Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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Wheat Prices Depend on Argentine
' Conditioni for the Present
Mrrai( af Crop Jtmt
Ttme Till KmI Moatfc Corn la m
Trifle Umk a a at Offerlsaa
Have (ioaf Brcslas.
OMAHA. Nov. IS, 1JU.
Prices of whpit w;il depend more on
the character or the Argentine news than
anything else for the time bi-lnn, and
the crop damage n that country will
have to be serious.
t'able reports ere very conflicting. The
Sorerinc of some Important ehort line of
I'ecrmtwr future waa the feature of the
days' advanre. There was also some
aggressive buying on the part of big
nulling concerns.
Prencnt conditions In the oorn trade are
bullish. As the receipts are Hunt, stocks
are low, making cash corn remarkably
strong, as an urgent demand from the
east Is liable to spring up any lsy. Th
beavy movement of new corn Is not due
until next month.
Wheat was strong nd higher again
today. Cables were up and shorts were
urgent buyers. Cash wheat waa un
changed. '
Corn was a bit . weak, demand being
rather alow and offerings went begging.
Cash corn was unchanged to lc lower.
Primary wheat receipts were Ttfi.OOO hu.
ae.d shipments were 3M,onn hu., against
receipts last yenr of Hu.'M bu. and ship
ments of f,70,OO0 bu.
Primary com receipts were M4.000 bti.
and shipments were bu., against
receipts Isef yesr of 809,000 bu. and ship
ments of KrJ.OuO bu.
Clearance were l!.uO bu. of corn. J,000 ,
Notes and
.Mrs. J. A. Joniacra I visiting at her
former home In Dodge, Neb,
Miss IiOla Alexander of Bloomfleld,
Neb., Is a, guest at the Stlger home.
Boy Toung visited over last Sunday
st the hums of his parents, a week ago,
Mr. and Mrs. Lehrrfnn of Rt. Kd wards,
Neb., visited last week at the Helde
Miss Una Washburn has again entered
Wise Memorial hospital for th study 01
nursing. , ,
The Methodist Itdlea' Aid society will
nt'-et at the church next Wednesday
Hev. and Mrs. Bryca wei-a entertained
liiKt Monday at the horn of Mr. and
.Mrs. Oils.
Kred Brodegaard has returned from a
tn nays' iiunlint,' and business trip to
Mr. and Mrs. fieorg" Mitchell have
been entertaining Mr. Mltciioll a brother
t f Chicago.
Mis. L. W. Baher atid Mrs. Herman
nlted a few Uays In Mondanilu, la.,
with lelatlves.
Mrs. Bobcrt Wieklaml was entertained
at luncheon by Mrs. tleorge Comstock
.utt Wednesday.
Fred Montmorency bas returned from a
two weeks' hunting trip in the western
part of Nebraska.
William Morse returned from Rapid
City. 8. P.. last Tueauny, whero bo went
on a bualners trip.
Miss Anna Berg of Chicago la t guest
at tho home of Mrs. F. Comstock for
an Indefinite time, '
The Benson Kenslncton club was en
tertalned at the home of Mrs. Smith of
omaha last Friday.
Mr. I-. K. Smith of Kirk, Colo., and
two chlidreu Is vIMtlng at the home of
her mother, Mrs. Kd Varton.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ilogua celebrated
their flttv-thlrd wedding anniversary at
their home 011 last Saturday.
Edward WUllania returned Rome
Sednesuay from a year's atay In. Im
Angeles, Cal., ami thu cosst,
Benson haa another barber shop and
an up-to-date gui-aga addod to the busi
ness houses on Main street.
P-r. Wilfred M.'wileon of Ithaca, N. Y..
will fill the pulpit , at the Methodist
church at this evening's servlc.
Mis. Kohler And Mis. I.idwl- of Omaha
ur dinner gueta last Thursday at to
bums tf Mis. August Breltlnger.
Rev. and Mrs. Ailorelum have returned
home, one trum a vtalt In fit. Louis,
Mo., and tho other In tfnolby, la.
' Tho Degree of Honor gave a, high-five
Micial at their hall Wednesday evening.
About $23 waa realised from the. social.
Mrs, Charles .haflke and daughter ara
home from the Oman Oenerai hospital,
vbera the baby waa iMrn two weeks ago.
Mrs Theodore WlUlams and family
were 'In attendance at their relative a
weddln In Omaha, last Wednesday even
Ing. Mr. and Mrs. Bay Woodrum entertained
Misses lna and Msy Wood rum and C. L.
'voouruin o( omaiia at dinner last Bun
cay. Miss Gertrude Coon of lied Cloud, Neb.,
,!,, returned to her home after a visit In
Benson with Irlonua while attending the
a kHoctatlon.
Mr. 'and Mis. Tiwerence Kay, who have
been guete of the K. H. Rood home, left
lor ttwir home In Kansas City lai
H I b"ngcr of Copperfleld, Ore., Is
in 'the jMjechner home vlxHIng Ills
iiiot!)r, who has been vcry lll here for
1 wo weeks.
The Hoclal Hour club was entertained
litMt Tuewjay afternoon at the home ot
'Irs. 1 Burmeeter of Oinahn with the
i.suel prog.anu
Mlsws Merle and Fern ongacia ot
I lodge. Neb., returned to their homes
Iter a ft-w days' visit at the J. W.
Lungacre homo bore.
A mm wua born to Mr. and Mrs. Ous
Itmmt-s aim daughters to Mr. and Mrs.
1 rank Bouse and Mr. and Mrs. Francis
U'muah during tho week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. McArdla and Mr.
hi M Mrs. P. J. O'Hanlan were gueata at
dinner at the home ot Mr. and Mia. tt.
J. McAidle last Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs, C. Fedde entertained at
(Untier tor Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Bedell ot
erfulk. Neb.. Mrs. Bodell of Peru, Neb.,
.11 nd Miss Gertrude Coon of Bed Cloud,
The Lutheran church women will hold
a two days' baxar at tbelr church on
WVdntsday and Thursday ot next week
vli ti a chicken pie dinner on Weuneaday
- Mis. Thomas Hull lias returned from
Illuir, NVb., where she assisted In ths
Infection of the Belief Cot pa. 8he was
tuu gutst there, of Mrs, Crews, formerly
Kit brnnin.
Tho localWoman'B Christian Temper
i 1 ice union met at the home of Mrs. H.aley
l.w,l Friday ulternoon. when a "Mother's
myelin" wea lead by Mrs. Jlogua aud
His. Slepheiui.
Miss Ruby Davey has returned home
from an extended visit with friends and
inlatlvtm In Crt-lghton, Neb. Hhe was ac
lonipariied home by her cousin. Mis
Orace Carpeuter.
