IHE liEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MUVEMUEU 21, 1911. THE QMHA EVENING B EE ' nCXPKt P.T EDWAPM ItnSRWATKH VHTOK KoSKWATKn. I'TUTOR. Yhe l'cn PtilillphtiiR Company. Proprietor KVfcrtY .MTRHNOON KX. B1XPAY PKK mil.l'INtl. KAKNAM ANI) 17TM opritiu. rrmi or Tin: city OKKKItl, PArr.lt OF TIIK Cl SltV Postoffico a; ecom)- Knterod at Omahi class matUT. OFFICES, .imeha-The llee. Rulldtng. fntith OmKhn-MH N. Ht. t'ouroil Hluffs 14 Srntt St. Lincoln? Little Hiitldlitg. 'hlrn;o15l Mirmi'ftt Building. Kinrtt City 422 Reliance Rullrttng. New York-14 Wet Thirty-third SI. t. l,oulsl4s Pterc Untitling. ft.'lilhetoii Fourteenth St. N. M. CORnKSruXPKNCK. romnninlratlona relating to new and editorial matter should be dlrsei nisha Boo. Editorial Department. BEUVRRKU BY CArtnlF.R. I:enlng IW. with f undoy, per month. Zc lillv He, without Kiimlay, per month, Dally Pee. Including Sunday, per mo., 0..C Aiidreea complaint of irregularities In deiUery to City Circulation Department. OCTOBER CIRCVLATION 50,703 Utata nf Nehraka, county et Douglas, aa: Dmlght William, circulation mansger of The IIm Publishing company. being dnlv sworn, saye that tha average dally -Irriilailon. less spoiled, limited and re turned roples for tha month of October. Ull. wa M.T. DWtdHT WILLIAM". Circulation Manager. Subscribed In my presence and sworn bttore ma Ihla let day "f Nnvmnbr. lilL (Sal) ROBERT Ht'NTEn, Notary Public. Subscribers leaving tho rlr temporarily ehosl lira mailed la them. Adea wilt ha ensnared aa often ne requested. The Law'i Delays. TIio law's delays ar vexatious, fOKtly, uncertain, and visually un neresrary. Many Instances of long drawn Ian suits are to be ascribed to defectives Judicial machinery and artificially stimulated mania for litigation. Hut no law suit is often unduly delayed except by the delib erate design of the lawyers on one eldo or the other, and tbs complacent co-operation of the Judge. The machinery of the courts rest upon law and constitutions, which can be changed only with difficulty, and at beat very slowly. The law yers and the Judges can change their dilatory tact Its whenever they want to. Remember that nearly always there arc two sides lo a law suit, one of which wants to hurry up, and tbs other to go flow.. In ono case tho lawyer who wants to hurry up Is the same lawyer who In the other case wanted to go alow. If the Judges and tho lawyeis really wanted to speed up tho wheels of Justice, they could do It without waiting for the old or consent of any constitutional amendment. Is strange that, if that be the rase, the attorney general should be ao poorly Informed of the facts as to feel under necessity of going to the troublo of bringing suit to get an explanation. Tho fellows who make so much of the mote In their brothers' eyes too often are found, upon clone Inspection, to have a little beam In their own crafty optica. Evi dently Vardaman Is to bo discounted at the outset of bis senatorial career, however this little charge of Irregu larity may end. That weather man of our la ver satile, all right. A 1 4,600 salary Is not sneezed St by many of us. to be The "rooming after" Is usually deferred as latin the day as possi To be sure, those packers would Ilk to stow their case away In cold ttoragO.--t t - " , The old-fashioned turkey raffle also seems to have become a back numutr. Mr. Morgan 'ell with the eolleo tlon plate, money at last causing bis downfall, - , uocior vv uey r ignis aubiuiub. Headline. Bo do many others who ahqull let It alone. Thla lone alienee on the part of 'John D. surely mutt mean something Interesting for Mr. Carnegie. No wonder Holland , la the clean est country la the world, when it makea 10,000,000 pound of aoap a year. It la in accord with the eternal fit ness of things that Dr. Eliot goes to 'China and Tripoli to study world peace. Team Work in Politic!. Our amiable democratic contem porary endortes and reinforces a plea for. better team work on the part of of pig-skin stars In the democratic firmament. ''A foot ball team of Individual atars each working ou fats own hook," . It save, "would stand llttlo chance against a team com posed of inferior players who were coached In team work. It Is thla that ails the democratic party too many Individual stars, and too little team work." Thla demand for better team work, we are also assured, does not mean that any democrat shall be re quired to forego the luxury of think ing for himself, but unless differ ences of opinion be threshed out and harmonized "then disruption and dis aster threaten." . From