l ! !i f I niKIlEK: OMAHA, THURSDAY, NOVEMHER no. inn CHURCHES IHDMOH SERVICES 1 Alleged Yeggmcn laken lor Kobbery of Bank in Iowa Virions Gronpi Unite in Thankijif in? jfleetin Tnnrtdav. SPECIAL SERVICES ARRANGED naaem Parle Omt to Mrft the first Baptlet Ck.rrk rim ABaee-ared fer Maay Other (kirrkn. Special Thanksgiving services will be beld ta many Omaha churches hls noting and evening. Soma of th chi.ii.hu held Thankt.fi vine service lai Sunday. Otheis have combined wltn neighboring churchee and will bold union ejervlces. Tha Htnwom Park group of churches consisting of tha First Baptist, First Chitstlan, Grace Lutheran, Third Prre- byterlan, Westminster Pre abyiei Ian, HL Mary's Avenue Congregational and the llanaoom Park Methodlat will hold union aa, vires at 10:30 at tha Flrat Haptiai church. Twenty -ninth and Harney streets. Hev. 1 homes It. McConneil will preside. Following la tha progiam: Invocation Rev. J. M. Karaey Scripture Kev. J. A. Jenklna. Festival Ta ueuin Dudley Buck Mist baptist uaret. Sermon Tne Kpi.u 01 1 r.i.nii,ivlng... rr. . . i-rawiuru. Prayer Rev. M. L. Meilck. Offeilng for tha old Peupiea Horn tienedlcUon Kev. K. P. Hainaey. Quartet: i.a. Wu, auiano; Miaa Ganeon. aito; Mr. Mcnuhn. I. nor; Mr. tiiey. baaa. Miaa Margaret ilouluer, or gan lau Valoa Servlree - Special union services of tha Saratoga Congregational, urace Evangelical and F-n Memorial Methodlat thurohea wl.l t bald at tha Frail Memorial cnurch Twenty-fourth and Larlraoie avenue; in tha evening at I clock. Tha oruer of worahlp will be aa folio we: Voluntary I'ujiiuur freyer pay. a. P. Netheily, Paa.or U ranee Kvaa aeacai tha.eh. VJusi Mil.er Park Quartet. Responsive neading ' l'aga U In Psalter. Ortertory Viuitn ttoio Mia uerwude Thlera. rermon Ikev. u. M. Humphrey paator Saratoga tongiegauoiuu cnurcn, parltone 8010 Mr. A. li. Uroaa. Testimonials of Uiatltude Other Ch arches talte. Tha North Side Chtlillan church will nlte In morning union aervloea at the rlrat United Presbyterian church, Twan ty-flrat and Emmet atreeta. . McCabe Methodlat church will hold ser Ices with tba CUIton Hill Preabyterlan thurch, Forty-fifth and Orant streets. In he morning. Tha sermon will be preaensd y Kev. William Beyers of tha Walnut mill Methodlat Church. Tne worth tilde rreebyterlan church Md the Flrat United Preabyterlan ourcnee wm unite and hold service In ne morning at 10.Su o'clock. '.The Caatellar Street Preabyterlan sauroh announce a publlo Thanksgiving service for Thursday morning at 10.80 s'eiock to continue for one hour. "The Ka oeneiactor- will be the aarmon Ihema of the castor. nv. Vr wn... Under the direction of Miaa Caliata Kerr ciiorua cnoir will lead In the pralao. "pedal selections will be rendored aa (ollowai . ' - i rhe"-".-Oounod polo and quartette. Care of you" "Ood Will Take Harkneaa : arvira at Other Charehes. At 81 Stephen's Episcopal mission. -. and Ames avenue, thera at Wa e,e6r,lon of noy communion Church of the Good Shepherd, Twen tieth and Ohio. Rev. J. i. ColUri tteioti holy communion and sermon at 10 a. m. Trinity cathedral, Eighteenth and Capl tol avenue, celebration of holy commun- oaook. Morning prayer and rrrrnoa at u. orrartory on behalf of the Clarkaon Memorial hoapltal. The spedai aervloea will be In commemoration of St. Andrew aa wall as Thanksgiving. The Pt. Andrew Brotherhood will attend tha I o'clock aervloea In a body. 8t. Paul's Lutheran church. Twenty Ighlh and Parker streets. Rev. E. t j-.w, ywur, inaeksgivlna; services at Oak Street Methodlat. Twentieth and Dak. Rev. T. C. Webater. paator. services JThankeglvliig evening at t. led by tr. debater. . Thankaglving afternoon from I to 4 a foipel service will be held at the Houae pf Hope. t North Twenty-seventh ave hue. The meeting will be conducted by Rr. Charles W. Bavldge. the founder