und ay Bee PART TWO EDITORIAL PAGES OSE TO EIGHT PART TWO SOCIETY PAGES ONE TO EIGHT VOL. XU-XO. -J.!. OMAHA. .Vl'NDAY MOKXIXU. XOVKMMKU Itt. 11U1. SINGLE COPY FIVK CENTS. LBig Mwaoued Eeot mmes To PassEE The Omaha ' ' '""'"' m,m ni.li... ,i. i. ii. .i.i.i...... . ... .... . . "' , t . " "' " "" " s fnm m-,-,,.,,.,,,,, ,.. ,..,. ... ,.. ., , . , n. , , "Ts. i --"" ""'" " """ mu-wwufwwrnmm t I K Ii MONDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 27 U u L 3U x n n n Commences at CCQLtPOTH i Zu Sua Liza Order placed many months ag-o arrived recently ready for your approval at last. Alterations delayed us, but you will bo repaid for wait wg NEVER BEFORE SUCH A MAGNIFICENT COLLECTION, IMPORTED DIRECT BY US. MOST OF IT IS ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE AND TOTALLY UNLIKE ANYTHING TO BE SEEN ELSEWHERE. V This then is vin invitation to YOU to attend the sale in our NEW ADDITION MONDAY AT 8:00 A. M. TIiom; who liave attended Chum S;hs- pre viously know thai it pays to be on Imnd curly. Never va.ti early attendance so necessary as at tliis time. Nome of t.h pieces arc so elegant and unusual, and PRICED SO LOW that they will Mirelv sell quickly. NOVEL JARDINIERES 11 urigaviau L'c;i mri Pottery quaint in color and design. From Dresden New, desk sets', comports, plaios, tea set?, etc, charming to look at. England con tributes Quaint Pitchors, odd Teapots, new Doulton ware, dinner nets, etc., etc. You wiil he pleased with this manufacture. Haviland and Cie Sent new designs in dinne.1 and breakfast ware always attractive. Ladies' boudoir brotrkfnst sets complete on tray Appetizing- even to look at French Hand painted ' plates such ns you usually pee priced CQa at sH1.no will be marked . . 0 JC You will want some of these 4 weeks till gift time. (iit't suygv.-tioii. remind?- us to mention, New Manicure Comb and Brush Trays also toilet articles, all hand painted and all at very low prices a good suggestion. Da era rat and (.rystallicr productions, the newest, in table glassware, t boasters for glass for use on polished i fl tables, Monday IUC. Some would sell at 25c. . Par away India sends hand wrought Ben ares Brass tlardiuieres, rather rare in this sec tion. You will want one piece at least. Wonderful Imara bowls from Japan Jind novel wicker Jardinieres these have drawn many admiring- comments from those who saw th em iu window. And the little children will be simply delighted with the Cups, Tlates, Oat meal sets, etc.. containing- catchy little rhymes, 10 cents only for these. New flower holders of glass for tablo uso will add to the decorations. No attempt here to quote prices it would avail-little we could not convey any satisfac tory idea of values. We know THAT THE SELLING WILL BE EASY. Please come in the morning. Don't miss tho Hair Brush Hale Itubbcr Cushioned bristle brush similar to ''Ideal." usually 75 cents will go nt on eh 33c 4. Special Sale on Thanksgiving Linens Ew3ondayS We show some very attractive pieces for the table, etc., in olir new window. The Doll Congress is in session on the Second Floor. Bring the little ones. Our ag gregation is different, quainter, cuter and more unique than what you usually see. .m.p.stD FAREWELL T0THE TURKEY Joyous Bird of Thanksgiving; Starts a Census Dirge. WOEFUL DECREASE IN CROP iMvina to a Combination of l?vil the Amrrlran Turkey Sup ply In Ten Vnri lias . Been Cat In Half. Possibly the most cheerless iul'orma ti ',n conveyed by the census Is that hood ve may no longer know the great Ameri can table bird. K. Dana Durand, direc or of the census, has Just finished count ing the American turkey, and ho find liis ranks decimated In every common wealth of tho union, save in four distant interinountain states, where, hemmed In )y insurmountable barrier of transporta tion rules, he has escaped the cold-storage !'l:int and canning factory. Hot ween (he cholera, the "blackhead." iind the ax, this bird that has Kobble tobbled his way into the affection of the American people is wasting rapidly. Per haps soon liia name will be but a memory, uul future generations may know him but l the picture on the can. This much is certain: Unless times for him change for the belter, there will not be enough of Mm left to go around for a bite apiece !i Thanksgiving day, and there will be as much real turkey in the gaudily labeled in an there is of true diamond buck in tlio uvernge dish of terrapin today. He. indeed, would be an optimist who, under such distressing circumstances, ' uiiid sit down to his Thanksgiving dinner in the proper spirit. in ton yea.