Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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Till: V.V.V.: OMAHA. MOXDAV. XOVKMIIKU 27. 11)11.
. . .
Wonderful , Eeinlts Wfre Accom
plished in Very Short Time.
Hustle- anil Wrry of I'naatarnl
' l.tfa'of (llr Dvrrllrra U To
,' Xlnrh for Mont reoolr,
, Mates the Pprrinllat.
That "Tons, Vila," ltn tifw tonic that
In now being Introduced In Omaha by
specialists. Is a remarkable rirrparatlnn
li shown by the statement made bv A.
I. Christoffersrn of I'lS .North Fifty
fifth treat.
Mr. ChrUtoffcrrrn saM: "I bava for
some time past bt-en siiffffrlnit from In
digestion and stomach trouble-. 'J'lure
were tlmrs when I rmild rat nnthlns; but
liquid fo-xl. and even this would form
gas on my stomach and 'cause misery
almost beyond endurance. I suffered
from extreme Mrl!s of n rvourno end
dlsiinexs and my noei gave me no bone
fit, for 1 would awaken continually dur
ing ths night. I hnd headaches anil was
frequently constipated. In fact I wan
very badly run down.
"I tried many kinds of preparation
but nothing seemed -to relievo me of that
nervous, run-ddtvn condition. I bad al
most Io-.t hops when 1 heard of this
"Ton a Vita' and determined to test this
new eriKUolrie. 'Tona Vita' has aecom
jKUhed . wonderful results and I r)ow
fssl and act a number of years younger.
I hava been thoroughly benefited, f can
certainly Indorse this new medicine to'
my friends and slnoerely hope It will do
as much for them as it has for nis."
Specialist have been sent here tt ex
plain the nature of "Tona Vita" to the
public' and are meeting callers from
a. m. to C p. m. at the Branded druif
departnicut. Sixteenth and InoRl
streets, south side main f.oor. AucokV
Ing to these specialists, many people II v.
Ing In the larger cities are afflicted with
nervous debility. '
One of the spar tails t said In tills con
nection: "The bustle and worry and un
natural life of city dwellers Is too much
cf.a strain on the constitution of most
people and nervous debility Is tNn result
This malady U not thoroughly under
stood by American peopln as yet, but It
Is a Wry common complaint and I usu
ally referred to aa 'run down.' When a
man or woman doesn't know exactly
what Is the matter, but suys 'I gru ail
run down,' that means they have ner
vous debility. Tona Vita' Is a certain
relief, from this trouble ami will act on
the mind a well as on the body. Any
persons afflicted with 'nervous debility
is sure to be nervous, moody and de
pressed. It la remarkable to see bow
quickly the spirits and deposition Im
prove after A few days' treatment. Wa
hava many callers here In Omaha who
were ao depressed In spirit when they
came to aea us that they had no hope
of ever belrur well. A few days later,
after taking 'Tona Vita.' they call and
are like different people. It actually Is
hard to recognize soma of them i
cheerfulness changes the s hole exprea.
Hon of the face. Relief from nervous
debility Is Ilka being lifted out of a
btaok gulf of despair Into sunshine and
hayplnesx.''-'Adtf , , . .
:' l ' i , j";
I One of these
i . ' i
la yours If fou will eacuro tw
taboorlptloBS to weak!
1 fit
a v. w.wk ,.aiunaij K11Q
arieu u wuu ilil Distal
iiuinsri, , Uirge tutus poiiilulun
u euJ vrnoiutfiitt ui walglita.
lull Itvti giilu tuo iiatf liour
jiiu vineujikl sixi on 11,0 hour,
bi U yuur at uv cmu
ivi.iu (int.
'A. Superb Xma Gift
'A I'erfect Tiuio-crper
A fcf iiJooma, object of American
art. lul.1o fur tlie mirm t.
It t.-r from ou belure Nov.
li, tote clock wut b t.ij,pi ua. li
Is. bend u your nam aud u- U
dress and we will toil ywu what
u iiu,.i- ai ib i m worut tue
.-. .tut. - V. .
writs xoaiicxr to
Bias. Hall Hut, Borantoa, Pa.
