12 THE-BEK: OMAHA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1911. & meat Shoe A4 em i. . - - w MA D)AiT llffHS tlx- ' r - r hi mi WE MUST HAVE MORE ROOM AT ONCE IN OUR GitEAT BARGAIN BASEMENT Special Sale of Remnants In order to make room in our basement for the Greatest Holiday Stocks of Dolls, Toy and Games ever shown by any store in the West, we must clear away all our small and odd lots of Cotton Goods, re. gardless of value. ' All the remnants of 25c mercerized poplin, pongee and JT ...tit 6ic oisette suiting, good assortment of colorings, at yard All the remnant of dress prints will be sold Friday, at yard i . . . .f , All the Hhort lengths of 10c and 12 He outing flannel will be closed out, at, yard . 15c All the 35c and 50c Mercerized table damask remnant, will be old at, "frt yard iVC All the 10c and 12 He dress - flannelette remnants will be cleared away, at yard All the' 13 ft c and ilDc white batiste and lawn remnants will be sold at, , o I yard . . . . . .O2C FRIDAY'S SALE OF SILKS Yarn-dyed pure silk mossalines, shown in oyer 40 dif ferent shades. Messulines for nearly all I On purposes on bargain 'square, at, yard . . . . fiVC Fancy silk, scarf ings, 'crepe de chine, soie rudiont, silk pompadour, printed Marquisette, etc., plain 30f and glace effects Alain floor, at, yard1. OVC All the shorter pieces of velvets and nllk. chiffons, Marquisettes, etc., In basement, at,' each , 5c and 2c All silk taffetas and bro cades in medium aud dark colors lilf Basement, yd. . Remnants of vel vets and mill ends of velvets, cut pieces of velvets at one-third the reg ular price; all colors and black, Main floor, yard Fine warps of silks in the basement at 20c on the a dollar; for linings, jfir trimmings, etc., yd. . 59c Sample pieces arid factory ends of all colors and black velvets. According to size main floor, at, each 10c 15c 25c WALL PAPES BARGAINS FRIDAY Thrje Oil Extra Special Lots , Lot No. 1 All "Wall Papers worth up to 7c, at, per J roll'.:.;..'. C Lot No. 2 -All Wall Papers worth up to 15c, at, per CI n roll O SC Lot' No. 3 All Wall' Papers . " worth up to 25c, at, per ft roll;.. V.. '.IIC 4 BIG SPECIALS for BOYS IN OUR EASEMENT CLOTHING DEPT. Friday will be a great special bargain day for boys clothes in our basement. Boys' Suits Double breasted or Norfolk styles; good, I woolen mixed materials;- browns, grays or fancy tftO W v w JL-. stripes. $3.60 values at . . . Boys'. Suits ' ZpJ 2 or three button mod- els in all the newest shades of browns and grey mixtures, full peg top pants; many blue sorge suits. Good $4.50 c l2 values, Frl day at Boy' i Overcoats Russian atyle, ages 2V4 ; to 8, or long coats with convertible Collars, ages 8 to 1G years. Some RQ m m w worth at . . $4. mmil B6YS' OVERCOATS at $2.89 Either style for large or small boys all good patterns and ma terials; greys, browns or blues; values up to $5. at . .J82.89 Now for Another Brandeis "Sewing Machine Rush!" An Excellent $30.00 Grade Drqp Head Sewing Machine Goes at $0.28 . IHi: Thla price holds good Fri day and Saturday only. The machine Is an exceedingly modern 6-drawer automatic drop bead In golden oak, has automatic bobbin winder, self threading shuttle, la ball bearing and comes complete with all attachments. A positive marvel of a sewing . machine value at the money. Sewing Machine