Tim BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, XOVEMHEK t25, 1011 20 I tans" SI i I 1 ! 5 I rrnlnj A MS p Iieu ... A Sale of V arm Underwear Special Croup3 of Women's and Children's Htavy Undergarirunta Jaturday at Social Pricts Woman's Fine nibbed Ot- . I vV Ion .TL'nlon Buita, - Fleecy lined and part wool vesta and pant, cram and nat ural: worth fl, at a gar ment . 50J Women's Fine nibbed Union Unit Hmtt silk finish d lial and alzea, Women a... 11. . V I. " 7.. up .to-35c, at 1! V1 - Women's Fine nible4 Cot. ton Fleecy Lined VeMa nnl r Pant Regular 60c qual- ity, at a garment . .IJOtf Bflaar-s', Children's and Hoys' Ribbed Cotton Union Suits Hear? fleece, whito and cream, all sizes up to 14 years; worth -,75c, at a ult 4 Mls' and Boys' - Vm.j, rants, fihirta and Irawers: Fleece lined, at, each 39 M N ; flesh color, bltfet , ;7V?.v ''4V white; worth $3; all VfJk . at a .ult -W.5WWV Fln Ribbed Cot. F', '!:f ,;T; I 'X ' ' ' 1. -o "ill- t. V ."I. 1 , , ' T -J r Children's nit. .. ... ets and 1. Fant a Fleecy lined; all tlzea up to 84; worth 30c, at a gar ment .10 Women's Fall Neckwear at 50c Fancy Lace and Net Fichus. Jabo' side frills and pleata, yokes, Dutch and aallor collara la Ve,... and crochet effecU, fancy stock a, etc., daintily trimmed wlih fine Oriental lacea, embroid ery, real cluny, also crochet and VenUe er recta, Latest novelties for street and evening wear, a 10 very ap- propriate for Christmas gifts. Neckwear actually i worth 91 and op to Si.ftO .Mln Floor, at Oe Sale of Women's Kid Gloves Women's Glove 2-cUsp effects In French kid and lambnkln; Paris point or single row stitching; tan, grey, blue, mode, black and white; fitted to the hand if ur cJ CA ff 7 " Main glove counter, at, pair Olebtfdle3v7l f ? Women's English Walking Glares One clasp, black, white, tan and grey. Fitted If desired, at per (I q pair J6) Gloves for Boys and Girls Kid mittens, fleece Kider moves, fleece lined; Astrakhan gloves. llarfcaln Square Special -Women's gloves In black, whits ' and tan, worth II a pair. All sizes, at, (t. lined; Rough leather palm. pair Mocha mittens, fleeced, and all wool coif aioves. at, pair ........ , .59c Saturday Sale of Hosiery Women's Ture Thrend Heavy Silk Hosiery, wide silk hem tops, silk double soles; also wide lisle garter tops, litie aoubie soles, Heels and toesj worth up, AQ double ,.4;c to $1.75; at, pair Women's Pore Thread Silk Root Hosiery Msle Soles, heels and toes, regular and out sixes; worth up to sac, at, pur Women's Cotton and Lisle Thread Hosiery Mercerised silk lisle, high spllcad heels and toes, double soles, also wool and silk fleecy lined; worth 60c, at. pair . ...23tf Men's Fine and Heavy Cashmere toes; worth 26c, at, pair j. ...... v . . Woman's Cotton and lists rta. Ished Hosiery Horn full fnah luncd, double aitifH, henls unit toj al.o wool n1 flnituy Until mlesna. boy' ami chlldten'a cot ton and flewl ituod ribbed school hoao; worth C JBo plr ,at v Hoeiery Double heels and 15 Women's and Men's All Pure Linen Embroidered Ini tial Handkerchiefs Plain hemstitched and embroid ered corners; worth up to 25c; at, each 10c "Women's and Men's Irish Linen Handkerchiefs Fancy embroidered corners, Armenian and Val. laco edges, new style initials; wbrth up to 35c 4 at, each.... 13C Women's and Men's Fine Sheer Linen Handkerchiefs Dainty new hand embroidered corners. Princess lace corners, Armen ian and Val Lace borders, band embroidered Initials, gm narrow nemsutcnea pure linen ail newest styles. 