oross Iumber ft Wrecking Cu.-Hir. pains In lumber, plumbing, machinery and steam fitting. 21at and Paul. - Web. 2o84. Macaroni Manef act urera. Skinner's macaroni and spaghetti, 10c pkg , Millinery. PENNEITT Millinery. Paxton Blk. lovlaa, storage aad cleaning;. V.X PRF.SKr if: VH ri.iiu.rv r-rt furnltura naclrlns" riiwnMnf .tn n. on ice, a. inn. Doug. a4; Ind. B-124. IMAM A Vln n.l Bi,,.. ..I- ' . u 1UI -,u .V. UIVKIl your carpets on your floors; electrlo vni.uuiii ciro-iiera. avi o. xtltp: aov a, Ulsl. Doug. 4161. 'win City Express, 1314 Howard. Both Tel. CALL Vernor for movina and fire. proof storage Office, A-2U7 and Doug. 2168; WAREHOUSE. Tyler 1118, B-5UII. Furniture mov.; 2 men $1 per hr. W ;14. W.C.Ferrln, van, storage. Tyler 1200. B-1784 91 sale, Art and Langraaar. t Violin lessons, exnerlenced inh Wm. L. Patten. 1S01 Iocuit. Web. Orchestra, pianist for dances. D. 4376. Mooamenta and Maaaolenma. J. F. Bloom ft Co.. 17th and Cuming Sts. Osteopathy. Alice Johnson. - BrandeLs The. Bldg. Katheryu Nikolas, H34-5 Brandels Theater. Opticians. B. F. Wurn, fitting ft rep'g. 443 Brandels. Oysters. David Cole Oyster Co. Wholesale only. Plamtoers. Plumbing and Heating gH Paper Cvmpastlaa, Western Paper Co.. 15th and Howard. Patents. ( HIRAM A. STTTnoira t. . i .'.. i.k m w y ci , U. s and forelan natenta tra...!.. and copyrights; 2d years' experience, 646 nranoei i neater Uldg. Tel. Doug. 24ii. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. A. 1 1 1 a r.l I.' .1 .1 it Zs . . . . " ' , ,r '-i anurney anu solicitor. 1&30 City Nat. Bk. Tyler 1&30. Phonogruph. Edison phonographs, Shults flroa., 1402 Far Plating. OMAHA SILVER CO., 314 8. 13th. Pkutoaraphers. Rlnehart. photogrSpher, 18th ft Farnam. bandberg a Studio, 107 8. 18th. Take elev. Rembrandt studio;, portraits. 20 ft Far. Prlatlngr. Lew. W. Raber, Printer S!ffh?SS nr.r r. 1 l t; rj OIN COUKT. AM. Printing CO.. 2904 Cuming. D. 6M7. Phone Ind A-30 for good printing. r""ien rriniiimo., mtn ft capitol Ave. Rles-Hall Ptg. Co. lOtf 8. 14 lnd. A-at, Iteetaaranta, Baxter's fine quick lunoh. 181S Farnam. KAT KOSHKR HOME COOKINU. ARKIN8, 118 SO. IBth. UPSTAIRS. EAT CA1TK. Everybody eats with ms. 1610 Capltoi Ave., north side poetofflce. Clerk Cafe, home cooking, lbla Dodge. OFT the i.ab.t; eat at Uneeiia. Cap. Ave! MuRRlb t ate, nome cooking. 216 b. 20th. y porting; Goods. NEW shopworn guns at low prlcea Townsrnd Oun Co., 1&14 Farnam. Staiuiuerlua and stuttering. STAM MERINO and stuttering cured. Julia Vaughn. Ramge Bldg. tenogtrapkera and t oort Reporter. Myrtle A. Kelley. 700 Bran. The, p. 6S.t. ' Mis Miller. 1WH Lily Nat' I Bk. D. 47oi Steel Tank and Culvert Companies. NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Company, 14th snd Nicholas. D. 3SK. Storm Doora ana tudowa. Omaha Window Porn Co. 624 N. 10 D. 460 tiuiou ft lnwich. D. 4t. ind. 11-14.6. Taxidermist. Aulabaugh. 1701 Leavenworth. Doug. 2221. 'irsta aad Amalna. OMAHA Tent Co. Tel. K22 Pouglaa 'iallorlug. Dunham ft Dunham. 218 suits. HI 8. 13 R. A. VSIIllams, clothe altered. 24 ft Lake Kntiiaiid lailoruw Co. 1 tin) N. 4. VS. OMAHA t Uaning and Preeing cub, Mcl'UKu I lk. l.s.iles' vvtuk a apecialty. 'Irnnka nnd suit Caeca. Frellng ft Stainle. I'i3- Farnam Bt Wlnea aad X.Iaora. MAY ft CO.. family liquors. 1203 Douglas. WII.lA)V Spiiiig beer, liquor, cigars, and wl Ilea. Alex Jetes, 13'2 Douglaa. Loftman, -yr-old why. hK- drink. 