Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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Openir.f ii Strong and Higher Val
ue Prevail Daring the Day.
Farmer Arr bvwlif I)lpnlt Ion to
Hold Corn fop Higher Price
la o Harry- to His-,
poe of Siw Crop.
OMAHA. Nov. 11. 1511.
N'es ftr the close y-trilsy was
nullish and today's openlrg was strong
and nlxhrr. The new nu sent out hy
! cash holder who have been con
spicuous of late.
Present talk about heavy sale of local
itf-rka did not arare the a(trelve hear
faction and prices tuinlued hfter an
early spurt.
A report from Argentina atottnir run
dltlona there could not lie better lilped to
eaae Die market.
Weather condition are constantly
airlnt the country movement of corn,
and anyway farmer are showing a dis
position to hold tor thel nwn rlce and
ar :n no hurry to eell .-van whero the
new crop la reedv to market. Th un
settled feeling i due to uneaey new corn
vt heat raliif-t advanced sharply In tho
early neaslon on a more active each le
n.and and bullish Canadian news. Later
leading iM'ar sold the market down on a
predietlon of an Increase In the vlelhlo
Monday. rli nhiu him lrlo higher.
Very unfavorable wen I her and light
Mock of-old corn with no signs of an
lnrrean In the now crop movement put
csh corn le hlglinr.
Primary wheat receipts tvere hUjO bit.
and Khiprrn-nis were bu.. against
re fclpta Ht year of 90f.j)O bu. and shlp
nieni of i?K) bu.
Primary corn receipt were 447.000 bu.
nd shipmpnts weie fttf.OuO bu., against
receipts l.iat year of 2.Wu bu. and Ship
ments of i'bt,lM) bu.
rioerancrs were 11.000 buhel cf corn,
none of oat and wheat and flour equal
to buehel.
WIIBAT-No. 2 hard: 8 cars, Mc; 1 car.
Notes and
Dr. D. D. Baber of Mondamln, la., vl
I tied In Benson last Tuesday.
' Mrs. fl. Illunn of vauaa. Neb.,
1 rltlted In BeiiJOii during laat week.
Miss Mlnnlo Und lias returned to hsr
.ome In W ausa, Neb., aiter a short visit
In Benson.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Melslnger have, re
turned front a few duya spont In Piatts
anouth. Neb.
l,s Vio.ct Kaussett vt Blair Is a guest
st the homo of her uncle, 11. Kaussett and
2d re. Kaiisxott.
I K. Klstler ef Kansas la making an
attended 'visit at tho homo of his eon.
If. l Jestlen
Mr. and Mrs. T . Hlmpsons enter
talncd at dinner on Bunday lor about l
guesis of iiaha.
1'rad Ewlng has retunieil to M noma
in Bhannon city. In.. Ur a monlh visit
with his brother.
Mrs. Hoffmun of niylhevllle. Mo,, Is
m Kusst at 1 he home of Iyer daughter,
Wrs. John Ilerbsl, 1
(tertrtioe Pfeiffer returned home
at Sunday to Preston, la., after a visit
m tho Kwing home.
Fred Brodegaard has PU-t-
Jng and business trip to Wyoming to be
lions about ten days.
Orant Horton and J Horton ti"'
leen here o visit their father, B. W.
JJorton, whi la alck.
Mrs. Thomas Bsrlow returned last Bun
dav to her home In Gretna, Neb., after
fews days" visit here. ' .
Mr. und Mrs. Dlckeneenk have been
culled "o Buftalo, N. Y., by the Ulneee
of tlm fanner's futner.
Mr. and Mr. Charles Blmaiis left last
Tuesday for a month's vlslt wlin rela
tive in 1-Arnmte. Wyu. . -
JWrs. May rianer of McX'nek, Neb.
nu Miss Lillian Bayar of Benson were
". .... a ..n ui the Klllian home.
Mr. Claries T. Oleson tnteilslned last
Thursday juternoon ai "".
when atiout six guests were pi-esent.
The Benson K!iU club Will ho.d aiolhor
shoot thla auernoon at the ball park,
when prlsee will be ofloreU as last Bun-
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vos entertained
at dlnur at thslr home last Hundjy,
when ewers were laid for ten relative
Mis. Dean Rmoek and ehlldrw have re
turned to their home In Lincoln. Nen..
efter a week s visit at Ihe home of Mre.
.walful. "
Mrs. B, R. Booth entertained at an "at
liome" Ust week. Musical numbers were
l ed and lunch wae served to about eigUt
guests preent.
The Board ofc Education met last Mon
day evuilng. and elected R. Woodrum to
fill th ttcaney made by A. C. Christian
sen's reelgnatlon.
Mrs. H. H. Chlpley leave today tor her
limnn In Hpokane. V sh., after a two
Meek' vlelt at the homo of her Msler,
Mrs. 11. C. Campbell.
Miss June llrove waa pleasantly sut
rrled at her borne bv about fifty
irlende from Omaba ami Benson, who
had a pleasant time.
Mrs. Ih Marshall and MUs Maud Frank
left last Monday morning for their home
In Orerncsstle, Ind.. after a visit at the
John Marshall homo.
Mr. and Mrs, John Kurta have returned
to Benson to realdo. They have been In
Minneapolis for about a year. Mr. Kuril
In a Dally News munsger.
Ths l4itheran ladles are planning for a
Viaxaar and chicken pie dinner soon, for
which they tnude plans at Ihe lunch and
uieetlug last Wrdmaday afternoon.
Miss Helen Norrls entertained at wh!et
at her horn Wednesday afternoon hi
honor of Ml tienevlevo Heed of Un
toln. About ten a"Ujt were present.
A number of tho women of the Augus
tana church pleasantly surprised Mrs.
Kllman at her hotnn Wednesday after
Bikiii und a pleasunl time ii spent.
Mrs. Frank Nlsson of IMnaha. Mr. and
?lrs. W. II. KUeell. Mrs Huntington and
Mia. Pace of Council Bluffs were guests
at the Hodder bonis during the week.
The rlty council held lis regular meet
ing last Thuraduy evening, when the
routine bundles waa transacted. Pott,
tiona, etc., were beard during the session.
Ths B. 1 rl. club ttuve a largely at
tnded card party and dance last Tliur
ftuy evening at Ilia odd Fellows' had.
A. lunch w .is served during the evening.
A son was born lst Wednesdy to Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Hill, a daughter on
Monday to Mr. and Mm, llhop und twin
girl to Mr. and Mrs. A. HrrneiKcr on
Election day Was Quiet, 139 votes less
tlusn last year being cast Tiieiday.
Charles O. Kel!rr waa eiecud Juetl'-e ..f
ttie peace, Jonas Fry conslablu and M. P.
Could overseer.
The Benson Woman's club will meet
rxt Thursday afternoon at the home of
Sirs. K. H. larker. Mrs. C. II fprsgue
lil read th current events. Mrs. C. A.
Iracy will be leader.