a democratic atadpolnt thla Is mighty good advice, but it la alao Just aa good advice from a republi can etandpolnt. There Is Just, aa much necessity for leadership and team work on the republican aide of the gridiron aa there ia on the sldo occupied by their political oppon ents. The democrats would like to have all the team work among their players, and keep disorganisation rampant with the other fellows. But in thla they are not consistent. Re publicans who show signs of work ing together under a coach are lm mediately accused by these same democratic organs of surrendering their Independence, "and letting tome' one else think for them. It la only republicans who refuse to do team work, and thus Jeopardize the suc cess of the game, who- may alwaya count oft democraW..,aiilauge and apotbosl w .' Booking Backward IhbDay InOmalmJ 1 XOYi St'. L-g-jry The Republlo of China is now an assured fact. Dr. Wu has bad it pro claimed to the world by W. R i Hearst. , Menial city employee may strike as in Now York, but you never heard of a high-up city official doing so raBh athiug.. . Governor Woodrow Wilson i asked to rid New Jersey of mos qultoes. But h tackling the bigger ' bugs first. Congress should keep in a good humor, hut not get so soft that it will forget to bring Russia to time en that 1831 treaty. Old Doc. Cook says tbey peltedl liim with bad egga In Denmark. At present prices, they probably could hardly be expected to afford good eggs. Some call it "team woiV' In poll tlca. Othera call it "the machine." Still othera call It "the movement for reform." But It is all the same thing. Governor Plaleted should remem ber In demanding a settlement of the Jlquor question in Maine that- the atate has to keep before the public some way. 1 ThS'Arreit of Eeyei. It la rather coincidental that letter from Gomes, threatening a re volt against the Madero regime, should come to light Just a General Reyea is arrested at San Antonio upon the charge of conspiring against a country with which the United States ia at peace.. The coincidence tends to discount Reyes' denials of all revolutionary plans. It will be recalled that when the former Dias array commander fled from Mexico 4urlng tho campaign in which Madero was elected president, the rumor fled with him that he had gone to prepare for a counter revolution and his own explanation that he fled for refuge from "personal menace was discred ited. . Presumably, trouble on the border is not permanently disposed of. if so, the United States is not erring in keeping troops stationed there. Until the Madero regime has had time to prove its ability to cope with condi tions in Mexico, to maintain peace with the enemy and satisfy its own adherents, it will do no harm for tho United States to keep Its eye on the situation, it would be remarkable it all the old Mas spirit, that had run unbridled for more than thirty yeara. could be stamped out completely ltlln a few months. The government .. at , aphipgton has determined.'lt'seeruB. that com what may arnqng the Mexicans, no more revolutions shall h organized on American soil and it la a wise de termination. , v.'. ' ' '. Gompen on Socialism. President Gompers must knaw tho sentiment of tho American Fed eration of Labor when be promise the socialist that that organization will exert Ha Influence to elect Job Ilarrlman, tho aociallat candidate, mayor of Los Angeles. Socialism and organized labor are not and havo not been synonymous term; in fact, at tlmea sharp lines of differences have been drawn between the socialist and antl-soclallst factions In the highest, as well an lowest, councils of union ism. On the floor of the convention of the American Federation of Labor In Toronto a few yeara ago, tho two factions clashed in a most acrimoni ous contest, ths anti-socialists tri umphing. Mr. Gompers, himself, is not pub licly identified with the socialist party; he has usually worked with the democrats. Other organized labor leaders, conspicuous on the floors of the federation s conventions, are known antagonists of socialism, yet It appears from Mr. Gompers' state ment that as a whole their moral In fluence will go to secure the election of the socialist for mayor In Los Angeles. Does thla mean that socialism Is engulfing union labor? Not nece- aarlly. It means, we think, the re bound of public sentiment from the fierce and unrelenting and unwise warfare against union labor as an organism which for years has cen tered in Los Angeles. Had the fight been conducted upon less radical lines, appealing moro to the popular sense