Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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    TIIR REE: OMAHA, Fill DAY, DEOKMBrcil 1. 1011.
Council Bluffs
Minor Mention
The Council Bluffs Office of
The Otnati lice is at t
Scott Street. Telephone 43.
Davla, drugs.
Lefrert's, opticians.
H. Borwick for wall pnper.
CorrlRana. uncle: taker. Phonrs 111
Genuine Victioa, 13. A. H-sie Co,
For authority en a otic se Uf.'ert.
FA....T BEKU AT rUKilitlo Ut.'KFBT.
Woodrlng l.'nde. taking Co. V i. ..!.
Lewis Cutler, riifcto:. i h no M.
Bvery Victor rtcoid In tUelt A.
Hoape Co.
Lik Sanitary roaswr. ll.Ti.' :.0, J2.25.
12-60. I. C. DeVol H-'w. Co.
Express and bngia?- delivrry. Phone
it 671 Bell, Ind. 2c i. f. Tulk.
Time now to ordr you.- ncv b.ioks for
the new year. Morehouse Co.
Special grift rale Thinksslvli it week,
fee our window. Fauble Art Shop.
Thanksa-tvlng wlnea and linuns. L.
Rosen f eld Liquor Co., 019 So. Main.
Eyes tested and gasse fitted. Luff cits,
registered opticlana, Su2 Bioudway.
Miaa Arkwrlght china aalo, 604 MjntHer
St., Saturday, December i and 9.
Bpeclal Thanksgiving dinner served to
day at Tony Gundrain's Cafe, 17 and 19
S. 6th St
Perfection Oil Heaters, iXffl and -IS; no
moke, no smell and always reauy. P. C
Da Vol Hdw. Co.. 604 Broadway.
You can ret anything in the line of
ji.Trr.nrs ior tne Thatikgglvlng table at
Leffert s. 603 Broadway.
rMr. and Mra. William Roper. Jr., and
lias Cecil Kleher left last evening for
'f Moines to apend Thanksgiving with
a, ivnui.
If you want WINDOW GLASS ca'l Bell
fhone 699, Bluff City Glass and Mirror
Works. 167H West Broadway. We make
at specially 01 liLiAZINU at low prices,
household goods, horses, cattle and all
chattel securities at a big diecaunt of the
tisual rates. Office over J30 West Broad
The Woman's Relief enrrM will meef
tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at Grand
Army hall for the nnnml AltrHnn of
officers. Ail membera are requested to
w preaeni.
Upon application of the guardian of
ana r.stner Hunt, minors, C. M.
ISlcholSOn. I . T Alh.i-t mA Infin T17
Bates were appointed by Judge Arthur
In the district court yesterday to ap
praise a large number of lota and some
tarm tanas Delonglng to the estato
Overcoats lit. th.. ..
k shabby unless they are kept cleaned
and pressed. A nicely cleaned and pressed
overcoat makes the public think more of
ruu. ma expense Is bmall and It pays
eena your overcoat to the Bluff City
laundry, cleaners and dyers: phones 314.
At the regular conclave of Ivanhoe com-
Kandry No. 17, Kn.ghU Templar, the fol
wlng officers for the next Templar year
were elected: Commander, F. S. Gray;
generalissimo, 1. M. Walcutt; captain
siieru, u. j. esquires; senior warden,
K, H. Williams: lunlnr wanl.n v u
Richardson; prelate, O. W. Slpe; treas
urer. T. -I Pln ' r.nrHn. 1 L.-v.... - .
- --' " ...... .v,w,un4 UVVI1Q J L.
Jackson; directors Masonic Temple asso
ciation, V. Jennings and C. E. Walters.
Jens Petersen, one of the heirs and a
wan oi me is reteisjn, a wealthy farmer
who died recently, yesterday applied to
the district court- to have his mother,
Klrsten Peterson, removed from the posi
tion of administratrix of the estate, a
position to which she was appointed and
w sne nao. quaiinea by filing
Monu iur ine application was
made upon the ground that the mother
too old and not otherwise qualified
to discharge the difficult duties of the
Position, that she wu unshU ,n en,., u
the English language and Incapable of
comprehending Uie important character
imr amies, mat matters requiring
executive Judgment and business ahiiiti
were now pending and being neglected
and the general interests of the estate
were suffering. He asks that the cldeut
on, Niels Peterson of YVeaton. be named
rrea .oener yesterday began a suit
Bvtwiai ma nurnngion railroad as cua.
oman or the relief and benefit fund
iiiibiiicu oy me company as a nroteo
lion Ul Its limtl nVPM 11 aii.ul u
Kneller states In- hi. naiumn .i.u. i
been employed at the Burlington shops
at Haveiock. Neb., for a number of
I;- ajiu mere nau laKen from lit pay
eacn montn the bum of 75 cents for this
benefit fund. This had continued until
he had paid in tS7.7o. The rules of the
fund provlae that In case of accident the
beneficiary should receive W cents a day
after as Ions: as the, riin Kiiir n...i...i
On December 4, lJOti, Koeiler sufiered an
. ' vauwnj l J I (3 IUHS Ol nlS
right eye ana he was completely Incapaci
tated irom resuming his former employ
f"': H y there is now due him
under the provisions of the relief fund
i.he Sr.,01 i1-9 and BJ,k Judsment for
It. Koeiler had Drevlnnaiv hou-i.n - .....
fHalinV the cumPny for uaniages for
Dr. Eugene May of Washington, D. C
ivini lecturer, orator, author and
tiaveler, will lecture to men at the Young
Wen a christian association tiyinnaslum
ouuumy auurnoon at o'cutk. Tins
lecture will be tree to ail men. Dr. May
has been In every nook and corner ot um
world, nas crossed tho ocean many times
nKtiuuui lame as a traveler
capiorer, mountain climber, wrtier and
i m.u im m. ucutiinpuaned lecturur.
