Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1911, EDITORIAL, Page 13, Image 13

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Issues Statement in Connection with
Mesaba Ore Mines.
Oil Klat? Asserts that Loans W
Suff rolled hr Him and Saya
lie Gore Opportunity to
Hfdrfiu Properties.
NEW TORK. Nov. 24 John D. Rocke
feller, in a statement given out here to
night, replied to the charge made by
the Merrltt brothers before the Stanley
steel Invrstlfrntlnr; committee regarding
'.he methods used by Mr. Hockctellcr In
securing control of the M.-fHba ore mines
ind the Duluth. Mlssabc ft Northern rail
road, pointing out tnat these charges
were denied under oath ax long rro as
1SCJ In litigation over the Lake Supertjr
Consolidated linn mines, lie furthermore
submits the text of a pnper bearing the
date of January 22. 1SI7, to which nre at
tached the tinmen of Alfred and Leonida
Merrltt and "all the othtr members of tho
family" declailng themselves Hntlsfied
that neither Mr. Koclicfeller nor h!s
ngeiits committed frnul or made misrep
resentation In the matter In question.
Mr. Kr krfcKer then sets forth what he
Fays arc "the fncts with regard to the
loans" tn which tho Mrrrltt testified
and denies that the mans In question
were ever "cailed" by him.
The atntcment, wh'ch w:is Issued to
night from No. IC Broadway, U in fol
lows: "In the matter of the evidence of tha
Merrltt brothers before the Stanley com
mission In Washington. P. C, reflecting
vprtn Mr. John I). Itoclcofc Her in connec
tion with some ore and railroad proper
lies on the M?sahtt range, Mr. Rocke
lcllcs' o.ithorlxes the following statement:
Refeirlng to the testimony of the Mer-
These end of the season re
ductions are unusual Induce
ments to those who have de
lsycd purchasing. Here la an
opportunity to obtain exclusive
models ot distinctive design
and Individuality at remarkably,
v-low prices.
rtt brothers before tha Stanley commis
sion In which they eharaed fraud and
misrepresentation by Mr. ll-K-kefrller and
Mr. t.ates In connection with the I.ake
fupermr Consolidated Iron mine and
that they were deprived of their Interest
In that company bv means of a loan
made them by Mr. l'tockefeller of .V0
which he called during the panic of 1K.U,
nil of which statement were denied un
der oath In the I'nited Htates court at
the trial of the lltlKHtlon In 115. It would
be absurd to try In the newspapers at
this late dnte the Issues In that rase, but
it is significant that upon the settlement
which is made at the close of that
iliiKHtlon, both Alfred and I,conide Mer
rill, the two who testified before the
ftanley committee, together with all
thn other members of the famllv, gave
Mr. Rockefeller the following aper;
Certain matters of difference have ex
isted between the undersigned and John
1). Rockefeller, and a court litigation
has been pending between the under
sgncd, Alfred Merrltt and Mr. Rocke
irllrr. In which litigation It was claimed
that certain misrepresentations were
made by Mr. Rockefeller and those act
:nn for him concerning certain proper
ties i-old by him to Lake Superior Con
solidated Iron mines. It Is hereby de
clared that from recent Independent In
vestigations mado by us. or under our
direction wo have become satisfied that
no misrepresentation was made or fraud
committed by Mr. Rockefeller, or by bis
agents or attorneys for litm, upon the
ale by him of any property to us or
a:iy of us or to 1-ake Superior Consoli
dated Iron mines, or upon the purchase
by him from one or more of us, of any
stocks or Interests In any mining or rail
road company or companies, or upon the
pledge by us or either of us to him of
Mocks and cecurltles belonging to one or
moro of us: and we hereby withdraw
all such charges and claims and exon
erate Mr. Rockefeller and his agents and
attorneys therefrom.
The facts with regard to the loans were
as follows:
The loans aggregating IIIN.OOO were
made by Mr. Rockefeller In various
amounts during the summer of 1893. Mr.
Rockefeller never called these loans.
In February, 1M, the Merrltt brothers,
beint; pressed by other creditors, applied
to Mr. Rockefeller for further assistance.