14 ft liar. Hansen a. Family Lluuor. XIU Chicago. tiKT your Xmaa wine and liquors at Griffith ft Schmidt. 16J4 Capital Ave. Wla Slaaalaet arer. D. S. Griffith, wig mfr.. 13 Frenser Blk. IK u have a sweet tooth be sut to try a Ux of D. J. Helen candy." Al ways fresh and pleasing to candy lovers. If Mra. Cleorge Tuunecllff. 4M4) l'a ken port bt.. will come to The Bee office within three day we will give her an order for a so-ctot bos - of O'Brien's candy. . litM JSC Winn St. D. 1477. Omaha Plumbing Co., 26lfj Sherman Ave. .3 .." B1 P'umblngjf and heatingi 1807 Howard 8t. Tel. D. 1lX lnd. A-274L EDUCATIONAL. THE FIRST WINTER TERM OF Boyles College OPENS MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, IN BOTH THE DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS. Complete courses in Business. Book keeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The catalogue Is ready and free for the asking. Call, write or phone for It at once. Address, H. B. Boyles, President Boyles College, Omaha, Neb. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE "BEST IN THE WEST" Pay and evening sessions all the year. Shorthand, Tjpewrltlng, Bookkeeping, Agriculture, Civil Service, Salesmanship. E. A. ttartman. Pres., 19th and Farnam. EVERYTHING FOlt WOMEN. Out-of-date garments ex. for new. W.U020. THE IDEAL PLEATING CO., dress pleating, buttons covered, all sizes and styles. 2i0 Doug. Blk. Doug. 1936; A-1U36. MMR. MILLER from New York, stylish talloresH and dressmaker, remodels fur ccats. scarfs, mufts, like new. 10.17 Park Ave. Harney 3992 FOU CHRISTMAS. CHINA PAINTING Woman 'a Exchange ; eltles; shoppers' lunches. 233 Bd. ot Tr, 1603 r arnani. WtrMinrr fnlrAoE- E. Fead, 161 1 Leav'n. Tyler 1226. White's Loan Office, 1203 Douglas; speo Isl sale on evercoats left In pawn, 12 up. bpeclal bargains in watches and diamonds. Hand-painted china cheap. 2703 Cum. H.3810 V f P A membership makes a present x .i.x.j.m. Ior .very aay m th, yeir. DY BALL'S Omaha exclusive candy shop The home of home made candles. Specials dally IMS Douglas. GOOD TILINGS dr,nK Falstaff Buffet, Board of Trade Bldg. FINE LINE Xmaa candles, cigars, per fumes. Crissey Phar., 24th ft Lake. W. 6ut. REDUCED prices on ladies' suit and cloaks this month. Suits and coats modeled at reasonable coat. Anna blstek, ladles tailor, 215 City Nat. Bldg. D. 746. LOWNEY'S for Xmaa. Saratoga Drug Co., 24 ft Ames. KIPLINGEli'S m C-Jir FOR XM AS SHOPPING CALL THE ACME TAXI LIVERY p-rrholir2 C. Showalter. Tel. Douglaa 376, A-3966. J. KNOX ONE1LI Artist and Photog raphy; pictures enlarged. Studio, 216 South St. TiAMPS! Set the Angle oil lamp, it xjiiui. throws the light directly down upon your book or table. It doubles your light at halt cost. They make long eveninKH delightful. Douglaa 1760. JOHNSON LAMP CO.. 621 8. 16th St. FOR MEN ONLY Pon't worry about your wife's Christ mas present buy her a DETROIT FIRELESS or ELF TRIC COOKER a firesent that she Is wishing for. Come n and look them over and you will agree with us that Santa Clans himself could not select a better gift. We want the opportunity to show them to you. Phone Bell Douglas 20U6; Ind. A-206& 1117 Far nam. Manicuripg, Hairdressing, etc. rtT-tRT coupon In every package of Vel x vetina, Creams and Powders purchased from our druggist, entitling purchaser to professional treatments, free of charge, at The VEL VETINA SHOP Finest shop of beauty culture In middle west. 1819 Farnam.. Doug. 1996, A-19M. