Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1911, EDITORIAL, Page 2, Image 18

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Debutante of the Week
Numtrout Parties Go to Lincoln for
Michigan-Cornhuiker Game. '
Many Ullrr U la Simrr tor thr
orl-r Folk af Omaha
( naalr Hrilnlrr of D'fil'
TaWrsItrMf .
Soolrtr alradar.
MOXDAT-Mr. and Mm. l Will Ha:nil
ton, 1 inner for niptntwrs of thr yiMinajrr
srt: Mrs. Warrn Kogrrs and Miss Mtl
rtrwj IloKr. hriK luncheon for Mim
Oanrrs Phelps; Mr. and Mrs. fil I,ws
IVRrn. dehwt reception atvl ilancc fur
.Miss Hazel IVgon at tha Metropolitan;
Mr. and Mrs. K. II. tarla. dinner tor
Mr. H. . Caldwell; Mrs. I. H. Ituhh,
afternoon card parly.
TTKS1AV-Mrs. Frank ( 'nrmlolmel,
afternoon rard parly; wetiilltis; of Miss
nne Kuh and Mr. In J. Ililev of
IB!mi, Neh., at Ht. I'airl. k's rtuirrh;
Mrs. Car! R. purth and Mr, ixriha
rohn. trlil(ie prt.
VKiiNESDAV-Mri. T. I.. Hlngwalt,
o'flix'k cof fee for Miss Mary Hinnwult
nnil Miss Kram-es Todd; Mrs. Hlanley
Hartman, afternoon brio's parly; weri-
itoar of Mim Adell Anloll and Mi. ('.
I'. Hunter; tin. II. K. Hrhlnrtel, lunch
eon for Mm. J Charlea of Atlantic, la.
"I III I'.SIMV-Thankilvlna Pay; Hosalba
club dnnro at Home hotel.
8Vn'RIAY Mra. ". V. Kne'!, lunch
eon for Miss Anna Ktissell; Kappa
Kappa Camma lunchrcin at New Ham
ilton cafe.
Although ihcrs will ha few aoc-lety af
fairs ThankHHlvlnie day thsre will ba
many uiiillv reunions, and many Oma
hans v. . 1 1 travel hundrada of mlltta to ba
Jiome thin day. Miss, Ma Louise Manill
1on will return from New Turk In tlma
for Thanksgiving. Miss Ktigenle Whit
more, who has own visiting In New York
and other eastern citlea, will return to
upend Thanksgiving with her parents,
nd Mips Ethel Tukry. who haa bten
visiting her sister. Mra. Harry, Iiyram, of
Chicago, will be home Thursday morning.
Or.s Omahan who will go east to spend
Thanksgiving with his family Is Mr. Ar
thur Brandcla, who will leava the f irwt
cf tha week for New York, Where are hla
wife, and daughter, Miss I .con a Drandols.
Ha will return Sunday.
Although many of tha Omaha school set
Who attend colleges and schools In tha
aant will remain there visiting with
friends over the holiday, most of the
stato university students will be home
Thanksgiving. There will be nrfire home
than usual this year, since the big foot
bull game of the sen son was played yes
terday Instead of being hold on Thuhks-giving.
At ebraka-Mlrhlaaa tilHif,
V.. M. Mursman and hla four sons, J.
J. Morsman of Chicago. VS. M.. Jr.; Prank
rt. and Robert P. Morimmi, all graduates
of Michigan, formed an Interesting dele
Nation to the root tall game at Uncoln
esterdoy. Another loyal Michigan
family Includes Mr. John Ik Webster and
eon, Jack, who were also rontcra at the
tame. Mr. Charles O. McDonald, a
former foot bull player on the Michigan
team, formed a party of 200 alumni and
friends to attend the game.
A number of Omaha people motored to
Uncoln to attend the game, Mr. and
Mra. Daniel liaum, jr., took a party of
friends. Mr. J. W. Allen and Mr. Trow
bridge took a party of six. With Mr. and
Mrs. Deulso Unrkaiow were Mr. and Mra.
Charles Junod. Dr. and Mra. Palmer
Klndley and Dr. and Mrs. K. I Ilrldges
drove In the Flndley car. Mr. and Mr.
ICdward Crelghton motored down with
Mr. and -Mrs. D. C. lu-adford and spent
the woek-end with Mr, and Mra. Ic
Iljymond of Lincoln.
