Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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. i I
City Council Decidei to Retrench in. i
Municipal DtpartmeiltS. j
Proposition to f'oine- t p Jnat II r fore
TUnnkiRlvlntt nnd Kedurtloa
Slay It Made Urfore
lb( rtny.
City employes generally found grue
some significance In tl;e cirelris way In
which the c ity council handled t e word
letrcuch'nent la.xt i!'.,-lt. r.vay member
of the body nad evidently hod 1:1s
cur to the eroctid for the sound of pop
ular will and eveiy listener i-coii.el 10
have heard trie .-tune word, "i t .tcin.h."
The resolution L.trod-.:; i-.l ly t ounc!'.
man Georite Hoffman ai-lic-1 tuat nil the
lieads of the city iio-..i.-;.v.iT.t, i i-Iudlus
the mayor, trvam :. .:' lU-iii. v'.'-y
engineer, and c!.itfa of t!io i.le v;:d po
lice, departments. iii Monday, jvca-Acr
8. shall hand In a lint .f tht'r C'lt'loyi's
with a view of eliminating from Uie city
! roll those defined un:itcc.;.:ary by
the council.
All the council v.110 In C,i . or o. t'.'.c
policy of retrenchment, though the threj
republicans, Mi'.le., Ti.'m l'cter'uu aid
Hlha. insl.ud that n.j ccilon r ..... I be
taken on the matter until Mayt r "Vrsurw,
who la ill, had returned to Cm f.h.u.:
"The mayor has alwav.i ki n in uvor cf
tuch a measure," sjIJ K:h.t. "q:i 1 11 is
only fair that ho t. l.o.iiJ bo U ICiiU
the movement."
Miller an! Pelt-son both deprecated
any action on t :e matter v. J.l.c the r.inyr
u confined t) his bed I...- lili. Tlie
majority, however, serin- -1 lj n a an op
portunity of making a ii-n:orrai';c (,-rand-Btand
and the measure vns.i passed at
once without deferring It until next
Monday when the tnayur tO;all have re
turned to his desk.
The quick attlon of the council Im
mediately following the annexation fight
and the threat of intervention on the pai l
of the nebulous organization called the
Citizen's league bespeaks the serious die
aatisfactlon that Is (elt agalnt the pres
ent administration throughout the city,
load Uete Hontln.
While voting retrenchment, however,
the council allowed paving estimates to
the total amount of J,7s4.5J and awarded
.proposed issue of 1312 bonds to F. J.
I Coad of the Packers' National bank, at
1 6V4 per cent, specifying exactly the
amount of the bond issue. The resolu
1 tion awarding the bonds to Coad denom
j tnated htm as the highest and best bid
der. August Miller took exception to
the action of the council because he nald
the bonds had not been advertised and
1 therefore the bidder was not the highest
nor the best.
Two, contracts of paving material were
4eslgnated as Sarco and three as Purtng
tun trick bjock.
Earlier In the meeting It appeared that
tl.c if titiui.s of tho Moberly Brick Block
and the Parks & Lefler Paving company
were Insutflclent according to the rec
ommendations of the city engineer and
city attorney. Later the National Con
struction company garnered In the con
tracts on Sarco and Turlngton brick
block. ' The following streets will be
paved with the renpectlve materials des
ignated by the council: K street from
Twenty-second to Twenty-fifth, Purlng
ton brick block; Seventeenth atreet from
Missouri avenuo to N street, Purlngton
brtck" block; Twenty-seventh street from
Q to Y streets. Saroo; B atreet from
Twenty-second to Twenty-third, Sarco.
Would Check Improvement.
Hoffman throughout the meeting de
clared his, unwlll.ngness to expend any
money for paving or anything else that
might be misconstrued, by the people as
extravagance. "I would be In favor of
it one of the most practical and most'
economical aids a woman can bite in
her kitchen. It Improves practically
every course, from start to finish. Try
this simple dessert.