. Y","wu ,ne Kreatest mounta:
... u" u" i?na masi"-ed the mighty
llatterhorn. rew excel him In breaatn
of survey and wonderful power ot Ue
crlptlon. He was one of Uie first bl
cyclera to tour tne Yellowbtono upon a
wheel. He was the last inde;,.nueni
traveler to return from Cuba lust ure
vicrus to our war with .Spain, which gave
him great prominence at the time anu
arew him to the White House in consulta
tion with i President, McKlnley. His aub
- Ject Sunday atternoon will be "Hterve
ower: Ihe Stcret ot a Baccesjful Lite"
it la glowing with iiiuauauonj oi the
-highest order.
Measurements were taken yesterday In
preparation of the plans lor the new con
crete bridge ordered by the city council
.cross Inuian creek at Worth Alain street,
lhe measurements were bulut inaue by
Assistant City tiiglneer Cook and Lee
Hough. Engineer otnusi.n um do the re
mainder of tne work, and expecti to have
i euuiniasiuu to the council at
an early date. Wlta tne execpti u ot the
unusual length of the reta ntng wuils the
plans will be pracjLicaiiy a duplicate of
those used for the construction ot the
Benton street bridge, which Is admitted
to be the bent on tne creek. The retain
ing walls will extend from the abutments
supporting the foundation t,l the central
ftre station to coi.ncct with those sus
taining the Mynsler sueet crossing, the
first attempt at partial concrete, construction.-
wi of the new walla wul be about
feet long and the other more than luu
feet With the completion of tho lung
retaining wall now in proctsa of con
struction by tne Benos, permanent walls
will be Constructed on th, ajian aide oi
the creek for a distance of ihrue blocks
and nuue than a Uock on tne north side.
N. T. Plumbing co. let. i. Nignt L-ITui
" 'Marring; Licenses,
Marriage licenses were Uued yesterday
to the fullowing. persona:
Nam and Address. Age
Chailea Lee, CouiicU Bluffs z,
Ida, U. Baker. Council Bluffs u
j comma w. avnueu, r remont. reo &
ceaona juou, (Temonl, Neb fi
n. j. airaaan. Macedonia, la xs
name b tortus, atacauona, la 1.
Klmar Deltchlar, Dumfjiea, 1. ?t
Ida afama, nurar Cit. la. it
H. T. Hlrt, Onunctl Uiurts j
Myrtle auk. Cuunc 1 Bluffs 21
Thomu P. Qreen, Dumfries, la Sb
nuu as. i.-eyer, xuuane, la m
J. E. Vanderlip, Bonnet. Neb a
denote lutlar, Hernial. Neb u
Caell H!fta rr4a- Mark.
The followtg quatations showing price
paid to produoers are corrected daily by
Wilaas r, a a ghata-.., foi
yubilcat'en In Y5 Jfte;
COi.l. 14. 3 -4' i . ., - Vi,;;
aktr, .'.ir..o ).:.., li . tTJfl, Sl.iawsf
i..M Kmc wu; ina u,
Has Uau.
What Our School Children Are Doing-I.
i .' in I b ..
o..u.' oi.u o.. u itec etaxf 1'h .ct.iui'
Women Take Hand
in Beautif ication of
Old Indian Creek
The Civic Improvement league, an or-
ganltatlon of Council Bluffs women de
signed to do something toward arousing
a sentiment favorable to the beautifying
of the city, has decided to give a rather
unique entertainment at the high school
auditorium on Monday night. A small
admittance fee will be charged, designed
to form a fund that will be a nucleus
for a large aggregation of capital to be
used In furthering the work. In prepara
tion for the work those Interested In the
league, and all other women who have a
detlre to promote the purpose of the or
ganization, are requested to meet at the
home of Mrs. Clarence Hafer on Franklin
avenue tomorrow afternoon to dlscuaa
plans and form new ones. Such women
as Mrs. D. W. Bushnell and Mra. Mont
gomery are aiding In th formation of the
One ot the definite purposes Is to begin
a relentless campaign for the bcautifica-
tion of Indian creek. Inspiration for
this movement has been furnished by
Mrs. Jonas, wife of Dr. Jonas, of Omaha
who has described to the Council Bluff
women a beautiful stream in Madeira,
which sho sow while on a pleasure trip
to EurODe. It was originally almoat a
physical counterpart of Indian creek and,
as Indian creek is now, waa at one time
the receptacle for all sorts of refuse.