Among the Omaha people attending the
game wre:
Mr. and Mrs. C. (J. McDonald.
Mr. and Mra. D. M. Vlnsonhaler.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. l.lnriVay,
Mr. and Mr. Klmer Neville,
.Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Jefierls.
.Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Webster.
Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Howe,
Air. and Mrs. (1. 1- r'lnhsr.
Mr. and Mra. D. D. Arnold,
Air. and Mrs. C. ltrooks.
Air. and Mrs. J. 1. J'nlmet,
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. r'.lllck.
-Vr. and Mra. 11. V. reiera.
Mr. and Mra. Huwurd H. tmllh,
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Htlllman,
Mr. and Mra. Donnld Macrae,
Mr. Bud Mrs. Walter Wellman,
.Mr. and .Mrs. Walls eSiioler,
Mr. and Mrs. James Kltrncwnld.
- Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Junod.
Air. and Mra. IV K. I'uulson,
Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Kurket.
Ir. and Mrs. Palmer tliuiley,
i Dr. and Mra, Manning,
lr. ajid Mrs. W. )i. KUter.
1 r. and Mrs. M. I.. Kridges,
l r, and Mrs. Moot head.
Misses Mtsxeit
I.Usiileth Pruie, KHilierlne liesivti,
Marlon Sonnt a g Dorothy Miller,
of Kvansvlhe. Ind.. Kntherlne Powell,
t.lwll Vlnsonhuicr, l'"raiea Jodcr,
Kutli Hammer, I'.nse Mini' t It.
Aliiittarvt ltwvll Myrtle Hunk,
of Rt. Joepli, Mo.; Illanche Cowdry.
.lack Wehater,
Harold I'rltchett,
Uobert l'lslier,
Keed Peters.
l.yuiKii Kri'soii,
I rank Morsmuu,
H. '. Vt erick.
itiiur Mulllii.
. I-:. Paulavii,
t. lirooks,
John Daugherly,
Hal Hrady.
Stanley JUsewoti',
Howard li. bmlUi,
lr. W. H. Klxier,
W. W. Morsinuii,
.Itiines KiisKtrMild.
John K. McDonald,
('. ;. Junod,
A. W. Carpenter,
.lohll W. Cliapuiull.
K. M. Moraman,
trvnnt Rogers,
I i.sno Powell.
Kobert Morsnidi'i,
4 1
- t
f 1
t'..i ''" ' '' f. ! ' S t 'Vr' . -
.'.ji'i -.,- ".v: ,-. ' it,i;,V :'(,;
AJ '4' AVC7tf
South 16th. St.
polltun. Mrs. R. W. Connell will probably
eiiterluln nt luncheon Friday.
The holiday affairs will come to a close
Katurdav. December with the nf fairs
for the Ilurvard Olee club the dunce at
the Home and the tea In the nftornoon
glveu by Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Hinlth.
at Chambers' December 8. The dune
will be preceded by dinner parties at the
home of ten or twelve hostesses, et
which the couples Invited to the dunce
will be tlio guests.
A remarkable display of smart new
The reason that our business in women's
fine wearing apparel has grown so rapidly
in the, past, and is growing more rapidly to
day than ever before in our history, is fully explained by
styles and values offered in this wonderful display.
Sealette Coats
Beautiful new models, inude of genuine sealette with plain ftkinner
n:: $25.00, $29.75, 33.00
or brocade
prices nt.,
Velour Coats
Exclusive style;?, made of best
velour, lined with Skinner lining
or fine brocades. Everyone will
appreciate these values; special
$35.00, $39.50, $50.00
Cloth Coths
Smart new eoata, in plain tail
ored or fancy styles, made of fin
est broadcloths, Polo' cloths,
heavy Scotch mixture:), reversible
heavy winter serges, etc. special
$19.50, $25.00, $29.75
Wonderful values in our basement sales room
SMART COATS Made of all wool
broadcloths', reversibles, mixtures,
heavy serges; on sale jQ
STYLISH SUITS Made in plain or
fancy styles of all wool worsted?,
mannish matorialu, broad
cloths, etc ; on sale nt . . .
styles, made of good quality cordu
roys or fancy scree, in all colors
and sizes; on sale
Hall Girls to Get "f:ns."