of Ike home. All are cordlnally Invited tw attend. Musical Inatrumenta and slngera re needed badly. ThenkagWtag services will be held at rempl Israel Friday evening at I o'olock jUbbl Frederick Cohn will apeak upon "The Spirit of the Puritana." Dr. Cohn rill dlscuas the nuaao-American paaaport lueetioD,. Mlas Helen Sommer will play k violin solo. The Christian church, Twenty-fourth and St. Mary's avenue, services at 11 dock, constating of eerraon and testl-fcioniala, Turks Take Tumble to Seventeen Cents Turkeys took another slump In Omaha teatenUy morning when one of the big lowntown department . atotea advertised rood turkeys for 17 cents a pound. Good prkers failed to move up, as was pre cted a week or so ago, but Inataad aU puHrr la cheaper than It was a year Si. ViATHEWS IS HELD FOR FAILING TOHAVE LICENSE On . Information sworn to by Deputy lounty Attorney .. Fltagerald a warrant fsa laaued yeaterday . In municipal burt for the arreat of Dr. John T. Math ave. with officea In the Brown block. The formation alleges that tha defendant kacdclng medicine without poaaeaalng artiflcate from the Stale Hoard lealth. The Investigation Into Dr. Mathewa' aae waa InatUnttd when he qualified be bra Judge Lealle aa a practicing phyal Un In a case In the dUtrict court ahortly fore the fall election. ' A cloaa examlna- iut was made, with the teault that .omplalnt wa filed. Tha tnfurmatlo an ca David U. Traill and laatwlle Tia t t:ii C-u;li Thirty-triad atreeta as w. .:r..; noil) d Dr. kUth Is of ID Lf Jamos Duma and John Wllnon, wanted for blowing the Hank of Derby, la- curing 11.900, about three weeka ago, have been captured by the Omnha police. Wll- ron waa arreated Tuenday afternoon and Burns yeaterday morning on Information received frum detectlvea on the ground and torn dearilpilcma received from the aher Iff of Derby. Wilson when searched wag found to have $"i0 concealed In hie clothe and Burns had ."2, mostly In 120 bills In hla pocketa. The bank was robbed of 12,200 In s bills and $2,700 In gold, mostly of the 110 denomination. The sheriff at Derby has been notified and will arrive tomorrow to take the men back. Both gave their addrenaea aa Omaha, but tha police fall to find where in Omaha they lived. Pioneer Nebraskan is Dead at Benson B. . W. Morton. 77 J eara old. a nlnnr resident of Benson, died Tueadav morn ing arter an llliiemi of two months. He la survived by six children: J. N. Hortorr'of Benson F. 8. Itorton of Houth Omaha, c. 1 lor ton of Kyracuae, Neb.: 17. 8. Hor- ton of Genoa, III.; Joe Horton of Fort 8mlth and Mrs. J. Foster of Berlin. 111. The funeral waa held thla afternoon from the residence to Mount Hope ceme tery. Rev. Jnaa Wilson of the 'reabyterlan church offiri.tnri ui,,. aervlcea were conducted at the grave by the Odd Fellows. Mr. Horton was born In Louisville. Ky., JW4. At the outbreak of tha elvll w. enlisted and served three years. Arter the war he moved to Jacksonville, III., and to Nebraska City In 1S75. In 1HM he came to Omaha, and In lt0 he moved to Benson. Mr. Horton waa a ronirui,.. nd built many of tha old huueoa in Omaha and Benson. In he Washerwoman Gives Her Mite to the Poor When W. H. Green went In tha hnm of Frank R. gilts to dtlvr tha i.,m.. of $16.50 raised for Mr. and Mrs. Silts by the Real Extate exchange, a poorly drenaed woman with a basket on her arm entered at the aame time. 1 have been washing all day." she said to Mra. Hilts, "but I thought I'd come over this evening and brlnir vnn what could." In the banket was bread and nth.r eatables. Mrs. Green rennrtori nn th. matter to the exchange. He said Mrs. George II. Payne had adrieA f, i h. fund. Silts Is a former real aetata man but recently, on account of advanced age, was compelled to ak the county- for aid. SCAVENGER TAX SALE FAILS TO GET THE MONEY County