Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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lakL. t '
ormer Governor Gooding of Idaho
Tells of Convention.
"v. O .AT
i : "--
T is a short dollar-dis
tance , from "cheap" to
good furniture.
It is better to buy furniture once-for-all
than to buy it with the knowledge that you
will have to replace it.
You have read the advertisements of
Berkey & Gay furniture, and the magazine
articles about it,; no doubt. Berkey & Gay
- have been making furniture for fifty years.
They put a shopmark in every piece. The
shop mark means that they add their guaran-.
tee to ours!
We, exclusively, sell their line here
bedroom, dining room, living room and li
brary pieces. They originated 4 Flanders "
You are always welcome as a visitor in our
store. A few months of looking around will
help you in your future furniture decisions.
This week we are erivinc these unusual
Music Cabinet. Solid Mahogany. 'Regular price $4 8. Spe
cial price $34
Desk. Golden Oak. Regular price $50. Special ..... .$33
Leather Sofa, loose cushion seat. Regular price $97. Spe
cial price $73
Buffet. Golden Oak. Regular price $80. Special ....$59
Mission Sofa, two Arm Chairs, Dookcase and Library Table.
Regular price $231. Special price $158
Arm Chair or Rocker, wing design. Mahogany frame. Reg
ular price $40. Special price ; $28.75
Post Bed. Solid Mahogany. Regular price $55. SpeciaJ $35
Dresser. Mahogany, antique design. Regular price $46.
Special price $31
Chiffonier. Mahogany antique design. Regular price $4 2.
Special price $31
Orchard & WHhelm
ri that Hhnp Men Are Discrim
inated Aaalnat y the flat on
Wool from West to the
Omaha Market.
After having appeared before the. In
terstate Commerce commission all over
the country and In the Interest of the
heepmen of the west In an effort to se
cure a reduction In the railroad rates on
ool ahlpped to the" eastern market.
former Governor Ooodlng of Idaho passed
through Omaha Wednesday on his way
home from Boston, where the last meet
ing was held.
At the Union station Mr. Ooodlna; was
met by Fresident Cole of the Commercial
club, Secretary Guild, Chairman Haver-
tick of the executive committee, E. K.
Bruce, DcForert Hlchards and a number
of other business men of the city.
Mr. tlooding assured the Omaha men
that the Wool Growers' convention, to be
held here December 14-16, will bring- a
great many western men, all of whom are
deeply Interested In the wool Industry
and sheep raising. He Is of the opinion
that the Interest that will be manifested
may, perhaps, result In the railroads
ranting the relief that has for so long
been sought.
At the boston hearing It was shown by
Mr. Ooodlng and others that the rate on
ool from the Pacific coast and the inter-
mountain country Is unfair and unjust.
On wool, the easiest freight to handle.
the rate from Idaho to Huston Is
per hundred pounds, while on applea It Is
but tl. notwithstanding the fact that with
the former commodity there Is no risk
and It Is on the roads an average of six
weeks, while apples and ail other kinds
of fruit are sent through on fast trains
that usually run almost on passenger
time. Cars loaded with wool, Mr. Good
ing nays, carry a minimum of 26.000
pounds, while those loaded with apples
are better cars and not loaded anywhere
near so heavily.
It is the rate from origination points
to those on the Missouri river to which
Mr. Gooding and other wool growers ob
ject. For instance, he rays that tne
through rate oh wool from Idaho is (2.15
per 100 pounds, while the proportionate
from the Missouri river to lioston la but
cents. The same discrimination In
rates, according to Mr. main
tains not only In Idaho, but In all of the
Pacific coast and Inter-mountain states.
At the Boston hearing a number of
western railroads appeared and gave tes
timony, but none of them were able to
ustlfy the discrimination In tne rales
against wool, all contending that the
charges were fair.
Should no relief come about as a k
suit of the hearings before the Inter
state Commerce commission Mr. Gooding
s of the opinion that wool growers will
be forced out of business. He has been
a wool grower for twenty-four years, and
during all of this time conditions have
been gradually growing worse, he says,
The extent of the range has been cur
tailed, making It more expensive to raise
sheep; wool prices have at the same time
constantly decreased,' while freight rates
have Increased.
Real Estate Exchange Finds Only
806 in the City.