Coffeo Spanish
H etiw strcc crffe.
ftok relatime In rsa-hall cip cnM coffee fl-e min
ute. lct on itov one cup enffr, two-thirri cup
Ook thr tiitaut, thai nld tujrr and tflvulved
Ltflae -nd uiu Wh'i coJ stir In whitM nt eg o
bivnto Mil froth. PlwwwKJ- vuilla. Moltlaud
Caption. Be cm yu ute K a ox 0UU
wiua BoitfiM vifl pot pivp Um wma raauiu.
Our FREE Rcip Book ii umIuI book of
rpdy tclerenc coatmini eooutfh delicious
Knox recipes tor yr-u Jellloi, deptcrts, pud
dings, salftdi, iopB Ice cram, caodlrt , ttc.
Seal frte for your (racer's nime.
Jtni temp It for 2c it amp mndfroctr'i mam$.
400 Kjiom Armas JohMlowB, N. Y.
I ,,jT lUt.i;,..!,,;,,,
Ask Your Grocer
I to Send You a
I Case of Blatz,
i or oracr aireci
i fron distritnting point.
SOJ-e.o Dil3 StrMt, OmnM. Nb.
Ptionei Uoulaa 6001
v r iiPCT
mb1 5 safe-
Fiacb nit.
V "fi !
yyr!?s5- 'i jfr tt" - p-
ir !
not spending a ten-cent piece In impruve
riir t't f r the next five years," said liufC-
man. He then asked ths city attorney
f ""h,n 'm V'e 1,,0,!t!"u '"
law compels to take In the cut
where the pttlUons ute presented to the
council. City Attorney Murphy explained
lhat the ,"w '"il,1rv on the
council In this matter. Miller also ex-
preabod himself In iavor of retrench
ments, as did Walters and the city at
torney. The great struggle will appear
when tha different department heads
strive to retain their own ea-.ployes and
get r!d ot the other fellow a.
Newspaper Jlvn rm!H??re4,
There is In South Omaha a lodito of the
Aricli-isl Order of I'n.tvd WoiKmuii that
i an mAkai a Just ilKli.i t. tho tltie of
iiL-ver iJiuettiiig tjLoit. 'i lie lodge l:a.i
announced tluu it wld in tho near future
ontoid.u toe lucul inomcis of t!iu prc:s
ou.1 ot fcrumude for lavowi n-coii;d Xroin
the ni-i-apir men in ti.e .uis when the
ii. -w iio:i eioua loti4 ktuj a c.k and
snaliey v. in warn.
jUkiiy jt liio prcsH rerc.V'niiu.vv who wielded liio soose qiull or poundtd
tuo ljperur tiavu g'.nc to other i.eldj
or ninj; "thjrt.v" tor the lajt stand cdl-
.l;n of nr.
A ic.v temaln in Omaha. But the
Ancient urCer Ur.l'od Workmen docs not
torgct tho Cay when "ooys" helped
llui.i build tiio.r brand temple by niak-
n. i fcJ'JU copy on the subject. Now the
Uiui-ie la cumpieted and out of debt.
Tho Idea Is to ahow our gratitude, '
said A.tlttant Irostmaeter C. W. Miller,
:s a'.ao Master Workman of the
:ca,;f. "We want to make a little return
to the representatives of tho press who
Iielped us build up thi- temple."
With that Idea therefore the Ancient
Older of United Worknion Is preparing
for u unique entertainment In honor of
the press representatives of the city.
it Is the intention to have a number
of the big newspaper men from Omaha
present for the occasion.
turtle Talks Too la lit.
There are times when Superintendent
N. M. Graham algha for the classlo and
drowsy shades of a country school where
the teacher is bound to make no effort
to pleove any one but the school board
and, only the majority of that.
It seems that the auperlntendent be
ing moved thereto by the Inspiring work
of the teachers' convention, conceived
ths Idea that the South Omaha School
syatem would be benefitted generally by
an illustrated lecture on the "Playground
Idea tn E-igtand, Germany and America"
aa seen by Dr. Henry 8. Curtis ot Wor
cester, Mass.
