Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1911, Image 1

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    Daily Bee
Fair; Warmer
Looking Backward
Tnis Day in Omaha
Thirty Tweatw-Tti Ttare f
lee Kdttortel Prt of each !
VOL. xli-xo. r.
The O
Detective Burns Tells Bankers of
Efforts Made to Intimidate Men
Called in McNamara Case.
He Also Charges Efforts Were Made
to Bribe Them.
"Not One Word of Truth in it," Says
Attorney for Accused.
IVilvrntlon Recommends that I nlom
Throughout Country Iln A-
pen let! to for More
Coutrl buttons.
X RV. ORLEANS. Nov. 2'-WltnePsp.s
for the picsecutlun lit the Los Angeles
I'lineM dynamiting ea.ic have been threat-
11c J with death ufjcr having withstood
lipcatcd efforts of agents of the defense
to bribe them, declared William J. Jiurns,
the detective, in an address today before
the slate secretaries' section of the
American Bunkers' association.
Mr. Burns i.tuted that a fund of moro
than il.000,000 had boen collected or
lle.lsed for the defense of tho McNu
inaraa. "When I first made that utatement,"
li said, "President Gompers of the Amer
ican Federation of I,bor promptly aii-liuunc-eu
that 11 wai u Ik. But he did
i. .it give any Ilguic-i nor ild he Inform
the public as tj the source of some of the
In rye aggregation of money.
"I li 11, oil they have the money and
they have endeuvored to buy our wit
nesses. They have offered some of the
vltnesfces their own price and when
these witnesses refused to accept their
offers they have been threatened with
'uealh. We huve uctu.illy found It neces
uary to hide some of our witnesses."
Dnrruw IR'nlea Charlie.
1.08 ANGliLES, Nov. 23. "What Burns
Is reported to have said Is In keeping
with what he has said previously," said
Atlornei Clarence 8. larrow, chief coun-
btl lor James 13. McNarnara, referring
to the address of Detective William J.
Burns today In New Orleans. "There Is
not a word of truth In It."
Officials of the district attorney's of
fice womd not discuss the statement.
No Appropriation by Federation.
ATLANTA, Oft., Nov. 23. The American
Federatiuu of Labor will make no direct
appropriation for the defense of he Mc
Namaras. The opportunity to do so passed today,
1 when tho convention adopted the rec
ommendation of a committee that labor
organisations throughout tho country be
appealed to for more fundrt. The report
made T mention' of a direct-appropriation
nd it was put through before those who
mvored the proposed S50.000 donation had
an. opportunity to suggest an amendment.
Important Reports
Before Federation
ATLANTA, Ga., Nov. 22.-Whn the
convention cf the American Federa
tion of Labor meets tomorrow it
will be with the expectation of hearing
and passing on the reports of two of its
most important committees, that on the
adjustment of industrial disputes and
that on the president's report.
Tlus adjustment committee has in hand
. the long-wuged controversy between the
carpenters and the sheet metal workers,
which resulted last year in the expulsion
of the former from the building trades
It la expected the committee will recom
mend the reinstatement of the carpenters
if they will agree to abide by the decis
ion of the department in future disputes.
The following resolutions- were adopted
Favoring the construction of all gov
ernment vessels ' in government ship-
Endorsing the strike on the IIarrlma.:i
Changing Memorial duy from tha sec
ond to tho louiih Sunday lit Muy.
Advocating compulsory education, free
school books :n public schools and night
Petitioning President Tart to recom
mend to the governor of Porto Kico
larger appropriations, an eight-hour uay
unu oilier legislation.
lHe of Hat Will Be Fatal.
HOONK. la., Nov. 23 (Special Tele
eramgram.) William lllland, a pioneer
resident of Ofcden, Is at death's door suf
lerlng from blood poisoning resulting from
the. bite of a rat ten days ago.
The Weather
POP. XlililiASKA-I'alr; rising temper
ature. Ft'ft IOWA Fi'ir; IIng temperature.
Tern Iterators lit Oiuuau Yesterday.
J a. m....
u a. r i....
j a. in....
a. in....
'J a. in....