A ple-iMnt surprise party was given by
a nuiulwr of young people last week for
M'ss Clura Bepiowsky. The evening was
fpi-nt In guinea and muslo and a dainty
.lunch, was aorved to about twenty gueais.
Mrs. Ororpe htoltenkerg entertained at
dinner WrriutRduy evrning In honor of
Mr. hto'unberg's blrtl,Jv anniversary.
Covers were luld for eighteen guests.
Hlyh-flve was the program of the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gehrig. Jr..' were
plravamly surprised at their new home
lut Unlneiluy evening by members of
ll.e Iuthrran church, who prtswnted the
couple Willi a Morris chair. A very
piekant evening Hut speut.
U'M Maigaret Willis and William M.
T' of tMiattoii. Neb., were mariird
V. rduesility evenliig at the home of the
bride a sister, Mrs. 11. V,. Hon. Hey, Mr.
.fmH rlorinl the ring ceremony. Mr.
ana Mrs. Bailey will reside uu a ranch
l,ar hirst ton.
A larse crowd of young people ot
'Bviikou ld a "bard times" sot jl party
.at the Oud hrlloMs' hail last nrrk, when
ail tircviuilutie aire aiprupriaie and the
kutrni tr gownrd for the occlon.
feapir was aerted to about twenty gueata
at a late hour.
At the regular meeting of the city
council Ust Thursday niuht reports in
irtid tii tb Dew puuip liuus wera mads
I'll f oats and wheat and flour equal t
441.000 bu.
Liverpool closed higher on
wbrt and v! lower on corn.
The folium-Ins; raih sales were reported:
VMIKAT-No. 1 hard: 2 cars, fcHc. No.
bsrd- 1 car, 9c.
COKV-No. 3 white: 1 car, !'-; No. 4
wllte: 1 car (new, tB'ic No. 3 yellow:
1 car, 70'4c; 1 car (new), (3e. No. 4 yellow:
I car (new), :4r; car, Kc; t cars. filWc;
No. J mixed: 2 cars, IWVio: cars, Me;
No. 4 mlxeds I car (new), "l4c; 1 car, 61c;
no a-rade: 3 cars (new), T&c.
OATS Standard: 1 car. W; No. t
white: 1 car, 474c; ( cars, t.c; No. 4
wime: l car, 401,0.
Omnha C rre.
WHEAT-No. 2 hard, MHcQV.n; No. 3
hard. 7Mci1.01; No. 4 hard. l.fCjc.
t'OKN No. 2 white, 6ri'y 9"4c , No. 3
white, 6.1t'ir No. 4 white, KHiWr;
No. 3 color. Vi'c: No. 2 yellow, 6.'
70V; No. 8 yellow, &Kf70Ho; No. 4 yel-
M'VfiOc; No. 4, li3c; no grade, (gitt
OATS-No. J white, 47HI47c; standard,
47i,0l7Vt-: No. t white. 47Q7c; No. 4
while, 4H'&4c.
HAHI.KT-Maltlng, IM401.24; No. 1
feed Kcfjfl.OT.
ItTE-No. 2. 0T,aW.c; fJo. 3, Wtftio.
t arlut Itrrripta.
Wheat. Corn. Oat"
.... 1 217 S9
29 ...
.... IM 23 la
Chicago ...
(unaha ...
Duluth ....
Minneapolis Grain Market.
December, .am.iiVi: Msy, fl.OHV,
July, tl (', nominal; cash. No. 1 hard,
ll.OK"; No. 1 northern, $1.0ffl tr, ; No. 2
northern, tl OI'M'l 0.W; No. 3, Ktcirfl.00.
CORN No. 3 yellow, 71W7RC.
OAT-No. 3 white, 4iH'J-Kiic.
Omaha Hay Market.
OMAHA. Nor. 1.-HAV No. 1, 114.00;
No, 2. 113.00; coarse, 111.00; peeking stock,
7; alfalfa. tlR.oo. straw; Wheat.
to.SO; rye and oats, ST.uO.
Gossip from Omaha's Suburban
satisfactorily and showed tha work going
Well. P'.dewalk petltlona and water mam
1 11.1ion, were received. A building permit
wss given J. M. Kllllan.
Tha Benson Woman's club' met at the
home of Mrs, K. 11. Parker Thursday
afternoon, when Ralph Waldo Emersoii
Has the author taken up, with Mrs. C. A.
Jrncy as leader. - Mrs. Wprague read a
niltTllMr of .... p. mm ...
papers. After the meeting the club called
: j - o4iin inn preseiueu
tho now daughter with a crib blanket.
the' w'lntcrE'"y n,oved t0 Omtha. for
T. V MCI,,.. I...
HBt for week" 'n oa ln8 ,,CK
ChasVu,.: week:" l Mr' M M"' "
to? tit laitwee" bten " tha 'ck "8t
A dauehtir u.u. ., ....
Clau. bc.iut. tin. week.
Mrs. Oeorg'e Darnell of Wlntersct. Ia
Is a guest ot tha Webera. ,cr.
Ous Borne of Omaha wai ft Florenco
vis.ior Wednesday evening. wnM
Mrs. Pliant and Miss Clara Pliant left
wcek for a visit In GoutU Dakota.
1 rank j'arknr and Frank Oleaaon
motored to Waterloo. Neb.. Tuesday?
n.Mr."n1. MT' t;har'a Kilnmnn are the
parents of a daughter born thla weeg.
f. R. Tllflrnr rMinMwl t . . -.1 .
trip up the omah road l,t.pUng rnlik.
There will be a box social at the Fair,
tlew school house on Baturdfly evening.
cJrtl of Denver was the ruest
Of Mr. and Mr.. F. B. Nichols thl. k.
Bnyder left Wednesnay for a Inu
throuuh Illinois i. "1 ...Z. 'f'l
lives "in vibii reia-
Tho Pnfir. 1 . . . .
at th. hT.r X w'i "ot
afternoon. ,,a""a woanesday
Mrs. W f o..j ... .
,,,.' "V'"" i"i Wednesday
.It rXlve'r I.1Un1"' Wher ' '
Fmm.2 Jt,ftckn' tormar resident ot
and win atay In Omaha. ' ll,,er
udfV'V'S" .'on of Mr.
tinv,.k . . "w, niea eundav 0
diphtheria and waa burled Monday.
day las, TundTy ftr! HW' tw.,,f,h
violin .n,il??M:H? . lPt on the
playing. "'""" greatly enjoyed his
heV"."",h0 . ! th. gueat of
tendeA1- "JS. !" . Fr"nk .Parker -t.
lhanksglving. " Rlw wcw at
Plfirtnrak IJ....
