Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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i !
The Omaiia daily bee
Jinterad at Omaha poetoffic M second
elaas matter.
Fundi v Pea. on year 12 50
Pstiirday Bee, one year II M
Isly Hm (without Hunday), ons year.M 0)
lally hff, and Sunday, ona year WW
FVetilng Bra (with flundavK per month. 23
I'liy Ilea (Including Sunday), par mo.j
Julv Bee (without (Sunday!, per mo ic
Addrroa all complaints of Irregularities
In delivery to City Circulation Dept.
Remit by draft, express or postal order.
petl to Tha Baa Publishing company.
Only l-cant stamps rclvad in paymrnt
of amall accounts. Ivraonal checks, s
rant on Omaha and eastern exchange, out
Omaha Tha Bee Building.
flout h Omaha-UU N rt.
Council Bluff a It Hcott ft.
Lincoln 2 Utile Building.
:Mao lMt Marquette iJulldii
Kansas City Helium Bulldins.
New York 34 Waet Thirty-third.
'Washington 7 Fourteenth Hi., N. W.
OommunJcatlona relating to ne and
editorial matter ahould ba eddresaed
Omaha Bee, Editorial Department.
Btnta ef Nebraska, County of Douglas, a.
Dwlght Wllllama. circulation manager
cf tha Be Publishing company, bn(
Ji!y iworn, aaya that tha averag
circulation, lese polled, unused and re
turn ad copies, for tha month of October,
VtlU tu 60.70S,
Circulation Manaaar.
(Subscribed In my presence and aworn to
before ma this lat day of November. Mi.
Notary fublio.
laiinHVtn laariaa Hf
taaaaararlly aawaiel bare Tha
0a aaallaa t taeaa. Afldraaa
w 111 aa skaa aa eftea a
twejaew adU
It iu a great
Just tha same.
gridiron match,
Being a favorite son often Just
a state of mind.
Shop late if you car to, but do
Hot fall to shop early, .
No doubt Mr. Rockefeller regards
the Merrttta as rery annoying per
Tha Indianapolis News speaks of
Socialism run road." Why men
tion It?
It turns out that tha home-grown
daffydils are Just aa good as the fcot
housa Taiiety.
j Tha Virginia peanut may nerer
amart in harnma aa famnua aa tha
arctic gum 'Irop.
"Truth Is stranger than fiction."
Cut It docs not always bring as high
Why should Ralph Insist on so dis
guising himself and biding bis light
under a bushel?
Tha shadows of tha prison walls
bare fallen on at least five so-called
gentlemen of Shady Bend.
Chicago proposes to erect a home
for disabled poets. And show no
mercy to tbe patient readera?
Champ Clark has coutrlbutfd an
article on Santa Claus to the Ladles'
World. Women vote In sis states.
No more blue Mondays for that
poor New York washerwoman who
Ml heir to a St Paul fortune.
Mr, Morgan has tha pleasing
consolation of knowing, however,
j that ha did not fall from grace.
I Now, let us soe. what was ths
j same of that aviator who achieved
I distinction by flying from coast to
I roast?
An "escaped lunatic" was recently
reported to have been found In Wall
street. How could tbey tell he was
; escaped?
j Even as prlvata citizens, both
j rolonala continue to bold their own
I for front-page space In all the news-
j Note that it was a landlubber
j from Nebraska who saved tha day
for tha Navy in its big foot ball bat
j tie with tha Army.
If you think the old world is not
using you Just right, try to, see If
ou cannot use It better and then
look for tbe Improvement.
j The power of temptation Id em
j pbasired In tbe report of an actor
; of 26 luring Mme. Bernhardt into
, tbe notion of considering matri
mony. The Wall Street Journal scents a
i popular demand for a "man of af-
' fairs" for president. All right, then
' nominate the senior warden of St.
; Georges Episcopal church, New
j Former Senator Thurston declares
i tUere are as many opportunities for
j a youug man to get wealth as there
! were iu Lincoln's day. Yes and even
zaiuuie-ag-a men sometimes nave a
' look-in.
Our democratic law-makers, who
Lave been so noncommittal In re
. bpottbe to questions proimunded to
tLera during tbe rectus of congress
j I.ojmi to be able to give more d?flnlt(
answer after tbe party caucus
IcM, and tbey get tbelr order.
Attacking- the Commerce Court.