The eminent lecturer was therefore
secured by Mr. Graham and Tuesday,
November 14, was fixed upon as the
proper date on which to Inculcate tho
principles of playology upon an enlight
ened and cultered constituency; Tuesday
at 7:30 p. m. In the High school auditor
ium. Graham to make sure that the
people would know of the treat In store
for them informed ths newspapers and
announced that no admission waa to be
It teems, however, that Dr. Curtis uses
a moving picture machine In his lec
ture and therefore there arose the ques
tion of necessary expenaa. The teachers
being preaumed to have the cauae at
heart were listed aa contributors to the
amount of 15 cents per.
Someone, nevertheless, became dis
gruntled and began to search tor an ul
terior motive In Graham's Introduction
of Pr. Curtis. It was determined by
the woman In question that the reason
of the whole thing was a conspiracy to
sell land on the part of the school off!
clals. The woman, who thought thus and
so took tha pa-ins to call up the news
papers to tell her thought. She aald
aho was not a teacher but a tax payer
When Mr. Graham was auked about
the scheme he laughed and said: "Tell
them all tu be there tomorrow night for
the lecture, and remember that the ad
mission la free."
Long Days Donde.
W. J. Long of Toledo, O., bond expert
for Spltzer, Korick & Co. of the same
city, yesterday completed a deal with the
city council whereby the municipality
will be paid. t per cent on money that
has heretofore only netted the city 2 per
cent with an expenditure ot &V4 per cent
Interest on the bonds Issued.
The deal covered the purchase and sale
of, approximately, worth of lm
provement bonds about to be issued by
the' city. Heretofore the city has availed
Itself of the money as soon as the bonds
were) sold. In the Interim when the
money was not to be used the city was
receiving S per cent from the bank on
the deposit This meant a loss of 8H per
oent which the city was paying out In
Yesterday at a conference In the city
hall, W. J. Long, representing Spltser,
Korick A Co., offered to buy the bonds
us soon as they were ready for dellv
ery. The money accruing from the sale
was to be left on call with Spltser, nor
Ick & Co. at an interest of 4 per cent.
After the visiting financier had repre
sented the case to the council ihe agree
ment was made and the money, Instead
ot being brought to South Ornaha, aa
soon as tho bonda are aold, will be kepi
at Interest In Toledo until such time as
the city needs It tor paying contractors.
Mr. Long, after having completed the
deal, left last night for his home in To
Maa-le City Golp.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Calek. 278 South
i-iuiileuiuu ktreet, leport. the birth ot
The Willing Workers will meet Wednes-
Cay at me home ot Mrs. Harry lieniielt,
mj mortn iweiuietn street.
The Lefler Huulh bide aid will meet
with Kirs. If. J. rleJm, Oil Polk street
on tteuuesuuy afternoon at 2 o clock.
Phone iteil South W Independent l-'-low
lor a case oi jetter Ooid iup. t'rompl ue
livery tu any part oi city. V llllain Jettei
Mayor i'. j. Tialuoi, who lie., been
couwned tu his bed lor the lul lew days
l lepurii-u aa mucli unpruveu. l uu niajoi
had a eiifchi attack ot pneumonia.
The Woi.-nn Auxll-aiy uf 1st. Martin's
church will hold au an-day aesaiuti on
Vveuneud), io. eiut-ir !.'., ut li.e home
of Mrs. Ueorgu Fmn H. Mis 14 atreet.
Karl Burke uiid wile of Alberta, Can
I acju uru on uu ixi. lidrd visit 10 Mis.
; itiiikci pui'(ni4. Mr, and Mia. tlaiiea
I ivii.Tiis. Air. liurl.e is a lame ralnoad
j lunliuctor and will resume upriaiiona 111
I ike 1101 ih ax anon as Hprlug opens up.
i Mr. ai d .Mrs. Gtorgo Pierce of Hast
1 Inks. Ail. at.u Mrs. Ji. '1. I'lcrce of l-.-n-
ui, Col., ui.d A. L, llofers of Tupeau.
