Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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n 51 2Bk
Art ready for Holiday shoppers in every department
Omaha's One Great Christmas Gift Center
Toylnnd in our llnseinent is Open. Hunt a Clnus is here every day. He wants to
M"ovorv hov and cirl in Oinalia this week. See the British Coronation in the
oM. l?nmti nf 1omiMiiin Room, enacted hv iVM) dolls. t is free.
See the great Christmas Attractions all over the store. Shop early in the day and
early in tho week. Only 17 more days to buy. Start now.
jl f Try our shoppers' luncheons when on jour II i
Christmas trading tours. Hot bouillon, H Jj
jl KSjr Be per rup. Ktc. t
What is Christmas
to any lit ti girl
without a doll?
We have the largest as
sortment of fine kid
lmdv dolls.- dressed
dolls character dolls baby dolls, unbreakable dolls, jointed bisque dolls. The m. play of
dolls is the biggest we have ever made. An investigation will prove that our prices are
lower' than elsewhere.
$1.00 Sample Dressed Dolls at 49c Dressed
in latest style. One in a nice box; A (
lurge assortment.
- ki.I llrxlv lklla and Jointed Polls at OKc 24
and 21 Inches high, shoes and stockings,
blp Jointed, pearl teeth; beautiful light,
dark and auburn wigs at., each
AVe direct attention to our large assortment of games, doll trunks, boys' tool chests,
velocipedes, coasters, wagon, top chairs and rockers, automobiles, ttleds, black boards,
doll go-carts, drums, pianos, writing desks, building blocks, Daisy air rifles, etc. Prices
pre very low.
75c Pt Card Projectors
at 25c Very special
opening toy bargain for
one day only. Think of
buying a Postal Qm
Card Projector at. uV
Walking- Dors Here Is a
new, clover toy, drawn
along at the end of a
trap. They roore their
less In a very life-like
manner. Poodloa. Dachs
hund and Pull ' Dogs, at
tso, 91.88, and sa.BO
We have already over
one hundred new num
bers in mechanical toys
and air ships, over fifty
new numbers are shown
at the water toy section.
Tumbling downs at 40c
A very comical me
chanical toy, life-like
circus clown, makes
several complete over
head somer
saults, at
Special Sale of Winter Cloaks
Hundreds o! Practical, Up-to-date
Coati for Women on Sale Tuesday
Here is a December offer without an equal.
Scores of the popular heavy winter mixture
coats with large reveres and collars scores of
new dressy long plush coats bo much in demand,
scores of reversible cloth coats, scores of black
broadcloth coats, satin lined. The most popular
coats of the season.
Such varieties as these cannot be found else
where. Look anywhere you choose, but you
can't find values liko these in warm, serviceable
coats, at
Wednesday-Great Linen Sale
We announce a most remarkable sale of pure
linen hand erabroldsrsd table cloths and scarfs.
These cloths are 54 Inches and 72 inches In size
worth 10, on sale at $3.98.
Scarfs to match, that are worth up to 5.98 at II. VS.
Wednesday, In Hasement Linen lpt.
Gifts of -Jewelry Are, Most Acceptable .
Our great sale of jewelry continues all this week. Choice lota from the great New
York Auction of high class -watches and jewelry. Best of all gifts for Christmas. Buy
them now.
jf Solid Gold Little Finger Rings Set with
jade, turquoise, malachite, all genuine stone
also genuine 6tone cameos worth up o
, $5.00; special at ......... .$1.98
Gold Filled Bracelets, worth to $2, at 69c
$5.00 and $G.OO Bracelets, Very finest gold
filled; iecial, at $2.98
Gold Plated Small Size Men's Watches with
gold dial and American lever movement
a $4.00 watch for $1.79
Men's Watches Jas. Boss or Cres
cent gold filled cases, guaranteed 20 years;
15-jewelled Elgin movement, at $14.50
11.00 Sterling Stiver Rings, set with coral, shell
cameos, jade, topas. turquoise, etc.; all real stones;
special at $1.20
White Stone Hat Pins, worth up to $2, at' 80s?
