f K MONEY TO lAJAX alary and kallrli, H.WW 0!. I M.wOu.0011. LUUll,UUO. we have ti.uiu.MM jo loan out to the people of Omaha before Cbrlittnii cn FUU.N1TI.-RK, plANuS, VVAlln;. HOLSH KEl E1PTS. HXILHE3, REAL KSIA'I'K, HORDES. WACiONS. etc. or tin YOLK PLAIN NOT E If steadily era picyea. talkie old low tun aim sac a transaction strictly private. We make more loans than all of tfc etheis. 1 her a icansu. If you tn use a piece of thai MoNaiY nuy, tail n the iim, u,,r.i uud best. hn.LiAi.Hi cKLPn V.V.. Third Floor, xaxiou B.o.-k, zn S. lets be i hones lmiiii mi unci A-I4H. to any oi mj u.u or mini on just tnoMi note; uo Security or indorasr ictiuueu. ny iuorta yjuu? pu.ia. Ltluuit.i. Hlicn OUn CREDIT IS UOOU HERE? Al. irausucitcM c-uuf luer.uul. cvute is arai k wi pnoue ua. uiiAuA iKuar co., xJoaiu of iruue liiug. Fourth i oo . tieii rnuim Hv.,gias ;iiy Money lor Everybody tw to Mux LOANS ON I'clLsltCtlK, PIANOS, bAHA4UX.s, inc., at charges you can uHord, and vwii.uui i. ib uu tape and utility you expeuence wiin uiiiui Couipan.es. ii a as duuu AS A ua.nk Nuii THESE HATKii. I iv, juii pay oacK H uJ. Ira, )uu (.ay baco. sH-ou. W, UU pat l,acg 4W.S.UO. sju, iki ..ay bac, aou.iii. NO olHkt.it CHARiics. Weekly or Moiunly i aytuents AS Vol! Wlt.il. , uilArtA FINANCIAL CO.. 80-lo blown Bik. Opposite ran deJ. ts. E. Cor. Kill and uougla. Phone lKiiiKnii 2v;:t. CJJAl'iEL, LOANS NEBRASKA LOAN CO., 130 life Hits. Duugiaii Uuu, A-iXit, kaim bnik . formerly N. . k.il ulug. X1AA.44W4V cu at (1U b ftfl' W. rlatau IjU Lougv. Hel fc.ls. MU.Mi luui.eu katuxifu pup,v, wtsrutiii l.eepi.1 nouu anu outers, , imout se curity, tuay payment, cjltices in lit prtu ClVU-1 Clues. iiMtlinti. 3u Tiaii molk cjmpaiiy ut lae Aiuo iuuu theater. If Mm. lvoh O'fc'iyn;, ll to. ilith bt., will coma to '1 ho Bee ofiue wunln threa ouya tve will tfivv her an oroer tor a pun- of tickets. Ol IVEUED FOR RENT liUMrd kuu itoooiua. O. M K. Itau.s liunK. b, !!, A -MIL luiiiisnuu ueau loom with Iward, in l ii-id club aimi'.ct; reiern:o ivquired. 'lei, itarncy loll. .v.o av. os rtat. bt. Jumes Hoiel Btearn heat, bath, kou.e cooking; w.mer raiea to lew coupie at mi Iyer mo.; uaiiy ii.w. Near ull tlieui- LAhGU trout room, auitable lor two or for with or wuoutii Ooard. uout;. 6141. LAlioJ fcunny .-join tor two fceiiliemen, viih board li uemroa. liainey Wuu, UuK ai naui. Parnlahed Roomi, OOOD rooum, i aoi,at'l. Doug la 1M . . . ut tMl UwlVM .Mill tt 4' l ll,l Uiairuvci.ii. noni loom; cloo tu i'Hi puni iai-. ut is. nil Ave. Uuculo, aoUta li on i loom; triutly niouel u; bua.ui.iw peouio protunvu. C'Uk koUi.ll 11 out loom; jjlivaM iiu- lly. thJU cau.iol Ave. liainey b4:. AiNJ axoeileut ooooriuniiy tu aecuie troouia at .irii Uouaiia aueet, ai reaMcn abi pnoea. Call or ptiune imiiieumieiy. x-none veii line. 1K14 ChiLAuU-iJiige trout room, all moaern, suitauio lor io or tour nunae ineii. i'ij N. Ulli NKely tuiiuuUed trout room, mr.ouy inoutin, auitabia tor two tuen. Hrnuuu uouaeltettiiiiuf uouiua. The Manuel and Howard, 21 & Howard, t Mill rim. Ilfl'a. auia., UJ to t4u. 'Uvu, nueu or lour u.cuiy lunumieU houseKeepnia rooniB. ulj uuveiiori. iiv ,u. inn, ono oiotK iroiu poatotuou, modein. ii.i nAHM.1, aouin loom, warm and pieaaam; Mncuy mooein; walKin uia unif; li per week. ObumAbiii!, lui nnined room, pi I vat o famny; i-tji in. t liunt tveoaiwr o.i.u. t uruiueu Ikuuan, Nicely furnlBhed nioJara hoojs. D. 84TT, NICELY VUKNlaxiivl IUXJ&U for tea tleniea. lilt. OiiAkiiA.nl. li . Uth at. f ALU Ho'ifcJU Uu Aiuoaiaa, itewly fuinibiitd ivouka, iJ i.euu; weekly, )i uv; ateam heat. itoo Hotel, muni neaked. 1ju Uouk. OU lJOUoa, uoitul Uui and tAKi; aa cool ouio loom, itpuca mikii rae. t-xckiem mean, tui S. 1P, bo. u Diana. Howard Hotel, eirksant ra. iuoi rtowaid. liUih.L AL11ANK; niojit eieaani looina; hot auu colu water; urepiooi; price leaaoiuble; both pnonee. llil Lougiu. Uianu Hotel, ruoina a6o up. i o. uth." oXhCiKU anu Arcauf, epecial w Kiy rale. NKSVJ'OiK hotel, una, titic. ioiM KouK.aj. tioii Aii.iMi-. eiega-nt koonia. tu-t i. Ivtn. Ju.iUaion, nicerooina. 1 olo.k to dpot. CASs nul Ku, nice luyni.. 17ti Caaa Ut. VlM.-.Uit HO k Ll-Kooma 6oc to tl 6o Apurluieuta uuii lata. STKAM ilkwi Tlii) FLATS. '1'llK 6U.DAKU. The high a.urdaiun, tine uecorat'.ona, t larae ruoma, irta hot water an year, warning aibtunte. UiVE mora for money than lound anywhere eiae; an outside corner, i& winter, (2u summer. Keier encs required. For special inducemoula call and tee this office In person. PAYNK Ac HlATLK CO., Kola ARta., tth Fl.. Omaha Nat, hk. Bids;. lliA.U ill.Allvii lllilAM riwiiaT" THIS Sl'AMUIUi." SKFARA'l'K HOAlKd. flna decorated, large, iu.1, mod'n rooms Inside hal). talh, shades, gas range, trae Let water all year, Janitor, walking dis tance; references rtnulifd. Winter: one ?L Ui0thr another 35; summer. 110 less. More for niuney than elsewhere. I-or apeclal InUucemenis call and ace this office In person. PAYNE & R LATER CO. Hole Arts., fth Fl.. Omaha Nat hk. Bide iir-Al'l'H'CU LOHKAINK. Three and six-room aparatments, steam J.eated and all modern in every resneot Kll to Ku M-iplB street. See these l' IIKXHKIXJHT, Douglaa 34oJ. Wt-bster 3713. GLOKC1A APAUTMKNTk" Five rooms each, steam heat. Janitor service; new throughout; located at 1040-43-44 8. 