Kali., un- :i.i In th illy it-r the purpus
ot attending the fuurrai ut the line i,uiii,
i., I'i.-r. Him win buned Una uiu-ruooii.
The funi s ul of Police (Iff.cer l.oulii K.
i'.tue jK held tins nltei -noon at 4
';! u at llrew-r'a chapet. 'I he t-ervlcte
ivirn c-iiiklucti d by Hi-'. II. U. heeler
or the Kiii l'n-Ali, lei in ilun n and ilie
Doily a cttjiitj 10 tin- k'"W at Lituiei
.t :i ceiiii-tery uy a d'.lt'l 111
A. .1. Joiig. nucd ;;t yt-nia, died last
cer.!ng at i o'eiuf k at tin riouth omalia
hospital fnilowhiK a brk-:' liine-i. lie In
Mirvivt'l b hin Hiie ami 1 .t i hhnron.
lii.i uii-ii.l will In- held ihuisday a.'ler-l.o-ri
at I o'i'iuvk at t!..i IVu-i-yierian
tln.i-!i. i: .: v,e. lni.-r:u. in wi.l Le 1.1
.11 Hi-;.-', uo cim;ttr.
fccrlooa Brrakilann
renult.-t from chronic ronatipatlon. Dr.
King'a New K.Je Mils cure headache,
stomach, liver and bowel trouble. c.
t or tale by Heaton I'rug ;.
Cleveland Ilan Would Put Somen
Syttem in Force Here.
Seheiiie Makes Hcalty Aiariiiaent a
Matiteniatlcal Science anil lie
aa It Aaaarrs Kqal
table Tniatloii.
E. W. Doty of the Manufacturers' Ap
praisal company of t'lcvt land. o . ho
fxpi-cla to lay before the county com
missioners a new plan of assessment and
luxation fur Uouglas county, di-Maned to
more equitably distribute the- burden of
realty taxation than Is possible under
Ihe ri-pFeiit system, cxplnlned his plan be
fore the municipal affairs and executive
committees of the Commercial eluh j-ea-terday.
Many county and city officials
were present by Invitation. x
Mr. Doly wants to value every real es
tate parcel and every building in Omaha,
at a charge of P) cents per panel and 10
cents ter bttlldlnar. Once his plan Is In
opei.itlon here and the Assessor Is con
versant with the tabl. of mat liemntical
relations which Is a part of tho plan, the
services of Mr. Doty and his associates
will not be needed again.
ills plan la known as the Burners' sys
tem, it Is In use In St. Paul. Cleveland.
Philadelphia. Denver. Houston, Kast St.
Louis. Springfield. III.; Jollet, 111., and
Columbus. O.
Kneas Is ICIIuilnnleil.
The usual way to arrive nt realty
valuations for assessment purposes." mid
Mr. Doty, "Is to guess at the value of a
certain lot and then to guess at the
value of all other lots 1,1 the same neigh-
borhood on the basis of the guessed valu
ation of the first lot. Our system elimi
nates the guess upon tho guess. We have
worked out a table of mathematical re
lations, based upon atreet frontage, depth,
shape of lot and proximity to side streets
by which the assessor can accurately
compute the value of any given piece of
property, when the value of the unit has
been decided upon. The unit Is a atrip
of ground one foot wide and 100 feet deep,
with the frontage of one foot on the
Under tha Sotners system, says Mr.
Doty, no man can get his taxes lowered
below what he ought to pay, while others
muet pay more than their share. In
stead of asking experts what John Jones'
lot is worth, the question will be, "What
Is the value of the unit on Farnam street
between Fifteenth and Seventeenth?"
Given ths unit, the valuation ot Jones'
lot will be computed from, the mathe
matical tables, and Jones' friends will
have no ground to go' before the Hoard
of Equalization In au' attempt to have
the assessment lowered.
Mr. Doty will go over the subjret again
with the Real Estate exchange at the
Commercial club this noon and will an
awer all questlona.
