Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
Falls Beneath Wheels of Coal Car on
Tirst Arenne.
ruYnta too keae tracks
tmbrr of Thfm ttlnsbliis; tn
Moving; Car Whm Willi
t Droe te Tmk
Ueaeatk. ,
Injurlm that required the amputation
of Ma right lrg abov tlia knee were In
flicted uttori Willie West, -yesr-olil aon
af Mr. and Mra. William West, residing
at JMO First avenue, Triiir:1y r-venlnn
when he foil beneath the wheels of a
coal car upon whlcn ho waa trylna; to
climb when It waa In motion.
In company with a numUr of children
he waa playing near the consolidation
trarka on First avenue, near hi home.
The coal train came along and several of
the older boy climbed, upon the mov
ing csrs. The little fellow attempted to
do the am and fell with hla rlaht leg
across the trstk. The tender hone waa
found to be crushed In such a manner
that Dr. Jennlnpi. erho'wa' called, wa
compelled to amputate after the little
aufferer had been taken to Mercy hospl-
tal. The father of the boy ! a cntimer
olal salesman for the Anderson Commts-
I lon house In Omaha and wa hut at home
at the time of the accident.
Minor Mention
The OeaaeU Bluff Office of
The Omaha See ' at IS '.ot
Street, raon 4.
peclal Salartlay Prices
In our lilg hardware: and house furnish
ings department: The genuine fieamlena
eavory roaster, 7c; thrte-plsee stag
Handle carving sot. knife, fork and ateet.
In satin lined case, reaular l V value,
Saturday $1.98; Urge double roaster, Oo;
wood lined move board, tin from Rgej
the IUyo lamp, comiicte, warranted
oil heater, up from M.SS; tit Vulcan
toaater, toaRta four allcoa of bread at
nee, today 19c; ash sifter, up from lSoj
torm proof, -re(t door taper, IScj the
. genuine Universal fooil chopper, 79o;
Lindsay uprleht gaa lamp, complete, TUcs
Dart, drug.
L-elisi t s. uitl:lo. ' 1
H. Berwick for wall paper
Corrlgana, undertakers. Phone ll.
Genuine Vlctroia, US. A. Hope Co.
For authority en watche see l-"rt-TAUBT
Woodrlng Undertaking Co. Tel. .
Lewi Cutler, funeral director, phone W.
livery Victor record t atock. A
Hosp Co.
Mace your order no for Xma fram-
Ihtf at the Faublo art shop.
Kpre and bagirnre delivery. ' I'hone
H 6T He)L lixl. V1.' F. Tulk.
Cftnrty at Murr I s U ilsv Saturday.
tiome-maite randy at half price.
'time now to order votir new bOJK for
in new year. Mnrchouee Co.
Thankeelvltia wine end llminrs. I
Rosetifelci Llijuor Co., 519 Bo. Main.
. KIT Kit TKHTKl) and irU.w fitted. T-ef
furta, registered opticians. UA llroadway.
Clolng to leave eltv: fnml eell my piano.
Address "U" Omaba lle. Council Uluff.
Pry com cob. II 60 a larae coal wagon
load; regular rtrlre II. I'roge Elevator
company, Ma-20 Tearl St.
Tou can aet anvthma in the line of
stlverwsr for the Thanksgiving table at
triert, 60 Broadway.
If vou want window Ml, AS call rtil
phone (CO, rsnff City Olan and Mirror
Work. 1CH Wrtl Iii'OkdWH, W make
h ipeclalty of Ul.AZ.lN at low price.
h'liiKcliolJ awtls, horee, cattlo and all
at. Kiel teourltlo at a big Discount of the
usual rate. Office over West broad
way. '
Cole' Hot tllasl heater burn cheap
coal without the dirt, eont and trouble of
the Old etyl stovs. Price 11000 up. V.
C. LxVol Hardware enmpaui, iW liroad-
ray, exclusive agency.
Complaint were matte-last evening by
expretisViien wagon owner that several
other men engaged In the business were
operating without a lleene and a police
ordr wa Issued to bring all sucli per-
one to the station.
Two mall uurtlarles. belUved to have
been committed by boy, were reported
th! city had the honor of eeilng a on;
f three auctioneer In a world recora
rale of I uroc-Jerey hog which wo
held at Mt. Hlerllng. III.. November rj.
Ihe hnr were the pioperty of II. F.
Ilrownlri and eold at n average of $
er head, the tnirty-elx head Bringing
It art N pvlna. the email daughter of
Kirk Oiibhel of vVeetphalla, met with a
fatal cH lent Monday. While her mother
rti.lti the fnmllv Waehlng the little
Child looaened the etopper In the wahtng
machine and the nollina water ran over fece and abdomen, verely burning
her. tine died a few hour later In great
CHARITON-W. It. Dewey, former
editor a.nd owner of the Charlton Ider,
haa bought the lentervm journal ana
Will at once take poeeenelon. He will be
aioclated with W. K. Currle, formerly
of Mount Ayf and one of the bet known
polttlclana In the F.lghth dletrlct, and
Kir. Currle will have the management of
the paper.