Hundred Cases of Typhoid Fever in
Teachers' College.
tao II oar a of Health la Flahtlaat
the Disease 1st Kndrarorloar
to I. orate Its
Krom a 8taff Correspondent.)
lr.R MOT NTS. Nov. 2.. (Bpeclal.) A
great deal of alarm la felt In the state
over the apprnranca of typhoid fever and
diphtheria at various places. At Cedar
Falls, at the Putn Teachers' college and
In the town, about l'O raaee of typhoid
bays been reported and a number of
deaths. The situation with regard to
diphtheria at Pavenporl Is about aa bad.
ftlmilnr but smaller outbreaks are re
ported, from various other places.
The Ptate I'osrd of Health Is active end
Ik, musing In vent nation to bo made with
a view in heading off thejie epidernU s.
Th bret theory of the typhoid fever Is
hat It Is caused from the use of water
frmi sorfm-e dralnagn and that the
danger has been liu:retued because during
a liin:e part of the last season there was
ex-ets drouth and then that thia was
followed by abundance of rain in the fall
This has had the effect of starting the
w'uter through nirala of soli that has been
dV for a long time.
In the. towns where artesian water Is
drawn from (Wo wells no trouble has
be n experienced. ,
The surprise Is that in the city of Pes
.Moines and other larue places where) the
city water Is taken from the rivers no
danger has yet been exerlened.
The stale health department Is pleased
over the fact thnt thers has been no re
currence, of .Infantile paraljKls In the
state nave In a f?v Isolated Instances.
The. general health of the state was re
loi'ted n excellent during all the fall
niwnths, the deaths In September, and
Octuber not being up to the usual number.
1VII1 ot I rue Appointments.
It Is learned that 'the Iowa republican
delegation In congress will hold a meeting
about the middle of the month, In Wash
ington and will decide upon who shall be
recommended to the administration as
the choice of Iowa republicans for federal
positions, but will not urge the appoint
ments upon the president nor take any
active steps to effect changrs. In ac
cordance with custom in this state and
elsewhere the dolegstlon will act as a
whole upon the recommendations and the
expectation Is that the delegation will be
a unit In support of the republican candi
dates choMen. The terms of office of the
present Incumbents of the msrshalxhlp
and United Blatea attorney orflcos ex
pire within a month or two. While there
aro a number of candidates for the vari
ous places there has been very little wire
pulling or effort at Influence tipon the
delegation and roost of the candidates are
In position to accept defeat without trou
ble. It Is expected that the appointments
III be mnde about holiday time, so that
the changes can take place the first of
the year.
Railroad Work at Rlaoc-ard.
Information from Hlarnhrrd, Tage
county, is to the effect that the workmen
have been busy the last week loading and
hauling piling and bridge timber to the
different places at that nd of the new
railroad, wher bridge are to bo built.
A number of men from College Springs
nave also been assisting with tWs. work.
Work has been progressing very rlcoly
so fur on the road. The bridge gang has
been at work for several days. The boss
of the track laying gang Is at Wanchard
and will put his force of men at work
aa soon as the bridge men hava enough
dona so that they ran keep out of their
way. The engine to be used for con
struction work arrived Wednesday.
Iteaoue the Kelly Trial.
The trial of rr. Kelly, charged with
killing Edmund Bterxlng, will bo resumed
again In court Monday morning. The de
fense will probably take three or four
days In presenting the evidence that It
has for the case. Nearly all of this will
be evidence tending to strengthen the
claim on the part of the defense that for
a period of six weeks or more Just prior
to the tragedy In Des Moines the Council
Bluffs doctor was breaking down mentally
and at times vas utterly Insane. The
evidence given by his office boy and the
police officer, also that by tho two doctors
who were his friends and who hnd more
or less association with him, is regarded
as vital to the defenso. At the sama time
the state claims that the defense Is not
making aa strong a case as had been
anticipated, and that no proper basis for
the claim of Insanity has as yet been
made. Vr, Kelly, the defendant, appear
to be almost Indifferent to the case.