7SA y ,Wfw Values op to 60c, at, each Fashioaabl On Second Floor and A AW In Pomjeian KoomA Completi Assortment cl Thanksgiving Favon and Novelties rs Bcorea and scores of novelties, decora tions, favors, candy boxes, etc., for ThankBElvlog are now in our pompsUn lax; in. See the small turkeys fur plac favors and the larger ones for ta.Ua deooraUona. Prices aro AW DEI Hair Goods in Pompcian Room. The new IVythe Foundation and switch epeciuly adapted for tho low effects so much In demand at prcaant. Made of good quality natural wary hair and priced very low, ftkwltctiea 30 and 32-inch Wavy Hair Switches. 10 values, selling st, each S0.08 Natural Wavy Switches $5 values, priced for Saturday, l $3.t)S Notaj Large assortment of Silk Nets, choice of tho lot, at 2 for 5 Hair Nets, made with rubber, Saturday, at ... A 10 Sanitary Hair ltolls, priced lor Saturday at f0 Maalcurlng, Shampooing and Hair Dressing. S STORES, LMMMaMaMaMaaaVuali. i nmmn in J OPERATE PRICED Oar ahawlnf of Baits and Ovareoata at that vrleas is remark abla la tha snmbar of pattaraa wa show ana tbe vary remarkable qna'lty la aaoh tarmant. Xvary Salt aa Overoeat Is abaolotalT saw. We guarantee to sere you at Xaaat 88.00 oa any Bait or Overcoat. TM A T T1 A Mfs TIT" Bluu' ehaapar, quality eon- " I I law sMorad, tnaa any so-oaUad Bpaolal Bala. QiMY 111, Needing Trcsssrs, Sir? If so, coma bare to this store wbsre you will benefit ehooalng' from tbe beat aeleoted stock of man's and yonng man's modern tronsara In the city. MOST ri.sAanfax.T pkicxd. -$1.50 $1.00 92.50 93.00 93.50 94.00 95.00 90.00 Our fist Department Is ahowlnf all the very latest atrlea of rot) fa and smooth felta from tbe beat makers In tbe Bat World. BATH Of QTAIITT 95 to $4.00 Btyllah Cape for Winter Wear olotb, plash, oorflnror and laatbar cars 50 75 ?)5 91.23 and up TDK cava 91.08 92.50 93.50 nd up Specials for Saturday Sweaters, ited gray, aiarooni 51.93 Jersey Bwaatera, pure worsted g ray, bine and marooni rer. value at Ken's Wool Sweater Coata wttb two pookets, plain and rancy col ore, Sl.60 quality, at.. S3c New arrivals In regular 50c silk fuur-ln-hund, A LADIES! S very special. T Men's Suits Tailored to your order, (j)) U . ' Thi isual tnttttt "Dresher" Iikics; the aiwl precise "Tresher" fit Bresfeer Tailor 1515 Farnam Street (D) An Unusual usiness Opportunity The manufacturers of the leading line of Gasoline Motor Trucks la Europe find America will entertain proposi tions for representation in unoccupied territory, full lino 1 to V-Z tone. .For particulars, address P. O. BOX 1088, NEW YORK CITY. Removal Sale Cut Glass specials $11.00 Berry Bowls 93.50 111.00 Vases 99.00 $3.(0 Comports .$2.S5 93.00 Salt and Peppers 91.50 $3.00 Nappies 92.15 $6.00 Candlesticks 94.15 $4.00 Candlesticks 92.80 Look for the Name S. W. LINDSAY, Jewelry 1O10 Dougla Strrstt. aij () () FLORIDA THE LAND OF SUNSHINE AND FLOWERS. Round Trip Wlnttr Tourist Tickets on Sale Daily ' Via Illinois . Central These Nol)by High Toe Gun Mclals for Street Wear Will merest Yoa Just now we're show ing some clever broad high toe Oun Metal Street Boots soles just a little heavier and have the short vamp, high arch and Cuban heel 5 exclusive