Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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rrizei for Winner ia Manufao
p tureri' Association Contest.
itve hodeid to the wejxeb
Assm-Ltlna Give Oat Rale. Which
Will Gorrrn Coateat for a
Tndr-Mtrk for Omaha
Itatfe Goods.
frh winner of the Omnha Manufac
turers' association trails mark contest, In
Which trade mark design for the us of
the A'ftocintlnn mill be submitted, will get
merchandise nnd cash representing nearly
$W. Thn prliea range from a box of
beg powder to a felt matlre.
.Th. association has mado public the
following statements ana rule of contest:
The purpoaa and use of the trade mark
Will bt to advertise) Omaha a a manu
facturing city. Hoods made In Omaha
are ih best made ami thn association la
lor Omaha and tin members.
The lisde mark will l imn.1 on letter
rfniln. either nrlntfd. sn-el Mate nr nihn.
arflphert, In catalogue and on pnrkMBc.
, j nr uiea ana it w orm will bo essential.
i.'Wim must le simple and easily read.
jAiy phraao mtirt be distinct.
Jirswlnss muM he submitted on ledger
rai'er fst't. and In Ink.
3,Mgn to require, nnlv one color.
-Trade mark will be used by members
On) y.
.lall sketch or drawing to secretary's
ffTic before January 1, i;il2, at which
time content will close.
Put your name on a separate card and
nrloae with drawing.
A committee will bo appointed to paaa
. VPTI the Idea submitted.
The committee will not know the name
tit the one submitting the drawing.
All kctrhe. drawing or Idea to be the
S1 property of the association.
The key to success In business tha
New York Raffles
Arrested and Loot
is Recovered
NKW TORK, Nov. 10. Tho pollt.
and debonair Ita fries who beggr-l
the pardon of Mrs. Fred Bwlft on
Tuesday night when he robbed her home
of $R,orO worth of valuables walked Int.
the police net today. Dressed In the
height of faahlon. tha burglar whos
Identity la still unknown, was espied by
a detective carrying a seemingly over
weighted aatchel.
The burglar atlll maintained hi, poise,
when the detect! v suddenly opened the
atrhel and disclosed hundreds of dollars'
worth of booty.
Borne of the valuables were Identified
as those belonging to Mrs. flwlft I.atei
the burglar took the police to a cache on
Jamaica bay where hundred of dollars'
worth of valuables were foufid ha burled
sfter the manner of Captain Kldd.
Cold Wave Rapidly
Moving Eastward
WASHINGTON. Nov. 10.-A cold ....
which today sent the merrurv o n Am.
gree below sero In southern Alberta and
to low read In sb in North Dakota. Wyo
ming and Montana. Is moving eastward
Decidedly cooler weather Is Indicated for
Saturday In the north Atlantic .t.t..
and the Ohio valley.
Cold wave warning, have been,i
for Michigan, Indiana and Ohio and
storm flans have been ordered up along
the great lakes. Tho cdea of the ,.m
wave area today extended ovsr tha upper
Mississippi valley, Nebraska and Iowa.
The Palace Clothing Company p Fourteenth and Douglas Sts.lp The Palace Clothing Company
j ii
Not in Omaha--Not in Nebraska--Not in All the West
Will You Duplicate THESE Men's Suit & Overcoat Values
z i y tfl ' "
From Omaha's Near Neighbors
Mies Gertrude Ingram waa shopping In
Vrcmont Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Kennedy went to
Crnah Wednesday.
Mr. and Mm. Monahan were business
Vwltors In Omaha Thursday.
Kv. R. M. U IJraden of Bellevue, was
In town between train Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Huesell Kddy and M'rs.
Tripp were wenk-end guests at the horns
f W. 8. Eddy.
Mrs. Annie Robinson left Paturrtay for
Toe Anseles, Cel., where sh expects to
spend the winter.
The Athenian society of the Valley
Jllwh school presented It first prosram
Tueeday afternoon. A program will bs
given every three weeks.
