2- Nebraska WAIT SUGGESTS NEW LAW Secretary Would Have Authority Orer Corporations. ELEVATOB COMPANY APPEALS Nye Schneider . Fowler (miir Makea Farther Objection to the Jadgment of t'oart In C.andr Salt. (Prom a staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb.. Nov. 7 lAn.nl.n Pecretary of Btate Walt has proposed to xne statute revision committee a chaage Jn the law relating to the collection of an annual state tax against corporations. The change suggested by the state offi cial rets out that upon ths publishing if the names of the delinquent corporations September 1 of each year the governor shall forthwith declare all their oharters forfaited and the right of such corpora tlons to do business shall be declared illegal unless the fees are remitted by tho 30th of November next following. A proviso Is also appended which gives the secretary of state the authority to reinstate such corporations as may have become delinquent. The reinstatement for unie is to be made within a year follows Ing.the date of the delinquency. On the ground that the state supreme court In the opinion previously rendered is based on an erroneous view of the law, attorneys for the Nye-Schnelder-Fowler 'company today asked that . tri bunal for a Judgment In lta favor In 'a cane in which the estate of M. R. dunyd Is the other party. Qundy died aa the result of a fall from one of .the company's elevators. He was t that time employed aa a workman at the company's plant there. The Jury In the district court trial of the case awarded the dead man' heirs Judgment In the sum of $3,200. In a brief filed In behalf of the state In the ouster suit against Chief of Police Donahue of Omaha, former 'Attorney General Arthur Mullen calls attention to what ho terms an utter disregard of law by Donahue's attorneys. A statement made by the legal corps of the Omaha official Is that should their Client be ousted from office at the present time by the state supreme court, then he' could Immediately be reappointed to the office. This, according to Attorney Mullen, would effectually disqualify Chief Donahue from again .holding office and place him be yond the hope of coming into possession of the position which he had . attained through the Fire and Police Board. The attorney for the' state In his brief filed today supports this contention with ' a citation from a New York case. Governor Aldrich Says Entire State Ticket Will.Win (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. --Special Tele gram.) Upon ' his arrival . from a week's campaign of the state Governor - Aldrlch today declared that the republican state ticket would be elected from top to bot tom." Every man Is going In by a sub stantial majority," said he, "and we're going to carry the state tor every one of the six men on the ticket. "Wherever I have made speeches' I have had Just aa large crowds as Mr. Bryan had, I believe, and (hey were Just as attentive and gave me Just as ' re spectful hearings as he received. I be lieve from the talk that the majority of the voters' saw the Justice of 'my ' con tentions in -meeting Mr. Bryan's .state wide plea to' republicans to vote the fusion ticket." - Two Suits Against Mark Coad Estate FREMONT, - Neb., Nov. : 6.-(SpecIal.) Valeria Allenspach, the divorced wife of the late Mark M. Coad, is still after money from the estate. Jn county court Saturday Judge Stlnson held that she could not recover on a claim which she had filed 'against the estate . for money alleged to have 'been loaned Coad. Her case probably will go to the district court. ' . . t . , Among the other claims filed against theioad estate is one of a former Fre mont dressmaker for the purchase price of some mining' stock. She claims that when she bought the stock of Coad she took a written agreement back that he was to return the money if the stock did not pay big returns. WATSON HOTEL AT NEBRASKA CITY DAMAGED BY FIRE NEBRASKA CITT, Nov. 6.-(Spec4al.)