A strong effort to abolish the new
commerce court is promised at the
coming session of congress, which
may even beronie a feature of the
session. Representative Hlnis, a
democrat of Tennessee, sponsored a
bill for that purpose at tbe last ses
sion and Is quoted as declaring bis
Intention to push It again tbls win
ter with the full ro-operatlon of
house democrats and some Insurgent
It partisan opposition, however,
la the best reason tbat can ba of
fered for tha abolition of tbe com
merce court, we doubt tbe expedi
ency of the movement. Borne solid
ground must be found on which to
base objection to the court before
the plan to wipe It out can have pop
ular support. Buch ground Is cer
tainly not to be found In a lack of
work for the court. It Is covered
up with work todsy and Is likely to
be for a long time to come. In the
minds of many besides Mr. Taft there
waa a real demand for this court,
and It baa not bad sufficient time to
prove its usefulness. It would cer
tainly be a serious error to condemn
it and abolish It simply for the sake
of petty politics.
But the abolition of the commerce
court la not quite aa Imminent as
some try to make out. Suppose the
democrats muster the necessary ma
jority In tbe bouse to pass the 81ms
bill. It would still have the senate
gauntlet to run and, though there
are a few Insurgent senators who
might Join, that would not assure
enactment of the measure, for there
Is a good deal more conservatism
among the democratic aenators than
among tbe rank and file of bouse
members. Tbe possibility of a pres
idential veto would have to be con
sidered, for tbe president would not
hesitate to veto It' If satisfied that
the court should be retained.
The fact tbat the new court has
rendered one or two so-called un
popular decisions Is not enough to
condemn It. The, Interstate Com
merce commission might easily have
fallen, into disfavor early In Ita ex
istence, but to have abolished It be
cause at first It did not give entire
satisfaction would have been the
most serious blunder. The commis
sion haa never given entire satisfac
tion, for that matter, and yet la
conceded to be a prime necessity In
our handling of great transportation
and Industrial problems.. Tbe scope
of Ita authority haa even been
widened and the commerce court cre
ated for the express purpose of mak
ing Ita decrees more speedily ef
fective. Tbe Luide of the Onion.
That In the long run, truth will
out is again Illustrated by a revela
tion Just made by the Lincoln Jour
nal with reference to that famous
Bryan onion crop, the revelation ap
parently coming with the aid, con
sent and authority of Mr. Bryan
himself. It Is In directing attention
to the everywhere prevailing and al
most irresistible temptation to ex
aggerate that Mr. Bryan gives us a
look at tbe Inside of the onion, as
1 have soma Tcaas land, onlon-growlng
land. Bom two or tares years ago 1
ranted a tract of twenty acres to a man
for w an acre for tha season. When ths
crop time came around a report was
sent out that became current, giving ma
$1,014 returns on my twenty acres, ' In a
few day other new-paper reports had
this return up to SlCsOuO. Now. tb facta
are, the man to whom I ranted the
ground wrote ni a letter about th tiro
that th crop should mature, aaylng tliat
hta onion had been practically a failure,
and that hla total Income would be about
tils to 1120, counting out my 1100 (or rant
You see, he had vary littl left, and his
letter waa a request that I glv him mora
time to pay. 1 just lat it (0 over to th
next year.
Too close proximity to the onion
Is said to be a great Incentive tor a
man to weep, and It must make Mr.
Bryan weep to think that he neg
lected to sell bia onion crop on the
basis of the Inflated price with which
it was credited for publicity pur
poses only.
The Insinuating Dance.
London has at last decided to cen
sor Its theaters, particularly those
permitting the oriental glratlons
that go by the name of dances, and
will submit all such to rigid official
America might well emulate the
British action. Many theaters In
this country are too loose In what
they allow on their stages. Just at
present a certain company of so
called eastern dancers is making its
way across the continent that needs
to come under this censoring rule.
Of course, in this as In other argu
ments of the kind, theaters will be
apt to retort that people are not
compelled to attend such produc
tions. Tbat is subterfuge, though.
when it comes to arguing tbe de-
eeucy or moral effect of the produc
Most of these insinuating contor
tions through which women draw
themselves to the delectation of the
baser senses of tbelr spectators,
should be prohibited. That would
end all argument right there. It
waa the "dawn-of-love" danc that
broke the camel's back In London,
which has heretofore stood for any
thing. American cities had better
make a note of this and watch for
the dawn.