1.X7AN Nolwlthetandlna: report to the
contrary, the JfiO.iword mortgage from
the lowa-Nenrueka kudu pervii-e com
pany to a tniet comimtif In Chloagi, with
a consideration of i,io.0f, wa tiled on
October l: with County Kecorder 8. K
Cox. The Inetrtiment wa composed of
thlrtv-flv Luge of typewritten matter
and the fee wa tm.
I .on AN The tenant hone on the Henry
Netach farm between IxtaAn and Woixl-
Council Blnffi Man Cleared 7 Jndg
After Hearings.
From Burning Negro
Assailant of Girl
H. r. Alleai of Blaffa
neejalallloa for Forgery aad
Prove Officer Aeeoee ,
Wm Peraoa.
ePBINO HILI-S. Kan., Nov. S3. VThlla
Clarence Davla, an U-year-old negro, eat
hackled to a ohaJr in a, pool hall here
today tOO member of a poaie who had
captured him for an attempted attack on
Buth Fike, a lt-year-old high hool girl.
debated the queetlon f taking the law
After hearing evidence that required all ito the!r own hands. Twenty speech
afternoon to present. Judge Arthur at t were made and at the conciuilon a tan
Council Bluffa late Friday denlod f,irmtr pulled the negro toward the door
Ihe application of the governor of Mia- ni aaaumlng the leadorihlp of the mob,
ourl upon the governor of Iowa for thejcr)ej;
extiadltlon of 11. T. Alien on the charge "Come on boy, well burn the acoundrol
that he had forged the name of H. D. I at the, atake."
Recce of Pavannah, Mo., to a check for willing hand helped to drag the negro
fi5 and caehid It through the wnng oi to tne ,(ret. At thle Juncture. J. A.
Huchonan County at Bt. Joecph. The eon- father of the girl, arrived.
Puerring aldo the mo, he reached the
negro Nice ana, aaarcsswg romnii i
the crowd, declared the mob must diaper
and let the law take It course.
Thla undoubtedly I the man wbo at
tempted a vlciou crime upor, my
daughter." aald he, ' "but Judge Lynch
doe not live in civilized Kama any
corpus hearing In the district court Judge more. To burri tbla fellow to death will
Pickard. 16,137; J. M. Knott. sootallBt.
County Commfloner, Fifth TMatrlct
Trank C. lleat, republican. 13.0S2; M. R.
Huntington, democrat, a.t; 1 Duncan,
aoclaluit, 1.70.
Police Judge, Omha Cbarloa K. Fos
ter, republican, .02S: J. J. Mahoncy.
democrat, T,7; Thor Jorgeneen. socialist,
Police Judge, South Omaha C. I- Alt
stadt. republican. 1.H52; James Callahan,
democrat, 1,M; P. C. Cildwell, Triple
Independent, 78; John F. Chare. soclalUt,
1 Justlrea of the Teac. Omaha RepuM!-
cans: Wra. Altstadt. .B; O. II. Harker.
.50; Oeorge C Cockrell. S.713: TV. W.
Eastman. 9,m; Ed Ieeder, 8.5"5; K. K.
Lone;. 1.723. Democrat: A. E. Ilald-vln,
.9; Albert Kaplan, 7.017; E. F. Mc
Cartney. ,780; W. F. Meyerm. S.854; E. A.
Shaw; ,SD7; Ed McQInnla. .7U.
tentkm that It waa oa of mistaken
Identity wa sirstelned by apparently lm-
nresnabla evidence showing that the
Cnunrtl Uluff Allen was hot the R. K.
rune rauani urn nm .iiimii n-.m and
ih. rhiinn.v in the rnr end burned to the Allen, who worked such a smooth ana
ground Wednesday night. The los I masterful pume upon the Savannah and
"vrr W I!iL,yrff.rr.J. Jr."H"?. BL Josenh. Mo., banker. At the end of
in.,.-). i.l,. . L i I" 'he pollre yetetdiy morning. The
Inverted yaa lamp, complete, 7o; up- dry good ter of Mll Bon. 10 llload-
ance comriany, Settlement with tne com- the testimony imroaucea in i"
pony ha bren efrecteu.
DENIWN-Thorn Ha, one of the
mot prominent cltlaen of thl county,
died at hi horn near 1hw City thl morn
ing after a brief lllni. II wa a na
tive of Peotland, who came to thl county
In lKf. and made a noted ucc a a
farmer and butlne man. He wa
promtnertet a A Maaon ana a memuer
of the MethcdlRt church.
KBTI1KRVILLF.. That Esthervllle will
lioW a great deal of Improvement during
the next twelve month la very evident.
About J 100. 0i0 or buildings will be put up.
As soon as spring opens Ale Johnston
snd (I. O. Gardner expect to put up a
too.ono modern hotel. F. H. Ornaf will
build a larye brirg uuiiaing next to ni
confectloriary store end about eight new
residence will be put up.
