OMAHA, SATUHDAY, NOVKMHKU 2r. 1911. RAIN AHD PRODUCE MARKET KTice of Heavy Short Selling Mar ket Remains Firm. nw mint market ,t arlona .CTIVE BULLS ABE LIQUBATINQ or la that Join Farther D : dines Are More Tbaa Probable, I as Com Jlntfnfnt Will - Iaereae. and kiln 1. f- OMAHA. Nov. 24. 11)11. In face of tho ravy nort elling )es rrtny the wheat market held firm today, ahle were much more iTuring nn4 t advice from Araontina stated heavy tin ware interf wring with the progre harvesting, liegurdle.'' of nil new nm day to day It must be remfmbcrnl it supplies will he diminishing from ,w until th close of the crop year. Acilve bull In the corn trad have (Undated heavily during the last two ( on tho theory that aome further de ln la more than probahle, a the move ment of new corn l aure to Incrra unnfl 4he next few weeka. However, 'lis doc not change the general view t the trade, for undoubtedly all the corn IU takan by a strung eastern da ta nd. I h tone of th wheat market i rev but price held firm on the hHfher able and eome bullish Argentine newa. afi wheat waa unchanged. Corn waa very dull, prices ranged arrow and practically unchanged. With n Increase- In receipt some decline I x peeled. Cash corn wa io higher to ir lower. Primary wheat receipt wers rV-7,0"0 iiahel and shipment were 1.027,000 ut-helH, against receipt laat year of V' buklicla and ahlpment of ?6fi,000 ushel. Primary corn receipt were B74.O0O bush ls and shipment were 1S200 bushel, gainst receipts laid year of M3,W bush Is and shipment of 275,001) btuael. Clearances ware a.OW bushel of corn. V) bushel of oat and wheat and flour final to 1.W bushels, v Liverpool cloned '.ttt'Sd higher on wheat ltd 'id higher on corn. The following cah aale were reported: WHKAT-No. 3 hard: 1 car, Wtc. No. Iihio; 2 cm. fS'ic; 1 car, ttSc. No. 4 nlsed: 1 car, 9. . iviHN-No. 3 white: 1 car. Wo. No. a vhlte: 1 car. ttc. No. 4 white: 1 car, 3c. No. 8 yellow; 1 car, 63c; 1 car, 62e. Co 4 yellow: cars. eW'.ic ; 2 car, one. Jo. 1 mixed: 1 car. fcifrc; 1 car, 2c. No. mixed: 1 car. Uirt4e: 1 car, flOc; 1 car, M.o. No triads: 1 car, 68c. OATH-Hianuaro: i car, iidtc. : vhlte; a ear. 4-c; car, 47c. hlte: a cars. 4c,4c. x car. 40ftc. Omaha ,t ah Price. WHEAT-No. I hard. 8Hctj1.02: No, t mid. 'iVirf.i'tl.01; No. 4 hard. WmjOTc. CtlnX-ND. I whit. 0.VritVt4r; No. I vhlt. 1iviHe: No. 4 white, filVtrtSc.; No. I color, 62Vfl'.': No. 2 yellow. .V,'Jjlc; Vo. 2 yellow, WyiVklc; No. 4 yellow, Vi.p c; No. t. 2'a02V; No. . 62'i,!Vo; No, i, k.-1Vic; no grade, 6H'i,S4c. O.USN. l white, i,?i41-if. etan lard. t7U47VjO; No. I white, 47r(f47Uo. liAltl-KY-Maltlng.; No. 1 feed, 1.0' KVE No. J, 93ffHc; No. t, Kfi93o. - Caxu Keeetpfa. Wlieat. Corn. Oat 17 ibl 107 i8 16 aa u 124 No. No. Qaotatlone of the liar I 'ommodltle. NF.W YoriK. Nov. ?l.-FIX)rR-Ktedy; aprlng paientn. t-2n5.4.".: winter atralghta. f.o.i4.Si' winter picnt. JLvt prln clraro, tl.30fi4.r4); winter cxm". No 1 tlii'iiw :!.; wlntr extiH. No. 2. ) 4Vfj3.K; Kanaas stralghlo. tl" k0- r ceipla 21.41S bhln.; ahlpmont, Ii.T.J bhl. Uve flour, fteady; choice to fancy. I O) 6 :.). llmkaliMt flour, quirt, lr cwt. rORNMFAL Firm; fine white yellow, l.Tl.C5; coarse, tlM'l-Wi dried, ,1 H.v;,:).7f.. RVE Iujl: No. 2. 9ie. nominal, c. Huffa'o. to arrive. l'.ATll.KY gulet; malting, ti l'"'? !-. c- t.. l.ntfaio. WH SCAT Knot market, barely atoaoy; No. 2 rd. 9S-, elevator, export banlx, to arrive, and Mo, t. o. b., afloat; No. 1 rorthern, Duluth, ll.l.Hi, f. o. b., afloat. Future market mado moderate gain at the opening on the cable and further report of rut and unfavorable weather in Argentina, but eaaed off under ;llmg, due to larg clock and a poor cah and export den. and, cloning net unchanged; lecember, W &-lft&n,c; cloed at SWtc; May, tl.H7-lijl.4'A; closed at t.''1. Ko celr't, 1Sh,Xi bu.; nhlpment. 120.K; bv,.. ;OKN HKt market ey; eport, n"W, l)c, t. o. b., afloat, to arrive; future n-arket wa nominal. Receipt, 32,&TiO bu.; al.ipment, S,lV bu. OATH Hot market lady, futurea r. aikrt wa nominal. Reocipt, 19,820 bu.; alilpmenu, W bu. HAV Uuivt; prlm $1,20; No. 1, tl.23; No. , tl.ll; No. 3, I1.0S. . HIltKM-gulet; Central America, 21c; lingotn nv;a'4. . . r l.KATHKIt Klrm; hemlock first, 2f.Tv Tc; ocund, 2iii4c; third. lWlc; re Ifrtu, lr.c, FHOVISIONH rork teady; mesa. tn.W'tf-lt.TO; family, IS) M2tW; ehort clnaia. i7.i ciis.2r. Href eiecCuy, lue, tii.ift I3.oo; latrillv. JU.kHiM 'jd; beef ham. t-H 0031.00 Cut meal, easy; pickled beltle. 1') to 14 lb.. U).Kil0.j.v; pickled ham. fUMf ll.W. l.&id, firm; middle, went prime, $! MWi 4n; refined, quiet; continent, li'.tn; outn America, tlo.uO; compound, ll.ikKr I'M. TALLDW-Oulet; prime city, lihd., "tc, nekd; country. 6'44(7c. Jn;T!l'.K Klrm; cirameiy apecial, 96c; extra, o; cr-ameiy held Hpeiiala, tSVtW 4c; extta, aiuxii?c; factory current nuke, first, ZiWUiic. CIIKKtiB Klrm. KUliti htrong; fresh gathered extra, 4)M;'-c; extra IixIb, flrl, Mv'Mc; held, frexh poor to fair, YHi'iic; freah gathered dirties, No. 1, 22rlc; fresh gathered check, prime, 2u; retrlgerator pedal mains, fancy, local atorage, charge paid, 23Vi.- western gathered, white, 3V4Ac 1'ol'M IIY Alive, eay; wetern chick ens, 9M.'iillc; fowl, liyllc; turkeya. 14tf Hie; lirsed, irregular; western chick ens, exilic; low la, tsu lBc; turkeys, lluo. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET siMcle at this point for the week ending tmlay were tiflfi.fifd allver and Jl.-t.ll3 gold. Kxnnrta of iie'le for tti week were tl,KUl.K allver and ILS-UICU told. ftuotations Tollow No Well Defined ntroRT ok tiik t'i,Bm?ra iiisk Trend During Day BULLS LACKDJ0 IN ASSURANCE Varying; Cotr of Trlrra Appar ently Largely Heflectloa of Vary Ins: Temper of Pperalntloa la Market. Transaction of Aaaorlaled Hawk for tho Week. NKW YORK, Nov. 24 -Rradstreefs bank celarlng report for the week end ing November 23, ahowe an aggregate of t.,214.(14,tlW, a against tS.r29A21.(i"0 laat week and $2.Jl,4id.X) In th correspond ing week laxt yegf. Kollowlng In a list of the cities- Not Enough Cattle Here to Make a Market CITIES. Chicago .... Hli'.iicupolls )maha .... Juldtti CHICAGO GHAIX AltD PROVIMOPti Featnre of the Trading; aad Cloalagt Prices on Board of Trade, t CHICAaO, Nov. 24. Doubt M to what will be the outuoma ot tne ju-geniina harvest mad the wheat market today enitlve, but left price at laat prac tically tha same aa twenty-four hours before. Final sale wra Me off to a t'r.oi up.. Other leading staple all ehowvd a htt decline; corn, Uc to He; oats, iio to fc, and provisions, MjVIVtc, Jn theiwhaat pit the day waa a dliap jH'UitmeiJt to th entire trade, aa there wa no good swing to prloee In either ureco. Although th harvet had fairly Lgun In Ai-gnntlna, euttlng will not b Cral even in th northern part of tha ucuntry for the next two weeks. Accord ing to aoma export there la a lively chanoe for stiious damage. Thar were circumetantial aawrtlon of the spread Ol piacg run in rwrn (Kmiuo vi iuo province of Cordova. From other aourcea, however, came ttementa that a record yl)d waa atlll expected. In like manner, a promise of small world hlpment wa offset by statements outlining a hopeful prospect for winter wheat In the United : biate and forecasting lesrentd European requirement. The range for Way wa from tl.