and Cltv Treasurer Frank 1 Furay was called upon by the county commissioners to explain why this year's scavenger tax sale realised but ta. whii. previous sales have brought In about M3.000. A resolution Introduced by Com missioner Elsasser asking the explana- Hon was adopted by a unanimous vm The resolution sets out that from tha 1909 scavenger tax sale MS.1M was realised and apportioned to the state, tha emmtv Dr. Lyon' PERFECT Tooth Powder cleanses, preserves and beau tifies the teeth and imparts purity and fragrance to the breath. Mothers should teach the little ones its daily use. JPJJJjfjyjjjJJEBssSsaeSa cities of Omaha and Pouth Omaha and :owns, villages and school districts In the county. The county psld $2,156.40 to advertise this sale." said Mr. Elitaaaer. "but nnlv three pieces of property were sold. Then the buyers quit and I understand It was because the advertisement did not con form to some new state law governing such matters. We need this money.' In 19o our general fund got $21,000 out of It. We are going to need all the money we can get. for It will be exnenslva t Into the new cojrt house and our funds are going to run short. In Order That Our Employes May Enjoy THANKSGIVING DAY Brandeis Stores WILL DE - V CLOSED ALL DAY Thursday Honor is Paid to Ee tiring Official James II. Tsvlor. who retires aa vir president and treasurer of F. P. KIrkeii- dall & Co. on December 1. waa e-uaat nt honor at a dinner given Tuesday night by F. P. Klrkendall at the Omaha club. The gureta Included ' the office and sale. forces of the company. They presented Mr. Taylor with a fine gold watch. Re cently Mr. Klrkendall presented Mr Taylor with an elegant sliver service. Upon his retirement . Mr. Taylor govs to California to apend the winter. He has not made known his future nlan. Though still a young man Mr. Taylor ha been connected with the Klrkendall com pany for more than twenty years. Four Reasons for Shopping Early The retail trade committee of the Com mercial club nas outlined four reasons why Omaha people should do their Christ mas shopping early. They are: Blocks- are more complete and fresher. giving better selection. Early shopping means prompt deliveries Don't wait. You will get what you want. now. It may be gone later. The salespeople will have a haonler Christmas. Delivery people will have a happier Christmas. . It Is your gift to thouianda of workers. Optometrists' Society urganizedat Banquet Optometrists of Omaha cathered at a banquet given In the Loyal hotel Tueadav evening, tne purpose being to form a per manent organisation to further their In lereaia. in ere were twenty-two men present, and they elected officers as fol lows: John Holm, president; Howard Cronk, vice president; Victor Johnson. secretary and treasurer. Wirtar Trips Round Trip Excursion Tickets Arc Now on Sale Daily via the C. C& N. W. Ry. to Florida, Cuba. New Orleans, Mobile and the Gulf Coast splendid trains of the Chicago amd North Western ; Railway between Omaha and Chicago connect at the latter city with all lines to the South and Southeast, forming a passenger service that cannot be surpassed. Through railway and tteamshlp ticket am alto on tale to the Mediterranean, the Holy Land and to all European citiet. Fourteen Fast Trains Daily Between ' Omaha and Chicago The Best of Sleeping car reservations and reservations i v, d'm un Diemuaiupa 10 points named Everything abov Siven Prompt and careful attention. - Trains leave Omaha for Chicago: 7:40 a. si. 12:03 p.m. 5:10 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:35 p.m. 7:55 p.m. 8:50 p.i 12:40 s.i NWJ001 Ttcktt Offices 1401-1403 Farnam Street Omaha, Neb. Women's Secrets n There is ooe tnaa in tha United States who bat pernep heard f ore women s seorsts than any other man or woman la the ooentry. These