Clvlo pride and Intelligence rescued it
and redeemed It, changed Its unslghtll
ness into conditions of real beauty. Ar
tiBtlo bridges spanned It wherever neces
sary and Its banks were converted into
flower gardens or hidden by creeping
vines. This organization of women will
undertake to educate the people, erpectally
the women living along the creek
banks, into the knowledge that old tin
cans, discarded mattresses and general
household refuse are not pretty things
for a lining of the creek banks. They
believe If the sympathetic Interest of
every woman whose home Is near the
creek can be aroused, definite Results will
be achieved. Back of this , simple anu
practical plan, which will be applied to
all of the streets as well as the trouble
some stream, is the larger purpose of
procuring permanent improvements of an
artistic character.
For the entertainment Monday night a
pretty little program has been provided
with these numbers: .
Piano Duet
Mrs. R. L. Smith and Mies Norgaard.
Reading Sacrifice of Sidney Carton,
from the " Tale of Two Cities."
Miss Aethol Buszard of Cowden, III.
Violin Eolo Hungarian alra
Mrs. O. U. Towne.
Readlng-The Carrying Away of Leeks
and Mrs. A.eahlne
Miss Buzzard. ;
Piano Puet 1
Mrs. Smith and Miss Norgaard.
' The leading feature of the program will
be a one-act farce under the supervision
of a-isb Lillian Fitch, with Myron Van
Brunt taking the leading part. i la en
titled "A Case of Suspension," and Is ex
ceedingly funny.
Ernest E. Hart has received an Invita
tion from President Taft to dine at. the
White Houso on the evening of December
11. On that occasion President. Taft will
entertain tho members of tho' National
Republican committee, and In the brilliant
crowd Mr. Hart will represent' tne repub.
llcan state of Iowa.
Tho dinner to be given by the presl
dent to the national committeemen Is
one of tho Important political events 'of
the year with an Influence upon the ap
proachlng presidential contact. Mr. Hart
Is due for reappointment for th fourth
time. " There may be other applicants
but Mr. Hart is the choice of th body
and brains of Iowa republicanism. Tne
only opposition has been stirred up by a
coterie of politicians In Des Moines,
closely associated with, if not directed
from the attorney general s office.
Mr. Hart will leave ifcr the east on Fri
day, going direct to Boston and caring for
some important business matters Defor
going to Washington.
A suit, claiming damages to the amount
of 130.000 waa yenterday begun in tne cna.
trlct court by' J. w". West, father of
Willie West. Oi -year old boy who lost
his right leg byl falling under the wheels
hile trying to .climb upon a car or sana
m a long train that was slowly moving
along the First avenue tracK near tne
boy's home, at Twenty-fifth street. The
accident occurred last Thursday and the
illtle sufferer is still In Mercy hospital.
Th track is ud by several roada and
s Jointly owned by them, but th train
fhlch oaused th accident belonged to
be Northwestern company. Th lltU
'now waa playing with a number of
jther children, boys older than himself.
nd wben a number of them climbed upon
.lie moving train h attempted to follow
and fall across th rail.
Lots of Poaltry.
Toultry Is cheap. Hundreds of turkeys.
rrese. ducks, chickens, etc, now ln stock,
dressed to your order. J. Zoller Mere
Co.. th Big Uptown Stor. lw-li-m-10
Broadway. 'Phones 830.
arfeaiflvvt rl '
1 nanltklv;ntj evninrr,
tmm Uas
Noveuirxr .
"Vjr--r j
f t' )
bers and friends,
Admission, BO cents a
Real Rstate Transfers.
Real estate transfers as reported to The
Bee November 29 by the Pottawattamie
County Abstract company of Council
A. S. Hazelton and wire to W. 8.
Mayne. part sH ne anil ne4 se1
80-70-43 part n' seU 21-75-43. qcd. . .$11,000
Vil la M. Carrigan and James H.
Carrlgan to The Benjamin Co.,
lot 4 In blk. Zl, lyrusun s aaa. to
Council BluffB. wd
Patrick I O'Brien and wife to
Louisa K. and t red llaracn lot
1 in blk. 9 in Squlre'a Add. to
Council Bluffs, wd
Mallnda E. O'Brien and husband to
Louisa K. and Fred Ilarwh. lot
2 In blk. 9 In Squires' Add. to
Council Bluffs, wd
Grant Pilling and wife to J. K.
Annls, part elUO ft. or out lot 5 In
Macedonia, la. wd
Ernest H. Hart and wife to W. S.
Mayne, lot 10 In Swan block and
seU BoV of SO-76-44. ocd
Joseph Knotts and Alice Knotus to
James E. Knotts, part lot 1 and
lot 2 In blk 3, Mynster's Add. to
Council Bluffs, wd
J, W. Squire and wife to H. Bor-
wlck, lot 11 In blk 8 In Street s
Add. to Council Blurfs. wd
L. L. Poston and wife to 11. Bor
wlck, lot 11 In blk I Harrison
Street Add. to Council Bluffs, wd.
Nine transfers, total....
J.. 114.453
Filings. tlons.
Totals for November. 1H10..142 I1C9.9X9.41
Totals for November. 1911.. 143
DES MOINES. Nov. 80. Ministers
night," for the Midwestern Bowling tour
rament, which, opens here Saturday, was
today designated for Wednesday, Decem
ber 6, by President George Strots of the
association. The City Ministerial Asso
ciation recently adopted a resolution en
dorsing the tournament and the members
have signified their intention of attending
in a body.