-10iH lo IJ 00!, with the i close easy at ti OOHj'LOvH. exactly the ! anm a last night. - With the weather fin for an Increased i movement and for the curing of the new ' crop the corn market took on a rather ' Sieavy tone. May fluctuated between MSko ; and twHiC, closing at Hi)o net lower, at ii'c. Cash grade weru more freely of 1 ferel. No. 2 -ellow finished at 7&a'78V,o for carlot. i Scattered longa reduced their holding, pulling down oat. Top and bottom level t touched by May were COo and ttic, witn . tii che "ic net lower at 'JW i Frovisiona prlcaa uocumhed under a ! liexvy load poor cash trade, liberal j gtouk and the fact tnat the short Inter- , t waa atrtpped. At the close pork had i ' jined UMrul'tto and other products SyJ i' 1-eadlng fi isii re ranged a following: lalTopen. j llTgliTTdw. Croee.iYea'yT 5 V htraii I I I I 1ay.,l 4t J tHaail OVHVjll OOviSll 0OW IWV.I I I I I I I I I lJec..rtm,ai4 64H S 1M 64T, fll. I.oal Ueneral Market. ST. L.OT11H, Nov. 24 .. HEAT Cash, lower! track, No. 2 red, itvn!7c; No. 2 hard, W.a1.0Gvt; December, Vbc; May, t'(UN Ix)wer; track, No. 2, 75c; No. t white, 75c; liecember, tiic; May, mj, OM(S-Mead; Hack, No. 1, 46c; No. t while, nwc; December, 47c. KY K I nchai.Ktd. at lllo. ' KLOI:K-LuII; winter patent, 14 3Mj 4.7u; extra fancy and straight, tJ.804-t.; hard w.nier char, .l.4(iiiJ.iO. bh.NI Timothy, 14.uwn 15.60. foUNMLiALr-IASo. HHAN Klrm; Backed, east track, $1.16 til. in. HAT Firm; timothy, $21.00(025 00; pral rle. lll.fiO'ii I1I.11O. KHuV leluNrt Vork. lower; jobbing, $1.2. Ijird. lower; prime ateam, 8.twf 6 HO. Dry salt meals, uncnangea; Dnxeu extra short. t.:tti; clear rib. tN-tUV: short clnara, $t.R74. . Xncon, unchangea; extra ahurt, ttftK1; clear rlb, tsta; nort clear. IU.87aV. MJUL'I HY iru.: chicken. ,,.c; prlng, tVitc; turkey. 14c; ducks, lOMic; gee, 8Vo. HUTltiv-urm; creamery, KiltlHV-Klrm. at 2lXa31c. lleuelpt. ehtpmonts. Klour. bbl 7,loi 6.7i Wheat, bu ao.oou 1,(K Corn, bu sa.oao .o0 Oat, bu ,....19,W ai,oiw . y Jfanaaa Cltr Grata 1 aad Provision- U k NAH riTT. Nov. S4. WHEAT Cash, unchanged to Ho lower; No. 2 hard, tacfctl.Ott; No. J. ;c1.06; No. 2 red, ic; No. 4, SMiiWc; December, iVjktwtc; May, 11. on' July. tW'ic. COHNUlicbanged; No. t mixed, 70'f t3; No. 3. 12';iTinc; No. 2 white, 72W tan; No. a. Ti'dlic: December. Kivo. OATH Unchanged ; No. 2 wit.te, 69 Ww; Ne. 2 mixed, 48j4Ho. . IIVR 3r. ' HAT hteady; tea"dy; choice timothy, 119.0tflilj0.on; choice prairie, tl3.1ttk& 13.60. BUI TtK-Creamery, 82c; first, 80c; rood. 5Sc: nauklnir stock. WWc KUJS Kxtraa, 82c; first, 30c; seconds, 17c. Receipts. Shipment Whut. hu 14.000 17.(HW Corn, bu l."00 m.onu Oat, bu 4.IAW lv.uuo Pblladeluhla. Pro4 Market. PHIUADKLPIUA, Nov. 24.-UUTTEK Finn: western creamery special, ac; western creamery extras, 37c; extra nnurhv nrlnts. , hMtiA Klrm: l'ennylvania and other nearby first, free caara, tii per case, Pnnylvanla and other nearby currcnw recelDl. free can-s. 8UI.20 per case; weat- m rtrsis. rren caees. siu.mi uvr nno. ern current receipts, tree caea, (uu.w per CHErraK Firm; New York full creams, fancy, Wo; fair to good, lwii l&Wi. NKW YORK. Nov. 24. With no Im portant Influence to affect the securities market nuotatlon followed no well do. lined trend today. The opening wa Ir regular. For a time price rose with some vigor. The bull were unable to rnuxter tho rame dcurce of force a yes terday and the market lacked buoyancy. Unl'rti I'aclflc and United Htato hteel at the close, stood a point or o below yosterday'a final quotation. The varying course of price apparently wa largely th reflection of the varying tumpei in M.iculation. liuylng was vigor oum ear? ;n tiie day, and eout'.iern and western railroad Mocks, r.s well a some of the Industrial, rose from 1 to 2 point. The recession wa due In port to profit taking sales. lyocal traction aecurltle were again prominent. Third Avenue fell L' to 4. the lowest price at which It ha ever ld. Owing to a belief that the action of the court In the Third Avenue reorganisation case would facilitate re liabi.itatloii of the Metropolitan eitreet Hallway company, there wa Increased activity In those securities. The 4 per cent bond rose 6 lailnts. and the Da gained 4. Interborougli common and preferred lost heavily. Trading wa begun today in the new Third Avenue Mecurltle "when Issued," the 4 per cent bonus selling at to 81'. tho u at 7 I'll to 72'. and the Stock at 33 to ot. Expectation of a poor showing; In to morrow's bank statement Contributed to the growth of bearish sentiment. Known movement of currency suggest a losa In cash of about $S,ono,ou0. As the actual surplus resi'ivo at the close of lust week was only tl0.4uti.Olil, a loss of the site In dicated would almnnt eliminate it. Th movement of goid out of New York con tinued today, t-vu.ouo being forwarded to Kan 1 ranclaco. 1 he money market shownd no reili-ction of till condition and rote In Id straoy. Hank clearing tills week at the leading center made a favorable showing, with considerable advances over 1DI0 and 1HM. The Copper shares showed the effect of profit taking today and did not respond to reports of sale of the metal at the highest price touched on the present movement. lliinuK were active and Irrezular. Some of the low priced speculative Issue moved widely. Total sales, pur value Ili.OaG.OUO. I piled States bonus were unchanged on call. number of sale and loading quotations on stocka were a follows: niH. uiga. uom. viots. Amount. Inc. HOGS COMMAND STEADY FRICES Steady frier Prevail In tho "keep Barn, While Receipt of All Kind Are Very Moderate and Trade Limited. Dec. New York , Chicago KcHt'm , I'htladelphla . Ht. I-ouIh Kansas City... I'ltlshurgh .... Fan Pranclseo I'.altlmoie .... Cincinnati .... Minneapolis .. Cleveland New Orleans.. Detroit Q.MA1IA I xia Angoloe., I,oulflVllln Milwaukee ... Seattle Kt. I'aul Atlanta I'ortland, Ore Muffalo Denver Indianapolis Providence Richmond , Washington Ht. Joseph Fort Worth Memphis Kalamaroo, Mich. Columbus Albany racoma Havannah Hpokane, Wash.... Toledo Hartford Rochester De Molne Naahvllle 11,400 4V4 3S Allls-rtialmera pM AmalfrartiHled 4'oppar ... Ainvrliraii Asrl.'Uiturml .. Ant. Ilect Huicsr Ameiirsn t'an Anitrlcan C A. V Am. lotion Oil American H. . U ptd.. Am. Irm Becurltlea, Amerlran Llnanad ....... American Lx:oiiintlv ... Aincrti-an 8. 