While the youns; women In other board
Ins; schools of the country lire growing
discontented over their hsh and codfish
and potatoes and other monotonous fare
unvaried by home mudo condiments, the
students of Urownell Hall will wax happy
and hearty this winter on a diet richly
supplied with Jellies and preserves and
canned fruits put up in real home kitch
ens. ' .
A number of the graduates of Drownell
Hall put their heads together to plan
something exceptionally enjoyable for the
girl students at the Hall, and, having
been boarding school girls themselves one
time, they decided that "eats" would be
tha most appreciated of anything they
could give. Co they decided on "eata"
not the' kind that would disappear In one
waning, but that will last through the
A committee, composed of Mrs. Louis
Clarke, Mrs. Frank Wllhelm, Mrs. John
Towle and Mrs. Philip Potter, set next
Wednesday afternoon as the time for the
fruit shower and sent out Invitations to
(he 3(X and mors alumnae of the Hall to
Appear at this time laden with canned
pears and peaches; strawberry, quince
and plum preserves; currant, grape and
apple Jellios. And of course a few pickles
will not come amiss, as boarding school
girls, fiiore than any other people, love
Tho fruit shower will be combined with
afternoon tea from to B. Mrs. A, ,U
Willlums, Mrs. T. J. MacUay, Mrs. John
Williams and Mrs. J. A. Tuncock will
preside at the tea table, and the debut
antes of the season, most of whom are
graduates of the Hall, will aseist.
following party from
school attended tha
the Omaha
Mlchlgan game:
Itervi Crocker.
Kverett Murke.
.Malcolm HaWliiuo,
Julius ltaitinmu.
i'.lbert Humetl,
J. K. Mi l)H4lii.
. H horty,
II. M. Mllburne.
T.orli'K Klltol,
Kred Hunter,
Wyne H-lli .
Kllsworth Mnsrr,
llt'Kh Millard,
Wlllium Noble,
Art K. Mullen.
A. W. Carpenter.
frociMy will dunce throughout the
'liristmas holiday season. The calendar
tif eVenis for the liollda)s Is already al
mot full of social affairs with dancing as
tha moat popular mode of entertainment.
The festivities will start with the debut
!t o'clock coffee for M'.ss Ksther By rue,
Wednesday, December X The Omt-ha
Hlh school acnior prom and the hop
at Fort Crook both come Friday evening
of the same week. Saturday evening the
ixlta Kappa Phi sorority of lliownell
ail will have an evening arty.
The Junior club will give a dsnc
Christmas night at Chambers'. The
ilance to be given for Uiss Uertrude Mots
I V Mr. Charles Melt at the Me-tropolltaii
tll also take place Christmas night.
Tuesuay, December Is the data sel.tted
by Mis. George A. Joslyn and Mis. J. K.
fucbie for the Introduction of Miss Violet
Jorlyn and Miss Helen cnioble al an
i-fltrnoon reception and evening dance at
l.ynhurst. the Joelyn residence. On that
sjng Mrs. K. 1. Hart of Council Hiuffs
".'li give a daace at the Urand hot-l.
The pink tiomlno party which Mr. and
.Mrs. Jusei'b Ualdiige will give for Miss
t:m.nlol)ii Wolfe and Messrs. Clifford,
Dutilry and Urafton Wolfe, will take
4 nt Chambers' Wsdneadsy evening.
Thursds. svfcnli g there will be an Omlk
ion d.u. at Chanibn '. Friday evening
liirr wiii le toe ilrt.ut dance of Miss
t!iei Ine k-eaoa, Mis K'lliabetli llm. s
ttjJ Sli illldttd. Mutlt-r al the JuWtrv
llo sit Fort I ro.U,
A la i ire number of guests from Omaha
and from Fort Omaha attended the hop
al Fort Crook Friday evening. Preceding
the hop several dinner parties were given,
Lleutenunt and Mrs. John Ilubb enter
tained for Mls Phelps, guest of Mrs.
Arthur C. Hinllh; IJeutennnt and Mrs.
(Jrifflth entertained for Miss Farrell,
guest of Mrs. W. K, Haskell of Fort
Omaha, and Lieutenant and Mrs, Duvls
gave one of tiie dinner pill ties. The fcUtstj
Included: i
Social Events Today
One of the largo social affairs of Sat
urday was the bridge party Klven by
Mrs. Lee Hotlisolillj and Mrs. D, Meyer
at the Ilathnkeller of tho Htmshow.