models, ' but moderate in price. . $3 &4 A Ifl elaOL We're showing a host nf .'F'.taI 11 tivo TnHpla in AVinter Footwear for any occasion. FEYi Shoe Company 16th and Douglas Sta. S For Little Fellows If you have a boy full of ginger, in your home, you have often wondered , where the shoe leather goes. It is hard --to 'find - a shoe that stands ? the ; knocks of the average American boy but we have one. ' : Better material " pu t to gether better 'makes these shoes a trifle higher in price, but the difference in quality makes them the cheapest shoe on the market. Little'Genta ....$2.00 Boys' .....$2.25 Youths' '.$2.50 Drexei Shoe Co. 1410 Far am St. BSl lSiISHi -U.SJ astt.,.,'1 J Jacksonville, Fla .... $50.50 Jacksonville, Fla. (via Washington in one direction) $58.50 Tampa, Fla $02.10 Paytona, Fla $57.10 ' Kissimmee, Fla $59.20 St. Augustine, Fla. $53.00 Fort Myers, Fla. ...$67.20 Orlando, Ha $58.50 Palm Beach, Fla. $G9.00 Ormond, Fla. $5G.70 St. Cloud, Fla. : $00.00 St. Petersburg, Fla. $G2.10 Havana, Cuba $87.00 Hates to all other principal points in Florida proportion ately low. Tickets good returning until June first, 1912. Round trip Homeseekers rates, first and third Tuesdays of each month to several Florida points at reduced rates. All tickets good via Chicago, liberal stop over privileges. Write for folder or call and we will be pleased to assist in planning your southern trip. S. NORTH, District Passenger Agt. 409 South ICth Street. Omaha, Nebraska. v THAT NO LOSS can eome to your Jewels or Prlvsta V apera oy securing nicely located Vrlat totm of your own In our Mod ern Klra and Burelar Proof Vaults. To make sure of eome thlnga la a hard n.uer; with thle, H'a almply a caae of paying lea than One Cant a bay for a year's rental. OZIAHA SAFE DEPOSIT & TEUST COMPANY, Street travel Satranos to Vaults. 1614 XAM.MAU IUMI. ray Cosh and Sjinve Money all your meats from us and ynUU MTV niwiiwy. wmvm v. nut m rt 1 he cholceel. juciest, ten- Uereat meats sold In Omaha. Kuowlnsly we never allow tough uteak or roaat in our ahop. Ws buy only tha choicest; Bell for .Dot caah; keep no book accounta; neither Jo we dellvei- Theee are the reasons why wo can sell such sood meat for leas than tha other "ellowa aell Inferior quality. Uon't froget our own, hotna drefceed chickens Nothing- Una them in Omaha. Pork l.oina 10HO Pork Shoulders BHo I'ot Boaat. choloe lOo, So, To Home Male Pork Kaueafe ...ISHe Home Rendered Lrd lt'io Chuck BteaJte --lOo i-ork Chopa lS'-e" pork . Bteak JOS. BATH'S GASH MARKET raraant . Tel. Ooog-las S9S4. 1S1 RSXBSttifi mSSiSt Egyptian Chocolates Our Latest Creation None Better at Anr Ti le. Sold In 1 and S Pound Boxes Only Price 8O0 and. 9 1.00. If by Mail f 1.00 and $-2.00. fiSysrs-Dilicn Drug Go. 16th and Farnam Sts,, Omaha. 9 Mv AC" J Rcllablo Dontiotry AT Tail's CsLtal Rccns on's and Young EVJon's Regular 10 and $12.50 Values, Saturday at Overcoats 19 I X No GKJT OMAHA i v x M pi Warm, heavy, serviceable over coats. Exceptional values of this nature ore seldom offered. Bet ter take advantage of it now. MEN'S CASSIMERE AND WORSTED SUITS, worth to $15:00, Saturday, J EXCEPTIONAL OVERCOAT VALUES, Saturday at 7.50, $9.75 and $12.50 Any man will 'be pleased to own so good a coat at so little a price. MEAT'S 25c WOOL HOSE at, per pair . 