4V H Am. . A It. plil Am. Steal Foundries.... Am. Muxar Itxllnlng American T. 4k T American Tobej.eo p!d... American woolen Anatfund Mining Lte.... Atchleon Atchlenu pld Atlantic CoaU Un lialilmor 4r ohla Uethleheoi Steel ......... Brooklyn Hapld Tr I'anadian faoirle Ceotral lycalher Central Leather pld. Central ot New Jeraey... t'beaapeak Ohio nirago at ahop- Chloaao U. W , new f hlraao U. W. ptd Cli Irani K. W. rm Chtuaiu. M. at t.. P.... 17,VU C . C . C. at It. ta C olorado F. aV I tOO t'olerado a Boolhern eiM t.OlK) 1,604 1. 1"0 3'XI . XM) loo 4,;w IU0 loo 8.100 200 1,400 l.l"0 ") 1,1100 ,ot M74 1IH HI '4 46 7W 1 104 U ID 141 i ti HUH loi 10.1 104 St4 1S tit IIIMj nv 64' 4S 1', 14 IU 141H !4 llt'M 03 1.1 101 10 'i 7 840 8.40V ' "ioo 111 16 'ioit 14, 110 1 July. I Corn. Calk. Dec Alay. Juiy. 4 oi x till tM)'HtlSl t"1! 7'i47'ffH 4.i'l in I vtl 4S 1 ... I I I Jiay.l 16 It 76 Vi8 i Lard. jail. May Itibs. Jan 32V4.I 9 0V I May. I ( 15 S sT'91 I 6$ I82H 10 62'l Xt 67Vi! It Tihi I t S3 6D ss t C 8 46 jg 82M& I 70 1 'iiH'.i T7Hbv I I Peoria. Market. ' PKOKIA. 111., Nov. 24.-CORN-I.owrr; No. 8 white, u3Ho; No. 4 white. 61c; No. t yellow, ttmc; No. 4 yellow, Hi61c; No. t mlxcii. a!!'4-p; No. . 4 mixed, eHctilc; sample. hSH'tnioc. OATH Bteauy; No. 2 white. 4S14C: stn dard, 4fV; No, 1 white, 4fc; No. 4 white. 47 ho; No. 1 mixed, 4,c; No. 4 mixed, 4c. Liverpool Urala Market. LIVERPOOU Nov. 24. WHKAT-8po Steady; No. 2 Manitoba. 7s ltnjd; No. 2 Manitoba. 7s 8.1: futurv firm; December, 7 8d; March, 7 II; May, is nsta. Co HN Snot steady; American mfxed. A 4vd; future firm; January, C V; February, 6 .Hd. Milwaakeo Grala Market. MILWAL'KKK. Nov, 24,-WHBAT-No. 1 nottheiu. tl.Wkijl.OW'-.; No, 2 northern l.0;Whl w; No. 2 hard, winter, tl.OI'yLlH, Liecember. May. 81 WV. OATS Htandard, 4Nl(oo. ; BARLEY Malting, 81 13dfl 27. Cli duotauona wete aa follows: l-'UOt'rt Uad ; winter pavienla, 84 WW tiM; winter stiahta, U.lofL.b; spring paienia, (-.isVi; apriag airaigbts, ft. em .; liners, .i.iii4.BV , TO So. IHo. HAkbKf-Feed or mKlng. TOctjtUW; ftur to choice malting, 81 ivm ii. E r.l H -Timothy, 13-vu u i; clover, tn.-.tJD W. l-nviION Mea pork, per hbl., titi-'vji i.?i. lard, r Um lb , ti-Oi. Bhoi t iii.h, side (looav), to 12V- 'i Olal clearunor ot wheat and flour were miual to j,UiO bu. Uxiiort for the W.-.-R. a (howti by Itrauairtwl'a, were e-ial to 4,inc,Uuo bu. Frlmary receipt were 6x;,0i bu., compaied with 1.161.UM j the corresponding day a year ago. "J ,-iii:!atd receiH fur tomorrow: Wheat, ;.. . u rn, 3-U cars; outs, J13 cars; hogs, 1 .. v-i head. cl.kago Cah Prioes Wheat: No. 2 ., I rvu, aV4)oc; No. I hard, I'.., .Il.uw; .Nu. S hard. 6ciil.M; No. 1 iMxilieru, 1 1. ('.(; l.h'. No. 2 northern, tL07 vi.ok: No. 8 northern, tl 0i.til.OI. No. 2 .r)nK, lit; 3 spring, Khc.yfl 03; 7o. 4 soring, "iw1l.02; velvet chaff, 80e II 04; durum, tJ inl.t7. Com: No. 8, 64c; ,Nu, t while. t4'ii4c; Nu. 8 yellow, H ,ti No. 4. 6!,(.-jc; No. 4 white, tii .i'c; No. 4 yellow, olH-'jic; No. 4 yel low, old. Tic. at: No. 2 white, 4Cif 4i; No. 8 white. 4tt'j,e; No. 4 white. 4i standard. 4t vO'ic. Rye; N'o. !. Mc. Harley, HOcffJlSI Tmiolhy, 13 VsUll:ii. Clover. 213.00:126. bLi'TKR-Bitady; creamery, ajlic; dairies, i.tyl'JC. i .(iurl-r It in: receipt. 1.61 rase; at toarg, rake Included, .'3&o; fliata, 24! S 1 ". ordinary, &ix-?h:. HLtci.-'te4iy; dulsle. 14fir; wlt.a, 14' 1.4 in;; young America. 1 r; i'itlor l.orns. 14v'. i (TATOi.aV-ly; vholoa to fancy, 88 Islr to I'Kiil, tS&ySM;. 1-cCL'lKV rlirn; turkey. dreesed. Jn-'ie; live, 1"; chicken, dred, uioc; 1j.. U-ic; irlngb, live. fca. , A I, at 7 1 lie. (.).. I liouwpta V heat, IT cars, with t t..' coiiliacl Kiads; coin, S1 cam. wita 1 vr cot, tract g:d; ouls, 1U7 car. Total 1. of whnat at Cliicugo, Winneap. -Z. ' ! I'ljl today acre 4J car, ooto 1 . :tti Mi car last week ud Hit j f un-poi,4.iitg uay a yar ago. Mlaaeapoll Grain Market. MlNNHAl-OL,18. Nov. 14. WHKAT- Cash, No. 1 bard, 1.06'4u No. 1 northern, tl.Ul.UuH; to arrive, Jl.Wi 1.0CH; No. 2 northern, tl.0.!l.03S: to arrive, il.tKMI No. S Wheat. tf,BW,,c. ronaolldated (it Cora froducla Delaware t Hudao louver 4k Klo tlraade. ,, iNinver 4k li. O. pld.... bi.ullere' gecgrllle .... Krle Krle let ptd Krle Id pfd Ueneral Kleutrto Qreal Norther pfd Great Northern Ore ctfl. Illinois t'entral Iniertwrough Met Int. Met. ptd International HarTeater.. Inter-Marine ptd International Paper International Pump low Cent ral '. lianaa t llr Suuthern.... K. C. 80. ptd Laclede Oaa I.oulivllle A Naehvllle.. Minn. gt Louie M., Ht. P. K . M ... Mleeourl, K. T M., K. ft T. ptd Mleeourl Parlflo National llleoult National Lead N. H. H ot M. d pfd.. New York Central N. V.. O. te W Norfolk Woetern North American Nernern Pacltlo Pacllla Mxtl PennayWant People' Oaa P , C. C. O Kt. L Pltteburh t'oal Preeaed tteol far Pullinaa Palace far Hallway Steel gprlus..., Heedln ltepubllo Steel rlepuDllo steel pld Hock leland Co Kock laland ptd til. V. H K. Id pfd.., St. Louie W. Ht. L, g. W. pfd Sl.iee-Sheffield 8. 4k I.. feouther Pacific gouthein luilwar So. Hallway pfd Tenneeee Copper Teaae ft Pacific T.. Ht. Li W T . St I. A W. pfd t'nloa Paclflo t u Ion Pacific pfd tolled Slaloa lloelty... fulled Stales Kunber... t olled State Steel t 8. kterl ptd I tan Copper Va -Carolina Cvemical . WaUaali Wauaall pfd Woetern .larlnd Weellutthouae Klectrlo . VVretor t'nlon Wbeelln & U K. Uhlh Valley 1,100 00 100 "ii'to l.aoo 1.DO0 t,w0 600 SO0 8,:oo 400 T0U t,i0 4.7QO loo luo 141 IIV 171 Vl 82 ' Uv 4i4 44', 154 i!vH H lt 41 10 16V, 100 14 100 - IT 4I0 10 100 100 8, too ""no l.tiuo 8.KO0 4i0 l.UW IOO t.V0 111 in 1.700 4.700 1.100 t.loo 7011 1110 1IKI StlJ 100 lii'iisi t raw 4H) and 106 VI leo '40 1, ln- 41 Vi 141 UVe 171Va 'ii'i 1A n Hit 44 V. 165 1JVj 4 144 14 44 1W Urn "ii" 11 80 t IOTiUj uavt istv, 14. "40 is 61 83 loaVt 40 11114, 110 71 74 III Jt lis, 10 M l 14 1M i:.4 3 t 81 61 44 118 - UI le M USk 94 15 163 I Wt to 41 71 71 ft, 700 4.C.0O I.21HI l.KU H0 too M.400 ll ll 3-J.I 137.000 i.ooj , 4,101 un) '1 7uu , 1,000 400 7oo 114 Ji 74 811 14 1 41 17 H 41 T. 1' 6t 64 'a 11 i.' ia e 7 114 111 1H 87 24 1 41 114 4 47 4 lim 40 V, 65 II 81 Ci ec 7 13 04 66 66 H l,i 44 24 It 7 13 84 ll? 141 K 27 8H- 101 1"S 137 10 80 71 't i M I2 71 SO 0 88 14 110 76 88 46 141 It 170 88 48 ! 32 64 44 H 42 144 14 45 104 14 1 1 1 6 ll(i 16lt 31 14 81 H SU't 1-1 l 8 10 40 110)4, 74 U a; ut lu 4 1 83. 