It la pitiful when tbe stage has to
fall back upon ribaldry or sensuous
exposure for Its appeals to public
favor. Of course Some forms of what
is called oriental dancing are Inter
esting and reputable, but In them the
dancers do not come out clad only
la a wreath of roses and a pleasant
Investigating- the Express Combine.
The Interstate Commerce commis
sion is engaged in a sweeping Inves
tigation of the express companies,
their systems of rates and finances
and their methods of doing business.
Beginning the Investigations at New
York, tbe commission's plan ia to
hold them In various cities over the
country so at to make a thorough
Job of it.
Tbe commission probably never
undertook a more needed investiga
tion, one more generally welcomed
by tbe people. For years the ex
press combine haa escaped official
Inquiry or enjoyed a sort of im
munity from attack. ' And all that
time it has been the common belief
that It could not successfully with
stand an official probing because of
its blgh-handed conduct of affairs,
Its arrogance to the public, extor
tionate rates and arbitrary sched
ules. It will be Interesting now to see
Just bow it will be able to withstand
the limelight. Some of the divi
dends, that have recently been de
clared by certain companies are, in
themselves, sufficient to call for in
vestigation. Another Important mat
ter calling for explanation is tbe re
lation of express companlea to rail
roads. This inquiry Is likely to develop
some interesting Information aa to
why parcels post baa made no better
progress In this country. At last
people bave come to believe that tbe
chief obstruction to this system lies
In the express combine. Parcels post
needs look for no stronger argument
to promote it than the conduct of
the express business In this country.
A college professor calls upon
American newspapers to devote tbe
money and Ingenuity put. upon tbe
comic supplement to "a sincere en
deavor to reproduce each week one
or more of the world's great pictures,
with that beauty of coloring and
truth of portraiture that modern
methods make possible." If all the
newspaper readers were college grad
uates they might prefer a Mona Lisa
or a Sis tin Madonna to the "Katzen
Jammer Kids." We really believe,
however, that It Is up to the college
professors to do tbelr Job first, after
which the newspapers would bave no
option as to tbe road they would
have to travel.
Surely seme power of contrition
must bave come over the young Vir
ginia wife murderer. He could bear
to slay his wife and go through the
ordeal of a long and bitter trial deny
ing it, but be could not bear to die
with the lie upon bis lips. Yet what
is a lie compared with wife-murder
The human soul shrinks when it
comes to face Ita Maker. It haa no
brash courage then to glosa over its
deeds of wrong.
Tha New York Herald names
Jdhn Sharp Williams as a sure dark
horse, since be was taken to a veter
inary hospital when Injured. But
that Is better than being lugged oft
to a blacksmith shop, where the an
vils might have got him.
The socialists polled over 1,700
votes for their ticket In Douglas
county at the last election, The so
cialists are now the third party with
us, having forged ahead of both
populists and prohibitionists.
There are Just as good fish In the
sea as ever were caught. There are
Just as good men yet to be proposed
for commissioner under Omaha's
new plan of city government as bave
already been mentioned
"To clean bras use strong
ammonia," says tbe recipe book.
Would that affect Doc Cook?
Baalaeaa Caatloa.
Boaton Transcript.
In Wall atreet, however, Mr. Morgan
eldorn stub hi to.
Mack Tint for Kxrlaeat.
Pittsburgh rlpatcn.
Concerning Champ Clark, It Is reflected
that there I plenty of time between now
and th election next year fur him to
try tha experiment of opening his mouth
and putting both feet in It
Bacactklaaj ( Dtf farvaee.
IndUnapolla Nem-a.
Those suffragan tactics In London
were mlHtant enough, goodnea know,
but th enthualaatlo advocate! of th
caua should remember that there 1 a
difference between, a riot and a revolu
tion. Pvcrleaa Jar! br taatraat.
Springfield (Maaa.) Republican.
