T1IK BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, XOVEMBKIt 30. 1911. THANKSGIVING DAY THIS STORE REMAINS CLOSED ALL DAY We tako tins opportunity to express our liearty thniiks and appreciation to the many patrons, in Omnlia, and throughout this grertt middle west, who have shared in making this the greatest season in this store's career. That you may enjoy in the greatest mea sure all th?' pleasures of Thanksgiving Day ta the wish ot- ' . ' Tit yooho wows own gToerf m wji miys U S T IB I K I ear u ur mi - - -rvrt-j - n si it M 11 . ANi V 1MB-1K0 FAAM STRTTIT KELLY'S MOTHER ON STAND Steel Trust Seeks to Show that Stock is Widely Distributed Parent of Accused Fhyiician Testi fies in His Behalf. TELLS OF ODDITY OF ACTION W ould Ilicea traaed with Fear at Mlubt Prororatlon lllol fa l, tt yer Tells of Terror Ottr rasslas; Cherk. business under the reduced prlci thed uled. So far an could be leanied, no price advanm-h In other product! are. Inmedl ately contemplated. Four Men Sentenced to Hang for Murder Are in Joking Mood . CHICAGO. Nov..- 29, Four men cn teneed to tie hanged for the murder of Trod W. Quetlow, a truck farmer, joked With each other In their cella In the county Jail today. Two othera, equally concerned In the murder, but who received life sentence! because pf their youth. Immediately Im itated their eldera, and with an ulr of bravado Joked about their luck In es raping the fallow!. The latter two are only IS year old. The othera, who ap pear to have Httle hope of escaping the rangman, range from 11 to it yeara. ' While the priioners continued their swagger, air among themielvea and be fore an occaalonal vlaltor, they quail be fore their fellow prisoner, among Whom are others to be tried for murder. . . prleoners have reeented aaaoclatlon W.. the six men and boys since tha first newspaper accounts of their brutality leached the)all. When they were re timed to their cells laat night boots and era tan through tha corridors through which Ihey pasted.' There lr considered little likelihood that rv Male will be granted. The men are v'thoot funds fend their defenae was con- --t4 by attorneys appointed by the court. ... 'ut'a'lCTlnehthe -yrsro1a aweethcart t' theVricr F;b.wkl,-who marrlag! i' to have been celebrated the n'ght 0 -ci!o w vti killed, has been hysterical ) m e hearing his aentence. PLOTNER CASE TO BE TRIED IN JANUARY M1TCHRT.L; 8. D., Nov. .-(8peclal.) The term of circuit eourt far this county- ended today alter a aeaelon of a week. "With one or two receriea. The moat interesting part of the court session was taken away when the statutory charge gainst Luther riotner and Mrs. Kate Qulnn was stmt to . Woonsoakel for trial on January Rig divorcee were granted during tha aeealon. M0imi0M f I 1 - r-- l if m a ( fal KUajy anl DIaiitr Care 00nma0M0mm0wHsmm000ki0f. become famoue on account of It re markable cures In case of kidney and bladder ailments. iet mix ounce of good pure gin and add to It one-half ounce Murai Compound and one-half ounce fluid extract Puchu. Take one to two teaaponnfula of this mixture after each meal and at bed tln.e. It quickly relieve backache, rheumatic palna In the Joints, and ntber well known symptoms which ran hardly lie mentioned here. The Ingredients ran he had nt any good drug store and are evnlly Miwl. A sure to ue good pure gin. Also make sure to use the genuine Murax Cniniound, which comna In a sealed wooden tul. an a Miibetltute will not glee the -desired results. For children. In taaof bladder weak ness, give ten to fifteen drops diluted In a little water at bed time. The real serious forma of kldnev die esse can be avoided If the above treat ment Is taken in time. Adv. READY TO EXTEND ITS LINE Iowa & Omaha Short Line Pushed to Det Moinei. SHAW MAKES ARRANGEMENTS State Hoard of Parole Completes Work of Ostober Term Without llfeomnratllag It r lief for "Illll" Richard. (From a Staff Correspondent DK3 MOINK8. Nov. .