-A fire. broke out In the third 'Story of the Watson hotel at an early hour Sunday morning. It had gained good headway before It was discovered and the firemen experienced a great deal of , trouble In holding It In check, and It was not until after daylight before It was declared out The entire east side of the hotel, in cluding the saloon on the first floor, was gutted because of a light shaft extending up through that part of the building. The landlord of the hotel some time since began suit against the Slchl. Hotel com pany, which, owns this property, because of alleged failure to fix up the building and the heating, plant. The dining room had been closed several weeks and D. V. Long, who was In charge of the furni ture in the building, was taking only lodgers. Those who were In the building were aroused by Night Clerk Charles Iteed and got out In good shape. The hotel company had arranged to remodel the building, "but could not get' posses sion. There was no Insurance on tha furniture In the hotel and the hotel prop erty loss is partially covered by Insur ance, which is estimated at something over U.OOO. The loss of Tucker Imm's saloon Is over liOCO on fixtures and fully that much more on stock. There was a light Insurance. The total loss will be over ltf.000. The hotel will be placed In tbe bands of the contractors as Soon as possible, and most of the wsll will be torn down and remodeled. Fnainit Mii Badly Iajare4. FREMONT, Neb., Nov. .-(peclal.)-11. J. Lee will be badly disfigured as a lesult of being burned last evening. One ear la nearly burned off and Is face will be baaUy scarred. Hal Injuries are seri ous and painful and It will be some time before he will be able to be out Tbe barn and automobile were entlrejy de stroyed. 'Loss about. $l,5u00, with no Insurance.,. Nebraska Demurrer Filed in South Omaha Police Board Ouster Suit (From a Staff Correspondent.) . IJNCOLN. Neb.. Nov. 8.-t8pecl Tele gram.) H. H. Fleharty and Smyths. Smith and Schall. attorneys for the respondent In the ouster suit brought by the order of Oovernor Aldrlch agslnit Fire and Police Commissioners Ryan and Plvonka of South Omaha, today filed a demurrer asking that the suit be squashed. The following reasons are set out In ths demurrer: That the Information does not state facts sufficient to authorise the court to take cognisance of the case. That the supreme court has no authority to hear the case, save on appeal. That the information Is defective and not suf ficient to Justify the court in ordering the respondents to show why the order of ouster should not be iKsued. . NEW HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING AT STANTON TO BE DEDICATED ET ANTON, Neb.. Nov. C (Special.) The new high school building, which has been under the hands of the contractors for over a year, Is at last ready for oc cupancy. Tho high tchool grades will move Into the few building Monday, No vember 13. and the remainder of the school will not move until dedication, Friday, November 24. The dedication will be a public .affair and will take pace Friday afternoon and evening. Chancellor Avery of .the State university will deliver the address of dedication. Besides this a splendid program contesting of speeches, music, singing and drills will take place in the assembly room in the . afternoon. The mombera of tha senior, class will serve punch and entertain the guests. Specimens of the work of the pupils of the school will be on ethlblt for the public Inspection In the lower rooms. In the evening another splendid program will be rendered at the Raabe opera house. Nebraska AUTO ACCIDENTJN SCRIBNER Postmaster lames Bearer is Prob ably Fatally Hurt. BRAIN INJURED LEG BROKEN Official la H Driven ar a Donn by Car (it Karta, a fhotoarapaer of West Point. FREMONT. Neb., Nov. 6.-i9peolnl.)-Postmaster James Beaver of Kcrlbner was probably fatally hurt In the streets Of Scribner when run down by an auto mobile driven by . August Kurts, a ph,. tographer of West Point. Beaver's leg was broken and he suffered concussion of the brain snd internal Injuries. He has not regained consciousness. A surgeon operated this. morning to remove pressure from the brain. WILLIAM SAVAGE DROWNED NEAR NEBRASKA CITY NEBRASKA CITT, Neb., Nov. .