8olld Gold Stick Pins, worth up to $3, at. . .$1.00
Solid Gold Pendant La Vallleres, worth up to $10;
P1 $5.00
Headed Bags all colors and styles, worth Is to
! at $3.03
St 71 tIff A 1
Is Oveat Special Sal or
Embro dcrcd Waist Fronts
lal purchase. Pee the Roods
window. Waist fronts, worth
Ills (.pedal
In the
"P to 14. at
6So and sse
$4.00 Nemo Corsets at $2.00 "1912 Special"
Just a few sold at half price to introduce two new Nemo inventions for
the coming season. Ad ideal Ck rut mat gift for any woman.
A beautiful slender model, with low or medium bust and modish lone
skirt For slender and medium figures only sizes 18 to 26. In a neat
Christmas box $2.00.
gmSte IS
If the Weather Stuck Closer to
the Calendar These Fur Bargains
Would Not Be.
You can't sell overcoats in warm weather. Likewise, you can't
sell furs.
This time of the year generally sees a mighty brisk fur business.
The weather has been too warm this season, for which reason alone
we now find more fur sets on hand than
we think we should have.
So we have decided to place on sale
Tuesday morning
500 Fur Pieces Suitable for
Christmas Presents as Well
as Your Own Personal Use
and It is a wise person who buys now for
both purposes. Every piece is thoroughly
reliable and personally warranted by this
establishment. The styles are absolutely
correct and the savings quite unusual for
the time of the year. Just think of get
ting a fur set at a reduced price when cold
weather la hardly beginning !
Imitation black lynx set; worth $22. 50
and $25.00. at $17.50
50 black coney sets, worth $15.00 the
ft, at $9. 75
Natural mink sets, worth $40.00 to
$70.00, at . . $29.50 and $49.50
50 black fox, red fox and Isabella fox
sets, worth $25.00 and $35.00 the set,
at $19.50 and $23.50
100 odd muffs of river mink, imitation
black lynx and brown coney, specially
priced at .... $5.00 and $7.50
100 odd tear ft and river mink, black
coney and imitation black lynx, specially
priced at . $5.75, $7.50 and $11.50
There's Special Advantage in Buy
ing Christmas Handkerchiefs Now
Kinds for Men, Women and Children
No matter from what stocks you purchase, the satisfaction that
comes from first choosing is always best. Qualities and kinds are
more diversified and you are more apt to find exactly the Item you
want at the price you want to pay. Since handkerchiefs are staple
and always acceptable gifts why not purchase your Christmas supply
You will finl every worthy kind In our assortment-plain linens,
embroidered, barred, hemstitched, lace, etc., etc. The boxed hand
kerchiefs sell at 30c to 3.00 the box according the kind1 and qual
ity. We give a few specimens of the pricing. - -',.
Men's initial handkerchiefs, 10c to 50c each. .
Mens pure linen handkerchiefs with '(, and
-lnch hemstitched hems, 10c to 50c each.
Women's fine Irish linen handkerchiefs with
embroiderei corners, 15c each.
Women's fine, tiheer Irish linen handkerchiefs
with hand embroidered corners, 20c each.
Women's extra tine linen nandkerohlefs with pret
tily embroidered, hand-worked cornera, 25c, 35c and
60c each.
Women's extra (In lawn handkerchiefs with em
broidered Initial i-ornere, 16c each.
Women's pure Irish Unen fancy embroidered
initial handkerchiefs, 20c eai-h.
women's sneer, pare iriia unen nauaaeroaieis
With hand embroidered Inlt als, 25c each.
Orose-barred handkerchiefs with finely embroid
ered Initials. 6c each.
rine lawn handkerchiefs, with initials, 5c each.