The dinner and supper riven by the
lathrm' Aid society of the Methodist
J:i)lscopal church was well patronlted,
the receipts belno; about. I'M.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mehl, who were
railed from L"B Angeles to 'Illinois by
the lllneos and death of Mrs. liavlUn,
Mrs. Mehl's mother, returned to their
Jieme Tuesday.
Mrs, Frank Nichols of Pa1t Tjke Cltr,
1'inh, will spend a week vl1tlnr friends
Itt Valley snd Omaha. Khw will Uks her
pint her, Mrs. V. H. Tliomaa, homo with
tier to spend the winter.
Mrs. A. Gardiner returned from Tllden
Tuenday. Ph reports Mrs. McDomild
Oolns as well as could tie expected. Tha
operation we very difficult and tiece-l-fated
the rwmoval of the lnrvnx no Mm.
McDonald will never be able to speak
The annual meotlng of the Rusy Rees
was held at the horn of Mrs. nutter
Wedneedav afternoon. Tho following
women will be off)rre for the coming
year: Mra. John Monohan. president;
!rs. C. H. Nichols, vice president; Mrs.
O. Kono. seeretarv. and Mrs A. Gardiner,
treasurer. Mrs. Irving Presba and Mra.
Carter eenlhjinr Mr. Ilutler In serving
bout forty. The society will serve a
chicken pla dinner and bazar December
ft lSlt
11 ls Kdlth Anderson was an Omaha
Msltor Friday.
Mrs. Irf-mpka of Omaha waa here en
business Tuesday,
Mr. and Mrs. William von Dohren, ar.,
wre Omaha vlaitora Friday.
Miss E!a fflert Is vlsltlnir her sister,
lira Clsu Vlchenee, I'
Meenrs. Henry von Dohren. Karl Rates
ud Hill Goech autoed to Omaha Buiiday.
Chris Koch purchased a Ford car last
week and Chris, Jr., has already learned
to run It.
Frof. Wlcklsnd and the Mlnaea Thnelcke,
G.lnea and Cronk attended tha Teachers'
nociatlon at Omaha.
Mrs. Ilolsteln and daughter, Anna,
visited wth he .-tr, Mrs. Dennis, at
Eouth Omaha Saturday.
Mrs. Raldwln returned Prldav from
incoln, where she haa been visiting her
daughter. Sirs. Murphy.
MtKea Mabel and Klla Johnson of
Waverlv Nrb.. r auet o' Mr and
Mr. Charlea Johnson and Miss Carrie
Mr, and Mrs. Herman Hc.nten and
children of ttouth Omaha vialted with
th latter' parents, Mr. and Mra. Han
sen. Sunday.
Tli box social given st the hall by the
Iflilurd school last Thursday evening
proved a west s tceesa The boxe r0
well and the same that were Indulged
In werav)J 'yeS by .every on present.
Miss Rena Wttte, who Is sttendlng ssw.
ng school here, spent Saturday at her
moaning1" E"lhorn' Sunday
A humber of friends gathered at the
noma of Inswer K.nui. tn k.i.. .i
celebrate his birthday last week.
,S.r1rn rnht purchased a new Ford
touring car Isunday.
K. ft m ..l.t --A r t. ,.
motored over to Gretna Sunday.
James ohrt has returned from his four
montlks' tour of the coast country.
O. G. Mangold will have tha grand
opening dsy at his new store a week
from Buturday.
Carpenters are busily engaged re
modeling the new garage before cold
weather aeta In.
All the teachers of this vicinity left
Wednesday for the Blute Teachers' meet
ings In Omaha.
i.IUn. Robert's shredder has started
IU fall .shredding, the first Job being
at. George Gudekers.
Klcctlon turned out as usual, stralirht
republican. The local officers are lly
.,;ontblB. " J. C Gottch,
Justica of the peace.
A good many farmer are flnlNhlng
husklog. The average of most of th"
ty-flva to thirty bushels per acre,
' Waterloo. '
Kd rsyne wss In Rosalia last week, re
turning Saturday morning..
tt; r'i"'. FLhrh.arat "n Omaha
to work at the Auditorium.