-d the American turkey sup !!'. has been cut about lu half. The een of M fliowj that whero there were in ihut year ii,5?l,95 turkeys to go around .isvX,W hungry America:! r.iouthf, there I'i'W, i.ccordlng to tho recent census count, but u,6.v..tt. a clear loss of uot far . Horn 3.0X),OU) turkeys, whereas the huu- ijf. mouths have increased to, inoro than V'.ia'i.OO.'. ttlt Ibis railing Oftf in Maid old ilas4n lniafi;s, where the vi .-ii Pilgrim Father ret the Thanksglv-' in; fashion when he solemnly shouldered .: flintlock and potted a hefty gobbler nt u." the prime) al oak, there were but :.': lurkeji to anawer the roll cull t)f Spirits for Rheumatism !''. r,D of S'llrln in the treatment of l ! ninulifm has )mvxi an iunovnilou njnong tho 'Tedical profession. Wneii i J wiih certain other ingredients and t:'teij t.roperly it is s.tid to le ail airiest uif.iilili'e euro fir i lieiiiiiiitlsm and baek si In'. Here Is the formula. "I'roni j our fli utuisl vet one ounce ot Tori compound i !t! original sald rft' knee) anj one u..i co of y r i i I of HHij;itl!U coinpuumi. I4i;.e ihesi; two ingredients home and put 1 1 -'H into ii haif pint of good whiskey, .-'.like the bottle and take a tahlespoonf ul l.efore each meal and at bed-um." He s l a come immediately. If your druggist Yoes not have Toils compound In stck 'e will get it in a trw hours from his v.hokalo house. iJon't be Influenced to i.tle smrt patent medicine Instead of ;!il. Insist on having the genuine Tiri onirsiund lit the oilinal one ounce oealtd i -.'liuw 'U.Ujie. Ad, Census director Durand on April IS, 1910. The leading turkey states of the union In 1M0 were Texas with B4S.671, Missouri with 4rn,titw, Illinois with 446,ft. und Iowa with 424,.'XHi turkeys. Hut ten years later, in 1&10, Texas had 2!.0u3 fewer of tiie great American table bird: Missouri, 155.090; Illinois, ZCti.OW, und Iowa, 300.145 less. Here are tho four leading sources of turkey supply In the United States, whose aggregate output of turkeys In lflO was nearly 1.000,00b birds less than it was ten years ugo. . The Ohio turkey crop dropped off 200,200 birds; the Kansus crop liO.WT; and thus continues the doleful story until you get down to Hhode Island, where the popula tion has Increased 24 per cent and the turkeys have decreased 015 per cent; and where there are 50si persons to the square mile and only 1,109 turkeys lu the whole state. In only four states did the turkey really and truly Increase his tribe. That was in Idaho, whore the Increase was from 10,211 to 14,274; In Wyoming, where the gain in ten years aggregated 2:119; Mon tana, where the Increase wus from 12.ICT to W.475, and North Dakota, where SS.D73 turkeys lu ) have grown into (J1.475 by 1910. Disease and Hate Sheets. Why did the turkey Increase In ihe.e four states, while his numbers fell off from CO to CO per cent In even' other slate of the union? The rate uliin t i, railroads point out tho answer, As dis ease made turkey raising onx a lurge scale almost lmpoelhlc In somo of ti. eastern states, the middle w-st und the soutn were drawn upon bv th i.i storage compuiiiea for turkeys In great numoers. Railroad rates governed this great movement of dressd toeVv .,r,H here, at least In part, is the answer ,o me question why the turkev ernn n. in. creased in the interinountain slute named, while In the rest of the country It har. been reduced one-hiilf. The trans portation rates from tha turir f,.. ... Texas to tho cold storage pl.iiits In turkey-hungry New Knslainl. ..r i k fie, to Hostou, an average tllstancn of 2 -43 miles, or firty-six hour, is i.s prr 100 IKiundi In carload lols f W0 H.unds. Tho rates for the same product and same eerM-e irom points lu the fourlnter mountain states nnm-d to New York an average distance of 2,2! mif.s. or 'tly. three hours, i., $:m n.om MollljJa anJ from Idaho in carload kits of "4 Vi pounds. The freight rates on less tlian carload lols from these two states are considerably great jr in proportion than from Texas. Hut. after all, Ineo.u,j,ties in freight rates alone do not explain tu turkey Phenomenon. It ts entirely plausible that the turkey supply of the intermountaln states should remain lelatively untouched as i long as the southern, central and ml.l.llu wfc3tein states .un . ... -'Ji'i'i r i oe needs of the country at the present range of prices, but it doe. not explain why farmers in the turkey -depleud states have not increased their supply islead of letting it run down. In th cae of chickens, ducks and geee this would b a lr,ipi. problem merely a matter of se.tmg nmre ,iell, or buying more Incubalors. With turkey I" tllffere,,,. There are .or. j-tllo tKs In a turkey setting than there are In , ertn of cnlcken c8a( eo TWO Personally Conducted Tours Every Week to Sunny California. Personally conducted tourist sleeping cars leave Omaha every Wednesday and Friday for San Francisco and Los Angeles on the China and Japan Mail, These Tours aro or ganized and handled under tho direct man agement and supervision of the Tours Department, which fact is a definite assur ance of tho very beat service and a. Tuuan tee that the published itinerary Trilfba car ried out. Thes personally conducted tourist sleep ers leave Omaha Union Station and run on the following schedule: Lv. Omaha. . . 4:03 p.iu. Wed. Fri. At. Cheyenne . . . . . . .11:30 a.m. Thura. Sat. Ar. Ogden 6:30 a.m. Fri. Sun. Ar. San Francisco... 2:50 p.sa. Sat. Mon. Ar. Los Angeles w . . . 8:45 a.m. Sun. Tucs. Via Union-Southern Pacific Standard Route of the West. Special attention is called to the fact that the trip from San Francisco to Los Angeles is particularly interesting as tho route trav eled is along the coast line. Every inch of the way to California is protected by Electric Block Signals. Dust less, perfect roadbed. Excellent Dining Cars. For information relative to fares, routes, reservations, etc., call on or address L. Bcindorff, C. P. & T. A. 1324 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Phones Douglas 1828; Independent A -3231. ii tural experts tell us, and you can grow richer on paper raifdng turkeys than raising chickens. Hut it has gotten so now that in somo states you can ralne turkeys only on paper. I His Two Appendixes. The trouble with tho turkey Is his ap pendix, or rather his appendlfts, for fowls have two of these bothersome in cumbrances. It appears there hafl come into the land In the last decade or two an organism to oe exact, a protozoon which is thoroughly at home with the I RAILROADS FYHIRIT AT cinciien uu leaves on mis nom practic ally no ill effects, but which is death to turkeys. It makes, first tiling, for his turkeyship's two appendixes, enlarges and, then chokes them up, mottles the livor and works so much general distress that the plagued and weakened bird lies down and dies. This disease is called enterobepatitis, but it is known and dreaded wherever they raise turkeys hs "blackhead," becausv frequently, at one stage of the dlneae, the heud of the stricken bird turns black. When tills protozoon gets into a flock of turkeys. It usually kills ;0 per cent plunu increasing It begins to look as though the great American titblo bird Is doomed to Join the dodo and the bison, unless tho 1910 turkey count of the census bureau cpurs aome bold and resourceful explorer in the field of animal husbandry to produce an appendlxless gobbler, or finds a way to exterminate the deadly protozoon that threatens to rob Thanks giving day of one of its oomfortliiK and satisfying charm?. Colller'ii Weekly. THE CHICAGO LAND SHOW PRACTICE CHARITY AT HOME School Children Athrill Over Prep arations for Thanksgiving:. TO KEEP DONATIONS IN STOCK nu Meets with tahesltatlaic tin Uorsenieat and to-operatloa of Taos Devoting Their Time to Charity. and II of the old blrd.s. It is blackhead," say the experts of tho Department of Agriculture, that has put New KngUnd out of the turkey business. Rhode Inland once was famous for the number as well as the quality of Us turkeys. Now look at It. Census Director Durand could find but l,l'() in the whole siaie. and they were held at the exorbitant prioo of M.Ij 1 aplex.e. j Uul there must be ollior cnun's than I "blackhead" that ore responsible for the ! dwindling in ten years of .50oi( turkeys down to 2,000.0)0. for all of the dates of tho union, ave the four Interinountain states, Fhow decreases ranging from 30 j to 60 per cent sine.) JftOO. Much of this j territory, especially in the south, Is free ' irom hiuckliead, smd the trouble boie K.emn to be the sheer Inability to ralne i turkeyH eipial to the demands of the cold storage plants for dinrihutlon I throughout the country. The turkey Is an easy bird to hatch, but a difficult one to bring through the noult Ktxuo the farms in the uninfected terrlton rppcars, are simply unable io replenish j the stock taken annually by the cold . Mora-re plants to supoly tho-;e section where disease has wiped out nlmoM of the. native flocks. Ileuee the I pmril I'rlev. This bliuatlon, naturally, Jus led to a general and very (.arked lnvrca.se In the pr'ce of tui Wej x. 1 ne average price cf tuike.'