MntTNT PLRARANT The entire
student bodv of Iowa Weeleyan eeveral
hundreds townspeople and a band are
rnnklnu tirenaratlnn to go to Fairfield
Wednesday, Noveniler J8, to boost for the
big game of the feaaon In southeast Iowa
the Wesleyan I'arsons foot ball con-
teat. It Ih said the weeleyan eleven win
have the largest body of rooter upport
Ing them that day that ha ever been
bark of anv of the college' team on an
opponent a iieio.
IN PIANOLA The parent of Mr. A.
W. Martin, wife of I'rof. Martin, a
ngni or inverted mantel, lop; extra
heavy nickel plated black tin range tea
kettle,,r; No. I pure aluminum ta ket
tle, $ value, today $:! l; 17-nuert extra
Heavy granite dish pan, 0; No. I nlokol
plnted tea kettle, $l l; weather strip, per
foot, up front let eoot destroyer, tor
cleaning stove or furnace pipes, pkg., lfio
way, and the automobile garnge of the
tiraoiey, Merr at Bmitn company on
tfuuth Xfaln treet were broken Into. Only
a few ainall article were takxn front the
Hrii store and tnitii glove and auto'
mobile tool from th gitreae. '
rate h been dealing very unkindly
with Harris Marshall, who say hi home
is in uieviennd, o. Martllail Wa in Police
court charged with being a vagrant. 11
J. Zollrr Merctnttl Co., The nit I'ptown M"1 charge and declared he Wa
Utore. lW-lM-lM-Hie. rtrnsdw.v rone pr'u"let. and proved It by cketohlng
. Li. 1 ..J. roaaayv Four ome very excellent cartoon ot ponce
phones Ring 3M.
court official. He was, however, unable
I to picture out in good believable Rngilxn
promises ssseti on tangible evidence that
he would cease to he a victim of wander
WILL filVP A rflMTFOT ,,,"t fl '"v 'n "n" i""-8 ,nn enouBh
. " " l to got pra-tlonl result from hi un
Prof. R. V. Miller, In efiarga of the
choir of the llroadway Methodist churoh,
nae arranged tor another of the very
popular sacred concert at the churttft
tomorrpw evening. - Theee conoert have
been popular feature for a number, of
year and have attracted a widespread
Interest on aocount Of the high eHAracter
of the music and the prominence In the
muslo loving world of those who have
directed them. The choir ha numbered
for many year members.-whose attain
tnents In vole development have, placed
them at the head of Waf favorite. It
wa from thla cioW ,tha the Omen K!k'
cjuartet wa evolved and for a number
Of year Iir. Claude Lewis, the wonderfui
tenor of th quartet, hri cliaene- of the l0-kli-M-li6 -llroadway
doubled ttlent. A on encouragement
jurist Knydef sent hint to jail for twenty
Just catch these eperlsl price for Hat
urduy in our meat department: Home
made liver sausages, lb., 10c; turkeve, lb.,
2K-i ducks, lb., lfto; geese, lb.,' l.V; brvak-
isst bacon, by the strip, lb., U'ic; vesl,
lb., nil from 10c: home-made headcheese.
..... iv. . F.iiu '. n ujd ri.. ui.. luv. inn.:.
beef ronsts, lb., up from IOC; dressed
spring chicken, lb., 12'4c', . beef soup
ments, lb Op from 8c; fancy oleomar
garine, IK, I9ci No. 1 ra- skinned hams
in., itc and 1; beef " rrasts, lb., up
from inc; good- beef s.ruk. lb., uo from
lu; I-lb, pall Rex lard. !Wc; fancy boiling
. lb., uo frem Ro: home-made Pickled
corned beef, lb., up from 10c; home-made
sausage, i lbs. 3.'- pork roast,. IK, up
from li'Uci vel roaHts, lb., tip from l!'4oi
mutton, tit., up rroin so; nome-maue nam
biirser. I lbs. 2.V, J. poller Merc. Co.
the big uptown store. Four Chun. UO,
hoir. I'ro;. Miller, - tha present choir
director, who conns from a family of
musician, had acquired a wide reputa
Hon beforo he came here and he ha
grown visibly In ability since coming.
oiiowitig ia tne program prepared by
Organ prelude
I'layt r
Mrs. ll.- 11.. Van Brunt, who haa been
driving a handrome eledtflo VAr 'untfl
she has become thoroughly proflislent In,
Us use, bad her flrt accident yesterday
afternoon. Bhe was stopping her machine
on willow avenue, east of Third street, at
the brow or the etevpest hill In that port
of town, and left It to make a call. Bhe
had not set the brake very ecurely and
a puff of wind atarted the handsnm cab
ontv acandallte the country. Let the law,
I beg of you. tike U.a course.
After a conference, the mob leaders
turned the negT over to the county au-
thorltiea after being assured of a peedy
trial for him.
