Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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S23t I
533 car;
7.W.BMtiTB in aj
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We Welcome the Teachers of Nebraska
Make Brandcis Stores Your Headquarters Meet Your
Friends Here Make Use of Our Many Free
Advantages Take Your Luncheon or Dinner Here.
Our Fompeian Room Is the "Show Place" of Omaha.
It is a most delightful place for rent and recreation. Make
use of our free rest room and waiting rooms (maids In attend
ance). Free writing desks and stationery. Jiaesage and par-
InT eels chocked free. Tree uso of phones. Checks on all banks
cashed free.
Jt, Four Immense buildings connected under the ntreet by four
vJ? Crandets tunnels. Nearly 10 acres of floor space 1,000 clerks.
the Women's Cloaks
sa"e Thursday Baseinemt
There are hundreds of high and medium grade winter
cloaks in this purchase and they all go on sale In four big lots
Thursday. They are all new, desirable styles and the varieties
are wonderful.
Long, heavy, black,
half lined Coats
some with velvet
collars and' cuffs
nicely trimmed mix
ture cloth coats
VSR 5390
w f v mm
tS, 1 l 'I Kit fc-WLH S
. ibmm
m U 111 (!' It
B y , . 1 . I - I '
Women's long, heavyk.
miTltlM sO(" O T O S 1 TN fT-'-
plain broadcloth
coats, kerseys, re
versible coats, chev
iots, etc. actually
worth up to m M
Fine long broadcloth and
kersey coats, many satin
lined; also fine beary
mixture coats In various
colors, some with big
"Worth np
to in, at
Women's Long Winter Coats, worth up to $20, at $10.
A wonderful .lot fine heavy mixture coats reversible
cloth coats nico. satin lined broadcloth coats j also
many plush and caracul coats. Scores A a
of new styles worth $15.00, $18.00 and . Jft i II
$20.00, at. . J , V V
Women's Tailored Suits
Hundreds of, these plain tailored or fancy fnll and winter
ults good, practical styles, well made, all popular colors and
mixtures and worth as high a 20. . . .. . .
t Extra VTnn. J A Second
5 Speciils- t 5 iplcliCl Floor
) Mi , J
Every Time You Spend a Dime You
Get an S. & H. Green Trading Stamp
Mr., Mrs. & Miss Teacher
W ar rlPKiied to noto that ht majority of tM tearhnrii of the Nnrnka
Aorlnt1on hii avitlled t hoinaol yen or the privllj:ea and uj(rtunlllea ex.
tndpI In our cordial Invitation.
Thin atore I an wlnratlon In Iturlf. It In a magnificent plnrn to learn
of tha rorrwt thin it In all clannoa of mrchandlii--i,n hln let'rtmnt. ach
with u different Rtury to tell. Wo want you to see them aven thoiiKh you tnuy
not t Intnrnnted In purr ha King at thla time.
Va have a Ificht li-ncheon room and aod fountain romhlned, where you
can aecura J'Ulli; condmientM at a ti.odeat aum. Then, we want you to ua
our tree rent room, telephones, ehefhlng atanda, ttc.evry convenience of
this biff atore la youra to iio. Welcome!
V. B. ror rrlday'a ealllnfr wa will adrartlaa some extra apeelal aarraina
that will (artlealarlT appeal to all lady teaohars. Yea will rind tue ad la botn
the Mews and Sally Bee
Boys' Suits and Overcoats Spe
cially Priced for Thursday Only
Suits Worth Up to $4.50
at $2.98 for Your Choice
Knickerbocker styles of the very beet all wool ma
terials in medium aud dark patterns that are splendidly
adapted to school wear and any rough-and-ready uso.
Many have an extra pair of pants to match and they
will fit boys from 8 to 17 years of age. Up to $4.50
values, Thursday only, $2.98.
Coats Worth Up to $4.00 in
Two Lots at $1.98 and $2.98
These overcoats are made of grey, brown and blue
i all wool fabrics and have either military or the popu
lar combination collars. All sizes from' y to 17
years at each price. We have divided them Into two
groups to make the selection easier.
Sale of 54'in. Broadcloth
Thursday UnJy
This sale will be specially de
lightful to visiting teachers as
broadcloths are "staple as sugar"
and the wearing qualities of all
Dennett broadcloths are guaran
teed. They can be used for many
kinds of garments and they always
look well and wear. well, can be
easily cleaned If by accident they
should become soiled.