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. 1609H Farnam St. Poug. 4750. i Ind. A-8S2L A beautiful assortment of stencil out fits and SherwIii-WilUems goods. We do taxing and picture training at moderate prlcee. P,T M1 'r Xmaa; beet singers. tViVJ.VJ.Il.O cuse8i gol(j flah Bnd dogs. Msx Gelsler Bird Co., 1617 Farnam. 15 CABINET PICTURES- $3 Baskett biudio. S16 8. 16lh. D 7408. CHINESE LILIES, 10c. 2 for :& PAPEE NARCISSUS. 40c per dossil. THE NEBRASKA SEED CO., Phone D. 1261. Vilt Howard. LAUNDRY For good clean work for less than can be done at' home. W. 234L fl fvmtY and UTILITY are COM LUAU1V1 B1NED In ELECTRICAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Everyone, men or women, young or old, will be glad to receive an electrical gift for Chriatmas. YOUNG WOMEN "mKp,1; the Y. W. C. A. as a Chrlatmaa gift. EXPERIENCED dressmaker work by day. Tel. Web. K dsaires Xmaa packages, candles, perfumes, ci gars. Lathiop Pharmacy, 24 ft Hamilton. THK BOURGEOIS CO.. 1SU7 FARNAM DIAMOND RINGS V S0 per karat. Metropolitan Loan and Jewelry Co., 11-4 Douglas 81. 1UI NDKISCLT FLOWER DEPT. jj.wxiLiiaoA large ,upply of hoUllllv need. Cut flowers, blooming plants and evergreen f special prlcea. Mt'YER STATIONERY CO., 1616 Farnam. Chrlatmaa noveltl , cards, calendars. tMt.e., i..i..r sharpened. M iUnme ilH. YOU'LL always be happy If your wed ding ring cornea from Brodegaard's, Hi 8. lt,th !- :. At I he aign of the crown. btiE naturally la looking for a dessert that needs but little preparation Tell her of Dalxell's Ice cream. It Mrs. T C. Larson, 9U2 N. 49th bt., will come to The liee office within three days we will give her an order tor a quart brick of this fine ice cream. HEU WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office., Implement firm. $50. B1I.IJNU CLERK. Elliott-Fisher opera tor, tub. CO-OPERATIVK REFERENCE CO.. loU-16Clty National Bank Bldg. ltoasekertrr and Dvaaeatlca. i WANTED A good, colored cook with references. 2216 Burt. WANTED Otrl for general housework. K!U Harney. Tei Harney 6C2, melody, Deamaad eratvle aat af tka teat, wklla tka heroic, kat aat a alt aa aagaclaaa, Clauda lalla klmaelf lata falaa eeenrlty la tka est raam. Ilearlac tka aouad af tka plaaa, or kera tklaka Deamaad la ragased la krlaclaa; akaat kla deatraetloa. Ak, well, tkla kelac toa traatful la saad fault after all, aad aaa tkat la Terr. arr rare. - HKIiP WANTED FEMALE Iloosekeeper and Domestic. THE SERVANT CURL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run your Domes tic Help Wanted ad FREE until you get the desired results. Bring your sd to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1000. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Middle aged lady, with references, good wages, steady employment, ' four in family. nu'un 6. rtux u, i.oiumous, INpD, FISH, the piano tuner, wants a good tenant for three or four nice clean unfur nished rooms, modern except heat. 1914 Burdette.- WANTED First class, reliable white lrl for general housework; three in lamuy. ww, jjavenport bt. W A VTl'1 i A ...,.... i , '-,, ,.a. n " ii no nuiuaii lur 1 tV U 11 U 1 Y work; call mornings. 