1MI S3 152 21 84 . 60 4.' 81 71 46 114 lo 71 1 87 IP 41 1T 1 7 47 4 lo i0 61 Imluth Wichita foot la Norfolk Oakland, t'al Kloux City New Haven (irfliid Hapld Bcranton Iiirmlngham Jackflonvllle, Fla... Oklahoma City Syracuse Augusta, Oa Worcester Kvansvllle Hprlngfleld, Mass... Dayton Portland, Me Wheeling. W. Va.. Little Hock Charleston, 8. C... Knoxvllle Chattanooga Lincoln Davenport Wilmington. Del... Mobile Halt Lake City Wllkeiibarre Sacramento, Cal.... Kalamazoo. Mich... Topeka Cndar Rapids, 7a... Macon Fall lUver Youngstown New Hedford Springfield, 111 Fort Wayne Canton, O Kloux Falls, S.D.... Akron Helena Columbia, 8. C... Lexington , Fargo, N. D Krle, Pa Hockford, 111 Qulncy, 111 Hioomlngton, III... Chester, Pa Rprlngfleld. O Houth Bend, Ind... Lowell Jackson, Mis Blnghamton Decatur, III Mansfield, O Fremont, Neb Vicksburg, Miss.... Jacksonville, HI... York, Pa Waterloo, ia Houston Galveston Stockton, Cal .Itl.WS.WS.KWI 'M, 7,"" 167.M2.00i 16H.742.0O0 M. 44 1,000 M.72.Ji H,240,ono M.814.0t 38,8;9,0i r.i4,non 27.076.001) l!).4?.3,On 24.i3,OijO 20.Ws3.lXs 14.4in5.OHO! 12.723.00li 13.474.WI ji,?ta ,ooi 13.SO.00 H,tH.0i0 7,a,(M) 10ti.t ll.iw.fwo: D.IIS.OOOI 7.771,000 8,S.0iM 7,041, OCtf 8,9l,000l ,iri.oi)l 11.678,000 6.712,0001 7.KO.000I 4.578.00O 7,0!9,O,) 4.4s8.i") 4.SO4.000 4.W2.'i) 4,4X2,0001 MSfT.Owjl 6.47ft,Oi)i) 8. 300.018) 3,4At.0tM; 4,(164,000 8. 067 .( 2.O71.0O0 2.414.0O) 2.8-50.000 3.112.0K0I 2,613.000,G00 3,102.000 2,oo0,000 2.3.7,JK t,076,0i 2,3K",Ot0 2,720)' 2,74S,000 2,0f,3,000 2.17.00i) l.Mfi.omii 2,6.'i,00i) 2,MH,0ti0 t,ive,wA 2,306,000 l.C16.000i 1,670,0001 1,205.(K 1,075,000 10,i2,0lW 1,4.-4,0001 1,(014.000 7,000 1.649,0.10 l,025,0l0 4.8SI7.0UII 1,411,000 1,025,000 fii),000 92,0O0j SoU.OOO 1,1711,018)1 612.0001 l,415.00tl i,o;a,ooo l,81s.O00 8S4.001I IH. 6I 2T..8; 22.1 II. 6 20.0 23.2 2.1. 30.S W.J"! 1ft. 81 2H.4I 19.71 24.61 31.7 7.9 W.7 ll.o! 29. 2 15.2 3S.2 42.41 13.3 23.8' 24.0 21.1 7.9 44.5 12.8 2H.1 27.7 19.9 29.7 19.2 37.0...... 23.2, 21.6 8.2 11.6 39.1! 34.41 18. HI 68.3i 45.7 13.3 45.4 23.0 7.0 6.2 24.6 40.7 13.0 Ttecelpts were: Offitlal Monday Official Tuesday .... OfficlH.1 Wednesday- Official Thursday ... ietimate rrlday ..... Total five dava 2T2; R4 677 48.511 Same day last week. .27,748 SU.&'.'J 60,76 Same 2 week ago .V.CH0 23,236 Os.lMj Same 3 week ago 26,W2 24,538 127.011 Same 4 weeka ago 35.3S 2H.1.J 1.V..1H Same days last year.. 18,020 20,4'.9 41.76J Tha followtn- table atiowa the receipt of cattle, hog and aheep at South Omaha ir tne year to date a compareo. wnn last year. 1911. J910. Inc Deo Catfle 1.03.07 1.113.130 80,004 Hog 2.12-3.384 1.730.33 393,062 Bheep 2,827.154 2,859,24 2.4 Th fallowing table swow the averag price paid for hog at South Omaha for tne lt few days, rltn comparisons. 2.6 38.11.... 6.5'.... 27.31 11.2 14.3 23.2 24.3 11.41 H.4 19 12 21.81 32. 9. 34.8 8.1 2.0 41 66.61 18.41 V4.9 20.7I, 10.8! I 308.H 2.5 6.7 31.01. .1 18. 22.11.. 24.0 .. 29.8 .. 7.1 .. 76.4 .. IS. 61.. 45.6 .. 1 441,000 30.8 830.000 860,000 650,01-0 19.4 , 655,000 39.0 BOo.OOO 4.3 480,000 3.8 t83,Onff 20.7 66C.C001 15.7 489, OtW 14.6 614,000 834.0flf) 2.1 398.0(10 22.0 276.000 36.2 Xi.W ' 2S5.00O 43. 991,000) 23.81 1,014.0ft) 12.81 3,74.O0O 47.61 24,195,0001 00.41 000) 81. 6 1.1 SOUTH OMAHA, Nov. 24, 1911. Cattle. Hog. Bheep. 8,i.. 6.821 , 6..VJ) , 3,374 , 6-JO .23.2; 6,278 9,037 6.16R ".(M7 6.000 18.668 16.0KJ 8.4S6 7yj 4.W0 Date. 1U11. H';. 11906. Il0. Nov. 16. Nov. 16. Nov. 17. Nov. 18. Nov. 19. Nov. 0. Nov.. 21. Nov. 22. Nov. 23. Nov. 23. Nov. 24. 6 26 I 7 6 7 971 8 30V 7 3 7 4J 7 7 33 7 : ( 33 30, lCVa 6 174 7 08 6 89 6 93 6 93 7 3 7 Vv 7 &4 7 95 7 88 7 ft. 7 89 7 97 6 69 6 64 6 69 5 701 6 69 6 76 6 87! 6 8' 6 761 4 94 4 991 4 3 4 05 4 67 4 68 6 051 6 10 05 4 83 4 641 t 0 4 63 02! 4 4. 6 loi 4 66 4 82 6 11 4 t.4 4 08 6 13 1 4 66 4 081 12. 4 66 06 4 69 4 68 downward. Proportion limited and trade In malned nominal. Represents tlv sal?: of little pigs stuff wa re No M... v .. 7... M... !... 7... 77... no... 61 .. 7... 74... 9... 1... M... II... 86... 10.., 81... 81... 00... 70... 72... 41... ... 0... 80... 7t... 78... II.. 7.1.. 6 . 6.. 79.. 61.., 74.. 74.. 78.. 44.. 70.. 78.. 88.. At. ...11 ...17 ...16 ...111 ...174 ...IM ...1V7 ...!I0 ...IfiT ...124 ...217 ...!!2 ...l0 ...111 ...212 ...212 , ...2:4 ...178 ...17 ...2"4 ...12 ,...J07 ...830 ...27 ...mi ...17 ....231 ,...1 ....111 ....214 ..,.224 ....121 ,...216 ....221 ....247 ....135 ....241 ....21! ....11 ....244 8k. 40 120 rr. 6 80 00 06 8 eft 4 0.-, 4 07 10 10 a 10 4 is 4 15 4 15 16 16 4 16 16 15 4 15 . 4 20 10 20 20 4 20 4 20 8 20 6 20 20 20 40 4 20 20 4 32 4 22V, 8 22 6 25 a 4 28 28 6 26 8 25 .Ne 71... 0... 12 .. 41... CI.., 44 ., 75... r,7.. 77... M... !.. 21., 81., 4. S3. At. ,..?48 ,..24 ..til .211 ,..!7 ...244 . . . &" ...227 ...274 ...274 ...2I . . . 21 ..17I ...tfl ...til ...270 ...247 ...241 ...272 ...291 ...858 ...277 ...E.'3 ...241 ...7 ...214 ...213 ...23 ...25 ...J77 ...111 ...3II ...264 ...2M ...19 ...80S ...148 ...8M ...858 .831 rr. 8 28 86 ?t 6 25 6 17 J-., 27 27 I 27 6 27 30 SO, it 4 .10 4 10 1 30 4 10 4 3D 4 10 .10 30 4 30 4 10 JO 4 an 4 80 4 30 6 SO 6 SO 4 12 3i 35 8 85 35 6 15 36 85 6 38 IS 15 35 6 40 DUN'S REYIEW OF TRADE Business Outlook Improving in Con fidence and Volume of Trade. MAmr CONTRIBUTING FACTORS Dress flood and Slea'a Wear Mills 18 Ilcller Position a t Order ad Cleaning; I p Stocka Itapidly. riunday. Holiday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at tha Union Btock Yards, Houth Omaha, for the twenty-four hours ending at 2 p. m. yesterday: HECEIPTS-CARLOADS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. r. m. ft Ft. p. Kjr Wabash It. R Union Pnclflo R. R 1 24 11 C. & N. W. Ky.. east., C, & N. W. Uy., west 4 84 3 C. St. P. M. & O. Ry 3 6 3 C, B. & Q. Ry.. east 1 .. 1 C, B. Q. Ry., went C. R I. P., east Illinois Central Ry Chicago Gt. Western Ry, Total receipts 16 89 18 DISPOSITION-HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 225 9Hi 786 759 3 1 1 24 3 4 34 3 6 1 C 13 S 1 1 16 89 Omaha Packing Co W4 Swift & Company 187 1.4(11 Cudahp Packing Co 88 2,882 Armour & Company.... 77 l,t'l9 Murphy 014 Cudahy, from St. Paul ... Cudahy, from Denver.. 78 ... Omaha, from Denver... 69 ... Hill & Son 3 HuKton A Company 37 ... J. H. Bulla i L. F. Ifusz 10 ... VVerihelmer & Degen... 13 ... Other buyers 168 Totals "cci 7.100 .t 36.7 1,150, Not Included in totals because contain Ing other Items than clearings. 19.100 1S0 17l 1-1 21 61 C3 7S 4 17e Coftee Market. NKW tOHK. Nov. 2l.