$;l.0 Values, Thursday, 2.S0.
f2.50 Value, Thursday, 9 1. OH.
Extra Reductions on Silks
for Winter Waists
A splendid opportunity to se
cure a waist to match your winter
suit at a great saving.
There are about one hundred
patterns for you to choose from
plaids, stripes, blocks, Persians,
satin barred effects and a great
many others worth up to fl.50
the yard. Thursday only these
$1.50 Values C O
the yard Ot
Thursday There WW Be a Great
Sale of Elegant Trimmed Hats
We have selected nbout 150 fine street hats, tailored,
hats and dress hats that regularly sell at $8.50, $10.00 and
$12.98 and marked them as an extra special, for those at -
A IV. il
lenaiug me n
Teachers" $H
Convention .
These Hats Come in All of
the Most Popular Shapes and
are made of best quality
velours, 6cratch-up felts and
very fine silk velvets and trim
med with beautiful fancy feath
ers and tailored bands-not a
hat in the lot that has sold for
less than $8.50 and from that
price up to $12.98. Choice,
Thursday only, at $3.98.
Special Values for Morning Shoppers
Only-8:30 a. m. to 1:00 p. m.
Guaranteed Willow Plumes
at S9.98 Each
This is our regular S16.60
number In black and white only.
A written guarantee goes wltlx
every plume we sell.
Up to $2.98 Silk Velvet Hats
at 39c tach
Three hundred of them In the
popular small hood effects and
large rolled sailor shapes. On the
Millinery Bargain Square.
nwuiena iwrr, atw on it urrsaea niari ana attractive as X;
they can be. All models, each one with the unmistakable touch K
of metropolitan style; wide variety of new models, t 1 O
worth up to fSS each, at , ll rt
Women'a Hlirh Claaa Tailored Kullnifti1lw nt a
. wvwMWl..j Mm B-UI1 ')
vi new iudos tor winter are now enown ror me tlrut time. vt
Many are samples and worth up to 1 50, at
u . uunwittni apaietLS iiiubu. Iuaua
with large round sailor and shawl collars: buttoned on on-
the aide, at
New Lota Women's Heavy Mixture and Double race Novelty
Cloth Coats On sale Thursday for the first time, air j
.41? TV?
Women's Kid Gloves SpaSViiIIer 4
Fine French Kid. Mocha and Cape In one and two-clasp effects;
unllned and silk lined; tan, grey, brown, white, navy and VF
black; fitted to the hand; Terrlu's and Northrup's a mm J
makes, at pair Tj
Women's MM-tifc, t' ami Ijmlskln (ilovei 1 and S-claspa; tan, 'K
grey, black and white; fitted if dewired. Main glove qr kh
counter, at per pair Jfc
EnglUh Walking Glove for Women New tans and QCtk
white; all sixes. Worth $1.25; on bargain, square, at pair. .0 DC '!'
Sale of Women'o Silk Hosiery
Women's Ture Thread Silk
Hosiery Wide hem tops, lisle
aolea, double heels snd toee;
black and colors; worth ffim
11.25, at, pair 13C
v omen's lilark pure ThreaJ alllc
boot noMlery; IU garter topi.
I'ala aolee, dnubla lief is ard (,'
. iliu inarcaruea allk liala with
wlda horn I. oplUert m f
, anlea. Worth 6Uo a iialr, 3Si
at 1 pairs for (I, or. .alr.
Complete aeaortmcnt of all the fashionable laces, nettings,
dres trimmings, garnitures, frluges, cords and tassels, etc., etc '.
at very special prions.
r !
ST-High Grade Furs
r'ornt-r 'ZLUh aud Farnaui. Tclrnhune Douitlaa SOU).
Conserve Your Energy
Use The Telephone
Strengthen your effici
ency .by saving timo and
nervo force let tho Bell
Telephone run your er
rands. You can transact your
business over the tele
phone a great deal cheaper
and with less annoyance
than yoi can make a per
sonal call.
You might write or tele
graph, but you can inject
your, personality into a
telephono message, and,
too, you can get au imine
diato reply.
In, most lines of endeavor there U a recognUed standard a
brand of known merit In the telephone field, those who know
use the "Ball." because of its superior local and long distance ser
vice and Its universal connections.
Bell Telephone Lines Reach
Nearly Everywhere.
is the Leading Agricultural Journal of the west Its .columns are
filled with the best thought of the day In matters pertaining to
the farm, the ranch aud the orchard, and It Is a factor In the
development of the great western country.