Mar End rrists fostrseti.
Attorr.oy Goners! Coasoowlll. at the
request of the governor, begirt aa Investi
gation Into the contracts which exist be
tween the State Hoard of Control and
certain manufacturers of Iowa for the um
of prison labor. It has been learned that
Governor Carroll has acked Attorney Gen
eral Cosson to determine whether the
contracts can be broken or not. This In
volves tha question of whether or not
they were legally entered Into by the
Hoard of Control and also as to whether
tho previsions of the contracts are not
In contravention - of tho state statutes
mode and provided.
M'ooU lavoatlgato Coovlotloa,
Governor P. F. Carroll soon will make
a decision on the petition of C. p. Brown
ing, a Des Maine private detective, for
, parole before his commitment. ri. ....
premo court handed down a decision last
week affirming Brownlrur'a eonvintin-
a charge of conspiracy with attempt to
muri. owning wa aentenced to-
two-year term In the penitantUu-y. The
supreme court suggested In tho decision
that the parole board take' up the case
Immediately and make thorough Investigation.
' ' ' m" TTTTit' W sl
Less than a penny and cleaner
thaa any.
JXiltT DOIXJE, Nov. M.-SpecUl.)De-clarlng
Fort Ludge butcher all take ad
vantage of every small cut lu price by
ouisiae packers and patronise them In
stead of the local concern. Hie Corn Belt
Hacking company Monday will start an
agreiv move, opening a retail shop
In the heart of the business district, They
bought out the oldest butcher ehou loea.
lion in the city and will fight th packer
lu th retail field, calling upon the pro
greestv oltisena to patronise them,
MAKSO.V. la , Nov. St ("Pedal-WohB
Block, a well-to-do farmer living near
here, was almost Instantly killed yester
day when his team raa away, block w as
thrown out and struck a post, crushing
his skull, lie was M year of age a'l
U aud l children survive jiin
Thomas Brewer
Foundjtfot Guilty
MASON' C1TT, la., Nov. W.-ffpeclal
Telegram ) Thomas Brewer was found
not guilty of the murder of Morrell go
verns. He acknowledged shooting him,
but put In the plea of self-defense. He
verns and Geotg Allen, who had been
drinking, called at the I'rascovlch home
to get some lienor. Prewer, a neighbor,
tried f drive them off. which resulted In
the shooting. The Jury was out twenty
four hours.
DrSAflT. lit., Nov. X. t?peclal.)
Tlier is a little romance In the marriage
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred II. Hose, which
they will be able to hand down to pos
terity. Itev. II. O. Lorenxe had the ex
perience of his life and posxtbly Jlr. snd
Mr. Itose are the only couple in the
country with this experience. Iysart Is
very close ta the county, line of Tama
and Benton. Instead of Hoo securing his
marriage license In Toledo, the county
sent of Tama, Vinton being so much
nearer, and being the -place frequently
visited by Iyaart people, he went there.
He secured the license and the company
gathered for the event. The pastor stood
up to perform the ceremony and he did.
but It was soon discovered that the
license: was from Hcnton county and the,
marriage In nnother county would be
illegal. Mut tho dilemma was quickly over
come. The contracting parties and a few
friends put 'on their wraps walked down
the Hoik Island tracks for about a
quarter of a mile .until they were In Ben
ton county, and there. In the darkness
of the night with hardly a star twinkling,
the words were spoken which made Miss
Sophia Miles the legally wedded wife
of Kred II. Kose of Hot Springs, S. U.
Rochester Selected as Place for
Holding- Next Convention.
C arpenters Agree to Re-eater Balld
lug Trades Department and
Abide hr Decision of Body
In Controversy.
(Continued from First l'uge.)
the adaptation of furnaces to the ore be
cause of IU cheapness, but mainly be
cause Mr. Rockefeller gave the whole
enterprise his flnunclal backing, pouring
"million after million" Into the mlnoa
and railroads and steamships to carry the
or until 1P01, when he sold out his stock
advances amounted "all told to nearly
tlS.000,000." This sum was apart from
his purchases of stock.