Notes from
eVSeanrirfea TTiV
a'tTp..! N'ren'ibei",8, 7L
- . ...u...n uiiiry turned out to
.2 m"'.", 'he Vno 'htt Hf. wis i
"-'"""I laamui worker 4fft-
cient. trustworthy and who by his ster
ling qualities had won ihe nign'st rl
pect and esteem not on." troin vvJrC
ome In contact, but tram ...
siomd tank, from th. second Jleuuna ts
chenowein gave tne funeral address, be
ing followed by a ahorl euiogy by Major
Atkinson. Jul
L.V-r!!" Meager waa born In
berg, German y. June l iku 11. 1" ,
gr.icd to the l nlieu titaiea at tha age ot
,,?na ,enl',ed " twe.ttu Lnit.a
nurr oeing ner. aOouL
0l..yKar, M transierted to the
.ihth intantry in 1S.7. He waa made
poet quartei master sergeant In l!4, pe
mg one 01 in. .1 . .
that graue. At the time of nls
hi.nt. romuary u. i?n. i,a ,u ...,
guariermasier seigeant In the s-rvio ana
" ""'J uuiuisiauceu ny on. iu Hie en
tire army la tne amount ot years. Hav
ing lorty vrara and uix monliia' service
to his cieWt. Over fifteen year, of tnls
11m. was apent at Fort l rook. rieigeni
eager was th. first quartermaster aia
lioned at Fort Crook, and in lss he waa
leit temporarUy in command and aignea
the morning reports as coiiiraauuing
of 1 leer. ,
Sergeant Y eager Is survived by hi.
widow tour daughters, one .on. twelve
grandchildren and on. great . randciulo.
Colonel and Mrs. Lssalter gave a dinner
Wednesday night, ib giusis were: Ma
jor and sir.. Atkinson, Major and Mia.
Dale, Capiam aud Mrs. bwitser, captain
and Mrs. nurey, Capiam and Mrs. iutl-111-n
and Capiam and Mra Mai tin.
Mra. Farnham entertained at luncheon
Tnuridav ill hnnn, nff ., . v .
(liendennlng, and tier aiater, Mrs. Young
of Manna, V. I. Th. guest, were.
Mesuam.s Lasslter. Alk.i.son. 11.,
bcott, Orlfflth, Bwliser. Davis, Buoo,
Dorey, N unman, Cuenoweih and Clarae
and Mlsae. Cheney, Oilmor. and M0
me rort Crook Butishln. club gav. It.
regular wesaly dance Wednesnay ulgnt.
riank philips ot Omaha waa a suit
Crooa visitor November 17. v
ergMut trtrst-cisa Harry C. Fuller
was a Fort Crook visitor Friday of this
Captain C. A. Martin and Lieutenant
John H. Muncaslar, Fourtn Intantry, rs
c.ived th. first doa. ot tn. typhoid
prophylactic on 14.
Sergeant Claud. A. A Id ridge, hospital
eoipa. was an Omaha visitor Tuesday ot
thu week.
CH r" Imported Sw'M. 2; Ameri
can Bwles, 22c; block Fwlss, lie; twins.
17'Vc; daisies, 17r; triplets. IV; younff
Amerlcns. He; blue label brick. He; 11m
brser. 2-lh., lto-; 1-lb.. lie.
BUTTKlt No. I. 1-lh. carton. 31c; No. 1.
In tw-Ib. tubs, 34c; No. 2, 3:c; packing.
POt'I-TriY-Brollers, He; sprinrs, HHc;
hens, fl'c; Cocks, 10c; ducks, J'tc; geene,
15c; turkeys, 2r,;;; plKeons, per dnx 1 5C.
Alive, broilers. I2'-; hens. S yc; old
roosters and stags, Cc; old ducks, full
feathered, 11c; gt-ei-e, fuTl leathered. 10c;
inrspys, io; guinea I"Wls, lftc each;
I'lgeons, prr dox., ic; homers, per dox.,
$2M; squabs. No. 1, II. W; No. 2. Wc.
FISH Pickerel, 11c; white, lafllTic; Pike.
15c: trout, IKilSc; large ciapi'lt-s, lbaisc;
Kpanlsh mackerel, 1!ic; eel, ISc; haddocks,
13c; floiinilors, l.V; green catfish, l.'.'o 1.1c;
roe shnd, 1.U) each; rhsd roe, per pair,
Mr; sitlmon, 1.1c; halibut. 12c; yellow
erch. fr; buffalo, c; bullheads. 14c.
r'RL'ITa. KTC Apples, cooking varle
ties, per bbl., 12.75; J. nathan and Orlmes
(ilden. per bbl.. $4.50; Hen Pavls, per
bbl I2.M); Cnllfomla Bellrflower. per bx,
II 3u; Colorado Jonathan, extra fancy, per
box, 12 W; Washington flpltxenberg. tier
iL'.fifl; WashlnKton It. Hcauty, pr
box, I2.D0: Washington Btsman Wlnesaps,
per box, Bananas, fancy select, pr
bunrh, 12.2V! 2.50; JunilKi, ier bunch, 2.75
tS 75. Cranberries, Wisconsin fancy, per
bbl., $.. per box, 13 00; extra large
Jumbo, per bbl., $10.50. lates, Anchor
brand new, 30 1-lb. pkg. In boxes, per
box. $2.60. Fig", t'allfornla, per case of
12 12-ox, Pkgs., c; per case of 30 12-ox.
pkgs., $W; per esse of M 8-ox. pkgs., $2.(10;
New Turkish, t-crown In 20-lh. boxes, per
lh., U; J-crown In ao-lb. boxes, per lb.,
1-; 7-rrown In 30-lb. boxes, per lb., 17c.
Orape fruit, Florida, 4-J sizes, per crate,
l4.7i'jS.OO; m-M-Hi sixes, per crate. $5 2.'.
Grapes. California Tokays, per 4-hsnket
crate, $1.2fi; Malaga grapes In bbls., $,'.(Kj
o.v. jurnons, Aimoneii a Drand, axtrs
fancr, 3"0 alie, per box. $4 ,7S; 00 site, per
box, $.M; Loma Umcnelra, fancy, fan
iO sixes, per box, $9.00; JtO and 420 sixes
60c per box less. Oranges, Niagara rird
lands Valenclas, W-1M slses, per box
at Nebraska City In attendants at the
semi-annual convention of the .tat. guild
of tha Episcopal church.
Owing to a diphtheria scare, the city
physician has Issued an order that any
school child who is absent from school a
day must be examined by him before the
child can return to school.
Miss Jeanette McDonnell, Mis. Mar
garet McDonnell and Miss Amy Bird of
Aurora, Neb., who were the guests ot
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Junessen for a week,
returned to their homes Hunday.