of fair play, undoubtedly the recoil would not have flared biek aa far as it has. Reports emanating from ordinarily reliable sources say that many conservative buatnens men In Los Angeles, who have never been union advocate, are found on the side of the socialists In this fight, not because they have espoused the principles of socialism, but rather be cause they have decided to rebuke the unreasonable demands of the other extremlats. This city election in Los Angeles will be remarkable In another re aped It will be determined, it is believed, by tho 60,000. women, who, under the new law, "have registered aa voters. On the surface It Is a fight between a "good government" candi date on tho one band and a socialist candidate on tho other, both men of admittedly strong personalities and high abilities. But personalities are lost In the larger conflict between the ultra antl-unlOnlsts and the other forces, who appear to prefer what" is called socialism to radicalism of the opposite type. . . . ' Thirty Yesr Ag Trealdvit Boyd of the Board of Trada haa appointed tha following delegatM to the liver lmprovemnt convention at fit. Joaaph, martin NovtmMr 2 and 80. Chairman It. G. Clark, John Evana, Charlea II. Dewey, F W. Gray, U. W. Ur.lnger, flcorje A. Hoafland, C. 8. Chaae. E. Itonawatrr, J. P. Brady. Sam uel Burn, John O. Cowln, C. C. Howaall. P. C Hlmebaurh. MK Meyer, 8. P.. Johnson, Ccorne . BokS. N. B. Fal coner, c. H. Goodrich and J. A. Waka fielrt. Mr. V. B. TV'llklns ha her signature attached t tli! announcement: "I hav rcrafd a new light running Domestic acwlnz machine awarded to me In the late fair d:utrluiitlo.i. advertised by L. YV. palmar, general agent of the company' Office on tha fair grounds. Purlng the week of the fair 1 received a numbered ticket In tha distribution. Tha maahlna delivered to ma Ja first clasa .in every particular and I offer my beat thank u the company for their generosity." George B. Ijine, superintendent of city schools, left, to be absent week, visit Ing school In 8t. Joseph, Leavenworth Shd 8t. Ioui. A call for a meeting of the Bricklayers' union la algned by 'William Turtle, presi dent. I"or the annual Thanksgiving- dinner for the children of the Industrial and Babbath schools of tha Omaha City. mission friend a fa Invited to leave' 'word at Fleming' store of article to b called for. Kllia. wife of Nelsa Heleroe, died, aged thirty, at their residence on Webster street between KeVonteemb. and Ktgh teenth. Miss Edda Dickson was surprised by a party of her schoolmates, who made an unexpected Visit en rnao,u to her home on Fourteenth Street. The young ludy soon recovered from her surprise and entertained her f.-lcnda handsomely. Washington correspondents are dili gently seeking a line on the political effect ef Trealdent Taft 13,000-mile journsy through the west and along the edge of the south and his exposition of the administration's policies. Did they help or Injure hi chances? The Boston Transcript correspondent Impartially dla cusees the question a follows: Before he left Beverly the president wa rilled with advice a to what na must do to be aaved. A mental map of the political danger spots of the country w laid before him. and hi adviser pointed out the place he should avoid. He wa told to be silent on the tariff at Woolpack, to keep oft trust topic at Pteelvllle and not to breath of arbitra tion at Mar Hill. In fact, he wa given lust uch good, old-fashioned advice as every American president ha had thrust upon him by well-wisher lnc the time of presidents began. What he did en tour, consequently, w of hi own do ing. He went out to the people In hi own way and cheerfully Invited the re sults. ' Talked to Millions rveatdeat Taft' Capoaitloa ef ASmjaletratioa rolled on Bla lS.OOO-MU Journey. The BeeS Letter Box IT IT South Omaha wants a new system pf municipal bookkeeping. South Omaha people Just turned down an ' opportunity to let Omaha keep the books for them. According to dUpatchea, the in dicted packer have been conferring with their lawyers "in secret." Did anyone expect them to hold a con ference in public? I What's the uso of having a choice for commissioner under Omaha's new plan of city government it you do not let others know. Write The Dee and nam your man. The new Russian ambassador who Las Juat arrived in this country, will be permitted to travel here wherever be pleaaea, without being asked what faith or sect he belong to. Somebody haa gotten into Gover nor Willson's l.enrookt la Kentucky and about a year from now the same . TolV.a may be