Welcome School Teachers to Omaha and Omaha's Style and Bargain
Center. Mo effort will be spared by Us to Make Your Visit Both Pleas
ant and Profitable. A Hearty Welcome is Extended to all the Teachers
ING ROOMS aro provided
for you in our Music Depart
ment, and Free Concerts will
be a feature all this week.
.- ..... ., -
..Baggage and Parcels
Checked Free, on main floor.
Use our 'Free Telephones.
Make yourself' perfectly at
home in our, store any time.
Garment Ualucs from Our Great Manufacturers' Stock
Purchases That IVcrc lever Before Equaled in This or
any Other. Omaha Store.
lens than JO. 00. nundrcug for your selection, Thurs., at
Several Other (irand Special Itargnln Offerings That Will Help
Thursday a Profitable Buylnjr Day For You.
$25.00 Silk and Wool Dresses at
$5.95-Several hundred beauti
ful dresses in fine messalines,
poplins, -serges and other popu
lar fabrics, wanted colors, choice
styles, all sizes; values to $23.00;
as shown in windows, QC
choice VwivU
' It's doubtful if we'll be able to
offer such values 'again even in
January clearance sales. You
can't afford to miss these.
Manufacturers' Stock of Waist3
Entire Surplus of 8. Kaplan, N. V.,
beautiful new designs in chiffons,' mes
. sallucs, nets and laces, values up to
$7.50, hardly a waist worth Cfl QC
Costs Coats Coats
Ladies' long coats In fine Novelty
cloths. Chiffon Broadcloths and
fancy mixtures, all tho season's
newest styles, valueB to S20.00, at,
choice $9.05
Women's Dressing Hacques Flan
nelette and percales, J1.00 val
ues, at, choice 49
Furs Furs Furs
Fine American Mink Sets, Marten,
Jap Mink and Fox Sets, greatest
variety in Omaha for selection at
prices you'll not find equaled.
French . Coney Furs, Scarfs or
Muffs, values up to 15.00,. at,
f choice S1.95
'9r ':
" -If '
Genuine Beal IMuoli Coats, Skluner Satin Lined, Special
Ladies1 WotI Blanket Robes, J 5
values, special '.: S2.95
f2.00 Children's School Dresses,
. sizes 6 to 14 years, at . . . .89
ii s?r.oo
$1.25 Silk Dress Messalines 78c 20 pieces
just received only two pieces of a color.
Come in navy blue,, brown, black, cardi
nal, tan, champagne, garnet, ' myrtle,
wine and Alice; all 3G inches '
wide; at, per yard.
Wool Dress Fabrics, worth up to $1.50 a
yard; Thursday at 68c and 85c Fifty
pieces of imported wool taffetas, 54-inch
cheviots, panamas and storm serges, line
stripe and novelty wor- Jf5 r
steds; values to $1.50, yd.. .U0G"3
One More Day of the
Ulillincry Clearance
in which you can pick from our en
tire splendid stock of BEAUTIFUL
TRIMMED HATS at the following
special prices:
All 920.00 and f25.00 Trimmed Hats, for
this one day, choice- 910.00
All to 910.00 Trimmed Hats, for
this one day, choice S7.50
All 910.00 to 913.50 Trimmed Hats, for
this day, choice . . . $5.00
Trimmed Hats worth, to 90.00, in three
lots, at . . . .$3.50 $2.50 and. $1.50
Thursday Specials
in Our
Linen Dept.
Bath Mats, large size, assorted
fancy fast colors and wash
able, worth 75c each . -59
Towels, warranted pure linen,
hemmed or hemstitched, large
size, worth 59c each . ". . -35
Bath, Towels, hemmed or fring
ed, cream and. white, worth
15c each 10
DresBer Scarfs ' and Squares,
fancy fringed, economy linen,
worth $1.00 each .... .49
Extra Specials for
Thursday in
Domestic Oeosn
Amoskeag Outing Flannel, a
good weight and colors, at a
yard 10
Flannelettes in Persian stripes,
plaids, etc., light and dark
colors, values up to 18c, choice
yard 10
36-ln. Percales, neat patterns,
light and dark colors, 12 Mc
values Thursday, a yd. 8H
All wool Blankets, full size In a
sorted plalda, greys and " tana
f. SO values, at a pair . .94-99
11 1 Cotton Hlankets, greys and
tans, M.V8 values, at a pair 1 1.48
Baby Blankets each ....980, T5e
and ,...60e
i J
On Friday
lUggettt Hale of Women's Petti
coat Ever Held in Omaha. Scores
of Other Hpeclal liargnins for
That Day. .