3th St.; two left. Janitor can show you or call Doujjlaa SUS. I'KTEKS Tltl'fT CO. .HKIC.'J and six-mom fiat. Work. ( h xnd WVbtitr. klrin -room flat on Sherman Ave. Web. D7tii. FUL.Lt iiKidern, it-roum heateu apart merit in the exclusive West rarnam dis trict;, very choice. JOHN W. nliHl3 !) FARNAM BT. Lufurulahrd Koouia, 1 nice baJM-ment rooms, modem ex cept heat. CJ Vntn. lUfBKI ... tuttZ, WALLPAPI,Ji'1'alnllnB Paper hang ,.A.lXicotl. JU.60: -roo,nooT: OKFK.ItKIl FOR RKXT llouara 4 t oltn.ri, For Pent Brick House Ftiur. bed rooms, lath and toilet on toi.d; iioni, iaie tan lly loom ilinlnK rom. buttery-kitchen. refrlKeiator room hall and vestibule on f.rst floor; ful cement lianrinent, furnace heat; every th.ng first rlai and sirlctly modem. Lotated ut 1511 tleoigla Ave. Pee the owner at im:h Ueorgla Ave., or Phone Harney 1'K CHKAP ltfcNl'. Fine, large, lull modern. S-room house, btillt for home. No. IfdS N. ath it. Newly deootated inside and out. waikiim dis tance; If tenant does his part, takes good care of property, will he deducted from last month of year. T. J. HOOK. Office No. H01 N. ISth t. PAYNE A 8LATER CO. Omaha Nat l P.nnk Bids: i-ROOM hous", bath and electric light; lot 36 feet front on Locust street. Only J2.100. V. H. GATKS, Phone D. 12 94. 644 Omaha Nat'l Hank Blda;. Kit, It I -lUlOM linilKc, KvallS, S10. J. H Parrotte. Ponril of Trade. KlVH-KiKkAl, ail moaern cottage. w Meredith Ave. MOL. &-ronm rotniKw. f.ne rep r. tl. 44. Hul.Ob.iiUi.1.1 Guui'.s packed, tor- aided; chean treiS.t lates; moving and ftorlng. kvxi'iens'iu n's Illvery Cu. 'I'sL Uo'ig. 194. C.ly vllice as 4. I,lk bt., lis Hid. House, in-. uingMa t. Hiamlein Th. Hidt -room house, $.'4; s-iootii home. Hanscom park district. All modern. Phone Hartley ISflft. t'lve-i ooin oottage, modern but heat, warm, fin repair. Harney 3x44, llnnriv Parts of in city, creigj rtin He NX Mx loom house at Wit Caldwell St. Modern except furnace. Good cellar. Cistern pump in kitchen rink. Neor rar Una and close to school. Ky next door, 'telephone Harney i.'i or enuulre at salt Webster Bt. .uuutiu o toon, n.i, .awtiiK naUHCoiik Par k. 40. 17Q1 I'ai k Ave. F1VK-KOOM cottaae, water and gas, tl-.'. ;:t4 tiouth T7th tt. FOft HKNT-WJ GRAND AVK, 18.1W. R rooms, modem except heat; has iim, poroeialn bain, city water; i blocks from ear. lr-lIOM liOOIte, (MU N. Mil ftl JOHN W. K i.lll.v.s, iwii (AttNAH JSf. FOR UKNi, Large modsrn dwoniug No. 1103 bouth Ud til. tiOOO Seven-room modern dwelling, No. 2013 Uroco St 27.60 Seven-room modern dwelling, No. S-U I'aclfic tst S5.09 ALt'RhU C. KENNEDY, 209 First National Hank Huildlng, ' Telephone Douglas Vlti. tit o. kktu cm., louiiis. completely modern, 136.00. Hull, 433 Haiuge. L). ifi. A-44U6. Oiik Van tt ntoiaae Co., pltK. inova. (tores nousenoid gwoda. Fireproof aioi ge. M4 8. liiih. lii'ncii, juJ b 111 ll. D. 41. A -IMS. OMAliA KXP. CU., moving vans t storage. 'liuiiku, baggage del. L. i and iJoi. IIS N. 17th. Full HEN i Mouern upartmonl, 6 rooms, two bath looms, apartment 4. The Clarlnda, iit and Karnam. lbu PAVbArUKl 61'. Nine room brick house. Appiy Hotel Hoyai office. biA. anu u , u-t ot,tik 4t.out.iki i4at. aoi uaiei hvai .or 440. i itviine' HM. 3jti alapie Bt o-room modem except furnace. t0. llall, M Itumge. D Hud; A. 440U. FOH KejN 1 e-room modern house, 4i.TJ Capitol Avenue. Dundee. Warn. Possea slon November 16, Vv. H. 8eluy, lt)U4 f ax nam tit. Phone D. 1510. A 6-rooin cottage, walking aistance. U. Red W4X HA nut, muucniN i-ioutsc riiai' UF HlOkl hChoUH. New luinace, tie, Ouiy i.6o. 'telephone Hotiglas 12it4. L1QHX-UOOM modern house, cnolce noifeiiooi hood, inquiro 8V7 M. 39th 6t. Hainey 17S. ii AitisiM, rooms; mod.; iiuo. tis cmoago, s rooms; mod.; barn; HO. UN N. lud, H rooms; raoaern, f40. tw capnol Ave., i rooiue; mod.; 110. IMS Hamilton, rooms; 110. tnJ Clark, i rooms; ilu. RLNUVVal,T 11KOS., Bl anueiH 1 neater .kid. 10 I rooms, iua N. Hith. s; rooms, Sim n. tun. ill! fara Ave., modern, lei. Web. 177. 1,(H HUuiH Ltih atreet, live rooms, 4ta. Douglas tiJSti.' ALL modern, s-ruom House, Bo. Kith St.; best turnace; suo. Phone, VN comer k,Da. 6-klh.jM house, modern, 18..m. 1:111 Cass. v oit a uu.nt ut.beix uso ia.aen'a ice cream, li mis. rtni. Ntcnois, Uli N. 4otn et., will come to '1 he Hee ortice witnln three days we win give her an oroer for a quart brick of nils tine ice cream. tNHNU-KOOAi brick house; modern, Harney 647. bluer. It Mil Oltlcea, OFFICE to rent. Aiulilgan. 110 U. Uth. VV isu to auuiei auiut ol live loom kn Cliy national iauw widg. call l, uxs. b'lORkLnuual, jso. 1U4 N. lBth Su tcor-" ner uoveupuru. Appiy Hotel Lual oi- lico. DANDY ofuce cheap. 4o4 liee Hiug. Al 1 jo b. lulu Bi. jtooui, 4UXUU, sup plied with steam heat, now being put in line conuition; price reasonablo. rB'fKKS THIIhl' CO., Hth and Farnam. Ha 11a. WABHINUTOJI iiAX.H-Lodg... danc.x banquets. C. C. Ooienven. U. A-iUUi. llama. FOR RENT Good barn, suitable for small garage, machine or carpenter shop iitni Harney. . OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture, FUPwNITURK of rive-room house for sale. iflKkl Farnam. (LKMibUt. lor ii rouiiis, all or by pieces; must sell by Friday, 'lyler Luu. Aluaivui la.iruiueata, ONE Piano 175. Call Douglas 006$. PIANO slightly used, at a bargain. Eegerstrom piano Mfg. Co., 13ui and l-'ar-nam hts. VIOLIN repairing; ah woik promptly done and guaraut.i. 3M4 ISo. 14ih bt. Typewriters. LIGHT TOUCH MONARCH VISIBLE for rent. THE MONARCH TYPE VV Itl'i HK CO.. U H. Hth. Plione D. 4uS. illh MOV A 1. is kink o. typcwriieia-eud tiMliH PREAHER models No. t or No. 4. In excellent condition, rented three months for 6. 