About twenty friends of Mr. and Mra.
James Kindred helped them celebrate
their twentieth wedding anniversary. A
very pleasant evening wus spent, after
which refreshments wero ee-ved.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tyler and daugh
ter, Adelaide, who have been tho gucHts
at Mrs. v. K. Pcttlt for the last weea,
left Wednesday for Denver, whero they
will make their home in the future.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Anderson and
dauirhtetH, Mildred and Ruth, left this
week for Chlcairo, and will go from there
to Florida, vhcre they will spend the
winter. They expect to buy land there.
On Thursday evening at FagIo hall
the Modern Woodmen ot America wi.l
give a tlsnce that will bn somewhat out
of the ordinary. A banquet will folio
the dance and there will be severa.
prises, This Is their annual dance and is
always a big succeto.
.Th. Presbyterian eoclal. which was to
have been given last Tnurwlay evening,
was postponed till thl. Friday ' evening.
It Is to be, held at Kagles' hill and the
proceeds will be used to help make a
good tlma for the children at tne Christ
mas entertainment at the Sunday school.
A good ontertainment has been Planned
and lota of tun is promised.
Mr. Pieraon of Omaha, who Is to start
a banket taory here, ran against opposi
tion alter he had purchased, the tuts on
which to erect bis building. The council
dug up an old ordinance and amended 11
so that It Ilea in tneir power to eithei
Issue or reject an application for a bu.iu
llig permit, and last week, wheu Mr. pier
aou applied lor trie permit the application
was not acted on, but laid over utu.
Monday evening. In tho meantime k
essayed to lay hi. foundation, but wu
called ort by the police. Tho Ponca Im
provement club and the Enterprise club
of Florence held a Joint meeting Friday
evening and decided to go before the
council and see If the permit couldn't b.
Tho reception given by the Eagles to
their friends upon tho occasion of th.
dedication of their new hall was by far
the largest social event of the season,
there) being over 1M) couples present. Tho
hall waa beautifully decorated with
suillax, ferns, palms, carnations ana
chrysanthemums, and, with tho new fur
niture, presented one of the finest and
prettiest lodge balls to h. found. From
8 to o clock occurred tho reception, dur
ing which visitors were shown over th.
hall and rooms. After the reception F. H.
tucker welcomed th. guests and ex
plained a few of the principles of the
order, after which dancing and cards
occupied tho evening until midnight. The
house committee of tho Eagles had the
affair In charge. The punch bowls were
presided over by Mrs. It. II. Olmsted,
f,lr"- JV. B- Hrlsbln. Mra, 11, J. Oramllch,
Mrs M. P. Thompson and Mrs. Hugh
buttle. Joe Scott was In charge of the
floor for the dancing, for which Letov-
Fort Crook
Scrtai" ''
oappcoingj 0I tne Week.
10. It vvV. .".rr.,""" on vvemoer
muslo ,T-":Lm w? ' "". T"
lantry band." u' .'-
i'n'd Ixncheo,,.; which w
VrU'r'Vt by u, ncera. This. bop.
Friday rtte "If rco,,1 l"ur h
, i ' n,"th dur,n winter.
kII . i , ot rr''l"'ncnis: Captain
wuion.' Ueu,en,nt i Uowman 3
I.ultenant Colonel John E. Baxter '
K arqln:r,","lirK, e"""1'
IJeutenant Owen C. Flsk. medical m.
un sick leav. s,.,c. AiVril 1.
Jul J 'nie, med cut corps tn,
an omaha visitor Tuesdsy.
Mr Frank Phillip, of Omaha waa a
FrapY:,','.0' fha hon, of Uncle,
trans. Phillip., thl. post. .
Colonel and Mrs. Uuwiter entertained
With a rcntlnn Tlu,...i.u . .
lo 4 X. Meadamea Atkinson. Bubb
t-hetiow.ta and Ortftltb. assisted. Th.
LT K ,vn m honor of Mra
bharon of Fort Logan II. Jtoota.
h Ladles Card club met Monday aft.
ernoon with Mr.. C. . Farnham. Mra.
Nuttiuan won first prise and Mr.
bwitser tha consolation.
Mra Hall .ntertalned at tea Thursday
aftemooii from 4 to . for her mother.
Mra Meera of New York. Mra Kwitst-r
Mra Bubb and Mra Kelley. .....teU. '
Mrs. NutlniaH , ..
Thursdsy .v.ning. Uu.sts: Major and
Mrs. Atkinson, Captain and Mrs. Nesbltt
ituciluviUK HI
Mr and Mrs. John Bubb entertained
the Musical club at their borne rtunday
nlaht. Itallshtriii i........ L ' by Mrs. Da via on th. violin, In
th. vlolonc.Uo accoiiinajilmeiit k
tuln Butler.
Captain and Mra Dorey entertained In
formally at aupper Hunday night. In
honor of her sister, Mia. Cheney of 8outh
Manchester, Conn.
Mra. Bcott. mother of Lieutenant 8oott
la her. for a f.w week, aa ",h. guest of
her son.
Mrs. ateer. of N.w York. ha. arrived
to spend tb. winter with her daughter
Mia J. Da Caiaa Halt.
fSZR: liVl-lT fV2H-2rl sixes, oer box. KM,
Pears. California B. Ciarlgeau. per 6o-lb.
VK(JKTABIK8-Kcans, string and wax
pr market basket, $lv,rl.2r. Cubhage,
Wisconsin, per lb., l'i,umc. Celery,
Michigan, per dox.. 40c; Colorado Jumbo
per dox., 80c. Cucumbers, hot houne, per
dox., $2 iirt. Kgg plant, fancy Florida, per
ani., ti.Kjir. uariic, extra iancy, wnne.
per lb., 15.'. Iettuce, extra fancy leaf,
per doa., 40c. onions. California, whlie,
per lb., 3c; Wisconsin, yellow and red. In
sacks, per lb.. 2c: Spanish. Per crate.
$1.75. parsley, fancy home grown, per
dox. bunches, 45c. Potatoes, Minnesota
h.arly Ohio, per bu., $1.10. Wisconsin mhlte
stncK, per bu., in ln-sucks lota. 5c
lss. Bweet potatoes. Virginia, tier bbl..
$.1.50; per bit. basket. SI. 35. Kutsbagna, In
backs, per id.. P4c iomatocs, Cailfo.nia
per crate, fl.fin.
MISCKI.LANEOrS - Almonds. Tar-
rsgona, per lb., lsixc. in sack lots, lc less.