seorets are not seoretl of guilt or iharae. but tir u ""J" of iufferio., and they have been con6cied to Dr. JA- K. V. fieroe in the hope and expectation of advice and help. That law nff tttaaa 1 L. j , , - r w S - - WW, ii.t, own uiaappoaoieu in tneir ex- peotations is proved by the fact that 98 per cent, of ell women treated by Dr. Pierco or hie able stsff, have been absolutely and altogether cured. Suoh record would be remarkable if the cases treated wero numbered by hundreds only. But when that record applies to the treatment of mora than hatf-a-rail. lina woman, tm a j ..... iA ... i. i. .1 . 7 - - -- V. -v year, is pnenomenal. nod "titles Dr. Pieroo to the rstitude acoorded him by women, t the Srst of pecialistt in the treatment of women's diseases. ,olt - "T consult us by letter, absolutely without charge. 411 replies are mailed, seeled in period! r plain envelopes, without any print! 2 . wlHd'l'n wm,,,ve;-, "P0" h-. Write without fear a. without DR. PIERCE'S FAVORITE PRCSCniPTinv SVXU.. Wonk Women Fimr, SilolK. Women VCToUa Essential to Comfort piEnrccTiON Warmth Is essential to com fort As you grow older, It Is hardly less essential to health, Get a PertWh'nn 3mstlJ... Hralrr. nr? vnn l.. ..... i . ... J ".vtjj TTailll sjiu COO)a lortable in your home, no matter what the weather without TU PeWectioo givw a atrong. wklctpread heat, tod it quKkly. It u aJw.y, ready iotum and burni nine hour, on a singln bllini -no more trouble than a lamp. It csa be carried anywhere i no pipes, no wire, no flues no traoke, odor or dirt. The heater that gives complete aabafacbon. Thi. yeaf-. Perfocooa U kaUhed ia euher blue eaasMl ee pla n-J , ski J r i a i f " ' aa caa oe Batde, Ail Dan. eaaly dcwL Automalic-lockiag fiaM spnadef nrevant. .mo.- IV.U...., 1 ., . . -T-ir ,anj , g Standard Oil Company the III nil I I a.- i J! a aaawamss-.al I " 1 ' " ' - -- . : . . . g lj .( 1 1 laiiu... ' f L "JIM". 1 1 L m. Hi The Best Known Office Building in Omaha. There is great advantage in being in a building which people can find easily. No building in Omaha, or as a matter of fact, in the entire west, is as well known as The Bee Buildmi Every man, woman and child in Omaha knows where it is and everyone who has ever been here knows how to find it. This is only one of the many advantages in having an office in THE BEE BUILDING SOA T. m .fri. I.. ..I .. . - - - - ( vui.ibi iiaTini b norm anu west exposure, making this spare attractive at any aeaxon of the year, on account of good II ht and ventilation. We will arrange this apace lttx'O eultable lor tenant, and there being a vault in the room, it affords extra protection for valuablea Kent rtsr month a-to.oo . Soon. 4iaHaa a south and west exposure which makci a well lighted office, 13HI20H feet in else. We are only asklnit TSo a square foot for this space which Is very cheap rent, considering location and all conveniences furnished by The llee BullJI ig. trice, per month, g-18.00 ktoom 61 aDon't pa for desk room space when you can rent a private office for the same amount Thla room is KX14, has a large window on the court, affording plenty of light and ventilation, frlce per month fio.oa Btom t.10 Else txl-6, having a frame and glass partition across center of room tusking two good sued officea with every convenience, and the rental pi Ice only, per month gle.oa Boom 401 This room Is located near the elevator and has a total of id& .sc. v. ..ww. .k-.vc. .ma m a, my ueeuuuie aiuau oiiice ana lnca.tl.in fa enn vai. Inn I a . 