8M1H1 PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO., IH1I1 and Douglas. WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE of all makes of typewriters, factory rebuilt. Prices right, it will pay you to tee us before buying. TYPKWRiii-n INSPECTION' & 8 CP PLY CO.. !W FARNAM BT. Mlacrllaueous. ROT'ND Oak stove for sale, alno amall soft coal stove, phone Harney 4M.' KlndUnK. 4 "ioad. HOrosT VV. toN4. FOR FALL-New and ecund Laud carom and pocket billiard tables and bowilng alleys and accessories; bar fix ture of sll kinds; aty Payment. The brunswlck-fislke-Coiluiider Co., 43;-4w t-outh Kith Kt. n.-ik-ta ut ei'Diocitad with second-hund aafes, ail h,i.ij and makes; burgaii.ii. imerlesn Hupi.lv t o.. 1110 Farnam Kt. ftU-ioiu booHeeprr' ucsa, oaa fin yh, lor fjlo ul lu. Apily, Oeorge Vv . .itlii. J(, PuiiitiihlnK Co. Full Al.L-l'i) M-iioiarsulps lit the Omaha Commercial college and on In Iioyita college, liusintas office, uiuaha Bee. OM-r.lCF.n FOR 8AI.E Mhl IsMr.airnU, A KN'AP-On t.'J comptitlng ihrese rutter: tu if ttkrn at oner; u roo.1 as hew- Heii-ey piano tv.. l avd Ciiv? Neb. lii.i.o.t nun lAHitm: laiku ami whittles. i;ret pet. I;rge cane; price P Yellow canary, bias. cage. I-VM). StW Ave. A. t iiiini-il Ha, n XK 8 VI. K Water power nasli.ng 1114c cliine, practically new. I el. Wed. 4A.' 1 i.ave one .ii4ivn-. , one aii. one elec tt'ic inai'iiine. two music b. .., .me tci tune teller machine, all placed and woik- lie; win be sold tin. week. .11J4 uuvrn worth. Hainey N.t. lndp. A S4.'A h'tiK Al,iv-l'a n ticket l,u- mamond ring. ci tor li. VV ill take m.,i0 tJ lei.eem. F Hee c-r.v 1 .M'i t a . u ncHr.-e 111 goiu imiuii tlcn (or saie cheap. Pox to4. Central city. Neb. 1 4 1-. an excellent snow hi the Aineriiaii theater. It J. s. liavin, Jones t.. will come to 'Ihe He otfir within three dav we will give him an order lor a pair ol tickets. PERSONAL 1)R MAXWEHH Cl'Rr.i4 P1LKM. 4t Om. Nat. Hk. ltldg. PAY WHEN CI RED. tt-DAY HI.OvD REMEDY. QtaddlMi Pharmacy. ';'th and Podge-. KAUbi'ON TONSKlTl. bAedisii "iiu7vT inent and mane4iKe :, graduate of Pr. Kdll beig Inst., titocknoim, tfwtdcii, nay plione d. Tin;.; mght, D. vim, 4.4 uuL Nat. Hank Rldg. Anloiimtic pnone Hns s, i rMUcncc. II "I-U 1 f"ki.ECT R 1 tC A III . t'iTuA N I Nci I I I O ,N E D. u--q P I U I E Sl t KA 1 iNA jl I.E. Massage, Rltlenlinuse. J U.d Ho-noii 1 1 hi? luis. l'i rcc, snampoo, Imiixlieitsitig and rnanleurliig.l'.iiil i'lunain. 11. il, a-m.. VOUNU VV OMEN coiiiing to umahn us sliangera are invited to visit tne Uuiu Women a CnriKtian association builuint; at evenleentu si. and rtl. Mary's Ave., wneie tney will be directed to suitable boulding places or otherwise nsviiicu. Look tor our uavlur a.d ni tiiu Lnion lntlon. 1 1 1 IS 1 . .! TAULKTs will hiilki, brace, Streiigiliiu. Rue. HELL PitCO CO. K rem anu lepau an kiiis hi tunm macluuev. liul. A-iuikS, Douglas 104. MERHAbKA LVt'l.H t:u., liili and Harney bis. Al AXXAfi i; ireatnieiii. Air, bteels. iunooiu rjlVl b i,in. jd 11001, ua. c TH H SALVAHOiN AKMi Bonds cast OU ciotning, 111 taut, ai:; thing you do lift need. Vv coneci. repa.i' una sil, ul 1B4 N. 11th bl., lor cost 01 collection, lu ins worthy kji. call puouw ouug.ua 4Uu and vvaiiiiiid wnl call. AUJiLioni nair loou grows han. AHue. Frayr, Megeatn bta, Co., lutn At Faniani, Al SSA(4 h.aui, sail giow uiuinui.ti xu.iikJuxj4-i,tvBUJ1);IUi llU9 Alien 01 Chit'aKo, ivy b. litii ol., ist iioor, X. iima MAaoaux awnu.mi koov etiit lit, itoiiiuig belter kur kiieuinansm. iac.ea. i, auuue wtii, ti.iiti. Apt. K, ltwi rarnam. O. tttlu. Uutbs al tut prices, t4giiv piuu ou tlv oiuuis; catatogue tree, diierinad c AicConneii Drug v o., Uii.aaa, Neu. 1I, Bui Kb, Woman s u.eeaiicj. 44 Houg. Hut. SI i V M rJ( 11 ) treanu la. Mis. sic-elc, ix- li.t 1 a OObUBkiuM has opened new huiruiessing l aiit.ia at au :evuie. D. aM Mlbs HAiMi ivlitiiicuikiig and vibratory masi-ukta ireainients. kwom 1, iu Hour, louj uouge et. -- . . V. U . , VC4.B.4 lllUaBNit', L-tt44, lauiuior miu Violator tieaiiiieiit, 1 lie 4mian , r iai luin ana 1'ierce. X'. 4,i.)tf. HAZEL-LEAF I'iLE CON Es Best reinauy 101 iicmng, biocding or pioliuu kug piles, tkiv pes 1 puiu. oampie He. biiei iiiari & iSLcConneli urug Co., Omauu. lulabtAiL nurse irom t hud bavmgs ihsiuute would nae position aa iiuia a.alu. Call W ensler 4Hi4. MA(JMlliTit neaiu.ent. a.. ivti, nil iu.autxniu a JBUl id Ilool. Jiabios noaiiied 'xioSat 1' kou Cktikut kSuia .iu Kutiiu Kite 10 know how you tviu iecei auuie val uable iniorniation uy fctatin so on a k,oKi caul to K tfii, nee. . tiAiii !;..- to care lor. Webster bow. M'hiiitiil caie, mnaii ciinuren. vv1. ti4i. LVl'.ai iiersou knows who 1). j O nrlen is because he has made Omaha lamous wltu ins cauuy. if tvn. aujui u.oy, uJd bo. tith Bt., will come to xne rtee omce wunin luiee uaya we win give ner ku oruer lor a uv-ceiu pox of u Hrlen s candy free. HL'LTHV AND I'ET STOCK r'Luuit aweepinss. goou cinunen leuu, tl.w per huhu: eo. wagner. Kul . .. 10th KOCP easily cured by Rob Whites Roup Cure, ouc box. if your dealer can. not supply you, write ua direct, sending dealers name. HOB WHITE, 2VKH N. luth Bt., Omaha. WebJler CC37. REAL fcSTATE AUilltAli. or' '1tTx.l1:. Frank J. Norton, KM 6. 17th, Bee Bldg. Thera a a kauiou." 'l mtnlmiia vm, title troubles."' Hoth phono. Midland Ouar. at iruni Co., Iil4 Far. it. II. Neaie, pre.; J. Campbell, sec. D. 2S. Peter Jeaseil, jr.. uo.. Mel lioug. Hii, Reed Absiiact i-o., oldest abstract ut flee In Nebraska. 2011 biandeis U'neater. OUARANiHfJ AjbOiKACX CO., room 1, Patterson Blk. A ball act. M 1. Hiennan. ti Hrandel i ll " IIUILUHUB' 1NFUKA1A'(1U4. Electric, gas fixtures. Omaha Pllver Co. laeai Cement btune Co.,.. 