Saturday night has been scheduled as
"St. Louis night." as ten teams tem the
Mound City are expected to arrive during
the day. Chicago night" will be December
nd Omaha night December 9.
The entries for the tournament have
urpasaed expectations, seventy-five five-
men teams having signified thelc Inten
tion of participating in tha tournament.
MUSCATINE, la., Nov. 30. Sheriff
Vanatta today donled reports said to
have been sent out from here by union
labor leaders that womon and children
had been clubbed during disturbances
following the murder ot Patrolman
Gerischer Saturday night.
Union labor leaders today were en
deavoring to ascertain whether, under the
law, they had a right to picaet tne
button factories. It was the denial of
this right which led to the present aoute
condition. There were no disturbances
Iowa News Notes.
AVOCA Bv direction of Sheriff Rock,
Will Smith waa taken Into custody near
Avoca yesterday for the alleged offense
of wife desertion.
LOGAN Despite the bitter cold and
violent wind of yesterday, between 1J0
and 100 members were in attendance of
the first and second room entertainment
In the high school assembly. An aamis-
alrn fa una fhRreerl to raise a fund fur
the purchase of additional books for the
r hhston Word was received here
yesterday of the very sudden and un-
enru'Ctori rinnth nf Airs. R. Q. Klrkuatrlck
of Fairfield, the waa the mother of
Mi- M I'V ninrk of this c tv ana naa
visited ncre many times and was quite
well known to C'reston people. No par
ticulars wre given in th message as to
the cause of death.
MBBHTyviIiLK-Mrs. Beniamln New
man of Libertyvlile broke down and ro-
fused to prosecute her husbana wnen ne
was brought into a juxtlce court here to
l irlvon a hearlnsr on wife desertion
and Newman was Immediately released.
He had been brought back from Hum
water, Kan.!., with Elizabeth cocnian,
un alleged former Inmate of Fort Madi
son. LOGAN Sheriff Rock. In compliance
with th reauest of the mother of Lee
Jenderson, who left his home near Logan
lust July, is now matting an enon iu
locate the missing lad. So far as known
the boy left home without cause and- up
to the present time, notning nas oecn
hoard from him. He is described as a
huw Km 11 1 hnv welichlnaT about 1A)
pounds, 13 year a of age; height a feet and
4 Indies; hair brown, eyea brown. A
special requext is being made for infor
mation leading to the location of the boy.
LOGAN The domestic science class of
the Methodist church of Logan will par
ticipate in a cooking contest here Friday,
Deoember s. Susie T. Faith, County
superintendent Mrs. J. E. Van Scoy, and
Mrs. ii. b. oarsman win oe inn juujc
Instead of sailing the products of the
conteat, aa on previous occasions, tney
will be servea along witn not coiiee aiuu
.nh.r rvfriuhmrnll to tie furnished by
the Ladles' Aid society and eaten by the
members of the church at a social gamer-
inir on tha KVellillBT of th tOhteBt- Cer-
tificatea will be awarded thoae winning
first, second and third honors.
WEST LI B L.RTY At the age of 93
yeais. Jonathan Pringey, the Oldest man
In Muacatine county, is dead at hia
borne here. He had lived her for uti
latri. coming from Somerset county
t'-rinxvlvKnlu. In IS 15. Fifteen years
auto, believing that his earthly days
. ur. f.w. ha retired from farm
life and at that time put aside
ten 110 gold piece to be usod for his
funeral expenses with the provision that
the money be used as elated. He waa
quit wealthy. All his brothers and sta-
IIvaH tn caaa th age of 70 and be
was Uie youngest of th thirteen brothers
and sisters.
If you - Lav young children you have
perhaps noticed thai disorders of th
stomach ar their most common ailment.
To correct this you win find Chamber
lain's btomaob and Uver Tablet excel,
lant. Tbey ar easy and pleasant t
taka, and mild and g'jntl la effect. For
sal by all deaioia
Twsratcnt Ad;etfctnI Al law Bul to
r-. ,"" ..
StAt. Bnnrrl of Parole ComvletM
State Board Or -Or0ie LOIUpieie.
worK ior lerni
Board o. Its Ow Motlo. Parole.
Flfy-For Prisoners from Fort
Madison and Anamosa '
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Nov. 30. (Special.) The
State Board of Parole practically com'
ot th. October term today
any recommendations as
plcted the work
without making
to "Bill" Richards, former "United States
marshal. During the time the board has
" nrfa.lnn. of elem.
anrv In rinvrnnr Parroll. Tha Rioharda I
case Is not among the recommendation
Kealrte. these reoommendations lor
nmn.irv th. board of Its own motion
haa namiml fiftv-four nrisonera from Fort
Madison and Anamosa, I
C rookedness In Police Circle. I
Chief of Police Day is making an In-
vesilgatlon of what he believes to be I
case of attempt at railroading arrested
persons tnrougn jail ana out again on
charges lighter than they should bear,
His night men caused the arrest ot two
persons for robbing a third and claim
that they were eyewitnesses to tha rob
oTJobberV waT changed to drunk.nnea.
and the three men were given like sen
tences of three days each without the
witness to the case being consulted. It
i .k. .ui. a. tkin. ha I
been going on In police circles under th
old regime.