-Ppe-clal.) William Ravage, while walking oh a sail boat In front of this 'city at noon Sunday made a mis-step and. fell Into the swift running current of the river and was drowned before assistance could reach Mm. A large crowd dragged the river all afternoon for the body without success. - Me was to years of age and leaves a widow and five children. ' Persistent Advertising to Big Returns. Is the - Road Large Crowd Hears Aldrich at Aurora AURORA, Neb.,, Nov. 5,-i.Ppcclal Tele gram.) Governor Aldrlch closed the cam paign In Hamilton county Inst evening with. an. address to a largo audience In the opera house. Judge 'G. F. Washburn, republican. candidate for'.dlstrlct Judge In th district, opened the meeting with a brief address and received an enthusiastic reception. Chairman 11. O. Horgcson presided.' Males Killed by Train. TABLE ROCK, Neb.. Nov. . (Special.) Passenger trnln No. . southbound, Sat urday morning struck three mules-north of town belonging to' Mr. Deltart, near his residence, killing two of them and crippling the third so thnt It had to bo killed. Fourth Morningside TALK OF PIPE LINE REVIVED Foot Ball Player Has Typhoid Fever BIOl'X CITY. Is., Nov. 6-The fourth of the Mornlngslile college foot ball tcgulsrs to be sulrkon with typhoid fever, Robert Vernon and "Turk" K'f fert. haV been tiiken to St. Joseph's hospital for treatment. Tho players now In the hospital are Vernor, left end; Klffert, left gusrd; Kruuso. halfback, ami Wlckes, center. "Hie origin of the fever Is a myntery to tho athletic authorities St the college. The athletes do not rat together, nor do they ever follow an out line of diet. Inoculation with typhoid bacilli as a means of curbing the disease Is delng discussed now as an Immediate' measure by athletic managers at the school. WHITE BRIDE OF JAPANESE ' DENTIST KILLS HERSELF ROCK SPRINGS. Wyo Nov. 6.-Spo-clal.) Mrs.. Josle Uyono,"' aged 25 years, died today from, the effects of an over dose of morphine, taken with suicidal Intent several days ago. Deceased was an American girl and was married to a Japanese dentist about a year ago at Raton, N. M. Mrs. Uyeno loft a note asking that her father, J.' O. Montgomery of Medicine Lodge, Kan., be notified. The note bore the following also: "Joe has driven me to destruction, i.e has refused to pay the rent. This Is aw fully embarrassing to me. I would rather die." The landlord, however,, says that the rent has been paid every- month In ad vance. . v . BROTHERS UNITED AFTER FORTY-EIGHT YEARS siotrx Falls. 8. v., Nov. .-speeiui.i After a separation of forty-eight years two brothers John Conway, a Fouth ln kotan. and Patrick Conway of Spokane, Wash. have been reunited through tho efforts of L. It. O'NcIl of Sioux Fal's. John Conway for some years has tiren a resident, ot 'lell Rapids. Boon after the commencement of the war of tho rebellion Patrick Conway left his home in the cast, and from that time until a few days bko members of .the family had heard nothing from hint and were unaware of whether he was living or dead. All they could learn was that he had enlisted In the army and had fought In the battle of Hull Run. With only this clue to work upon, I If. O'Nell volunteered to take Up the search, for tho missing man and locate him If he yet was In tha land of the living. A few days ago he had tho satisfaction of learning thst Patrick Con way was yet alive and that he resided at 229 North Harvard street, Spokane. John Conway lost no tlmo In starting for Spo kane, where the reunion belwcnn tho brothers has taken place after a avpara Hon of nearly half a century. Operation of Standard Oil Company in Wyoming: Brings Up Matter. OMAHA IS THE LOGICAL POINT andartl Will Seek On Hot for lis Ininie.iae iily nt rasper, Where lleflnrrlra Have lleen llnllt. Now that the Standard oil company Is said to have bought heavily In the new nil fields iiear Casper, Wjo., where It has built refiner! -s, there Is con sldcrablo talk of tho probability that (he Standard will 'get ahead of the lender oil people In the construction of a pipe line to Omaha. "The construction of u pipe line to Omaha by tho Standard seems feasible cnouah." said (J. V. Wattles of the Com mercial club committee appointed to co operate with the Wyoming oil men In plans for a pipe line. "The Lander man who Is at the head of tho Lauder pipe lino movement Is now In Kurope after the necessary capital. We have not heard, from lilm for some time, and until we di we will not know how hla negotiations aro progressing. In the