THK-HKE: OMAl'lA, THUUSDAV, KOYhMlihlt V, 1911 4 p uu n?V7go) Lmu'Si) LI MWn . asamEsUsl specials Mrn's Pure Wor Med Suits llll "in q nn n n lMain blur, fanrr " - ' mixture, etc. Al. ll'AHh r. - MA v. ' i I" Bought at a Sacrifice From a Prominent Maker $125,nd$15 V NOW ON SALI TTT Hi rereat m ftp iMii I . I "''.i-v''W;,;'' I fJ dels Stores r i MiiWK-i n ; M ":: . hi - i i Imnni i ? r' it sum Ve Save You-at Least $4.00 to $10.00 on Every Overcoat These overcoats were purchased from one of the highest grade manufacturers in the United States who had 2,000 ot his finest make left on his hands. He sold them all to us at a great sacrifice in price. They are now on sale. It Is Our Invariable Rule When We Secure a Big Bargain to Give Our Customers the Entire Benefit of That Reduction in Price. This is without doubt the greatest Overcoat Sale ever held in Omaha. tin5 , !h i 'Jf 5 S of-""' For Men's Overcoats Worth $14 to S2) Men's black or gray fine silk lined Crnvenctte Overcoats. Men's Astra khan, shawl collared, heavy weight Overcoats. ' Men's Kersey, Beaver and Melton Overcoats, ltough and smooth finished or fancy mixed Overcoats, vith popular, protector collars that button up to the neck. For Hen's Overcoats Worth $29 to $25 All popular styles of Overcoats in sizes for men and young men con vertible collar overcoats box coats, long heavy coats, etc. made of ve lours, kerseys and novelty fabrics, guaranteed sleeve linings. r Our Guarantee: We positively guarantee every one of these Overcoats is a new, up-to-date style. W positively gunranteo that we will tell tbem at one-quarter to ono-balf lest than regular prices. We guarantee that every Overcoat la of good, dependable Quality. , j. L. 5RANDEIS & SONS mi a s rnTrHAITUVrH 8 AM For Men's Overcoats Worth $25 to 1 35 High class, hand tailored coats, made of all wool kersey, beaver, mel ton, cheviot and Scotch fabrics, in Oxford gray, black, tan, brown and Jancy mixtures; convertible collar coats, semi-form fitting, double or single breasted, Venetian cloth body lining. I lit i 1 Our Entirfc Second Floor, Old Store, is devoted to this Sale of Overcoats, which is oit sale now and will continue throughout this entire week. These won derful bargains come right at the opening pi the season. v' ; DIVORCE TOOJASY TO GET One Legal Separation to Four Iar risgr iaansaj City. HETOEMERS EMPLOY PEOCTOH (iprclal Law Officer Will Attrad Trial, sad ir. that Dlvore. Are Hot Obi. lord Tnronah Colin. Iob. KANSAS CITY. Nov. . A "dlvorc proctor" who lry 1. to b. paid frtun a fund raised by th. reform oruanli. tiuna of Kansa. City to cup. with tit. "dlvoroa evil" U to I), tn.t.ll.d her. November IS. Thl offio. wia created aa a ram It of rrltlcltm of ' th. divorce machinery of thl county, Mlamatad p.r.on. taking advaotaa. of It have com. to Kama. City from varloua point, and hav been grantl a.paratloa oo alight pretext and hort residence. ......... The proctor will have th power to eurnrooa wltneeeea, to go to other atatv Every woman'! bcart rirond ta the charta and swectuess of a baby's voice, because nature Intended her for motherhood. But even the loving nature of a mother shrinks from the ordeal because such a time is regard ed as a period of suHerinij and danger, Women who ne Mother's Friend are saved much discomfort and suffcrinff, and their ejatoms, being thoroughly , rrcpared by this great remedy, are In a healthy condition to meet tha time with the least possible suCtrinjr end danger. Mother's Friend is recommended only for the relitf and i comfort of expectant mothers ; it is in no sense a remedy for various ills, but its many years cf success, and the thousands cf endorsements re- i ceived from women who have used it are a ruaraotca of the benefit to be ' derived from its nsc. This remedy does not accomplish wonders but situ, ply astists nature to peifcct its vroik. iomer-a i-nena allays nausea, pre vents eating oi the breasts, and contributes to r,?T7V fl f trfc r?I fctroae. healthy JLk JLIIli motherhood. Mother's Friend is sold at drujf stores. Writ for our frea U' ffr ext-tnt r.iothtrji tRJOnEJ RZCUATVH CO. MUljUm. Cm. Mothers. and take d.poattlons and to croaa-cxm in at th. trial her. ot p.raon who seek a legal nparatloii. Judge, attorn.y and th. reform leader Inter ested predict that th new office will booom. generally aatebll.h.d. Th Kan. aaa flat, liar aa.oolatlon alao ha under consideration a plan to appoint proctor la th larg clUe. of that siat. Th creation of th. office wa uk geated by Judge Thoniaa 3. Seaborn and approved by th olh.r .ven circuit Judgea of Juckaon county, Mlaaoui, be fore whom divorce trial aro hnld here. When an effort to name a proctor wa made, however, th. county, oouaa.llor held that the court could not legally make the appointment. Outalde force then took the matter In hand. Oae Dlvoroa ta Koor Marrlaavea. I ir the laat year th. ratio ot divorces to