. T; Waidron left flunday morning
ror Norfolk and other point up that way
on, business. .
bJ.,?" V'l. w" out ,rom Omha over
Saturday night visiting at the farm home
w. iKtiiirr, xuarcus utte.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hall are receiving
the congratulations of friends this week
over the birth a daughter Tuesday.
ina K. B. rior family and Mr. Nelaon
came out from the city Baturday even
ing, th latter coming home to tay.
Mrs. C. Nlel and Mr. Grace Wheeler,
who were visiting the Waterloo relatives
Y l 10 th ,Mt WMk- returned to
Omalia Sunday afternoon.
,S.U.V: VJ""t,nn of Bn county,
father of John Hamilton, was here the
last week' vlaltlng hi on and family and
left Tuesday afternoon ior Kansas City.
r.rri' W.rV? f mh. nephew of
l narle Dohe stain, waa nut in.u
Ing hi uncle and family. Carl drew a
me ianu nrawmg ana expect
to go to bouth Dakota In the spring.
Ml Blanch Decker returned Monday
noon from Uncoln, where she waa In at
tendance upon the silver jubllea of the
Nfbraska ChrlSllan Kndeavor society
and visited friends tha lust two weeks.
Martin Dabelnteln has rone to Germany
again for another long visit He left
Ttienday afternoon for Omaha and will
all from New York tha last of the week
Ho win be away a year cr mora.
If. A. Ixjrkwooil. who haa ha.n
about all summer, left the last end of
'at week for hi horn at Lent, Ore.
nir. iMnwooa ininK tner is no country
like the west and o goc home for win
ter. Thl cold snap, coming so unexpectedly,
ran slit many of our farmer -and seed
growers unprepared. W hear of a num
ber Who have lot several hundreH ku.h.
(Is of apples on the trees, not having
time to Kather them and th freezing
t'uiiuis me .run eacepi xor tne uoga.
'r. A. W. Cobb and llttls girl wers at
Oinnha last Friday and returned fume.
day, Mr. Cobb and family, who have
11) mm iHiif
Would you rather be the log inert,
powerless, without will, without purpose, or
swift-flowing, vigorous the pulse of life
urging constantly onward?
vitality on iriEnrm
Health gives one the
yj. sPirit of the current.
$0 Your duty to your family
to yourself, is to keep
netres nourished, blood
pure, muscles strong.
is like sea-air bracing, in
vigorating, giving out tonic
life and health.
ALL ortuQQisra
w T
I ' S '111. tf
J v llh'
' a:':,r 1. '
"Palace" buyers want to make THIS Saturday a "Day of Proof
proof of their ability to underbuyundersell outstyle any
other western establishment. They want to save you a nice,
crisp $10 bill at least. Will you make the move?-to see
to price to learn of a NEW source of economy SATURDAY?
Stylish garments in grays, tans, browns and mixtures
in worsteds, cheviots, etc. All made up with sergo lin
ings and tailored to a nicety. You'll enthuse over 'em.
AT $6.75 "Convertible" and "Presto" collar over,
coats in blacks, tans browns and some stunning gray
mixtures. All heavy yet swagger fabrics for winter
Men's $12.50 Suits
and Overcoats go at
1 1
r"m V
This is an assorted lot, but is nevertheless nothing
short of wonderful in point of value. All hand tail
ored; all late fabrics; plenty of snappy, extreme
styles as well as the more reserved things that catch
and retain the eye of the elder gentlemen. All shown
for the first time on Saturday at $9.45.
Men's $18.00 Suits
and Overcoats go at
MEN'S $22.50 SUITS AT $12.98 New, extreme and
semi-English modes; in English fabrics such as
tweeds, Lincolnshire cheviots, King's blues, tans,
browns, staple blacks and blues, etc All intense
MEN'S $22.50 OVERCOATS AT $12.98 Full body
English styles with Raglan shoulders. Cheviots and
tweeds in browns, tans, etc.; some with slash and some
with vertical pockets. Some with convertible collars.
Men's $22.50 Suits
and Overcoats go at
Takes Choice of a Large Lot of
loy's Overcoats in Grades
Well Worth $3.00.