I'l a. to
11 a. ni....
1.' i n
lieif. Hour. Dag.
J 1 p. m..... J3
li I ). m
...... IS
p. in 27
I p. in i'T
D p. in -ji,
C p. in n
7-p. in 2.:
p. in 22
u 1 i.eeuru.
im. iio. mi. vxs.
.... il a- ii iA
.... it X 2i 41
.... 41 31 ,
1 yesterday..
j.o.vji jciieiclay..
Jueun temperature .
i'l e.-lpiuiiion
1 .(Al .u., T
'temperature and Precipitation tien&n.
nun iioin tho uoniikl:
ixirinui teiui ei uiure 34
De.'kiency tor ti.a day ' n
'lotul excels since March 1
Normal precipitation ty inch
Le'icieiiey lur the day (:! inch
'i oiul idiiilall suite March 1.. 13.27 Inches
Duiie.eney miuv aiurch 1 14.9.1 inches
l'el c.ency for t or. period l!Hu. .14.M inenes
Lxctea tor cor. period VMJJ.... lucuus
lr ports from M.lluu. nt 7 V
. l.
nation and Stute .
ut U calhcr.
Temp, llirrh,.
i p. m.
enL lull.
i.i .iu
4i .0)
24 T
4' ..
n t
44 .01
4; M
it .
1 T
3 1 . .IJU
e neyenue. einr
luenpoit. cloudy....
Denver, cie'-ir
Des .Wolnes, clear
i 'ot-g f;iy, clear....
Laiivjer, cloudy
t, ina. r.H, clear
K.'pel City, clear
'.i.l Lake e Ity, clear.
-.iiitj Ke, cler
t :r.duu. clear
Mcui City, cl. jr, clear
T Indicates lra.' ;
. w
. 21
. 2-i
. 2S
. il
. M
. 21
Local lorueaiter.
Women Fight for
Chance to Hear
Patterson Trial
DENVER, Colo.. Nov. 21- Dr. V. C.
Mudd, called today ns a stale witness in
the trial of Gertrude Gibson Patterson,
for the alleged murder of hor huvbund.
Charles A. Patte.rfion, proved to have I
testimony of value to the defense. A t-
tomey Bcnon of the prosecution oc-
clared that the physician's teutlm-iny
tamo as a surprise to hl-.n.
Dr. Mutid rode In :he amlmlanre with
Mrs. rutterson win n rMv v ks taken to
the Jail, utter the shiKiit.ur He bore out
the claim of tho defendant that Patter
son struck her by matins that tlwre was
a blulsh-lnolting spot on Mrs. Patterson's
cheek, which tlio prisoner Indicated to
lilm in tho euti'sj of their ride to the
lockup its the spot where her husband
had hud struck her.
Witness testified further ns to the
conversation between himself r.nd Mrs.
I'atterson the latter at first to'd
hlni ?he did not k.iaw who hrd fired the
shot which killed her husband, hut later
she raid that, efter her husband had
kneektd her clow.i. ho handed her the
pistol raying. " 'Now, you, kill
yourself.' "
The Crowd which flocked to the court
house today was the largest 'of the trlul
and the fight for scats resulted In much
disorder In tho midst of which one
woman was Injured, but not seriously.
Women vied with men In fighting to guln
cntianee to the court room. The absence
of "two witnesses seriously hampered the
prosecution todny. Louis Schramm, a
gardener employed at the Hondrle home,
before which the shooting occurred, and
by whom -the state expected to show a
conversation between Mrs. I'atterson and
her husband Just bejforo the Fhots were
fired. Is in Chicago. Koran Brown, a
maid in the Hendrle home, who the state
expected would teU of Mrs. Patterson's
statements after she had shot Patterson,
has jjot yet been found.
Bryan and Fellow
Passengers Proceed
on Another Boat
NASSAU. Nov. 23. Tho Ward line
Bteamer Beguranca. bringing tho eighty
four passengers and mall off the stranded
Prins Joachim has been sighted.