221 Webster. A YOUNG competent glnl for general K.. n.i- a 1: i v. .1 . i.ii , niniarwui IK. LtJt n. OUlfl HI. All 111 J It I PUH WANTED Girl for aeneral housework: 8 In family. li No. 40th. Harney 4321. WANTED Good girl for plain washing and ironing by we?k. The Creche, 1824 Hsrney. D. 5621 Hotel sued Hrataaraat. WANTED assistant housekeeper, must b experienced. Apply Housekeeper, Rome Hotel. CHAMRERMAID Apply Omaha General hospital. manager Sllscellaneon. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union Station. Apprentice girls to learn hairdressing. Oppenheim, 22 City Nat l Bank. PRACTICAL Nurses' exchange. Tel. Douglas -112. WANTED Middle-aged ladles to repre sent German Medicine Co. 401 Ware Blk. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, salesmen nnd Bollcltora. CITY salesman. W. A. Hlxenbaugh ft o., isn Bt. saary s Ave. Tel. u uzst Live city ft road salesman. Bee, Q-794. AGENTS Either sex, to introduce rapid selling household specialties; free samples and catalogue. J. Gibson ft Son, Ne braska City, Neb. AGENTS make easily 5 dally selling our high grade Christmas packages. Sample package 15c pi spared. Dearborn Post Card Co., not Inc., Chicago, 111., 219 S. Dearborn 8t., Room 707. AGENTS Greatest moaey maker ever placed in hands ot agents; demonstrated first minute, order taken second minute; sample free. Nap. Collette. Cudahy. Wis. WANTED Immediately, salesmen and solicitors for eveny city and town In the country; brand new line that will sell In every store and home. Salesmen can make $75 to Slot) a week; no machinery to explain; NO FAKE. You demonstrate our line; everybody buys instantly. This Is an opportunity to get a permanent posi tion. - We can show you. Call or address Hales Manager, 407-408 Karbach block, Omaha. , YOUNG man for advertising solicitor- Excellent opportunity for advancement, Address A 90, care Bee, "wl NTED Specialty salesman, western territory, by old established St. Louis house; only men experienced In working oountry trade, who have or can com mand big salaries, unquestioned refer ences will be considered. Call between 10 and 12 a. m., December 7. E. O. Herder, Paxton hotel. Clerical and Offlee, ACCOUNTANT for large wholesale house. Here la a splendid opening for the right party. Salary depends. OFFICE CLERK, must be quick and accurate at figuring. IM. BOOKKEEPER, experienced and com petent, I'S-rs. STENOGRAPHER, and office clerk, Jfio. SALESMAN. Coal and building material, must have road experience in this line. $1,600. NOW IS THE TIME to seeius if vou ara contemplating a change the first of the year. CO-OPERATI-VE REFERENCE CO., (Established FIVE YEARS in Omaha.) loiu-ie city National Bank Bldg. WANTED Young man v.ith R. R, ex perience; must .vrlte iood hand and fur nish references. Room 214, N. F. C. Bldg., 12th and Farnam. "CANO" High grade positions. 600 Bee Factory and Trades. Drug store (snaps) Jobs. Knlest. Bee Bldg. WANTED A cooper. Douglas 6166. WANTED An experienced upholsterer. Miller, Stewart ft Beaton. Mlsecllnneoas. Reliable Emp. Agency. 1610 Davenport. WANTED, for U. S. army, able-bodied unmarried men, . between agts of IS and li; citlsens of United Slates, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English lan guage For Information apply to Re cruiting Officer. 