meantime, tho Standard muy get ahead of him." Omaha would be the logical polunt for tho distribution of the product of the Wyoming fields, think members of the Commercial club committee, and bring ing It here by pipe would save an enor mous expense In transportation. YOUNG CLAIM HOLDER MYSTERIOUSLY DISAPPEARS BELL1S FOURC1IIC 8. P., Nov. tf (Speclal.) With $")00 in bank and Just ready to provo up on hla homestead, Lars 8. iAlngen, a young clalmhoUler near Empire,, forty-flvo miles northeast of here, disappeared and not the slightest trace of him has been found. Lnlngen was last seen when he went Into Kmplre and purchased a padlock for his shack, declaring that It had Just been robbed, lie went back to put the padlock on and has not since ' been heard from. His brother and another homesteader adjoin ing found their-shacks robbed the next day, and It Is feared that lnlngen may have , encountered the robbers and met foul play. KENNEDY OF OMAHA IN CROSS-COUNTRY RUN LINCOLN, Nib., Nov. 6.-(Speclal Tele pram. )-At the tryouts to pick a team of six men for the cross country team held Monday night, the work of Al Kennedy of Omnhu Waa a distinct feature of the long distance run. The tryouts resulted In tho selection of the following men: Captain Anderson, Al Kennedy, Klrby Kwatisnn, Clyde Gales. F. II. Spalding and R. T. Roggs. Anderson nnd Hwan soti are the only two veterans on the learn. i Anderson, Kennedy and Bwansnn finished together, nnd easily outdistanced the rest of the sipiad. About twenty contestants took part In the preliminaries. The run Included a hike to the state fair grounds and back, a distance of about three miles. Tha six will go to Iawrenco, Kan., to compete against tho other schools of tha Missouri valley In the cyosa country run to be held on November IS tho day of tho Nehraska Kunsaa foot ball game. Nebraska's showing at tho tryouts was entirely satis factory and Conch Clapp expects the team to make a strong showing at the western Interleollcglnto meet, to bo held In Iowa city. Moat Wonderful llenllna. ' After sufferlttg many years with a sore, Amos King, Port Byron, N. Y., was cured by Rucklen's Arnica Salve. 25c. For sale by Rraton Drug Co. w Get a SIsmp ' pv Braiilian " XX X. Coffee . V SaGrower The big colfee trust, made up 'of Brazilian growers and American importers has been trying various tact ics to boost the price of ctfx fee and get more money from the people. Always the man who is trying to dig extra mtney out of the public pocket, on a combina tin, hates the man who blocks the game. Nw comes a plaintive bleat from the "exasperated" ones, ' ' ' ' The Journal of Commerce lately said: "A stirring circular has just been issued to the coffee trade." . The article further, says: "The coffee:world is discussing what is to be the future of coffee as a result of the cam paign of miseducatioh carried on by the cereal coffee people. We have before us a letter from one of the largest roasters; in the South asking what can be done to counteract the work of the enemies of coffee. "The. matter should have been taken up by the Brazilian Gov't when they were com' pleting their beautiful valorization scheme." Then the article ' proceeds to de nounce Postum and work into a fine frenzy because we have published facta regarding the 'effect of coffee on some ieople- The harrowing tale goes on. "Where a few years ago everybody drank coffee, several cups a day, now we find in every walk In life people who Imagine they entmot drink It. (The underscoring is ours.) Hurley blacksmiths, carpenters, laborers and athletes ' nave discontinued or cut down the use of uffee; as there Is not a person who reads this and will not be able to find the aame condi tions existing among his own circle of acquaintances. Is it not well for the Braxlllans to all up and take notice?" Isn't it CUriOUS these "burly strong men should pick out coffee to "imagine" about? ' Why ' not "Imag ine" that regular doses of whiskey' are harmful, or dally alugs of mor phine. If "Imagination", makes tha caf feine In coffee clog the liver, depress tha heart and ateadily tear down the . nervous system, bringing on one or more of the dozens of types of dis eases which follow broken-down nerv ous systems, n.any