17th and Cuming Amer. mny. i.u.. 1001 g, paints. Hug Nich. r uch. bon e Hiiiiu, paiung uecoraiing, ViAMLU ll kit, LIST your city property for cala with T..,..t 1 Aim. t. . - t, .. nU lll.. ci. W7 fxm pat fl d'uk. CITY PKOPKH'I V FUtt g.ll.H NEAR CATHEDRAL. 3 rooms and hall first floor. 3 large and 1 small room ubovc; cemented bae ment, laundry, furnace; &j-it. lot; one block of Farnam 40 lti,c; ; blocks to caths ural and tauiuieia school; very lmv price ior thia, ljuu cash will start. Immediate possession. , O KEEFK REAL ESTATE CO. is N. oiit bi. nanny rival 1 new 6 rooin modern foliage; iu-fout inst front lot; must be cold, fi,M. !jJ cash. 2ili N. ltli Ave., rooms, lino repair, city water, sewer, tries, gns, cl.ttern, barn. Owner's moving to Florida. Price cut to l.jO; llUl cash, balance 117.60 er month. These are both great bargains. See them today. J. VV. RAKP CO . CW UranrtelB Rldg. Only One Left 3.122 Seward St., six-room, two-story strictly all modern dwelltn, . oak finish flint floor, all large room', sleeping porch; lot 43x132. Price only $4,000; Mjo cash, balance $40 a month. Bemis-Carlberg Co. 310-111 Rrandels Theater. For Rent 120 acres Vi mile east of Coffman sta ll m. Washington county; 65 acres alfalfa, JO acre plow. S3 acres pastoie and tim ber, t-room house. 1 barn for i head of horses, 1 for 20 head cf cows, torn crib 2,unn bushels; granary, C00 bushels. Rent. VM a year; half cash; balance fcept. lit. The Byron Reed Co. fit a l.th St.. Omaha, Neb. Big Bargain fine of the newest and most complete modern ten-room residences on West Kir. nut. Mill it,.p,,...1 t.u t . .. , ; r" "f iianiisome hmnes. Neighborhood ensured. Owner go- in an it 111 uurril va. Hll'KH 218 Hoard of Trade Hulldlng. Omaha. Neh 4I Hi I V! a. - 1 T . y. ...... -. . .,,u, new a-rooiii modal n nome; small csmii payment and rest on easy teriua. Call South let. TUP, HKK: OMAHA. THUHSDAY, NOVEMBER 0. Ri:L ESTATE till I'KOI'MI t V toil Nl.t.. Walking Distance tR,2"i eluht rooms, reception hall, par lor, dining room, all tlnlshcd In oak and kitchen first floor, lour bedrooms an I hath uiwtaiis all Mulshed In hard phw. Plenty of closet room, floored attic. Full basement, subdivided Into laundry, vee tsble and furnace room, lad ;ixl4n, south fi out. ' shade v,re. . imved street, paving all paid. House less than thiee years old. tvasy terms. Gallagher & Nelson t!K) Hra:idvis 1 Ug. Pnialhi, Neb. Vilillrt, Wolitcu n. plactita. pituitvi aiitt geneial house repair man. C l4i. lire ill' OWN Kit. Mi'letly tnotivin uve-itom eottase, two nd one-hair blocks from Farmoit Hi.j enly 111 minutes' walk irom lotn uiul 1-mi r am Stairs leading up to aecoiid tory; enough space tor wo laigo rooms stul ciOKt-iK. low ism. 1 0,11011, Ation iix tuis; cemented basement; newlv painted, kiso new niK and step; hardwood tin .th throuKboui. 1 louse la only thus year tod and a pel led gem Innde. bo if yoa Viani au tueai horn diop out and loug it over. Kent for XU .So. At vkpilol Ave. Ouiy X.4taj, pan am 011 ictui -.j suit. l.OOk, H'S A KAKUA1N. Ccven rooms, full two moiic, thor oughly model n, cement l eilar under whole house. UOMIisiaiis llulshrd in oak, five Closets. bath loom complete, revving loom, blggist bsrgHln In the city, within Walking distance of the postollicc, nick neighborhood, good location, j,it com pleted on 2rth street m ar CulUornla, IK) cash, -he lance. w a month. Lit ua show it to you, i;;,,vi UENJAM1N REAL ESTATE COMPANY. 477 Hrandel" Hldg , Dnuglas FOR SALE lly otvner, Puiiiier, 6-room, strictly modern, new home; full cement cellar; fluulcd attic; good telnia. Huniey 4,vi. $10 CASH Aalance by the month; iai cast front lot, C0xli2, on car line In desirable neighbor hood; flno Improvements tn adjoining property; will grow In value. Price 1700. BENSON & CAHM1C11AEL, 42 Poxton Uloek. FOH HALE CHI-.AP boulhcBBl coiner lot, huh and Doiiiininn. i'hono Har, mm. I.OUK li"8 A HARti.MN. fceven rooms, full two slroles, thnr Keveii looms, full two stories, thor oughly niiiiicin, cement cellar under vhole lioiiae; uownstaliH flmtinnd In oak; five closets, bath room, touei, sewing room; bH.xest bnrguln In the city; within vvaiKing (ilxiaiice of the post oftlce; nlca nelghboi noou ; good locnuon; Just comploieu; on Hitu atreet, near t'allfor ma, A.!0 canli, lldlilllCe, .Ii.ia) pur month. Iet us show !i to you. J.ili'iOOj. HEN J AM IN REAL KbTAl'r! COMPANY, 4.7 Btiindels Hide Douglas i.tlii. FOR SALE. A fine corner buslnea tat In Renson, on tlin inalii streei. Call 011 owner lor particulars, 4" City Nai 1 Hunk Hidg. I'.V mil piumocr Is not a 0001-1; if any Hung happens phone Doug, la 13, Hood plumbing Co. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. IS ROOMS, ALL MODEHal. We have a iwo-apai tment house, con taining IX rooms, two batn rooms, seven bed looms, with parlor, dining room and kitchen in eaoh apartment, m, ,,,w plumbing and goou healing plunt. This pioperty Is too large tor personal owner and It is a splunaiu proposition tor some one who will by It and divide It Into four thrte room apartment., (jwlng 10 the arrangement of the nouse this work can be aoiie at a very small ex pense and when completed the apart ments will rent tor .o each. The kiliyer cau live in one apartment, rent me real lue test and make u goou investment out 01 youk home. The building i well built and In good conaition; omy thirteen minutes ride to the center ui ihe elf; one block from the xiouge sireuf cur line and in goou leai beuce uisli ict. THE NUMPER IS 2019. N. 20TH Bt. It la Just north of Ohio on the Flor ence Blvd. A good six or seven-room modern house wnl be taken In exchange at fie rignt price. This proposition 1 certainly worm looking at. NORRlb & MARTIN. 