Th prealdent of th United BtaUs haa
a cold, tha Outlook' contributing editor
la "all het up," various ambltlou gov
ernor have trouble of their own and
plenty of work on hand but William Jen-
ninga Bryan, clear of all worrlnient, can
aall away for th Weat Indie. Material
for a naw lectur will be abeorbed wlale
h enjoya th change of ecene. LJkewU
harp things will come to mind on tb
voyag that can be employed later on In
caotlgatlon of Harmon, L'nderwood and
other democrat not quit voclfcroualy
radical enough to suit Brother Charle
will keep the Commoner, whoa ordinary
Inttlleciual demands ar not great, on It
uneventful courae. Would jog not, phil
oaophlo reader, rather go sailing In aura
iner a than be president of your coun
try or anxiously chviulng to re, a th
Wall UuuI
IhbDiiy inOmalia
coMPiiAD fwom nrx rues .
i ' nv. g?. I -a . . 1
-" - - - r
Thirty Years A go
Mrs. Kate Touaalln, with UJf Nellie
Toutalln, daughter of Mr. A. O. Touxalln,
will leave Omaha thle evening for New
York, where aha will sail tot IJverpooL
Mr. Touaalln expects to apend at least
two year In Europe, when ah will
probably take up her reddanc In Boaton.
During her trip abroad ah will b ac
companied by her nephew, Mr. Albert
Touxalln, pursuing hla studle In Caano
vls, New York, and her niece, Mia Nalll.
A aerie of four private Germane will
be glvea during th winter by twelv wall
known Omaha couples. Mr. R. R. Ring
wait is th -organiser of tb aarlea, which
will b unusually select
Invitations ar out for th twenty-fifth
wedding annlveraary of Mr. ' and Mr.
O. W. Llnlnger, to be celebrated Decem
ber 1.
Mrs. C. P. fkiulre and Ml Ann
Hedge of Burlington, who hav been vis
iting In Omaha, returned to their Iowa
Dean Mlllapaugh and wlf ar back
from their wedding trip.
Mr. John M. Thurston Is visiting In
Mies Eustls is paying a visit to Mrs.
C. E. Perkins at Burlington.
Mr. and Mrs. Wakeley of Minneapolis
ar visiting In Omaha, th guests of Mr.
and Mrs. John II. Kellom.
Tha Earnest Worker ar making ex
tensive preparations for their annaal din
ner and aupper to be given at tb Chris
tian church, where they will alao hav a
few fancy article for sal.
Here Is a want ad: Wanted: A naw
milch oow, must b gentle. Inquire of
L. Poland, 1312 Dodge street
Dr. H. P. Jensen Is offering a H9 re
ward for th return of a set of surgical
Instruments lost from his offlc, and no
questions asked.
Twenty Years Ago
pick Moore, th former Invincible wel
terweight, waa knocked oat by Tim
Niland In th tenth round of what waa
regarded on of th fiercest and bloodiest
prls fights that ver took place la this
vicinity. The mill occurred at night at
dormant ball. Jack Davis acted as
Mary A. Elliott Ida B. Lawrence, D.
W. Bhull. Kate M. Lawrence and It. I.
Shull joined In a petition on which they
secured an Injunction restraining th
Board of Public Works from curbing
Twenty-second street from Poppleton
avenue to the south aid of th govern
ment corral, alleging that th atreet was
In no condition for tha work.
Herbert Wills and Bella Bell were
married. -. ,
Robert Olllham of New York, who was
engineer In charge of the construction of
th Omaha cable railroad In ISM, was to
th city, visiting Andrew Rosewater
among ethers.
W. F. N orris of Ponca, Judg of th
Eighth Judicial district, was stopping at
th Millard.
Th firm of C. H. Smith at Co., a signed
to the sheriff tor th benefit of Ita credit
or. A surprise party was given Miss Ilattle
Chesbro at her home, MM Seward atreet
by a number of her- young friends. MJeses
Lena Chenbro and Kennedy rendered
vocal and Instrumental music and high
flv was played. Those present were:
Misses Mlnnl Mullen, May Reven, Haiti
Derby, KaU Clark, Eloora Shearer, Jen-
nl Johnson, Helen Chesbro, Maggl
Casey, Jsaal Tyrany, Ella Barns, Ina
Kennedy, Nellie Rove a, Myrtl Cheebro,
Pearl Johnson, Rattle Chasbrot Messrs.
Hohn, Porterfleld. Kerr, Butler, Hender
son, Marnell, Evan. Miller and Kelpla.
Ten Year Ago
Dr. Jam A. Andrews of Eustls, a
member of th legislature, was married
at All Saints' Episcopal church by Rev.
T. J. Mackay to Miss Lulu K. Trott.
daughter of Mrs. Marvin Trott of Kear
ney. Sidney Davis, an attorney of Bea
trice, and Mis Nannie Canning, also of
Beatrtoa, acted aa best man and brides
maid. After dlnnor at the IleV Grand
Dr. and Mra Andrews left for New York
on a bridal trip.