people don't know It. . '' Rut It remained for the -man who lias colfee. morphine or whiskey to eell, to have the supreme nerve to say; ' "fo'i only Imagine your dis order Kot-p nn buying from me" Let us continue to quote from his article. "Notwithstanding the enormous In crease in population during the past three years, coffee shows an appall ing decreae In consumption." ' ' Then follows a tiresome lot 'of sta tistics which wind Up by showing a decrease of consumption In two years of, In round figures, two hundred mil lion pounds. Here We see the cause for the at tacks on us and the Braslllan sneers at Americans who prefer to use a healthful, home-made breakfast drink and incidentally, keep the money in America, rather than send the mil llohs to Uraxll and pay for an article that ihemlsti Cla-'s among the drugs and not among the foods. Will the reuder please remember, we never announce that coffee "hurts" all people." Some persons seem to have excess vitality enough to use coffee, tobacco, and whiskey for yturs and apparently be none the worse, tut the number Is small, and when a senslblo man or woman finds an urtlclo acts harmfully they exercise some degree of Intel ligence by dropping It. We quote again from the article; "These f gures are paralysing but correct, being taken from Leech's sta tistics, recognised as the most reli able." . . . e e This is one of the highest compli ments ever paid to the level-headed, common sense of Americans who cut off about two hundred million pounds of coffee when (hey found by actual experiment (in the majority of rases) that the subtile druir caffeine, In cof fee, worked discomfort and varying forms of disease. Borne people haven't the character to stop a habit when they know It Is killing them, but It Is easy to shift from coffee to Postum for, when made according to directions, it comes to table a cup of beversge, seal brown color which turns to rich golden brown when cream in added, and the taste is very like the milder grades of old Gov't Java. Pontum Is a veritable food drink and highly nourishing, containing all the parts of whr.-ut carefully prepared to which Is added about 10 per cent of New Orleans molasses, and thut Is absolutely all thut Pom turn Is made of. Thousands of visitors to the pure food fa'torles sie the Ingredients and how prepared. Kvery nook und corner is open for every visitor to carefully InspAct. Crowds come dully and seem to enjoy It. "There's a Reason" rostum Cereal Company, limited Battle, Creek, Mlohlgan. To Manufacturers of Meritorious Products In preparing jour schedule for advertising, or if you arc contemplating an advertising cam paign, wc would invite your attention to the advertising value of Harper's Magazine Harper's Weekly and Harper's Bazar Full particulars regarding rates may be -obtained from any General Advertising Agent, or by addressing our Advertising Department. Harper & Brothers Franklin Square New York YOST-High Grade Furs EXPERT REMODELING eUat Corner 20th and Karnnlii. Telephone Douglas .1010. i PERMANENT ADDRESSES of CbJef Attractions and Thlaga of Interest een at the Land Arizona California California Mouth of the big duck and the loud 'noiset where they gave away five ncres or orsnge land to the I lucky gueeser on the Jar of. nuts. The land of flowers, oranges, gr.me lrult, lemons, figs, dates, itiuta, olive and alfalfa the year round. Address, 'North Malt lllver Valley Irrigation Co.. Phoenix. Ar. go, The.Uoolh where you n wnno ana r Los Angeles, Han Die saw everything wort including climate and California then soinel nnnortui.lt v. Aridrnaa Los. AtlHltlAH I'HnmiiAr nf ninmrea. ne Kun )iegn Chamber of C imir.erce. lietter still, go iii ami see ior yourselves. i "Whore you saw the famous Hacrameuto Valley ICxhlhlt. Inquire about the next excursion to this beautiful country, Nov. 16. Trowbridge A Holster, 404 City National Dank Building. Omaha, Nebraska. , At the Tulare County Dootff you saw the big peaches, potatoes, corn, pumpkins, prunes and plums. AIho the fine oranges, lemons and citrus fruits. Von can farm lor pleasure and profit In Tulare County, AUdi-r, Tulare County . Board of TraV, ViHalla. California. California Colorado Colorado Colorado terms or one-tenth. AiMret,s