NEW YORK, Nov. 23. All the passen
gers of the steamship Prlnss Joachim,
ashore on'Atwocd key. a remote Island
of the Bahamas, have been taken aboard
the Ward line steamer frVguaranca and
are now on their way to Nassau. This
news reached the Ward line offica here
today in a wireless message from the
Soguaranca, which had been relayed by
tho steamer Vlgaiancla, now at Nassau.
The message read:
Seguranca has all passengers from the
Joachim. Bring to Nassau., ., V111 ar
rive. Wllf keep you inrormJ.
Apparently the time when tha passen
gers are expected to reach Nassau had
been lost from the message, but at the
Ward line office it was said that the
Seguranca probably woold reach Nassau
between t and 3 o'clock this afternoon.
The Prina Joachim Is believed to be In
no particular danger at this time, as the
last reports Indicated that the weather
was fine and that only the liner's for
ward compartment wus filled with water.
LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. 23. Charles W.
Bryan received another wireless mes
sage from W. J. Bryan this morning. It
was relayed by the Vlgllancla to Key
West and reads.
"Safe; Ward line steamer Seguranca;
will reach Cuba via Nassau.
"(Signed) BRYAN."
Mr. Bryan declared that it was a great
relief to him and to tho friends of W.
J. Bryan to be assured of the letter's
Army Inspectors
Say Troops Are Not
Properly Trained
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23 The Inspec
tors who were busy picking flaws in the
army last year apparently found several.
They are ?et out In the annual report of
the inspector general's department, which
was niude this year by A. W. Brewster,
acting Inspector general.
The inspectors were required to test
tho mobility of the troops and try out
the bayonet and sabre drill. The condi
tions developed by these exercises show
that the field preparations of the army
was not uniformly vatlsfactory.
Cue Inspector reported that a lair.e ma
jority of tho troops wero i.ot properly Another held that garrison work
should be curtailed and the training cur
ried in the field.
The maneuvers in Texas were exten
sively reviewed in the report. It is de
clared that the concentration was a great
benefit to the army.
Motor trucks were i-iiown to be deslr
alilo and ambulances abeolutely neces
sary for the field officers.
The Infantry Is said to. need much la-
l formation in marching and a suggestion
j !U made for a heroic test ill order to
ileal n what can be expected by having
an Infantry company at war strength
march with an ciutontoblle truek from
Ssn Francisco to New York.
Michigan Man Who
Shot Iowa Sheriff is
Killed by Deputy
GRAND UAPilJS. Mich.. Nov. 2.-A
special to the Uvenin;; Picks fromCadll
lac sa;a. "A. Butman of Temple, tblx
county, who was shot by Deputy Sheriff
Green .last night after liiufinau hud
wounded Sherllf Hotan of Anamoa, la.,
died today. tSheiirf Hogan was attempt
ing to arrest Huffman, when tho latter
graax-d u tln tun and wounded Hogan i:i
the legs and 1 hnuiders. The siiooting oc
curred in Diiffniin'a re-dJence. Deputy
Green ae a,.ied liigaii to niako the
arrett. llok:: v.1.1 recover."
Iiogcn and Gr:e-i were a:ialn d 0:1 a
murder elm: gc nn ! promptly i'i.i;iiisf eU
011 recommendation itf the
Hosarj dep&rteO at o.-ICJ fjr IPS liotuc
Long-Continued Discussion Leads' to
Opinion that Hung Jury
Will Be Result.
Believed to Doubt if Tar Mixture
Was Used on Girl.
Judge Announces Delay of Day in
Passing Sentence.
Wealthy l'nrmcr oca La Three
I. n nv unites nntl lias Printed Hook
In ;n lie Jnry Dellb
Frntoi Quietly.
LINCOLN CKNTER, Kan., Nov. 23.
For more than six hours today the Jury
in the "tar party" case considered the
testimony, but vheu the regalur ad
journment of the day session was taken
at 8 o'clock no verdict had been reached.
A recess of an hour and n half wus or
dered and at 7:30 o'clock a night session
was begun. At no time during the de
liberations of tho Jury will the men be
kept later thun midnight, unless they
wish to stay, said Judge Orover today.