-(8peclal Tele gram.)'! he Iowa & Omaha Hliort Line, a road now connecting Council Bluffs and Treynor. Is to be extended ! le Moines, according to r. M. Hubbeli, who conferred with Leslie M. Shaw, ex governor of Iowa, yesterday regarding plans for the proposed new short line ta connect Des Moines and Omaha. Mr. Hubhell said he liad contented tu be a member of the board nt directors of the! company which will oonstruvr Its new line. O. W. Adams of Council Bluffs recently acquired the Atlantic, Northern A South ern railroad In behalf of the company which Is to build the Una to Pea Moines. Ha. la backed by Mr. Shaw, who will use enough capital to build the new line. rarole Board t'onrladee. - The State Board of Parole practically completed t.e work of tha October term today without making any recommenda tions to "BUI" Kichards, former United Btatea marshal. During the time the board has made eighteen recommenda tions of clemency to Governor 'carmll. The Richards rave Is not among tho recommendation 'Besides these recommendations for clemeiKftVthe board of Its own "nrbtlon hs ra ruled fifty-four prisoner from Fort Madison and Anamosa. " '-. (From -a Staff Correspondent.) Ij1-;H MOINES. la., Nov. .-(Hpeclal TeIegram.)-For the flrM time In the Kel ly murder trial the mother nf the defend ant told a purt of the atory of Ills life to the Jury today. She declared he was a model boy, went to Sunday school, was forward In school and graduated from Crelahton college before lie waa 21. It was after he had returned to Council filuffg to practice two yean ago that Mrs. Kelly first knew of the doctor' using lUluors. Cn one occasion the went to the Henshaw hotel In Omaha, where Kelly was In bed sick and had nothing to eat for three days. fih had him take a bath and brought Mm clean clothes and after ward he was brought ' home. He had sworn at her and accused her of coniplr 114 sgainst him. After he was got home he became aburlve and got up and went out of the house. On one occasion the mother went with him late at night to his office to get bis papers a he declared the nfflrlul of the Fades lodjre wanted his papers and would ruin him. Emll Hchuri, a Council Bluff attorney, told of being called to see Kolly and he wss nervous and excitable and talked about rome forged paper he had panned In Omaha. He said ho had passed 11,400 of It and named the Merchant! hotel and Dr. Forbes. Iater Pchurs found he had passed a check at the hotel. Kelly vm terribly excited and sure that the of ficers had surrounded the hour.-) and were after him and he begged the attorney to save him. A Urge part of the testimony of the dny related to what happened In the jail where Kelly was kept. The Jailer and otheia all Insisted Kelly was criiy for from two weeks to a month after he was brought there. Court adjourned until Friday morning with the testimony of Mrs. Kelly unfinished. NEW NORTHWESTERN SHOPS AT BOONE ARE OPENED BOONE. Ia., Nov. -(UpeolaD-The aew shops of tha Chicago A Northwest ern Railway company built the lait sum mer In this city have Just been completed and Tuesday afternoon the members of the board of dlrectois of the Boone Com mercial association, and thtlr wives, In charge of Bupeitntendent F, H. Hammlll, who waa also aocompanled by Mra. HSun mill. Tha party boarded a apeclal car at Hotel Hoist at I o'clock and In the tsetn of a driving b'.liaard, went to tha new ehopa, round houaea, yardi. coal aheda, water department, sand houses, oil build ing, rest looms, callers' offices, eto., all built new by the company thi year, at a eost or 11,000,006, The plant la complete In the extreme and tha new