PreDnrlna New Yards.
Tha Bock island railroad Is engaged In
i i ir..
Des Moines and the construction ot new
yards for use next year when th new
north and south service Is started. The
entrinanv mirc.ha.HMl a. laree tract of land.
Including a bayou known aa Dan lake,
and this is being filled and new tracks
. . . . . . l. - , i
lrom A,,erton on the Kansa city branch
and the Mason City line which waa pur-
chased. ' ' . '
Dos MoJne. Coal Cmmm.t ,
Th railroad commission today eom-
pleted tha work of hearing th case ol
th Des Motaes Coal company against
the Great Western Railway company In
relation to switching charges In Des
Moines from th siding at Burch to th
Industries of th city. The coal company
. ........ . .
maaes tne point mat mere is aiacnmina-
tion in that a leas charge la mad for
hauling cars loaded with oeroent from th
aame siding than for coal. Th company
has presented a strong case showing that
under the new Iowa law the commission
cannot define a switching service nor tlx
the charge therefor,
II . I. w 1 ' me .1 mm . ma.ia.aa
A real live baby waa used as an illuaM
ration of a our before th Polk County
Medical association at th Savory last
night. Dr. W. K. Baker talked on the
subject of hemophlllia and exhibited the
child aa Illustration of a cure effected by
treatment with blood serum.
Want Hate Fixed.
Manufacturers and Jobbers of furniture
and mattresses held an Informal meeting
here and decided to Indorse a universal
coot system, a universal freight classifies -
tion of furniture and the establishment
of a sone around Des Moines to fix
swuciung cnarges.
Labor Commissioner Van Duyn will go
to Muscatine tomorrow to do what he
can to aid In settlement of th labor
troubles. A. L. Urlck, president of th
atate federation of labor, Is there and
reports that while the situation Is quiet
there Is great danger as ther are 3,000
employes out on strike and they are re-
sentful of the Interference from the out-I
Standpat Editor
Becomes Minister
MASON CITY. Ia., Nov. 30. (Special
ii Mavn.. ...n,in.t
..i d . "T
of tha Emmettsburg
a iiwi um Dean
appointed by Presiding Elder Symlle as
pastor of the Methodist church at Liver-
more and h haa accepted the work.
Mayns was a candidate for congress last
year against Congressman wood.
Al I Hnft5 THIVT 4RF flPFFRFnl
CINCINNATI. O. Nov. M.-BoenlaJ
Telegram.)-Prtc Current says ther has
been continued actlv movement ot hogs
Into markata which have been abaorbad
by operating plants without much yield-
Ina- in Dries, which wera well maintained
until. late lu th week now ended. Total
weatern slaughtering aggregate T7&,0tv
hoira comt.arert with 71 ouo th. nr.edina
week and 60.000 two week. ago. For th.
maa A.A iVkl a4 tau nau ata. as aa flC itfk . .
, : , . . ' ""', '
from November 1, total 1,770.000, against
1.MO000 a year ago, an Increase of 830.000
hoa-s. The oualltv of current marketlnca
does not IndUat deterioration, but ln,
. , .. . .J
averaia tit wciiiiia cunuDuaa tower maul
a year ago, probably I to 10 per cent.
Prominent plaoes compare aa follows.
from November 1 to November 29
...140 tJ0
5 M 1 1 ' i , af V ,
Kanaaa City ..,
bouth Omaha .
Ht. Louia
1-C Joaeph .....
lndlanapolla ....
Cincinnati ,
Ollumwa. Ia.
Cedar Rapids,
Floui fit, U.
Kt. Paul
... .175.000
.... N.0n0
.... 4;. OKI
.... ii UOU
.... U
.... .
.... U,ai
if, 000
'.Cewspaper ilen LiiterUinel by!
Uaited Uorkmtn.
Mrmti.-ra of Oraler o Pleased 1
I bis Outcome, 'I key Play Host
la the Prcaa Policemen
Have 1111.
The members of lodge No. i. Amicnt
Order vt I'nited Workman, untei tamed
at their hall in honor ol I ho local pl ena
represt n.navea lat n.tfhl.
Clergymen, lawyeia, ili u laus, men-
chants and n.vinbers of every craft n the
city attended and untied In making tne
evening a eplendid tribute to tho inuxn
bors of the local newiioper lraiern.ty.
The i.cialot. wt the celebration waa the
JuMlullun felt by the lodge over the final
payment on the dobt upon , tholr new
tempie at Twenty-fifth and N streeta. It
was felt by the members that the micoess
of the work was In grwat part dua to the
men who rcpreaentod the different papers
In which the Ancient Order of Ln.ted
Workmen has always found kindly ety
"r"" V"" , ..,, .....