-CtFFElC-Pu tine opened at a decline of oiulO point in response to lower cable, loi-oigu tell ing and scattering lbjuidatioii, but guoit rallied and durmg the afternoon do veloped. considerable fumnesa on covering and bull support. Closing cablet' from Havre showed a partial rvovry ther aud the buying here waa encouraged by rt port of bulltkh nt w mint Brastl, both a to market ootidilion there and a to th new crop outlook. TO a close w;ui steady at a net advance of ii8 points. Hairs, 100.750 bag. November and De cember, 14.88c; January, 14ulr; February, Uiimc; alarch, 1:1 twe; April, 13 4oc; May, 18!-vc; June, liajc; July, U.3Si.'; August. U3oo; Ijeptemliar and October, UStr. Havre closed St net lower ttinr having shown a nvt loaa of t. Hamburg wa ll tfg. lower. lUo. 26 reiM lower at 8 t4T6, tanios 4m, loo rel h'glier t 8 4ui, 7. bO reis higher at 7 8u. itccelpl at the two Hraxiliun ports were 2.0t.O bags, against 67,01) bags Inst year. Jundluhy trt'elpt were U uw bag, agalnet -a. tO bug lust year. Huln a a repotted In all but one dlatt U t of Suo Paulo. Nrw Vot k warehouse dcllverle yeateitlity were 10, 67. luig. ax.nnst 17, a; utiti last year. Today a special Pantos cable reported 4 unchanged at '-'J tills morning and f.M Pauio rooclpis of 4.t.0ii), against 48.0tD bag th prevlou day. HmjI or tee, steady; ttlo No. 7, 14','; Panto No. 4. U8-7o. Mild, quiet; Cordova, lti'iy liVc, uomlnsJ. Total sale tor the day, aa,8O0 aharea. London Stock Mnrkrt. LONDON. Nov. SI. American aecurltle opened steady with price a fraction be low pa ii 1 y today, L.atr most or m ni advanced on covering and at noon valuo ranged from 84 above to '.4 below -ler-dr.y 1 New York close. London stock closed a follow: New York Money Market., NEW YORK, Nov. 24. MONEY On call, steady, at 2j2 per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent; closing bid, 2 per rent; offered at 24i per cent. Time loan, steady; sixty day, 34j3H per cent; ninety dava, 3) per cent; six months, 3 &3 per cent. Pit! MR MERCANTILE PAPER-44', per cent. STKHMNO KXCHANQE Steady, with actual buKlne In bankers' hills at t4.K'5 for sixty-day bill and at 34.8060 fur "de mand; commercial bills, 81.83. SILVER Bar, uic; Mexican dollars, 464c BONDS Government, steady; railroad, Irregular. Closing quotations on bonds today wer aa follow! V. B. rr. 8. rg...lo int. 81. M. 4i 88 do coupoa 100 Japan 4a V. 8. re 10lHt a 48 414 do eoupoo HilK. C. 80. let Is... 71 C i, rag IU4L. 8. deb. 4 1MI.. Oo coupon 111 L 4V N. unl. 4a.... 09 Alllabal. let 6a... 69 M. K. 4V T. let 4s: Amer. Af. 6a 108 0 gen. 4a 87 A T AT. c. 4a. .111 Mo. lclflc 4a 74 Am Tobacco 4a wN. R. R. of M. 4a 8a d e .......11 N. Y. C g S.... 8H Ariour Co. 4a. -' do deb. 4a u Ai.. ,i.n een. 4a..... 00 . N. T., N. H. & H mtn re. a..V.'..PW . a 131 ltw -74. vv . lai c. a.i!u'j .S No. I'aclflc 4s 100 1)44 do 8a 2W O. 8. U rfd. 4. .. 84 1 renn. cr. s 1916.. 97 M do cou 4 101 li Iteadlnr sen. 4.... H lej S. U A B. '. tg. 4s 80 l'.'2 da ten. Fa Bx Chea. Ohio 4'.a..lii, St. I a. w. e. e.. .9S do ref. 6e " -u i oi ee.... em rblcaao ai A. 8. a A. U. 44 . C U. Oft U J. 4A... w'ro. ric. eoi, do sen. o i M 4k 8. P. d 4a 92 do let rer. 4a. C. K. I eV P. e. 4a. 7S So. Kallway 8. do rr. 4........ ei"a " " . rln. lud 6a 141-nio ririttt 4 Oulo. Mid. 4 o do e. 4a O. & r 4 :-t ! I ref. n jt; II. re. 4a 7 t'. ". nuooer 1.S20 4.G26 CATTLE Receipts of cattle today were very small, even for a Friday, 600 head all told being reported. This leaves the total frr the five days at 23,258 head. Thla I the smallest run for any similar period since the last week In July. HUH the receipts are larger than a year ago by ft.ouu head With so few cattle in sight this morn ing trading waa necessarily limited. There were not. In fact, enough cattle to really make a market, but what few there were commanded about steady prices. For the week strictly desirable kinds of cattle, both oornfeds and rangers, have shown comparatively little change. On the other nana tne yards nave been tun or naii-iai and warmed-up grades that have been very poor sellers, with prloa steadily working lower. It sttems aa If the country haa been very anxious to unload cattle. being unwilling to wait until they have put on a reasonable .moum 01 nesn, ana as a result an markets nave been giutiea this week with Inferior stuff, which nat urally haa caused a stiarp break In prices. tow ana neiiers 01 Binciiy cnoice auallty have been very scarce all the week, and aa a reauit nave not mown much chana-H. On the other hand, the medium to fair grade have been working steadily lower and ar now saruiy woauc lower tnan last week, wnue canners are arotinit 10tf71fin lower. Oood to choice feeding steers aio nave been In very light supply, and anything coming under that head has commanuea steady prices. On the other hand tne yards have been flooded with Inferior and common I rash v stuff for which the demand has been poor. As a result nHrea hnve heen sharDlV lower On all stuff of that kind, stock calves ghowlns loss of stVn'.Vln from laat weeB. Quotations on native cattle: Good to choice beef steers. I6.504r7.75: fair to good beef steer, $5.26ir.f0: common 10 iair beef steers. 4M.4Ow5.O0; good to cnoice heifer. 34.50ffi.25: good to choice cow. t4.254M.85; tir to good cows. 83.60a4.2o; common to fair cows, t2.75tg3.50; veal calvea. 33.d0i37.50. Quotation on range cattle: uooa to choice beef teer. e5.75(3'7.00; fair to good beef steers, S5.GW5.75; common to far beef steer, J4.4lX.i5.0O; good to cnoice cow and heifer, 84.2Si?4.70: fair to good cows and heifers, 11.5W'-4-2o; common to fair cows and heifers, t2.75',ij!3.50; good to choice stockers and feeders, ..WnUUU; fair to good stockers and feeders, 34.301 5.00; common to fair stockers and feed ers, t3.'(4.30; stock heifers, 83.264-25 bulls, stags, etc., .iWiH.n. Representative sale: BEEF STEERS. No. A. It 6J1 67.., 0. ,, so... 71... 83... 74... 84.. 81... 7J... 64.. 40.. 46.. M. . 6.. S9.. 70.. 84.. 71.. 40.. 78.. 8ti.. 40.. . . PIQ8-OPDS AND ENDS. 22 145 ... 6 70 20 88 ... 4 78 68 78 ... 