C COLORADO FntterBun Id the Famous Kan Joaquin Val ley. .Why not go with us and gee this Pur. IIko for. l'laln People , Payne Investment Cotiipnny, Omaha, Nebraska. Vvhere you saw the Hatte kiver Valley Kxhlhit, showing wheat, oats, flux and corn ralRed on aub lrHgatod soil: land that pa) far itself In two ysais.. He nell this land on Urum of one-third to one-half cash TlHtte Hlver I naianeet ;i to Valley Land Co. 6 years. - Address Sterling, Colorado. Apples, Apples, Hlg-lted and Vullow Apples, nice (lean potatoes, miner uects, grains grown at Xctohklss, Malta Count;', Colorado. "You remm-' berf Heineinticr also lamln from M per sore and upwatd.' Address Ooula and WiUoughby, Hotcbltiss, Colorado. - . . Where you saw the Han Luis Valley Exhibit, showing especially the big gralnt and. field peas, unequalled lor hog feed; heard about the new uirur factory; etui -jvhure you. learned that you .on lieitver, Colo. ran nuy irrigated ianos in this noli valley -on A., iiouinnon, The Hlo Urande liome Co., of Alamosa. Colo., or. rupleti Jl'KPth No. 1. This Is where you saw the fire cubhage, celery and other vegetables; ono fti VnrlnMi fie 1 .,lnf arlr. itiumac natm ft... ...Ittl.ia.l ltlH bushela per sere. 7k 4 busheTa of wheat, wonderful alfalfa, choice p.itatfien, etc.. ironi tha Sunny Han Lul Valley. Culo. Write theui today t Where you saw especially tbe fine Apples, Potatoes and grain raided In Marsh Valley, the "Gal-den Bput of Idnho.V Address Downey Improvement Co., Downoy, Idaho. ! - Where you bouKht lhoe le Be Cea for, a g K Wiekol und the X.a Trudse for a Dime. You 11 lteuiejiiLcr! Tracy Bros. Co.. who sell mure ,f cigars In Umaha th-in any other house. WhyT 1 v ' t.niikllty All first cIuhm dealers seil our goods. 'i rary llroii. Co., MIT. loiig, pit.. Urns ha, Neb. hilltiii iJisijininn 1 tods, the booth "that ln tercnted many aho wing' the (Trade Mark) of tho host In Lightning Protection. Address. V. C. Shlnn. Lincoln, Nebraska. Idaho Neb rasKa Nebraska NorthvGstsrn Wl.efe you saw the beautiful alfalfa and stm-K raising uxhlblt. . You reinoinberl Large panorama of rattlo and nl rep, If Interested In Ail'ulfa talulng tvrlte to tteneral Passenger Agent. c'lih-ai end Northwestern It 11 . nnaha. Nebraska, for pumphlft ileullnr fully with the supject. ' the attractive cyriaiama of the Cits7 of Balem and, tha Willamette VaUsy created bv Geo. 1. Hclii rllcr. 1 1.e urtll W lUentllluil with leading art Where you tiw vausy ntii lmi rubs in i. mm wo ani l tie country, lie la also super visor of urawu.'g In the balem giauA and high schools. AdiircsM lloo, L. hchrelber, 1OI1 ply. Ht., Malum. Ore. famously fertile Willamette Viley llooth was tha MkksM ugrli ultulul and horticultural display, tow Irrigated fruits. huIh und vegetables. No bllasards. kt ill ma or drouths. No c-'p failures. Five new rail mails. Urltu to Commercial Cluu Secretary at Corval Iih, Albany or Kalem, Oregon, . Let UH explaTii to ou how to own a 6 or 10 acre fruit and gurilen tract. Albany, Oregon, one of tha best towns In Oregon, end in the very heart of the famous WHluii.etle Valley. II. lluOuu for tha nntlro trmnt M,n eoy iiioimiiy pttyii riiif. iisbh, 110 itnereti, goou mui'KQts, Call write Meeker & Ileum, hi' HimiiUsIs Theater Building, Omaha.- Oregon Oregon OnEGOl or SoufiiDakofa Utah Where you saw the two-beaded, calf, the large cabbage, the flax grown ou sod, and tho wheat grown without irrigation Address Ardinore Commer cial Club, rdmore. Houth Dakota. The bocih nlth the six-foot wheat; the 100 bushel oats; the perfect apples; the national silver trophies won in on. petition UKalnnt the fruit and farm sectlona of the world. '1 he famous Oimnltton Vnllev in th hmn-i nf irk No boom prices yet. Alfalfa's natural home, rinaldlng, Livingston Inv, Co.' 1 0 Newliuut.w hi'ln , Halt Lake .City. 8U City Nat. Ilk. Bldg., Omaha, Neo.' You don't have to he rich to start farming. ami aold on crcp payments. Remember the fine products of this year's crop. Address C. L. Deatty, Pine Uluf fs. Wyoming-. ' Wyoming; "The Wylle Way," where the ticket was given away dully. Our new folder will .be published Deo, 1. Na charge. Write for it todav. wiui rEiumin? cahpino comtamt, z.XTurosTOir, mosttaxa. Yellowstone Park -J