Instead of culling his loan, as they
charge, he furnished them an additional
sum of $40.000. They sold him 90.000
shares of stock at 110 a share, amounting
to $M).000. the several members of the
family contributing different proportions,
r'or one-half of this, moro than enough
to cover his loan to them, he gave to
each of them an option to repurchase In
a year at the price that they had sold It
to him. with per cent interest. Prior
to the expiration of the year Alfred Mer
uit, one of the brothers, who testified
before the committee, . brought suit
aaainxt Mr. Rockefeller and he and sev
eral of the others never endeavored to
excrcse. the optloi.. Another brother and
nephew, at the expiration of the option,
applied for an extension of it on their
stock, which was given, and they subse.
quentlv took back their stock amounting
to 10.000 shares and on the formation of
the steel corporation sold it to that com
pany. Merrltt Answers.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 24,-Leonlda
Merrltt late tonight answered John D.
Rockefeller. lie declared that the paper
mentioned by Rockefeller was voluntarily
presented to the house steel committee by
the Merrltt brothers and that Rockefeller
will not deny that Merrltt took $700,000,000
Worth of securities to New York and
several months afterwards left there
penniless. Mr. Merrltt assured 'Mr.
Rockefeller that he would not have an
attorney InBUlt or grill Rockefeller If
Rockefeller appeared before tha house
Anditor Raffles Says City's Book
keeping System Out of Date.
Expert 1 a Me to Make Docket
Agree with Reports and De
clares o Wtf to Arrive
at Any Areoanllst.
Bring in Your Old Furs
You will be astonished at the
wonders we work from jour old
furs, In making up ruuffs,
scarfs, hats, etc. Expert fur
workers. Very reasonable
prices. This Is a new depart
ment with all new ideas, and
tan satisfy the most critical.
2d Floor City National Bank Bldg.
Stanley Will Appeal to House to
Force Littleton's Resignation.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2I.-An open
fight In the house of representatives be
tween' Representative A. O. Stanley of
Kentucky, chairman of the house special
committer of Inquiry Into the United
States Steel corporation, and Representa
tive Martin W. Littleton of New York,
a democratic 1 member of the committee,
was fissured today when Chairman Stan
ley declared he would appeal to the house
to force Littleton's resignation from tha
The fight, certain.. to be precipitated
soon after the house convenes, will de
termine the future course of the steel
CRESTON, la.. Nov. 24.-(3peclal.) Eli
jah Berry, a farmer living between Afton
and Talmage, died in a hospital at Iowa
City yesterday afternoon of hydrophobia.
Last summer Mr. Berry and a little son
were both bitten by a mad dog and went
at once to Iowa City for treatment, and
come home supporting they had been
cured. Monday night Mr. Berry was
taken with convulsions and after a hur
ried consultation by Afton physicians he
was taken Tuesday iu Iowa City again.
At Grlnnell he again was attacked with
convulsions and was obliged to be taken
from the train and placed under tha In
fluence of opiates before he could bo
taken on to Iowa City.
rin ii ' ' in ii inn mummammm im 1 1 siiiiwrrmspwui mmwinnwyag
W r m
Buy Your Winter Clothing Now !
Pay for it while you wear it!
Come' in and get acquainted with our Long Credit and
Easy Payment system!
If rou are sick or Jn trouble we treat you Talrly Just a
we should want to be treatei!
A nilenald line of new fall and winter Clothing awaits your
Warm, up-to-date new Suits. Overcoats. Hats and Shoes
for you, Sir.
For you, Madam, modish Suits, Coats, Dresses, Millinery
your whole winter wardrobe here.
And remember, terms to suit your convenience on BmiU
ley's lU-ttrr IJjryalus.
1 1
r i n era r i r-i i t tr
t-- --ninirim f hit! IW 1 ' ' ---
branding the bookkeeping system of the
rlty as antiquated and unadapted to the
needs of the times. Special Auditor J.
Raffles yesterday afternoon at a meeting
of the council showed the Inefficiency of
the present, system and recommended
that a new double entry system of book
keeping be Installed at once.
In maklne his recommendation to the
council Mr Raffles wont Into matters
thnt had come tn his attention during his
work upon the city books.
He said the books In the city hall were
In fair shape as far a accounting for
money went, but he explained to the
council that owing to clerical errors the
arangement of the funds In the special
Improvement districts call for considera
tion. He. moreover, stated there Is not
to be obtained a. balance In the tax com
missioner's books as kept under the pres
ent system.
Ills most serwtis objection came when
he declared that tho books of the police
Judge were "in a very bad state for the
reason that there were no accounts kept."
The auditor said that when the police
judge receives fines he credits them to
his personal account and from the iloo
kttlng one Is not "able to tell whether
the fine has been paid or left unpaid."
Jnilge Fnya What Wishes.