Reports cam ef th sal at auction of
th great trotter, Directum, for SHOOS,
Franklin K. Hill and Ml La lab O.
Klrkendall, both of South Bend, wr
married at 11:30 a. m. at th horn of
th bride's brother, tm Davnport straat,
by Rev. C. W. Ravldge.
Th Southwest Improvement Club held
a celebration over th formal opening of
th Twenty-fourth street viaduct plan
ning a big demonstration for th event
th next day,
Th Northwestern gained another point
In ita fight with th Burlington when
Judg Dickinson of th district court dis
solved th temporary reel raining order
preventing th city council from paaatng
th ordinance pnrmlrtlng th Northwest
ern to construct a spur track along
Eighth street between Famara and
Howard streets.
Queen Lllluokalant of th Hawaiian Is
lands spent three hour In Omaha en
rout east to select a school for her
protag. Joseph K. Aea. who. with an-
other protege. John D. Almoku, and Mis
styra Hriaiune, her maid, composed her
People Talked About
Recipients of th cardinal's red hat
and th regalia that goes with It ar re
quired to par liberally In fees and Inci
dental, totaling from IS.OOS to tit.oeo.
The credit of a eardjnal la auch that h
may pay on th Installment plan If hi
purse Is not long enough to pay cash on
the spot In Rom.
No Joy cam to Peter Odell of Wtr.
villa, Kan., whan h learned that h waa
hair to a IXO.OOO, H Is j years old and
I alowly dying from a dlseas which 1
Inourable. All hla 11 f he ba lived In
poverty, earning hi dally bread by fish
ing and doing odd Job. Th thought ot
udden rtche only brought terror to blm.
Th. London Olob meet ions tha recent
death at S3 of a hermit named Lewis,
who for th last twenty year had existed
on shell rish and lived la hi covered
trawler, beached at Lower Fishguard. H
never varied , hla dietary except whaa
shellfish war scarce, and then h sub
stituted bread and chaea. To within two
day of bis death h wa la robust health
Th opinion of the mayor of wilke
baxra. Pa., on tb Imbecility of Juris
would be worth printing If publicly ex
presaed. Hla honor and two witnesses
trapped a briba-gtver as ba waa deliver
ing th goods, hut th evidence didn't
Impress th Jury, which acquitted th
brlba-glver and put th costs on th
mayor. However, Old Honesty I ua4 to
bard knocks la Peuuaj Ivaoia,
Big Stick in Action
Bdmrlal 0aaaBt ea afr.
aWeaevelt' Attack mm Trust
FaUey f ' Adaxlaiatratloa,
Fatally Taaaad.
Wall Street Journal.
Mr. Roosevelt might perhaps, be will
ing to make a new record, with another
term at th Whit House. It really does
not matter, for his relations with the
United State Steel corporation sealed
him with th fatal Wall atreet tag. Can
any good thing come of Nasareth?
lp tbe roetrts.
Pittsburgh Dispatch.
Th ex-presldent's article makes a large
number of assertions, many of them
purely dogmatic, concerning the Impos
sibility of making th anti-trust act re
store competition. To all that It is suf
ficient reply that It Is Impossible, until
tb courts are sufficiently In ' earnest
about It to enforce It In its full letter
and spirit
What It Mcaas.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
Theodor Roosevelt's article In the cur
rant Outlook, bringing forward again his
own aolutlon for th trust problem, is ac
cepted quit generally aa Mr. Roosevelt'
bid for a third term.
Divested of It digression, It I a naked
proposal that th American people shall
Mil their birthright of freedom for tbe
prlc of a few years' business peace.
Maraaa'a Letclral Candidate.
New York World.
Mr. Roosevelt would be th logical Mor
gan candidate for prealdent In 1(13. No
other candidal representing Wall street'
present desires would command such sup
port No other candidate with th faint
est chanc of election would more fully
merit th confidence of Big Business. No
other candidate could be more thoroughly
relied upon to help "unscramble the
Of Great Slanlflcaace.
Philadelphia Bulletin.
It is of great algnlflcawce, and of Im
portance, that from th acknowledged
prophet of the people, who when be was
prealdent mot right and left, at every
head that offered a challenge, because
he believed It 'Imperative that th great
masters of corporate capital In America
should fully realise that they were aerv- -ants
and not masters of th people"
It I significant that such a vole should j
now be heard counselling the people that
true progress Is mad by building up.
rather than by tearing down.