Extra fine lawn handkerchief a with hand em
broidered Initials, unlaundered, 10c each.
Women's and children's soft finished grass
bleached linen handkerchiefs, with Initials,
lUc each.
pedal attention Is directed to 'tooths we
nave erected for the dl
play and sale of nandker
chiefs for men, women and
children at 6c and 10c each.
There Is a great variety 'of
styles at each price and
the tiuallty Is quite exceptional.
l Hi it h '
"Put a Razor
In His Stocking."
"No matter HOW finnicky he is you will draw smiles
from him on Christmas, if you will make him a gift of a
swell Safety Razor. I sell the Gillette, Gem, Auto Strop,
Durham-Duplex, Ever Ready and others and blades for all
of them. Then I also show Omaha's dandiest pearl handled
knives, fountain pens, manicure sets, etc. That's a good
hunch on what to select."
John's igar Store
321 So. 16th St.
Ve have reduced the prices on our entire line of
mantel clocks. We -io not want to move a single
clock In our block to our new location. If you want
a mantle clock this Is your opportunity.
S. W, LINDSAY, Jeweler'
One of these
is yours If you ill secure two
subscriptions to a weekly
is m
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it1 ' ' T-'
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You have only 17 days left In
which: to do all your Chlrstmaa
shopping We have a suggestloa
for each member of the family,
which may help you Xmas
footwear is always a proper gift
We have them for father,
mother, daughter and brother.
For ' Women. .'
There are handsome street
and dress .boots the nobbiest
thing of the season, in black, sat
in and velooze or velvet, button
shoes, beautiful slippers In satin,
bronze, gold suedes of all colors.
For Men.
Business shoes, dresB shoes.
dancing pumps 'and- the largest
line of comfy Xmas slippers
shown anywhere from
81.00 to S5.0O
For the Misses.
Dainty slippers In satin and
velooze fine velvet dancing
slippers and high cut shoes with
buckles. ; '-.;tv,;..
For the Boys.
High cut storm shoes, with
buckles the kind that the boys
all like the real Boy Scout
Shoe. Prices according to sizes,
$2.50 to $4.50.
Block 169.
your customers
live here
f black Flemished klln-drled
oak with ralbed tnetal num
erals, lurae brass pendulum disk,
and ornamental side weights, cup
Dell strikes the half hour and
cathedral nong on the hour. SIZK
28 H il!, is yours at no cash cost
to you.
A Superb Xmas Gift
A Perfect Timekeeper
A handsome object of American
Hrt, suitable for the finest home.
Send us your nan.w und address
and we will tell you what to do
to set it Jt la worth the asking
Drexel Shoe Co.
1419 F&rnam St.
Bin Building-, Soranton, Pa.
.On Farnam Street, between 45th
and 46th Streets, there are 5 occu- j
pied houses and in 4 they take
ihe Bee.
Advertisers can cover Omaha with one newspaper.
To Be Continued en 17S X,ots of
Unredeemed Household Uoods.
DBCEKBES S, 4 and 6
Until all Ooods Are Bold. , 1130 1"-Tta
19th Btreet.
Gate City Furniture and
Stove Co.
VarehoiiHe 2207-2209 Izard St.
Off Ira 520 No 16th tit.
Storage with us and you will save
money. We Klve the best of service.
I'tioneu. Louk. 3708; Ind. 13-3085.
Have uir man call and see you.
Holiday Wares Piled High on Long
Tablet in Bee Botunaa.
Ma writ a( Twrntf" thairehee
Start Basatar far the Sale !
1'rettr Ulfts Mad ar
Their dm BUtles.