Northwestern yards and thai new round house are seo ond only to those In Chicago along the entire Northwestern system. These Im provements place Boone on a permanent basis and make tha Northwestern'! head quarters always In this city for the busl nesa'done In the stats of Iowa. More Improvements are now being made In the nature of transfer tracks, removing of old buildings and putting In transfer yards, etc., and more Improvements aro In score for next year, It Is said. CO I. OS CAl'MM HtGADACIIR. LAXATIVE BROMO Qulmnr. tb world wide cold and trlp remrdy removes cause. Call lor full name. Look fur sig nature .. W. UHOVK. tic. Key to the Situation-J'O'i Want Ads. e in mn n "Or if" For Christmas-a Piano No mors fitting end practical CbrUtmag rift can ba mad than ttat of a p.anu. Every lorn sboul 1 roataa a piano a good i;ano. Every homa tnteodg to bar oue wuia day. Why not unk Cir!ft r V to gt tbla Instrument gnl lloiyt tb Here at which ti b t It? ..o . -il. a,. . mere piano iepetidablHty. JIoji lil git yon greater and richer plguo tonal quality. tlovpu wl.l give you uioia for your nioney and make your tlinj Ctariatuias gift the beit that you poasluly ran buy. Here fa a Hat of high ra.de planoa ac prices wblcb are low, when tbe quality of the tcxtrutnenta Is considered. Maaoa A Harulln, Krenlrh M lUch, l.uth Lane. Cable-Xel-son. It for at Vt., iLreuilia Jk Hon, HalleUDarU and Hospe, . A.. HOSPE CO. lanch fttcrc, 407 Urondmmj, Council muffs, Iowa 1510-1513 lHJl tiLAS bTHLET, OMAHA. V., ONE NIGHT FOR MINISTERS AT BOWLING TOURNAMENT DES MOINES. Nov. 20. "Ministers' night" for the Midwestern Bowlln? tour nament, which opens here rlaturduy, was today deslnnated for Wedneuday, Iecem ber 8, by President Ooorge Stroti of the association. The City Ministerial Allo cation recently adopted a resolution en dorsing the tournament and the members have signified their Intention of attending In a body. Batuiday night has be,on scheduled as "Ft. Louts night," as ten teams from the Mound City aro expected to arrive dur'ni the day. Chicago night will be December t agd Omaha night December 9. The entries for tho tournament have surpassed expectations, stventy-flve five men teams having signified their Inten tion of participating In the tournament. bride-saved from icy , water; husband drowned 8KrX RAPIDS, Ia.,"Nov. I9.-(3peclaI.) While his brldo of only a few months ercaped death only by being rescued. William Randall was drowned here yes terday when ho and Mrs. Randall, who were skating together, broke through the Ice. Exerting himself to Save his wife, which was accomplished by the efforts of others whu law the accident, Randall so exhausted himself thut he could not drag himself from the Icy WHter. The body was recovered soon afterwards. Mr. and Mrs. Randall were married' Sep tember IS. Pope Gives Berettas to New Cardinals ROME, Nov. IS.-Thls afternoon all the new cardinals Including the Ameilcgn prelates, Mgrs. Falronlo, Farley and O'Connell, went to the Vatican and on their arrival they formed Into a proces sion and preceded and accompanied by the Bwlsa and noble guards and pervon ages of the papal court, passed through the magnificent hulls to the state apart-, ment. The way was lined with guests who had come to pay them homage. The newly created caidina'a we.e then Introduced Into the presence of the pontiff. Pius X permitted each of the cardinals to kiss his hand and hi foot, afterwards Imposing on each the red bcrvtta as a first tangible proof of their supreme dignity. The ceremony of today will be followed cn Thuriday by the great public con sistory, during which the red hat will be conferred on them. TAFT TALKS TO FRENCHMAN (Continued from First I'age.) elgn affairs waa brought to the atten tion of the secretary to the