Committee lie port Silences Romor
Which A rone from Number of
I nosed Gas Meters Re-
port by Districts.
There are not over 800 vacant houses.
In the city, according to a special com
mittee of the Real Eatate exchange, who
nave spent three weeks in Investigation,
getting rental lists from every agent In
the city and watching the Sunday papers
for advertisements of vacant houses not
llBted with the rental men.
The Investigation was undertaken to
silence the rumor that Omaha had 3,000
vacant houses, which rumor Is thought
to have grown out of the fact that the
Omaha das company reports 3,000 unused
meters. The unused meters, however,
are for the most part broken meters,-
i those In dilapidated and abandoned store
and flat buildings In the downtown dls-
I trlct and meters that are used only a
portion of the year by tenants.
1 "There are approximately 25.000 families
5n Omaha, which meant that there are
' only SV4 per cent of the total number of
homes vacant," says the report, which
was formally made before the exchange.
, "Considering that there Is an average of
200 removals a month, each prospective
tenant has only four bouses from which
to pick his home."
Report by Districts.
The commute divided the city into seven
districts, reporting on them as follows:
North of Locust Eighty-one vacant
houses, 10 per cent of the total number.
Between Locust and Cuming, from
Sixteenth to Thirtieth Two hundred and
Six vacant, 26 per cent of the total.
Between Locust and Cuming. West of
Thirtieth Eighty-four, or 11 per cent.
Between Cuming and Leavenworth,
Sixteenth to Thirtieth One hundred and
twenty-three, 16 per cent.
Between Cuming and Leavenworth
West of Thlrtieth-EIghty-elght, or 11V4
per cent
South of Leavenworth, from Twenty
eighth Street to the Itlver One hundred
Vacant, or 13 per cent of the total.
South of Leavenworth, West of Twenty
eighth Ninety-seven vacant, or 12 per
In the remaining district, not reported
on in detail, east of Sixteenth and, north
of Leavenworth, there are few dwelling
houses, the dUtrlct being devoted mainly
to business.
The largest percentage of vacant houses
Is in the six and seven-room size. They
comprise iS per cent of the total.
A verdict for 14,000 agalnxt the Omaha
and Council Bluffs Street Railway com
rany In favor of Bernard Gross, for per
onal Injuries, was returned by a Jury in
, Judge Redlcks court Wednesday.
Charles Harding and Leroy Corliss
Omaha creamery men, are In Chicago In
attendance upon a convention ox dairy
J. B. Berrv, former chief engineer of
the Vnlon Pacific, but now holding the
Sum position with the Hix-W Inland roud
la in lha city enroute to Denver.
Bee Want Ads will noon your busl
&! and cause It to grow.
Exchange Has Developed Eastern
Market for Western Grain.
Inspector roweJI Says that Blending?
Will Soon Be Done and Thla
Will Be the Distribut
ing Center.
'Omaha grain men started the movement
of western barley east. Six hundred and
one cars of barley were received here In
October. Omaha is destined to become the
chief barley distributing point of the
United States.
The first two statements are statements
of fact, the third Is the prophecy of
George B. Powell, chief inspector of the
Omaha Grain exchange.
Thanks to the barley receipt 780,000
bushels more than in October of 1910
the Omaha market la able to show a gain
In total grain receipts for the month of
,000 bushels, the loss In corn receipt
offsetting the gain in wheat and oats
Only a small portion of thla barley was
actually stopped in Omaha elevators, but
a large part of the remainder was
handled through Omaha grain offices.
This Is only the third year that western
barley has moved east through Omaha.
Western growers considered eastern mar
kets too far away; didn't know they could
sell at Omaha, and so fed their barley to
their stock. Sam Carlisle, now with the
TransmlssisHippi Grain company, then
with the Union Grain and Elevator com'
pany, saw the possibilities In the barley
trade and went after the surplus barley
In Idaho, Utah, Colorado and California
three years ago. Next year the Updike
Oraln company and the McCaull-Dens
more company got into the game and all
three concerns sent buyers Into the barley
territory. The business Increased last
year, and this year Is Immense. The
number of Omaha firms dealing In barley
has been multiplied several times.
Thus Omaha has developed a barley
market. Western growers now know that
they can-ship to Omaha and get thel
money at once; they don't have to send It
to Milwaukee or Buffalo and wait three
weeks for their money. So they are sell
lng their barley and using other feed
for their horses.
