Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1911, Image 4

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    And to
' ' -V " ' 1 ' I , ii-
how vLoeuess "yovAr. t
row wervifc in
r Many of Bcgnlari Oat of Line After
decent Game.
. DrrUntlon! that Treatment
5 Accorded C'ornhnalaer Wa Smt
i . In Accordance with
Sport a.thics.
; LINCOLN, Nov. . BpclJ TIerm.)
j. rrctlce Monday night for the Corn-
hunkers was extremely llnht In view of
. the ey came for next fiaturaay, ana
niot of the rexulare availed themeolvee
of the opportunity to take a needed reet.
The lineup was patched and while a short
. crtmmars was held the most of the work
consisted of signal practice.
The varsity lineup Monday night little
resembled the regular lineup. In the
back field Owen Frank. Warner and
Purdy were missing from tbe practice,
vrhlle In tha Una Hereon, Elliott, Horn
berrer and Hereon were (one. Both of
tha ends. Chauner and I-ofrn, were
retting from the bruteee received In the
ante with the Aggies. Btlehm took his
rvgulars to the farm, where he would
have a better opportunity to outline for
mations which he has up his aleeve for
, the Kaneae game and free from the
- chance of showing hie band to any Kan
sas spy. The regular will be allowed to
rest for two or three days and the prac
tice -will be exceedingly light until
Wednesday or Thursday.
Very little work outside of outlining
new formation will be Indulged In be
fore tbe ton game, but beginning next
Monday the squad will put In tlie attrfest
week of tha sen son.
The return .of Stlehm and some of the
Nebraska player from Ames tat Sunday
evening and a. day's rest with time to
think over the gam Saturday threw eorns
Interesting sidelights on the battle. Ths
' Nebraska mentor find the players sr ex
tremely sure over the treatment they re-
. reived t the hands of the Iowa rooters,
i fitlebm does not mean to knock bocaus
r j m
i !:. .v.'.-j-j.w wriu . iii i r-r Arr 'i a r i i.. v t
; I the Corrihusker drew a tie score with
! the Aggies. The players were loud In
- ! their denunciation of the attitude of the
., rooters, When Nebraska had the ball
the hi i sing and yelling from the rooters'
. stands was so loud that it was impossible
to bear the signals, the playere claim.
. i When the Nvbraakans made a gain they
were hlsied and when kUionka waa put
out of the game the Nebraska captain
" was greeted with a perfect storm of
; JiUae from the stands.
rx '
Kittrr Defeats Dorchester.
PORCME8TEH. Neb.. Nov. .-BDecia.)
. The Kxeter High school defeated tha
XJOixheeter High school here Hatutday In
a fast game of beakct ball by the snore
r 11 to . The lirel lia.r wee an even
match and stood t to (. In tha sveond
the visitors cam beck hard and by their
excellent tram work were aule to land
I score to their opponents' I. Llneupi
wn u r.
rpr ...M. K.
M. tovlaell C.
Knm U 0.
Vr4 . 0.
, r h. wiim
O. ....JtnklM
k O. II. wiiwe
R. O Unvl
rieia uoais n. Wilson tl, Ktmberley
...jSi, Jenkin.. uraui w, It. WUn, II.
. . I'reldell. Hull.
: r oul Uoai-H. Wilson, II. rrld!l (8).
Beatrice Celebrate lotory.
SSiTRICS, N.6.. Nov. .-inWual.)-The
foot ball team aelebrated it vlutoiy
, over Omaha with a b'g bonfire on ths Mh
S'-lioul campus Katurday night. More than
., vartUiaM In the celebration. The
crowd marched down Sixth street In
frjnt f the Upatrloe olub rnoni. There
1. W. t.ooh. U. H. la!by, Dr. U. II. llrash.
- Hun. eter Janeuv, It. iL Vuia and wther
luad brief aUUrejises.