At the last meeting of the luialneat
Yoon It was decided to reorganise Hit
rmr Commercial club and at present
th old officers will fill tholr position.
2text Friday another meeting will be held.
Mr. J. L. Rewey was hostess to toe
t.-iioa lluxniony club last Wednesday
Atri noon. A program of about six num-l.-m
was given by Mluee Floreni'e
cueter, M. lJllnstoli and llaicl Wilcox.
Tn funeral services of Mrs. Theodora
:lljrher, who died last Wednisdav
. . .. f. . ., in .'.
ftn iif w rw umjh iinirea 01
tiiitunionla. were held Friday afternoon ut
tun Mlhodlt church. Kev. Mr. Alack
officiated and vucul duels ' Were elvsn.
l:iterinent was In Forest Laa cemetery.
nuuibor of out-uf-town teachers
,1 la hramm last week while iuin.i.
the aneoiiatlou. Mies Tilly Kovak
of Bu
Jiiani, Neb., waa a puest at tin
j-'iia Tiuu.e, nils riorma jur or Walt
..11., - - . -, v v, " 1 - in .tutiiQ. nuiief.
liitrodt-i.t und Mrs. NMlun of Hau-laa,
1 1 . und Mijmi Carrie Nrlieon ot Ktiurucy,
Z-eb., at tlie C. C. Neutou houie.
Mr. aiid Mrs. A. M. Tot man entertained
at aa Informal reunion, ot old-time
trieuu at tijt-ir home Ust Tuesday even
ing. The auetts were members of fain
1,.. kiiouu to eucli other fur yeurs, who
wire tlr. sod iira. A. Dowe. lr. and
Tviia. lutr ljon. Dr. and Mrs. EL A.
liuun, Mr. Mrs. euid Mjs Tvtuaa
PTHc. No. 4 liard: 1 car (poor), KSc. No. :
mixed: 1 car, Wc. No. 3 mixed, durum
1 car, W!.
Liverpool cloaed d lower on n heat and
ld to Sd lower on corn.
j re following caali sale wer re
ported r
POf V No. I white: 1 car. 7'V. No. i
color: 1 car. lc. No. 2 yellow: 1 car, TOc.
No. 8 yellow: I car. 7. No. t mixed:
1 car. 7c. No. S mixed: 1 cara, C9c; 1
car new k.c .
OATH-No. t whit: 1 car. 4H'. No. 4
wnite. z cor. 4ie. No. 4 yellow: 1 car,
40V.C. No Krada: 1 car, VW'.
Omaba f'aM Price.
WIIHAT-No. ! hard, fii-zUV W; No. 8
nsra, wti'H',c; .no. 4 hard, WdVlc
OIIN No. 2 white, M,i70c; No. 8
wnite, fi'ijn..; No. 4 white, g4'B4;!4;
No. X color, 5!Si70c: No. 2 yellow, Vi
70-: No. H yellow, wiH70c: No. 4 yellow,
t'"e';9-; No. 2 V,ltrt4c; No. 3. '
o"4, .o. 4. uifqWii .No. . i;:'jiu.c,
DAT! No. 2 white. 44Mf47o:, standard
4S,f4i,i,o; No. I! white, 4Vu4iV(c; No. 4
wnne. 4..W4-V; No. 4 yellow. 4i'4Wo4o.
HArtT.KV-Maltlng, J1.14f 1.24; No. 1
feed. Krii 1.07.
P.rK-No. 3, UReSo; No. 8, 9489Sc.
1 arlol It err 1 pf a. ,
Wheat. Corn, oat
11 .
.. 2.'.
CIIFrflE-lmported wis, c?c: Amer.
can flwls. 2- blncl; Hwl. lc; 1 win.
17c; dnlrle. J7o; triplet. you tin
Amrrlc:a. SC; blue label brick, tfVja; Urn
bertrer. J lh., ISu; litnlmrifer. 1-ib , jo.:.
HCTTI'.K No. 1, Mb. carton, 'Mr; So. 1.
in ii lb. tub. S4c: No. 2, 8.0; packing, 2c
I'OUI.THY-Hroiler. IMp: aprln., IJo;
hen, 12c; cockn. liic; duck. IHo; jeee
liio; turkey, .; piieone, per tlos., $1.00
Alive, brollcrn. 12V; lien, H'-,r; old
rooeter and ta. 6c: old ducKi, full
featherad, 11c; fee, full feathered,
turkeye, lo; guinea fowl. 15o each:
planona. per doa., ;tc; homer, imr lua..
l2!-i; iUMb. No. 1, ll.CO; No. 2. i)c.
KISH P ckere . lie: whit. 13Mloc: nlke.
1!e; trout, llflflJc; lara crapple. l.Virio:
Hpanlah mat kernl, lo; eel, c; haddock.
13o; flounder. 13c; yreen natflah, liUtlDe;
roe ahad, fl.ou each; had roe, per pair.
Gossip from Omaha's Suburban
of Benson, Dr. and Mrs. H. P. McKnlght
of pinaha. Mr. and Mrs. Percy White
of California.
Tho Woman's Christian Temperance
union held a medal contest last Thurs
day evening at the Presbyterian church.
1 Iiosh on the program were Irene Hor.
ton. Km ma Killer, leabolle tiawkin.t, ; o
Van Horn. lcrti-mfe Uata. Agnee Isnd
bnrg snd lloy Ixioml. Miss Emma thler
was the winner of the sliver medal. All
on the program received a silver shield
Pin. Rev. Mr. Prior and Miss Allan of
Omaha and Hv. Mr. Bryce of Benson
wets the Judke.
Mrs. C. N. Anderson entertained at an
afternoon party Isst Thursday afternoon.
I.unch wss served for the guests, who
were Mrs. J. N. Mnleen, Mrs. S. HHveis,
ir. Charles Orelptntoft, Mrs. O. Palmer,
Mrs. J. A. Johnson of Benson, Mrs. II.
JiUklln, Mrs. J. K. 8kllon. Mrs. 17.
.IoIiiis-jii. Mrs. Alice Me.een, Mrs. C. Carl
son, Mrs. HJobert, Mis. It. Bengston,
Mrs. O. Blombojg, Mrs. Oscar Anuereon,
Mrs. I Anneison of Omaha and Mrs.
if. Haltman of Wausa, Neb.
Rev. O. II. Jaussen preached at Creston,
Iu., Hundsy.
F. h. 'jucker spent Friday at Unooln
visiting old friends.
M. B. Thompson spent Thursday at
Lincoln visiting friends.
Harold Reynolds spent the first of the
week In tfloux City, Ja.
Mr. August Burgschat Is making some
Improvements on hie place.
The Ksgles gave a very enloyable (lane
at- their hall haturday nlht.
Chris' Iyck of Benson spent Monday
evening with Florence friends.
Tuesday evening the Court of Honor
will hold a sonial at their hall.
The Fagiea will give a dance In their
new hall on (Saturday evening.
Willis J. Barber was the guest of Flor
ence friends the first of the week.