400 Res iviug. Hotigias H,0. A. 4279. I'Uii a na.tiiy uisntiii une iuiu.ia Ice cream. 11 Mis. H. O. Johnson, ZMH N. 41sl St , will come to 1 ho Hee office within three days vve win give her an order for a quart brick of tnls fine ice cream. REAL ESTATE FARM A HANtll I.AM FOR BAMS Canada. mild climate no extremes. Land clo.se to bplendid .mar kets). In 11113 the URAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY will be completed, bpening up the rich agricultural uiitnuts of CENTRAL BRITISH CuLUMHIA. Thousands are now buying land In the fertile valleya of the FORT UEOROE D181 R1CT, the NEbHOCO VALLEY and the BUCKLEY VALLEY, This land will double and treble In value as aoon as the GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC provides transportation facilities. Write today tor booklet describing this wonderful country. U. MEYLL, UldiKlCT hALEa AUENT. 010-11 PAXTON BLOCK. OM AHA, NEH. Colorado. FRUIT land bargain.. Intermnuntalo Land Co., Vi'i I'sriiaiu. Phnnai D. tiS. Halguil4-- 1 ...t , .itj OiaitUfi 4,ug. Ueorgla, GltEAT SOlJTil GEORGIA Traverr.ed by tho ATLANTIC. HI R Al INGHAM St ATLANTIC l( A 1 I, It U A i LanuH auapiUbto to the vtidt rango of crops. AL the money crop of lii.j ri.mtli plihtitully prouui.ed. For literature treat ing with this coming country, it soli, cli mate, church and school advantages, " VV. If. LEAHY. DEPT. K. Ueucia! Piistenger Agent, ATLANTA, OA. loivit, THE easieiit way to find a buyer for four farm Is to Inset 1 a vmall want ad In the Des Mollies Cupitai. Jjrgeai cu -cu.allon In the siato of Iowa, 4i,ii dully. '1 he Cubital Is re.-d by inn' believed in by the atuudpatters Ot Iowa, who (.Imply rj fuHo to lit-riiiit any other puier lu iiic,li' homes. RtiteH, I cent a word a day; 41. ii per line per monih; cuuiit six Midiiiary woids 10 tne line, Addrcaa, Des Aluuns Capital, 1 ii-s Mo. 11 e, la. .Vrsroalta, Free list of Improved Howard, Creel)', Valiay, bheru.au and Cualur county (arms, for people ot limited nuuns want ing homes on easy laiui. c iirauiry. Vvoibach. N'akj 16 J Acres, $2,4.0 I ,on fw acres unimproved land 13 miles northeast of Burwell, 'i homas county, Nehiuska, a R. R. station on II. & M. 11. R., pi h o l an acre, whh h I want to exchange for u cottage home of eipual value in tkinaha or Council Hluft, but prefer one In a smaller town In Iowa or Nebraska All land In locality occu pied by la i mi i s and runcheiH. 40 acres farm land, 1-H acres rolling pasture, all sandy and with clay aubi.uil. Will nliovV land to anyone Interested. Write W. L. SELBY 13 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. HOMElfTEAD-SJO gores for 17K; about 20 mil out. net. urin land, not idnd. Was an old entry r iw i-ain-elled. Worth ti. '. J. A. Tracy. Kimball. Nib. IMI'ROVED 10 acre trunk farm, o-ar Tikamah. Neb. Addiiox Joe JortlaO. T. kau.ali, NcP 1!H1. REAL ESTATE f n m t itwui ixvn rou i.t: I allforiila. POOR HOUSES ARE FULL Cf men who neglected to provide for old age. Thousand, of men now ill want at one time drew gocd ralarlr and he!d g o,l portions, but tliev failed In protect themselves exalnst the dnv of want. 5 ACRES IN CALIFORNIA J 1 1 " " ,,r,,l,"'y taken tare of. give you an Income for life. It will also prove a splendid Inheritance for the generation that la to follow you Do on reallto that on a small farm In California ;.. 10 or 15 acres-you can nink n splendid living Ion ran lay by ntoi-cy. or you tan rent tho laud for sufficient to keop vou In com parative comfort. Near Patterson, where wr are selling thousands of acres of the finest Irrigate! land In the Han Juiqutn Valley, and that means In California, there are men rent ing as high as IW acres at JLM to l:j an an. Prrhai you may wonder how lhy can p' such enormous rents. That Is exactly the point we want yoti to ask u about, come In and see ua and let i talk thing over. We can furnish you with booklets and folders describing In particular the method ot making a living on a small tract of land In California. We can show you photographs of Patterson. A PARADISE OF PLAIN PEOPLE Pome are disposed to look upon California as a place for the rich. Such Is not the case, A little money Judiciously Invested now at Patterson will make you Independent Inside of ten years. We believe It an 111 do It In five years. We will hot trade Patterson land for any city property, but we have a good force of ealcmen who will sell jour property for you If you put on It the rtQht price. YOUR CITY PROPERTY Wo would like to discuss the fails with you. and If od t nnnot come an.l fee us. but will tell ub you are Interested, we will send aomo cno to talk California with you, PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY Ootici.il .