Hosiery, Underwear
Here's some special bargains for
Thursday it will pay you to take
early advantage of. They're excep
tional. ladies' Kayser Silk Hose, a big pur
chase of these good3, on sale, at,
PaIr 98
Ladles' fl.OO quality Stocking, all .
, kinds, big assortment for selection,
warranted perfect, at 49
Ladies' Wool and Fleece Lined Hose
Values up to 50c, special Thurs
day 25 and 13,4k
Ladies' 91.00 and 91-25 Union Suits A
Heavy fleece lined, in white, grey
r f" rrcn m rapulai. an1 avt,. .17.. S',r'
on sale 75 and 59
Ladles' $2.50 and 94.OO Vnion . Indies
Suits All wool or silk and
wool, all sizes and styleB, at,
choice ..$1.98 and $1.50
Children's I'nder Vests or Pants
Fine fleeced garments, on
sale starting at IS He and 15c
garment, rise 2 Vic per size.
Outing 1 lannel Gowns
Best qualities, values tip to
12.50, in four big lots at
81.45 98 75 and 49
Children's 91.0 Outing Flannel
Gowns, on sale at 49
Children's Dr. lcutou'a Sleeping
Garments, snap at 49
AVe Make the Grocery Price for
the People. Our Aim Has Always
Been to Fight Trust aud Combin
ation Prices.
Every housekeeper In Omaha
hould try our LMnniond II. brand of
t'lour, and save' iS per rent Kvery
ack ts guaranteed to give perfect
satlMfaotton, or yuur ii.oney rtlunJcd.
tiieilai ale, per 4N-ll. ai-k . ...Sl.aS
5 lbs. bf.u granulated sugar ..S1.00
10 liars lieat 'Km All soap aso
t lbs. beat rolled breakfast oatmeal,
at a So
t lbs. white or yellow cornineul loo
Gallon cans Golden (alilu yrun 36o
Gallons vans Missouri, linner brand
alples S5o
Grape Nuts, iikfr. . loo
t'orn Flakes breakfaxt food. pkg. (Vao
Uromangelon, Jellycon or Jell-o, pkg.,
at To
Campbell's Manned- Biiiipn. tan To
aPECiAi. caiD raciT ialb.
fancy U'aHfornia keedless raivius, 111.,
at 8',o
I'ancy Sultana raising, lb lOo
l ancy Mxr Park Apricots, lb. . aoo
California yellow Crawford psaelK-s,
pound luo
Fancy Or.-on tdue prunw, lb. 1S0 Fancy cleaned currants. Ib loo Fancy Crown Muscatel raisins, lb, 10s
BiTDiri kusa it rotuiu rom tii rsori.ii or okaxa to tit rmnsa TcaxTABca txas ion
50c Kmbroidered Turo Linen
Haudkerchlets 25
Shamrock Lawn Handkerchiefs,
6 In box, 76c values, at . .39
At Half Worth
A tremendous line of Ladle'
and Children's Handkerchiefs on
Sale Thursday 'at Just Half Reg
ulur Petall Worth.
5c Children's Hemstitched Hand
kerchiefs, each 2V4J
25c Boxes Children's Initial
Handkerchiefs, at, box ..15
10c Kmbroidered Initial Hand
kerchiefs, on sale at 5
15c Pure Linen Handkerchiefs,
each 7,4
25c Swiss Embroidered Handker
chiefs, each ,.. 12
I beads "Tea.!! I.ef lettuce 60
4 bunches fresh ruilsh-s a
Larxe bunches flesh shalots 60
1 hunchas fi-esh oyitr plant ....54
5 bunches home (grown carrots ..60
t bunches Tela beets, carrots or
turnips lOe
Fancy Ienver cauliflower, lb. Tte
3-lbs. Vircinla Sweet potatoes ..Io
Fancy cabbage, Ib lo
Fancy S'a or Green beans, lb. To
liorwradlah root, per lb. To
Largs cucumbers, eac'i TLo
I-amy 'Cape Cod cranberries, qL loo
larte head lettuce each .10e
3 stalks r'resh Celery Be
Itutabagas, per lb 1H
Uld beets, carrots or parsnips, lb.SVie
Large ro?oanuts. each ....THs
Tokay grapes, basket . .SOe
J f