.s In middle west i'h between t.7"i and 12. the Pacific coo.it lurgry ure vatud i allfomlu at V.rj and In Wushtno-tnn at U.:"). H !s ii the east, however, where fancj tur!;ey prices prevail. Pennsylvania's turkeys at : i are cheap, compare-1 with MasfachUMettK' birds wheh thK census rrpoi ts value ut li.au MPloce, and JUsstt'chusette turkeys ere cheap when compared with Connecticut's . at 1.M a head. In the matter of price Census Di leotor Imrand pins the hlue ribbon for 1010 on little Rhode Island, whose l.lufc tur. are valued at Jt.Vi, or It. 15 each. 'hat another ten yeais will show Is a 'lucmtot!. The Deoartmeiu ,f Agriculture du., mil undertake to ansuer It. The lavages of "blackhead" are spreading ud with the demand ot I be tola ttorf I'nlon Pacific 'afivlces relatvo to the Chicago Ijind show, which Is now In prog ress and whloh will continue until De cember !, are to the effect that the crowds are large, but not much, if any, In excess of those that attended the Omaha Land show, held recently. In Chicago during the first six days the at tendance aggregated 43.00". Tho I'nlon Pacific und lis affiliated lines have spent J0,0u0 in making exhlblu at the Chicago show. They have con- the poults and about 20 per cent of utruoted two theaters' In the annex of the Coliseum, where hourly lectures on agricultural and horticultural topics, ac companled by motion pictures, are given. The company is showing a large numlmr of oil paintings representative of scenes along the line through Nebraska and beyond. Jn this pr-Thanksglvlng uesaon scIioiiIh and the homes of school children In Omaha are athrill with preparations for the annual exorcises and festivities, to which, this year, a new and novel In terest has beon added. U Is a yearly custom, established when the school sys tem of tho city wiih In Us infancy, for tho children of the well-to-do to bring donutlons of food, clothing or money to their school buildings for dixtrlbution among the various chirltahln liiftltutlons. -This year a certain percentage of the donations will bo kept In stock by the principals of the sohooln and used during the winter to ullevlste the suffering or provide for tho wants of the needy pupils. It Is an attempt to put Into practice the old adage that "charity begins at home," and It haa met with the unhesitating Club House Prairie Park Club r ""' i.o all the On in U- 'i: . . p&M'l'.'IVn' -.11, . t g I oS 3 . fl B a . t 1 U J i b ' endorsement and the co-operation of the men and women devoting their time find energies to charitable work. A certain percentage of donations will ho kept only In the schools where It Is known they can be used to advantage and where they will helti those who would not otherwise receive assistance. The educators and philanthropists are agreed that the 600 teachers of the city have the most accurate Information regarding the wants and needs of the U1.000 pupils who constitute the training army of citizen ship. And so In this belief they have nunvtloned the plan to heap clothing, food or fuel out of the donations and will leave the teacher free of restraint In the dltitrlbutlon of these during the year. This custom of keeping allvo the oHr Inal spirit of Thanksgiving the reason when formal thankfulness for the bless ings of life is expressed has brought a pictureniiunnnns and a uniqueness to Omaha school life. A the day for t.io donations druivs near the pupils become more restlees, more observant arid meet and part on tho campu.i with keener en joyment f their comradeship. It la the time of the year whon selilsuiiess Is Itoet evident; nuarrels are lens frequent: dln- agreemeuts are settled v.lth the leant d'f- flculty, and, say the teachers, there Is more ro-nperatlon In school v.url: rind a greater desire to help the school a'ld those needing help who are not ot th ncbool. Vplrlt la Intensified. Tho Merit of Tlia;ikHg!v!,i- hi tho schools i:j the pplrit of I .'hrLstmus in tensified. The pupil i c::poct less ami gUo more and