president. ,Mr. Hlllea explained that much sur prise had been felt at the White House In finding that a gentleman, the cousin of the French military attache, coming Introduced by the French ambnador, should have thought, wtlhuut any author Ixatlon, to circulate B-i an Interview his recollection of casual remarks made by the president In the course of a hurslsJ conversation. The gentleman la ques tion was one of a large number received during a busy morning and no interview whatever was authorised." Francois de Teesan was understood at the White House to be a cousin of Count de Clianibrun, military attache of the French embassy, and was Introduced to the president by Ambassador Jueserand. Count de Cbambrun late today, howevri, declared that the French journalist was no relation of his. FIRE INSURANCE MEN ARE TO MEET IN PIERRE PIERRE, D.. Nov. -(8peclal Tele gram.) Insurance Commissioner Hasford has called the Insurance men ani firemen of the state together for December It and 20 at th e city In a fire prevention con greea. Insurance Commissioner i'rous of Minnesota will be one of the principal speakers and Mr .Wenlworth of Boston will probably be on the program. The dates fixed for the next conserva tion congress of thlg atate are January I to 11. at Bloux Falls. This data Imi been, principally fixed by JsmeS J. llil, as the, congress was to meet at dates wheu he could be present. NEi. YORK. Nov. 2". Erokernge anil banking bouses today received a request from the I'nlted ftates Steel corporation for a l:st of tln-lr rhari holders. The cor lornt'on. it 's undertood, Is seeklnj to barn (he actual number of Its "hare ho!det In order to nhow tlist steel shares are not concentrated In the hands of the eo-ia'led "sttel Interest!," but sre dis tributed all over the world. Thousund of r hares are held by Individuals In the names of brokerage and banking houses. The corporation's letter eays: "We desire to ancerta.n If possible the number of record stockholders of the Vnlted States Steel corporation and the amount of their holdings divided Into claases as follows: Number of stockhold ers of ten shares and under, number of aiorkholders of 11 to 100 shares Inclusive, 101 to COO shares Inclusive. 501 to 1.0)3 shares Inclusive, 1,001 to 6.000 snares In clusive, $,",001 to 10,000 shares Inclusive and over 10,000 shares." The brokers are promised that any In formation they may give will be treated confidentially. Russia Will Demand -Removal of Sinister ST. FETERSBt'RO. Nov". S9.-Russla Is about to demand the resignation of W. Morgan 8huter. the American financial adviser to the government of Persia. This demand Is contained In the Instructions which tho foreign ifflce has forwarded to tho Russian minister at Teheran, M. PokUwuk-Kor.Iel. concerning the sup plementary demands which Russia Is making on Persia to recoup it for the cost of sending troops to that country Oreat Britain, It Is understood, Is In ac cord with Russia In the latter's demand for Mr. 8rrunter'a removal. The Russian foreign office appreciates the tactful attitude of the American min ister at Teheran. Charles W. Russell, throughout the series of Incidents cul minating in the present demand. The Washington government adhered to the vlow that Mr. Khusttr was at present' at Ttlierun In a private capacity and that the situation did not cjill for American In Two Indians Are Frozen to Death ABERDEEN. S. I ., Nov. 23.-( Special.) According to report reaching here two Indiana on the Cheyenne River reserva tion met death in Ihe recent snowstorm n that section of the ttate. One of the Indiana waa Ed Porter, who was over come by the cold while attending to his stock. The name of ti.e oilier Indian Is not given. A white man. a homesteader of Corson county, wss caught In a snowstorm, lost his whereabouts and waa unconscious and nearly dead when found, but he will recover. Ho is 67 years of axe, and lived alone on a homestead. As his health Is not robust the experience he Is meeting wl.h this winter are ve.y Hying to htm. . DEATH RECORD,- .'A I' ' Jofcsl V KHIIcr. 