The daughter of K. A. t file Is verv
sick, being threatened with diphtheria.
Mrs. J. C. Rennlnaer won tho bread
cr meat at Dufher's and received a burrui
of flour.
Mrs. A. B. Hunt Is spending a few
weeks lu Bt. Paul, where aha la vl.ltlnr
friends. . ,
II. U Snyder will leave Wednnadav foe
a trip through llllnole, where he will
visit relatives.
Mr. and Mm. Oeorc Jackson, havlna-
sold their home on Fourth street, have
moved to Blair to live.
The Imogen Study club met Thursday
with Mrs. it. A. Uoldlng and Mra. C. P.
Htcharuson as hosteesee.
The schools here closed Wadneadav in
the teachera could attend tha in-iin
ot the teachers In Omaha.
Mrs. Plmttson. Mra. Dice a nt fia. v
Nostrand ot Manttuokeia, la., are th
guests of Mr. W. it. Thomas.
Mr. and Mra Ilenrv Tvler and dauirh.
ter. Addle, and Mr. Charles Scammon are
guesta ot Mra V,B. Pettit lor a few day.
On account of ths school teacher!
meeting In Omaha the Florence schools
were closed Wedensday, Thursday and
The Modern Woodmen of A marina - ,
planning a Mg enterta.nment and Inn-
net, to ie given at the Kagle hall on
hursday evening of next week.
Dr. Prltchard. who haa aian-d in ih
bred hog buelneaa north of town, sold
four sow to Henry Doir of Remsen. la,,
" iioieu ureeuer 01 nogs nimselt.
Miss Martha Bliss of the Flnrene. 1
school and Miss Oehllng of Nebraska
City were visitor at the Dundee school
inureuay to see now iney do the work
there. .
' The children of the Presbyterian Rundav
ai'hool will give a social an enteitalnment
1 mo r.aaie a nail on J nursouy evening
...-. iuiius tor tne viirisuua enter
talnuivut. Miss Jcanetta McDonnell, Miss Margaret
McCounull and Miss Amy Bird of Aurora
Neb., are the guests of Mr. and Mra
1J. C. Jatisseii while attending the
teachers' convention.
The Uuglre of Florenc have Issued In
vitations for a formal house warming
Wednesday evening. Cards, dancing and
refreshments will constitute part of the
pi ok ruin fur the evening.
Word was received In Florence this
weok that Tucker A Inun, who were In
the saloon business here last year, but
who opened up In PlattsmoutU this year,
wore burned out completely.
The Florence base Aall park will be
the sceno of a hotlv'cotiteeted foot ball
game today, wboii Monmouth Park and
Notes from
Seteral Enlisted Mea Wko Will Be lXicharyed for Disability Are
Truuferred to Jeffenon Baxrackv Captain Batler Thrown by
Horse and Injured Son Born to Serjeant and Mn. Swetman.
Captain William r. Neabltt and IJeu
teuanta John P. Bubb and Clarence II.
Fa 111 hum look the physical examination
during the last week aa required by Gen
eral Order No. IIS.
The troop of ttria command were paid
November 4 by Major James -A. Cole,
The following enlisted men ot tbe
Fourth lnlautry wre transferrud to Ihe
general recruit depot, Jefferson Harracka,
Missouri, November a, 1U. with a view
lu their discharge from the 1 nited Hi ate
army on account of disability: Private
John D. rioinple, company A; Private
Hairy K. K.t loll, company Ii, and Prl
vato George W. Hill!, company 11.
cVcrgeant Ftrat-C'lasi Frunk O. Nicode
mua. hospital corps, I'mtevl Htate aitny,
uuurit naval operation November
7. The removal of one of the left tur
binates and right eeptum. were tbe prin
cipal featurti uf the operation. It a
performed by Dis. Dernere and Banister.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L Hwetuiuii are
the proud possessors of a ten-pouud boy
born November lu. Mr. tiwetman la th
yoiiugeat '"'or sergeant In tbe I nilod
ait. inf.
All elflnvra and riUUttd mas X ttut
Mc; ealmon. IV; halibut. MflJc;
perch, Kc: buffalo. He; bullhead, 1c.
POUXTftT Broiler, i.x-. eprin. 1J:
nena, ITr; co'k. Ic; duck, lte; (ee,
Uc; turkey. 26c;' plreon. pr do:. tl.U.
Alive, broiler, lien, ko; o!1
rootr and tae. uc; old duck, full
feathered, lie; tteete, full fetahered, 10c;
turkey, lhc; ajulnea fowla, loc each;
pleona, por doa.. ijv; homers, per do.,
ti.W); aquaba. No. 1, 11.60; No. 2, 60c
Ueef tui frier Itiba: No. 1, lho; No
2, l2Vc; No. 3. I'iC I.olns: No. 1, l'Jlc.
No. 2, U'kc; No. J, 0c- Chuck: No. I,
iS-j No. X, br; No. a. fi'ie. Kound: No.
1, Uc; No. 2, nV-'i No. c. 1'iatea: Nu
t. ': No 2, 4Vc; No. a. 4c.
FniTlTf Apple Cooking varletle, per
bbl.. 12.75; Jonathnn. per bbl., I4.W; Hen
Davl. per bbl., 2.f.O. California belle
. lower, per box,'.; Colorado Junnthan,
extra fancy, per boxi !2.Sf.; Viuhlnirton
Pplixenlera;, per box, $2 SO; Wa.shlnaton
H. l(-auty, rr box, U .M; Vah nton
Htnman wlneeap. per box. 2.f.O. lm
nanau I 'am y eelect, per btim h, fI.2Vtf
2.60: Jlimtxi. per bunob. ('ran.
berrlea Wleroneln fancy, tmr bbl., $.00;
f "x. .kgo; extra InrRe JiimlK), per
bl., 1 10 00. Dnte Anchor brenil n j
1-lb. pkR.. In box, ner ttnt 42 W.
Kl: California, ucr rtm of li 12-ounce
PkKH.. Moo: ner one nt SIX 19-,.iir,r-
I: On; New Turklnh. S-crown ' In 2flb.
boxes, per lb.. 15c; C-crown In ?0-lb.
boxea. ner lb.. !: 7..rin in ao.lh
boxe. per lb, 17c. drape fruit Florida,
(i-fW xe. ner rrale 14 7iWr. 0i): ttn.Kl.ut
lxe, per crate, V.ti. tirapee Cal'for.
nla Tokay, per 4-lnk. crate, 11. 2j; Malaga
crapes In bbl., tr HKi'MU. Lemons IA
monelra brand, extra fancy, .1o;i-3) atxfs,
per box, IK.iii; Imi Jtnmni-Ira, fancy,
('l-.'KU lx-s, por Ivnx, 4.o0; 240 and 4JJ
elxe. COc per box lee. Orannea
Nlatcara Itedland ValenclMa, BS-12I aUe.