Tho aimukma inrludad the former ana
. hj nn.i
1'iesent reoresentatlves of the Omaha unn
6outh Omaha papera Of these coionei
II. c. Itichmond, Doo Tanner, Bruce .vio
Cul,u'ch M""eld t'tained
AudlMlce wUn reinlnUicenses of the
days when they gathered news In the
Maglo City E, O. Mayfleld painted tne
"shu and shadows of newspaper life
n.i wun much aDnlause by his witty
I i ... . i i .... . I . n Urtlcli MO. I
.n.i .. . ,1 ' , Z
lighted the lodge and visitors, while DoojtUa own use
Tanner and Colonel Richmond brought
out points ot the Journalistic gam for
the benefit and education of the hearers.
Th feature of th evening was ineifuUU-
clrculatton of an extra paper gouen ui
by th present members of th local tr.
h.Bd. comoos
tion, th "itabo" band, compoaea exctu
. " I" .:".: ' .., ,h. .
uonai ana popular aim.
.mi i. - Ktf r? C
mnt)Tt c. C. Bchkmp. J. McKenna and
i.v. T..b.l.b i
- m.a4 r Jim Rmlth. E. O.
u..n i r-.ri.u an niit Ruthnrland and
solo' by Bert Tanner were numbers of
the musical program.
p.iin.mmi'i Hall.
j,,,,,, ,,,. i,nrtred neoDle Joined In
,ne merry walu last night a th Ex-
h building wher the pollc gave
tneir iiiteentn annual uu. I
The room waa decorated with flower
and bunting and the fun was fast and
furloua. For th nonce the blue coata put
oft their official dignity and i ntertalnd
their guests with a whole hearted spirit
that mad the evening
Th Kali whlrh hu been exclusively
In charge of the department. Is given for
the benefit of th police department and
tor weeks past each officer of th force
I has bent his best efforts towards maaing
i i. -
Chief ot Police John Brlggs. who was
unable to b present, owing to illness In
hia familv. allowed every man to attend
I . v. - V.. 1 1 tnw a raw tnlntltaa at laast.
Th- following Is th list of th oonv
,, ,a nffioera in charge ot the
r t T,.in. T T Pvin. I
I i,aii. Joa Plvonka.
Master oi ceremonies jonn ui
0,t ??."0'.-r-hi.e n...tiv.. t.
w iu,hn. caDtaln.Dworak. John Ze -
loudek. Andy Mouuire, capuun n. iws-
I , r. ,. mii mum
I Kruger, Henry Carey, John Qaughn.
Door Joseph Diaak, Phil Croaby, An -
1" Smith, John Lashen. Thoma,
I QUlnn. Joaeph Ballew, James Grace. M.
I 7 - I -lnllAa,L TntlV tsLnntt
i J. torooran, jonu i
Javoob BnJlL
eatm sv Weapon.
John Chunen of 183 South Nineteenth
street fell Wednesday morning at i
o'clock and drove the stem ot his pip
through th roof of his mouth within
an inch of his eye.
Chunen at th time of the aocldent was
. . .ith pvank AT a rarharlt of
,un. ,xr ...... Th. two ware oroceedln.
, . r, wh. chunen missea
hl footmf ,n front 0f BJche's saloon al
Twenty-fourth and N streets. In falling
theplp which h had In his moutn, was
driven with such lore mat n peneiraieu
the roof of his mouth and his cheek.
Th. intured man was taken to th of fit'
I , nnr a h. Koenla. who extracted
Mvera pieces of th broken stem. Chu-
w.. .en, t0 his home.
I nr.. namaratnaa.
I Thank .-ivin- day will mark th lay.
. th. rnmerstona of the new colored
H.,,.iat church at Twenty-ninth and T
Lir. For th occasion the colored peo-
Lle 0 th congregation hav labored to
hav a number of notables present In -
eluding Mayors P. J. Tralnor of South
I Omaha and James C. Dahlman of Omaha.
a number of out-of-town ministers are
expected and a number of colored lodge
will b represented.
Rev. It. Quarrells, th pastor, will be
la charge of th work.
Ektgl Nominations.
Tuesday night was nomination night
at Aerie No. 1M, Fraternal Order ot
Eagles. The following candidates were
nominated for office to serve during th
ensuing year:
J. P. Donahy and P. J. Barrett, worthy
presidents; Char es Altstadt. worthy vice
prea.dt.-nt; Charles u. waters, worthy
I chaplain; t. cnnsiiansen.
aecretai ,
M. P. Urennan, treasurer; J. A. Parks,
F. C. Moore, Matt McDermott- J. B. 'or-
j"pn; trutsW tihri to Lt riT.
jamea Cunningham, Inald guard; J. A.
I McC arthy, outside guard; Drs. w. M.
Davis, J. J. iiumpui ana cawara A.
ZawarsWI, aerl physicians.
Deaf and Dank Man nobbed.
While Paul Randolph a deaf and dumb
man, was sunn ma ruum in aire.
J. J. L'OItman a apunmeni nouae, ZB1U
N street, a burglar entered the place and
looted it of clothing and other article,.
valued at fVD,
Th burglar entered the place by mean.
h ten key and after having ransacker
lh rMt of th h?u" coolr ntered the
room w,'r- w"0"'!;" to havu
oen reeling. Randolph was unable to
the the thief eaoeO.
Fran Doiex-I la confined to his homo
b mm,,,. mi
Th city offices will b closed today. It
being a legal holiday.
O, 8. Concannon has bought fh sulphur
bath house opposit in postottic.