stealing Colonel Wat jtci-on'a tanpa)gn cp.tct i t r i 4 ; " Goinsr in tfuder a Cloud,, i Governor Vardainau seem to be going Into tho Senate from Missis sippi under a cloud.. ' What a vhock It must be to tho galleries that so often applauded hla grandstand' acts of honeaty and courage to hear that the attorney general of hi own state of MUsti8ipil haa brought suit to compel Vardaman, uoV senator-elect, to make an uccouutlug of several tnousana aoiiara oi atate money, which was not fully accounted for by htm when he finished his term as governor. It Is Intimated that Yar daman padded aome of hi Junket and expense bills and that he did not keep his peraonal depoaits as well divorced from certain state funds In the bank as he might have. done. This circumstance might pass al most unnoticed were it not for the fierce show of self-righteousness Var daman alwaya made. It wa the torn torn that he beat while governor and during hla spectacular campaign for senator. Of court be may not have done anything radically wrong; he may be able to satisfy the attorney geiieial hu the time cornea, but It A Nebraska preacher has written a novel on the race Question, taking some second-hand observations on which to base, hi deductions. Many a man who ' has given years of patient first-hand study to this ques tion has concluded, after writing upon it, that be and the question would have been better off had he written on something elae. But fic tion pays. It transpires that those voting ma chines are accurately self-registering so far a the count goes, but an ele ment of error comes In In copying the figure from the dial to the re turn blank. If some scheme could be devised to make this copy by photograph, It would not be neces sary to reopen the machine for veri fication and correction. Tight-bottomed wagons are uot all that is needed yt keep dirt haulers from strewing the contents on the pavement. The wagous can over flow at the top as well as at tho bot tom. Preventive measures would save the city a lot of money, and the public a lot of inconvenience. Brand Whltlock, mayor of Toledo, certifies that his election did not cost him one ceut. Probably not , for Brand gets paid for his campaigning on the Chautauqua platform. J a t Ice Speeding; 1 . 8t. Louis Jlepublte. Only on tobacco-chewing judge remain- ing on the supreme bench of the United Sta.es, the Justices are beginning to talk about expediting buslnes. Twenty Years Ago Fpoit Item: "Lee epratlen punches the bag dally." Hal McCord, who acted a general over seer lor the Uhah ball team after it ortan.sutlon, received a letter from Harry Wright, the veteran managtr of the Plul adelphU National league team, Interced ing In behalf of the reinstatement of Dad Clarke, evidently with the purpose of getting him for the QuaKers. Mr. T. W. Talleferro Went' to Chicago tor a short visit with her (later, Mrs, Henry 11. Symonds. . Mrs. George Hobble, who had been in Chicago for a month, returned with her daughter Georgia to the Merriam, wheat the lamlly lived. George F. Cants, formerly with The Bee. but now editor of the . Saratoga (Wyo.) Bun, was In the elty for th seo end time during' the month. Mis Kate I.onergan of Chicago arrived to be the, guest of Mr. h C. McBhabe, 104 California street, for a week. Mr. Krehmann, Thirty-sixth and LeaV enworth streets, boxed up a crate of chicken and aet them 'out In front of her house to take to market. While' h wa preparing for the trip to town- stranger earn along, loAjJed the chicken on Ms wagon and Drove off with them, paying no attention to Mr. Krehmann'a trantio appeal. Judge Dundy la confined to hi heme by lokn. Ten Years Ago Mr. Anna Margaret Ulrkson, wlf of W. D. trkon, died at their horn at I. ft) after yeara of Illness. She had been prominent in church and charitable olr-cle. Blanche Walsh, the actress, wa at th Her Grand and W. W. Uandall, advance man for Frederick Warde, wa at tn Liellone. . , Edward Day, who gained a good deal of cheap notoriety by "rescuing" hU brld from the clutches of her parents, turned out to be not such a loving hero after all. Mrs. Pay appeared at the po lice station with th report that her hue- band not only had deserted her, but tailed away with a borrowed horse and buggy. Fifty of th upper classmen of the Crelghton Medical college met In Arling ton hall and organised the Crelghton Medical association. These officers wer elected; J. II. Brown, president; it. J. Newell, first vice president) H. James Bcott. second vice president; Mervln 11. Smith, recretaiy; Dwight W. Weitfull, treasurer; Zltnotby