1 . Scorn 407 Is 11xlH feet and Iteutal price, per n.vuth . . , has two large windows on . ."X7.30 the court. mi.fi THE BEE BUILDING CO. Bee Business Office: 17th aad Farnam Sts. BsmwmmmmBTxaBsamammBnammmi aaaMMMgM- rasa Free Land Information The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand of its readers for land information, has gathered and compiled data on soils, climate and fanning conditions in all parts of the country. It is willing to give out this information, free, if postage is sent with inquiry. Do You Want to Know About government land laws, location of land of fices, etc How to get irrigation lands, location of projects, laws governing same, etc. Best sections for fruit growing, general farming, stock raising or dairying. Your questions will get prompt attention. State plainly and specifically what you want to know. Write, Land Information Bureau The Twentieth Century Farmer vmana, rweorasiia a j - j . . mm -i If ' A tit i Hayden's Will Close Ml Day We wish to express Our Thanks for your splendid patronage dur ing the pntt year and promise dur ing the remainder of the Holiday Season to make you more thankful than ever before that your home anu Harden s btore is m Omaha. Watch Thurs day evening papers f o r Friday's great special offerings. 'HAYDEN'S DO YOUR CHRISTMAS BUYING EARLY. PERMANENT ADDRESSES of Chief Attractions and Tblnga of Interest Seen at the la nd Shorj zonal! California Uooth of the big duck and the loud noise: where they gave away five icres of oransre laml to tlia Ky guesser on the Jar of nuts. Tha land i ers, oranges, grape lrult, lemons, figs, dates. vr .V J r.," ,u "e year round. Aouress, North bait River Valley irrigation Co., Phoenix, Ar. Los Angeles, San Diego. The Booth where you saw everything worth while and then some! Including climate and opportunity. Address los Angeles Chamber or Commerce, or Sail u.ego chamber of Commerce. Better still. wu, am, bcb lor yourselves. CO Where you saw the famous Sa.ri-a.mnn to Vaiiav Exhibit Inquire about the next excursion to this beautiful country, Nov IB. Trowbridge & Bolster, 404 City National Bank Building. umana, iNeoraaKa. California ajf? At the Tulare County Booth you saw the big I f 1 1 V n " r a"i peaches, potatoes, corn, pumpkins, prunes and l-a4ll I 1 1 I'lums. Also the fine orangea, lemons and cltruv Bill II I III I I I f 1 fruits. You can farm tor pleasure and profit In WMIIIfafl'IllM Tulare County. Addrnss, Tulare County Uoanl California Colorado of Tratle. Vlnalia. California. Patterson In the Famous Hun Joaquin Val ley. Why not go with, ua and see thla I'ara. diso fcr Plain Teopls. Payno Investment Company, Omaha. Nebriieka. . '. , Colorado Colorado I Where you saw tho Platte Klver Valley Exhibit, showing; wheat, cats, flax and corn raised on sub Irrigated soil; land that pays for Itself In two years.. We sell this land on terms of one-third to one-half cash, balance I to G years. Addreat tlatte Klver Valley Lnd Co., Sterling-, Colorado. Apples, Apples, Bis; Red anil Yellow Apples, nice clean potatoes, sucar oeeLs, irralns as grown at Hotohkias, Sslta Co ant 7, Colorado. "Yon remein. nerr Kememtitr also wnas rrom I5U per aore mo and upward. Address Ooold and W. Uotchklss, Colorado. ioufney, Where you saw the San Luis Valley Exhibit showing especially the big grain and field peas, unequalled for hoc feed; heard about the new Must- f.pln.v a . . t u..ir. ...ii 1 w. n ,1 .v.k. . . . . - 1 . 1 u . v j j . igm anu run fun I prl a. t..l Unri. ir kla 4 K ! i tetms of one-tenth. Address C. A. Robinson. 1st Nafl Bank, Denver. Colo. The Rio Grande Home Co., of Alamosa, Colo., oc cupied Booth No. 1. This Is where you saw the fine cabbage, celery and other vegetables; al.io SO varieties of Colorado a-iUHoen oata that vleLueii ci aire, liv, Duaneis 01 wneai. wonaerrui airaira. cnoica COLORADO 111 U hitaha a n paif toea. etc.. from the Sunny fear, Lula VaUey. Colo Write then, today. Where you saw especially the fine Apples. 