Speaking of the police Judge, the au
ditor continued: '"His reports do not
agree and reconcile with his docket some
months there Is more and some months
less. On tho books I find cases whern a
lesser fine has been entered 'as satisfac
tion In full' for a g.eater. Thero are In
stances where sentences are marked sus
pended. There is really no way to arrive
at any accounting In the matter and It
appears to me that the police Judge pays
tn to the city Just what lis thinks fit."
While the auditor was making his rec
ommendations the counillmon, including
the mayor, listened attentively and asked
many questions relative to the new sys
tem. When the speaker had concluded
his remarks on the condition of the police
Judge's books. Councilman Jack Walters
asked the auditor If he would embody all
his recommendations and criticisms In a
writen report. "That Is what the eon
tract calls for," said the auditor.
When the discussion of the new book
keeping system came up City Treasurer
John J. Gtllln was asked his opinion. He
replied that he would be glad to have the
new system Installed If the council would
provide the necessary help Incident to
Proposition from Raffles.
Auditor Raffles, on behalf of his com
pany, made a proposition to design unj
Install a new double entry system of
bookkeeping that would be plain and
open and entirely satisfactory for S'A).
He also offered to remain and Instruct
the office forces In the manner of con
ducting the new system.
It can bo said that the new system
will probably be decided upon at the
meeting of the council next Monday
night. The mayor, c.ty attorney, city
treasurer a,nd Councllmen Walters and
Miller all expressed themrslves as being
In favor, of the new system. "I think it
would be money well spent,!' said the
city attorney after tha meeting.
A complaint from the southern section
of the city declared that the open catch
basins and sewer holes havo poisoned the
atmosphere and cau.ied a number of
diphtheria cates. Relief was sought by
the residents of that section ot the city
Retrenchment Postponed.
The matter of retrenchment on the sal.
ary list was again postponed until next
Monday afternoon at u meeting of the
committee ot the whole. It begins to look
as if the council iiad decided that there
Is little or no chance to retrench on
salaries. -
To Inspect Sewers.
This morning at 10 o'clock the city
council will go over tho work completed
on the Jetter creek and Mud' creea
sewers, in order to determine wucther lie
contractors of the work shall be paid off.
A squabble betwten the urfeinian com
pany, subcontractors to tue National
Construction company, has raised a ijU'.-m-tion
In the minds of the city fathers aa
to their duty in the matter. "We should
inspect the work, and if it is all right It
should be accepted without deiay," said
Myor Tralnor. The rest ot the council
agreed that Inspection was In order,
Veda Good, the 8-year-o:d daughter ot
City Clerk Frank Good, was severely
bitten about the face Thursday night
when she attempted to fondle the house
The dog, which has been the pet of the
Quod household for a long time, has lately
become Ill-tempered, owing to treatment
experienced at tha hands of street boys.
Thursday night while the family were
gathered about tha fire little Veda at
tempted to fondle the ion. As the little
one put her arms around the neck ot the
brute he knupped at hur, Inflicting deep
cuts on her left cheek.
Vr. K. U Le Laney was called and put
two stitches In the baby's face. The dog
will be watched for symptoms of rabies.
Howling; Scores.
1st. 2d. 3d. Tot.
Condon 217 1M0 lot 4:tl
Silk I'M 1M Vi 'Mi
I U ! Ii0 )'ii U&
1 1521 Dodge St. M. T. Nordquist, Mgr.
Aobin ...
lHi8iain .
Totals ,
W3 477
Int. 2d.
174 1,1
171 1M
1W i:u
4 IS 1.4H.1
. 533 440
401 1,1174
Conrad 17u
Cochran IK
Totals Sty tb i2
. VI
. l'7
. s3
. l'J
. KM
2 Is
6 JO
Would YOU Walk to the Corner of
14th and Douglas Sts. for a $5 Note?
4Crt" t .v;
"i'ou innm-di.'itrlv answer: "Sure! Who wouliln'U"
Vet, there AHK MANY who PAY OTI1KU STORKS $18 for
a garment that mav be had 1IEKK for $l'J.S5, simjilv beenuse
tliev DON'T KNOW thnt it mav be had here for FIVE DOL
LARS LESS. Why not LOOK INTO this matter; why not
learn whether the "Palaeo" ia CLATM1NU too much, or
, whether the OTHER stores are ASKIX( too much!
' ' if A n t?
-7 'A$
Men's Suits and Overcoats
that "stack up" in CQK
s. 1
every way with the
$18. CO gcrments shown elsewhere
are offered here at
? i 4
r V $ I It
III ? i m til
III' lli : i ' I' H II
'If 4 f . I l H I
fin If i ' If 1 r
III II 3 ii 111
lltv Ar u
'Mi flltth I I
1 1 J r t-mh
ii I I ' I I 'j v.ysi vw
Ii- i a 1. 3. . ..i'-rrSfAv'-'-,-'...-. ,
It JT t fit t Vr-v." .