Needles; I 25c Machine Belts; each, any make; nt, each. ..lc at .10c 10c bottles of Sewing Machine Oil nt 5c Fitzgerald, the Expert "FREE" Sewing Hachine Demonstrator Will Be Here Friday and Satu.day. Even If your machine Isn't a "Free." Fitzgerald can give you many practical hints about -running It.. And when It comes to the all ball bearing "Free," Fitzgerald U a master of the situ ation. If you buy a machine of Fitzgerald you'll make a purchase that will prove profitable to yourself and you will have bought your machine from ao expert wlio would not dare sell any but the bt-bt. , SEWING MACHINE DEPT.-Pompeian Room. BRANDEIS STORES I: Remnants of DRESS GOODS Half Price A irreat vari ety of all-wonl materials suit able for costs, waists, dresses, skirts and. chil dren's wear. The Toy Store Formally Opens Sat' urday-FREE SOUVENIRS $1.53, 36-incb GuarantssJ SILKS at 98c Yard t.ot consists of pcau da cyKnex, taffe tas, u le sole and mes saltnes In Mark only. Don't miss this. Special Purchases Are Responsible For This Big Friday Suit Sale llllllllll'llll r, j , -t. km imti Y mm Wi " 1 ,.iif. VV' ... S j j In addition to this very lare purchase our suit buyer made while he wos in the East, we have added some of the surplus lines from our own big stock, making a sale so broad in variety of styles, materials and colorings that every woman in Omaha can be satisfied. Serges, worsteds, cheviots and mixtures arc the principal fabrics and they como In the leading; models of the season as well as oil colors and sizes. Read this over and over again bo you will be sure not to lose what these reductions mean to yoa. $7.75 For Suit Worth $12.50, $13.50 and $15.00. $9.75 For Soif WorfA $16.50, . $17.50 and $19.50.- $14.75 For Suit Worth $21.50, $23.50 and $24.50. $17.75 For Suif Worth $25.00 $26.50 and $27.50. Inspect Oar Very Complete Lines of Fur Sets , No matter what prlr you pay, you will pet only reliable furs at store. load: piece that Roes out of iur fur department bpars our n personal Kuaranteo of quality as well r- that of the makers. Red fox, rtvtr mink, Isabella fox and brown and black coney teparat fur piece are priced at follows Scarf at $3.75, $7.50 and $10; muff. at $5, $7.50 and $10. Other lines of reliable furs are priced at $25.0 to 250.00, as the ie and quality warrant. Kinds in a Sale Friday ' V They are novelties of the very best styles displayed this'season. Made of nets, taffetas, messalines, chiffons and Persian silks in all colors and sizes waists that have been selling at $7.50, $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00, divided into W two luis uuu affrciiiuy juiccu iui rn- day's selling only nt $3.95 and $4. 95 Knit Underwear For Women and Chil dren Special Pricing Boy's sstra heavy wol?ht, nat ural wool auirta a4 aiawera In Ises 10 to 14 yr; ?io un,l 1.00 valuta, for Krlduy and Saturday's spiling, CO u the Kunnunl. ' Woman' flea, jarssy rlbbsd, nnt nxal wool ts and puats- KO pxr rent wool size i 4, T ami tt o:ily: limid Mmmed vextN; Htlk - tupru pants with eiiuiiKtrionne lops; run siilvred Ki'eat Imriiulim at Jl.u0 the 5urniiMit, for Friday und Satur ay. e9o each. - . - One lit of woman's .wbJte and era vesta and pauts In sizes 4 to X, medium and heavy weights; Too values priced for 1'rlday and yt urdsy Ml 60c the arurnier.t. Woman's sxtxa fine Jersey