Tha request to compromise the Merrltt
lawsuit came from Merrltt and not from
Mr. Rockefeller. Mr. Oates declares.
"HI lawyer, Mr. Washburn," the state
ment says, "came to our legal represent
ative In Duluth, Mr. Cotton, and asked
that negotiations might be begun for
C-arges Withdrawn.
He quotes a telegram from Mr. Cotton
to Ilockefeller counsel 'In New York,
telling of a request by Washburn's cli
ents for a conference, "with view of
mlcable settlement." He also quotes the
reply of counsel in New York, George
Wellwood Murray, agreeing to the con
ference, but only on condition that th
settlement. If made, should Include "com
plete withdrawal of all charges of fraud
and misrepresentation, and a written
statement to explain Intelligently and
consistently with the evidence given by
defendant' witnesses, erroneous stste
ment of plaintiffs witnesses and Intelli
gently explain how plaintiff .witnesses
came to testify erroneously."
One sentence read:
"Under no circumstances can w com
promise, an aocusation of fraud."
After referring to th statement signed
by the Merrltts, Mr. Gate concludes:
"When they did retract, what did we
doT Wo gav them SM5.O00. which, added
to th money previously paid them,
amounted to share on all the stock
which they had sold, which wa It then
market price, and amounted in sub
stance to an option for th two Inter
vening years of th lawsuit." -.'
Maria Statement Denied.
DULUTH. Nov, -Denylng as an "un
qualified and malicious falsehood" the
testimony given recently by C. P. Martx
before th congressional committee In
vestigating the United State Steel cor
poration Joseph 1 Cotton of Duluth, at
torney for th Rockefeller interest' on
th Iron Range, and former attorney for
the United States gleet corporation, today
telegraphed statement to Augustus O.
Stanley, chairman of th investigating
C. P. Marts testified before the Stanley
committee that he had been ordered
chief engineer to "pad" th cost of pro
ducing th Duluth, Mlssabe ft Northern
railroad, alleging that Ueorge Wei wood
Murray and Joseph B. Cotton, then at
torney for th Duluth, Mlssabe & North
ern, had Issued the orders. Falling to
"pad" the cost of production of th road,
Marl testified, his position was taken
away from him within on year. '
, Aaron Oregg.
TECUMSFai, Nob., Nov. 2. (Special.)
Aaron Gregg, a well known citizen of
Teeumaeh. died at Ma horn at I o'clock
last evening after a short Illness. II
wa born at Carmlchaela, Ta., July 8,
IKO. making Ills ago 7 years, S month
and H days. Mr. Oregg was married to
Mis Lucy A. Hurff of Elmwood, III., on
September 14, and th widow and
four children urvlve. The children ar
Mis Lena Orogg of Eusaula. Okl.; Mrs.
A. N. Dafoo of this city, arl C. Oregg
of Pcorta, 111., and Oeorg P. Oregg of
Nemo, B. P. Mr. ' Oregg moved Xrom
Pennsylvania to Nebraska' In 19o0. He
had been a" lifelong member of the Pres
byterian church and aa honored elder
for many years.
taker McWIIllasss.
DEEP RIVER, Is,, Nov. Ss.-8pec!al.)-A
fall resulting In a fractured hip yes
terday caused the death of Robert McWIl
llamson old resident of this place. Mr.
McWIIilams wa injured a few week ago.
Some of the healthiest men and Women
In Omaha ar great enWrs vt "Minne
sota" macaroni and spaghetti. Many peo
ple who never cared for tlies foods be
fore are delighted with the rich nut-like
flavor of "Minnesota" macaroni and spa
ghetti and It is surprising how much
better a family will feel by eating more
of these foods and less meat.
Good macaroni and spaghetti ar th
beat and moot nojriehtng foods known.