vrr nni. a i:-iii2no.-.'ii;.;ijo clues, per
liOX. fc.nO. PraoheH Cullfomla en. I frAi-
riido, per Ikx, tl.ft). I'ears rellfornla
B. C'larljreati, ner 50-lb. liox, fa.oo.
VKOKTAMLK.S Beans Strlntr and
Wax. ner mkt. bk., Il.00trl.2f.. Cab-
bnke Wlwoneln. per lh.. iiinw
Celery Mlchlfian, per dor... 40c: Colorado
Jumbo, per dos., 0u. (fuciimbnrs Hot
hfiuae per do.. 1100, Fsra; plan --Kan. v
1 lorlda, per do., 12.00. Oarllo-Kxtra
leiu y, wnue, per jn., ldc. lettuce Kxtra
fancy lea per doa., 40n. Onlons-C'all-fornla,
whtta, per lb., io; Wisconsin, yel.
low and red, In ack, per lb., 2i4c; flpan
Isli, per crate. 11.76. Paraley Fancy
homo grown, per doa. bunches, 4So. Po
tatoesMinnesota Karly Ohio, pr bu..
the T. n i u m r-.... ti r,. .
. . , - . v. i.uuiiiui niuim meet,
the Parks have leased the park for the
HII.IAII . .. . .. . . . . . ,
.. ,, am uunsistentiy Dealing an
teams they meet.
The l'rmra Tn,tif,t, . , .
tho Ponca school houso Monday after
"?on. a.n1 l,l''l'ed to have a meeting ploce
if wieir own and to thut end appointed
ra conimltto)! of thro i riui-. ....1
means of getting a building built for their
needu. fir, ili .. .., . .....
. ..uii.i.; vvrriiiii lou C1UU
came to Morence In a body to bo the
guests of the ICnterprtxe club teom
morclal clubi and spent an enloyable
evening. Music, sneaking tuid refresli
mcnta were the order ot the evening.
The Ladles' Kensington club of Ponca
m j at. ,ho home of Mra. iius riaohs
Wednesday. The ladies enjoyed a very
pleasant afternoon, after which lunch
was served. The guests of honor were
Mr. Uaurof Barpy Mills and Miss Mary
arlis. Those present were Mesdames
tirodersen, Jaspersen.Dlnklns, Raymond,
Alback, Johnson, Ove. Letovsky, Baur of
ijsrpy Mills, Hachs and Ml Mary Pachs.
1 he next meeting will be held at the
hoire-of Mrs. Hansen a week from
Wednesday afternoon.
Th city council met on Monday even
ing and Councilman King Introduced a
resolution accepting the terme of settle.
E'n.!rrel bv ,he Paving contractor, M.
Ford. The resolution was passed bv three
councllmen voting for It and one aga.nst
it. The contractor has agreed to fix up
the curbing, repair oil places In the pave
ment and throw olf the cost of prac
tically two and one-half Incline of tne
concrete base, nmoiintlng to the sum of
approximately 8.fioo, beside allowing the
1 ! .apl,l' 7 8, of the money
allowed by the county to be taken of tho
paving of the atreet. Ho also agrees that
he Will Walt unlit ti,. i... r
---- ..... i 117 rBinuiinnci
wnether the street cor company or the
ftffsjr I'liall ax.. 1 . , .
-.VT "i" "" paving oeiween tne
rails. A spirited Ohate ltween the City
Attorney W. If. Thompson and Council
man J. H. lrls took up so much time
that It waa midnight before adjournment
was taken to Wednesday evening. The
city attorney not having the necessary
papers drawn up on Wednesday night an
adjournment Wua taken until Monday
night. It Is the Intention of the- council
to settle and adjust all difference now
existing On thn mtvlnir r 1 1. ... .A
call a special elnctinn in n..r..i...
vote bonds to pay for the paving. It was
ihle question of the paving that spilt the
town Into hlttar .
........ ..M....,a ,iiiu aiiu
caused so much litigation.
' Itaadee.
W. A. FMxley Is In Chloago on business.
Jams W. Hamilton left Wednesday for
J. 13. Dodds haa returned from a trip
to Alabama.
D. l Johnson waa. In De Boto, la., on
business last week. "
Mrs. O. D. Patterson went to Denver
Thuisday for a hort visit.
O. K. Ferry haa returned from a two
weeks' trip through the south.
Mre. Tom Iraen and sons are visiting
In Kearney, Neb., for a fortnight.
C. 1 Cooke and family of Omaha have
moved Into the housu at 4S3U Webster
street. ,
Mr. -and Mrs. Frank la Rubel have
inued Into tholr new liouie at 413 Cali
fornia street.
Mrs. C. W. Flshbaugli of Shenandoah.
(?' UMt ltt' we-k of Mr. and
Mra. i:. Roe.
Mrs. W. L. Drayton lias returned from
a visit of several weeks In Ohio and
Mlis Lesher of Uncolu was the guest
of Mra W. P. Warner while attending
the teachers convention.
F. R. Straight and family have moved
ito their handsome new home at Fifty
tirst and Cuming streets.
Miss Nell Clark of the Lincoln 'High
chool was the guest during the week of
her slater. Mrs. C. K. Parks.
Dr. Nathaniel Molliffln of the Dowe
Avenue Prekbyterlan church will preach
tonight at the Dundee church.
Mr. D. L Johnson entertained the
mother uf her Hunday school clusa of
little girls Wednesday afternoon.
D. B. Cheency and family of Omaha
have moved to W07 Cuming street In tho
house formerly occupied by H. M, Culver.
Mrs. it. a. Hart entertained twenty
little girls Monday afternoon In honor ot
ber daughter Margaret's eleventh birth
lay. Rev. Grant la Fleher spent the last
week In Deavenworth, Kan., assisting
rtev. Mr. McBrlde In evangelistic nieet
tug. Miss Anna I-eopold of Clay Center waa
the guoet ot Mrs. C. W. Bowlby during
Fort Crook
First battalion, headquarters, non-com-miMsloned
staff, and band, Fourth Infan
try, under tit years of use. who had not
had typhoid fever or th typhoid pro
phylaxis, were given the first dose of the
typhoid preventive. November .
The reiiular weekly dunce of the Fort
Crook Sunshine club on Wednesday, No
vember t. waa well attended by both
civilians and aoldmr. The muele was
furnished by the Fourth Infantry band.
Mergeant Isadora 1. llershbsjg,
corps, who haa been with the maneuever
divisiiiu at Bun Antonio, Tex., during tlie
last sx months, haa been ordered back to
Fort Crook for duty, rgeant Uershberg
arrived at the post on November .
Captain Lawrence P. antler. Fourth
Infantry, was thrown from tils horse one
day last week. A slight scalp wound
aud being badly ahaken up ware th otily
111 efTecta
Ixntal Surgeon U. I Masoa and Id
aaelstant, ' Hawyer, from For
Hnelllng. Minn., arrived lu th poat th
first part uf th week for the purpose of
aitenmng to ths tiacesrary dentnl work
of officers and men uf this command.