As the hours rolled by this afternoon
and no verdict was reached, the opinion
that a hung Jury would result, which
has been freely ventured, ever slnco tho
trial began, grew stronger. The defense
and the stat admit that the rases against
the three men are not equally strong and
that conditions for long discussion are
Once during the afternoon ,the Jury
Rsked to be permitted to examine the
exhibits in the case, a handkerchief with
which Mary Chamberlain rubbed some of
the tar from her body and later dropped
In the road where sho wiuj attacker; a
man's handkerchief also daubed with the
mixture found at the scene of the crime
and a can of paint Itself. The handker
chiefs wero passed among the jurors
and each scrutinized the articles care
fully. They el so Inspected the paint can,
which stood on a table in front of the
Jury box.; ,
Hoof Paint I'sed.
None of the court attaches or attor
neys havo been able to determine upon
Just what point the Jury lins under dls
cuBsion. but it was generally believed
that there existed a posslblity that thp
twelve men doubted If tho tar mixture
waB really used on the young school
teacher. The mixture was not pure tar.
It was a roof paint, but very thick and
containing a large amount of tar.
The state fulled to prove by dliect tes
timony thatt he tar came from Clark
mill. The can waa found In a buggy in
which the men rode from the scene of the
tuning, it Is said, and Kverett Vlark ad
mitted an thn nta-.d that he hid similar
paint In his mill. The ruggestlon also
was mado today that the Jury might have
uou inert that the stuin on the handker
chiefs was made by the same kind of
paint that tho can contains, In which case
the link between the paint can nnd the
tarring episcde would bo severed.
The Jury deliberated quietly and ap
peared to bo giving the ense close study.
At no time did any member of the body
raise his voice above u normal tone.
K. li. Dillon was chosen foreman of. the
Jury. He Is a wetalhy farmer with a
broad education. Besides speaking three
languages he has printed a book In
Gaelic, making eevry character himself.
Pent nice Till Today,
' Just before court adjourned tonight
Judge Grover announced that no sentence
would be passed until some time tomor
row on any defendant In tho tarring
cases. An effoit is belna nmrt hv thm
! attorneys for the confessed men to have
I sentence deferred until the next term
j cf c urt. The court has not promised to
do this, but will hear arguments on the
matter after the present case is settled.
Tho penalty for assault and battery,
which es'ery defendant In the tar cases is
churned with. Is a fine of from $1 to $5'J0
or a sentence of from one day to ono
year in the county Jail. Both penalties
cannot 'be inflicted in a single case.
Under conditions here, the jail being
small. It would be practically Impossible
to accoinmodato all the "tur party pris
oners should they be sentenced to Im
prisonment. Gompers and Mitchell
Must Again Stand
Trial for Contempt
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23. Samuel
Gompers, John Mitchell and Frank Mor
rison, the labor loaders, must again
stand trial in the supreme court of the
District of Columbia on charges of con
tempt 0 rising- out of the Bucks Stove
and Range case. Justice Wright today
handed down a decision overruling tho
motion of the labor leuders for a dis
missal of the proceedings under the
statute of limitations. The court l.cld
that contempt of court Is not classed us
criminal and consequently not subject
to the bar of thu statute of limitations.
New Poalal lluuUa.
WASHINGTON. Nov. L'3.-(Hpeclal Tel
egram.) I'ostal suviiwra banks will be es
tablished December 21 an follows:
Nioiaka Decatur, lopg pine, .Merna,
Cascade, Chlrdan, t'lar-in-jcj, Klngsley,
South Dakota Howard, We.isi.iglon. '
Culled from the Wire
Forty-seven carlcads if ilnarettes,
vulued at M.oOi.oX), have errlved at Hu
pel lor, Wis., Iioin th east by way of
the Ureal lukiH ami will be ahlpiwd (
Vancouver, Jj. C, for expert to China una
According to information (hut has
reached St. Paul, there U some likelhoj
trial the Mmntotu ra' cunts will huve
to lv wa to me Spolian and other
rale eases ut this January term ol the
s couit.