ribbed, medium and bsavy weiabt, wblts and sorn union suits In sizes 4, r and 6 and V only; res.i lar 4 1.00 to tl jr, the suit, f'rl.Uy and Saturday, 690. Two Hosiery Bargains Women's (nil ragnlnr made, fast blaek boss Willi wide ur ter lops, double soles ami uiKh spliced heels: extra fine native; Sod 25o valuns, l'YIMay ana Saturdsy, or while liey Ut, lS-tO tbe pair. 100 pairs of women's extra loua fast black nose of heavy ootion, with ribbed tops; uo nqt have to uxe supporters as the hose buttons at llin waist; reKJlar &0o values, to close out 'iutckly, Sfre the p.lr. Broken Lots of Threo lota of up-to-date corsets that have been selling at 11.60 to S. 00 are specially priced for Friday only at 79c, $1.49, $2.49 In the various as-, sortments - you are sure to find a size that will fit you and a model you will like. They are made of finest quality bat istes coutil and silk brocades In white. pink and colors, Tastily trimmed and Bupplled with good, strong hose supporters. Extra Specials from the Linen and Domestic Stores S5o, 72x90-lnch seamed bed sheets made with an eye to the n ximum of wear; Friday only, 3o each. ' $1.1 )arg-s sice ted blankets In either irrey cr itn.-special. fpr Friday only, 88o the pair. . . ; JaL8 l'n of pink, blue & brown striped checked patter At; extra weight, Friday only, at, 9 per yard... C . 7 He 17-inch' brown linen crash with blue borders, an excellent quality, Friday only, SHo the yard. raaoy xanen Dollies, lnnoh eloths and tray eloths regularly jirlced at 2Fo and 35o each, choice, Friday, at 190. lt10 full else, hemmed bed spreads In a irood collection of new patterns; exceptional wearing qualities, Friday only, 05o each. 500 Pairs of Women's High Shoes at $1.45 NOT A KINOI.K TA1R IN TllK I,T IS WtiltTII I.KSSH THAN $2 SO N!) FllOM THAT PUH K t'P Tl) 1.160. They are taken from our remilar stock of wom en's hli;h (tt.tde shoes and marked at this extra special price for the one day only Friday. ; Tho sixes ranse iron) I to 4 and the widths from AA to F. A variety of styles and leathers for your choosing-. Find them oil the Uar getn Tables. $1.45 2,000 Pieces of Haviland China Less Than Half This Friday sale Is made up of the blggeBt reductions this store ba3 given in 1911. Two thousand pieces of fine Haviland china, Including everything from a butter pad up to the largest siie platter, are divided Into five lots to make the choosing easier, and priced as follows Lot One Values up to $1.00 at 25c Lot Two Values up to $1.50 at 49c Lot Three Values up to $2.00 at 75c Lot Four Values up to $4.66 at $1.00 ; Lot Five Values up to $10.00 at $2A)Q We advise you to come early. Every piece is of the finest quality and fully warranted. 7 ' " Sale of Larving Sets Yoa Will Need Them Thank giving Dty and AtttruxtrJ 3-piece. stair handle, rarv-, UK seta of fine helf.eld vteel, Ki'srauleed first flusa, rts'ularly 4.00 tne vi. Frmay (3.88 ti i.', S-piece iiirvlna setx. ; 1. V, 3-piece carvlna xi't.-t. at ai.tfs f.o6, V-plece larvln acm, at 8o tic, S-plete carvlna sets, at 65 tic rookie end sandwlcit cutters, ditlvrent slispes, at 6s ioc lYench kitchen i-arvlim knives aa tic lieiuli kitchen curvhm knives 6o l ie patty puns, only Se iui" French try and shoo strina combination cut ters 39o Perfection toasters for.fcio loo looee bottom cake paufc. st . . . . 