J. I'wyer. sergeant- at-arms. A conference of the rural free delivery mall carrier of this district wa held at th Paytou , hotel. W. K. Annin, agent In charge, prtsldvd, and these others wore present: John T. Uoyland of Iowa, Cap tain It. A. Clark of Cheyenne, C. F. Ma son of le Xiolnes, C. K. Llewellyn of Omuh. Mis. F. It. Ingram returned from Den ver, where she had apent two weeks. General and Mr. Manderson enter tained Mr. and Mr. John Patrick at dinner... Mr. and Mrs. Harry -Wllklna. MlaS Edith Smith, Mis Allen, Mr. Paxton, Mr. Ben n, Mr. Heth. Mr. Jo Baldrlge, Mr. Gtorg Mayn of Council fctlufr coin- posed a bot party at the Boyd. The even ing ended with a lata supper at the home of Mis, Edith Fruit h. Th preMdant went to the place he wa told to stay away from, ne more than mentioned the tariff at ooipaca and he more than breathed peace at Mar Hill. v He 1 satisfied with th restut. The men who went with him and came with him holding his Interests at heart are satisfied with the outcome. It Is not likely tht Mr. Taft will take exception If his Journey 1 spoken ot In hi prence as a campaigning trip. He did not ask for votes. Neither did he go forth with the first, or even the second Object of Boeklng vote. He went out to "explain" hi acts to people Who may, have had only one side of the tory, or may have had neither side. He re turned to Washington unquestionably be lieving that he had acsompllshed what he had aet out to do, to give the country an understanding of his own views and hi own intention and to let it declue thereon for ttelf. It has been said frequently that the president- speeches on hi long Journey were repetitions ot speeches' tntt J before. To a degao this Is true, to a large de gree, perhaps, but people who live In big town have ihe Idea that everybody read what they rfad. The Vig city dwe'.ler often makes mistakes, and he made one of tfffcm when he took It for granted that what he had heard and read all other American clttrens had heard and read. One of Omaha's Blsaiest Thing. OMAHA, Nov. 18 To the Editor ot The Bee: I am wondering If It ever o'Cur to anyone that one of the biggest thing done today In thla great western city I the fact ot the Old People' Home en Wirt tret. It i running It fullest ca pacity now With twenty-five Inmates. The member of the Women's Christian association set out rrxre than twenty years ago to do philanthropic work. After many effort In, different direction they centralised on the ear of the old people. With a tentative K bill with which to be gin btialneea they bave managed to enlist helper and money and today they can house anl caro for a family of twenty five. Just how many mora may be able to find a home under the root .when tne Anna Wilson bequest are transferred and Incorporated Into their working capi tal remain to be seen. That numbt rs are turned away for want ot room make us wish for a capacity large enough to house the needy aged. The Wilson bequest, until the estate I entirely settled and tha seventh ot the residue after paying the definite bequett Is paid, turniahe not a penny for main tenance. The member of the association have sent out their bag, as' usual, for Thanks giving donation and hope for a liberal response. ' Only those who take pains . to observe have an Idea what It means to make a harmonious family out of th representa tive of twenty-five households and that after tho greater number of year allotted to life have become history. The ethical side of the problem must be worked out with Infinite patience. It I. after all, the Important, fundamental part of the whole proposition. It I not enough to furnish roof, fire, food and clothing. The people have come together for a home with their fixed habit and well nigh unchangeable Ideas, all of Which must be adapted, aa far a ptsslblf, at an age when they ar aensitlve as children and not so Open to conviction. A tremendously difficult part of the plan to handle In the present close quarters where people must live, physically, close together. The hails, little more' than three feet wide, small room and every Inch of space utllixed. Good air, a comparatively happy, contented family, warmed, fed and clothed, is. it eetn to me, one of tho biggest fact In this big city. A READER. that period c( ntrast with the toer ex tension of telegiaph nd telephone on land during a similar length ot time fol lowing their discovery. M1HTKIUL BtMASKS. "My doetor Is a paradoxical one. "How oT '"1 he more he reduced the swelling, the higher the bills grew "Baltimore Amer ican, Harduppe Is Wigwag