The Right Idea.
Chicago Record-Herald.
Colonel Roosevelt I out with another
vigorous denunciation of tha policy ot
fighting Injurious monopoly by lawsuit
under an act which no on understands
and which Is futile or Impossible when
literally Interpreted.
Why, then, confuse th isau or put th
cart befor th bora?
Certainty I th first sentlal.
The law, when clear, xpliclt certain,
must b obeyed by rich and poor allk;
guilt Is Indeed personal. But guilt pre
supposes knowledge, intent delinquency.
' Would Jurle send men to prison for
purely technical offense for violation of
a technical or Impossible act?
Merely Flapdoodle.
New Tork Herald.
As to the editorial itsalf, It will be read
with mixed feelings. Now it look Ilk
politics and then tike humor. Now It
looks Ilk heroics and then 11k flapdoodl.
First you see that th Sherman act 1
abominable, because It haa not sent the
Tobacco and Oil trusts' director to Jail,
because they are the unregenerate of th
earth; then you see that It I infamous,
hcaus It I being Invoked against the
Steel corporation, and Its directors ar
above reproach. Th inspiration la
wounded vanity and subject matter per
sonal equation. .
Therefore, we strongly Incline to th
opinion that tht deliverance I not poli
tics nor humor, nor heroic, but really
flapdoodl, after all.
MafclatT gasaa Prwarrcaa.
Indianapolis News.
Mr. Roosevelt did a great deal of talk
ing, but th Steel trust grew under him
from an Infant Into a giant tbat finally,
it Is charged, misled him Into authorising
th Illegal absorption of th Tennessee
Coal and Iron Industry. During his ad
ministration ths Sugar, Tobacco. Beef and
moat of our other trusts came Into being
and grew corrupt and fat Since we com
to think of It w hav only had relief
sine th eminent critlo of th present
administration quit Washington. He la
correct In saying that w ar not getting
all that w want But we ar getting
something and making torn progress to
ward the retlef that wa did not hav be
for March i, 1MB.
Oh, Yaw lata!
Detroit Fr Press.
Colonel Roosevelt' last article In the
Outlook make a note Ilk a receptive
prealdeatlal caadtdat.
What mor natural than that th old
Roosevelt worshipers, who have baen so
long silent should suddenly awak to this
trumpet sound and acclaim their old Idol
a th man cf destiny, th only leader
who oaa help th republican party out ot
th mens Into which they hav themselves
plunged It? Tbla I really what haa hap
pened. Washington .haa sounded tb
pibroch, and it If acholng acre th
continent, Roosevelt, th dark hors. Th
possibilities ar so alarming that wa be
come client in their presence.
Caa the Law Ita Itt
IndKnapoll New a
And whll wa are 'busting the na
tional trust nationally, why should not
we tak a few crack at them loeallyT
Now, titer I th Plumber trust for in
stanoe, that prevent a consumer from
buying bath room and other plumbers'
supplies of any description. I not thr
some way to get at It la every city or
ownty whr It operate.
Taralaa Bark Vwdeel rabies.
Philadelphia Bulletin.
Th fact tbat over 14.00 undesirable
alien war turned hack at th port of
New Tork last year may be a testimonial
to th efficiency of th Inspection ear tea
of our Jjn mis rati on bureau, but greater
efficiency would hav been shown had
they never reached New Tork. Th In
pectlon hould be made at tha point of
A star Miaatrp.
Bt Paul Dispatch.
J. Plerpont Morgan stumbled and
spilled th money on th plat b had
been paaatng at a church eervVie. it will
b noticed, however, that be does not
fall down n any money transaction In
Wall trt
Ruehville Recorder: "Boost for Omaha,
the town tliat treats visitors right," says
Th Bee. W'a will. W nver visited
Omaha yet for tha last seventeen yr
but what we felt we were treated right
and never a regret
Plattsmouth Journal: We cannot hope
to get the interurban down here from
Omaha until Nebraska abandons tha
suicidal policy of enacting laws to pre
vent capital from Investing In such en
terprises. In this respect Nebraska it
away behind ninny other states.
Beatrice Express: Chairman KennaHv
of tha state republican committee and
nia assistant have congratulation due
them for the good work of the campaign.