Arthur denied the application lor ex
ir..iitin,i and oulcred the diachaigo of
rlKht ItnbberM One.
Th flaht WD Of the mosl tunoOT
character on both aide. Evidence sue
talnlng tho application for extradition
was riven br W. P. Fulk!non, preweni.
he Ilnnk of
Buchanan County, who positively Identl
fled Allen as the man who presented tne
forged check and negotiated Its collection.
Thev felt certain they could not be role-
nkn and oolnled out all of the llttlo
peculiarities that dl.tlnguish Allen from fJUTJTjjfS JX TJrjIINa MATES
other tnen. In the caplaa Issued tor me
Official Ketunu Show Fntnlt Dewey,
for County Clerk, Leads Ticket.
fiutonobile Highway Llap'
For the benefit nf Automobile Tour
lt tho Western Contractors' Supply
Co., B Bra.tdcls Rulldlng, nas com
pleted and publlhed an accurate ana
complete n.ap ahowrng all tho author
ised thoroughfare vt eastern Nebraska
and western Iowa, enabling anyone to
select their route to any given, point
and follow It with certainty, avoiding
all the unpleasant delay consequent
to misinformation obtained enrout.
; This map ;ias been perfected on tha
authority of the county official of
each county who have these roads In
charge and ehowe not only the main
lines of travel but shows these road
that have been especially prepared for
automobile ttavel between all the Im
portant towna in tho territory covered.
The map Is for cale at the Auto
Supply depots, garapes. book stores and
aewa stands. Price 1.60 each. If your
dealer Js unahle to supply you the map
will be mailed postpaid on receipt of
requisition tha date of the flrt stage oi
the crime wa fixed at October 30, when
It ahould have been September 30, when
Reece left Savannah for Nebraska and
met tho man who reapreeented hlmK as
R. K. Allen, a wealthy ranch and stock
man, and Induced Reeoe to write hi name
In a rassbook. and which later appearea
. . . . - I I I Tin. 1.
nn the checlc in exact lacsimiir.
MrMrlde, Repablteaa Candidate for
farveyor, la next, erUkt 13,223,
People' Independeat Et.
eterensneat Hrlptafl; Mint.
Canvass af the Douglas eounty vote
I for -oounty attorney and the vote for
Omaha and South Omaha officer of the
(nrnr Instructor at B moson college, . . - i. , I e-eaeral ftUkctloa af November 7. wa com-
have received word of the safety of the "n wm f ... w t1- Mnv.aanlt yterday
. i .. I . fan. r ha rn, iiim i r mmvn cnrK una ins iiu.n uus..iviiiia I - - -
v.... have been engaged In mfclon work I k.. etn.liv left it for collection afternoon. It show that Fraalt Dewey,
in Nanking, China. The letter waa dated I .r,r-,.rd auain on irepubllcan oandidate for county clerk
(Jctolvr K and ay It la t.iseiy tne scnooi " - . ; h. ran ahead of b. rountv ticket and polled
October It to rceive tne inuncj -- -
check had been sent to Bavannah ' for U higher vote than any otter republican
collection. Their testimony wa. .trongiy y. . "
I sustained by tompaneon of tne vniin
on 'the check with acknowledged apecH-
m.n of Allan' handwriting. They were
stranirBlv alike, and the banker
of Nanking will all be closed for a time
at least and It la believed that the
Martina are n"W on tne way nom as wuii
as some of tne other missionaries Bta
tloned there.
ntAm.lTR CTTY The Charles City eol
lege basket ball team will play this year
larger teams than ever before. Games
hsve been scheduled so far with the
college team of Highland. - Kan , High
land I'nrk of Ies Molne, hhattuck Mill- - Kw ,h. ,m9 Band
.h.w.i iMi.hnrv nf dwatonna. Minn., were written by tne same nnt
Iowa Htate Teacher' college. Lenox ool- in opposition to thl caaw an array
leas- and th-Waterloo. Uuslneis college. .( . tnat COuld not be doubted.
liiegame witn tn latter win ne tne ursi - . rounell Bluff
nd will -be plaved hera ThankKlvlng howlng that Allen waa In council
night To tmlU-B'' !" arranging with brake working In the regular discharge ml ws
university 4iU Xtes.Molniis eollege. Luther A.,,.am tnr u,-rvintn Smith on the
college or lcorah and Carleton college I- - - j
M.t Ki.Xkn.u mu. ... rtki.t lAate the tranetiotlon occarrefl ,1
ball l the local cotfege trongest imi j0oph. Thlh evidence -wa Buhmltted by
and they expect to at least put up a good ha,f a dMcn of hf ompioye of Nurserj--
IXIAN-Th Harrison County Medical m" """ .u..v ...
. I.tlnn not han. 'Uiunitnv. Dr. H. I stances by UnlmPeaCVDie aocumeniary
Hansen read a raptc bit prevention of evidence. Mf Sralth'' vldeoe. svbjch.