Anot'ier mini' looking t the release of
Cliiirlis W. .More, I tie former New York
tanker, fiotn the Atlanta pniiltcntlart
v us forei Mil Pv a n.i.lfi ence between
Alt..r.,.V l'...n....l M'l.'L...ul.u... ,
ki. 1 el'li r.
i i- ii e
i'l i,
in i '
From the Cleveland Plain Iealer.
Chief Justice White Declines to Pass
on Point Involved.
) Will Present Application
tho Fall Court at lta Next
SlttlitK on Fourth of
WASHINGTON. Nov. 23.-rChlcf Jus
tice White today refused to grant a stay
in the trial of the Chicago beef pack
ers, but referred the attorneys making
application to the entire bench, with the
Matement that tho matter waa of too
much Importance for him to pass on In
dividually. Attorney Miller Announced
that such an application to the entire
federal court would be made at tho first
sitting December 4. .
Attorneys for the packers Indicated that
efforts would be mado to have Judge Car
penter of the United States district court
at Chicago, before whom the indicted
packers havo been summoned for trlul on
Monday, to grant a further postponement
until the supreme court passes on Abe
application for a !', J. .
. Thinks Trial Will Proceed.
CHICAGO. Nov. S3. United States Dis
trict Attorney James H. Wllkersou, When
Informed of Chief Justice White' " de
cision, sold:
"I cannot comment on the matter at
this time, as I am not fully informed of
all details In relation to the order. How
ever, I am inclined to think tha't the
trial of tho packers In Judge Carpenter's
court will go ahead on Monday without
further Interruption. The aspect of the
situation later may be changed.
Grain Man Who Tried
to Kill Sioux Falls
Girl Given a Year
SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., Nov. 23.-(Se-clal.)
J. G. Walters, formerly engaged
In the grain commission business here,
and a resident of Minneapolis prior to
coming to Sioux Falls, appeared before
Judge Jones and entered a plea of guilty
to the charge of assault with a dangerous
weapon, which grew out of his attempt
a few months ago to shoot and kill a
young woman who formerly hud been
employed by him as a stenographer.
Judge Jones sentenced him to one yesr
In the Sioux Falls penitentiary. Since
his arrest on the morning following the
attempt on the young woman's life Wal
ters had been in the county Jail. After
being sentenced lie collapsed and sank to
tha floor iu a fainting condition, but was
revived In a few minutes.
Taking Testimony
in the Dr. Hyde Case
.KANSAS CiTY, Juo., Nov. 23 Tho tak
ing of testimony In the Hyde cas3 be.-uu
this inornlnir. The s'atc put on the stand
James Craig, former city clerk of Inde
pendence, who told about Dr. B. C. Hyde,
accused of the niurilir of Colonel Thomas
H. Scope, filing the death certificate of
Colonel Swol:. Craln w. followed by I
R. B. Nutclull, who eiiihulincd the body.
and W. I". Slliie, who had, charge of th I
funeral. Their testimony was perfunctory
and unimportant.
If superstition was in tho heart of
spectators yestertlay, they probably d.ew
ill ome-n from the fact that, shortly be
fore adjournment, a sparrow flitted about
the court room, and in lta n.aij dives in
an effort to secure liberty, soared time
and again over the heml of Dr. Ilydo.
The doctor merely smiled si, the bird
dipped over lilm.
.ST. LOl'IH. Mo.. Nov. 22. Tho funeral
of Dr. Waller Wyman, surgeon general
of the United States public health an'l
,.iarlne hospital service wlio died at
WaHhlngtoon, D. ('., Tuesday, will take
place here from the First Presbyterian
church tomorrow aflernoon at 2 o'clock.
Burial will bo In Beilefontalre cemetery
Many St. Louis phyeiclena, members of
boards of i.eulth of Mates and
kxul medleul officers will be honorury
latter anil KitKa (' (iuri Uver,
CHICAGO. Nov. 23. -The feirsl Inquiry
Into d elations of the Chicago Butter and
rgg ixiarti, wineii lias been accused of
manipulation aiiiiiiarliv the prices of
- hrr 1. In older lu if-rinft utturnxv j fni
her 1. In order to permit attorney i for
ll:e govci tunttil to proiuiu pew
Shop Early
Lest We Forget!