The guests of honor were Mrs. VerVeer
of Des Moines and tho debutantes In
cluding tho Misses ' Dorothy Meyer,
Haxel Degan, Fannie ' Ilosenstouk,
lllanche Colin and P.rna Iladra. lie
side tho honor guests those presont
were the Mlusea Frank of Farls, France;
Zerllna Llcbllr.g of New York and
Unslna Mandelherg. .
Mesdames Mesdamns
Cliurlns Hoaewater, H. Kramer,
Hchlelslnger, ,1. N. Konuld,
N. P. Fell. M. Lew.
Kdward Hosewater, H. Hartman,
M. H. Newman.
F. Adler,
Lou Hlller,
Al Drey fnos,
J. Karbacli,
li. MorriK,
K. Clans.
H. Heyn.
W. Apple,
K Trellei.
L. woir,
U M. Colin,
I. Klrai'hbaiun,
C Firth.
H. Cohen,
It. It. tlrotte,
H. Abraliums,
II. J. AliraliHin.
11. ITnaer,
J. Kosenfelflt, .
H. Honnebeig,
J. Kllen.
H. Newman,
R leg ler,
F. HbiIib, .
K. Hellgnohn,
ii llocker,
Phllailrtlphia, l'a.
K. Heller,
llitrtumn of
V. Ui.iiiwloili',
II. Vhlle.
K. Ilslii-ock,
10. Kildv.
S. liierman.
H. luetic,
S. tloldsiroin,
M. Miller,
A. H. Llvlna-stuft,
Chlcugo. 111.
H. Mehfeld,
N. Mantel,
II. Unveisiigli,
Vhlmnnn uf
Chicago, 111.
J, Dl'lefuss,
A. Maiidelbclg,
F. Cohen.
A. HsKen,
I". HchwurtSt
' f. HlMer,
M. t'elthermer,
M. ritrauss,
l. Degon,
K. Iiegen,
M. Meyer,
11. ltoueiiHlocki .
II, lit midelH,
H. Wertheinier.
11. TtosentliHl,
It. Kitchen, Ji.;
H. Mityer,
l. tiluck,
M. Itelchenbeig,
Adolph Mrown,
L. Verveer of
llr Moines, la.;
JI. Benedict of
Clevelund, O.
fk. " I
(llcya raotol
Guest of Miss Koslna Mandelberg.
Mary ltingwslt,
Mardn Pratt
of Fremont,
Mildred I'.ojers,
Doixuhy Moriisii,
Franrws Phelps.
Ioiiih lUnnlnt;.
Farrell of
Albany. V. T.
Katlierine Mooiiiead,
Me."rs Messrs.
Ben tiallsiihrr, lxid,
Taylor Belcher. Lt. Kaymond Hmltli,
(loose Boltinail. Dishton,
Gordon Kelly. Lieutenant Watson.
Mr, and .Mrs. Arthur '. Kinltli.
Mr. and Mrs. Iaiwis Chllds.
Captain .j Mi, fowan of Fort Omsha.
Lieutenant and Mrs. Haskell of Foil
Pleasures Past
For tho Future
Mr. and Mia. Lowiie Chllds ill give a
supper this evening at their home for
Mlaa Phelps of Wyoming.
Miss Uertrude Kopald will enleilalu
Informally at her home next Saturday lu
honor of Mlxa Itoslna Mandelberg, whose
wedding takes place next mouth.
Mra. John laudeidle Kennedy has
Issued Invitations for a tea from 4 to G
o'clock Tuesday afternoon, December J,
in honor of Mies Ituth Hammer, vim Is
oue of the debutantes.
Invitations for the annual high x'liool
senior piom have been Issued to students
and alumni friends. This dance will be
the first large social event on tiie school
calendar and will be given at luambeis'
Friday evening, December 22. The com
mlltte In charge Is Harold Thomas and
Boy Uould.
Mlsa Frances Todd Is one of the first
of the aeaaon's debutantes. Phe was In
troduced Wednesday at an afternoon re
ception, gives) by Mrs. W. B. Millard at
Iter boms. The evening of the same day
Miss Todd appeared I prominent role
In "The Cottage In the Air." given at
the Bracdels by the Players' club.