Typhoid Fever by Vecc.inailon;" Ur, I. .,, , . the def enne. u;
C. Wood, "I'ersondl thseration'On the formed a trong iiart of j fB""7 ' "V:
t.urative i'roperims or tne.' water ni largely oiKumenwij.
that AHen wa engaged Jn worK m
making aneclal deliveries Ir.i October S
to' October It knd that od V 1 '
aopgmpunjQd. him to the train hi a.
M.iurn thA 1. 1 1 1 1 ..... ...... . .. .....11
i(enonse-A. Ue iio,., m ilayden the brake let go entirely and th auto-
olo and iS'?nl- mob"' oplnnlng down th grade at
from "IteJ ornT.,';;'-'0 ''y t?- high .peed. It dashed ncroa. several
Ml-I M lu . I ?i ,',d ;.r.,eUuUn,d cf th "'" reeie without
Hrodav male muiVi.t where It collided with a mule team. The
lm,.Th i..?..:.:!1"' """"Ji aurprleed mule was knocked off it feet
-- --'-."... , lis prnmn i
' 7i "'"""' ... iianscomtJ
. onneu anq 'rof. sillier.
ttoio the Plains of Ware lllngham
' Mis I.ougse.
Bolo and Anthem Almighty Ood..Motart
In Heavenly Imvi Abiding: OormtB.
"""owbt mate iiuertet,
tiffurtory and nnouncemunt
Uuet riun of My Howl. , Jerome
t. , Mr.,luii and IVof. Miller,
hole and Anthem From Thy love a
a l'atlier, from "KedempUun". Gounod
......... -mmiy incv onneii ana chorua.
Utnedtotioti and organ postiud.,
ft re I Kta Traaaferm,
Ileal astat transfer a reported to Th
lie November 14 by the Pottawattamie
County Abstract company of Council
Waller C. Uaitou and wife to John
T. llaseu, will feet lot I) and ell
leot lot la. suudiv, of block 4.
ri 1 1 ' - ' - -i 11.000
v. ii. rasn company various
ir. d.
nd landa In Council Hluffs,
Two tranafere. totnl..
.. t.oo
nd the vehicle to which ll was attached
waa elightly damaged. The Itnoaot of the
collision stopped the runaway machine. It
waa round to nave sustained sllsht
Nearly ail of the federal sMcm have
been moved back tn the federal bulldlna
sad now occupy quarters suitable tu the
dignity of the department they repre
sent. During the two yrsrs tne work of
reconstructing the postofflce hss been
under way the working paraphernalia of
the federal court haa been installed tn
the crunty building, and since the death
or alls Maxwell, the Cornier deputy clerk,
th record have been looked after by
J. M. Matthew. The duties have not
been sufficient to disturb hi work es
one of the deputy county auditors, as only
papers In pending rcderal court cases
have required attention. The new deputy
clerk will not be named until January 1,
when It Is expected a surritlent appro
priation will be secured from th govern
ment to J ust I ry a salury commensurate
with the d vi tie of the offices. There ere
several applicant for th place, hut the
eppointment will not be made until after
the first or the year.
Judge Arthur at noon yesterday con.
lulled th ease of Arthur MrFailnnd. c.
euseu or enticing
V . . I. -1 . ., ... T ... 1-v , U'llll.m.
"Tolnln of Interest In the Diagnosis of
flail Hone:". Dr. J. KnoWles "Hoclal
Diseases." KAoh usper was followed hy
lively rilecusrilon, In which those present
imrticlpated. A business bureau for'th
cIssHlflcHtion and collection of bad ae
counts dua rach member In the cotmty.
s well a for other purpose of Interest
to the profession, wss organlied. Th
visiting physician and aurgeons were the
guecf or the i.ogan memner or rne
saseclatlon at a dinner st the I.tisk house.
Dr. H. Hahsen' w as elected president and
Dr. C R. Kennedny wa re-elected ecre-tnrv-treaaurcr
ot the association. Hoth
officer are of I.ogan. Th next rrfeetlng
will be at Woodbine on tha second Thurs
day in March.
FAIRFIELD Parsons oollege at Fslr
field ha gone on record with the fol
lowing resolutions: '-We the faculty and
studnnts of Fsrsons college desire to ex
press our condemnation of the practice
or betting On oollege athlctlo teams. W
disapprove the spirit which prompts
betting nnd as Individual and aa a school
shall tndeawr to eliminate It In all our
games. We wish also to enlist those
who have th Interest if Parsons at heart
lo aid ua In thla movement. We feel that
If college athletlca cannot be kept fiom
gambling they should be abolished. We
ask therefore co-operation orf the part of
all who aland for clean athletic In Par-
son college In doing away with betting
at all contests." It I olaimed th above
resolution were adopted following the
recent game with Iowa Wesleyan eollege
at Mount Pleasant, where It I charged
several thousand -ef dollar left Mount
Vleanant on th special returning to Fair-
lieiu. is ex t weea tne two ecnoois meet
oa the Fairfield ground for tha last big
contest and speculation I rife as to how
th revolution wlil affect the result.
cept Judge Abraham L. Button
The official total a given out by the
board follow t
Clerk of th District Court Robert
Smith, republican and people' Independ
ent, 12.837; Ttioma J. Plynn. 8.873; Jesse
T. Brtllhaxt. aodallaL 1.6S2.
County Judge Bryce Crawford, repub
lican, 12.C&0: William P. Lynch, demo
crat. 1.835; C. C. Vaughn, -socialist, 1.773.