Brnxll nuts, per lb., r,c; In sack lots, lc
less. Cicoanuls. per sack, $5..0. Filberts
per lb, 14c; In sack lota, lc less. Peanilts
roasted, per lb.. HUc: raw. per lb.. 7Uv
Pecans, large, per lb., 17c; In sack lo,s.
in ies. wainuts, new crop, Cali
fornia, per lb., i;"4C; In sack lots, lc less
Cider. New Nehawka. Per 15-anl. V4 hl.l.'
$.1.00; per 30-gal. bbl.. $5.50; New York
Mutt's, per 15-gal. 4 bbl., $3.50; per 30
gal. bbl., $&0. Honey, new, 24 trances,
$.1.75. Krout, per 15-pal. keg, $2.76; per R-
gai. aeg, i.t; Wisconsin, per H-bbl., $3.60.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. Nov 1 l'nnvt...
4 m-hlte. filc; No 8 yellow, 64c; No. 4
yimw. mc: 1NO. I m IM. C4c: iv n 4 mW
2c; sample, 6!09WHc.
ua i a Higher; No. 2 white, 4Vic;
standard, 4'Ac; No. 3 white, 4Sc; I. 4
I.lveevnol Grain Market.
Jteady; No. I Manitoba, 7s W: No. 3 Mani
toba, 7a S4d; futures, firm; December. 7s
I fl; March. 7a H1; Mav. 7s 1d.
. ORN Spot, firm; American mixed, (ts
(fl: futures, steady; January, 3s Sd;
February. Ka 7d.
wVTi olJh"r furnished th. music, as
.".-" "'""5 " reception, tjurmg th.
vrnlng vocal and instrumental selections
were rlvn hu vi , . , . .
M- 7' niiu neynoioa,
u f .HV.rrlce- Mr- Ooethscho, Mrs. J.
Manclnl, Mrs. Wllmuth aud others.
Mra. M. Murks ! in ,1, x-.k
viaiung relatives. ' ' "
Mia. H. u. a r,
- -WVSS six, A- 1 IUa aVIUin
viwt in jvingoley, ia.
k. A.. jHnHf in 11 a . s rw. . tri i
aitna to hiti DUMiiieHg jntercits tncre.
Mr. and Alr. a. C. ' Heud nave taken
aparimenia in the new Florentine tor in
Mr. &ntl Kf ra a r nAkin. . n.
are the tfuetns of Mr. and Mm. W.
MrS. OeOl rrVil anil ainn C11, .
- - - va, irv V-ll Y
John . arto. ' " """'
John Douffnrev anrt fntnitv .
iiwaukee. nave renimi ih ,.o.u....
iali Unuei woou avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. .1 111. j
---- --. -. uumo BUU in r. sua
Mrs. D. C. Doaa. have been .pending a
tew day. In Aramore, 8. D.
in. Ladies Ant society of th. Dundee
PresbVieriMn rhnrrh m., i...i... . .
. . . riiu,y aiier-
noon with Mrs. rl. 1 Juiartin.
Mr.. F. H. Marty and daughter of Ash
lanu. Nob., were gueets the first part 01
too week ot Mr. and Mrs. K. a. Vester
tleld. Mr. and Mrs. Jinwi 1 1
moved into tneir new residence near tn
corner oi on v-eimr h mid . ......v ...
etreeta, " ..u
Mfl. fl. V Tii akan h.. ..... j ...
... gioo iciurnou iroiii
- . aosa, i miinByivaaia arid
unio with her mother, brother and othei
Mra. T. O. Putnam anfa.i.iH.j
tho circles of ten ot the Dundee ctiurch
at her home inursday afternoon. Mrs,
VT . rs. tiyeis will eacu
entertain a circle on Tuesday afternoon.
ina next regular meeting ot tho Dun
dee Woman a club la November , which
the day bctore Thanksgiving. There
fore the ditn or )..
uiianged to tne Weunesuay following.
Mr. and Xt r .1 a Lnv, . . .
. . - - - - l- ' J iiiriininwi at
inner at the Doyal hotel Wednesday
veiling, followed by a box party at th 'I'k.i- ....... L
Mr. Z a V were; ur. anu
.t.r. and M7."andMr.: W, J. Miller!
ir. F . E. Mayer entertained at her
hom. at U ll.t.irnol lonk 1... .. .
oay. Her gueata were: Mesuame. J. j.
Milher. I9Wf ladder and Mia
. .... " - wii wiu xwusion
Mnvmnt rrntiiira A ... k.. a- .......
county na Tuesuay In th. Dun-
- Jim aw ii nuon na eveninff
iM-smon 1 wire both aitenaed by about v
men and almont thai number were served
ft fhdmnr Kiven In tli church nariore
nuiinii ui svuiiuea.
West Ambler.
Mrs. rt xr n..i. ... , .
cuiviiwiicu .11 1 a. i , j,
i rubor and Bon, Kugcne, on Thursday.
Mrs. li'ifllpv ,Oin . ui . , v h... .
- . v. , n 1 1 1 0 KUQHl
oi her friCiiu. Mrs. Wuimm ximr, n
UB). "
Mrs. Ilert nrniti . ...... .....
. . , B UVOl Vi .Vll B.
uieason on bouitt Foity-sixih avenue on
inu vr
Air. Bntiii Af 17Vmi nAj.i..t.
...... ..., uyuuiiLU IirUi
AiiulKutty wni ih.if iu 4 'v .. .
" uvvru
cu Hiiu (amity.
U. M. Trauor of Perry. N. r.. waa th.
aucn ot ma uromer. A', j. Irabor, anu
.umy, on ,v euutMUiiy.
Aira. i. emcrtalned ISIeedame
ssinuid aim rt. at her home on
'v iivikui oil rnuuy.
Ml ha irena Hair a ta.ot...
- ..., nuiu nuum-
araUka ll. Ill IA i.a I h-t u . ..... a.
--. - v UP VUUHlll.
i ib aiario Uuimun, GUitiin me iaat week.
Mra. w, A. Webber of oood street, wno
I.HH ttCn Ml,AI)liinw ttU. ...
.ua in tne cuunuy returned home
and Miss Hertlia Hwanke., war.' gueais
" i ' ot Mias Alary
" ... 'l UtJ , 1 j 1 1,
Mrs. J ljmminif nt IP . . a . i. i .
.. i . - - . j- 1 1 1 u i . i , wno
bloke her anaie a few weeks ago la
able. tO Bit UU In . rh,i, -IK. . .
uow lu a piaster cast-
Mrs. Wymore. who has been spendlna
I h. Autumn mi th. - . 1 . . .
. ui 1,1 1 , nua Airs
john tiiaao in ticket mun, has moved to
ww uuiiii 111 iiurin umufia,
Mrs ll 1 1 Ki l. in 1 1 f I i. n ., . . .. .