Palace in't going to write a lot of description into
this space; let it suffice to say that those swagger Semi
English models are among the suits, ami that the over
coats may be had in Raglan style, or in the convertible
collar models.
f 8 T 1 U r-.l J Ii
Men's Suits and Overcoats
would compel "$12.50, please"
in many a store in the "s well'
snopping aisuicx are ouerea nere every yidJ Q
day at .... . . . .
The good, every day sort of a man, who doesn't care to be "held
up" at the "swell" stores, but who at the same time doesn't wish to
clad himself in the junk offered by spread eagle institutions who
.HAVEN'T the clothes they advertise, owes it to himself to see tho
REAL $tl50 suits and overcoats offered HERE at $8.85..
Boys' Suits and Over
coats Specialed Now
AH -v A iTS Buys garments that
Invariably bear "$4
tags" elsewhere.
Furnishings at Flurry
Figures for Saturday
Men's flannel shirts In grey, and of a
grade that must usually hrlng f Qa
' $1.25, are here, at, each I Uw
Men's natural grey wool mixed un
derwear worth all of fl per AQn
garment, now at, garment... U9w
Men's heavy Yeager color fleoce lined
underwear of positive but: OQp
value, goes at, per garment.. wJu
Men's grey, slate, hluo and govern
ment Khaki flannel shirts of $2.00
value, are to go now 4jj J g
The boys' suits and overcoats bold here u
$'J.48 are garments of ALL wool enssi meres, etc.;
garments made of such good fabrics aud in styles
so clever that you wouldn't hesitato to put YOUR
boy into them. Best part though, is the saving-$-1
garments for $2.48-and that COUNTS if you
have many boys to clothe.
Men's Iilue,
fJray or
Coats tlmt
tihould go
at a nitirli
Mlicr price
are Iicro at
JU,a.Li....i htiiliitittt'm
Mcn'a high
roll collarod
t'oats In
jilaln grays
aul of real
$2 value, are
speciality at
n 49
Men's 75 cent Corduroy or
CLOTH CAPS, go Satur
day, at
Men's 15c WOOL
a Saturday Spe
cial at, pair ....
SOX as
79c For Men's Heavy Fleece Lined Union Suits, tho $1.25 Kind
Cut Price on Men's
Corduroy Coats
$6.S0 Kind Goes
at only
Sheep lined
corduroy coats
for teamsters
who must with
stand much
cold. Palace
asks only 4.8
for the $6-60
kind. -
3 T
AsffijynWU,'- . JWii-.v.: : ..V--:-,! ... I
M laiii HMssamaaaaw'au on aansaosawxst u Bsaaasaas-P- au m m
Men's Pants in a
Special Selling too
Men's cassl
man, worsted
and corduroy
lants under
priced Satur
day. Ona butt
lot as long as
It losts at only
$!. per pair.
Going at,
Totals !M S(3 777 2.612
All Hlfctat.
Maka sure your cluiixs are all rlRht.
No sale Is considered clost-d at Klynn's
until the cuctomcr Is rstlsfW-d everything
Is all rlKhL All right is one of our mot
toes. Down In our bargain annex not all
right fur us, but price and quality make
them more than all right to tha con
sumer. Thera's lots of boys' and chll
dren'a aults, ladles' suits and coats, men's
wool underwear, men's work and dress
shirts, men's and boy's hats, boys' and
children's sweater coats, iiiUbcu' tnd
child's tarn o'shanter hats. Muine will
children's Tm O'fcl.anUr huts, bumo will
measure up to the standard of the most
nartlcular and the prices will bring all
well within tho bounds of big valua. We
are cutting prices on several lines of
men's suits.
Moa'lo City Uosslp.,
For Kent-5 rooms, 023 N. 12d.
Try Culklna for your overcoat.
Mrs. IJcorge Ilobcrts entertained a card
party at a rabbit dinner yesterduy after
nuuii. The woniHii of the Lefler Memorial
church will tilve a Inline baking November
ik at Kiuus grocery atom.
F')H HA I.K Seven-room modern house
In boat i.Hldcncu bl.ick In Hniilli Omulia.
Owner wunts 10 sell a' once. 'lei. Houih U.
Jhone Hell South sj Independent F-1N.18
fi r a case of Jelter lold Tup. I'rompt du
llvery to any part of city. Wllilam Jetter.