Every overcoat In a style a boy will enthuse over; choice long ef
fects In Friezes and Cheviots; Russian and storm - styles and others as
good. Why pay MORE than J.?8 if it isn't necessary?
If you. wish to go higher than $1.98 for a boys' overcoat, buy one
of the snappy materiaiea, mannisn styles we are offering at .
12.98 Saturday. We assure a POSITIVE $4.60 value for only. ..
Winter Furnishings Sale
mens FJLANNKI. shirts with military col- ci aft k
tars, $2.50 values at. each 91.4V P
MEN'S SOX. Men's heavy wool socks In 16c A
grades, at, pair ' . vC
MEN'S PANTS. Heavy wool fabrics in (f
"Dutches" make, at per pair. 91.) J
MEN'S SHIRTS with collars attached, $1.00 rnn
values at, each, only DUC
Furnishings Prices Cut
UNDERWEAR. Men's heavy fleeced 60c shirts on
and drawers, per garment d"C
UNDERWEAR. Men's natural grey wool
$1.00 shirts and drawers, per garment....
UNION SUITS. Men's hoavy weight fleeced
Union Suits, to go at per garment
Orey shades, at, each
been .topping on the farm west of Water
loo since lait u miner . left Monday even
ins for their home In Kimball county,
where they will atay on th. homeateaj
for the winter.
Mr. and Mr. II. K. Ward returned
Tue.dity from their vinlt to th. Dakota.
O. P. Brooking returned on Hunday
from hi lunumr'i ty In central Ore
Kan, where h has lauded Interests.
Tekamah people are now Interested In
watclilnn the grading; on the new rail
road between U'ekaniah and iecatur.
Mrs. John F. Nesblt entertained at a
g o'clock dinner lat evenlna;. A ploasant
v.ninS at tie o. ie..tunii lioatta,u.
home the result. .
Th high school lrl gave a most pleas
ing enlrrtalnment and social last -Thursday
evening at which they took In-123 to
go to th. benefit of their athletic, associa
tion, s
Fred Carpenter and family returned
Sunday from Canada. Mr. Carpenter
ha rented his farm and will spend th
winter around hi formur haunts In Burt
county and possibly decide to remain
here. He thinks there Is no place like
eastern Nfbraska.
Th. Tekamah Women's club tendered a
rceptton to the teai.ei ot i i..iuii.n
schools on last Saturday evening at th
home Of Mr. and Mr. W. H. Tliomaa.
two mile outh of town. Th. Thoma
no me Is one of th. aoclal csnUrs of
.ikimih and tne Imlie of the hei..
on. of the most Interesting and enter
taining affair of the kind In its hi
mrv. Ihrr. were about seventy-five
guests present and all were taken to and
irom the noma in auiomuuuc.
Me. and Mrs Jak. liroas have moved
irom Hilver Creek and will Diak. iilalr
heir homo'
Kenneth Pound I horn, from Chicago
where he was taking a business course
n on. of th. commercial college.
A. R French, chief operator at th.
western Union let.i lli o.i.te. is oun-
tlned to hi home with heart trouble. ,
Ml. Winifred Brook, who has been
worklna- on th. Nebraska leleplione
company' force, haa been promoted to
vnlef operator.
Miss Ueraldln. Kernp. on. of th. pupil.
of Prof. Swlhort of Fremont, played the
violin at th. 1'axlon hotel inursaay
availing In Omaha.
II V. Capp. manager of the Beatrice
lectrlo light plant, will pnd sevoiol
uays her. and at Missouri Valley over
hauling th light plant.
Miss Bessie Monroe, formerly of this
dir. on hsr way to ber horn. In Is-
consin, spent Saturday and (Sunday here
waiting wltn Mrs. J. yv. jseaa ana a
lay lor.
The Mlsse Bessie and Beulah Roberta
and Call! and Kutli Kpllng motored to
unison (Saturday avemnsr and attended
a shower glvan for Miss Call!, by Mrs.