4. jmiOMSBL'RG,' Nob., NpV .-(Spe-clal.) Mr. Jphn P. Miller dls'd' Monday morning of various complication of dis eases contracted during' the civil' war. Mr. Miller was ' born April 1, 1S33, In Wyandotte county, Ohio. He came to Nebraska and settled In the western part of Plk county In 1W, moved to Stroms burg in the year 1900. where he has since resided. Mr. Miller was a member of the local J. A. Moore pcit. Grand Army of the Republic, having served three year In Company t Ninety-eighth Illinois Infantry, during the civil war. He leaves three sins: Edward, with whom he ha been living the last twelve years In this city; John H.. clerk In the United States treasuty at Washington, D. t! and William J- living at Fullerton, N. D. The funeral will take place Thursday after noon at the Eden Baptist church. Fred Stalder. ... HCMBOUDT. Neb.. Nov. 23.-8peclal.)-Fred Stalder, aged SO years, died Sunday at the home of his son, Fred, a few miles south of town. He waa one of the pion eer and lilfchly respected faimers of Rich ardson county. Ills death, was due to Bright' dliease. The runeral occurred Tuesday afternoon. He leaves a widow and teverul grown-up children. Kaod Hansen. HARLAN, la.. Nov. W.-Knud Hansen, senior memller'of the firm of Hansen A Lege, of thirty, died at his home Tues day of pneumonia after an illness of a week. Mr. Hansen had been In business here for about fifteen year and at one time conducted a store at Anita, la., In conjunction with his buslncne. He wa a promlntnt Knight. Templar. The key to succes in business Is th Juliclous and persistent Jiepf newspaper uJvi'i lining. . OMAHA LADIES SAY IT'S GREAT Omaha ladles are delighted with "Minnesota' macaroni and spaghetti. Even people who never liked theee foods before, are .-hurnivd with the delicious, nut-like flavor of the "Minnesota" brand. Ccod macaroni and spaghetti are ti.e most nourishing foods know.:, and they can bo prepared In so many delightful ) that no one ever tire of them. Ihey agree with any stomach,, and a family wtll feel much better If they eat leaj meat and more macaroni and spaghetti. ' ,. But If you want that rich. nut-Ilk' flavor be sure and get the delicious "Minnesota" brand macaroni or spag hetti made from the finest Northern Durum wheat, with all the nourishing Oluten left in. It is easily digested and never get soggy. All good Omaha grocer sell It L.B.MgCOUNCo. South End 16th St. VIADUCT Homo of tho "Long Ton" roiling Your Tongue ! You Won't Suffer Smoking a Pipe if You Smoke ALBERT TOBACCO because the "stinfr" has been cut out bv a natented Drocess. Yon Alt 1 A a i a Og& Mr CI me uencious gooaness ot penectly f$ -if Dienaed penectly tlavored tobacco with frTmm out a single disagreeable feature. S Men, Frlnce. Albert is the best bet ever put jly tt awuoo UiC UUdlU lit UtC tUUaUCU MIC II i IZUll it uui every eiemeni mat maKes pipe smoKing jw a delight avoids faults found in other tobaccos. ; Men, we want you to know Prince Albert as we I know it 1 We want you to try it and test it out and 'd, know for yourself why it wins in a walk everywhere. Are you same to take a chance? Think of every objection you may have had to pipe tobacco, then buy a ten cent tin of Prince Albert and compare notes. Our faith in Prince Albert, our actual knowledge of its wholesomeness, the enthusiasm we know it creates, is our guarantee that it will make you as firm a friend as it has thousands of others. Go into the nearest tobacco store and invest in a liberal size 10c tin. Don't lose