- .'v-.v,, who oai oeen
lh. gueot ot her aaugbter, Mra Clnrey
tne la.t two weeks left on 1 ueeilsy f01'
a montn'a visit with her .on lo Iowa
uev. K. M. Henderson and wit. have
been th. guest, of their oaughter. Mrs.
iNuison i-iatt, and family, at their nea
horn, at m Mouth Thirty-filth street
uva Tuesuay.
Howard t. Miller and wlf. were calieu
to West l'oiiu. Neb., on Friday, Novem
ber 11, by th. serious tinier of Mr
Ailller. father, hamuel Miller, wiio
nam a atrok. of pamiysi. on 'i hursuay
tie Imissmu away quietly and peacefully
on baturaay morning, aged M y.ara
Jack Luu ' ha. acoepted a position In
th. stor. of 'lhay.r Fropat
Mra L. lioward and Mine Veora visited
In nalsion last Wednvsaay ovening.
Mr. and Mrs. Itoy BaveJI of Omaha
visited Mr. bavell'a parents last Wediies
oay. Francla Brown and family left last
week tor a two weens' trip to Savannah
and tH. Joseph, Mo.
Mrs. W. K. Weatherly; who has been
visiting her parent. In Omaha, returnaa
irotu ner visit last Sunday.
M. V. 1111 uf Spokane, Wash., who has
been on an extended visit in th. east,
.slopped In UaUton lor a tew day. btor
reluming home.
Th. Urown Truck Manufacturing com
pany .old It. plant this week and It will
be In readiness to resume work, la th.
course of a week or so.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hawthorn of Bel
nap cam. to halaton Friday morning
leaving In th. evening for Chicago and
other points. They expect to b. gon.
about two weeks.
Mra Howard and granddaughter. Miss
Eibel. ot Callaway, Neb., are visiting In
Kalston this ek at th. hom. of Mrs.
Howard', daughter and her .on, L How
aid, hi now rveid. la Omaha.
Cattle for Week Steady to Twenty.
Fie Lower. '
Fat ghees Steady to Fifteen Lower
Thaa Last Week, with Fat
Laeabs Quarter Lower
and Feeders Steady.
POUTIt OMAHA, rrov. U 1911.
Offln1.iPtW,re: Cattle. Hoas.' Bheeo
Monday 8,732 l.S3 14 0..S
rli Tuesday 7.1K4 1.537 1,1
Irw..'. w'dnesday.... 4.448 II 814 12
5';: r "J Thursday 6.8SU 7.K.4 9.8'4
orriclnl Iriday jtw gMitt 44::,-,
csiimat. haturday .... luo f.TtlO 3.V)
fix days thl. week...27.
Pame days last week. .30.856
m days 2 w ke aso 21.4.W
warn, days 3 w'ks BKo.3f,,r
bame days 4 w'ks ago SOMl
earn, days last year. . .S2.D34
following table shows the receipts
,1 C . v ' ho"s ani heep at South Omaha
tor the year to data as compared with
sst year. ln. I9i0. Inc. Uec
.att0 1.fi9,99 I,07,0n7 87.33S
J.,0" 2,09.1MS 1.7(15.121 3X4.035
bneeP 2,778,23 2,8:3,4M 44.S70
Th. following table snows the average
prices paid for hogs ot South Omaiia for
the lat few days, with comparisons.
Oate. ln. l!'!m8.l!iO..lyut.ll!Ak.
Nov. 10.1
l I s, 7 73 6 6;
0 Sty, 7 Ml 7 7C fi (111
I 7 &S 7 M u 71
I ti 0
4 or.
4 M
4 83
NOV. 11.
Nov. 12.
4 831 00
NOV. 13.
v Jif - ( Ml b 7i
26 7 74 I 6 68
i I 7 61) 7 t71
6 804, 7 X 7 Ml 6 f:
4 701 u 'J
4 Nil 6 W
4 Ml Ho
4 M
Nov. 14.
iNov. 15.
Nov. 30.
Nov. 17.
4 99 G 101 4 05
33 . 7 44 7 3 6 64
6 06
4 67
Nov. 18.
7 33 7 i 6 cli 4 83!
4 tu
fliinri v
Receipts Snrt ill,nn,llln. II.,. .,
tha Union etock Yards, South Omaha, for
the twentv.fnur hnn.. nHin ., . n m
cattio. Hogs. Kheep. Ii r'i
C. M. & St. P
Missouri riaclfln
Union Pacific
C. & N. W.. .r
O. & N. W:, west. .
C. Kt. P.. nr. n
C, 11. A q ( east..
c, u. & w., west.
C. II. 1. & p
Illinois Central ...
Chicago O. W
Total receipts ... 8 94 2 l
Cltl. 17.,.. Cl...n
Omaha Packing Co. 7S7 ....
Swift and Company 1,767 M
Cudahv Pack inn t:o m-
Armour & Co 1 832 .'.
Other buyers 5 .... 2W
Totals 5 c,4LS S38
CATTLK There were no fresh cattle of
any consequence on sale this morning.)
For the week receipts foot up almost 28.
000 head, being a falling orf of about 2.70
head, as compared with last week and of
5,000 head, compared wltlt a year aao.
With such moderate receipts the market
here under ordinary condition, should
have been In very fair condition, hut
overwhelming receipts at some other
points, especially Chicago, followed by
bud breaks, caused th. market here to
take a turn for the worse. Another weak
feature of tha trad, waa the fact that
receipts at thl. point wera mada im ir
cattle of very poor quality.
Few, If any, really good beef steers
reached tho yards this week. There were
Plenty of half fat and inferior nr.t nt
cornfed. and a few westerns, but practi
cally nothing that could be classed aa
Btrlctly good. With other markets
breaking badly, price, her. steadily
worked to a lower basis, and at th rln.
of the week beef steer, are safely 15S20c
lower man last week.
The best cow. and the general run of
common cannera were In very fair de
mand all the week but still at th. close
they ar 10j4Gc lower. On the other hand,
there were a great many medium kinds
of both cow. and heifers, and they are
generally 2fo lower than last week. .
Miockers and feeders followed the lt
of killing cattle and steadily worked
lower. The general run ot common to
medium cattle of that description are
fully 2&o lower than last week. On the
other hand, very few strictly aood feeders
arrived during the week, and, as a result.
prices on aucn nave snown lltti or no
Quotations on native cattle: Oood to
cholc. beef steers, I6.6n7.75: fair to good
beef steers, I5.60rya.50; common to fair beef
steers, 4.606.60 good to choice heifers,
4.Gotfr5.26; good to choice cows, H.26(5.00;
fair to good cows,. t3.eXW4.2f); common to
fair cows. 12.7513.60; veal calves. M.MVui
(Quotations on ranee cattle: Good to
choice beef steers, 15. i 67. 26; fair to good
beef .teera, 6.0lKn6. i5; common to fair
beef steers, M.4uu.o.uv; good to choice bett
ers, 84.40116.16; good to choice cows, f4.2tqi
6.00; fair to good cows, 13. ttudt 4.25; common
to fair cows, t2.75i3.60; good to choice
Blocker, and feeders, o.wni.uu; fair to
good Blockers and feeders H.w5.00; com
mon to lair atocKors and feeuers, fc..m
4 .10; stock heifers, ta.Z6tr4.3S; bulls, stags,
etc.. J.&KU4.IM.