J. W. lloualey wi-l to North Bend on
Jay thl wek on buslnee.
Mrs. ll. U. Baldwin. Jr., arrived from
Iowa Thursday ror a visit with th. doc
tor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11. U. Bald
win. Mr. and Mrs. Dav. Thleesen. who went
lo Uermuiiy lost kpring. tu make It their
nome, returned to tlkhorn bunJay vn
iii, . ,
Prof. Fat. left Vedneday morning for
Jinaha lo attend the Mate Teacher' as
sociation mentlng. Mrs. Pat. went to
Wahoo to vUlt her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. John McArdi of E'.k City
went to Omaha, Thursday to buy furni
ture for thoir new lion.e.
Prof, and Mrs. Fate entertained at
dlnnor Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. F.
W. Uinco and Mr. and Mr. A. Gibbon.
liobcrt Buldwln, who ho been In Can
ada since laxt apnlng, where he filed on a
homestead In Hankatehewan, returned
nome for a visit f several months with
his parents, Mr. and Mr. B. B. Baldwin.
Charles Hess was thrown from th seat
of his buggy on Wednesday to the hard
ground by a ijulck Jump of his horse,
ills left shoulder was dislocated and oth
erwise bruised. He Is able to walk around
with his arm In a sling.
On Monday evening about . 6 o'clock a
party of four men In an automobile from
Fremont, racing against time from Fre
mont to Omaha and return, .lost control
of the machine at the corner by Noune's
drug store. Tha machine slid eldewise
until th. wheels broke, then turned a
complete somersault, throwing all the
occupants out. and landing right sldo up
by th. cement walk. Th.y had a nar
row escape. .NV, bone, were broken nnd
all were able to return to Fremont by
the evening trains. The owner came
down by train Tuesday, bringing new
wheels. After placing them on the ma
chine he was able to run It back to Fremont.
I,. A. Pate attended the alumni hnn
rpiet of th. Peru Normal Wednesday
William M. Krk-k I moving Ms atock
of goods Into the .tor lately occupl-jd
by li. kl. Leall ac Co.
James Calhoun and Frank Beeley from
the ttato university wer. In Springfield
Saturday and Hunday.
F. O. Peall has moved his atock of
merchandise to Murdock, Neb., and ha
opened a general merchandise .tor. at
that place.
Mia Oertle Smith was at home from
Peru Wednesday evening. She Is at
tending th. lat. Teachers' association
at Omaha.
The cn.p of election plum fell on both
lde of th. fence In 8rpy county. The
republican and democrats receiving an
equal aiim-e. Party line were pretty
much .hot to piece.
Jesiwi Armstrong and Mis llcnrlck
were married at 1'ersla, la., on the first.
They sieiit several dny In Spring
field at th. home of W. J. Arm
strong, who Is father cf th. groom.
Elk City.
The people ar. too busy picking corn
to furnish any gossip this week.
Mrs. W. 11. Whit of Omaha wa visit
ing friends here for a few duys this week
and attended the bosaar.
Mr. and Mra Henry 1-nmb of Herman
wer. here Tuesday visiting thrlr dsulitoe,
Mr. Will Uamsor, and incidentally took
In th. fair.
Th. Indies' Aid fair, which Is held h-re
annually on .lection dav, wa mure than
a suocs this year. The fame of these
fairs Is bncomliig Widespread, drawing
numbers from peighbortng town. The
receipts Wei over tliX
Misses Mlnnt. and Annl. Jacobsen and
Mi.-. a Minnie Lctn spent Sunday with Miss
belli Krati. -
Mis Martha Cobber of Beatrlc. Neb.,
pent Thursday evening at th. hum. of
air. and Mrs. 1. C. Krats.
Mrs. W. L. Klohards and children.
Ruby and Ruple, left last week for a
Wilt ft llh her parents In Indiana.
Mr.' J. K. Cobbey and Mra Lesll
Took and daughter, spent a few day
at th. horn, of Mrs. Cobbcy'g sister, Mra
L. C Krats, last week.'
Roll Belonging to Photographer
Heyn Contained $1,220.