4'otaioei flfta end grain raised in Marsh Valley, the "Garden Nebraska for a You Nebraska ' Co., Downey, Idaho. Where you bought those Ts Be Cas Kicks! and the Za Trudaa for a Dime. H,lll,mb.r TrUT Irni. On. whrt aall mnr. cigars In Omaha than any other house. Why? Quality. AU first class dealers sell our goods. Tracy Bros. Co., 1416 Doug, til., Omaha. Neb. tshlim Lightning Koiis, tha booth tout In- tercsted inany ehowlng the (Trade Mark) ot tho beat in Lightning Protection. Address, W. C. Shlnn, Lincoln, Nebraska Northwestern Wheie stock raising exhibit. saw the beautiful alfalfa and ng exhibit. You remember! Large of cattle and sheep. If Interested fia" vi an... v. . ..... j w- n . . . . iii ici t:m n alfalfa raising .vilte to General Casaen tjmaha, Nebraska, foi pamphlet dealing fully with the supject Oregon Oregon OREGON cuv monthly ri Hetker & Wnero you saw the attractive eyclorama of the City or saiem anu me uuaaniw iwj created ny Ueo. 1. bchreiher. The artist is identified with leading art clubs In Chicago and the country, lie la also super visor of drawing In the Salem grade and high schools. Address Ueo. I.. Bchrelber. -OS Dlv. 8t. Balem. Ore. famously fertile Willamette Valley Booth waa the bluest agricultural and horticultural dlaplay. Hon XiUsated fruits, nuts and vegetables. No bllzzaida, storms or drouths. No crop tallurea. Five new rail loads. Writs to Commercial Club Secretary at Corval lis, Albany or Salem, Oregon. "Let ua explain to you how io own a 6 or 10 acre fruit and garden tract Albany, Oregon, one of the heat tons In Oregon, and In the very heart of the famous li uiiuii.ii. . .iioj- ....vv-uu lur ilia p 11 r. iru-i paynenis. o iaxea, no iniorett, gooa markets. aj II V II I i m.Tfm, .iv .iiii;i DH, glUU 1 1 1 I beam, S28 Brandels Theater Muilding, Omaha. w w I call or South Dakota a f The booth with the six-foot wheat; the 100 bushel oats I I n tne Prrect apples; the national silver trophies won li cJ dull I conitetitlon against the fruit and farm sections of th world. The famous Gunnison Valley In the heart of Utah .- . . ft.nnm n.l... ,A, A fair.'. "J I 1 1 r. I km... Ur,lHi., ( . I . u 1 . . Where you saw the two-headed calf the large cabbage, tho flax grown on sod.', and the wheat grown without Irrigation Address Ardmoie Comm.r. clal CI ob, rdmore, South Dakota. No boom prices yet. 10 Newhuuiw Hid. Wyoming n a Alfalfa's natural home. Spalding. I.lvlngaton Inv. Co., Kait iMHe i-ity. 813 city Nat. tin. uiag.. Omaha. Neo. You don't have to be rich to start farming. Land told on crop payment. Remember the fine product of this year's crop. Address C. L. Beatty, Pine bluffs. Wyoming. "The Wylle Way," where the ticket elven awai dallv. rm. nn folder will be published Dec. 1. No .li.rv. Wwt . . . a n,, (l today CAMTIMO COatyAsTY. imHMTQg, MOmWs Where you tsaw In the Yakima Val ley booth an attractive exhibit of the products of this Irrigated dis trict. The Valley that won first. fifth places on apples at the Kw v,i, Yellowstone Park I WTZ.IB KKHANEN: Washington aimrin.iiimimt .a iWl till-i.i f I,; Minim S-ll I WWaiiiiin IT ilill I lif ii-iini 0ST-High Grade Furs fiicomic sfC .1 a-?., w, va-aa-a. . . li the Stinnnx ') EXPERT KE1VIODELIINJG ' i cal Kai naiii. Telephone IWugaa HO IP. t ion The Sunday Bee With Happy Hooligan, Littl Nemo, the Katzenjammer Kids and the whole interesting fam ly i ii second, third, fourth and Land Show. Write Commercial Club, Prosser, Grand View, Sunny Elde, Granger, Toppenlsh or North Y'aklma, Wash. Mcmoval fealc 8-Day CIoclc Specials S 00 Metal Cane Clocks, now S.e0 Bsb4WbSsBSSb1bIuSm 1 U 00 KlfMl I 'i va I'liM-ka ri.. 12 00 ilrlui Caau I'lmki-now ' $S Oil 1'i.llslied Wood l a e Clucks, now 17 60 Holislin.l Wood Case Clocks, now IIV00 K'ahoguny C'liime Clock, now ... !5.tm While Marble Clo-k. now 120. UO Bronze Clock, now W. L1VDSAY, Jeweler 13IO Pougla Sip. el. Clos.tl All D .y ihanUjlvlna .C6.46 5.6S .S1J.95 .15.90 11.90 0 i .1. i