, The rotunda vt T'ue Bee building is
Jtantformt-4 Into a mass of ribbons, laoea
rut daintily dulnned handiwork In
it-mlnina fads and fancies of every tmar
luable kind. Theae fluffy and colorful
aRR-Irs are the wares of the big Christ
has fair which the women of twenty
five church at holding this week and
which oiened this morning with much
The holidy wares are piled on long
tablt-a which line The lice lobby and
half a hundred representatives of the
Women's Aid B'letles are on hand to
bet a talt.wo.Tifn. TUe days have been
divided among the churches which are '
displaying, four churches at a time. Today
and Tuesday are given over to the baiars
of the llanscom Vark Methodist, West
minister Presbyterian, L'nlted Brethren
and Grace t'nlted Evangelical. '
The tables of the Hanecom 1'ark Irllio-
dlst church are In a square outlining
the gold fish pool. Mrs. tleorge W. Slone,
president of the church aid society. Is
assisted by Mi. C. A- Trake at the doll
counter. Belling corset covers are Mrs.
U. W. Street, Mrs. Charles Landeryou.
Mrs. W. B. IVake and Mrs. K. W.
I'tckrtt. Mrs. K. N. Hens, Mrs. K. M.
i'oud. Mrs. B- V. Thomaa and Mrs. Clark
Shelly have charge of the fancy work
and Mrs. Martha Kusaelt and Mrs.
i antenna uesecu preaiae at the apron
section. Mrs. Carrie I). Bcolt and Mrs.
Edwaid Hlslop are selling art goods.
The Queeh Esther society of the church
has miscellaneous fancy Chrtsmas work.
Mrs. W. M. Balcomb, president of the so
ciety is assisted by Miss Cecil Cornish.
Miss Luetic Devereee and Miss Florence
Goodland. The Phllathea society U dls
penring fudge, nut creams and Turkish
delight under the direction of Miss Clata
Vera Blddlck and Mrs.
Barnes, Miss
Charles Lang
The Westminster Presbyterian baxar I.
In the southeast corner. Mrs. J. y, WoiU
resident of the ladles1 Aid socletv i.
mai.ager lu chief. The rack covered with
coquettish little aprons Is In ch....
Mrs. A. P. Thompson. Mrs. Warren
wltsler. Mrs. W. J. Burse.a a...l Mr.
W. It Burns are selling match scratches,
pin cushions, shoe bags and embroidered
household lines. The main attrrin
this display Is a blue and white quilt
mad as our grandmothers used to make
them. The body of the quilt Is white
stitched In clover design. At regular In-
itbis are casket figures in blue. Mrs.
Bwltiler's sewing circle cut out the
figures and made the quilt. Mis. W. K
Heller has a display of blue and white,
-lnk and white, lavender and white and
green and white rag rugs. Mrs. William
Handall has charge of the marmalades,
mince meat and preserves.
All of th aprons, bags and other ar
ticle sold by the wjmen of the Grace
t'nltod Kvangi'llcal church have been
made from fancy handkerchiefs. The
saleswomen are Mrs. A. Terry and Mrs.
Ada Patterson, JLlrs. Susi bhufeli U
chairman of this elhtbltlon. which Is In
the northwest end of the rotunda.
In the northeast corner la the basar of
the l'nlted Brethren church, with Mrs.
H. W. Allwln In charge. Aims neien
Henderson and Miss Clara Baldwin are
auslBtlng Mrs. Allwln In selling aprons
and bags. Pies, cakea and candy are
being sold by Miss Anna Bwanson, Mrs.
V. J. Hal end Miss Florence Fehr. At
the fancy work co inter are Mrs. K. L.
Mouer. Mrs. H. K. Marble, Mrs. Charles
Neff and Mlsa LoJlse Walker.
Alleged Robbers
Try Habeas Corpus
Habeas corpus proceedings to secure
their liberty before they can be ex
tradited were started by James Burns
and John Wilson, the alleged Uerby, la..
bank robbers. In district court today.
Th ltittons for habeas corpus writs
were filed by A. S. Kltchle. attorney for
the allesed eggmen, who er picked up
by the Omaha h11c department detec
lives last week. The petitions declare the
men never were In Iowa at all and are
being detained Illegally by Chief of Police
John J. Uonahue. Judg Kennedy ordered
Chief Donahue to produce th men In
court tomorrow morning, and show cause
why he should net be comelled to set
them at liberty.