Alleged Murderer Has
Outburst of Frenzy
During His Trial
SPRINUFHiLI), Mass.. Nov. 23
Bertram G. Sprnci r, on trial here,
charged with the murder of Miss Martha
11. Blackstone, today ecllvencd the pro
ceedings Xrf court by another outburst of
repining uncontrollable frensy.
When Dr. C. P. Hooker, who examined
Spencer In Jull, went on tho stand to
testify, Spencer showed signs of auger
and began to mutter. Dr. Hooker said
tltat at the conclusion of his examination
he said to thn prisoner:
"Spencer you are faking."
At thlH period Bponcer burst out: "You
are the one that tried to poison me. You
are the one that tried to put poison In
my cup. Another man saw him do It.
Faking, waa I?"
The turnkey and a deputy . sheriff
Jumped Into tho cage and overpowered
Spencer after a fierce struggle. The pris
oner appeared qui to cxhuusted.
Cash Wheat Trade
' Demoralized by Split t
m Armour Forces
CHICAGO, Nov. 2J.Selllng and dis
tribution of big cash wheat holdings hrra
were demoralized today on the Board of
Trado by a split In tho Armour Interenu,
and one of their aids, James. 8. Temple
ton, who recently wus credited with hav
ing made, a bid for B.tMO.OV hushe'S of
cash wheat, laid to be the largest amount
ever sought In a single transaction here
It wus asserted by t.arters that Teiu-
Irilptrifi v. Virt hn 11m hnnilttn of much of
the business of the Armour-Llchsttrn In
terests, had been dropped by tha Armour
Grsln company because of his attacks
on the Inspection and elevator methods
of giving out wheat for shipment. The
Armour people, it Is tald, will attend to
their own selllni, und distribution.
Officials of the board also were con
sidering charges against caili wheat deal
ers who huve offered wheat at eastern
points ut less thun the Chicago price In
v'olutlon of the board rules.
Omaha Salesman
Fights Extradition
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 23. (Special Telegram.)
Robert Aiken, a traveling salesman who
lives ut 121s Harney street, Omaha, will
tomorrow fight extradition to Kansas,
where he is wanted ot Kansas City on
thn charge o! child abandonment. The
charge bus l.-ei biought by a former
wife, who alleges that she and three off
spring havo bren furnished no money for
their copport for so:re time past.
In the Affidavit accompanying the req
uisition the former Mrs. Aiken alleges
that the divorce wai granted In IMS, and
that her one-time spouse was married
within !s than u ear after their sep
aration. Alimony at Ihe rate of $11 per week
was forthcoming at first, she says, but
thut amount dwindled to f!i a week, when
Iim late, found unother helpmeet. A hear
ing In the matter will be held before.
Governor Aldrleh tomorrow.
Germany and Great
Britain May Clash
COLOGNE, .Germany, Nov. 23. Foreign
Secretary Von KiderHn-Waeehler's ' ex
planation leaves no doubt thut a Germau
Kngl'sh Clasii was Imminent, In July, ac
cording to an apparently Inspired dispatch
from Beilin In the (Vlogne Gazette, which
"The ucuto crUis Is past, but the sltua
tiori i-eiiiaius grave. Germany , awaits
Willi evt.'i greater te ns on Great Britain's
coming cxplaimtion. On this will depend
the relations of the two countries' fu
PARIS, Nov. 23. Mn.e. Llna Cavallerl,
thn grand opeia lnger, and Robert Wln
Oirop ('hauler were summoned today be
fore Juiige Monier of the civil tribunal of
the Seine for the purpose of attempting
to bring about a reconciliation. Mr. Chan-
,.. ...
ler dld 11
t the court. Mine. Cava
lier! alone appearing. Judge Monier there
upon Issued a decree ot nonrecoiiciliuVon
and Kill luter fix the dute for the hearing
of the divorce suit,
Sunderland Brothers Win Case Be
fore Commerce Commission.