Sheriff-Fred H. Hoye, republican. ,tlB;
T. J. McShane. Jr., democrat, 13442; W.
W. Lutman. eodallet. 1.724.
. County Clerk Frank Dewey, republi
can, 18,134; Thomas 9. O'Connor, demo
crat. ',379; Frank Brecka, socialist, 1,700.
Coroner Willis C. Crosby, republican.
CaSl; Leo A, Hoffman, democrat, 10,141;
J. P. Matthew, socialist, 1,682.
Treasurer W. O. Vre, republican, 11,902
M. L. Endrea, democrat, 10,683; J. T. Ed
ward, aoclaUet, 1,78.
Burveyor Oeorge MoBrlde, republican
. and neoMlea tnHwnitant 1 !"n- Xturrav
parture tor Ncbraaka on a oolieUon nd mcrat. 9.454: Jams, frbnn.
delivery Tflp.' TU how.a fcan .oc!fclteti i7M.
eni ny. At.en, ,rom u ., - - . UDerrntenderrt of lntructlonr-W. A.
mn, tWO in one usjr .nu ule.. ' ro,Br mmnhll,,. Vlefn. tt n..
follbwlnrf dhy.' The brder Book" Bo'a
that Allen had delivered order to a mJO'
ber of people In Council Bluffs, aome 6. -
prominence, on the three day mentioned;
Liveryman Weatherbee went on the
tand and nore than on the 11th, 12th
and 13th of October he furnished a de
livery wagon to Allen and proved It by
hi book. Smith, hi employer, produced
a reoelpted bill for th rig.
Burlington railroad freight bill paid
by Allen for good cent from the Bluffs
In Odelt, showed that he wa there on
October 14 .nd received the shipment.
J. M. Shea, bookkeeper for Smith, who
ha known Allen tor seven year. wore
to hi presence here on the date men
tioned. Half a dosen other fellow em
ploye did the game. On of them who
helped Allen In th local deliveries on
those day produced a memorandum
book containing the datee and the looa
tlong of the deliveries of nursery stock.
A stronger allbt could scarcely havf been
Bolt, democrat, ,528; Alice G. Mllle. so
cialist. 1,788, ,
County Commissioner, Third Dlstrict-
A. C. Harte, republican, 12,155: Oscar J
awav Tulnmv Dutflfld
N. V. Plumbing Co. Tel. VA. Nlgiit L-lTtt. 'nd N"11 File from their homes, to
inr juiy inn nn. i.t-t-.i naieninR to tne
evidence and arguments tor the Inst four
dyt;. I'p to u o'clock lust nlKht no re-
poit hud beon received from the Jury
room, but th conviction of the tinrnv
Is that a verdict will be rearhed early to.
nay. Attorney m. j. t naniners made a
Her a genulno bargain. AV are hav
ing a a; cm today of Morrell a bacon,
oaoK stripe, araled and wippd and all
from young plga, by the ktrtp for iic ib.
if you want your money worth get busy.
W have a few of those spoon left, slg
spoon and a packarw of breakfast food,
lie. W will have plenty of turkey.
ouek and chicken next week. We Just
opened one of those 4args boxes ot im
ported fig, weigh K4 u,t., on kai today
at sjc ii. rsew bum flutes at uuoJ nu
home-made soighum, Mc. Vi-gallon; sweet
cider, tic gallon; Sttuer kiaut, luc quart;
t alshlpt ' oysters, without Wster. fti
quart; breakfast dauaea In boxts at 20c!
ceiery. kc: lettuce, 6c. .If yo wtnt to
uiliiK. coffee that ha the right flavor,
nt try 11. M. Blend., (j -lk t -New York
Koarted, Zc lb. Golden Iluie flour, 1 40
t-atiel-MUltr. Tel.
strong defers for the accused man, and
although appointed ns his uttonu-y hv
tne court with a txtaslhlo fee of only tin
in BiKnt, ne put in a miitii time and
mm eat work us If bis rctnlner had been
II uuu. Msny times the amount of the
Jee ws expended In securliiK evidence.
Lawyer t numbers was thoroughly con
vinced of the man's thnc-iir and left
homing undone to establish It. County
Attorney I spell and Assistant t'liumv
Attorney Omen handed th state'a aide
with the same tlreU-ee and ability.
neaa these apeclal Saturday price.