Key to th tiUuaUou-Ue Want Ads.
Nurse Tesitf ies
in the Hyde Case
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Dec. 4. Th seconu
trial of Dr. B, Clark Hyde, on a charge
of murdering Colonel Thomas II. Swope,
entered upon its seventh week today.
Only six weeks were required to com
plete the first trial, but the second one
has but fairly started. Two material
witnesses for the state have been heard
and fourteen more are to be called. The
defense expects to introduce at least a
dosen witnesses. Attorney estimate the
trial will last a month longer.
The first witness called today was Miss
Rose Churchill, a nurs who worked In
the Swope horn during th typhoid epi
demic. The proaecutlo announced thut
other nurses who were employed In the
horn at the same time would follow
Mis Churchill.
Elisabeth Uordon, a nurse employed In
the Swope home throughout the Illness of
Chrlsman Swope, testified today thu'
Hyde gave Chrlsman a hypodermic In
jection with a needle filled with dirty
Tail's Cental Rooms
rtmsT timb 4imi at
Tonight, All Week Lower Floor,
50c, 75c, 11. Balcony, 25c, 50c
Wednesday and Saturday Matinees.
. 36o AST SUIT
" i M fc: LCHU"
BO People 60
m s-xVTW Tg xs-as-60-750
4--A Uy Mas, ia-B-50o
Couldn't be better at 2 a seat.'
snow loiKb, inciuaing V)I) fox and
Harrv, Marks Stewart. All-Beauty Chorus.
Uorgeuu Pageantry; Entrancing titage
Ladles' Sim Matin Every Week Day.
Pole, teat Paragraphs.
Many a small bottl has developed Into
a family ir.
Nollre to Inventors A device for
squeesmK water out of stocks and the
milk supply would fill a long frit want.
Chicago Nt
Key to the Situation-U Want Ad-
Miss Huth Paxson of Omaha, who has
been in China sine) April, studying the
language and conditions preparatory to
taking up work as a foreign Young
Women's Christian association secretary
to China, hax, with other workers, been
obliged to !eav Pao-tng Fu, where she
had planned to spend the winter at the
Presbyterian inUston on account of the
revolutionary troubles, and go to Tien
Tsin, which Is considered a safer place
for foreigners.
Mivs Paxsou is the sister of Miss Susan
Paxson, an instructor at the Omaha
High uchuol, and of Mrs. G. W. Hayes.
Her work in China Is being financed by
the Omaha Young Women's Christian a-
ociatlon. Both her relatives and the
association secretariei huve been con
cerned fur her safety. The latest news
from Miss 1'axson was a letter written
October 3d on the train from Pao-tlng Fu
to Tien Tsln.
In her letter Miss Paxson said: "I
would not choose to be anywhere else
than Just here,"
Mat. Every Day S:15. Every Mlgtit Sll&.
Hugh. Herbert A Co; Blx American
Dancers; Conlln, Steele & Carr; Th
Three Ilghtons; Henry Cllv; Cum
mlngs & Uladylngs; i.a Aranera St Vic
tor; Kloetoscope; Orpheum Concert Or
chestra, rrlcea, slight, lOo, B5o, SOo, 7 So.
Matla, 10c, bst ats S&o, axcept Sat
nrday and Sunday.
Tonight, AU Week
In fUiilcl Rspartolre. Tooliht. "Martwth '
fomlni "THB RKI) Mll.l.."
Tonight and All Week k
Mats. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday.
Frio SB Only.
and th Wooaward Stock ComDaar
Mav Siaq Might SUP. Best Seats Vo
aad StJLBIXa la th
Sane of th Sevea Yells.
Beautiful (souvenirs to the Ladles
t Dally Dim Matinee.