run r.i:K: omaiia. avkonksdav. novkmnkii t. 1011. 'UDGE LESLIE'S VIEW UPHELD i .Lr.U' I Leading Democratic Attorneys Say Ruling in Perjury Case Right. IS GIVEN A FULL VINDICATION l ndrr the rsr I'rrirnlrl In the Co tit, C'onrt Hp to old Not Rele OthrrAYUr Than DlarharKP Orfrndant. Action of County Judse Charles Leslie, republican candidate for district Judge. In discharging Albert Anderson, charged with perjury in illegal registration was vindicated Tuesday by the very attorneys quoted by t lie local democratic organ In Its attempt to discredit Judge Leslie and to prejudice honest voters against him. To attorneys were propounded three questions, which, Incorporated, form the following one: "Is it not the presumption of law In the absence of evidence to the contrary that the registration clerks did their duty and swore all who registered and In the absence of proof to the contrary should not the court presume that all whose mimes are on the registration books were worn ?" In practically every eaBe the answer tv as In tho affirmative. Judge Leslie so believed and before the Anderson trial he suggested to Deputy County Attorney Elllck, who conducted the prosecution of Anderson, that the state Introduce Its evidence of Anderson's nonresldence in the precinct, place In evidence the regis tration book Bhowlng Anderson's name, and then rest Its case. Then It would be up to the defense to 'offer proof to the contrary. Mr. Elllckl refused to adopt this plan, saying he believed Introduction of the registration books would be In sufficient. He placed the registrar on the stand, who could not testify to hav ing administrated the oath and the court liad to take notice of their faulure and had to discharge the defendant. Question it Attorney. An hypothetical question, covering the entire situation as it was when Judge J.eslle ruled, was propounded to Attorneys Charles A. Gobs, Frank T. Ransom, Kd 1". Smith, John P. lireen and Lysle I. Abbott. On the following facts: Complaint charging perjury having tieen filed the case comes to hearing. A witness for the state testifies that the defendant was a resident of a certain precinct on a certain day of registration. The state offers In evidence the regis tratlon book of the said precinct, showing the name of the defendant as having registered as a resident of the said pre clnct on the said day of registration. The hook Is received in evidence. The state places on the witness stand several regis trars who officiated In said rreclnct on said day of registration. They Identify the registration book. They testify that from examination of the book they pro. sume the defendant appeared before them nn was registered by them on the said day of registration; that they do not know whether or not they administered an oath to the defendant; that some of them knew the defendent personally; lhat they neglected to swear many appll cants for registration when some of the registrars knew them personally. No other witnesses are placed on the stand, The state rests Its case. The defendent iffers no testimony. Should the court hold the defendant for trial or discharge him. Leslie Haled RlKhtlyv Their answers were as follows: Charles A. GoSs Certainly not. Under acts no trial Judge would case to te Jury In the illstrkt cmirt; but would have to instruct the Jury tf acquit the defendant. To bold the defend nt f"r trial would be simply to pile up costs against the state. Frank T. Kansom-l think tho court should discharge the prisoner. Kd P. Smith Clearly the defendant could not be convicted of rerjury on this evidence. Whether or rot It Is sufficient to Justify the court In binding him over for trial. I am rot clear, but In my opinion it is not. John r. Rreon No, clearly not, for even though the books, properly Identified and offered In evidence, might be presump tively correct, this presumption would be overthrown by the testimony of the reg istrars themrelves. Lysle I. Abbott As I analyse the state ment of t.-eli It means that the de- fendant, according to the evidence of the state .s a resident ol a certain voting district; that hit name appears upon the poll books of that distrlc'; thut It Is not clear whetnrr be took the registration oath or no.. Tho crime of perjury con sists In Dtatl.ig a falsehood under oath. Had the Jc?ndant stated under oath that he lived In said voting precinct he would have stated the truth, according to the statement of facts. I'nder these cir cumstances the defendant would neces iurily be discharged. Says He Wna Not with the Kid. According to Kalph E. Sunderland there must be a case of mistaken Identity In the report that he was making th rounds of registration booths Saturday company with the democratic nominee for sheriff. He writes The Dee that he "was not with nor did I see the party referred to last Saturday," but that he did with four other men make a tour of the election booths In the Third and Tenth wards on Saturday for reasons that will appear clear to most people." TESTIMONIAL RECEPTION FOR FATHER HURLEY rar;s-iioners and friends of Father Hurlev. parish priest and assistant to at her Judge of the Sacred llenrt church. endetvd him a farewell reception M.n a.v evening In the Lyceum hall. Father Hurley left Tuesday morning for els It Is lucky, remarked an employe of the city engineer's office, "that the elec tlon did not come earlier, or we never would have gotten any of "Charley Fanning'a paving Jobs finished up." A Pint of Unequaled Cough Syrup for 50c The Quickest, Surest Cough Remedy Yod Ever Used, or Money Refunded. Stops Even Whooping Cough Quickly. 