honest? Horrowell Well, he earn around to my house the other dav and stole an urn biella 1 had borrowed from lilm Phila delphia Record, "But you believe In heredity, don't yeu, Squallop?' "Not much. My grandmother could raise a pretty good beard, but I can't da It to save my life," Chicago Tribune. Messenger Hoy-Who's the wll guy ye was taimn' to, Jimmy? Newsboy Aw, him and m" wolked to- gedaer tor years, lie th editor o' one o' my paper. Life. Motormaniae What do you think Is the most difficult thing lor a beginner to team about an automobile? Frankenstein 'to keep from talking about it all the time. Toledo .Blade. nn't t tlmrl Tee Sown, Washington Ktir. Hereafter communities will wait on the action of the commerce court before Indulging In any general rejoicing over an action by th Interstate Commerv commission. M'kit'i h leaf Indlanapolt New. And now. Just a the harvester trust wa making elaborate arrangements to reorganise on a reasonably baala It has been bounced out of Missouri What' th us of trying to be good? Easing l'g) a breach. Houston Poet. Th Be tell u that Nebraska apenda 2J) per year per pupil te teach deaf one how to talk. Judging from th kind of languag generally emitted from Ne braaka. we Infer that the state i not so particular about th children who can bear. Th. nrMntlal SOeech. Which I printed In full In the great city paper, la not printed In full In tho smaller, coun try paper. It 1 true that only part of what the president said at hla different stopping place In the weet and north west wa printed In tho great cltle of the eaat. Th city people had read th epeechea at an earlier day It they were on aubjocts hitherto untouched they were printed In full, but otherwise not. How ever, in nearly all the paper !n each state which the president entered hla speeche were'reported fully.. They were "local lues." In the village nouse aoa the farm house of the northwest the president' word of explanation and of argument were read. He reached million with everything that he had to fay.' the millions whe could not a,to th town hall or to the railroad station. From the administration' point of view, an understanding one way or the other now has been reached by the peo ple who before the presidential Mill had. perhaps, what at best wa only a half knowledge. Mr. Taft wanted to reach the people and he believe that he did It. He doe not know what they think, but he I atltld with uch sign a have rachd him ot the reult ot hla endeavor. Th eeker after purely political in formation get little comfort for h'a ef fort to obuln It from men clo to th administration, men so loyal that loyally makes them equal to the tak of keeping their tonguee from wagging. They have, of course. Just as much knowledge ot probable political effect a of the other effect ot Mr. Taft trip afield, but while he wa campaigning the prealdent knew that It mut b an admlnlatratlv and hot a peronl ambition campaign, and o on politic chief advira are si lent. Arbitration, it ia felt in administrate circle, haa been helped materially by the eftort put forth on It behalf by It proposer end promoter. It can be aaid that buaines revision of the tariff will discover for Itself rnor frind In th country than It balleved It could claim after the veto of the wool bill. Congress may feel the effeeta of the presment talk with the ordinary Amer ican cltixen. It I said that there Is no lobby aa atrong aa a letter-writing lobby. Arbitration may become a fact through the presidents appeal to the people. So many other thing become fact by the earn errylng means. A few week will tell more definitely than can b told to day Just what good haa come to tue Taft policle from th long Journey. Per onSlly. there I n& doubt that r. Taft think h ha brought upport to hi cauaea It ha would say It to himself. . NOT FOR OMAHA. A Lusty Infant. New Yoark World. Wireless telegraphy a era, Wednes day, twelve yeara old, la perhaps a lusty an ' Infant a lnventional progress can show. The extraordinary development of wireless safeguards In ocean travel within People Talked About "Do you favor limiting the power of the court?" . Just now," replied the statesman, "I m in lavor of extending them. What I want l aome way to get an injunction that'll prevent publications from putting all the funny torlea Into print before I get a chance to tell 'em to my constituents. aolnngion 8tar. . "Pononby I awfully unlucky. What's the troubl.'" 'Why. h h invented a military gun for shooting aviator on tue wing. 'Well? 