(ftp m p?
miM VA.1 SJL'iDT. DktriLiifori
j 3 U South X rtb Su OMAHA, NEB.
rktmatt DmmrUt H7t-Ai97
j ji ta
Think That Mutt Had to Deliberately Sacrifice a
Iowa Preparing for
Game With'Purdue
University Saturday
IOWA CITV. Ia., Nor. l-(8pcll.)-6or
and battered from their contest
with ii two best team In the big eight
conference on uccsslv ' Saturdays, but
not at all dlscoursged, tha Ilawkeye fool
ball team reached low, city Sunday
morning determined to win the rest of
h game on the erhedul. All of the
men were more or lees bruised and worn
out by the fierce battle at Wlaconeto,
and every man who played through that
contest ha oome minor injury, but noth
ing which I likely to keep anyone out
Of th gam unlesa complications develop.
It I th unanimous opinion of, every
member of th Iowa team that Wisconsin
I du for ft considerable trimming when
th Badger and Uupher clash at Camp
Randall In two weeks. Not a man who
played against both team on succeeding
Saturday will admit that WUconsln ha
a chance for the western title units eev
eral of Coach William' star suddenly
drop dead or are otherwiee incapacitated.
Most of them put th score at from fif
teen to twenty poluts for the Uophrrs t4
not over three fur Wisconsin.
It will be Ha ley' task this week to
gel Ms men into shape for the battle
with Purdue at Lafayette next Saturday.
In th last two weeks th Iowa team baa
bad but eight day at home and th
train Is beginning to tell, particularly
aa tha game played away from Iowa
field were with the two leading alevenj
f the weet. Th end of thl week will
ee tbe longest trip of all, and without
much doubt a hard game, for th Purdue
aggregation 1 sure to fight hard at home
and th lowana will be pushed to the
limit to achieve a victory. However, the
Hawkeye are expected to take not only
th Fur da game, but th Am and
Northwestern contest, both of which will
be played at borne as well.
Amea' good showing against Nebraska
oocasloneu some surprise here, and It I
evident that th Agfies must be taken
seriously. But they have never shown
to advantage on lorn a field, and Iowa
students ar atiU confident of a Hawkey
victory. Norlhwtsuro I looked upon as
I oQoof eve. ..errs .
- ' v sri
.r r- w- i
I 1
Some Heroes of the Eastern Gridiron
.1 1$
I f
v. j
f ....
(iM 1
Two players who ar expected to star
In next Saturday' (Novemhor 11) gamea,
and a photoKraph of tlie Hat-vard eleven
In action, "prepplng" for the fast Car-
Hal IndlaBH, Itelow ar Huntington.
Harvard' lightweight "strong man,"
who Is rated as one of the bevt fullbacks
of the etason (on the. left), ami Cap
tain Pprarkllng of Urown. the leading
quarterback of the year, making a tor-
ward lans-the play Yal will nve to
stop on Saturday, or else go down to
defeat before the Providence eleven, even
a they did last year by the ecor of
SI to v.
th easiest game of the three, as the
Wisconsin team and supporters were all
certain that Iowa outclasses th purple
ABEHDEKN. 8. I).. Nov. . iBpet'laD
C. . E. Ouniun, an Immigrant bound for
Wataon, Minn., was instantly killed and
two other Immigrants and two trainmen
sustained slight Injuries In a liead-on col
lision between a stock train, eastbound,
and a wretbouud freight train at 'Hrlstol
at :34 Sunday morning. The Immigrant
car waa split In two and Qunlon was In
stantly killed. Th other two Immlgranta
ustatned but slight hurts. Engineer Phil
Hughes of the stork train aufferej a
crushed hand and a brakeman was struck
by Dying boaid and ll-hUy kurt.
i n .b j.i-.ji! a
.41 .'f
4 .-': 'v
Championship of Big Eight Lies
Between Two Teami.
Jtlsh Knee Action Exhibited by
Gopher Back Baffle Maroon
Tackier In Saturday's
CHICAGO, Nov. tt.-Baturday foot bail
games In th middle west apparently nar
rowed th championship of th lilg Eight
conference universities to th Universities
of Minnesota and Wisconsin. These two
team ar tha only ones In th conference
remaining undefeated ana the coming
game between them will probably decide
th till.
Minnesota ejhoWed Eaturday that it has
a ohtmplonshlp team. Th Uophers
played a strong gam agulnat Chicago,
winning, M to 0, and revealed a strength
that had not been suspected. Wisconsin's
chance with the Uophers will be handi
capped by the loss from Its lineup of Pol
lock, who was Injured In Saturday's game
with Iowa.