10a 38 per cent discoaat oa our eatlre : line of Jelly moulds. ii-i.i w vueen of lautiy" pastry flour bnd 40 sloiups. , .$1.15 IS lbs. granulated sugar for -. 11.00 51b. ran R C. baliin now del and ltW Stan V tor i.oo Pennett'e Hest coffee and 20 stamps, lb. 35e J Itia. Bennett's Best coffee and tu staiotis for 11.00 Assorted teas and 7 5 '' stamps, Hi. Assorted 'teas stamps, . lb. Tea vlttliiKS hlitlUpS. lb..., Vt-lb. can pure and see 60 4SO and 10 peiper and 6 stampa .loe S pktts. Hoiiuelt a Capi tol mince nisat and 10 stumps S5e lten's irralium and o s ler crackers aud 14 stamps, pk 0 Quart jar sweef gherkin pickles ........ t,16o llorre radi.sli aid )i) stamps, bottle ....10e DOL'UI.K STAMl'H UN AM. KINUti OF UIJi' TERINK. . Full cream cheese and ) stumps, I0......&3C Vlrgkiiu fwlai rhetxe nd IS stamps, lb. BSC liarnond Crydlsl taUio salt u.hd 14 stumps. fkek- loc liennett's Capitol who4 tomatoes and 4 stamps, can ies f-nbier's chili sauce and lo stsn ps. bottle.. Se Yacht Club salad dress ing and 40 stamps, bot tle ., Se Salad mustard and 6 . stamps. Jar... lfcj t fans Hrockport sliced pineapple and 10 at pa., for . ..860 Joe quart can Franco American soup, 800 lieauty Asparagus and i'J stomps, cuu....aoo Snider s pork and beans and 1 stumps, medium sine cau lSo Jliisliull's preserel . bloaters and 10 stamps, cau aoo Ulue Isabel catsup and 10 stamps, bottle,' 140 I pUgs. slireddetl codrinri and 10 stamps . ...85o z.jurs peanut butter and 10 stamps-, 804 A Money Saving Combination 1 bars IMamond C Soap.-.T, .8St 10 lbs. navy bexna Jii Hot. ,Heinett's Capitol extract' .IS ! cans Country tient'm'n corn ' Jki Med. Mis but. Uaillard's Olive a 5 Tackase seeded raisins 13) Totsl 81.81 'Friday and aturtiay Only $1.48 FRIDAY & SATURDAY Are Cut Price Days in The Big Pure Food Grocery -;- aphael-Pred Co. Announcement of a Great 2-Day Special Sale Friday and Saturday The steady Rrowtli of otir business I due to the wonderful bargains vre are Riving. It will pay you to watch our nds as the saving Is ex traordinary. Prices talk and nooplc tell the prices. Ladies and 110.00 full 11 f t' ami i IsA-.l 1 W WW 1 Hisses Coats ned Caracul Coats. SO. 95 $15.00 Satin lined Caracul Coats, S9.95 . i&.oo r:u3h Coats, S10.93 $2u.0t Plueh Coats, satin lined 813.85 Other btautifuT Plush and Covert Coats, Specially priced for FrlJay and Saturday. Novelty Coats, two-tone effects, etc., aleo Black Broad cloth coats, SCOri- SS.93 nd$10.)5 Men's anJ Young Msnls OVERCOATS One lot Men's and Young Jlen's abeo lutely pure wool, well worth $10.00, two days only, . $6. $20.00 bear.tifuiy Overcoats; converti ble collar, strictly hand-tailored, C2-ia. tong, conies Jn Ilslit and dark colors worth $20.00, at $11.05 A number of other Overcoats specially priced for Saturday. r tfl Ladies' fleeced $8.50 Silk Men's and. Ladies' Outing Men's 50s UNDERWEAR Kimonos Women's $3 Flannel Knit Silk Four Saturday, each ' Special FiKE SHOES NIGHT 60WKS in-Hand TIES 2c $3.95 $1.95 39c 23c LADIES' AND MISSES' AMD CRESSES SUITS i From row on we be gin to slaughter prices. Suits that sell regular ly at $12.50 and $15.00 now S7.75 Suits that sell regu larly at $18.00 and $20 now 89.75 And the cut on prices In the other suits are marked dewn accord ingly. Beautiful Silk and Serge Dresses at 84.95. 