Mrs. Luther Kountse, Mrs, Ward Bur
geaa. Mrs. K. M. Fairfield and Mrs. J. T.
glewsit, id, form a oemmlttee of society
matrons who have planned for a number
of large social affairs to be given this
wlutvr. Til first of JiUl J iltiij.
A riirprixc dinner was given Thursday
evening for MIs Florence Plckrel by Mrs.
J. R Da Berry.
The members of tho I'nantmo club were
entertained Friday afternoon by Mrs. A.
F.. Hnvgg. Mrs. K. L. Bridges was tho
guest of the club. The next meeting will
be in two weeks with Mis. U. W. l'eriln.
Mrs. Vatos entertained at luncheon at
"Hillside" Wednesday, when her Kuosts
were Mrs. H. M. Caldwell, Mrs. Victor
Caldwell, Mrs. Boyd. Mrs. Blerbower,
Mrs. Harold Clifford, Mrs, Uountxe, Mrs.
Herbert Kogers, Miss Carrie MUlard and
Miss Helen Millar.
Mrs. Victor Caldwell gave a luncheon
Friday for her guest, Mth. H. M. Cald
well. Those present were Mrs. Henry W.
Vutes. Mrs. Philip Potter. Mrs. C. K.
Commit, Mis. MoKeiina. Mrs. William
Bhixles, Mrs. F. II. Davis, Mrs. John
Baldwin, Mrs. O. W. Haverstlck, Mrs.
Theodore Blugwalt and Miss A. D. Bold
win. Mini Katlierine Davenport was sur
prised by several cf her high school
fiienda at her home, ID) Wirt street,
Thursday evening, the occasion being her
eighteenth birthday. A delightful even
ing was spent Informally. Those present
Mlsse.i Misses
IaiIs Howtlt. Helen Pogue.
I lull Kennei, Claire Patterson
Adelyii Wood. Florence. Hcggbiade,
tdelulde Futikliouser.
Katlierine Davenport,
Messrs. Messrs.
Klevers Susmatin, Ceurse (inuwi,
Harold 1 houias, Gordon Mills,
"W ill Noble, l4twrence Wilbur,
Lorlng Klliot, Boy liuuld.
daughter of Mrs. Jnines Crelghton, 3518
Harney street, to Mr. Frank W. Bandle
was 'celebrated Haturdity morning at I
o'clock at St. Peter's church, Rev. P. A.
McOovern officiating. The wedding was
very quiet, only the relatives being pres
ent. The bride wore her traveling suit
of navy blue with hat to match. Mr. and
Mrs. Bandle left Immediately after the
ceremony for California, where they will
spend a mouth.
dels theater last week, was the quest
while here of her cousins, Mrs. 13. Moran
and faintly.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerrltt Fort have as their
guests over Thanksgiving Mr. Fort's par
ents from Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Fort
are in their new home In Dundoe, 4S20
Douglas street.
Mr. and Mrs, E. M.'Morsman and MUs
Harper will leave the first week -In Da
cember for California, to be gone all win
ter. Most of the time will bo epent at
Coronado Beach.
Mrs. R. B. Fillmore and son and
daughter arrived this week from Minne
apolis to rpend Thanksgiving, with Mr.
and Mrs. Benjamin K. Athertoy, CMS
North Twenty-second street.
Miss Beatrice Altshuler of Chicago ar
rives today to ba the guest of Miss Hasel
Pegen and will be one of tha honor guests
(Continued on Tage Three.)
The engagement Is announced of Mrs.
Ollva M. Kuehn and Dr. K. A. Van Vleet,
the announcement being inude by Rev.
and Mrs. J. P.. Ilummon, formerly of
Omuha, and now of California, Owing to
a recent death In the bride's family, the
wedding, which will be celebrated during
the holidays will be a quiet one. Mrs.
Kuehn. who was formerly Miss Ollva
Pelle. Is third vice president of the
Omaha Federation of Missions. Both she
an Dr. Vun Vleet are members of the
choir of Kountse Memorial church.
Wedding Bells
Mr. and Mre. Bobert A. Htewatt an
nounce the engagement of their daughter,
Allctta. to Mr. Clinton Brome. The wed
ding will be celebrated quietly at the
home uf the bride' a parents December 30.