That Minnesota had concealed Us real
ftrengtb in th eamea with Nebraska and
Iowa was the freely expressed opinion of
experts who witnessed the defeat of the
Maroons. A variety of foot ball was un
covered on Northrup field Saturday that
was a revelation to the spectators. The
Gopher barks had been perfected in the
"high knee action." which baffled Ma
roon tackier again and again. All had
been coached to run low and lift their
knee In a manner to "ugpercut" tack
ier effectively.
After such a defeat Coach Ptagg of Chi
cago will try to mend his weak spots, but
rome say thst he lack th msterlal. For
Its weight, Chicago la still good team
and th Maroons have a fair chance of
rolling up a series of victories in the
roft of their feme.
In th east not a single on of th big
team can claim a clean slate and there
Is likely to be much dispute tn awarding
th title.
t'nro Want Game.
The Curo foot ball team of South
Omaha int Kiunc with any locul teams
of from VJS to 130 pounds Address h
Kasncr, 17C-J M street, bou'th Omoba.
I.asnonre) at lvtat of Death.
HHAINERD, Minn., Nov. a. Stat Sen
ator Judd Lamoure of North Dakota I
lying at the point of death at Ms summer
home flfievn mll north of Hralnrrd:
Ills death Is believed to b, only a ques
tion of hours. I
Havenan Bnake Ball Girl Win.
IUVEXNA, Neb., Nov. 1 (Special
The glrla' basket ball team of the IU
venna High echool won a game from th
team from Poole hs'.urduy by a (cor
of I t . This Is th second victory for
th Ravenna girl thl ear, they having
Uiaten Cairo, t to X. a week ago.
key to lb nUUaUoo-Bw Waut Ada,
i 7 : v : n
r r-r----: X Wisutt Do BuNe u" r'" V 5 : if'-. ." ., '
, '- .,1 - V STo?p,M(i J rT : - VI : ':; .... .
t ""r-M r I 1 - ' ' - i
j::;; !--::-,! ' . . 1 I I " '
Five Hundred' Persona See Sham-
rock Beat Old-Time Rivals.
ramble on Fifteen-Yard Line' Pre
vents Shamrock from Soorlns;
Another Touchdown Classy
I'layingf Seen.
The Shamrocks defeated th UelmonU,
W to 3, at fobt ball at Eenson Eagle park
Sunday afternoon. About COO foot ball
devotee were pre.ent and all seemed sat
isfied with the fast playing of both teams.
Th Belmont won tha toss and chose
to defend the south goal. Callahan kicked
off. Kelly advanced ten varrta Th. n-i
monts were forced to punt and the Sham
rocks lost or. a fumble. Tha ball see
sawed from on aide to the other until
the Belmont got close enough to try a
drop-kick, which failed. At the end of
the first quarter the ball was on the
Shamrocks'. twnty-flv-yard line.
Score on Drop Kick.
Second quarter: Th Belraonta gained
six yards, and on th last down Bohan
drop-kicked for three Dolnta rrnm .v..
nineteen-yard line. Th Belmont kicked
off. The Shamrocks advanced the ball
to the twenty-six-yard line. On th. m.
down Frank Qulgley went around th end
iur a, toucnaown. uoal was missed. Tbe
Belmonts kicked off to the ha
In th third quarter. On line plunge by
Qulgley, Callahan and Fltigerald th ball
auranc-ea to in live-yard line. Cal
iahan went through tackle for th. .!
touchdown. Goal wa iulU. The Hham.
rocks had the best of the balance of the
quarter, but failed to score.
In the last quarter the Irishmen r.h.i
up the field to the fifteen-yard line, where
a lumoie put them out of Mmini,.i..
Immediately the Belmonts nullnri f
trick plays, coupled with three successful
rorwara passes, which all told netted
them eighty yards. The Shamrock woke
up and broke up forward passes there
after. They held th Belmont and then
started up the field. They were plowing
through lather fast when time was called.
The Uelmonta are looklnu- for
Call Oeorgo Hsgeman at Webster K.
.-sext &unaay the Shamrocks play Valley.
Neb., at the Benson Eaoie Dark. wnm.n'
will be admitted free.