Hamer's Plurality
Over Dean is Above
Three Thousand
Complete returns from ninety-one of all
ninety-two counties In Nebraska give
Judge Hamer a lead of 8,149 over Judge
Dean. The missing county, McPherson.
two years ago gave Fawcett 31!9 and Sulli
van 144. The vote follows:
Hamer , , .. M.400
Letton ,
Hose 97, 1M
Dean .Hi. lid
Oldham 84.ii8
Stark .,. , 86,7li
Special Grand Jury
Called for Tuesday
The following names have been drawn
by United States District Clerk Hoyt and
Jury Commissioner Tllden to muke up
the special grand Jury which has been
ordered to report next Tuesday morning
to consider several cases relating to the
Introduction of liquor on Indian reserva
tions: A. B. Balcombe, Omaha; J. C. Durke,
Crowell; Hubert F. Barton. Papllllon;
Frank Clough, Allen; J. V. Drenglns.
Scrlbner; Joseph Kscent, Hartlngton;
Ernest Ferber, Wynot; Lewis Goodsell,
Homer; Frank Gladowskl. Platte Center;
Else King, Herman; Stephen Morton,
Hartlngton; L. C. Olderlng, Chalco; D.
E. Pomeroy, Allen; E. A. Huff, Papllllon;
John Swanson, St. Edwards; Thomas
Scarlet, Fullerton; Byron Sage, Gretna.
Soft, Velvety Skin
for Every Woman.
(From Housekeeping Magazine.)
Frequently the excessive use of powder
or cosmetics reuses the skin to become
furrowed, sallow or blotchy, and a pre
maturely ag)d look to the complexion
then follow. An excellent lotion for
removing wrinkles, "moth patches,"
blackheads and other complexion defects
can be made for a trifle by dissolving
a small original package of niayatone
lu a half-pint witch-hazel.
This lotion, massaged into the skin,
quickly frees it of all impurities and
makes It clear, smooth and richly beau
tiful. The continued like of the niaya
tone lotion will give to the complexion
a rich embellishment linpobsible any
other way, and aa long as It is employed
nt powder Is necessary. Adv.
Buy Your Oysters in Cans
It's your ouly guarantee ngainst adulteration, inferior gnulcs nnd unclean
For (ID years "Uooth's (luarantoed Oysters" have been sold in hermetically
sealed cans with all the goodiu'HH sealed in Jill the dirt sealed out.
They reach your kitchen the way they leave the seaside.
Fads and fancies in the oyster business will come and o, but eventually all
oysters will be sold the l'ooth way the pure food way.
Anil they are more economical because you get all real oyster value a
whole can full and nothing more.
Insist on Uootli'F, in hermetically sealed cans, TODAY.
Our booklet, "Oysters in 100 Ways," free for the asking.
Witnesses Testify
They Believe that
Wolcott is Insane
Testimony that Orville C. WoW-ott a
Insane tor months lie'ore he toiy.ed a lis
note nnd discounted It to tho Mer
chants' National InuiK was introduced
by Stanley M. Itosewater, attorney for
Wtlcott. Tuesday morning In the former
I Insurance agent's trial on n cliarae of
Drs. lOlmcr 11. Porter and K. K. Coulter,
the latter a specialist In nervous and
mental disorders, wero the chief wit
nesses. ,C. II. Wot-atll of the Walrath & IMier
wood Lumber company, testilied that
Wolcott'a forgery wns fir so small an
amount that It led him to the conclusion
the man was Insane. He was caused some
embarrassment when County Attorney
l-mgllKh hum I to make him suv how large
a forgery a man would have to c.mimtt
before ho would consider him rane.
C. (. CunnlnKham of the Woodward &
Tlcinan Printing oomi-iny, tl. !. r.oners,
head of the lingers Heal Hstiito company
and a director of the Merchnnts National
bank, and Mr. Weill nth testified that dur
ing 'the monthes preceding Wolcott's for
geries nnd embexsleno nts they talked
with him frequently and from his peculiar
actions suspected lie was "nut right."