Employe oa Way from Stadia to
Bank Dodored Aatotnoblle aad '
Belters Money 1 Jostled
from Pocket.
1 "
Heyn, the photographer, has reported
to th. police th. loss of $1,220.70.
Th. money waa tied In a roll Thursday
afternoon and given to hi porter, Ed
Liurton, to b. deposited at the First
National bank. When Burton arrived at
th. bank he learned that th. roll waa
Heyn Insist on the innocence of th
porter, and th. police have questioned
him severely and closely without result.
Heyn declares that Burton heretofore ha
always proven trustworthy, and he does
hut now believe him guilty.
Dodged Aatom.blle.
Burton declare that he put th money
In hi hip pocket, and that 1 th. last
seen of It by him, VH. say that after
leaving th. Heyn studio he dodged at
Sixteenth and Harney street to escape
from a swiftly moving automobile, and
he believe, that th. money might have
Jostled out of hi pocket at that time.
The roll of money contained $506.70 In
checks, 30 In silver certificates and $7S
In Bold. . ..
In celebration of his 75th birth,
day A. O. Vroman of 29Z7 Be ward street
received ioim of his old friend at
hi rcaldene. last night. Mr. Vroman wa
bem in Lewis county, Nw Tork. and
cam. west In IMS. In 1897 h. cam to
Ornaha. where he has sine, been angagad
In th. business of retailing metal polish
cf his own manufacture. H. Is a civil
wa v.ttran and la widely known among
th old soldlars.
Willi. Williams, th. South Omaha negro
who is sold to hav killed Robert Bentley,
another negro, in a Quarrel. wj airalgned
on a charge of first degree murder in the
criminal division of th. district court.
II. pleaded not guilty.
Max Brandt pleaded guilty to a chargw
of breaking and entering th. saloon of
Jullu Treiu-hk. and stealing a half pint
of whisky. Bentenc. was deferred far a
A gaeetiaar Serooo
wtlh both parti, wounded, demand
Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, Ilea! wounds,
sore, burns or Injurtea. tto. For sal. by
Beatoa-Drug Co.
The work of installing the new gas
lamps In place of the old ones owned by
th. Omaha Ga company 1 progressing
fairly well, but it Is far from being fin
ished. A good many of th. new lamps
hav. been placed in the north part of th.
city, but th. residents up to thl time are
not prepared to pass Judgment upon
them. They ar. mora ornamental than
tha old ones, but there 1 soma question
as to whether or not they send mora light
out Into th. darkness.
Tha heads of twenty-three of th.
women's organisations of Omaha, South
Omaha, Benton and Dundee, will meet
Monday at 10 A. M., at th. Toung
Women's Christian association with Mrs.
W. B. Bhafer, president of th. Woman
Suffrage society to plan for tha visit In
Omaha of Mra Emmelln. Pankhurst,
who will speak at the Boyd theater, No
vember 17, on "Th. English Woman's
Fight for tho Vote." (
William Btewart of this cltji appeared
before Lieutenant Nathan Post of tho
navy recruiting station and enlisted In
th. service of Unci. Bam. H. stated
that ho had been out of work for th. last
few months and that he had been loaf
ing in pool hall and saloons, and be
wanted to hav. a chance to be a man
before th. bad habits grew upon him.
His. record was Inspected and found sat
isfactory and h. was enlisted. Within
half an hour after ho had been exam
ined, ho returned with three other com
panions who wero In almost the same
circumstances as himself.
Emma Reineek and Mr. Arthur Warner
of Lexington, Neb., wer. married by Rev.
Charlea W. Bavldg. at his resldenco
Thursday evening at S0.
Tha key to auoress in Dullness Is thl
Judicious and persistent use of newspapet
Billy Bouxke has Benjamin Suits for
$25.00. Do you need more? Come in and
we'll open the seams and "prove up" the
best tailoring you ever saw. Overcoats
same dope.
318 SoutiVlGth St.
Tou may "dis
sect" a Ben
jamin Suit or
Coat and seo
for yourself
that It Is bet
ter tailored
tl an tlie avor-