8rau,t Claud A. Aiurlge was an
Ooi! -a visitor ea Thursday.
1 00; Wisconsin white stock, per bu.,
c; In 10-aack r, fa- lee. Sweet po
tatnea Virginia. p r bbl., f W: per bu.
bk., 1. xr. Rutabara In sacks, per lh.,
ivc. Tomatoes Calfomln, per crate,
MIUCKLr.ANEOT.'S Almonds Tarra
fona, per lb., ISVc; In tack lots. Jo less,
Itrazll nuts Per lb., 14c: .n sack lots, lc
lei. Cnroantit I'er a-k, ...0. Fil
bertsPer lb., 14c; In sack lota, 1o lee
Peanuts ftoasted, per lb., fl'V; raw. per
lb., ",. I'ecans Lr;te. per lb , ltjc; In
sack lot", 1c le. Walnuts New crop
Ifll. California, per lh 17V: In sack lot,
lc les. Cider New Nebawka, per ir
yal. H bbl. $.7.00; per .10-kqI bbl., r. W:
New York Mott's, per lj-ral. H bbl., 13.50
per ao-gal. bbl., tm.M. Honey New. 24
frames. 13.71k Kraut Per la-esl. keir.
11.10; Wisconsin, per tt bbl., 13.30.
(. I.oala (ienrral Market.
HT. UDVIH, Nov. H.-WHEAT-Caali,
steady: track No. 2. red, 96 VoK'lc; No 2
hard. Wci1.07; December, MVif-jPic; May.
COKN Weak, track. No. t Tiff
72'-bc; No. 2 white, 72,uc; December, 2o.
OATt Steady; track No. 2. 47S1i4)i";
No. 2 white, 4W3GWC; December, 47",443c;
May, i0o.
HTB--t;nchan(rel, S2c.
PIL'1V Hteady; reJ winter patents.
U.Ui.W; extra funcy and utrulunt, $3.5
tr4.Hn; bard winter clear S4ii3.6.i.
44KlI'f Timothy, $14.017:1S.50.
HHAN Weak: sacked east traok. 11.11
HAY-Rtronr; tlmotby, $:.0032t00; prai
rlc, 112.0n4fiK.0v.
PKOVISIONH Pork. lower: lohhintr
1160. Ircl. lower: ortnio steam.;
9.00. Dry salt meats, higher; boxed extra
snorts, so.hi:!,; clear ribs, i.62Vi: short
clears, tXS7V Bacon, htghor: boxed extra
ahort, rt-"4; clear ribs, r).62!j; ehort
clears $0.74.
POLLTHV Firm; chickens, Sc: springs,
9H"; turkeys, 14c: ducks, lie; irecse. Ho.
KOGte-rlrm; 24ra8c.
Ileceipts. Slilptnents.
Flour, bbls J,2 R2 O110
Whoat. bu 44.0W 12,000
Corn, bu 28,000
Oata. bu a,ooo 23.0UO
Persistant Advertising Is Iho Road to
Big Returns.
the Nebraska Teachers' association con
vention. .-J?1"? Margaret Howard, who Is teaching
school In Old. Neb., waa the guest daring
v i7?? of hr I'wcnts, Mr. and Mrs.
W. B. Howard. ,
Miss Mercedes Caughlan entertained at
n bridge lunchenn Monday In honor of
Ml"'!! i'd.wr'1 Murphy and Mrs. James
Hanlln. two of 1 1. . eii 1.-1 ....
were laid for twelve.
Mr. and Mrs. Ijiwrence Olbnon of
Douglas, Wyo., arrived in Omaha Tues
day to be the guest of Mr. tMbson's sis
ter. Mra , I.vmiiTi n Ua.i.u ..f u ..t
- . - 'hi-,' ' . r aiiawv.
I ney made 1.10 trip by motor.
mis Martha Morten of Stratton, Neb.,
and Miss Virginia Broaddus of MIssih
Ippl wr the guests during tho week
or Miss Minnie palmer, en route to Sar
d's, Miss., where they will spend the
Mrs. H. J. Lanktroe of C110 California
Street an tart. In n.l a 1-.. iB. i .
day In honor of the aoventy-elghth blrth-
j vi oer granumotner, .mis. A. W.
1 rumble, -and of Mrs. Drexel, mother of
Mrs. J. it. Harte.
..Mr"- H. K. Morton. Miss Morton and
Mla Falconer are homo from a trip of
s veial weeks through aiut .e. n Ca lfornla
and other points on the Paclfio coast.
Miss Moitnn and Miss Falooner will leave
soon for New York City,
Miss Orace Joyce or Syracuse, Miss
Mabel Helser of Valentine, Miss Mury
Holdcroft and Miss Naiclssa of
Randolph were the guests during the last
week of Miss Florence Hatimway wiu.e
attending the teachers' association.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bum ner en ter -
tlllnait at an .I.I....I,. aiH . . L , ..
; . ' ' u i " u 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 m i. 1 1 1 m 1 1
home laet Saturday, the occasion being
i'iimm"! mrimiHy. xnose preeent
were Mr. and Mrs. Berry, Mr. and Mrs.
Everett, MAi Comstock, Mr. Comstock,
Dr. and Mr. H. B. Dcmere. Mr. and Mrs.
W. B. Fonda and Mr. and Mrs. Humner.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cotner gave a
dinner Wednesday evening In honor of
Mr. O. 11. Klsberry and her class of
girls of the First Christian church, who
gave a surprise party In honor of the
celebration of their golden wedding anni
versary. Among the decorations of the
dinner table were some family heirlooms
In sliver of considerable atfe and value.
M. N. Murphy, superintendent of con
struction for tho Johnson Klectrlo com
nanv. who Uvea In nnm!.. a..u . ..
talk on electricity to the Men's brother-
uiuu ui me iunaee cnurcn Monday even
ing In the parlors of the tjhurch. E. H.
Westerfleld will have charge of the cur
rent tonlra an.1 lh... mill l.A . . 1 ..
. . . . i. . u ...i. .... i a. i
music. The men of Dundee are cordially
Weet Ambler.
Miss Ada Qanti I visiting friend In
North Omaha tha last two weeka.
Mrs. T. J. Bernhardt and family moved
Into the Cailuen cottage lu i-kist Ambler
this week.
John Henderson arrived from Denver
on Tuesday morning for a short visit with
his parents here.
Miss Marie Ourman entertained sev
enty qf her young friends at a taffy pull
on Friday evening. ,
Mrs. l.ennlng had the misfortune to
fall from a ladder on Wednesday and
broke her ankle In two places.
Messrs. John and Harry Carman went
out to Mr. Duese's farm near Millard to
spend their threo days' vacation.
Mis Marie German was the guest of
her friends, Mr. and Mrs. l. Froeder, on
Florence boulevard, on Sunday.
Mr. A. E. Long, formerly of Windsor
Place, and bride, are nicely located In
their new home at IMS Georgia avenue.