marriage. In this city wa one ta four. During th twenty-three, qourt days of October, 111. elghty-ala divorce suits were filed here a compared akh twenty four suits brought In tba corresponding time laat year. Ptfty divorce were granted, in on day at, ' th laat term ot court and seventy-tour cult war. tiled on another day. Ot th. suit tried here In the Wet year, about SO per cent were not contested. Ot th default eaaea.ine-thlrd were filed by non-reeldcnte of the elate, not with .landing that th. law require peraons from other atatra to live here a year tJ wtabllah a residence. t'eraoual service oa the defendant I not obligatory. Many of the suits ar. filed at Independence and notte to th defendant publlahed In a comparatively Inconaplcuou way. After the publication moat of th. aulia ar transf.rred to Kan aua City for trial. If the alleged provoca- tlon occurra within the atat a realdenoe cf on year I not required. Dlvrre. Too Kaay. A Canadian couple, for Instance, agreed to separata after two week ot marled life. They came here together. Upon their arrival In Kanna City the huaband slapped hi wife, lie then caught th next train for Texas, ill wife got th name of wltntaae to th "(lapping" and after remaining here a few week ob tained a divorce. Th judgea have agreed to postpone hearing divorce proceeding until th proctor can get tint haud evidence hi all auspected caaoa. He will see that defendant ar notified of th suit, filed against them; that the plaintiff ground ground for divorce ar really tangible and. by croaa-queatlonlng wltneenes, will seek to minimise collusion. "What w need most la better mar riage law," any Judge K. U. Porter field ot the Juvenile court; "about one. half ot the delinquent children brought before me ha divorced parent." REPORT ON THE CORN YIELD Production About Two and Three Quarter Billion Bushels. MUCH SWAT.T.WI THAN LAST YEAS Qaalty ! Aboat Fo.r Per tent Be lovr the' Ten-Year average Yield of Potatoes I. Short. WASHINGTON, Nov. I.-Th crop re porting board of the bureau of statlatlc of th United Htate department of AH- eulture In It November crop report Is sued at 114 P. M., today, estimate from th report of Its correspondent and agent, the yield per acre, total produc tion and quality of th principal crop, not already announced a follow: Corn Production, t,7T.301,OUi) bushel. compared with I.I2S.7U.O0Q buahela last year. Tleld per acre, 23.1 bushels, com pared with 17.4 bushels last year, and K.0 bushels, the ten-year average. Qual ity. 0.l per cent, compared with 81.6 per cent, th. ten-year average. Th percent age of 1910 crop of corn on farm, No vember 1, 1911. .attraated at 1 1 per cent. or l3.K3,00v bushels, against .S per cent. aiV.OOS.OU) bushels) of th. 1K crop on farm November 1, una, and II per sent, the average or similar estimates ot th laat ten yeurs. Potatoes production. ISU.TSS.OOO bushel, compared with &U.8U.00D bushel. In 1910. tleld per acre. 0.t bushels, comparej wlttj Nl bushel In li0, and Kl bushels, th ten-year average. Quality, per cent, compared with 17.1 per cent, the ten- year average., , Flnxseed Production, U.CR.0OO bushel, compared with ll.U8.0uo bushel In 1910. Yield per acre, T.I bushels, compared with t.t bushejs In 1910 and I buehela, th ten year average. Quality, U.I per cent, com. pared with SO. I per cent, the ten-year average. Wheat Average ' weight per measured bushel. 87. pound, comparej with lit pound In 1810 and 87. 8 pvunua, th ten year average. Oats Average weight per measured bushel, 53. 1 pounds, compared with 817 pound In Dl and 81.1 pounds, the tea year average. Barley Average weight per nieaaured bushel, 4&.0 ouuUs, compared with tii. In 1810. Apiiles Average production of WU crop, per cent, of full crop, against 43.8 per cent of a full crop In 1910, and 4S.4, th ten-year average pereenlag of a full production. Gompers Against Lump Settlement For Injuries WASHINGTON, Nov. s.-8amuel Gom pers, president of th. American Fed eration of Labor, wa th principal wit net before the employer' liability and workmen's compensation commission to day. II gav a general endorsement to the commission's plan for compensating employes of th. Interatat. railroads for Injuries sustained on the roads, but took exception to th provision making each company llabl tor damage sustslned on It own rosd. He argued that all roads should be required to contribute to a common fund for Insurance ' against accidents. Mr. Oompsr advocated th periodical payment of damage Instead of by a lump sum. ANNEXATION YOTED DOWN South Omaha Decides to Remain ' Free aud Independent. OPPONEHtF MAJORITY IS 471 Voting- ! Oasaka Proper llaa N. . Kffoot Either Way Sloe. Packlaartewu Decided th. Question. A Harming Sham. ' la not to have liticklen's Aiuica Salve to cur. hums, sorea, pile, cuts, wound and uloera X. Vor sal by Beaton Prug Co, Weak nerves mean nervous- TV7 1 Ti 7 Aflli 1 V P.TDP. 