HOOS in a general way, hogs sold a
nickel lower, showing poor action, but
some little freedom In the late session,
bearisti aavlc. from tne east wero large
ly reaonHible tor tn. breaa, as buyer,
could neitner point to excisxlve supplies
nor lax demand as an argument tor
cheaper cost. The run involved oniv
nineiy-flv. toads and varied conniucrauiy
in wetguts and quality.
Heavies sold moic leadily than bacon
and high mixed stuff and realised usual
premiums ot jvic, landing nt and near
the top ot the trade. Attractive lard
grades were nen acuieward at Bti.3txtc6.46,
ine laiicr jmce immiik ina pn1.
shipper, and spocuiaiurs lurninhed fair
support, oideis from these quarters
catling for about a aosen loans ot various
weights. High-mixed and bacon ofenngi.
Proved decluediy erratic, seiima from t.a
downwa.d on a rather baenxurd iimiKet.
oood butcher clata were in-bet wren h. i.
lurs, moving aiound Bn.Suiyo.oo. Tuo yards
were completely cleared ox arrivals by
tv:ii o clock.
A very substantial gain in receipts dur
ing the week laued to have much of a
Ueprc-slve llntlurnce on values and cur
rent coet ot bulk shows net advances o.
tviilvc. hpiouus havo wiuened a little,
however, and undeiwclghia are now sell
ing In a market tiial I pracucany aopar
aie.and inuependt lit. 'tho wtr.ii reccivis
Old not liiciuo. very nuuiy,
in. tact that the total la tne heaviest
Since the beginning ot Augusi, anu
pi Iocs for llttie stuft worked hinr,
ug iiviu to.tMui.ou,
tlepi-MeiitoUve Miles
I ...
H ...
n ...
., IH
.. W
.. 116
.. UI
.. 111
.. 1
HO 111
mi a u
o 11
in mi
tU Al
t ;uh
w H-w
u i i.
Ill Sr,
t iJ
.... SWI t SI',
t t
kl .,
J ..
44 ..
BT. ..
III t Si
l t 14
im izu :o
....267 41)
t li
1 it
t U
. .:i
( u
t So
41 lull t Zi
31 40 t n
140 t i ,
t u
to t u
hi I 4
K 111
111 St
w t
140 t i
M 14
140 t Z-i
... 3i
t ti
I 27U
IM tH,
M tT,
el u
Ik W
( la
t 40
..M i JO
. I'4 140 o
.177 40 M
..UT 140 t 44
im a i
140 40
. t
. .sis
4 43Vi
. . 4 14
IW 111
... 41
... U
... s u
44 t X
4 X
a m
a u
T UI I to ... I M
It lit ... I it II Tt ... tQ
ti l"4 ... 10 41 na ... ts
8HEEH Thrt wera no snsp hers to
day ot any conaounc. For tba ! r
tipla luot ui 41,111 haad, aa atjalnat
41,293 r,.nr,
2S.tiri8 JI8.7.V,
2.S0 127.011
29,775 loo.WO
27,M3 170.70S
32.005 113.2S3
ii3.283 licad for the corresponding week of
last year. Ihe receipts of ta.ige stock
have fallen off very niatt-rlnlly during the
week, while there has been a iarue In
crease of cornfed westerns and natives.
The week started out with a good de
mand for killer at KitoiiKcr pnci s. but
later on both sheep and lambs weakened
and at the close of the week prices on
both sheep and lambs were anywhere
from steady to s much as 15c lower, with
fat lambs fully ."c lower. Fed lambs sold
as high as K i at the beginning of the
week, but It Is a question If snvthlng
would bring over 13.50 at the close, as
against $r..7r. at the close of last week.
There has been llttie or no change In
the feeder trade throughout the week.
Receipts have been very light, but the
country hns been taking a good mnny of
the half fat kinds that wero shipped In
for killers.
Quotation on Sheep and Lambs
Lambs, good to choice, t6.2.Vda.60;
lambs, fuir to good, H 7M3.25; lambs,
feeders, t3.2T.ifi4.CO: yearlings, fair to
choice. t3 85u4.25; yeaillnits. feeders. $3.25
uo.i... wrmfm, goon to choir-e, t3.n0nr3.75;
wethers, fair to good, fl. 404X3. SO; wetners,
lST' -V&1-40; ewes, good to choice,
?3. mi 3. 36; ewes, fair to good, I2.755i3.10;
ewes, breeders, $3.25g3.75: ewee, feeders.
$2.00'(j2.i)5; ewes, culls. U51.75.
Kansas City l.lve tn-k Market.
Receipts, 2.0(i0 head. Incl'.idlnir 200 south
erns; market, stcailv; native steers, tn.ZiW
9'; soirthern steers, ft.OWS.?.-.; southern
cows and heifers. t3.OU4i4.6n; native cows
und hel'trs. tS.CWiT.OO; stockers and feed
ers. t3.76(ir3.75; calves. t4.0it7.25; western
steers; western cows. t3.'l4i.5 00.
HOtlS Keceipis. ,ooo head; market, 6c
lower; bulk of ta'es. t6.0fr-tl.f; heavy, t 4T.
f'fiT.5; packers and hutcherrj. ti.3frj,t,55;
'hfhts. t.r. 8jl.40; pl(rs, t4.25i6 60.
KHKKH AND I.A MB8-Markot. steadv:
muttons. t2.76Cf4.00; lambs. ft SO;
range wethers and yearling-", I3.flt34.76;
rango ewes. t2.0('i3.75.
St. I.onls Live Stock Market.
elpts, 600 head. Including 200 Texana--nnrket
steady; native beef steers, ti.eovj
.00; cows and heifers. S3.flrVu9.C0; stock
ers and feeders. Sl.2.vU'5.25; Texas and In
.U'lI,1,'"ri, W OO-KG-To; cows and heifers.
7 CO calves In carload lots, t4.509
HOGS Receipts, 10,000 head; market
teady, 6c higher: pigs and lights, t4-7rfi
!.40: packers, tfi.404i6.80; butcher, and
et heavy, $0.4Or(.65.