125c LIEN'S RIBBED WINTER WEIGHT UNION SUITS, all sizes, regular ft Q $L25 values, at each U5' WHITE HEM ST ITCHED HAND K E R- , CHIEFS 3c MEN'S HEAVY FLEECE LINED SHIRTS ' AND . DRAWERS, each.......... 32c Exceptional Bargains in Ladies' Apparel Rich Plush Coats S10, $15, $19.50 Made.of the finest heavy Plushes, lined with guaranteed satins. The, same kind of coats that other stores charge you $10.00 more. GENUINE RUSSIAN PONY COATS, worth $50.00, Jlj Made of beautifully marked pony Bklns of rich lustre, lined with the best guaran tee! satin. An exceptional value for Sat urday at $29.75. All sizes up to 48. HANDSOME TAILORED SUITS, worth $25.00, jQ When we say they ore worth $25.00 we do nqt exaggerate, for they would be food valued' at that price. CLOTH AND CARACUL COATS, Worth $12.50, $7 5(J A large assortment of handsome coats at this' price for your selection. PRETTY FUR up fromS4i98 nf. m TTmTTITTT Mill TT Kr A II Tlr Ula A n.1 IVL-OI n fl X . Cl MED HATS OliuO 10 dJ A pleasing array of charming trimmed hats at almost giveaway prices. PLUSH STREET HATS, nnp Worth $2.50, at 03b Heavy 11-4 Blankets 08c and 1.39 MENTOR COMFORT UNDERWEAR FOR WOMEN AND CHDDREN are warm, comfortable and serviceable. And the prices are very reasonable. Women's Union . ft ft I Misses' and Boys' ftOA Vail Union Suits 50fi to CHILDREN'S COATS P up fromwliy $1.98 to S iv: velvets, leathers, etc Suits, up from MANNISH FLANNEL WAISTS with the soft military collars, Q O a worth $1.48, at LONG FLEECE DOWN KIMONOS, at Exceptional Values in Shoes for Men, Women, Children. - A'o. 6gJr OMAHA FORMERLY THE NOVELTY SKIRT 00. IS YOUR HAIR STREAKED WITH Gil? G 1 Union Suits 50 C to PRETTY HANDBAGS, in 39c, 49c and 59c SATE $1.48 PRETTY SWEATER COATS, up from HS AGE A Few Applications of a Simple Remedy Bring Back the Natural Color. try WyetQ S Case us Buiyaur nmirs Remedy, a preparation waion a cnemui by the name ef Wyeih devlaed a lew years ago. t simple, inexpensive uid practical, and will banlah tba arsy haJrt la a (aw days. It Is alio guaranteed to remeve dandruff and promote the growth of tbe hair. It Is a pleasant dreaelng (or tha hair, and after using It a (ew days Itching and dryness of the scalp entirely disappear. Don't neglect your hair. Start ualng Wyeth's Saga and Sulphur today, and you will ha surprised at the quick How o(ten one hears tha expreaaton "She Is gray and beginning to look old.' U is true that gray hair uanally denotes as and Is aiwaya associated with age. , Tou never hear nne referred to aa hav ing gray hair and looking young. Tha heir la aaneraJlv tha Index of age. 1( yonr hair la gray, you cant blame reaulta. . your frlsads (or referring to you aa look- This proration to ing old. Yoa can t retain a youthful PbUa at fifty cents a ko tie. and U spperanc U you allow y.ur hair to reconm.end.4 snd sold by aU ToeTgray. Many peion. o( ralddl. age Bherme McCennell Drug Co.. Cor. rT their TutTalmply by allow, itth and Cor. im and Harney li.g the gray hair to become manKeat Oor. Hth and raxnaa. - N. Uta. St, If your hair has become faded or gray. Loyal Hotel. ' THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Is tha Leading Agricultural Journal of tna west. Us columns ar filled with tho beet thought of the day In matters pertaining to tho farm, tha ranch and tha orchard.yind it la a factor la tha development of tha great westers country.