4 76 SHEEP Amount of business In sheep and lamb proved small, the market hold Ing only twelva of fifteen loads, and price showed no changes that could be applied to a trade claiming anything like normal offerlnca. It was a generally steady deal all along the line and the demand from no quarter had very much life. Belated shipment from the range coun try made un the bulk of the run and It follows naturally that desirable fat classes were rare exceptions. Only t handful of killing ewe and lambs ar rived, feeder strings being In heavy majority. Quality considered, fat stock cleared easily on a short market at figures much the same a those In force recently. Toppy lambs are now quotable ui to 86.40. while choice ewes wouia pron- ably land around 83.25. Common, tubby ewes are wanted only at 83.00 and less with canner grndp well under the 12.00 mark. The wether trade has been poorly tested lately, but something attractive In this line would sell at usual premiums over extra good ewe. Compared with laBt weeks close, fat lamb and matured mutton are closing about lOjilCo lower, an excessive supply at eastern points causing weakness, Wethers and ewes. If anything, have suffered slightly more than good lambs as the approach of Thanksgiving always finds rapidly filling poultry markets, condition that Is proverbially unfavora ble to retail trade In d reused mutton. Country demand for feeders was rather quiet today and business a a whole proved, uninteresting. btrong weignt feeder lambs are selling up to M-bo and thrifty feeder ewes have been going back for a final finish from t2.50 up to 82.8"f(2.90. During tho week the trend to values was stronger at times ana pres ent values are firm to a little higher In spots, a compared with last Friday's quotation. Four days' buy on country account amounts to only 23.000 heart (J notations on sheep and Lamoi- Oood to choice. 85.1035.44); fair to aood. 84 75(S5.10: feeders. .7.60ra4.65. Year tiio: r'alr to cho ce i&tbU't-u reeaers, 13.25(83.65. Wethers: Good to choice, 33.35 '.,1M: fair to aooa. SJ.lHuV3..; ieeaera, I3.00e3.36. Ewes: Good to choice, $3.10 3.26; fair to good. t2.753.10; feeders, 4)2.26 12.90; culls, tl l5"-7o. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET NEW YORK, Nov. 24. IL O. Dun & Co.'s W.efkly Review of Trade tomorrow will say: Both In business confidence and In vol ume of business transactions tne situa tion continue to Improve. Ihe gam is verv k mil ii a I and conservative and there 1 tittle disposition to go beyond saMsfao in of immediate wants, but It is a g.un, d the significant thing is that this Improvement has now been maintained for several weeks. The cessation of dis turbing International difficulties, the easier conditions of the International money markets, the growing conviction that domestic economic problems are shaping themselves for the better and the pressing need of doing something to replenish depleted stocks all contribute to the Improvement whicn is oeins; achteved. A notable development 1 the mora active buying of rail, cars and other equipment by the railroads, u fact which Imparts a decidedly better feeling in the Iron and steel and supply trade, witn their 244.000 mile of track the railroads. by the volume of their purchases, aftect cutely, for the Improvement or injury. the whole Industrial situation. Purchasing of cotton goods of tne heavier and coarser descriptions for tha manufacturing trade has steadied prices during the week. Print cloths are selling more freely and wide cloths are from 1-16 to V4 cent higher. Large sales of blue denims have been made and Jobbers report a fair business on colored domes tics. Prints are being bought steadily. ducks are well sold up and underwear and hosiery for fall la firmer. Shipments on old orders to China are being made regularly, but new business is slow. Mis cellaneous export trade, however, la steady. Dress good and men a wear mills are In a better position as to orders and are cleaning up stocks very rapidly. The yarn markets are steadier, a fairly broad movement of merchandise being shown, and In the New England wool market transfers aggregate 3.000,000 or 4.000,000 pounds for tho. wteek and prices tend higher. f ootwear condition improve a tne sea- ion advances and the influx or oraersj for prompt shipment, as well as for future delivery, show a substantial In crease this week. The demand for leather is still rather quiet, but trade shows soma improvement over a week ago ana prices are firmly held. The recent active buy ing of domestic hides has fairly well sup plied the requirements of tanners and rales are now in comparatively smau volume. BRADSTREET'S TRADE REVIEW Console, money T LoulaTlll a; N. do account tll l.M, K. 4t T AniJl. Covper ii N. Y. I'eatral.. Aiu, 61Norlulk 4 W... Atiliboa io do pld do pfd 107 Ontario V W... Kaltlinor v Ohio. .ml Venue) !aula ... ( a tie ulen rarltle....84I llaad Mines kW Heailllt . tl If out Hero II)' .116 do pfd . Its, Southern Pacific. . 24 w, liilon Tactile. ... . 4v do pfd . It V. a. steel .61 do pfd , 44 Itabaah . 14V da pld .160 uncertain at 25;d per og. WONKY 2'...ii per cent. The rate of discount In the open markt for short bill is iSMiS-S ier cent; for tlirte month' bin. 3vo!) 1 per cent. I'liceapeaa O 1.Ue" U W (til.. Mil. Jt St. r" lie Been lMuvr 4a Rio U.. do pfd Krle do lt Ptd do til pfd Grand Trunk lllluol Central ... MLVEIt Bar ...141 ..: ri ...111 ...114 ... 81 ... 4) ... 83 ... ... 1 ... :J ... 7i ,. ..H ...l-f ... 97 7 ....112 .... 14 ... 88 do ce. 6a A.'O I- let 4a... Hal. 4fc Ohio 4.. do 8V,e do 8. W 8e.... Brauk. Tr. c. 4.. t en. ot Ua. 6a... Can. Letner 6.. C. of N J. f. 6a.. 4a. : 82 .... 7 .... 4 ....l'H .... 79 l.. ,.101 1(1.1. 4.. 97 i. ...104 4a. ... 0t'. 8 Bteel Id 6a. ...10J ... tl V.-Car. t"Tiem. 6a..H ... 74 Wabaall let 6a I0A ... 7 do let aV I. 4a... 67 ... 7Weatrn 844. 4a HH A. 67 Weet. glee. ev. 6a.. Ki 77 wt. Onlral ea ! e nii'ia. 101 i 4ft R. do ref. 6 IHalll tare' 6a .. Krle p I. 4a..., do gen. 4a do :". 4. Mir, rf.. eerlea B Can. K.lec. cr. 8a. .1M "a. Pao nr. III. Ten. let rel. 4e 9e-raBaia am lut Met. 4 We. Did. Olfered. 78 lloatoa Slock Market. r.OtJTON. Nov. 24. Cloning qVtation on stocks we M. Krw Vorla Illutua aittck. NEW YORK. Nv. 84. Closing quota tion on imiHiig a; nek were: Alice Utile (lilef A Auial. Cupper ., A. Z- U el g... Arltol: 4m. .. B. i V. 8. Kutte lAialttto 4'al 41- Arltoua-. 4'al. Jt Heel.. Centennial Co Kane O. I tut liulle C 1 l-'ranklla , tilrwua 4?oti. .... tiraabr Cos. ... Uieenu Cauanea Irle ForaUi Curper, Kerr Mki Lake Copper La Ball Copper.... OIU audi Koala. AVANNA1I. Nov. 24 TCRPENTINE Firm; 44gm4'c. Pale. 4aj till a. ; ru Htlpta. 8fi- bills ; ahlpiuent, S45 bbl.; klo. ke, lu.59 but. R06IN rirm. I5ule, 2.5o bbla; re- Celt, btils.; shipment, 3.0J& bbh Ptotk. ljr-W bbl. jule: H. ti0;O' 8 1'.': I, tol""'lo: K. fi.lMia.'o; tl. Id 'ulj; H. ti.B.r; I. 80 'i.ti.: K, H4i. il, to 00, N, ., HU, WW, 7.J 8 oa Tuuaal stock. oo bono Tou. Cal. 4k V.. ., Iroa Sileer Udtllle Coo. ... Ottered. IneMraa (inlarte Ilphlr biaudard .... Yellow Jacket .. 4 ..100 .10 ..! .. 4 M.-l I'l.tlrlB,.. OMAHA, Nov. 24 llank- clearings for tod.iv were fl.tvi 4S. and for the corie- apoudlng day last year tA318.1!)l oS. Imporl al Near York. NF.W YOllK. Nov. 21.