SHEEP AND I, A MBS Receipt, 300
head; market steady; native muttons,
.3.2533.75; lambs, t4.0O?5.85.
Stock In Sis; lit.
Receipts of live stock at the five prin
clpal markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hog.. Sheep
-i. jusepn , ivu g,uw
"outh omiha 20i
Kansas City 2,000
St TiuIm Kin
Chicago 600
Totals 4.000 40,700 3,150
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ST. JOSRPfT. Knv l!"ITTl.fD
celpts 700 head. Market steady; steers.
ieter TIHps
Round Trip Excursion Tickets
Are Now on Sale Daily
via the C. C& N. W. Ry. to Florida, Cuba,
New Orleans, Mobile'and the Gulf Coast
Fast Trains
m. a -
Omaha and
North Western
The Best of
Everything slov0 given prompt and careful attention.
Trains leave Omaha for Chicago:
Cheery Office
The Bee
lias one of the most pleasant atmospheres of any
office building in the west. The beautiful court,
with the new decorations and the large fountain
and the substantial appearanco of the whole
structure, make the offices here full of cheer
and give pleasant surroundings iu which to
work. The building is one of the most modern,
with new elevators, high class janitor service,
an excellent Seating and lighting equipment.
The location of ihe building, in the heart of tho
business section, with up-to-dateness in arrange
ment and service, makes tliis an ideal place for
the particular man to have his office. A few
offices on tho court and outside are vacant now.
Boots 40 Plia il , havlnf a frama and glass partition across c iter
of room making two ood sized office lth every convenience anil
tbe rental ptiira only, per month $16.00
oom 1 la vino; 221 square feft makes a very pleasant office: havlne
an east exposure and Leinit near I'urnant (Street elde of the bull. Unit
Kent very rve&onabla I'er month $20.00
Koom SIS Don't ia for desk room rpa- ahon you can rent a private
office for the samo amount. This room is H, lias a large window
on tho court, affording plenty of Hunt and ventilation, frloe per
month t ..ilo.0j
Boons 44 Directly opposite the near court house fa-clnp Farnam Street.
tur front ottice are mu. h In demand on account of the prominent
location. Thli. rom ia li,,xU',i feet In sue. ami in fculjuiviaed
' with Irame und glusB partition, giving uo olfUts In one. ltentnl
price, per month juoj
Book 330 Is a choice corner office liavlnr a north and aest exposure
making- this space attractive at any aoawn of the year, on uccomit
of aood l'.Kh and ventilation. We will arrantie this apace, Idxju
aultable for tenant, and there be inu a vault in the room, it !t,.r.i
extra uroiection for valuablea
xtra prwtection for valuablea
Bee Business Office.
t.t axr
es. tS-lOj1
T lower; top. IS 00; bulk of rales
HIIEEP AND LA M BS None on ealo.
Market steady; lambs, S.i.00y5.W.
Demand for Cattle and Sheep Steady
Mors Lower.
celpts. WO bead; market steady; beeves,
t4.4Vi9.10; Texas steers, tl.0oif 5.70; western
Pteers, t4 301 7. 30: steers and feeders, t2 90
fi5.75: cows and heifers,; calves.
HOOS-neeelpts. lfi.000 head; marke. TU
10c lower than yesterilav's average; light,
Si.i0iWS.i2H; mixed, hVye.R0; heavv, t". 1"
fti.a'i; rough, fii.l.Wi.SC; ood to chol-e
S3.W.W; pij;s, 4.76afl.O0; bulk of sales.
head; market steady; native, S2.frO.H3. 75;
western, $2.6501 70; yearlings, S3.75'a4 00;
nativ. lambs, S3.50S5.85; v.estcrns,- S3.75
St. Lonla Oenrral Market.
ST. IXDUIS, Nov. 18. WHF'AT-Cftsh.
firm; track. No. 2 red. No. 2
imro, c'i)l.o; December, 95HC; May,
i $1,004.
n'n.i-wiwpr; tracK, io. Z, 7tic; No. 4
whltt?, 77c; December. filHe; May, 64lic
OATS Hlt-her: track. N'n ite- Vn
white, SOijCOVvc; December. 4Sc; May, 60c
FLOt'U Weak ; red winter patents
'-"Y8ii.; extra iancy and straight. 13.80
r.t a oa. I .1 ...1.... 1 .nn -n
l.'"', nai n wuiier clears, tJ.vrflj. iu.
.-r.r.i j imotny, tH.oo'u 15.50.
CO H N M E A L S3. 30.
HHAN-Oull; sacked east track, $1,140
HAT Steady; timothy, $20.0OS2I.TO;
prlarle, $l3.00fa lti.50.
PROVISIONS Pork, lower: Jobblnc,
$lti.5i. Ijrd, lower; prime steam, $S.S7j
ttS.S74. Dry salt meats, lower; boxed ex
tra shorts, H.76; clear ribs, $8.75; short
clears, S!.00. Bacon. lower; boxed
extra shorts, $0.75; clear ribs, $3.76; short
clears, $10.00.
POULTRY Quiet : chickens, 74c;
springs. 84c; turkeys, 134c; ducks, 114c;
geese, 84c
BUTTER Firm; creamery, 2532c.
K(3t!Kllll.h.r. Mil.
Receipts. Shipments.
... 7,500 10.000
... 23.000 38.000
... 48,000 18,000
... 25.000 lS.OOt)
Flour, bbl....
Wheat, bu....
Corn, hu
Oats, bu
Philadelphia I'rodnce Market.
Firm; western creamery, 37c; extra
western crenmery, 3fc; nearby prints, ."Sc.
EDGS Firm; Pennsylvania and other
nearby firsts, free cases, $10.80 per case
current receipts, free cases, $10.20 per
cage: western firsts, free cases, $10.80 per
case; current receipts, freo cunts, $10.20
rinr mi ua
CHEESE Firm: New York full nrenr..
Taney. 15c; New York full creams, fair
iu guuu, iui((inic.
l4.7Mi8.2S: cows end heifers,
calves. 14 fnyoT .V).
HtKJSlleceipts. S.fO head
L The splendid trains of the
..Chicago and.;
between Omaha and Chicago
connect at the latter city with all
lines to the South and Southeast,
forming a passenger service that
cannot be surpassed.
Through railway and tttamthip tickttt
art alto on loim to th Mediterranean,
the Holy Land and to all European cities.
Sleeping car reservations and reservation
7:40 m.wu CiOOp.n. 8:30 p. at
12:05 p. at. 6:3Sp.m. 12:40 anu
5:10 p.m. 7:55 p.m.
Ticket Officet
' 1401-1403 Farnam Strut
Omaha, Nd.
ltent. w r inonih n iu
Kent, i-cr month
17th and Farnam Sta.