"Large tracts of newly irrigated land
In Idaho, Utah and Colorado are now
being used to raise barley, and th
acreage will increase from year to year
said Chief Inspector Powell. "Omaha will
be the logical distributing point. We will
soon be blending the barley for the malt
stcrs right here in Omaha, Just as we
now blend the wheat for the millers."
Good barley brings $1.15 per bushel on
the Omaha market.
An Auto Collision
means many bad bruises, which Buck
Un's Arnica Salve heals quickly, a It
does sores and burns. 25o. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Births Charles and Margaret Haffke
Omaha General hospital, girl; Joseph
and Antonla Unlets. Vm South Twelfth
street, girl; J. C. and Senna Moore, '210
(irand Avenue, girl; Bernard and Ann
Petru. 1428 South Twelfth street, g rl
Harry and C'ira Verran. 2213 Dodg
street, boy; C. .'. and Mamie Iheleen,
Hurt street, boy.
Deathi .Mrs. Josephine Pant Angelo. 20
yeais, 2US Y street. South Omaha
Thomas O'Connor. 65 years, Fortlet
street and Poppleton avenue; Baby
Heyer. four miles norto or r lorenc
Mrs. Cora C. Fish. 43 years. 1240 Soul
Tenth street: Tony Paine, 61 years. 22yJ
Tariflc avenue; Mtm Anna Wilson,
iears. SOW Wirt street.
More Than a Hundred Instructors
Come Here from the Bluffs.
In Many Towns n'hrnaahoaat the
State "rhooU Will lie Closed
to Permit Ma'ams to At
tend Conrentlon.
When the teachers of Nebraska meet
In annual session In Omaha November 8
for the third time within the last thirty
years It will be the beginning of the most
uccessful meeting and the largest ever
held In the state.
Superintendent J. It. Beverldge of
Council Bluffs notified the local arrange
ments committee Wednesday morning
that he would bring U'5 teachers who
would enroll and remain for the entire
session of three days.
Lincoln, which has been the teachers'
convention citV for many years, will close
Its schouls and Superintendent W. L.
Stephens with the entire teaching staff
will attend.
Some of the other towns In the state
that will send representatives to tms
meeting are: Tekamah,. Hastings, South
Omaha, Harvard, Clay Center, Edgar,
Fairfield, Norfolk, Fullerton, Ashland,
West Point, Auburn. y";h. David City,
Plattsmouth, Sutton and other will alno
send teachers to the meeting although
the committee In Omaha has not been
notified to reserve accomodation
Stamp Sales Show
Gam for October
The gross stamp receipts at the Omaha
postofflce for the month of October
amounted to 190,809.96, an Increase of
$4,308.40 over the receipts for the same
month last year.
Miss Ona Channel and Harriet Gilliam
entertained their friends at a Hallowe'en
party Tuesday evening at 1423 North
Nineteenth street.
Those present were:
t,. Hlldlng,
I. Tonder,
M. Tonder,
C. Hildiiig,
C. Channel,
i'ompsett, .
Mr. and Mrs.
O. Channel,
M. Kliis,
A. Ellis,
Doyle, Htuhn,
The long expected changes In the Bur
lington legal department have material
lied and are now effective, W. A. DI1
worth and Charles Marley having re
signed. At the same time the scope of
the department haa been curtailed.
large section of the country to the north
west that haa been handled by the Omaha
department has been added to the Sherl
dan, Wyo., department and a portion of
the aouthwestern territory has been
added to the Denver department.
Mr. Dllworth probably will engage In
private practice la Omaha, devoting
portion of his time to his large ranch in
the vicinity of Lexington, Neb.
Charles Marley will engage In practice
in Omaha and at the same time have
charge of settling the Mandersnn estate.
J. E. Kelby, as heretofore, will be the
head of the department.
Marriage Llrrjsses.
Permits to wed have been granted th
following couples:
Name ana Aaaress. Age.
James I). spears, umana
Lolle Jriabry, omana
Andrew Nelsen, Omaha
Annie C. Larsen, Omaha
John Luttelmann, Omaha 24
Martha itoth, Omaha
Charles R. Daniel, David City, Neb.