Thay ar fin for children making their
bodle strung and healthy. Hut If you
want that rich nut-Ilk flavor be euro
to get tho delicious "Minnesota" brand
macaroni or spaghetti mad from th
finest Northern Durum wheat, with all
th nourishing Glutei) left In. It is welly
digested and nevtr gets sossy. au rood
Uiuaoa siocei
ATLANTA, Ca.. Nov. M.-After elect
ing Rochexler, N. Y., as the place for
holding the annual convention In
re-electing for next year all Its officers
and adopting without amendment the re
Hrt of several committees the thlrty
I'lrst annual convention of the American
Federation of Labor adjourned last night.
Rochester was chosen aa the place for
the next convention over Heattle, Wash.,
and Richmond, Vs., Rochester receiving
8,028 votes; Pcattle, 8.664 and Richmond,
No fight developed on th re-election
of President Samuel Clompers, and all of
the old officers were re-elected without
opposition. - i
Ity far the mort serious of the fac
tional differences taken up wss the con
test between the United Brotherhood of
Carpenters, with 2G0,OUO members, and the
Shoet Metal Workers, as a result of
which the carpenter had withdrawn
from th federation. The carpenters
hav atrreod to re-enter th building
trades department and to abide by that
body's decisions In the matter of Its
contest with the sheet metal workers,
and so were reinstated.
The Jurisdictional contest between the
affiliated and the unaffiliated brother
hoods of electrical worker In progress
for several years, wa brought before
the convention In the report of the build
ing trades department and Its recom
mendation that a plan for th amalgama
tion of the two organisations previously
recommended by the federation' execu
tlve council, be submitted to a referen
dum vote of the unaffiliated was adopted
after heated discussion.
Tho adJUHtment committee also recom
mended the amalgamation of the National
Association of Steam Fitters end the As
sociation of Journeymen Plumbers.
The report of the committee on boy
cott and education was adopted In full.
Resolution Adopted.
Among resolutions adopted were those
condemning working conditions found to
have existed In the plant of the Triangle'
Waist company in New York, destroyed
fire, entailing the loss of 150 lives; urging
an Investigation of th Boy Scout move
ment to determine Its influence and ef
fect upon labor; recommending the abro
gation of the treaty between the United
States and Russia governing the Issuance
of passports, and providing for tha setting
soldo' of a day In January when benefit
performance will be given In theaters
throughout tho country by members of
the White Rat Actors' Union of America,
the proceeds of which will go to the Mc
Namara defense fund.
Tonight all the trains leaving th city
ar bearing th delegate, who lost no
time In starting for their homes.
The building trades department of th
federation will convene Monday for a
ten days' session. -
Relatives of Noted
Showman Found Dead
Kansas City, ' mo., Nov. aU-Th
bodies of 'Clair Andrews and wife of
Baraboo, Wis., ' were ' found lying side
by elder la Swop park hero yesterday.
Tho position ot the bodle led tha police
to believe that the pair had committed
suicide. In Andrew's pocket was found
a letter addressed to Mrs. Alf. T. Ring
ling, Baraboo, Wis. The salutation read;
"My Dear Sister."
An envelope addressed to Mr. IT, a.
Andrews, supposed to be Andrews'
mother, bore the postmark of Baraboo.
A message from Baraboo late tonight
said that the man was a brother of Mrs.
Alf. T. Rlngllng, wife of the circus owner,
and that ho had been missing for several
months. 13. A. Kvans of Baraboo, attorney
for Mrs. Rlngllng, telephoned a local un
dertaker to take charge of tha bodies.
It I supposed th couple came tiers with
th circus last July. Ther wa little ex
cept bone and th clothing left, th
bodies having been exposed to th ele
ments since that time.
Dr. Harry Csarllaaky. th coroner, be
lieve that a bottle, which wa found
nearby, contained morphine.
Sororities Add
Narnes to Lists
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOI.N. Neb.. Nov. 16. (Speclal.)
The second period for sorority pledging
closed Saturday night with tho announce
ment of eight new member of sororities.
Very few of the Greek letter societies
took advantage ot th opportunity to
pledge new member. Following I th
list of pledge announced after a three
day rushing season:
Cld OmegaCora Rankin, McCook;
Orav Reaves, Falls City; Verva Saund
ers. Keots, III. j Ellenor Buastard, Dan
ville. 111.