Notice thoee Ijw prlc on turkeya, duiks.
giese and provisions of 1.11 kinds. No
etaiclty at Zollet.' Id lAir blrf Kricery
departmtnt: Giatiulaled sugar, li lbs., ;;
fee box odii crickcis, t; 9v cun Paxttin
caiiauher gas louited outtew, S3; tiw
boitle rnlder- cataup, l!c; mince meat
thus pks.. fC, home-miida mlticv moat.
tao Iti. Cc; home grown rde pumpklne,
be snd l')c; inaiiie autfar butter, inr pail.
Kr; it- i'im viiiv aoap, four bars, ac.
eta liberties, per qt., ; fancy prune,
tb-ee ll'., 2oc; sweet elder, per gal.. Sic;
puio home-made aorghutii, it , SZe; waeh
ii:,S j on Uer. three pkgs. 10c; fancy tnble
nun, even cans, lie; new date. irr pkg.,
10e; re figs, lr pkg., inir ietfieai
inns uuiitiifi, i v, new cauMnnwer, per
b-rnd, lic and ISc; fancy cooking apple
pr i tf . la; new eJl..a ralnlna two
i ! . rc. J. holier Meiyntlle to . Th.
Coanell llluffa Produce Market
The following quotation, showing prices
I aid to producers, are corrected dally by
Wlltlarh Hlggeaon, city Welghmaster, for
publication In The He;
Corn. ti(52o per bu. ; wheat, Ke per bu
oats, ier bu.; hay. Iooe. tll.ooff noo
per tun, annua, loose. l.'. wrung fier ton
1'pioMO Store,
U'lid &U.
lKU-PO-l-x-itnj Jiruad-
key r- uixtrt ia bdoim-ss Is the
i.u and peit!teot Use f
Uns Kcvta Mutes.
KENT Adley t.'uok. who lives near
here, haa sold rotty acre of unimproved
land ftom ins hlx farm fur the almost
teeord tvrli e of 11.4 per a-re. Mr. (Wit
bought this land eighteen yeuis ago at
ya per acre.
FST1 KHVILI.E The funernl uf t
Keeiisu. aged Z, an old resident of k-n
Iberville, wss hold at the Catholic church
yesterday. Mr. Keens n was born In
Lltnerlek. Ireland. In April IMS. lie was
the tainer or nine children, rive of whom.
oesiuvs n wii. aurvive luin.
DENIWON I lie district court now In
session witn juuge Hutchinson presiding
Is trying by lury the ease of Mra. Mary
K. Dugan, who Is suing William Ilea a
Charter Oak ealoortkef .er for selling her
huviMina liquor, arier itetag notified tu
ene. It Is on ot four cae tovu4vln
auifiv laauv.
CHEHTON Mr. snd Mr. Joseph Hu.
batka, old and well known reaidunts of
Adams county, celebrated their allver annlvrrssry list night at the r
home near Williamson. Over 3oo Invita
tions were seit but for the affair and
very eluboisle preparations have been
underway for lbs Ut week.
Ii A KLA N c'oloaet H. U. Kraaohe) of
Bankers' Association
Favors Aldrioh Plan
Pickpocket Caught
Robbing Conductor
Dennis Carroll,- a street car conductor
and Harold I-., wledenfeld. an army
officer, caught; A ptokpocket, alleged to
be notorious IttiMs part of the country,
at 8:30 last nlgiit when the "dip" took
4 handful ot coin from the pocket of
the conductor. He was knocked down
and held by the two men until Detectives
Dunohue and Heltfe'.d arrived and took
biro to Jail, lie said be wa T. J. Keller
of Kansa City.
Th pickpocket bad ft I so taken soma
money from the army ofUoer whli stand
tng cloee to him on a Park avenue car.
At Seventeenth and Ljatenwortn be tried
to take the conductor' change. When
caught he threw the Coin into the air
Ity crying out he was aJtaeat successful
In gaining the sympathy, of the crowd
as h wa being held ea the pavemen
hr the detective.
Just a It appeared to the detective
that the bystanders. Ignorant of hla
character, might step tn to hi aid, Keller
dtovt his rescuer away by a couple of
paragraphs ot profanity. U Is aald to
bv wanted In several clUM.
NEW ORU&ANB, NoV. .-Wlth but
one dissenting vote the American Bank
er' association gave us unqualified ap
proval to th proposed Aldrtch pin a for
tho reform of th monetary system ot the
United State..
Congress was urged to deal with the
proposition nn tconomto question of-
Id th domain of rarty pontics. Confi
dence waa expressed that "the high pur-
pox aotuatiug th National 'Monetary
oinmlaeton assure th working put oi
the detail In accordance with the sound
principles stated in the piun, in such a
manner as to gain the confidence and sup
port ef all class."
After the election ot officers the thirty-
seventh annual convention of th asso
ciation cam ti a close.
Detroit waa chosen unanimously on the
first ballot as the convention city In lDli
Boston. Allantlo City, Chicago and Jack
sonville. Fla., gave notice that they would
ask tor the convention In 1913.
Vice President William IJvlngston of
Detroit wes elected president and C. M.
liultlg of et. Louis, vice preeident. The
convention then adjourned.