Complaint Over MllllnsT-la-Tranalt
Hale Made by Mllfor and
Firth Mlllrra ot Noa
Inlnrrf by Hoard.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2J.-(Speclal Tel
egram.) The Interstate Commerce com.
mission In a ruling handed down today
decided In favor of Sunderland Bros, com-
any against the Chicago, Burlington A
Qulnry railroad et al. In the matter of
rewelghtng coal at Omaha. Tha commis
sion holds that thn present rule Is ; un
just and unreasonable and should b
amended, so as to provide that If re-
weighing of coal discloses a variation of
mare than 1 per cent, with a minimum ot
600 pounds, from the original shipping
weight tho original weight and charge
will be corrected accordingly and the re.
weighing charge tefunded to consignee,
but If irsolKhlng faliji to disclose such
variation of 1 per 'cent, with it minimum
of DUO. pounds, thR-irlxlnlil .welKht An..
charges will not be changed and the re
weighing charge will be retained by do.
fendaut. !
Tha commission today orders tho Bur
lington be notified end required to anient:
on or before the second day of January,
1112, Its present reweighlng rule so as to
provide that If reweighlng ot Interstate
shipments of coal discloses a variation of
more than 1 per cent, with a minimum ol
60U pounds, from the oilglnal shipping
weight the original weight and chsrget
nili be corrected aecordlngl and thn re.
weighing charge refunded to consignee;
but If reweighlng fails to disclose such
variutiou of 1 per cent, with a minimum
of 5t) pounds, the original weight ant
charges will not bo chunged and Ihe re
weighing charge will be retained by de
fendant, Mo Indae Prejudice,
The Interstate Corrimtrce commission It)
a ruling today dismissed the complaint ol
F. H. Johnson & Co. et al., against the
Atchison, Topcka & Santa Fe.
The complainants, F. rt. Johnson & Co,
and Beatrice Corn Mills, are engaged In
the milling business at Mllford and the
latter at Firth. The cnmplaltitant asserts
that the defendant maintains a milling
ln-tran:ilt rate, which discriminates
against tho complainants In - favor of
mills located at St. Joseph, Mo., and At
chlson, , Kun.
Tlio commission states that the defend
ant permits milling in transit at St. Jo
seph and Kansas City, Mo., of corn orig
inating at points on the St. Joseph
Giand Island railway, the product ol
which Is shipped to Pacific coast ter
minals, at the through rata from point
of origin .o the destination of the
product, and under this arrangement mill
ers at St. Joseph and Kansas City may
buy their corn at points west thereof on
the St. Joseph & Grand Island railway,
while complainants, whose mills are at
Mllford and Firth, Neb., on tho Chicago,
Burlington & gulncy railroad, are re
stricted 1U the, purchase of corn to be
milled by them in transit and forwardec
to Pacific coast pointi to territory cus.
cf their mills; held, that upon the fact
ot record the adjustment complained o.
decs not constitute undue prejudice
against Mllford ' end Firth within the
meaning of thn act to regulate com
CHICAGO, Nov. 2t.-The liiternntlona
officers of. the railroad shopmen wil,
meet the leading officials of the Chicago,
Rock Island & pacific railroad tomorrow,
at which time It is expected the questloi.
ot a possible strike will be settlee.
finally. Tomorrow's meeting was ar
ranged at a short conference between rep
resentutives ot the shopmen and Genera
Manager W. 8. Tliisman and W. A. Net.
tleton, Sscnrral superintendent of motive
MASON CITY, la., Nov. 23 (Specla
Telegram.) For shooting and killlni
Morrel Sevcrns, Thomas Brewer tills aft
ernoon relaPed hl3 stout to the jury ti
establ'sli self-defense. Tie Is the onl)
witness the defense has offered, for medi
cal experts testified that Beverns diet
from effects 'of the gunshot wound am
Brewer admitted that lie did the shooting
The esse wll reach the Jury tomorrow.
Dispute Over Merits of Charges
Against French Prof est or and Co
worker Canscs Sword light.
Rival Editors Reconciled After One
is Slightly Wounded.
Relict of Discoverer of Radium
Associated with Scientist.