Delta Delta Delta Oraco Bennett, Lin
coln; Bernlc Thomas, Omaha Laura
Knott. Sioux City, la.
Delta Qama-Mildred Morning,' Lincoln.
(Continued from First Page.)
labor, ludustrtdj i, taxation for local pur
pose, law and Juatlc and polio, leaving
to th Imperial Parliament th manage
ment of th army, navy, foreign rela
tions, eustoms. Imperial taxation and
matters pertaining to th crown and col
onies. Aa with th colonle th Imperial
Parliament would hav th right of eto
over the act of th Irish legislature.
This power, however. Is seldom used so
far as th self-governing colonle ar con
cerned. The nationalist do not believe the
flnaitclal arrangement between England
and Ireland present any serious difficul
ties. In other quarters, however, 'this is
believed to be the groat difficulty, a dif
ficulty that will require all th ability
of th financial expert of the govern
ment to overcome. .
(Continued from First Page.)
vide for hi wife, but concliUh6 &
WX --e!on that b may soon bs
able to secure work, and th sentence, I
lovo you."
'A fresh deal
for pipe smokers
RINCE ALBERT has a story to tell you men who
smoke pipes and suffer with scorched tongues.
Prince Albert is a new and wonderful ri'r or,4
tobacco, made by a patent process that removes the
"sting" and makes it the one best smoke in the world,
bar none f
This patent process is controlled exclusively by the
makers of Prince Albert. It took three years to perfect and
cost a fortune. Now, it's ready for your enjoyment. ,
Men, we stake our reputation on'the wholesomeness of
this splendid tobacco. Against the fortune that its per-,
fection has cost, we ask you to be game enough to go into
the first store you reach and invest in a liberal size ten cent
tin of Prince Albert,
We tell you this tobacco is a revelation to pipe smokers,
old and new. It not only will not bite the tongue, but it is
long burning and holds its fire close. You'll never burn
our finger tips jamming the hot ashes down !
Get acquainted with Prince Albert to-day. You'll enjoy
that pipe as you never enjoyed one'before.
Take our word for it!
Sold by all I'm dealers iO cent tins and 5 cent
bags, handy for. cigarette makingHalf-pound and
pound tin humidors and pound glass humidors.
Winston-Salem, N. C.
husband two weeks before the shooting
wa read. It follows in part:
"Dear Chic: Your, letter was very
sweet. I hav Just put an advertisement
In th paper to sell my house and my
dog and my sealskin coat. I have not
a cent In my checking account. I am
worried very much about money. One
by one, every thing goes my end I pre
fer death to poverty."
Kerr Ilolldlaas a Stanton.
STANTON, Neb., Nov. 26.-(Special.)
Henry Pohlman has the plans drawn up
and work was today started on the erec
tion of a new brick store building, 25xS0
feet, on the vacant lots west of the Bton
ton Picket office. When completed It
will bo occupied by A. II. Loebe's men'
furnishing store.
Work Is now progressing rapidly on the
new bungalow residence of J. Ervln Nye,
county treasurer. The noun will be con
structed with nobby porches and every
thing up to date with all modern con
veniences. Suelton Bros, have the con
tract for th work.
"mall Fire at Ravenna.
RAVENNA. Neb., Nov. J6.-(Speclal.)-Between
li and 1 o'clock during the night
a flro broke out in the Owl cafe, owned
by H. C. Decius, and before the blaze
could bo controlled considerable damage
had been done, necessitating the closing
of the restaurant temporarily. The build
ing Is owned by Mrs. McDonald, who
live in Wyoming. The building on the
south, owned and occupied by W. E.
IUkks, was but slightly damaged.
If you knew ot tne ru v.iue of Cham
berlain' Liniment for lame back, soreness
of th muscles, sprains and rheuroatio
pains, you would never wish to be without
It. For aala by all dealer.