-.tits iiiil lor luiteinuj. Nona t sialliiD. FARM for profit In rastern No. Caro lina, the nation s Harden Kpot. Leads other localities lot- vegetables, Itutts and staple fanning ou small capital. HomeseeKer and investors write Carolina Trucking Development Co., bo. ltldg., Wilming ton, N, C. kouth Dakota. SO. DAKOTA quarter fceotlon for sals. Oood Improvements, toil per acre. Ten miles from college town, iv miles from lake. Will give possession any time. Ad tn en E. J. Palmer, it. F. D. 1, Brook ings. 8. D. A Kr. iv snaps In Hrule county, boiitn Dakota, Iknos; will pay radioed fais tu buyers nut satisfied. J. A. l4transky, Pukwana, S. D, X.' T-TT Ml 1 I 'i I" " . ' '. ." REAL ESTATE LOANS WAN ! ED City l-,ans and warrants. VV. Farnum Hmith A Co. 1,120 Farnam kt, OMAHA Pioperiy and Nebraska Lamia. U'KKEr a. REAL K!T.VlE CO.. pip! Nev Omaha Nat'l Hank Building. VVAN'IKP t py loans. Peiei 'I rust Co. i(j to Hd.ouo iiiudii pioinptiy. F. O. Wend, VV'cMd Hhlg., IMh and h'arnanv. . t. A.n i'M FARM UlANit, Kloke In vrsiment Company. Omaha. LOW RAIKO, litJll.t.Aill.U.RUI.o, Jlu-.11 a HrHiiueis Tueater Hidg. FARM LUA.t,i; no commission; optional payments; cheap money;- quicK service. Hi In ts. Merrill. 12U City Nat l Hk. Blttg. IlKST THUST CO. & MONEY to loan on business or resi dence properties. Il.lW to .l,s), W. II, '11IUMAIS, lx.m hirst Nat, u an it nmg. (i AlfVIS HUOS l'"- and up. LA ROE LOANS, municipal bonds, moil gut.es buugul and sold. HI ULL ItROii. REAL ESTATE WANTED FIVE or six-room modern residence on monthly payments. Olve price, location and full terms Address M ell. Bue. A tSr. LOUitt FHAl i'wo uparinienis, with llvlnti and dining room and kitchen on first noor, sleeping room on second;J Iliul oe new auu wollll tnv tiiuiii;. ,t ... go up to I 0,1k J. Address N 13. Bee. r ' ' ' !T3 FOR SALE OR EXCHANtiE k-oit bAls cut HACiiANUa-Aifalia land in too lamous Atkanas valley to ex change for slock of goods or securities; I and per cent first mortgages for sal ou good improved property, bollclt co operation of agents. Address Cook & li Nell Hog Lamar, Colo. FOR KXCHA N O hi U15-acre, well imp. farm, 40 miles went of Orand Forks, N. D.; 1 mile from good town; price l&o; wanl going gen. rodse. stock up to ;u.uoj In rented bldg.; bal. on farm at tt per cent. Also 3J0-acre. Od. Fks. Co., tor ail a,oW stuck. F. H. Tlslar, Drayton. N'. D. I HANDLE exchanges every whir. For lespPs see me. Hea n, H17 Bee Hidg. D. 1-X ' .. ,fr vv r, exenange piupeitieis m iiiein. c , tt, 11I-I..I. ut.l l. ftl 111. lll.lu llrtlltf 7ttllA xenani.es oeWell, H'd of k laim, D. l"Jf. ARE you a trader? I trade anything Where or time, iveiiey, oieviuo mis WANT rusldences and fluls. Have number of good low priced suburban building lots near good car service and NO CITY TAXES. Can be divided to match deals of 4o,0o0 and up. Address at biice, H BUI, Bee! as 1 Hit a uay a woik, a lillie lecroulion is welcomed. We will give .Vlrs. 11. W. Harvey, ii24 Ho. 27th Ave., Apt. U, an order tor a pair of seats tu the Woodward rltock company at the American theater if she will coma to The Beu office within three, daye. D-IC1VIV he Dl 4V41A.N lillMH, llupioveu with I-rooin lintise; choice location and tnuiiy talkabln foaturcs; vnlue fil.UCsi, eusy terms, or will xchunue for Omaha or bouth Omaha Income properly. All op portunity. Investigate. OUIN H. MERRILL CO., Room UU-H14 City Nallimal Hank Illdg. C 7STEAMSHIPS ' Anchor Liue Kteamships New York, Londonderry and Glasgow. New York, Palermo and Naples. Attiactlvo talcs fur tickets between Nw York and all Ucotch, English, Irish, Continental and Mediterranean points, bupcrlor Accommodations, Excellent Cui sine, Efficient dsrvic. Apply promptly Cur Reservation lu locul agent ot Akichur Line or Hendarson Uioiliuis, Uenerai Agents. Chicago, ill. WANTED TO ELY' td-hnl good. iMsser. 1U-U Center. P-MAX 1 WANT some oil barrels, lull) Harnay. "WANTED to buy second hand Anvil. Htate welglit and prlcu. Address, 11 Ml ere Hee. IVAN'I'Kli-lii hoy irom owner eighty or 100 uciiu of line! in euittoin Nebraska. Hive ilnscrlplion, location and terms. (J ct,, Bee. WANTED TO RENT WHO WANTS A GOOD AND PERMANENT TENANT! Build me n pood, modern hotire of S rooms, well lor and. and will lease for a term of )eui. at reasonable, rent: small family, no children. Address J-C3i, care Hee. WANTED SITUATIONS FOR a first class niactti-Hl uuiss. calk Mrs Hovnton. II. 1473. A-2X74. pdrUTION tiv exiieileliced bookkeeper. Ad.lress V 21 Hee. Bl'NPI E WMsninti wanieii. Har lurp, WAeiHINi; and . inisin- it 'I H .'k.-u VviinE woman dertrr. day work; neat and olian. phone P. IIT40. YHl'NO man wants position as bar tender, experienced t (111,. Ho. olTCATi"." VV A NTEI A muiiagsr ot geueial stm e, country toM'n. Experienced. Pt JHIT itlN by tfri"rll-year high rchooT boy; will work from li to :u u. nx 11 teJ. Bee. Hmnhu, Neb. WANTED SirrATlONS HY high school craduate, eleoom iipnei . Clerical or bookkeeping; unexperienced. L. 410 Hee. AN educated woman doslies work In Omaha or elsewhere In institution or family to assist In keeping and taking enre of children. Webster HI77. VV ANTKl)"- posl'thriV lir p' ivnfe family or garage by experienced chnulfeiir and reialr man. Steam and gasoline. Hrst of references. Address Y ;, cai-e Hee. . SITUATION wanted by experienced waitress, or would do second work; ref erences, Address I.. A. E., fi) No. lldh. MAN and wile in private family; x perlenced cook; man can work uisldu or outside. Call Webster 7trj. I'oUHtKn girl wants position. Plum Pouth HI0I. VV AN TEl Position by man cxpert enced In real estate rentals and bus. ns. clianees. Address L ifi, Hee. WAMilNti or cleaning loi- Ihursoay, Friday snd Hattirday. VYvli. 42'i7. KVHKV pel son knows who D. J. O Hrlen Is bueause he has made Omaha famous with his candy. If Mrs. Pete E. Elsasser, slid flu, 27th HI., will corns to Th lire oftlce within three days we will give her an order for a 00-cent box of o Hrleii'e candy fie. LIVE STOCK MARKET OK WEST hip yoar stock to aVoatk Omaha see mileage and sarlakagei yotct eouatgo iut receiv prompt aad caief ol attea- Ilea. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MER. CHANTS. Pysrs Bros. A Co. Strong an t reeprnslbls. "WOOD BROS. J.14-i" Kxehange HTtTgT" Oreat West. Com. Co.. Omaha A Denver. VVrH. BMlTH AV HON l.Tsfhali'dle Bheeft. VV, F, DENN Y & CO., I W ligonr RldgT TAOO BROH. handle cattle, hogs, sheep. I'Lle l)N qui. u.. 4J e.xo sum- Hidg Donahue rtanuail i o., n Kxch. Hidg. City koI.Ii.smi. , , . j,u n veh. Hidg lnlerstsle Co. Hei ler results, ehip to u. HCKuK-KICKLV CO.. .01 Kxch. Hhlg. Allen Hiidlt-y i ti, Ulug 1. E. Rui-.r.it in ill tl i-.xcn. Hidg. Cox Jem's om. c:u., Huiimi of hustii. Farmers I.. 8,Com. o.. imh r)'inaiikt. Dvpusiv inuueeiis ul shipments in Hoc a Yards Nst'l Hank. Onlt hank at yard a. WINN Hlioa. i i u Kxtihanga Hidg. LA V KUi HiiUK., .-4u e.xcli. Hidg. Ilium iii-tis. ot i.u., u.-i p.m-h. itlug. Alex i. Buclianen ai mm, l.-p,, His. knJi(. j anion eonu, live iotia cum. iner OMAHA THE MARKET TOWN Wl IMv.S UHAl.N I II., consignments solicited. grmn marchanta, 70H Itrsndoi. Nebraska-Iowa Oraln .Ct'J"!! Brandols, CAVEKi ELEVATOR CO.. WhoreeaUi dealers In grain, bay, chop feed. 7 J I Hrandels BhYg. RObEHlM UiiAlN Co., grain oonaiga mints solioited, grain bougoi ie urnva TIM Hrandels. VHt l:plllU-kl nnllM in r-n-.,.... tr.snts fsrefuliy handled, Oinaba, Neb. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. OtJVERNMENT BALE INDIAN LAN lid Absoluts Title Given The unallotted lands of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nu. Hons of the live Civilised Tribes In Ok lahoma, and tint Including the coal and timber segregations, will he old at pub llo suction to th highest bidder at the following terms, times and places ut nut .11 lli.l, I It , I n I ,,, , ....( . . . . ,u tho advertisement: Orady county, Chick- """ tr" ii acts, i,uw acres, iNoveillbur Z, ii, 4; Mtephens county, Duncan, 7JJ Iraots, 63,u0 acres, November, 0, J, s; Jelferson county, Ryan, 7(U tracts, 4s,4uu acres, November 0, 10, 11; Love county, Marietta, Ho4 truots, lu.aOu acres. Novem ber 13, 14, li, id; Curler county, Ardmora, 1. 171 tracts, UIUuu acre.. Novtmber If, 18, 20, 21, 23, 2J; Murray county, bulphur, tbi tracts, itl.Ouo acres. Novenibir St. &; Oar vln county, Pauls Valley, Oil Hauls, sj.iaw acres. Novum her 27, 2S, IK; McClaln county, Pun-ell, li tracts. H.60O acres, lecember 1, 2; Puntotoo county, Ada, i.u tracts, 4A.M0 acres, December 4, 6, t, Johnsoh county, 'i Ishnmlngo, D4 tracts. 30,200 acres. Di-ceinlier 7, , 0; Marshall, county, Madlll, tracts, 18,6uo acres, December 11; Bryan count v, Put ant, tOi tracts, 26,ln0 acies. iemhir ), 1.1; Atoka county, Atoka, 1.IXW tracts, iw.ouo acres. December 14, 13, ill, 11. U; Coal county, Coalgate, lion tracts, t4,fcon acros. Decem ber 2o, 21, 22; Hughes county, Calvin, 4.1 1 tracts, f-0,700 acres, Hecember 2li, 21, PHU burg county, McAlester, l,tW tracts, lo,. loo acres, December 2s. 211, So, lull; Janu ary 1, 2; Haskell county, ktigler. 41. tracts, 30.300 acres, January 3, 4; Latimer county,. Wliburluii. PI Hauls, HtHJI aciex, January 0; l.etioru county, Poleau, 2(m tracts, 21,so0 aciea, January : Pushniu taha county, Antltra, ckl tracts, tz.um acus, January , u, lu; chootgw cuuiuy, Hu, o, M Hauls, 37,1km acres, January ii, U, 13; McCurlaln county, Idabel, na fs'l, G4,jou acre. January J", lii, 17, i, IT.i. Not more than lt acres of agri cultural and 40 acr or other lauds will be sold tu one person In unv one nation. Agrlcuituial lands are those having a minimum valuuiion of IS Ou or more per ttcie. 'ierm aie 2i per cent at th i.m of solo, 2i per cent. In twelve months and do per cent In two years, with a p,' cent liuerest. I'nymenta mii.t ho mad in the iorni of drart or certiiied check payable to J. U. Wright, iiiminlssioiivr! i pou full payaient being made ut any Hino deed will issue, lmmtdiuicly alter approval of salo ceitif.cata of purchas wnl Issue anu possession b given, but fiiltiilif llinl,-r .t,.illl,,., ...i, " tj.,.,i,iM wi iiuriiiiu for iiuueiala thereon will net be permitted wo... .. fmt iiici.t it puicnaae price. Rglit Is reserved te reject any or all bids. For Information apply to the Com missioner to the Five Clvllued Tribes. M llttlt , .U I lU ill llllttta l.w m n j ..i ..... 1 .. i , - v, . y inD 4-' I Uict Agents as to iunds within tnelr ie- U.....IIUA rfi.lpl,il. I ... .... , , ct.-v ,,... t.sin ut ineso lanu nave been prcpaitd by counties, showing , ... Lal- . I. .. . . ... . . ... .., uu.ti lyuun oi in various tracts und minimum price, it will be Impracticable to furnish each In- keble that peiou desiring such Infur niailpn specify I locality lu which they t.,w w,.,),, lui. en wlv vai iou counties, thowlng tlic location of the land 1 .. . .. U..I.I ...tll t... . . to IO .woa, V 1UIU10IKU UjVVO gppii- 11 C.OVERNMENT NOTICES catlnn to tne llhdi isislieil upon the pay ment of t'VrO for each county, In t.i form of ill aft or postal money order. J. iJ. VV It 1 1 1 1 IT. iiiiimls-l.nier In the rive Civilised Tribe, Muskogee, Okla homn. August 1. hill. Plt( i PI S,VI.S TVilMA'tiLTr.N UlAJVES Chlef cjiiurtet master's, tirilce. Federal Htnhlihg, I'hlcago, 111.. November 6. Il'll Healed proposnls. In triplicate, subfert to the usual conditions, will he received hera until II o'clock. A M., Pecetnlver s. 1011, Snd then opened, for f iiriilshlng and de liver lug pt either the Chicago or Phila delphia Depot of the CJimrtertnaster s Department: IVi.OCO pairs, tillve Drab Woolen Olevrs; subject to Increase of not to exceed