1 Ton mar not need the J3 which s 60-oenl bottle of Plnex SAvee you. bat Ton do need the wonderful effectiveness of this famous cough remedy. It will usually stop the most obstinate deep-seated eongh inside of 4 hoars, ajtd bu no equal (or whooping cough. A 60-cent bottle of Plnex. mixed with home-made sugar syrup, rItbs yoa full Dint e. family supply el trie most pieaaan end effective cough remedy yoa ever used Easily prepared U Ave minutes directions In nukiure. The war this takes hold of conch and frlvt Instant relief, will make yoa regret that you never tried It before. Stimulates the appetite, Is slightly laxative and taste (rood children take It willingly. It has a wonderful record In coses of Incipient lung trouble and Is splendid for croup, asthma, urononitis, toroat iron Die, eto. Plnex is a special and highly concen trated oomrjonnd of Norway White Pine extract, rich In guauvool and other natural healing pine element. Pimply mix with augar syrap or trained honey, In a pint bottle, and It la ready for nse. Used In more homes In the U. S. and Canada than anv other oongh remedy. Plnex has often been imitated, bat never successfully, for nothing else will prodaoe the same results. The genuine la guaran teed to give absolute satisfaction or money refunded. Certificate of guarantee is wrap- e adlv in end to The Plnex Co., Ft. Wayne, lad. red in each package. Plnex or will glad.1, our druggist haa get It for yoa. If not, Gas Tractor Plowing Demon stration at Omaha Land Show Was a Big Success. Land Khow Management Itecelvea Many Congratulations for Their Efforts in Behalf of Ex hibitors and ISuyers. The Omaha Land Show, held Oct 16th to 28 tli, drew a larger attendance and presented a better clam of exhibits than even the 1 91 Q show did and was declared a grand success by both exhibitors an visitors. The plowing demonstrations, held In the outskirts of On.aha, were among the leading features and largel accountable for the large attendance and success of the show. These demon t rations were participated In by seven different Tractor manufacturers who pulled plows made by ''four dlfferen manufacturers, all of whom made sue ct'ssful showings with their machines. The Aultman Taylor company of llansfleld, Ohio, whose Tractor on ac count of Its abundance of tractive pow er which enabled It to attain a higher speed and steadier motion, were able to ahow particularly pleasing and even surprising results as expresued by all who saw the demonstration. Mr. K. A. Holg. manager of the A. & T. Co.'s Lincoln. Nebbraaka, branch house ex pressed himself as being exceptionally well pleased with the amount of busi ness developed by his exhibit and the field demonstrations. All exhibitors returned homo well sat isfied and will be on band attain another year to greet the farmers of Nebraska and surrounding status at the 1912 show vllle. Mo., where bo will tike charxe of n parish. The ladles of the piirlsh precnted bltn with a KoM-he:idcd rune. The presenta tion address was delivered by J. N. Uem mel. to which Father lluilrv responded, expressing bis heartfelt tt.utAs for the clft. and the sorrow It gave him t, part with the people of the punr.rcpatlon. An Interesting and enj able program helped nuiKe the pxenlng one of pleiure Flunk (lentlenmn. Mr. IVulcy, Miss M.irv tv.Nelll and Miss Nellie Reynolds ssnn a number cf vocal solos, which was f A lowed by an lr sh JIK dance by Mrs. ('nth erlnn Remind, Mary Morlarty and Huth Johnson. Terslstent Advertising Is the Tod to l'.ig Ket urns. ANDERSON'S RESIDENCE IS LOOTED BY THIEVES It. M. Anderson, lO'7 Tenter street. re Torts to the police that bis residence was entered by burRlars Monday night and robbed of all the sliver, several pieces of lewelry and a large supply of clothing, amounting In all to about IM. Mr. An derson said the robbery occurred whlls be and bis family were away from home. Kntrance was gained through the kitchen window. Take Warning. Ivin't let stomach, liver nor kidney trouble down you. when you can quickly down them with Kleotrlc miters. 5c. For sale by lkaton Drug Co. The efforts that are being made at Lin coln to sacrifice the interests of Frank L. Heller, renominated on the republican ticket for university regent, are making his friends here and throughout the state take notice. The democrats have practically given up all expectation of electing any one on their Judicial ticket, and are asking now merely for complimentary votes. With the exception of two places the demo cratic county ticket was thrown Into the discard some time ago so far as efforts of the democratic machine are concerned. A WORLD-WIDE SUCCESS What Merit end Publicity Have Accomplished. An excellent illustration of what may be accomplished by manufacturing prod ucts of the highest quality and by pub lishing in the leading newspapers cor rect statements of the actual merits of such products is to be found In the won derful success of a company In California engaged In the manufacture of an article which has attained to world-wide celeb rity and Is now In general demand in all civilized countries throughout the world, because of the universal satisfaction which It has given to all who have used it. Starting with an advertising appro priation of less than 20O monthly, the company selected the best and most re liable publications to make known to the world the merits of its product and has gradually Increased Its list -and extended Us advertising until the present time, when JjOO.OOO are being paid out annually by the company for advertising In all the leading newspapers throughout the world. We refer to the California Fig Syrup company, which Is engaged In the manufacture of that very agreeable, wholesome and efficient liquid laxative remedy, known everywhere as California Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, remedy