Noted Woman, Credited Kqanlly
with I. ate llr.linnil In Urea
Achievement, Oecopies
tbalr of I'hysles.
PARIS, Nov. 23.-A dispute over the
merits of chHices against M. Langevin,
professor of general and experimental
physics at the College of France, brought
by his wife and involving the professor's
co-worker In scientific reneareh, Mme.
Curie, resulted today In a duel with
swords between M. Chervet. editor of Oil
Bins, and Leon Daudct, editor of Fran
caise. Thero were several fierce bouts under
tho cameras of a score of photographers.
Finally Daudet was wounded in the arm.
A reconcll atlon followed.
The churges In which the names of tho
two eminent scientists Mine. Curie and
Prof. Langevin, have heon Involved were
founded on the tact that Mme. Curie and
Prof. Lanpevln were In close association
in thtlr scientific researches. This gave
rise to Jealousy on the part of Mme.
Langevin, who brought suit against her
husband, coupling his name with that of
Mme. Curlt.
Mme. Curie, who was credited .equally
with tier late husbund In the discovery of;
radium, was after his death nominated
to occupy tho chair of physics which ho
had held at the College of France.
Three Chicago Police
Officials Suspended
CHICAGO, Nov, 23. Simultaneous with
tho beginning cf the trials of Police In-
rpector Charles C. Dorman and Lieu
tenants Ambrose nnd Howard, suspended
on charges ot Inefficiency, Chief of Police
McWeeny ordered the suspension of In
spector Revere, Captain Bner and Lieu
tenant Hanley, against whom charges
hud besn filed by the civil service com
mission Investigating the police depart
ment. At th- same time charges of conspiracy
ami attempting to bribe Inspee-tor Nich
olas Hunt against Hoy-II. Walters;, Fred,
trick C. Alllnu, Henry .Hanson and Mrs.'
Ku41son ware onu!t?l fit AUm tuMuUilpv4-
court, when -Harmon N. Cnrrtpbell, presl-
e enl if the civil servlco commission, do
elarJ he had hired the men to act as
i ivestlgatora for tha commission and
100k the responsibility for their acts.
.(federal Janitors
Receive Increases
Fifteen Janitors and several other
nlnor employes In the federal building
iave been notified that their wages which
eretofora have been i'M a year will b
ncreaser to VC0. This morning, la
ccordance with govcrntneht regulations,
.11 of tho men to receive Increaso will lis
.worn In again. Tho Increases affect all
if tho minor employes except the ele
vator men, who wero Increased sever!
,'sors ago. ",
Several days ago the men were cJroulst
ng a petition to be forwarded to Wash
ngton requesting an increase, but tht
also came before the petition was fully
ilgned, The )0 raise amounts to lesa .
.ban one-fourth the amount the men
would huve u"ked.
SHOSHONI, Wyo., Nov. 22. (Speolal.)-.
itesldents of this section propose to hsvt,
istabllshed a game preserve In the I'i
Horn canyon, a natural home for
tnd other big game. Beginning at a point;
welve miles from here and extending ten
nllee north Is an area of over 20,000 acres,
tone of which la fit for anything except
racing by wild game. The construction
if a few miles of fence across the canyon
.t upper snd lower ends would prevent
.he game from roaming away. The de
Irabllity of this section for a game pre
rrvo will be laid before the next leglslu
ure and before the state's representative!
a congress.
BOONK. la.. Nov. 2a. tSpeclal Tel
irain.)-Axcl Hansen,, aged 63 years,
vealthy farmer, -Tiled from the effects e '
hinf crushed bv rattle In his barn. II
trawled to tha house. His sister, who wai
housekeeper, was visiting In Dayton for i
few days. She found, bis body on bei -return.
D cell's Ice
Cream Cricks
Tickets to the
American Theater
Boxes oi
O'Brien's Candy
All are given away free to
those no find their names m the
waul 4de.
Read the want ads every day;
your name will appear somo tune
maybe mure lUuu once.
No i utiles to aolve nor sub.
scriptlon to get just read the
want Hilda. . .
Turn to the want ad page-
there you will find nearly ever
business hou in the city rcprs
teuieU. .