--lmi'orta of mer chandlse and dry goods at tha port ot New York for the ek ending November 1 wr valued at -o,w4,o.. import of a roiiown: V, Mtaail Copper 4-1 Mohawk a Nerada Co U Niptealn Hinee .... 6 u, North Butle , 17s North Lake , . 64 Old IV.nilulon Oeeola .. 68 BharDoa .. 61 Superior .. II Superior B. 88... . . 6 Tamarack .. 4V. B. 8. It M. .. 31 do pfd 8 11-16 fun ton 18 I'tah Copper Co... lWliiona JJWulYerlne 6 47 47 ' S8 ' 41 97 10 81 ST 36 4' 10 e 6 , 8 Metal Market. NKW YORK. Nov. 84 MFTAI.R Standard corper. firm; spot, til 754 1110:, futurea. 8U.Rh 18 X. Loudon market, firm pot. lo 1 3d; future. Jlo3 Km id. l.ake copper. tU.12'vi 13.25; eieriroly tlo, tU li 13.25: casting. 31; a-Vail lis.1. Tin. steady pot and futurea, 111. iSmi 46.00. I.ondon market, ftnn: Bitot. M: future. lb a Iad. oulc-t I4.3i'4.4. New York, and 14 jui4.:: at taat tit. Lou La. l-onilon, i.!5 17 d. Spelter. nomlnaJ M Bt 80, New York, and l6tiiv at Kast tt. l-ui. London. 1:1 17 d. Antimony, dull; Cook ton, ti87l80U. Iron, Cleveland war rant. 4i lu id in Loudon. Locally, dull No. 1 foundry northern, tl5.uuD li.'S; No. 2. i4 7r.'a U o; No. 1 southern aud No. ouihcru avft. tl5.00nj lj.5a 870 10 80 , 811 , 890 , 80 , 878 , 45 , 10 , 807 850 X3 ,!7t , 48 , 480 . 430 Pr. No. A. Pr. 1 88 14 1020 8 8$ COWS. 2 78 8 876 8 IS I 16 . 8 1090 8 26 t 0T. )2 91 8 25 I 06 6 1-8 8 1,6 I 10 T 1117 8 76 I 10 1 9.7 8 80 3 10 14 1U6 8 80 HEIFKRS. I IS 88 744 8 40 8 86 11 6 8 Ml 3 8 6J3 3 70 CALVES. 00 8 390 4 76 3 76 10 127 6 00 4 00 88 US 6 60 4 to 3 140 8 60 4 80 1 Hi 1 00 CPS AVn FEEDERS. Demand (or Cattle Dull Hogra Weak Sheep Strong:. CHICAGO, Nov. 24. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,ooO head; market dull; beeves. 84.aa.0t: Texas steers. 14.O0iui6.7O; west ern steer 84.4tx37.o0: stockers and feed ers, t2.9tttro.GO; cow and belters, et.swji f. IV calves. a&Ua8.2o. HOGS-Receipts. Zb.uuu. neaa; maraei weak at oDenlng prices: light. .7u2.40: mixed, jB.Uoiirs.tio; neavy, t. lonto-iM; roiiirh 80.0Mi6.S0: good to cnoice Heavy, tk3i.a.f!'J; pigs, t-iWBo-o6; hulk of aaloa, 111 2f.fo4i.ri0. htiKhf A1S1J liAUOD rteceipiB, d,uw head; market strong; native, S2.2f3..0; western. IL'.tOWa.iD: yearuugs, tw.bcKa-4-DO; lamb, native, t3.60ao.5; western, (U.60. Kanaaa Cltr Lira Stock Market, KANSAS CITY. Nov. 24. CATTLE Re paints. 1.AJ0 head, including 200 southerns: market steady to strong a reused Deer and exiort steers, t6.o0it'l.75; fair to good, iR.2nrtMl.fj0: western ateer. M.tXxa.7B; stock' era and feeders. 8,1. txx'd 0.76: southern steers, 84.00tuts.oo; soutnern cows, j.uvu' 4.25; native cows, t2.254i5.00; native inf ers, t4.OOit41.bO; bulls, o.aiUVo; ciuted, .4 HIIDH KeceiDts. .8u neaa: maraei teadv to 8c lower: bulk of sales. 8j-0Utf 0.66; heavy, eti.wxub.w; pacaers ana ouicn- ers. J't.80ib.oi: ugnis, to.iotaM.w; pb, J hWiS so. BHbtif AM) liAMUO-Iteceipia, irew head: market steady to strong: mutton, su r,i Mi: vfurliiwa. 3.W0i4.M: wethers, T . .u. ,. .... tl -fc-...? OA. .. ,nl... a n,4 aJ.Wito.uv: ewea, . i vi, o . .v , oium. , feeders, t2.00-jio.60. St. I.aul Live Stock Market. T lnt'l.S. Nov. 24 CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,600 head, including sou lexana; market ateanv: native smuuinK ,ou ea- nnrt ateer. 87.6iVtiH.00; dressed beef and hutcher ateer. .uwiri .ou: sieera unuer l oirt lha. 84.0O'ai7.00: Blockers and feeder, ta.lXK&ti.OO; cows and heifers, 83.wVa7.00; eannera. 1 OOiio.oO: bulls. 8i;6'it5.26: calves. 84.0y8.6; Texas and Indian uteers, tl.VO 47.4W; cows anil neue, a.ova.'i.w. liOOS iteceipui, n.wv icao, imunci o. higher; pigs and light. M-ibfts.db; pack ers, 1.1; Duicuers anu ueai uraj, 1.; 'lOnll.till. shkki' A.M iiAaua "teoetpts, ra hear!- market steadv: native muttons. tS.00'ii3.fj0; lambs, t4.2r7f6.65; culls and buck, tl.26iJo.00, stockers, tl.25ya.25. Seasonable Weather and Holiday Haying; Expand Bnalness. NEW YORK, Nov. 24. Bradgtreefs to morrow will say: Seasonable weather has continued to exert a salutary Influence on retail trade holiday buying haa expanded, jobbers at a number of centers have done a better business In a way of reorder, operations in Iron and steel disp.ay morel Best aa the result of recent heavy buying by tha railroads and the outlook In the lauor line Is iulte encouraging. On the other hnnd, spring tiaue, speaking of It a a, whole, Is still feeling the checkrein of conservative buying, prices for iron and, steel remain very low because competition Is yet In evidence, trade in larger lines at southern points Is quiet, due princi pally, If not wholly, to the low price of; cotton, ana ouiaoor operations generally are waning. In tact, a strict analysis ol all the trends Indicates that there la considerable room for further improve ment, and that from the viewpoint of profits things are not altogether satla- laciory. Iteuuosta tor prompt snipmenia are still a feature with most orders, thus confirming the belief that stocks do not take up much space on tne sneives or. final purveyor. There Is a stronger tone of cotton good and considerable quiet buying, which has taken place with manufacturers ana cut ter figuring In the movement, while woolen goods, particularly men wear lines, are being bought for delivery la and advances In shoes are coming In. Collections on the whole exhibit nt.' particular Improvement, ranging iroiu slow to fair, positively poor reports com ing from the south, owing obviously to tho low level of cotton prices. Business failure in tne united states for the week ending November 23 wore 2t3, against 238 last week, 212 In the Ilka week of 1910, 217 In liWO, 1U3 In IMS and 268 In 11K7. Failures In Canada for the week wera 34 In number, compared with 31 last Week and 23 in the like week of 1810. Wheat. Including flour, exports from the United State and Canada for the week ending November 23 aggregate 4.002,440 bu., against 3.513,074 Inst week and 4.014.810 this week laxt year. For the twentv-one weeka ending November 23 exports are 65.879.125 bu., against 46,129,929 In the corresponding period laat year. Corn exports for the week are 188,803 bu., against 104,278 last week and 601,818 In 1910. For the twenty-one weeks ending November 23 corn exports are 10,t2,Wi bu., against 7,931,'9 last year. OMAHA GF.XERAL MARKET. 648 870 , 47 8t MONTANA. L. S. Howes. 1019 4 75 8 steer.... fr'ti , 7S8 4 40 18 cows 872 , MS 3 65 4 bulls 1237 , 7'J5 S 00 NEBRASKA. ,1(TS 6 15 38 cows.. , 904 s 15 8 cows.. Ii. P. Allen. , 4 75 SOUTH DAKOTA, J. Juliu. 31 cows SM 8 15 -I cow.. 15 heifer. ion i w u caivca 21 feeders.. 7oO 4 40 V IUJIIAI1, a .,. ...1007 ft 25 8 cow 991 7 uteer....ll1l SIS 23 feeders.. 6!4 0 & 1 " 4 GO 4 60 4 76 4 76 21 steers.... 