Isabella T. McKelvey, omana
John Bland, Norfolk, Neb
Martha Blank, Nonoia, rteo
Robert O. Erlach, Jackson, Neb.....
Bertha Sawyer, Jackson, Neb ,
Jessee H. Armstrong, Omaha
Mary lienrlchaen. Omaha
Fred P. Anderson, Lyons, Neb
Nlcollna C. Petersen, Lyons, Neb....
LeKoy B. Temple, Lexington, Neb...
Hilda Eandberg, Omaha
John M. Mackenzie, Omaha
Mary O'Neill, Omaha
Clarence M. 'Ward. Nlckerson, Neb.
Louisa M. Drehl, Fremont, Neb
Jesse E. Brown. Omaha 27
Lillian Chambers, Omaha is
1 v V J
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Show for the First Time Thursday a
Notable Array of the New
Women's Fall Suits
All the most recent OvIO
style features at . . V"
You'va never Born those stylos borauae they're
shown for the first time Thursday. You'd never be
llevo ft tnllor couhl combine such style with such
good materials and sell thorn at a price like this. Do
you liko a plain color suit? Do you prefer a mixture?
Yli'll flrwl .,!.,- . . I. . 1. 1. T l.M
I far the best group of suits ever sold at
A new
group of
Vtt In
Our Waist
Section at
Holger Birkerod
Sings Tomorrow
Holaer Birkerod. a noted Danish singer,
who is making a five months' tour or
America, has found It possible to atop
over one night In Council Bluffs and give
a public concert under the auspices of
the United Danish societies 01 tne cuy.
The Information was conveyed to offi
cers of the Danebo society last night,
ni mniementi were quickly made
for his appearance here tomorrow even.
ina- at the Danish hall. Mr. Birkerod is
said to have a wonderful baritone voice
that has made him famous in Denmark
and on the continent, and Is making his
first visit to this country. He will re
turn directly from Council Bluffs to New
Tork city, where he fills five return en
gagements, and then goes from there to
San Francisco for a three weeks' tour on
the coast. He will sail from there west
ward around the world. His pianist ac
companies him.
Western Iowa
Dentists Meet
motion for a new trial, and when It la
overruled' wll! appeal to the supreme
Prior to the trial Mrs. Bell refuned an
offer to settle for 00.
The jury's verdict sustains Mrs, Bell's
contention that the picture was used
without her consent, but holds that she
suffered practically no real Injury.
In Nebraska In a libel suit, the verdict
must be for $5 or more to carry the
If anyone has furniture no longer
needed, the House of Hope wljl be glad
to get It," said Rev. Charles Havldge yes-
terdny. "The House of Hope did not bene
fit tinder the legacy left to local charities
by Miss Wilson and It will continue to
worry along In poverty, but ft could use
to advantage some furniture for the ad
dition that has been secured adjoining the
original structure, made necessary by
the demands existing in this wide field of
benevolence. Any Omaha people who
have such furniture available will be re
lieved of it willingly. All that Is nec
essary Is to lend word to me and I will
have a team call and get It."
The annual meeting of the Western
Iowa District Dental association w
held here yesterday, lasting throughout
the day and concluding with a banquet
at the Grand hotel last night. The at
tendance was quite large, with represen
tatives from a dosen principal western
Iowa cities.
The program began with clinics in the
dental offices In the City National bank
building and papers and discussions of
technical subjects throughout the day,
Dr. Gall Hamilton, head of the Omaha
Dental school In connection with the
Crelghton college, gave an Instructive
address. The meeting was full of Inter.
est to both professionals and laymen.
number of the more curious of whom
were present. It
Lillian Bell Gets
One Dollar Verdict
Victory so hollow that It amounted to
defeat came to Mrs. Lillian Bell In her
)I,000 libel suit against the Madame Jose
phine Boyd system, J. W. Elwood and
Harry Boyd Brown In Judge Button's law
division of the district court Tuesday
afternoon, whin the Jury returned a ver
diet In net favor,' but allowed her only
nominal damages of II. Mrs. Bell an
nouneed she will make the customary
New Arrivals of Women's Practical
Winter Cloaks at $125
Drund new lot brought forward Thurjday and placed on spe
cial tables on second floor. It will be a very special occasion.