The winning team of the Kpworth
ItHuue nullHiiK conlest a-M captained by Mi; Williams and tho lowing
team by funic Andrtasuii.
The Wbmhn'it Home Missionary society
of the Methodist chuich will hold Itb
iPKUlur m ;im:iik Friday afternoon at the
hume of Mrs. ltruadwell, ZiH F fctreet.
All courts of the Women's Catholic
Order of Forresters are Invll.-d to attend
the funeral of Mrs. KrwArd Mo'ire. whic h
will be held nt .St. JtrkUcfs church Htt
jrilav nioiiilnit at It oelocl;. Interment
will be In Holy pulclire cmetery.
Mrs. Mary Jetter died Inst evening at
6 o'clock Ht her late residence, ll.'.J Huiilh
Th.rty-tlrat ntnet. Mrs. Jetter wa fiif
yiara of hi end Is survived by two sons,
.!,,). n nil t'liiirles Jett.'r. find two dilUKll-
! teis. Mrs. Julius tirlin and Miss Anna
j .letter. The Mineral will be held Hinnlny
i afternoon at 't o'clock from the lale r si
deline of the deceased to laurel J 1 1 1 1
He'aMve to the statfnient made at the
council meet 1 iik yesterday In retrard to
the balance In the hixiks of the tux com
nilnMoner's office. Kim-i-IhI Auditor J. Ituf
fles explained this mnrnlnK that no re
flection on the coniniissloner was In
tended by hia crltlcMn on the books. Ills
words were merely Intended to nhow thnt
the present svutein of bonkkepim; Is In
adequate to the needs and i rattli'ei of
modern times.
Tse t.lad Hand
removes liven inaction and bowel stop
page with l'r. King's New IJfe I'llls, the
palnleta regulators. 2.'k'. Fur sale by
j Beaton Lfi ug Co.
Ely Company Goes
Into Bankruptcy
A voluntary petition In bankruptcy was
filed yesterday afternoon In the office of
the Vnlted States district clurk by the at
torneys for the Allen 1'. Kly Holler com
pany of this city. In the petition $ii7,4J7.37
Is the amount named as the company's
liabilities. The astei are stated as being
The Kly company has nearly 2T0 cred
itors, the ones hardest lilt being the Corn
Kxchange Natijnal bunk of Omaha, that
claims $4,000; the Milwaukee Concrete
and Machine company of Milwaukee, that
has a claim fur .0.'7.i; the Monarch
Machine company of Hldney, O., $,t-'0;
the Field-ltrundago company of Jacknon,
Mich., $,720, and (ho Foos Oas limine
company of Springfield, U., $15,'J4. None
of the assets Is claimed as being exempt.
Bryan Arrives at
Nassau on Steamer
NEW YORK. Nov. 21 A message re
ceived at the offices of the Hamburg
American line tonli;ht mild that the liner
Beguerni a, with all of the l'rlris Joachim's
passengers aboard, hud arrived at Nassau
at 3 o'cluck and that the truiis-shlpment
of passengers from Seguerni'a to tho
Ylgllancl would begin without delay.
While placing a shoe on the brake of a
box car in the I'nion 1'aciflc yards near
the I'nion station, Nick Si naffer,
South Nineteenth street, a car repairer,
was badly brulned ami Injured Internally
when a switch engine coupled on to the
car and knocked him down early last
night. He was taken in a I'nlun I'aclflc
ambulance lo tt. Joseph's hospital, whurs
ir. H. J. I'pdegiuff u attending him.
"1 11 ' 1 t"Jll?r- '- ' - n
r4rgr,T-1 l 1 I 1
V H M . I M i
A Warm Bathroom
v Every mother should be careful
that the children take their baths
in a warm room. The chill of a
cold room is dangerous after com
ing out of the hot water.
A Perfection Smokelett 03 Heater brings bathroom or bedroom
to ju,t the degree of warmth you want in Eve or ten minute. All vou
fcjive to do U to touch a match.
The Perfection Metier burnt nine hour on one tilling and is
nlwayt ready for use. You can move it anywhere it it needed.
There it no watte of fuel and heat warming unoccupied rooms.
Jut the heat you want, when and where you want h.
The Perfection it fitted with an automatic-locking- flame tpreader
that prevents the wick being turned high enough to smoke and is
easy to remove and drop back when cleaning.
Drums aoitliad either ia tuiquoiic-blue ceaaiel or plaia steel tight sad otaa.
atental, yet stioeg and dutable luUabls (of say loom ia any kouM.
DuUrt swrywtMK t e writs la say atsacy i lbs
, Standard Oil Company