Dr. Klmer 11. Port T, w ho Is a medical
examiner for the T-iultable Life As
surance society, testilied on June 1,
Henry D. Neely, local mnnaxer for the
society, brought Wolcott to bin offlco for
examination for a IICu Insurance policy.
After an examination be rejected him, he
said, because lie was buffering (mm
diabetes and nervous tlisoro -r. Wolcott
fai;cu ln the , tMt for nervous bul
ance. eald Dr. Porter, and when ha tried
to slaml still he swayed from side tu
side. Ho said tys face twitched nr
voualy. Dr. F. E. Coulter testified that elncc
Wolcott's arrest he has examined him
In the county Jail and does not believe
him sane. He spoke ot his indistinct ar
ticulation, his Incoherent talk and his
extreme nervousness.
A. II. Williamson, local manager for
the American Radiator company, who
ocoupled apartments ln the New Hamil
ton, where Wolcott and his wife also
lived, testified that Mr. and Mrs. Wolcott
called 'upon him and his wife one night
and Wolcott fainted while rising from hla
chair. He fell, striking hla head against
tl.e pianola. His head was slightly cut.
This was between the latter part of
April and the middle ot May, aald Mr.
Field Club District
is In for a Cleaning
"Mamma, who are those men?"
"They are the Field club district high
brows, my son."
"Why are they wearing such funny
"Those are their last winter's Sunday
clothes, which are too good to give to
the Salvation Army, yet haven't the
proper - style of buttons to wear down
town. See, they are raking up the little
leaves and picking up the sticks and ths
pretty oyster cans. They will put them
Especially tho "toothsome" kind
found ln endless variety ln our
confectionery department. 'Spe
cial for Wednesday.
25c Angel Food Taffy, Molasses,
strawberry, Vanilla, lb., 15
CQc "Princess Sweets" Chocolates,
per lb 3
Vermont Maple Sugar, lb., 254
Egyptian Chocolates, per lb., g0
(1 and 2-lb. boxes only.)
School Day Chocolates, lb., 80
(Pennant Free with each pound.)
Meyers' Neapolitan Ice Cream
Rolls, pints, 20S quarts, 40?
Myers-Dillon Drug Co.,
10th and Farnam Sta.
Destroys Drink Habit
The man who drinks to excess needs
treatment for his condition. The Orrlno
treatment can be used with absolute con
fidence. It destroys all desire for whis
key, beer and other Intoxicants. It la a
simple treatment, It is given In the home
no sanitarium expense no loss uf time
from work.
if after a trial you fall to get any
benefit from its use your money will be
UKHINK Is prepared In tS formsa
powder, for aecret t rcutiiieniUand lu pill
form, for those who desire tur take volun
tary treatment. Costs only tl.00 a box.
We have an Interesting tiooklrt about
OltltINK that we are giving away free
on request. Call at our store and talk
It over, rtherman & McConuelr Di ug Co.,
16th and Dodge, 24th and Farnam, 20 J-4
No. 16th St., Owl Drug Co., 16th and
Sgre Cure for Heaves
Oar tpcistc fur Ixmvm, put
luu nry mmm wntd 1 ! In
horwt Is turf ptMiUvn.
AurMtMi M Csr mr !
rb. t 00 wrkc fftirrt or
Jifie ry ci-M, Htsv.-kc-will
cur the Buott oinnitt
. otvtiia M frK of
nr. tHibd UK!. isiejgUct
Krm tii toi of your bur,
a't Ut bin uffir.
galU K. CUVEUKO, Ontt
In piles and Ihe itreet commissioner's
w agona will come nnd h'.il tlo- piles
away. Perhaps tomorrow ou will see
them wearing tin- funiiv ilothes on the
golf links."