The lineup:
. Buhaa
...i.d i
C .
Q .
r. ,
. . KT
. Lll I
... F.
i uuchdowns:
ney. Callahan. Hef
mplre: iHmith. Head
eree: Bressma
n. l'
linesman: B.
era Id. Field ludse:
YANKTON. Nov. ,Sn..-i.i t o
French of th legal firm or French and
Orvls, ha gone to Washington, D. c.,
to represent the tribe of Yankton Sloua In
their case against th United State gov
ernment. In which the. Indian will eek
to prov thir legal right to the Plpeaton
""" " woicn i located th tamou
plpeaton Quarries, from whirl, t,
Immemorial th Indian hv mad their
pipe and many thing in an ornamental
way. Thl trict of land waa reserved
by th Yankton Slous when they ceded
their land east of the Sioux river to th
governmert. A question as to th title
haa now arisen at thl late day and th
trlb of Indian in question Is much In
terested In the su.t. a th land in dis
pute it Morealiy r-r4 by ihain.
New System it Made Effective First
of November. ,
rand of Million Started and T.m
ployee Will Pay In Three I'er
Cenf of Tbelr Knlarie
to Maintain It.
Armour & Co. yesterday instruc
ted the pension system for their
employes. Throughout the United States
the Armour Interests have 42 branch
houres besides their big plants. These
house and plants employ approximately
W.OOO men. Of this number about 15.000
ar eligible for th pension lists. Yes
terday was the opening day of the fiscal
year In the Armour plants hence the
announcement at thl time. The de
tailed lists of those eligible will be an
nounced after the trustees have ex
amined into the matter.
n. C. Howe, general manazer of the
plant at South Omaha, Issued the fol
lowing statement regarding the pension
"Armour A Co. Instituted pen
sion plan for Its employe throughout
th United States effective November 1.
The fund Is created for the benefit of
salnried employes, who, after Ion? and
faithful service, shaH have reaohed the
age of from 67 to 65 years, and who have
been twenty years or more in the service
of the company. Employe having served
twenty years or longer and reaching
67 year of age, may be cpn
sloned on application at the dis
cretion of the board of trustees Employes
having; served twenty years or more and
reaching th age of 0 years may demand
"Employe having served twenty years
or mor and reaching the age of 65 years
ar to b retired.
"Armour k Company contribute $1,000,
000 for the maintenance of the fund; em
ploye Pr Into th fund I per cent of
their salaries annually.
Employs on retirement receive I per
cent of th salary paid them at the time
of retirement for eaoh year of sorvtce
I. e., having served, say twenty-five
years, receive 80 per cent of their salary
on retirement.
"No distinction between men and
women employe la made except that
women may be retired at $0 year of
age having served th twenty year.
Provision is made for employes who have
been fifteen years or longer in the serv
ice, even though under 67 years, the
minimum age for retirement. If Incapaci
tated through sickness or Injury, may be
pensioned at the discretion of the board
of trustees.
"Widows and children of a deceased
employe ar provided for in th follow
ing manner: Upon the death of an em
ploye who ha been in the service more
than fifteen year there is to be paid to
the widow, and If no widow, to the chil
dren under IS year of age, 1 per cent
of th salary of the husband for each
year of servloe. If he had not completed
fifteen year of servloe, then there Is
returned to the widow, or If no widow,
to the children under IS years of age, all
moneys that the employe rosy have paid
Into ths fund during his lifetime, with
Interest. If an employe dies after hav
ing served twenty year or longer, .then
the widow or his children receive one
half of the pension to which he would
have bean entitled on retirement age.
To th women employes, upon tholr
marrying any time within the twenty
years of service, the moneys paid by
them into the fund Is returned at time
of marriage, and there is also returned
to the employes who resign before reach
ing the retirement age the moneys
which they paid into .the fund.
"The management of the pension plan
and fund Is In a board of trustees con
sisting of A. Watson Armour, Alfred H.
I'rlon and Frederick W. Oroll. officers
and employe of ong standing In the
Armour business."