16 cows...., 13 cows...., 19 cows...., steers..., i cows.... IS feeder. 9H2 907 f4. 23) 1) steers 12 cow.... 9 feeder. 1(1 iWilers . 83 , 71 itn 4 r 4 oo 3 23 4 10 2 90 4 00 4 50 4 20 4 M 1 00 4 SO 4 ) 3 05 St. Joseph Live Stock'Market. KT J08F.PH. Nov. 24. CATTLE Re ceipts, 5oo head; market steady to utrong; Meers, H o1'. cows janu. iitneis, j.vvm ft.26; calves, 84.0ij i .io. MOi rteceipts. a.v.v neau; iiij nri steady to 6c lower; top, to. 62; bulk of sales, 8 lots' so- HilEEf AJN U LAjlltB Ione on eaje; no change la market; lambs, t-6ob-.2o. Stock la Sight. Receipt of live stock at the five prin cipal markets yesterday: i.aiiie. our, ou. Pouth Omaha 1st. Joseph .. Kansas city fct. Louis ... I Chicago Totals . 5W . 5(0 .I,' ) .l.tjoO .2,000 ti.tiOO 4.800 y.utM 14.0H0 2o,000 4, OCX) i.ioj 100 6,1AM) .5.800 59,400 12.00 9 cow 8.'4 8 cow IVS 4 feeter.. 715 8 cow .... W wrwas Trada In hog wavered about Ih.oi. some early bualne In h:.w ahinuing grade showing strong to nickel higher figures, while bacon weight nana lv liad to sell at price sieauy iu a little lower in loi. coat ui lariscr drove showed little ensnge, out range r.r value waa a trifle alder than usual. aa Indicated by (Uscrimination in lavor nf lunt nfferlnaa. Movement aa a wnoie waa itaimea vy a fair degree or rreeuom, a ouii ueriuu being lolloaed oy activ ouiir-jr. ins yard were practically cleared of a moderate supply by 10:20 o'clock and closing trade uppeurcd especially active. itm-ltta amounted to about ninety load an estimate that Includud almost every thing ranging from choice hetut to lit- tla tllu Heavy orders from shipping and specu lativ quarter tbat wt filled during the early part of th session proved on nf tha leading feature, over twenty load selling to buyer not associated with local packing concern. (Smooth lard and heavy mixed varieties wre gen erally favored on outside and speculative account Oood to choice hogs weighing around Jolt pounds sold larKely at 8.3tii8 40, tho latter prlc being the highest iaid. De sirable butcher average ranged arouud lei. -6 anil tteuiea claaaea landed troiu t. Evaporated Apple aad Dried Fralt. NEW YORK. Nov. 24. EVAPORATE L) APPLES Inactive, but fctteidy; on the pot lancy, 10c; choice, 8SUc; prime. ' ic: u tu Mil. 1 1 O x rune, easier, ou iiiw spot, owing to liberal supplies; quota tions rail from 'ini.c ur California mi in ao-.nai and loU.Jc fur Oregon. Apricot, dull and Icaiuielea; choice, 15 j. ,to. extra cnoice, lo-U'loc; lancy, iou ISc. Ptche. iuiet anu steaay; couitw UVafi'llVec; extra choice, H't(Uc; lancy l!WuLl4.c. Kaisui. irregular, wnn a quit demand; loose muscatel, -'gic; choice to fancy seeded, 7iydVic; ajedle, b-lic; London layer, i-4tfL45. Cotloa Blarket. NSW YORK. Nov. 24. COTTON Spot cloaod dull aud unchanged; middling up. Unri.. S4Ac-. truldlina xult. v.iuc no ais. t uilon luiure cios4a qumi. v"m km. Kovemher. date: Decemoer. .i-c, January, S.ojc; February, .utc; warcu, .13c; April, Y..18C; Alay, .2ic; June, ..ev:; July, 8.24c; AUgUll, V.oUC; ceptcuiuw, e.oov, October, 8SbC Drr Goods Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 24.-LUY GOODS- Cotton good value are steadier on a lltshtly lusher bai. Cotton yarns are laiproving In tone, ljocal wool market ar quiet. Jobbers ar doing a steady seasonable trade. Oaukt liar Market. OMAHA. Nov. I4.-HAY-NO. t. 111.00; K.i X A 1.1 00: roarte. 81J.00: packing lucg MeuviUuu: alfalfa. 116 u. biriw; Wheal, K.w). r aud oat, t'-oo. BUTTER No. 1, 1-lb. carton. 85c; No. 1. In 60-lb. tubs, Wxc; No. 2, 33o; pUck. Ing. 19c. CHEESE Imported Bwlsa. J2c; Ameri can Swltt, 22c; brock ISwlsa, 18o. twins, 17c; daisies. 18c; triplets, 18c; young Americas, 18c; blue label brick, 18c; Urn berger, 2-lb., iSc; 1-lb., 19c. POULTRY Broilers, 18c; springs, HHc; hens, ll'ie; cocks, 10c; ducks, 18c; geeee, 13c; turkeys. 22c; pigeons, per Uoz., tl-60. Alive, bi oilers, l4vu. heio, he; old roosters and stags, 4'4c; old oucaa. iuii featheed, ll'c; geene, full leatnereo. l!Hc; turkeys, ltic; guinea fowls, 16c each; pigeon, per doz., uoc; homers, per doz., eioo; aquab, AO. 1, 81.60; .o. 2, 50c HBH Plcherai, lie; wnue, ioc? pian. 15c; trout, lhuvlJc; large cvapplea, lotiiso bpantuh mackerai, lc; eel, io; naaoocua, loc; fioundtrs, 13c; green catfish, 13m 15c; roe shad, 81.00 each; shad roe, per pair. Uio. aaimun. loc; , haubut. lie; yellow perch, 8c; bullufuv 8c; bullhead, 14e. iifc.fc.11 L'LIS-IUO", o. a, 12Vac; No. 3, 8vc. Loins, No. 1, 19c; No. 2, U;c; No. 3, 9c. Chucks. No. 1, 7c; ISO. 2, tc; WO. a, oyc;. iwjuiiu, i.u. a, ni.. No. 2, 8c; No J. bc.Plate, No. 1, 6c; No. 2, oc; AO. .1, 4c. FRUITB. U. Apples, cooaiog vane- tie, per bbl., 82.75; Jdiatnan ana unmes Uolden, per bid., H.ixl; len Uavls, per bbl., e-'.oOi Calltoriua Heiieuower, per oox, 61 ii, Coioiado uouathan, extra fancy, per box 82.50; Washington Bpltzenberg, per box t2.ou; Waslihigton U. toeauty, per box 2.6t); Washington gtaman Wlnesapa, per 'box, t-' 50. ltananaa, fancy elect. per bunch. 4J.-Olt4-.ov, rfuinou, yt uuiivii, e-.iv ti8.(6. Cranberrle, Wisconsin lancy, per bbl., 8. ou. per ova, to.w, mww, e Jumbo, per bbl., tlo.60. Late. Anchor brand, new, 30 I-lb. pkg. iu boxes, per box, fioo. Figs, Callic.ii.ia. per case of 12 12-o, pkg.. h6c; per caae of So U-oz. pkgs., 82.fct) per c 04 ov 0-0. ainae.. e- w, iscw TuikiBh, 5-iirown In u-lb. buxea, per lb., lac; u-crown in io-10. uoxra, per 10., loc; 7-crown In Jt)-io. doxc. per 10.. 1,0, Clrape frun, r luriua, eu-ao oci ciaie, 84 76u-.v; BO-4-e4 sizes, per crate, tb.s. Grapes, 'allfotnla 'i okay a, per t-basktt crate, 81.26; Malaga grape In bbl., JVi.ounji C.uO. Lemons, Liinonvlia brand, extra tancr, ot) size, pr cox, .ou size, per box, 80.00; Lufiit Llmonelru, fancy, 3uu ,o alzea. per box, 8v.uu; a) and 40 sizes. too per box iewc Orange, .Magara ittt). land Valencia. o-u aiaca, per uux, (Ji. 15U-1.0 v-2.o-JK felzea, per box, SC. oa. i taje. caufoinia H. Ciarigeau. per 60-lb. bux, 4X00. MlbCLLLANEOUS Almond. Tlr ragona, pr lb.. 18,rc. In ack 101, lc Its. L1ui.11 nuia, pr lo., loc; In back lots, la lea Cocoanui. per aack, Fhuvri. per lb-7-tec; In ck lot, lc lea. Penjta, roaated. per lb., 'c; raw, per lb., ,c. Pecaua, laige. per lb., lie; in taea lo,,, lo ). Wamuts. new crop, ixu, call foibla. per lb.. l.c; in aack iou. lc le. Cider Ne Nebawka, per 1 gal. i, bbl.. SJou; Pr 30-gal. bbl., t5-50; New Yorlt Mutt's, per li-gal. , bbl.. 83 60; pir gal bbl.. to-io. Honey, new. 24 tranc, aiT5. Krout. per la-gal. keg. ti.76. per 0. gsL keg, U10; Wlscunain. per V-bla.. to.ju. Wool Blarket. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 24.-WOOL-St.-alv, territory and wentrn medluma. l.n, tin medium, ltitalsc; tm. Uylie. 1 al