Mrs. V. J. Trabor entertained her
friends. Mesdamea lillrold and Shearer, at
her homo In East Ambler on Wednesday.
Mrs. O. Kllfeather, who has spent the
last month wttb her sister, Mrs. O. Bern
hardt, left for her home In Chicago on
Mrs. Will Hoffman and daughter, Kath
leen, arrived from Norfolk on Saturday
evening on a visit to her parents. Rev.
and Mrs. R. M. Henderson.
Martin Anderson arrived from St. Jo
seph hospital on Monday after a long
Siege of fourteen weeks, and while mucn
Improved. Is not entirely well,
Mrs. Ol lie Hickman entertained lier
daughtere. Mesdamea Daisy Leeder and
Nannie Meechum, of North Omaha, at
her home In West Side this week.
Howard S.M'ller bought th "SpotJ
- . - . . j ' - - i'i iri-lll a 1 1 1 1
Ixard streets, of Max Woolfxon, this
week and took posaeaslon Thursday. This
Is the old Denhart store.
Mra. Ola C arisen celebrated lier sixty
ninth birthday on Monday, being hostess
to her three daughtera, Mesdamea A.
Jacobeen of Fort Crook. lna Talbot of
Fast Omaha and Mrs. Fred Carlsen uf
Mason street
Mrs. Wetherell and two children sre
visiting in Omaha this week with her
-Mra William Martin of Plattsmouth.
Neb., Is visiting her' niece, Mrs. propst
this Week.
Mr. U Howard departed last Sunday
iinday for Cleveland. O.. for a weeks'
visit with friends and relatives.
Harrv lwver and family left Thursday
for Indianapolis. Ind.. where Mr. 1 lever
has a good posit'on aa a draughtsman.
Will Propst of Mvnard. .Neb. came to
Ralston Tuesduy In his Ju ksoii car
which he recently purchased a short
time age.
Mrs. Dave Ham gave a delightful pnrty
to a number of friends Friday evening
1 arde and niuaio helped lo p-as the even
ing and all aeeni-d to enloy It very much
At a late hour refreshments were Served
fr'm?"salad ,n,iwlctju oee. and
Ths boys of the school at Balaton guve
a txtrtv Monday evening at the Boiler
Skating rink at Dakeelde park for the
girl. There was quite a number out.
and all eeente.1 uLiv i
tme snj akutlna' we th enjotinent
in- nnnns aim Hint rcrrrshUK'iU
r acrved
Cornfed Cattle Lower, Rangeri
Steady for Week.
I.amKa of All Kinds and Feeder
F.wes TrrentyPlTe Lower,
While other sheep Are
Steady for Week.
SOUTH OMAHA, Nov. 11, It'll.
rt.,"lptf . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Official Tuesday iKt
. .i'-.a, eunesnay
9. ITT
utflcial Thursday..
""im iTiaoy
tslimate Saturday..
Six days this week,
same days lest w.w
30.65 27X9 M.755
6.40 . SS.sssi lJI.Oll
ivime days 2 wks Bgo...W,3M ZS.7V5 lon.KiS
heme days 8 wk ao..3,M.i i.1 17i.7.S
baino days 4 wks'. 24.41;'. 1K7.W1
hamo days la-ist year. ..20.304 17.11
The following table snows the receipt
"f cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
lor th 1 ear to date, 11s compared with
last year: inn. uiu. inc. Die.
V.u-M'e l.lWl.TT.t 1 074 11 4-i.KiU
2,047,813 1.671,777 373,rt
Sne,P 2.717,510 2.670,040 41,47t
Th following table shows the averaae
pr.ces paid for hoks at Boutli Omaha for
the Inst few days, with comparisons.
Date. I mn. ll910.IH)09.l08.liTi".lli.tlD06
Nov. 2..;
Nov. J..
Nov. 4..
Nov. I..
K 7 i 7 tr 6 r: i e 101 4 w
6 WV! 8 (V 7 6S ft (Mi I 8 07 4 S7
li'.l 8 VI 1 71! 6 W S C-' I 4 SS
I 7 IU 7 70 $ 07 6 3J 6 W
I 7 70 0 75 S 1S 6 0(5
Nov. 8.. I
4 bl
Nov. 7..
Nov. 8.. I
Nov. l. .
" lV4 ( Wl I U l 4 VII
4 S3
4 81
6 08
8 ttil 7 TBI 14 7.i
0 02
7 so 7 711 5 62 4 SSI
0 031
4 7
4 HO
4 82
ov. JO
0 i'l
0 07
Nov. 11. j 27?
I W 7 73 5 fi
7 8 I T 7d 5 61 4 ?
Receipts and disposition of live stock
at the T'nlon RtnsU varHai Qnnlli nm.ViU
Nrb., for twenty-four hours ending at i
. Cattle. Hog's. Sheep.
C., M. & St P " 4
Wabash 4
HUPn Partflo a
. . iv. w., east 3 ..
C. N. W.. west 1 wi '
C, HU B. M. AO 3
C., B. e CI., east a
C, B. ,T Q., west IS , ..
C, R. & p.. east a '. .
C. 1L & P.. west f.
Illinois Central 1
C U. W -i
Total receipts 1 71 2
Omaha Parking company 77
ana company 1,2
Cudahy Packing company 1.4"7
Armour AV Co 1 41a
J. 11. Bulla 3
H. V. Hamilton 11
Other buyers 23
Total 315 4.9
CATTLfc The market was bare of
cattle today, but for tha week reoelpts
foot up 30,6oo head, being a sain of over
J.OflO hend us roinpared with last week,
but smaller than two and three weeks
ago. As computed with a year ago thero
hus been a gain of over 10,000 head for
tho six days. It will bo seem from this
that receipt have been very liberal for
this time of the year.
With the season tor range beeves draw
ing to a close It seemed as If buyers were
all anxious to nick up as many desirable
cattle of that description as poselble. As
a result tbe market was reasonably ac
tive on Hint ktud every day aud prices
fully steady with last week. On the
other hand the Increasing number of half
fat or warmed-up cornfed steers moved
very slowly, packers as usual preferring
the inn go steers. As a result Inferior
comfeds are safely 40tf50c lower than
one week ago.
The market on cows and heifers was
In verv fair shape throughout the weok.
The good to choice grades were In very
good demand and there was also an ac
tive buying demand for canning and feed
ing grades. Prices at the close of the
week are fully steady with laat week.
On the other hand the fair or medium
kinds wero more or less neglected on
some days and at the close of the week
they are around lOft'lto lower.
Feeders moved nulte freely this week
and tho good grades have been firm
every day. On the other hand the common
and trashy kinds came In pretty freely
toward the last of the week and they are
possibly a little lower.
Taking the week as a whole the market
has ben in very fair shape and entirely
satisfactory to tbe selling Interests on
practically all kinds of cattle excepting
oniy cornfeds.