The executive council tonight elected
tne following oirtcere. Chairman of the
executive council, Arthur Vteynolda. Dea
Moines. Ia.; treasurer of th association,
J. Fletcher Farrell, Chicago; secretary,
coioaet Fred K. Farns worth. New York
assistant secretary, William O. Fit sail
son. New York; general counsel, Thomas
B. la ton. New York; manager protective
department. L W. Oaanmon. New York.
The Insurgents of the association won
a negative victory today In their fight
to prevent succession In office. The reso
lution of C. 11. McMder of Mason City
la., designed to prevent "clique rule," re
ijlted In a bitter controversy on th
flour of the convention and even threats
of the secession of the trust company sec
tion from the assorlstlon. The proposed
amendment to the constltutloa, contained
tn tne sicnioer resolution, received
majoiity or the vote cast, but tailed! Prank Coleman made two successful
ot adoption because tt lacked thirty-four I short flights with his no-remade aero
votes of tbf required two-thirds majority, plane on the Omaha Motor speedway yea-
Ilerday afternoon, no new about a quar
ter of a tulle oo each ft ght and had per
juniciou ana irauiieui uae or newspaper I tct control or bis plane. Me was an
advertising. thuUU ever the oaooea a th flight.
Three horee were burned te death and
two sheds and a barn tn tha rear ef 1418-
17-1 Worth Twenty-fourth street were
destroyed by tire at 10 o'clock last
night. Two ot the horn belonged to
David Specter aad tho other to Morris
'1 urner.
CHICAGO, Nov. ti-Pat Crow, who
recently escaped puntshmect la a Kon
s!d court by promising to leave Chloaga.
wa today Sent to an Institution to re
ceive treatment. He waa arrested last
ulglit wtiLo Intoxicated.
j 'H y ' wi - -
No-Rim-Cut Tires
With or Without
Doub-Ttick Koo-Skia Treads
The Double -Thick
Winter Tread
Compare this tread with the makeshifts com
monly called "non-skids."
Compare it with the flimsy, short-lived projec
tions used to do away with cnains. -.
The advantages arc as plain as day.
Then remember that this tread comes on
No-RimrCut tires- 105 oversize now the most
popular tires in existence. --' '
Let someone show them to you.
Deep-Cut Blocks
Thig is an extra tread, about as
thick as our regular, vulcanized
onto No-Rlm-Cot tires.
Thisdouble thicknessroeana un
nsital wear. It means that punc
ture becomes almost impossible.
It means that the blocks can be
cut verydeep. And the extra tread
is of very toue;h rnbber. So the
non-skid feature lasts.
These blocks grasp the road
surface with countless ed jrcs and
angles the most efficient device
ever known against skidding.
And the blocks widen out at
the base, so the-strain is distrib
uted just as widely as it is with
smooth-tread tires.
Note all these advantages, then
judge lor yourself what they
mean to you in a Non-Skid tire. ,
The Tire That Cut .
Tire Bills in Two
These N on -Skid treads, it
wante, come on Goodyear No-Rira-Cut
These tre our patentod tires
the tires which can't rim-cut
cow the most popular tires ia
With ordinary tires clincher
tires 23 percent of all the ruined
tires are rim-cut. Out of 700,000
No-Rim-Cut tireti sold . not one
has ever rim-cut. . .. 1 .
Then No-Rim-Cut tires are 10
oversize. That means 10 more)
air 10 greater carrying capac
ity. And that, with the average)
car, adds 25 to the tire mileage.
These two aavings together,
under average conditions, cut tire
bills right In two. That has been
proved tens of thousands of times.
Yet No-Rim-Cat tires now cost
no more than otherstandard tires.
700,000 Sold
In the past two years the de- ,.
nana tor tnese tires nas multi
plied six times over. About
700,000 have been sold to date.
They now outsell any other type '
of tire, and the demand is grow
. ing faster than ever. :
Look them up. Askusers about
them. The tire which has comw
toeuch vast popularity is the tire '
you will want when you know it.
: Oar lire Book, based on 13 years .
of tire making, is filled with facts
yon should know. Ask lis to mail '
it to you. '
Omaha Branch 2020-2022 Farnam Street.
Announcement of a New 1912 Model, the
VtJ V nvw-JPa-eengwr Touring Model. ' Price M.JOO1!
sviiiiV with Top and LetuountAble Riuia.
The Motor in this Car develops
60 Horse Power, Brake Test
In this v Little Six " Model we have met the demand for
a motor car of moderate power and passenger capacity. With
its Ten-Inch litholstery added to its perfect design and mes
chanical balance it will be to Five-passenger Touring Cars what
our " 43 Six has4 been to Seven-passenger vehicles a standard
by which all mot r cars are measured. Orders delivered ia
rotation in Januaxyi Folder will be mailed on request.
Sales Agents
1818 FarnaxO Street. Omaha. Neb.
Telephone Douglas 353