f. If deslre.l by this Ive partment. Hlght Is reserved to reject or accept nny or all proposals or any part thereof, preference will Im given to articles of domestic inn-iufuctiire, con ditions of ipml.tv ami price tlncludlmr In the price of foreign production or manufacture the duty thereon) heliiir equal. KtHiidnrd saniplo c:in tie seen, anil specification, blanks for prosin)S and full Inloi 'inatlon will bo furnished upon application t this office. Envelopes con taining ptoposiu to bo Indorsed "Pro posals for Woolen Clloves. tn be opened December R. llHl " Col. Jno. L. CTem. V hlef cjuat tcriTiu.tcr. NX 10 U-13-DC-fl. RAILWAY TIME CARD IMtIV llAllti.V lenik A Ala sou I'nlen Pnelflc Depart. Arrive, fan Fran. Orerl'd T...a am a7:4npm C hina & Japan F. M .a 4:i6pni a t Xi pm Atlantic Kk press I li nm Oregon Express all S.i pin a 6 10 pm I os Angeles l.lni d all. 46 pin a H :to pm Iienver Kiecial a 7 01 am a 7:27 am Centen al stini S41 c I all i im I2 .'knm Colorado Kxpi rxs a ( ,10 pm s 4 An pm Oregon-Wash Llm'l'd.all Sn pm aS JOpm North Platto'laeal....a :l am a 4 XS pm Hntnil Island laical... a f so pm ilil Wam Btromshiirg laical bU.41 pm bl;20pm I hlcagit .it Northwestern NORTH HOUND. Mlnn.-Pt. Tnul Kt...,liMnm hi Hn.-Mt. Paul l, t d.,.a :i pm a 4:00 am Twin Cltv Etprevs....a 1:45 am alii 20 pm Hloiix City Local a 3:4ft pm a J pm htlnn. Dakota Kx.a 7' pm atl&am Twin City Limited ... .11 R:4i pm s T i am Minnesota Express alHOUani EAHTHCICNP. Carroll Los sl a 1 :'0 am a :tfl pm alt 40 pm a S 2A pin a S:2A pm 0-4H am a 1:21 pm ai2 30 pm a : 15 ant alt):00 am a 3:M pm I nyllght t hlengo a " X" am Chlearo local el!:00pm Colorado-Chlcaco a S Hi pm Clilcagn lipclal a S Of pm Pac. Const-Chicago a ii..':,V pm I.ns Angeles I.lml'ed .a MM pm Overland Limited a7:'5pm Carroll Local a 4 i pm Fast Mall a I.SDpm c eoar it. puis, Bloux Omaha Centennial Btat IJtn . l":o 1111 WESTBOUND. a J us pm 11:16 pm jnna Pin a : am a11:n am Nnrfolk-DnllB ll:itUm Ixmg Plne-Llneoln a 8:16 pm HastlngH-Hiiperlor . ..h t:lftpm alO lft pm a i - Sfl pm b 6:20 pm lieaow oon-not wp gs, .a It 60 im a a :v pm Cnsper-I binder a 3:65 pm allKX) pm rreniont-Alblon b 30 pm b 1:55 pm (lilcnao, Hook IslaaeJ A aelfle EAST. Rocky Mountln Ltd.aU: am a1i pm "' ' Chicago laical Paa..,.blO:& am b10:Ppni Chinngo Day Ex a 6 15 am a 4 SO pm Chicago F.xiress a 4:10 pm a 1 It) pm Des Moines 1,01ml I'.,..a 4.27 pm al?:12pm Chicago-Neb. Ltd a I ul pm a 1.47 ant VV EST. Chl-Neb. Lmd to Lin coln a 1:01 am a 67J1 pm Col-Cal. Expteas a 1:1.1 pm a 4:tmpm Okl. Teg. Express, .a 6:0 pm a11-4" am Rocky Mountain Lld..ul0:4i pin 0,11:30 am VVulmsh Omaha-St. Ixmls Ex...a HO pm a :15 am Mail and Express a ;t am all;la pm btanb'y U (Loin C. B.)D5:oopui blO:hiam Miaaonrl 1'aelflc K, C. A Hi. L. Ex....a :20am a 7:40 am K. C. At bt. L. Ex....all:l5 pm a I :W pin Chicago, .llllnaoke St. Paul Overland Limited' a 7:60pm 9:12am Perry Local aB.sUani lHvv pm , Colorado express au:uupin k.ii - l olorauo (special .1:11 am b Isj am Perry Local b 6;li put U:0jpm Illinois Central Chicago Express..;..... 7H) am a 8:45 pm 1 1 Chicago Ltuilied tM pm a :im um - CUioMgo t.reut neaieru Chicago Limited a (:U pm 'twin City niiiniail. .. .a :io pm a 7:48 am iwiu City Kxpra....a k:4d am a s:uo P44i t Cnicago .Jiiien a an pm w Local Passenger a :i pm Ilurllagteu Siatloai leuth at: Alaaua. Ilarllug ton- Depart. Denver A California.. a 4:4c pm Pugl eiound n.xprM..a 4:1V piu Neotaska points udxuuiu Buicit illlls a 4.10 pin Lincoln Mail ul jopm Northwest Express. .. .all ;-i pm Nebraska points as.no am Nebraska express aVXuam Lincoln Hncai bcfiuyier-i'iaitsmoutn b II :00 pm Lincoln Local Plaiisinoutii-iowa avilsatn Heilevue-Piuttsinouili ul2.J0 pin Chicago Hpeciul 1 i:li am Denver tipecial all. no pm Chicago impress a 4 20 pm Chicago rasi Express au:aopm Iowa houui a s:lu am Creston (la.) Loaal....b H:30 pm bt. Louis Express a 4. J) pm K. C. at HI. Joseph. .. ,al0:4 pm K. C. at 81. Joseph. ...a :16 am iv, C. tc Bl. Joseph, .. .a t.ao pm Arrive, a U:4a ptu a .4a pm a ti.lu pm a b:4 pikt ' aU:la pm , a 7;is am a t:IO pm a H AM pm ' a 9:US am blu:i ant bi:w am a S;W am a 2:40 pm Ull:li pm a V 00 pm ' a .W pm a :i am aiiihto am bio. 46 am all:46 ant a (t:4t am ' a :io pm Webater Stallvii 15th and Webter. ' Mlaaoarl Paelflo Arrive, Depart. bJWpm blHauam Paul, Minneapolis at Auburn Local, llklcago, St. . Oiuubai nuns lrLiltri. Bloux City r:xprfss....b 2:2ft pm bl2:oipm. Omaha lural , v6:J6pm' bloux City Pa ''. ..:sv,'.lli.2jLPm '1 win City Pass. .......b 6:45 am Arrive. Depart. cniriauii 4rfitai u o.oo pm q priuam to uauy except bunuuy, u'i aunday only, taj dally. OCEAN HTEAMSHII'S. South Third Annual CrtuM Ts South Americs Pr tba H.H. IILLKC'HER (12.D0O toaa), tb larg est eriilahig aliMuiitr sailing from on America to th other, offers rry laxury aad vuiu fnrt. Lravloa; New York Jan. 20, 1812 port nf call : Hildgeton 11. Pent a tub nee, a.ulua. Alontevlduo. rusts Arenas (llironts lb k I rail of llaaellaa I. V a I par Is larrusa lb Aatleai. II Ayrwa, 111 d Janeiro, Uahln, Para. Port f Bpalu atl it. 'Ikotua. Optional 8ld Trips Every-arber. Ma 88 DAYS $350 Also ('rU to (A OHl, V it Ik dirt. Around tin Witrli, Italy tm4 Ay, tit. Bend for tHu.trtted booklet.. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE lue w. l.uouulph Sit.. Chicago, ui local ag A J31SB WANT sU will rent that vacant house, fill those vacant rooms, or nerure Laurders on short notice, at a very mall cot to you. Ii vouvlnecd. Mieficeiw gsti3SI3BS