Quotations on native cattle: Good to
l lions ueei siveis, i.oc,.,o; fair to good
ueef steers, eJ.W"H&.7&; common to fair
oeef steers, $4.400.00; good to choice heif
ers, M-WXiio SO; good to choice cows. H'&J
4.K5; fair to good cows and heifers. U-ii
U4.2S: common to fair cows and heifers,
U7otuM; vesl calves, H.'UnjuX
Quotations on range cattle: Good to
choice beet steers, 6.7u7.2o; fair to good
bret sleets. .uUjo. to; common to fair
beef steers. 4.4f.-...uO; good to choice heif
ers, (4 4uiu.l; good to cnolce cows, $4,350
4.W); fair to good cows aud heifers. $3.761
4.S5; good to choice stockers and feeders.
M.feO&ti.oO; fair to good stockers and feed-
rs, t4.iyu4.W: common to fair Blockers
and feeders, $4.404H.SS; Slock mJfers. $4.23
ti''.-.. bulls, staas, etc., J.'tI4-W.
HOOtt packers made short work of
cleaning up the hog supply, wintry
weather being the most logical reasons
for brisk buying. The market advanced
a nickel under the Influence of healthy
competition ana practically all of a
moderate run was sent scaJeward before
9:15. It was a short lively seaslon that
prompted no complaint In selling circles.
Receipts amounted to ubout seventy
loads, with plenty of weight the rule and
bacon clnssva tho exception. Lard va
rieties drew usual premiums, selling
readily at high figures. Des.rahle light
grades met with les severe discrimina
tion, but It was evidenced by a more re
sponsive demand rather than any visible
nnrrowlng In the spreads.
lxing strings ranged Irom ;.20 to 18 30.
popular price for attractive butcher and
fair to good heavies 10.25. Choice
lard gradea sold at high aa $4.3a, as com.
pared with yesterday's top of bi.W1,. The
few pigs that were available sold "like
hot-cakes," weights under 126 pounds
bringing as much aa t&.!6.
Conditions In trade during the week
generally favored Interests and
prices are during at advance of lObl&a
along the line. Receipts have beau moder
ate, but Improvement I credited rather
to an Improving demand for product at
all of the leading distributive center.
Representative saic
Vs. Fr.
A. e. -r.
....HI ... I M
....iM 10 I r,
....yj 10 I
m t i7i
....74 ... J7
....Jtl lie n,
...3iu is m.
lt Jl I to
....mi w 4
....tM U I i
....K IS 4 lil
....l fM u
....111 lab t si
lie 1 y,
...Hi Mil.)
... r.l tin 1 H
...M i 4 jj
uo m
... in n) I w
,...))-. ... fM
....:ti toe no
. ....u ... s
... 44 f to
.... ... :
,... as to
!'7 I14 I 0
....UT la I 11 1
....11 m s;j
.... ... I it -4
... 4 i,
....) ... I Ft
i-4. ..
7. . .
... 4 4
U 1(1
SO 1
.... 1-
... 4 174,
... 4 4(
II li -U
... ti 19
... S M
... W
II .
. .tit 1M :
..141 ... Kl
t :wi, J..
,.tJ4 1J 4 lit
..: at
4 a
. .
li 4 t I
4 r
... 4 Si 14
J 4 tu
m in
U .
41. .
IS. .
14. .
... !
Hi 14
... 1
SO la
::.t i 4 :-i
III 140 I S
.. lib
It i::
sm ... 4 :i
;o lM ... I n ... i U
" t. . I no
rjil liiil" Barring one lone shipment of
2.747 3t,l
8.J 21.M'2
4.4'I7 2.4::
4.7rj 6'J0
Oregon lutnbs ana mr in market for
sheeti and lambs was practically bare of
supplies and valuea showed no changes
worth tnenllonlug.
fcharp contraction In rang marketing
lately waa the iweat development In the
trade tins week, but the dwindling
graaser supply was partly offset by the
appearance of mora r less fed and
armed up stock from the Corn belt. The
W head estimate of today rounds off a
week's tutal of only aJ.0tl head, the small
est of any week since the opening of the
Depite relatively modest offerings, the
demand from packers proved bearta), on
11101 days and lmb both ft and feed,
are. were cautht in decline of gensraliv-
quarter, the market cloelng on thi,
laiUv as cotniswed wtlh cyst at
week's rlose. Feeder ewes re.tcheJ th
lowest levels of the season, also ahowlnir
net lof of alKiut a nunrtcr. but at 'si.V': cow and heifer. I.'.'n jn
ewes, wethers and yearlings average ui,ca,wi f.VRn&ji.r..
little, If any, lower tlinn the various Hi KJS Heteipls. 7:1.000 ' hruii : iii.u k t
mutton quotations In force a week ago.
ihe best fed western lambs available
after mid-week, cominar In from a two
down Into the welchtv feertl nir clfmnc
paying $5.00 and less for averages under
70 pound. Extreme top for the week
Is claimed by the Kinney range lambs
selling at $0.00. Oood ewes moved on
packing orders from $3.00 ,up to tXX: and
attractive wethers landed at 13 4&iJ3.So
Yearlings sold up as high s $4.20, with
canter ewes from $1.15 to $1.70.
Feeder trade failed to respond to In
ducements of bargain rates snd the de
mand was usually Indifferent. Lack o'
variety acted aa a repres-lve Influence
In buying circles, but the week I closing
with everything sold and billed out.
Strong weight feeder lamhs moved around
4.3... with thrifty ewes at $2.50 and les.
lotnl purchase of feeders on country ac
count amounted to 7b,000 head.
Quotations on sheen and lambs: T.amb
rood to choice. $6.4trg57r.: lambs, fstr ti
eond $,f5.40; lambs, feeders. 8.1 25ff4 W
vearllnps, good to choice, t3.K0fM.iS; year
ling, fcederr. .2;i1.M: wethers, good to
mPcI' J4115: wters. fair to pood.
" 1Mf3.40; wethers. feeders. $2.90'a3 2i
wes. good to choice. $;i3.3S; ewes.
' . iz.iriira.uu; ewes, breeders,
.r3.,S; ewe8l feeders. 2,Oi'J.7t; eaes.
cuils. $1.101.73.
Kenan c ity I, lye Utoete Market.
KANSAS CrTY. Nov. ll.-CATTI.BV-Re-ceipts.
400 head, Including J"0 southerns:
market steady: dressed beef and export
Kteers, 0.oS9.00; fair to good. to.2GqjtJ.50;
western steers. 4.a7.SO: stockers and
feeders. $3.76f(.75; southern steers. J4.0OU
6.28; southern cows. $2.7r.64.u0; nstlve
cows, 2.7rvf; native heifers. J4.0Wi7.00:
bulls. 3.26'iii4.8B: calves. U.VVfl.VL
HOOS-Recetpts. 4.000 head; market
strong to 6c higher; bulk of sales. $.0O-
6 40; heavy. $6.8o'ii.45; packets and butch
ers, W.2i(g6.40; lights, $5.80Q6.; pigs, $4.25
HHEEP AND I.AMBS-Recelpts, l.Sftfl
head: market steady; lambs. $4.2Wi6.sS;
yearling. $.1. 7544 R0: wethers $3 2G-&4 00;
ewes, $2.73ffi3.60; stockers and feeders, $2.00
Bt. Lents Lire Stock Market,
ceipts, 200 head. Including 150 Texans:
market steady; native beef steers, $6.00(8
9.00; cows and heifers, $3.O07.OO; stoclrrs
and feeders, $3. 2&(eP5. 2T. ; Texas and Irfllan
steers, $4.0Oa'6.75; cows and heifers, $3.00
4.76; calves. In carload lots. ROOrtfT.M.