9 ness nenous headaches, de food, fresh air, and a nerve tonic Let your doctor select the a medicine. AVer's Sarsaparilla, free from alcohol. fuL' FINE HANDIWORK SEEN AT THE SCHOOL EXHIBIT A handsom slther harp I th nioet at tractive fcatur. of th high school manua tralalng eshlbit at the Auditorium thl: week and I on of th moat complicated piece of work' shown. Th slther wa mad by Oscar A. Al brecbt of i:S hprlng street, at the blg school In K'i. It Is sbout two. feet lone and ten Inches wide and Is bul't on ar nltld mahogany frame. The piece work f the frame and the many Intrtcaete o ;. construction ar blended together o to form on pleoe. The strings an.', .eyboard aer alao road by AlbrechL South Omaha prefer to remain a free and Independent community, a shown by th vote on th queatlon ot annexa tion. It makes no difference now what I th result of th voting on the question In Omaha proper, sine. Bouth Omaha re fuses to be benevolently assimilated. A total ot 1.131 vote were cast In South Omaha, th opponents winning by a ma jority of 471. Th annexation adherents carried three of th seven precincts, but tli gains war effectively wiped out. especially T.hen th returns came In from th Fourth ward, showing 414 against and only 187 for th proposition. Th vote In detail oa the annexation question: Yes. First ward ... becond mard. Third ward.... Fourth ward., Kifih ward..., fclxth ward... auventh ward Totals. SU) .. US .. 17J 1SJ .. ZJl .. 1US .. lis ..1.3-J No. ; I'M 444 lid lus) i.m Invitation to Game Sent by Wireless KANSAS riTT. Nov. 8,-They do thing In an up to-daie way at the University ot Ksnsaa. Mill Kllen Uuikhardt decided that she would like 'to tske her oo-ed churn. Mis Maria Wetter, to the Kansas-Oklahoma foot ball game on the Lawrence field next Saturday, if he did not write a note; nor did she telephone or telegraph. She told the operator of a wireless sta tion al the university and forthwith Ute Invitation went whining through the air and waa grabbed by Arthur Keplinger, a-ho hue a wireless telephone and .Miss Wetter was found at her home on East Thirty -fourth street. She accepted end the acceptance was returned by tb air rout. PLAN CIVIC JMJPROYEMENTS Eealty Men Name Committees with View of Taking- Up Work,' FRANCHISES ARE CONSIDERED Proposed to Dictate to the Fnblla Service Corporation. Term l-nder Which They Shall Operate. Acting on th suggestion of George T. Morton, newly elected president, the Real Eatata, exchange has taken up the work of planning a city beaut If ufT and a stand Ing committee on "city planning" was appointed. A committee was also ap pointed ta cooperate with committees from other publlo bodies looktnir toward th adoption of . a better -- city lighting system. . , , ' . Mr. Morton, In his Inaugural address, spoke In favor of a metropolitan hotel, Interurban, car lines, and .the activity ot the exchange In dictating- franchise terms to publlo service corporation whose franchises ar soon to expire. The following stsndlng committees eere appointed by President Morton: Membership Q. a; Wallace, H. M. Christie, I P. Campbell. Public Service J. W. Robbtns, W. II. Green. George TunntcllfTe, II.' Wyman, W. T. Graham. ' ' ' . ' Valuation W. H. Gates, Bpauldlng. J. B. McKltrick, H. C. Freeman, Denn Glover. , legislation 8. P, Bostwlck. C. G. Carl berg, H. E. Henderson. , . t City Ughtlng-H. A. .Wolf,B, E. Mc Caffue, F. l. "Wead.. ' f uv ' . City Plannlng-E. T. Ileydon.- C. C. George, I C. Sholes, P.'W. Kuhns,' E. A. Benson. . a? -... . Tit a Qn i xufe kjcgcidiiuiii j. ictiiu y Mtg- Company s Commodious 'Piano Salesrooms will bo a place of activity for the entire coining week,' with nn attractive display of KNABE piano3, . the World's Best,, both in. uprights and grands. This is a feature that Bhould not bo overlooked by the visi tors in OMAHA this week. An array of bargains are being offered for this week of which only a few are mentioned below: Kimball Concert Grand, used, rare bargain - $350 A Concert used Knabe at an attractive discount. An upright walnut casv used - . - - - - $37 Upright Gilbert & Co., used - - - - $110 Upright Hardman, used - - - - - - $125 B Upright Fischer, used - - - - " - $135 Upright Kranich & Bach, mahogany case, slightly used, but in fine condition - - , - . $200, These are only a few of the bargains that we offer for this week. Many new pianos in the latest case designs and among the world's leading makes have been placed on our floor and are being offered at great reductions. Visit our player piano department we guarantee your time will be well spent. "We 6ay without fear of contradiction that our Btock is the most complete, our prices the lowest and pur terms the most reasonable, quality considered, of auy house in the middle west.' We are the only firm in Omaha that manufacture our . own pinnos. SEGERSTROM PIANO MFG. COMPANY 1STH AND FAENAM STS., OMAHA. n ldb M