of such excellence that it has received the general approval of the medical profession, as well as the favor able Judgment of many millions of faml lies in this country and In foreign lands. In the process of manufacture the soluble part of the blue figs of California U formed Into a syrup to serve as a whole some vehicle for the very beneficial and efficient laxative and carminative princi ples of the company's aromatic Elixir of Senna, produced In all its perfection by the original process of the company, un der the direction of Its learned and spe cially trained chemists, who devote their entire time to Its production. The chem ists of the company are paid large salaries to devote their entire time to the selection of the best materials and com bining them In the most sclentlflo manner In order to maintain the absolute purity and uniformity and efficiency of the com pany's product- Some Idea of the ex cellence and value of California Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna may be had from a consideration of the fact that the product has been passed upon by the scientific organizations of chemists and physicians in nearly all the leading coun tries of the world and haa been officially recognized by them as a laxative remedy of known excellence of the highest quality. When traveling around the world one may purchase California Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna of the leading drug gists in all sections of America and Europe, and also in the principal cities of Asia, Africa and Australia, wherever one may happen to be, so widespread haa become the demand for this popular laxa tive remedy. It required years of Intro ductory work, however, to make It known to all the peoples of the world, and the representatives of the California Fig Syrup company had to appear before the scientific bodies of Europe and submit samples of the materials used, with a statement of the method of manufacture, In order to obtain governmental sanation for Its Introduction and use, and this was especially the case In the principal countries of Europe, where the require ments are very rigid and where only the best medicinal agents are allowed. As a tesult of the Immense demand created throughout the world and the conclusive evidences of its value as a laxative remedy many Imitations of this excellent remedy have been offered by unscrupu lous manufacturers and mercenary dealers for the sake of the larger profit which the Imitations afforded, but as the lml tatlona are of an Injurious and Inferior character they are always declined by the well Informed, who wish the genuine only. To get the beneficial effects of the genuine California Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, which Is put up In original packages of one size, always look for the full name of the company- California Fig Syrup company plainly printed upon the front of every package and refuse the Imitations If they are offered. If you have anything to sell or exchange advertise It In the Want Ad Columns of The Bee and get immediate results. l I f ,, , .,, Ill UN II I.I II ' ' ,.r""" ill ' Awarded the 1 1 The three big, powerful, handsome Maxwell Specials, that have been the feature of this year's Glidden Tour, reached Jacksonville with a perfect score, repeating the triumph of the Maxwell team of last year and are Glidden Trophy Think of this great journey in tho Classic touring contest of the world. Think of the sustained speed and unexampled reliability required to make this journey of 1450 miles from New York to Jacksonville, arriving at each control on a time-tablo schedule and with the regularity of the world's best railroad train. Unless the. Maxwell car was perfect in con struction and properly balanced, it could not have survived such a journey. Not one car, but thr cars finished this long journey with a perfect score. Unless the car had great power, easy riding quali ties, perfect lubrication, efficient transmission, and was constructed properly throughout, it could not have completed this journey and won this world famed tropb v that stamps it one of the greatest tour ing cars in the world at any price and America' Undisputed Leader for 1912 THE MAXWELL SPECIAL Is a bijr, powerful, stylish, 36 -horsepower ; 5 passenger touring car, dJIOOA at tho remarkable price of P1'ou There has never been offered Bach a car at such a price before. Comparison will readily convince you that the Maxwell Special is tinequalcd by any tar -within $500 tf its price. Thirty-six horsepower It abundant power equal to that found in the best $1800 cars. It means more power probably than yoa will ever need plenty ot reserve power for emergencies. The handsome lines, stylish appearance and rich finish of uie Maxwell Special make it the real aristocrat of the road the peer of the most expensive cars. If you saw the Maxwell Specials in the Glidden Tour you realized that. Note the new, ventilated fore-door, flush-side, vestibuled steel body, with inside control the Columbia Honey comb type radiator, new designed bonnet, attractive light gray body and red upholstery. We want you to come and inspect the Maxwell Special closely ride in it com pare it with other cars and prove its extra ordinary value to your own complete satisfaction. We also want you to inspect the other MAXWELL ' MODELS m 1912 Special Touring Car Mercury Roadster -Mascotte Touring Car Mascotte Roadster Messenger Runabout $1280 $1150 !980 950 600 Free Monthly Inspection Service a? nil our Cnr for twelve months . n n . , . United Motor Omaha Co.; 2115 FARNAM ST. Phone Douglas 7703 y-"'r'eyr.l..l.sjsiipiiii imiisi i MAXWELL SPECIAL, $1280, f. o. b. Factory. (Top extra)