Removing th headquarters from Lincoln
to Omaha did no harm to th ticket vl
dently. No doubt It had aome Influence
In turning Omaha from democratic to re
publican. -
Loup City Times-Independent: In
Omaha, Neb., th polios hav arown tired
Of tryln to fun "tn rMara"
oreaklng the speed limits by ordinary
mean. Now they hav Dlaced "thank.
you-marma" on all th paved treeta and
Douievards. These are raised places
about 200 feet apart and about six Inches
high. Th poor "Joy riders" hav a rough
ioad to travel In Omaha.
Plattsmouth Journal:' That waa a great
teachers' gathering In Omaha th largest
meeting of its character ever held In tha
state end Omaha did Itself proud In en
tertaining them, too. Th Nebraska
metropolis has established an enviable
reputation for entertaining such gather
ings, and every on of th teacher Is
pleased with the manner In which hos
pitality was extended to them.
Springfield Monitor: My, won't Lin
coln be more Jealqus than ever when she
look over the enrollment at th ' Stat
Teachers' association held In Omaha and
finds the attendance over 300 mor than
a similar meeting held In the capital
city a year ago. And to think that Lin
coln had predicted a flxtle when the
teachers selected Omaha as the place
for this year' convention. It Is hard to
tell which war the better pleased, tha
teachers with their cordial reception, or
the cltlxens and business man of Omaha
with tha fine, large gathering of repre
sentative educators.
mm mmmm mtmm
I JW)wm
The Lamp Habit
The kerosene lamp has a long
list of accidents to its discredit.
It is so easy to trip and fall while carrying a
lighted lamp then lire and personal injury.
How much safer and satisfactory
is the use of Electric Lights. A
The pressing of a button any hour of the
night gives you plenty of light INSTANT
The cost of equipping your home
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Our lighting experts will call at your request,
plan the best installation and have cost esti
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Omaha Electric Light and
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A Bell Telephone
Telephone service cannot be considered a
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phone in your home.
Mother After all, th boy Is only ow
ing his wild oata.
Father I wouldn't mind if he didn't
mix in so much ry. Baltimore Ameri
can. Billy Huh! I bat you didn't hv a good
time at your btithdny party yesterday.
Willie f bat I did.
Billy Than why atn t you sick today?
Philadelphia Record.
Tlchtwad Is there anything mora heart
rending than to havo a wife who can
cook but won't do It?
Dyspeptic Yes to have one that can i
cook and will do It Harper s Uaiar.
'Jack HSva they got an up-to-date fool
ball board up at your school?
Lilly You betl They're already at
work figuring out new rules for the yeat
after next that will do away with the Ac
cidents that ar cettain to happen this
year. Puck.
Alice It's mean of you to tell people
that when Jack kissed me 1 dldu t resent.
, Maud I didn't, desr. On th contiary
I said that when he kUsed you on the
cheek you held It up against him fjr
quit a while. Boston Transcript.
"Do you believe a man's chaiacter can
be Judged from his hand wtltlnR?"
"Yes, if his letters are read in court."
Washington Star.
Oh, the youthful politician, with it brow
serenely high,
Applies himseu to labor as the days g
alowly by.
He get a Hula office and he has tho
term renewed,
And' the bosses hold him up for everlast
ing giatltude.
He dreamed ot s. tindlng plaudit from
appreciative throng,
And of his name repeated In th patriotic
The cuu.yiiment and carols ar but mea
ger at the most,
Though Ms name Is often mentioned In
connction with a roast.
H comas up for piomotlon, but be finds
with deep regret
That he can t have what he wanted and
must take what he can get.
Ha keeps up his endeavors fui the strug
gling masse' sake.
But he doesn't get much notice till he
make some slight mistake.
And there' Influence in waiting to hold
down hla motive pure.
While carping ciltlos vow nis Job Is Just
a sinecure.
No more he hopes to be tha theme of
eulogy and toast
He thinks he wcu.d be lucky to escape
without a roast
A woman craves com
panionship. Though her
friends may be far away,
6he longs to hear their
living, laughing voices.
A letter is cold and
bloodless it lacks the hu
man touch. The telephone
imparts one's personality.
A Bell telephone in the
home banishes loneliness
and brings a feeling of se
curity. Its emergency ad
vantages make it an abso
lute necessity.
Bell Telephone Lines Reach
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