Signal Corps Men
Beat Light Guards
in Speedy Contest
Th Signal Corps foot ball team of
Fort Omaha defeated th Dodg Light
Ouaris, It to 0, in a fast game at Ath
letic park, Council Bluffs, Sunday after
noon. Tbe gam wa clean and free from
wrangling. Both teams played good foot
ball. A large crowd saw the game. Two
carloads of regulars from Fort Omaha
rooted for their men. After the second
halt the game was played in a drlxalliiR
Cone and Flhburn rut up a (rood exhi
bition for U.e Dodger la end runs and
blocking, but the Ilegulari, who were
heavier, wer too much for them. They
had atar player In Wyman. Tompkins,
Croli. O'Neil and Campbell.
Th firework started In th second
quarter after a few minutes play. A
fumble by Kynett let Wllsey of the flog
wavers get the ball. He made a sixty-yard
nd run for a touchdown. Wyman kicked
Fort Omaha mad another touchdown
by straight foot tall. A rorward pa a
from Campbell to Wyman and a ten-yard
.)' to th Situation Be Want Ads.
" ' ' ' 1
..-',- - Jig
& 'A' v .'-.,4
F; '' 1
IK :
v.Ct " i
ff v v X '- I
Ora Mornlnstar, former cuainplon ballc
Hne bllliardlst, who is practicing . to get
in trim for the 19X1-1912 season. Morn!nR
star has declared that he will soon chal
lenge Willie Hoppo. holder of the title
emblems for both 18.1 and 18.2 balkllne.
run by Wyman made another touchdown.
Wyman railed to kick goal
Nelthar team .gained an 'advantage In
the third quarter until near .the-end,
when Wyman made a field goal from
in twenty-iive-yatd line. The lineup:
Frdrlrka ...
Caryl (Capt).
...Q B.
...I.. (I.
K U.
L. 13.
L H.
. ...Stroud
" fc..w. .............
SnllOt I t II t AH K 1tn.lll rnp Vniln. ..n.r.
bell for O'Neill. Zollinger for Tomtikini
and Hamline for Wanely. Touchdowns:
Wlleey and Wymsn. ((fttl: Wvnian. (1).
Goals from field: Wyman. Keferee, Jcrrv
Walteia. Field Judso, K. Kongley. Time
keepers, Kvans and Lansdou. Tlmo of
quarter, ten minutes. t
Association Foot Ball nt Miller rsrk
The Athletics met in Miller park last
Saturday afternoon In a practice pme to
get in form for a return match with the
Swedish team from Klin wood nark. A
great match is propliei-led. as the Swedish
team Is determined to equallzu for the
last defeat.
DUBUQUE, la.. Nov. 6. After a chase
of twenty miles through a densely wooded
section a posse of deputy sheriffs and
police today captured John O. Hogan,
who escaped from a local hospital for
the Insane Saturday night. He beat ft
guard Into lnjenslbllity und got away.
Before his capture Hogan terrorised the
countryside. Armed with a butcher knife,
he entered a farm house near here yes
terday, brandishing his weapon above his
head and puttii.g the occupants to rout.
John O'Connor, the guard. Is In a serious
If we suffer with Rheumatism and;
desire to get rid of it we must make?
up our minds to subject our gystetns
to the proper course of treatment for
a while. The only way to cure
onescJf of Rheumatism is to remove
the cause expel the irritating uric
icid from the b'.ood; every other
r.ethod of treatment has proved a
'ailure. S. S. 8. cures Rheumatism
x-canse it i3 the grciitcst of all blood
vjrificrs. This racdiciue goes down
:ito the circulatioUiand expels every
particle of the sour, inflammatory
iric acid which is the one great cause
f the disease. The cure can be
Treatly hastened by a little care and
clf denial by the patient. In the
urst place do not let anything inter
fere to prevent vonr taL-inr .q s .',
regularly and according to directions:
k jjnurucn in your eaung, because
j tu.iii oi iuuicbiiua wjji r-lW3y3
ggravate the symptoms of Rheums..
-. . ju.oi.,4
lama and inclement tveather
more than is necessarv. When s ts
has had time to rid the blood of the
uric acid and ftrcngthen the system,
then these little restrict ion vm K.
left off. This simple course has cured
many thousands of cases of Rheuma
tism. Hook on Rheumatism and any
medical advics free. S. S. S. is acid
at drug storer .
rrr Yi'IFT CALCIFIC CO., Atlanta, C