any time getting the full enjoyment cf this most wonderful pipe and cigarette tobacco. Sold by alt live tobacco dealers. In 10c tins. In Sc bag. In half-pound and pound tin ' humidors and pound glass humidors. IL J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winjton-Salem. U. C fa v4 H rm tynKvi Sir n Wt 3 - aVitk 'V. jtti I'llillli Nam i laoao Ho IJncertainty About the Cost Our j.pecial show, window lighting proposition is figured on u flat rate basis. . Vou know the monthly cost to a penny before you start the service. And out of every penny you get more than your money's worth. Not all electric show window light'.' is effective, owing to faulty iu-stallment. Our illuminating engineers can cor rect defects and save you money. Why not give them a chance and let them make an estimate! Contract Department. Omaha Electric Light (Si Power Company &3B5B J:.fr.?sr t v 7 ,r ifliv r i v 1 a Silver f r Christmas Tbe auprerue fltneaa ot sil ver for tbe Chrlstmaa gift re mains unchallenged. A gift ,of aolld silver 1 a thine of beauty a Joy forever. Not only doea It artistically em body tbe sentiment which the giver seeks to couvey, but it Is practically imper ishable. In our silver depart ment you will find a world of Interesting gift sugges tion. A large atock la car ried not only of silver flat ware, but also cf distinctive gift pieces. Don't .Merely Boy Invest. Albert Edholm JEWELER NlTtMMilh anil l(arnv. AMlSCUL.TI, "OktAHA'B ruw cinna" tfsni tTT7. Bvge, e-S5-SO-7Se XaUy atat XS-as-500 dies of the Boulevard SJtTjtATaoajisa ao TAUDETrxm r'.oieuce iwtnuca, eu.ts ' .uu.u. 4iu rauu.ans 4 and Big Beauty Chorus. Extra liarry and ICstell Mason s World Tourlug Kik mo pna- Ti'n Wol' Ho'inf" Covin., Ladles' Dims Kat'oee Srery Week Day. Ml'SKME.V'fs Thanksgiving Dinner Served 11 A. M. to g r. IX. 60 Cent. Oyster Cot k tall Celery Queen Olives Raited Wafers Cream of Oy.tters or Consomme with Noocties Baked Thicken Halibut, Julienne Potatoes Roast Young Turkey, Oyster Dressing Cranberry Sauce or Domestic Goon Stuffed, Apple Bancs er Larded Tenderloin of Beef with Mushrooms Whipped or Browned Sweet Fotatpes June Peas Mayonnaise of Lobster English Hum t'uddlng, lirandy Eauce or Homemade Mince 1'le with American Cheese or Chocolate Ice Tresm with Cake Cafe Nolr Th8 Bslmont Restaurant ms soege it. ' o. i. asu, rrep. , open ah arirht. - - - a THIS Al-TXasTOOlf TOWiaUT TIM MURPHY And Hi Company . VK HIS TWO BIO COatZSISg HfTISIl TRX aTSW CODE gTOKT THE FOQB moi Friday and Satarday THE GIRL IN THE TAXI Sunday Matuiee 85c Pew at SOo Tbe Musical Snocssa "THE ECHO" Wednesday Katlnee, gSe, 60e. llLf'iirWi7tlll,lfIl!9iVii!llil FOOT BALL Omaha vs. Chicago ....HIGH SCHOOLS.... THANKSGIVING DAY ROURKE PARK-3:15 P. M. General Admission - - 75 Cents neeerved Kets and Itusee, Sl.OO. " Beat on Sale at Myera-UUlua's and lieaton'a. Take Bo. Omalia Cars. I BOYD f HfiVTgg MATTHEB TOOAT-TOaiosn Ihe runniest Hay Irr Written "Baby line,, Street Trom a Soil Tear Boa at Baly's Theater, Mew Tera. PTlces, 05o, S1.60. West Wesk "The Cobnrn Pla7srsJ" Phonest Douglas 404; lnd. A140 Kat- Etery uslj ans. Ever Kignt iia, AUAlvD VAUI.EVu.ill . Arkaluf f r'.uss.an LiaiaiaiKa orchestra. Eugei.e w Kuuri.e. KUe and Frevost, LUauor Talke. Klein Brothers and bluyl breni.an, l aul ttarnes. Trio Du Uios, liliitoscoii urpheum Concert orchestra Price, Wlgit, lOo, 860, Sue, VS01 Mat inee, luc, atest Seat a&e, except Satur day and Sunday. AMilKlUAN THEATER Tonight and All Week, Mats. Tu Thursday and Maturdav PStlCKS a 60 OBI.T anas in sad th WuiiOWaBD STOCK COatPAaTT "OLOHIOI H ilk'18 V." Net Week- "A Ptrnnor In Hrnr T.and ' KRUO THEATER SUt. UP, Jlgbt S:0. Best Beat ISO, XIOX SCXOOX. QXBX.S and SASXXXO SAIBTT KABIX. Beautiful tiouvenlre to the Ladles at Dally Dime Matinee. J.