-let ni suggest that yon conclude your
Thanksgiving dinner successfully
with this delicious dessert, mad with
1 n kY
a m LS Hit
TbaLsf iVinf DuMrt
W Wc Kmi ,tiB,, 1 1 rtsHrl mWhwmmi
I tlvf. iiwiBiisUust, ci-t la IMstaU Bir.; 2 -
tpatfciU i:bobp4i4 Matlml ln lb. tUcc4
m4 choMMd ia-Mii i 1 cup iS4ri 1 pM kasrf
s-.kil ltrv cup tu-i wane ( cup
bat-ib aur. SMk i-at'it lu ct4 v-w. 4tM
tat bJl( Trr. igr. hi toLuur t c14,
sH fcsmti till vifff, nwt.kt, cm0M.
s utk It cv su4 cudted ttiortsM. 11 wnh
- tr sfcanT- Tt lata ! ar Jipfsed take cnld
Miw.vluU. IUttrttouato iU-va'Mb,
CAUTTOrt Ba par -a K BI Oiattea
4 Ml ap Ifcp aaaaa wauap.
CPBftaiaui 4aialr pn4 appro priata Kdo OcUHm
tacLpaa for vprr 4y U yeas, test frap fa
y0t f 'QCt't BIBi.
impU for 2c. tUmd grour't imr,
400 Km AfatiM Jetapttm. N. Y.
The Adler-1-ka book, ttlling how you
can EA81LY guard against arpendlcltls
and get INSTANT relief froi.t constl
pntlrn or gas on t:e somucli. Is be!:
go WtUlUu-th lniert ';. poopir.
It Is given away fie by "ft Phermjn
ft MoConiNll Drug Co., Cor. K-.i a id
Dsdr. Cor. Mth and Harney, C,-'.
.What Do You Want
- in Jewelry ?
Whatever it may bewe have k. The variety here a great the
?uality superior backed by the Peacock 75 year reputation,
'eacock offerings are always the latest, and the values are won
ders due to our extensive buying power and volume of business.
Those who select their gifts with disaiminate care will not pur
chase without visiting this "Jewelry Center of Chicago.'
If you may not get to Chicago for the holiday shopping, write)
now for the 191 1-12 Peacock Illustrated Shopper's Guide which
shows what to give how much to pay,
(Est-Uishsd1 In 1837)
liMMt .Another
Big Land Opening
CStartlng tonday, November 30, 1911, 150,000 acre will b opened to
settlement, near Cut Bank, Montana, on the Great Northern Railway.
CThi lanJ, reserved for Irrigation, has been opened because "dry farminff'
methods have made irrigation unnecessary. 4$ to 50 bushels of winter
wheat, ic Dusneuot spring wheat, to bushels of oats, ao bushel of rye and
15 ousneis 01 nax axe tee average yiews per acre.
250,000 Free Acres Near Cut Bank, Montana
Cira,oao tcm intoM sptnrd. Almott Cfry acre U fit claw farminf
auu. nny niuriL-aii cuuen wdo uuca sof own nor uaa 100 acrea Ot
Uno- wno Mi not alreid used hu homeatead right can ft a irm
3 o Bct-i larrs, at .m oaojc, unoer l.bcu aim i ootuetuaa uwa. Iht
ouiy cott ia the 61in fees, rnhkh Amount to about lie. No Inrrrrv
no w-iunff hr ei.miua tho laad at Cut flank than 61a. Ymi
caa hava a Montana farm aa4 ham ti yoi want it. tiU out
aitacQca coupon aoa aaa to
Ceal Iaunlt Ajent
i CP i
I I 111 I fill l nirl W.iWunuwi Soorsixa Surt
PnlEI IZIIII -4 I C J dlorovtt blXTV VgAKSIiy MI
rill UllUII UlllU
CKbS. It
A1JAAj!I tAIM rilVUdliiiL-iiriiiK. J
of 172 lots of unreuoemeil houci)oll ' remedy for iJiABUHUiA. it u sU
BtMLi- .ViiiAiiilv,.,. ? u i soniwiy l.mi;.
TV ' " U !B1U',
r. Be curs sail sk lot Mikl
hint kymp. - mi ttUMS4
rscis MU4 N