Wo offer hundreds of Women's servlceablo and smartly
stylish winter coats the cleverest models wo ever sold at
$12.50. These are the lined black broadcloth coats, tho
novelty mixtures, the roomy reversible coats,
and the heavy auto coats. No varjety like It
Brandeis Stores
i mm
i m mm
of Chief Attractions and Thing's of Interest
Seen at the Land mi
Booth of the big duck and the loud noise; where
they gave away five ncrcs of orange Wind to the
Kuowner on tne Jar or nuts. The land ot
oranges, grape trim, lemons, rigs, nates,
Won and alfalfa the year round. Address.
North Halt IMver Valley Irrigation Co., l'honnlx. Ar.
a they gavi
lucky gui
nuts, ollv
Los An Helen. Han Diego.
saw everything worth while
The Booth where you
nd then some!
Including climate and opportunity. Address
Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, or Ban
Diego Chamber of C unii.erce. Better still, go
out and nun for yourselves.
To Get Rid of Frown
and Squint Wrinkles
(Krom Household Friend.)
Do you know what your frowning habit
makes you look like? Observe the dif
ferent expressions due to frowns in the
faces of other people. The scowl, given
by two deep lines between the eyes; the
worried look, resulting from a furrowed
t'orehead; the sly expression, Induced by
squinting and causing tiny lines to radiate
from the corner ot the eye all these,
and more, are the result of frowns.
To obliterate frowning wrinkles and all
others use a wash lotion made by dis
solving an ounce of powdered saxollte In
a half pint witch hasel. This Imme
diately tightens the skin, affecting even
the deepest wrinkles and crow's feet. It
"firms up" not only the skin, but under
lying tissue. There's no better treatment
for paunch-like cheeks and neck. Any
druggist can supply the Ingredients. -Adv.
If you have anything to sen or exchange
advertise it In the Want Ad Columns of
The Bte and get Immediate results.
Particularly the Ladies.
Not only pleasant and refreshing to
the taste, but gently cleansing and sweet.
rning to the system. Syrup of Fig and
Elixir of Senna is particularly adapted
to ladles and children, and beneficial in
all cases in which a wholesome, strength
ening and effective laxative should be
used. It is perfectly safe at all times and
dispels colds, headaches and the pains
caused by indigestion and constipation so
promptly and effectively that it i- the one
perfect family laxative which gives satis
faction to all and is recommended by
millions of families who have used it and
who have personal knowledge of its ex
Its wonderful popularity, however, hat
led unscrupulous dealers to offer imita
tions which act unsatisfactorily. There
fore, when buying, to get its benenciaf
effects, always note the fuD name of the
Company California Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every
package of the genuine Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna.
For sale by all leading druggists. Piico
50 cents per bottle.
ls the Style
Not the Price
That Attracts the Woman's
Eye to
Sorosis Shoes
i I
I sr$ j
The new stub high toes, in
Tan and Black Leathers and
Fabrics, at
$4.00 Per Pair
have no equal at any price.
The Monogram, dull lea
thers, nro very up-to-date, at
See Our "Windows of Artistic
Footwear for Women.
203 S. 15th Street.
Where you saw the famous Hacramonto Valley -Kxhlblt.
Inquire about the next excursion to :
this beautiful country, Nov 15.. Trowbridge
A Holster, 404 City National Hank Uultning.
Omaha, Nebraska.
California I
At the Tulare County liooth you saw the big
dies, potatoes, corn. pumpKins, prunes anu
Also the fine oranges, lemons anil citrus
Its. You can farm for pleasure and profit in
lure County, AM.Irnxn, Tulare County Uoarit
of Traile, Vlxaila, California.
"Patterson iv, the i-inou9 Han Joaquin Val
ley. Why not go with us and aee this rata,
tlise for l'litln I'poplo. Payne Investment
Company, Omaha, Nebraska.
Where you raw the Flatte Stiver Valley Kxhlblt,
showing wheat, onto, Mux anl corn ralseil on mili
Irrlgated aoll; land that pays for ItseU la two
years.. We sell this land on terms of one-third to
one-half rash, Imlanea a to & yi-urs. Addres.i
l'lutte Illver Vali-y band Co.. Sterling. Colorado.