Mra. Parry Clark, who waa In lured In
a runaway last week, Is still confined to
her bed as a result of the accident.
'PhoneB)Il South t6 Independent F-186
for a case of JetlerUold Tup. Prompt de
livery to any part of city. William Jetter
Walter Brown, Ivor Oats. Rlgtn Davis
anrt Jnhn Hall were arrested yesterday
K"'iX) evening and charged with being sus
ii piclous characters.
J0 John Chess father-in-law of Chlaf of
Pollc jonn urigga. ia crtuoaiiy 111. ma
age makes his recovery vary doubtful.
Mr. Chess is veteran or tne civil war.
I The funeral nf Rudolph Greenagras.
1 who ded reaterday morning will tat held
Frfda afteinxm at t o'clock train hia
v. Mr ycl a. fer officiating. Interment
III be in Laurel Hill cvmetery.
mm waa arioste-1 taut evening
(ffln'is '0ibk ana .Scott on a
hut Kb of canvliia conceited
( :MU gi lil.-i.ilCKA was booked aa com- wunvsii.
. ptuinnin and son Clarence
it. I M s. W C. Wtiiier will leave this
i.i' u. i; tor Mlndn, la., WDars tnejr
nix ml l ho lhankaglving nonuays
w.,h relatives.
I ho women of the First Methodist
i htii oh will hold a basar Frlda anJ
la uiday of th a week and nerve an
o.vsiet lunch l' noon at IX North
lwei.ty fourth slreet.
A union merlins of the Protestant
c'tirchis of South Omaha will be held
ii x buiulay evnun at the F.ret Proaby
1. 1 lan church. A number oi distinguished
uictuiisn will be present.
The Proteitaru chuivhee of South
uha will hol.l a union Vhanksglvlng
.rir at St Luke a Lutheran ciiurch at
li' .O o ciock this morning. Kev. t
u, Hy. ta.tor ot the iiaptlt churoh, wil
occupy tne puipiu
Eellevue Closes
Till Next Tuesday
Believue college closed for this Thanks
giving recevs at noon Wednesday - and
will resume work next Tuesday morn
ing. The students will very generally
spend the holiday's at their homes, or
with nearby friends, although a few will
lemaln In Believue,
Mliis Eunice Woodhull of Winnebago,
Nebv a young woman of Indian blood
! tntered the sophomore cla.a She
Previously In a college In Missouri.
Ml Adslt, dean of women. Is spending
uie i.aanasgiving recess wun ner sister
.n Topeka.
Pruf. Ha
imllton, who Is buying three
nf th Plai-ka Inta nrnnnuia kullj4
Mr. Kelley of Omaha has bought I
tract In Believue from Mrs. Marie Mar
lln and wUJ Dul)ri a residence In th near
Mro ohman and family, formerly of
Pllgar. Neb., ar bow settled In their
new horn In Believue,
Mm. Carolina Sanborn, a prominent
resident ot Springfield, Neb., haa an
"esa nr intention to purchase lota
. Ulld In Bellsvu.
Tin truateea of th college have placed
l" tt hn,u ff c- M- Wllhelm and Oaoar
i... n.r oeuevue, me sal
w lrom Proceeas or which
"r building Is to be ereoted nt aura'
n. Mr. Kayser. who Is' th active
agnt. reports good prospects for the
rapid sal of this real estate.
11 esident Btookey and Miss Graham en
torlalned th foot ball aquad and coaches
"" munuay.
ttt i m m
VV lCKfirSnfliTTl KiRTillPQ
V Ir'"v'"s'
to Balcony Voices
NEW YORK, Nov. 30.-A voloe from
th balcony at th conclusion of an ad
' Aiiorney uenerai ueonre w
m a . .
wii.kershanv In the auditorium of the
Bid Young Men's Christian aasoola-
out: --win tne Sher-
-" r repea.ear-
i -"" """'I iiauaea Decor re
P'SW- I am neither a prophet nor the
w vrupnei.
I uu mppiaus greeted th dec
.' out: uo you think
lnal n"Jin or abolishing th 'hold
I lna nnmnanv auMtAn. .. i , . .
i ' - .ui w uuiu reiiev trust
I In my opinion." said Mr. Wlnk.r.h.r.,
in noiaing company' system Is tha
Itreateat nmy to th destruction of
1 monopoly gver devised by tha wit
man. -
Another vole: "Does th attorney an
vX think competition will b restored r
1 "Yes."
"Do you think th same conditions 'win
I sxutt under thes conditions as ar, n0.
I lllUaikla. Sa J.
i u.nUiV 1
"I hop not. That will deoend at..
vigllanc of our friends."
Suffragettes Stop
Speech of .Premier
LONDON, Nov. 10. Suffragettes In pur-
uanc of th policy of militant tactics r.
oently revived, Invaded th city temDle
tonight and by noisy Interruptions pre-
" .ir .quua irom oenverlng
-vw. -uii. n premiar.
i , " ' w jT "
I " " soon as Mr. As-
Qulth mounted th rostrum. Scores ot
I wo"1" greeted him with cries of, "Votes
'or women." On of their number
I chained herself to a pillar and was re
I moved only after , violent struggle, dur
I " which the audience waa In an uproar.