85.95 and 86.95 Men's and Young Men's Suits We place on sale specially for Friday ani Saturday only a lot of Wen's Suits, pos- tt-Tiv worth $15.00. assorted patterns; all vtciui u..il woisted cloth, j cashmeres, blue serges and browns. These gar- ments- are extra well mado. Price, 88.95 - Other suits for Fri day and Saturday marked to sell at 85.50. 80.93. 811.95. 814.85 Every suit that we offer at this sale la more than an ordinary bargain. , Samples of Beautiful Silk Waists $1.69, $1.98, $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 Misses Fine Men's 25c . $1.50 Men's RihhPdHoM $2-0 Ken's Grep Pants A big niBoea Hose Snoes Wool Koss Assortment 1.1c- $135 1 12cM98b. ml, Ladies', Misses' and Childress Fur Sets Ladles' Fur Sots brown and black, at 81.95. 82.95. $3.&5. 84.95- Very swell sets of Furs, Martins, Fox, Japanese Mink, Red Fox, -Imitation lynx, etc, at ... $0.&5, f 13.30, $15, f 17.00 and 10.50 A big assortment of Children's Sets, from, per set 98 to . 88.95 S Men's pure wool under wear, broken Inta anil nam-) pies, worth to $2, for only G90 Men's heavy weight under wear and san itary fleece 430 $nL Chidren's Fleece-Lined HOSE Per Pair, 5c Ladies Ribbed ' Very Wide 75c Men's Beys' Heavy Fleeced Black Silk SWEATER Fleeced UNION SUITS Taffeta Petti- COATS Underwear 39c r$1.89 45c 25c MILLINERY . ' fi.v Tl Beautiful T: Huts are being- j, -.V n .S8c, $1 We a I .45, $1.95 1 1 ' Wl, worth more thun so Just r- relvl tomples of Kwell Dress Hats that would sell regularly from I2U.0U to $45.00, will be sold at jrlven-away prioes. Ths Kliapus, or the trimmings will ba the price asked. Lien's Slats and Caps 200 Men's Black Derby Hats at 98c All new fall n vdels. Every hat guaranteed. 75c Men's Winter Caps 48s With fur laps on the inside. Una bis table full. Girls' 50c and 75c Ladies' $1.C3 Men's Fleeced Solf 6lo.es, -Bath . : Worsted Union Suits WblTe, Black Robes Sweater Coats 19c 'zle" 98c 45c Beys' Heavy Fleece Lined Hcso, at 11c. Girl's', Children's Coats ') $2.50 Childre WX'-'A Skln Cots- At 4 - ren s uear 81.09 $3.00 Children's Curly Bear Skin Coats, 81.98 Children's Plush aud Caracul Coats, tf.05, $1.U5, $5.03 Girl's Cloth and Nov elty Coats at f 1.08, $2.03, $3.05, $1.05 300 Eojs' Suits, $1.69 All knlckerbocker pants, large assortment of patterns in all sizes from 9 to 1C. 500 Boys' Suits, $2.35 Puro wocl suits lit splendid style-j of casli-6-j meres, in medium and dark eha.es, extra weight in winter; worth $r.00, nt 82.75 d Co. Eapliael-Fre WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 13th and Farnam Streets ,TIIE STORE FOR THE PEOPLE Omaha's Up-to-Dato Meat Market home meats are advertised too ohtap to te ;tod. tin account of low ex penses and good buying faiilltles v.e sell thu sood kind for lets than you pay lor the cliapest kind eUewhrre. ... UouseKeeper make tliis your resular traulp- plare and notlos the wiving:. When Yoti'tiet Hungry for Good Meats, Think of Fred llunness. Ha con, nice lean ijg port Lojn, j)er strips, per poumt, at 18UC '1U A Turkeyx, tieese, Ducks, t hickens. Live or Dretmed at Wlioiesale IViiv's. FRED BONNESS PROVISION CO. vnicssss e constant ly keep about 600 live chickens in our pot,ltrv yard. We kill to your orJer. A nice sprlnir. I' iawo Sous. Wfcolasale and K.tatl Meats. 8231 LSiTEVVOsTS, B.Uverlea Wsst te 401. Herts to Cuatiag, Boatb to Center. A. 12S. m 9