Such a coinersatlon may ta'.i- place be
twton mother and son next Saturd.iv. If
the weather Is fine, for it will be amiunl
iiean-.p day of the Vli-ld club District
Improvement cluli. Also. If the weather
In the evening Is mild, n hard limes ie- I
ceptlon, with refrrshmeiits. will be held 1
lu one ot the barn of the. lioicl.borhood. i
Jensen is Promoted
to Machinist's Mate
Lieutenant Nathan W. Post. In charee
of the local navy recruiting etiitlon, has
tccelved a letter from Mis. Nellsine .len
en ot Wt-bstei- and Thlrtv -seventh
streets, tellini: l-.lm of the promotion In
the nay of her son, .losi ph, who enlisted
bero three months us". Jensen enlisted
as an ordinary MeBimin. Put by implying
himself tu Ms tiis!;, f'nally ottraetc-t
the favorablo ittoutloti i f his superior
offlceis, and l is iromotlon to tho posi
tion of machinist' mat'-, aecond clues,
followi d
County Clerk D. M. llaveily. who Is
confined with pneumonia, w:s irpoited
belter Tuesduv and the cluinces lor i
recovery lire exlienu-ly favorable.
So that these plce may
be Ihe best ton can lm.
W select tha hnrit stnrlr tha
woild offers, grind and Back it
ourselves. We knw that von
got fullest value in a Tone Box,
10a at four Grocmi
Or send 10c for full-alse package
, -any aina. g lor 1 One
Spicy Talks," free.
, TON! BROS-, Dm M.tav ta.
Blendrn of th famous
via uiaaa vane.
One of these
If yours If you will secure) two
subscriptions to a weekly
iKwm. , ,,,
I of Llack fleiulHiied kiln---
dried oak wltu laiaed metal
numeral, large biasa pendulum
uisk and on. amen tal aide weight,
cup bell striae (he naif i.uur
and catiiedral gong on the hour.
hlZK iSijxU. U yuuia m no
tu you.
A buperb Xmas Gift-
A Perfect Timekeeper
A handauiue ooject of American
art. suitable tor the lines t liou.e
If we hear from you before Nov.
14, this clock will be shipped Dec.
15. bend ua your name und ad
dress and we will tell you wTiut
to do, to gel ll. II la worth tuu
kkking fat.
8Ua Building, Berantou, a.
Jill M.t . w 1 a tjf.i i' ypy.. : , 1 ,
Here is the
footwear for men, suitable
for all occasions,
date in style and
utmost in wcarinir
shape and retain
Onlv the very
in making Mayer Honorbilt Shoes tho
uppers, sole leather, linings and trimmings
arc of the very highest grade, selected for
their special fitness f6r fine shoes.
Mayer Honorbilt Shoes give the greatest amount
of shoe satisfaction because they are made right
they are ''built on honor."
Mads in ill styles tnd sizes for men, vomia and children.
To be sure you are
ting the genuine look
for the Mayer Trade
Mark on tlie sole. Sold
by leading shoe deal
ers everywhere. If
your dealer will not
supply you, writ
to us.
IHok for ths Trad
Mark tb sola
I'm iust as clean as
fcfrfi Iff '
W mm rd"
more than that, I feel RESTED. A sc-ind night's sleep, with ths
old-time smoke-and-cinder nuisance done away with by oil-burning
locomotives; FRED HARVEY dining car meals for the inner man,
electric lights to read and undress by. And
then, one feels so SAFE with those all-6teel
cars up ahead and the electric block signals
along the way."
The Hustler"
Kansas City to
It leaves Kansas City at five o'clock every afternoon,
VILLE. Katea and Schedules promptly furnibhej upon application to
J. C. LOVRIEN, Division Passenger Agent, Frisco Lines'
Waldheim Building, Eleventh and Main Streets, KANSAS CITY
The Bee for All the Tfa
i i
1 1
correct ,
snappv and up-to-
finish, possessing the
quality. They hold their
their stylish lines to the end.
choicest materials arc used
Mayer Honorbilt Shoes for Men
Mayer Honorbilt Shoes for Womeo
(ladinfllrfy Branrfl
Msyer Honorbilt Shoes for Children
(Special Merit Bra ea)
Wo also make Mayer "Martha Washlnf.
fftn" f Amlarf ShnM and .
. Miwr'Y,m" Ou.hlm. XvlKI fT
v : : vv-iav
when I started. And
n J))
1 1 I
ed brushmd