Apples, Applex, Klg Heil and Yellow Apples, nice
clean potutoen, stiKiir oeet, grttlna a grown at
Hotchklss, Delta Count;. Colorado. "Yon remem
ber? Kemember also mucin from lf0 per acre
ami upward. Address Gould and Wllioughby,
Hotohkiss, Colorado,
Whore you saw tho Sun Luis Valley Kxhlblt,
snowing especially tne tug grains ana nciu peas.
uneiiuulled for hog reed; lieurd auout the new
diikiur fartory: and vnoie you learned that you
can buv Irrltrale,! lands In thin rich valley on
terms of one-tenth. Addretts C, A. lloblnson, 1st NHt'l Hank, Denver, Colo.
The Itlo (.irand Home Co., or Alamosa, Colo., co
upled I loot n iso. i. mi in where you saw tne
hie cabbage, celery nid other vegetables; also
0 varieties of Colorado KraxHea outs that yielded
72 It bushels of wheat, wonderful alfalfa, cholco
write tnem lousy:
111 Mi bushels per ar
potatoes, etc.. from the Sunny San I. ills Valley, Colo.
Where you miw especially the tine Apples, Potatoes
and (train raised In Mursli Valley, the "Garden
Hpot of Idulio." Address Downey Improvement
Co., Downey, Idaho.
Where you bought thnxe Te Ba Cea i for.a
Bloksl and the Li Trudas for u Dime. You
Jtemember! Tracy Bros. Co.. who sell more
cigars in Omaha than any other house. Why?
Quality. All first lass dealers sell our goods.
Tracy Hros. Co., Mir, Doug, rit., Omaha. Neb.
8ltliiiil'igJt"inK IUkU, the booth thuT lu
terested many showing the (Trade Mark)
of tho best In Lightning Protection.
Address, W. C. Shlnn, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Where you suw the beautiful alfalfa and
Bto k ralfllng exhibit. You remember! Large
i.anoraina or cattle and sleep. If Interebted
In alfalfa raising vrlte to (ieneral Passenger
Auent. Chicago .and Northwestern IC 11..
Omaha. Nebraska, for pamphlet dealing fully with the aupjm-t.
Where you haw the attrai-tlve cyclorama of the City
of Salem and ine wuumini iuui rreaioa oy uec.
I. hi:hre!her. The artutt Is identified with leading art
clubs In Chicago and the ;ountry. lie la also super
visor of drawing In the Halem grudo and high schools.
Addrenn (ieo. I,. Kchrelher, '0B Dlv. St.. halem. Ore.
"t aTiioufcly fertile Willamette Viilley Hooth was the
blKKest agricultural and horticultural dlnplay. Von
Irrigated fruit, iiiitN and vegetables. No blizzards,
storms or drouths. No crop (allures. Five new rail
roads. Write to Commercial Club Secretary at Corval
Iih. Aihany or Salem, Oregon.
Let us explain to you how to own a 6 or 10 acre fruit
and gardim tract. Young Albany, one of the
towna In Oregon, and In tlie very heart of the famous
Xl'llliKtmttA VuIIav fl .'r.O IIH fur Ihn .ntlr. ,., et
t-axy monthly raymeuts. No tuxes ro Interen , :ood markets. Call or wirte
llfi ker A Heam, h'-lH Hrandeia IheaUr Hu ldlng, O iml.q.
Where you saw the two-headed calf,
the large cabbage, the flax grown on
sod, and the wheat grown without :
Irrigation Address Ardiuors Commer- :
elal Club, rdmore. South Dakota.
South Dakota
Tho booth with the six-foot wheat: the 100 builiel oats;
the perfect apples, the national silver trophle won in
competition UKulust the fruit and farm sections of the
world The famous Ounnlson Valley In the heart of Utah.
No boom prices yet. Alfalfa's natural home. Spalding, I.lvlngHton Inv. Co., "
110 Newhouse Hidg.. Salt Luke City. 8 1 2 City Nut. Ilk. Hlilg., Omaha, Neo.
You don't have to be rich to start farming.
Land sold on crop payments. Remember the
fine products of this year's crop. Address
C. L. Ueutty, Pine muffs, Wyoming.
"The Wylie Way," where the ticket
was given aaj dally. Our new
folder will be published Dec 1. No
charne. Write for It today
Yellowstone Park
Best Sport News in The Bee