13th and Douglas Sis, Omaha. Neb.; 6-J7 4th St., Sioux City, la; M N. 10th bt.. Lincoln. Neb. VANTE1 Men to learn tile barber traJe; here la an offer that Includes toola with tuition; a method that saves years of apprenticeship; few weeks com pletes; we have received praise from '.housands for our beiitfirlRl cuurse; you tlon ot the kind In the world; 2J branches, ceud; established 1893; original inaiitu tmn o fihe kind in the world, 33 branches. Apply from country or city, at once. Particulars mailed. Moler Barber College, 110 8. Hth bt. . . TELEGRAPH position guaranteed you bjr both Union Pacific and Illinois Cen U el rallroal.i if you t,atn our '.raining In our school. Practice on Rl R. wires. Ad dress, for particulars. H. B. lioyies, Pres. Boyles College, Omaha. Neb. WANTED An experienced clerk for general stoic; on who can speak Ger man preferred. Burns ft Kiblcr, Per sia, ia .'a.l. tuAfilBlil.! r.f.r.nn,. rimi,ul ante us: we uuaan business, bhores Mutller Co.. Dept. 19, Tniioll, Ia. Faultless lUaners. 112 a). 16m, D. tat. OOVERNMENT positions open; list showing salaries free. Franklin lnatltut. Dept. Sll-K, Rochester, N. Y MAN wanted, with rig to take charge Wl HIV VI " . ... . . ...... ,, nintm, soap, perfume, toilet articles, stock and poultry preparations, etc., in your county: one man made l0 one week; sitady work uaruiitted: work healthful, uleaaant. "I'm tka kayf erlea Deaperata Deamaad, aad tkla kere'a my eamel." Tka rtUala la rldlas ta attack tka teat la wklck Claada aad Roeamead kad foadly Imaclaed ka weald meet kla doom. It la a Utter arprtae fa( tka kera ta aee Deamaad, kut ke camely re aeWea ta flskt ta tka deatk. aad maa eaa de aa mere tkaa tkat. Far fall detalla af tka eamlac kattle aee te-merrew'a plctarea. HELP WANTED MALE Miaccllaaeoo. TOTJ are wanted for government JobJ $50 per mar "J send postal for Hat of posi tions open, r rnnKiin institute, uept. 219- K. Rochester. N. Y. $6 PEP. HUNDRED for collecting names and addresses; eteady work; send stamped envelope. Western Advertising Co., Tulia, Tex: Up AUTO SCHOOL, OMAHA, NEB. $100 MONTH AUTOINO. Guarantees more actual repairing than any three other schools. Come see. ABLE bodied men wanted for the U. S. Marine Corps between tne ages of 19 and 35. Must be native born or have first papers. Monthly pay, $16 to $69. Addi tional compensation possible. Food, clothing, quarters and medical attend ance free. After 30 years' service can re tire with 75 per cent of pay and allow ances. Service on board ship and ashore In -all parts of the world. Apply at U. S. Marine Corps Recruiting Office, 1404 rarnam at., umana, jnd. M li" V nt IHnaa, n.l Umnnllii- - 1.1 1 1 . write Greeley ft Mclntire, patent attor neys, Washington,- D. C, for their list of Inventions wanted and prizes offered i'yi leaning manmaciurers. Roll MH1V. Hi tn M v... ..- . " " J ...... a V. .... w once for electrlo railway motormen and conductors; $60 to $100 a month; no ex perience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike. Write Immediately for application, blank. Address Y 60. care of Bee. IP out of a position call at Interna. xionai Motion Picture Schools, 218 Bee Bid. STOP! R K A ni Get lata ft Day In at Learn an. Ml. . r0.'?M'onl ..v...u wo i i 11, M in OUT large training shop. Hundreds of suc cessful graduates. Complete equipment of automobiles and machinery. Address National Auto Train Assn., 625 Brands! Theater Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. WANTEU Musicians for the ISth JnL DAJlti : miiaf He IntyU A AA.