I va.nijr mKcuonaia, tn labor
leader, who spoke after Mr. Asqulth had
I lett, described th scene as an Insult to
1 th prim minister and a degradation to
I Bngusn puoiio ur. o
The Best Known Office Building in Omaha.
There is great advantage ' in being in a
building which people can find easily. No
building in Omaha, or as a matter of fact, in the
entire west, is as well known as
The Bee Bmildiiug
Every man, woman and child in Omaha
( knows where it is and everyone who has ever
been here knows how to find it This is only one
of tho many advantages in having an office in
Sooit, MO Is a choice corner oftlc having a north and west exposure,
making this a pat attractive at any aeaaon of tne year, on account
of good light and ventilation. W will arrange tula apace, luxt.
eultabl for tenant, and ther being a vault In th room, it affords
lira protection for valuables Kent i-er month 940.00
Soon. 416 Has a south and wast axposur which makaa a well lighted
oirK. 13 H x20 H feet In alia W ar only aaking 1H0 a square foot
for this space which is very cheap rent, considering location and ail
conveniences furnished by The Ie Bulldiug. prlc. per month, lB.oo
fcoem Bit Don't pay for deak room spac whan you can rant a private
office for tii sain amount. This room is 1x14, baa a large window
on tii court, affording plenty of light and ventiiaUou. Price per
month 910.0 J
rem 840 "Six txll-f, having a frame and glass partition across center
of room making two good s aed office with vry convenience, anil
th rental pile only, per month 910.00
Boom 401 This room I located near th elevator and has a total of 1
aHiuar feet of floor apace, t
location Is convenient. Itental,
Bcoa 407 Is 11x11 feet and haa two larg windows on th court
Itsutal prlc, per n.onth 917.M
,Bee Easiness Office. 17th and Famam Stv
Mrs. Cornish Gives
Moro Money to Bo
Used at Carter Lako
Mra Sellna C. Cornish stated In com
munication read before the park commis
sioners at their meeting yesterday even
ing that If the commissioners would ap
propriate )i.0o0 ot the $10,000 donated by
the city for the purchase ot a dipper
dredge sh would give not to xced 110,00
to Increase tho amount, so that It would
be sufficient for the purchase. Th board
accepted her proposition.
The dredge will be used at Levi Carter
lake and will nlso be used by Mrs. Cor
nish to Improve the grounds on the Iowa
side of the lake, controlled by her.
Bids will be advertised for and opened
on December 27. The property whlrh will
be Improved by the use of the dredge
on the Iowa side, Mrs. Comlsh says.
really belongs In the Levi Carter park
beautifying scheme.
President Rom Miller of the board
brought up for discussion the appraise
ment of the corner property at Eleventh
and Danrroft and Nineteenth and Ohio
atreeta. The appraisement waa consid
ered too high by the council and rejected.
It was the opinion of the Park board that
the present course of the street makes
It very dangerous. Mr. Cornish said he
would not let the matter drop and will
keep agitating It until definite action
toward Improvement Is taken.
Joe Redmond. In a letter to the board,
nonnested that the stones from th old
court house Jrtilldlng be used In the con
struction of a pavilion at Levi Carter
park. No action resulted from th sug
gestion. Accumulated bills were read and al
lowed. On bill was for repairs and
maintenance of the' Cadlllao automobile
used by the commissioners. The total
cost sine It haa been used, having been
purchased In May, 1910, was (213.9a
Deadly Fright
possesses sufferers from lung trouble tilt
they learn Dr. King's New Discovery will
help them. 80o and 11.00. For gal by
Deaton Drug Co..
The key to success , euainess la th
Judicious and persistent us of newspaper .
Asthma Catarrh
gsraei'SMr tare
A rlm1, aafa ctl ttlat fof Sra
cklal tnMikiM, wlikasl iotttg tka ataatsck uk
4ren. Um4 wltk uccaw l tklny yrart,
1 k air mora Krantly ntlai.tle, ImslnMi
wltk mty kraatk, sikn kruiklnf aarf. Matkaa
Iks Mia tkracl, an4 ttapi tks caa(k,aarUf nab
fl alkta, Cmstaaa la laTalsakla ta ataikan
wltk yassg ckUaraa aa4 ms la agarsn horn
ta4 at attal far s'tfHH Waklat,
Try Craaaiaaa Anil,
ataila TknMt Taklata
far taa lniiMa4 tknat.
Tsy ar lala,al
Its aa aatiaaatie. Of
f aar 4ra( (IX ar fraoi aa.
loa la auaiaa.
yf CrtMteoe Co.
41 Cerilaatt ft., N. V.
Trans-IaolXlo Dervlce Via Tanoonver, B.d
The Shortest and
Smoothest Route
Japan A China
Shortest by Six Dayt ..
and point In
Hawaii-AcstraHaNew Zehsd
Around the World Tours
Ballings, Rates and Literature on ap
plication to )
GEO. A. WALTON, 6 feral Ajtit
t4 Bonth Clark Street, CWICACTO, IX T..
his 1 a very ceairaot small ouic sna
per mouth.
, .917.60
Pacific s
. ia1 tictuiUMota vad W strw-ts.
--.-rr-Tmv. .