the nui prises are greater snd Hie donations tii.ire varied l:iflnltely mora varied end by far more practicu!. ICverytlilng from a block of coal to a ! I gold piece, from a pair of trousers to a barrel of dill plcklm, from a glacs of Jelly or a crate of potatoes to u lino und flower-opiayed kimono Is brought und gladly given and as such gladly received. Xothlnt; is unwanted, nor lu anything ghen which cannot be tittilncd. There In a place for every article and Ii is put la thai place by those who know best who Is In r.ted mid what ii nveried, "Tht:i cuctom." said an educator who Is interested In charity, "Is one of the mot unselfish and tho moot Inspiring the west has ever fostered. The children take an Intense delight In It and are more Joyful over tho t'lcaxure they l:no'.v they will bring to the aged and infirm and the hnlplesa and all tho unfortunate of thf city than they would be If they were the recipients of soma surprisingly pleasant treat. The Thanksgiving spirit Is old, but It eveT find fresh ways of expres sion, and tills Is one of them." The I)lstrilatloa. Poorer children in the schools will be beneficiaries of the Thanksgiving dona tions, but the largest amount of the ar ticles given will ba distributed among the inmates of the Old ' People's home, the Visiting Nursee., tho Child Having Institute, the House of Hope, the Crecho, the City mission, the Associated Charities and the Salvation Army rescue homi. In all except tho higi school the gift cf anything that inlght bo ubeful to some one la gladly adopted, but the stu dents lu the hlsli school have themselves set the precedent of donating nothing but. money. He May Be Defeated by His Own Evidence .'-ray iiiotoar.tn'.is hvt.oiiucnd in fed. e.-al court by Jll'.to.i Ii. Goodenough of Ixigaii, la., Ir.tended t i show that lie was njiire.! to l.:e client of ilj.UX) lu a I'niou Pacific wrrtit r.var Logan, ehow Instead liiit tiie Injuries o which the suit U based MUlit hiivo utin cufJ hv oih,. Kie... ! this proved true Uoodanougli vlli lose Ms suit asannt the compauy. in tii attempt to show that one leg v.aa al'orteiied by Ir jury iji the wreck Ooodenouth had tho X-ra;.- pictures taken and when the woe introduced iu evi dence It was foutid that Uoodennugh had thirty-eight small birdshot cmbeddled lu his leg. If Is thought that the wounds caused by the shot uiiOt have had the effect of shortening the le?. Another in jury also was dine ivtif.l, wlien it was found that Ooodenojgh ruffered a frac tured hip whsju ho was kicked by horse during the civil Stomach Blood and Liver Troubles I with weak itamftflk. a.d Miu.mi.ni '. 'i Tiie Piairle Park club is now an Incor porated body, v litreas heretofore it lias heen a purely social organization with civic lieautlflcation as its main purpuee. Incorporation was made necessary by the On the first floor of the new building will be room for a dozen machine, to start with. On the second floor will be a billiard room, lu a, mezzanine story, and a fine hall. JOxttt. with ante-rooms and decision of the membership to construct , coat rooms. The building will be of eteel a cluh house and garage on lots al and cement construction and fireproof in i wcuiy -si kin arm nanicr streets. This step was taken to avoid the possibility of garages bj'nig bulit on tho Ion in Prairie patk, which Is now free tivtu fvnul and outUouii .of tvw? kind. its entirety. A handsome entrance .i will be constructed from Ames avenue to the club house, with border of shrubs and flowers. It Is expected the bulldUig Till by ready early; nti tuBim:, Mueh licknen start with weak stomach, aad consequent poor, impovertklied blood. Nervous aod pale-people lack good, rich, red blood. Their stomachs need invigorating1 lor. alter all, rain can be no stronger tbaa his stomach. A ismedy that make the stomach strong aad lb lirer ctive, make rich red blood and overoomes and drive out diest-prodacio bacteria and cures whol mulli. tude of diseaee. Ctt riot at yomr Stomseh Wmtnf mn4 LImp Lmmlat.a by tmklng m rosn mt ir. Pierce' a Uoltem Mtaieml Dlaerry - tUm Br.mt Sfimmtk K.atoraUrt, Lift tmvl&mrmt9f mat OlotU Ceaar. You can't afford to accept any medicine ot mrnhntwrn ' ubtitut tor "Goldca Mediae! Diaooy. ry, which is medicine or inown cnMposmoN, bavia a vooiplet list of in'redientt in plain English on it hot tfe.wrapper, saw be a atUuted cor root under oath. i.1zrTC;J.T-?JI ' r . . I ht a . . . ;..? .1