'They' always tumble and get killed be fore h gets a ahot at them.' Cleveland, rlain Dealer. "How long have you been married?'" So long now that 1 can quarrel with, mv huaband without bursting Into tear. Detroit Free Pies. The object of the average explorer seems to be to acquire enougD material for a lecture." ... , Tea; that I my wife' aim when she explore my pocket." LouUvill Courier Journal. DO IT EAELY. W. S. Nesblt, in Chicago Pot. Do your ChrlBtmaa shopping early, do tt early, mother dear, Alao sister, aunt and cousin, and all kindred far and near; Make your list tomorrow morning, put down all those you'll remember And you'll find that you've forgotten nine or ten late In December, , Make your Christmas slipper early, maks them for your pastor dear; Make the dollies and the pillows that deprive us of our cheer; And you II find the one to whom yoa hip the rich hand-painted dishes. Bends you back a little card that gold' tinseled: "Chrlstm Wlshe!" Do you Christmas shopping early but you'll find, as sure as fate. That yowr list will grow, the longer at a simply awful rate. And on Christmas eve you'll etrtiggle through the crush, all grum and surly. Trying to make one last purchase that you kept postponing early. Where the finest biscuit, cake, hot-breads, crusts or puddings are required Royal is indispensable. Royal is equally valuable in the preparation of plain, substantial,' every-day foods, for all occasions. The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream ol Tartar No Alum No Lima Phosphate Ellen Hum. M year old, 'ha been found In Philadelphia working sixty-one yeara as a aervaut in on family. On of the' lespected seniors of the Pennsylvania bar I Colonel John O. Frees of Columbia. He I (till practicing law diligently, and celebrated hi eighty sixth anniversary last Saturday by mak ing two buaines visit to th court house. Mr. Clara Elisabeth Lee and Mra. Emma Tom Leung of Oakland, c1., clalra .the distinction of being the first Chines women In th history ot th world to vot. Both women are Aniert, can bora, but cling to Chinese costume. They have regUteied as republican. Solidified beer from Kanaaa that may be chewed haa been . placed upon the market. The troth, when bitten, ha th penetrating flavor of ground glasa and th amber-colored part work up into a toothaom ball much like a caramel. Beer in thl form may b taken Ilka cough drop la church without exciting svandal- oua comment: . Meeting? PUes f Densocratlo Na tlonnl Convention. Bloux City Tribune. The Lincoln Btate Journal auggest Omha aa the proper place for the next democratic, national convention. Thl. th Journal ay. would be a com bll men l to the wt as an offset to the i fact that all the democratic candidate are east ot the Missouri river, and it adda that a convention at Omaha would placate Mr. Bryan." The Journal suggest that It waa Omaha Influence that Vut up th Grand laltind convention Job on Mr. Bryan a year ago. that Omaha mistreated him In that same campaign when lie undertook to apeak there, hiring hla own hall, and that thla year Mr. Bryan was not Invited to speak tn Omaha, aitnougn ne canvassed tne entire slat outsld of Omaha. 'Ihe Journal forget that th World Herald, th monst conspicuous democratic newspaper In th atate, la strongly anti Bryan now and that l'nltd state Sena tor Hitchcock of Omaha, la hardly on peaking terms with him. The Journal forgets, too, that Dahlman la at Omaha. No, that suggestion will not work. If the Other Kellbw Knew. St. I'aul Dispatch. Attorney Oeneral Wlekeraham says be doee nut understand bow the "beara" work In the market transaction. It other people understood how they work, the btar would bave to go out of business. The Handy Heater You often need some heat in early Fall, when you have not yet started the furnace. In whatever part of the house you want it, you can get it best and quickest with a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater. The Perfection is the most reliable heater on the market, and you can move it wherever you please. Start it ia bedroom or btthroea, and yes dies in comfort oa tKs ceUeat smaias. Tak it to tKs oWig-tooa. and early Wenkfsrt become a -"titnt. coeey ueL A touch of a Ketch el duak, and all is aaug lor the evening. Th Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater it beaimiully hnuhed aa ornament anywhere. Drum oi pUia steel ot cuaidUd in blue l akkd tnwaungv A peal anloaienc device make tmekiag impotable. Burner body caaaot I wedged. All parts easily cleaned. LVmper top. Cool handle. Daeka I U er sera tW Wrl UfuW le aeg imi el Sae Continental Oil Company ' lSTe rates')