HOGS Receipts, 7,600 head; market 6c
higheri-pigs and lights, $4.a.2S; pack
ers, $(J.lo4i'8.45; butchers and best heavy.
$6.1S&.K. 1 -
No sheep market.
Cblcaa-ei LIT Stork Market.
CHICAGO, Nov. ll.-CATTLK-Recelpts,
300 head; market, steady; beeves, U.Wtf
montns- feeding term, topped at 5.7$, and r. LV "T- 1 "
small bunches of attractive shorn lambs "ffp i, 1 M B?PcelPt 1 :
rari in the tverk kl tern tvrr wnrkod I i .
Wisnter Trips
Round Trip Excursion Tickets
Are Now on Sale Daily
via the C. C& N. W. Ry. to Florida, Cuba,
New Orleans, Mobile and the Gulf Coast
Fast Trains
Daily Between
Omaha and
The Best of
Cheery Office
The Bee
has one of the most pleasant atmospheres of any
office building in the west. The beautiful court,
with the now decorations and the large fountain
and tho substantial appearance of tho whole
structure, mato the offices here full of cheer
and givo pleasant surroundings in which to
work. The building is one of the most modern, "
with new elevators, high class janitor service,
an excellent heating and lighting equipment.
The location of the building, in tho heart of the
business section, with up-to-dateness in arrange
ment and service, makes this an ideal place for
the particular man to have his office. A few
offices on the court and outside are vacant now.
Boon 40 Sl2 9xl9-. harlnr frame and class partition acrws center
of room making- two good slxed offices wlttt every convenience, and
the rental pries only, per month (14.00
Boost 44 Having III aiuar feet make a very pleasant office: havlns;
sn esst exposure and belns; near Farnam rilreet aide of tlie bull'ilnif
lient very reasonable. I'er month 130.00
Boom Bit Pon't pay for desk room space when you can rent a private
office for the same amount. This room is Sxl4, has a lares window
on the court, affording plenty of light and ventilation. I'rlre pr
niontlt 910.00
Boons 444V Directly opposite the new crt house facing Farnam Street
Our front office are raurh In demand oil account of the prominent
location. This room Is lSxtsi, teet in size, and la eubdivided
with frame and glasa partition, giving two offices In ona Urniil
price, per month I ...930.00
Boon 3s0 Is a choir corner office having a north and west exposure
miakltis: this spac aitrucUv at any season of the ytar, on account
of good light and ventilation. V e will arrange this space, iix'O
suitable fur tenant, and I her being a vault In the room, it si'for'is
extra protection for valuable lie 11 1, per riiomu 940.00
Bee Business Office. 17th and Farnam Sts.
! 1": Texn ftocr. l iVk-". ". it t .1
ter. t4.i'ii7 i'i: 1 torki r nnJ feed I '.
weak to Klffeile lower tlmn orlv: lv.t.
ri.7iriiS.4o; mixed. SA WmVi; heavy, M
'u r.:,; roiivh, $"..l"K,iii.i,',- uood to cholc '
I.JO: lambs, native, $3.7.Va .!;; j estc. u.
St. Joeeph I Ive stork Market.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Nov. 11. CATTDH
Recripts, 100 head; market, steady; steers.
l.76fia.36; cows and heifers, $3.toii.0l;
calve. $1.0027. JO.
HOG 8 Receipts, 4.2t0 head; market
steady to strong; top. $4.46; bulk salts.
KHlitiP AND LAMBS Receipts, none;
riiariiet. unchanged; Irnbs, $o.0Oj6.7u-
Stock la Slaht.
Receipts of live stock at the five prin
1 mi fin. e".."iTI J. m. frit ll I llbk "''
cipal markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaba CO 4.700 600
Ht. Joseph 101) 4,200
Kansas City ,... 400 4.000 l.Sod
Pt. Louis 200 7.600
Chicago 800 18.000 1.6D
. Totals 1.000 83,490 3,C0
Kaasaa City Grain and Proylalons.
Cash unchanged; No. 2 hard, (t7rH(Sl(M:
No. S. WcfglLOS; No. 2 red, 7(398c; No. 3,
CORN Unchanged ; No. 3 mixed. 73" c;
No. 3. 73c; No. 2 white, 73,4c; No. 3, 73c
OATS Unchanged; No. 2 white, 4yi
4Hc: No. 2 mixed 47SVc.
RYE Ot'sTSoc.
HAY Steady; choice timothy. J19.50JP
20.00; choice prairie. $1! 0O?13.6O.
BUTTER Creamery, 31c; firsts, 29c;
seconds, i)7o: packing stock, ZOo.
F.GGS Kxtras, ihe; firsts, 27c; second.".
Keceipts. Shipment.
Wheat, hit 45,000 78.000
Corn bu i.0OO 10.04)
Oats, bu 10.000 7,000
Liverpool Grain Market.
easy; No. t Manitoba, 7s Od; No. 8 Man
itoba, "s GHd; futures, easier; December,
7s lHd: March. 7s lHd; May, 7s 4d.
CORN Kpot, easy; American mixed. ts
3d; futures, quiet; January, 6s 6Vfed; Feb
ruary, Cs d.
Peerla Market.
PEORIA. Nov. H.-COKN Steady: No
8 yellow, offered, 63c; No. 4 yellow, (tyip
60'c: No. 3 mixed. 62c; No. 4 mixed. 80c:
sample. DSUc
oath Higher; .no. a wntte. 45c: stand-
ard, 47Vc; No. 8 white. 474c
MllwenVee Oraln Market.
1 northern, tl.OS4rl.fl0: No. 2, tl.04gl.07; No
2 hard winter, tl.00gi.02; December, M'.ic:
May, WVi9c.
C. The splendid trains of the
Chicago and;
North Western
between Omaha and Chicago
connect at the latter city with all
lines to the South and Southeast,
forming a passenger service that
cannot, be surpassed.
Through rmlway and ttttmthip tickmtt
arm alto on so fo th Mtditmrraryan,
th Holy Land and to all European cititM.
Sleeping1 cr retrerrations and ressrvatlons
of spac on steamships to points named
above given prompt and careful attention.
Trains leave Omaha for Chicago:
7:40 am. tMtf.m. t 8:50
12:03 p... 0:35 12:40 s.n.
5:10 755 a. at.
Tuht Officii
1401-1403 Farnam
Omaha, Ntb.