Tha wedding of Miss Anne Rush,
daughter of Mr.' and Mra. John Rush of
this city, to Mr. Dan J. Rliey of Dawson.
Neb., will be quietly celetrated at 9
o'clock Tuesday evening at ft. Patrick's
church. Rev. J. T. Bmlth officiate.
Personal Gossip
Mi j McGrew will remain this week
visiting other friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Magee returned
yesterday from Wyoming.
Mlsa F.lxle Butter returned Saturday
from a visit In St. Louis.
Mlsa Kittleman of Creston, Is., will bs
Miss Belle Robinson's guest this week.
Mr. Msrtln I Hugarman left Saturday
for Pasadena, Cal., to visit his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. ti, W. Miller will leave
Tuesday to spend the winter in Cali
fornia, Miss Florence Hartman of Baltimore
Is the guest of Mr. and Mt?. .Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bridge of Fre
mont have taken apartments ut the
Colonial for the winter.
Mis. Lyman Tower uf Chicago, a for
mer resident of Omaha, haa arrived to be
the guest of Mr', and Mts. W. 11. McCord.
Miss ktybll Nelson left Friday for Lin
coln to attend a dancing party Friday
evening and the foot ball game Saturday.
Mrs. Morris Levy left Thursday for
New York City, where she will visit her
daughters, Mrs. Daniel Kora and Mrs.
Kutph Holsman.
Miss Nannie Page leaves today for New
York to visit Miss Msrgaret Bates, who
was her guest here a year ago. Mlsa Page
ill not return until Just before Christ
mas. Mrs. Robert It. Rlngwalt will leave
shortly after Thanksgiving for Port
ToMiisrtid to visit her daughter, Mrs.
Hopkins, and will remain there for
Miss Conroy, t ikin one of the
roles la "A Fj J ZiiA WiU" aj U) J';jm
We wish to extend an In
vitation to tb people of Omaha
for the entire coming week to
come in and inspect our entire
Chrlstmaa stock. We will not
expect you to buy tnis week.
Every clerk will be pleased to
entertain you..
In every department our
stock is the largest in town
and much larger this year than
ever before.
First class goods at reason
able prices. Every article mark
' ed in plain figures.
Our Chrlstmaa Gift Sieges-,-tion
Book free for the asking.
C. B. Grown Go.
Jewelers A Silversmiths.
10th and Farnam fits.
sr....- ft
Hotel Loyal
wilt teve
two special
At 11:30 A. AS. fe 2:30 t. M.
And St30 P. M. tm 8:30 P. At.
At $1.50 Per Plate
Which Shaft Drive?
flfiVfLf This 15S th hfcrwRt mnst vital ntifs-
stectr4fc! tioncverv purchaser of an electric
vehicle must answer. On the choice
depends the efficiency of your car.
Three years ago chain driven cars
had some standing.
But the Baker shaft drive was quietly,
steadily, irresistibly demonstrating
superiority. "" '. '
Recent developments prove that the
very manufacturers who were most
bitter in their attacks upon the shaft
drive were at the time themselves
experimenting with it.
The truth is, the Baker has revolu
tionized electric vehicle design.
Manufacturers were forced to face
the facts. Baker superiority com
pelled them to resort to some form
of shaft drive. (
But the Baker shaft drive is pro
tected by patents.
Other manufacturers have had to be con-1
tent, therefore, with approximating tho
Baker. Their "experiments" are not to be
compared with the time-tried and road
tested transmission cf the Baker in actual
service during the past two years in over
2000 cars. m The Baker "The Pioneer of
Shaft-Driven Electrics" haa proved
Itself first in efficiency highest in mileag
lowest In upkeep and longest-lived.
A demonstration will satisfy you that the
Baker is the car you want. The more you
know about electrics the better you like)
the Baker.
Electric Garage Co.
Omnha Distributers
2218-22 Farnam Street.
The Baker Motor-Vehlcle Co.
Clavaland. Ohio
YOST-High Grade Furs
L5 Comer SOth and Farnam. Telephone Douglas 3040.
1 tba Leading Agricultural Journal of tn west Its columns are
filled with the best thought of the day la matters pertaining to
the farm, the ranch and the orchard, and it is a factor iu the
development of the great western country.