-m .11 i , .T. ...o v arauuavao 1 1 Ls tom to Emanuel Klein, chief musician, vt b Kiiiiinrniiin, y J, LABORERS wanted Sii and California; iiiviuire si Old iNO. OM. ANY MinnoluAlir tt nfinlvllnn.M .nf readily tell you that there are no candles which can outshine O'Brien's In purity or rinlntlriAaa It kfr. T .. I ..I mn 4.124 Farnam St., will come to The Bee unice wunin tnree aaya we will give her an order for a 0-cent box of O'Brlen'a candy. , LIVE BTCrCIC FOR SALE Horse and Vehicles, FOR SALE All kinds of good horses. $18 N. 21st St. 'Phone Douglas 6000. STOCK wintered; good shelter; onS mile to car. Florence 410. LOST AND FOUND PERSONS having lost some articles would do well to call up the office of tha Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day ara turned In and the company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 48. OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFFS STREETS RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST Oold Japanese belt buckle! finder please return to Bee office; re ward. MEDICAL BEST bracer tor men, Cray's Nerve Food Pills, tl per box, prepaid. Pherman ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. YOUR husband and son are looking for ward to dessert time they know that you have ordered some of Dalxell's Ice cream. If Mrs. J. W. Hlghsmlth, S177 Grand Ave., will come to The Bee offlee within three daVB WA Will riv. hmw. an nnl.. A. - quarter of this fine Ice cream. MONEY TO LOAN alary and Chattels. , WHY ukE OUR MONEY! BECAUSE you can Dorrow it on your HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS. AUTOMOBILES, BANK BOOKS. WARE HOUSE RECEIPT REAL ESTATE and SALARIES in a few hours' time, pri vately and CHEAPER than any Other concern. NO MATTER HOW CHAi THEY ADVERTISE. You may refund the loan . In small weekly or monthly payments that sou a get you out ot debt. Our business Is as private as a bank and your friends, relatives and employer know nothing about it. No delay. Each application given prompt attention. call on us for money to pay all your bills and you will find It quick and easy, v RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Third Floor, 308 Paxton Block. SIT 8. lit a. 'Phones; Douglas 1111 and A-14U. $10 TO $100 LOANED TO ANYONE We will procure a ioaux4or any body who own furniture, pianos, hoises, tagun, or a-iiyon holding a steady position at lb moat rea sonable charges. All we ask la your I' In pay. No red tape. No delay. Quickly, privately, cheaply. 8 $$ n n u u 1$ M $$ It It 1$ 11 t It $ It $ iu iiisiaiuueuia ot ii.a. "J ill J1IS1.111IUCI1. Ill IM In installments it $1.4. No other ciiargea. - Loans Ii mil, lion, j,,iM month A $$ one year. Terms to suit you. GliAUANTK; LOAN CO.. tl (Small Loan DeuartmenLl It I M 304 WlUinell Blk. Over Neb. Cycle Co. It $ N. E. Cor. 15th and Harney. $f 111 . Douglaa 6046; Ind. A-13U&. li M Open Every Evening Till O'clock M IU Until Xmaa. 11 !m$mu$evmueutw rt4rrtmnmtt MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS. Ixaned on furniture, piano or teams at iwiri t-,iiu CtsV4 ItTlUB. STATE MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY ' R. 12 Arlington Blk. 1M1V, Dodge St. Phones: Douglas 2w. Indepvndeut A-S4I4