Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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    Till', lU'.K: U.M.MIA, Ul.DM'MMr, .M I V IVM IShK I. 1IMI.
f Jr
if miva.
Chinese profess to have Information thatl
-Tinc ihi Tto, uncle of the bnby em
Tror, U willing to la1 the maaaajre
party. Prince Teal Tao la wfll known In
' Europe and America.
-Throughout the day the foreign le;a-
tlona, the mlaalona and even private
house occupied by foreigner were be
" aleged by both Manrhua and Chinese, Im
ougni protection from each other
VrhlM rhin ih. r.- i . i . ..
H t ... . , . . . ..
" "" reairain mat c ement or the
"Manchu. who m.v h. h, a . J
l-vloi.nea. For th.i, -ar. .h. :," "
:"n-ead a rebel Inveetment of the capital.
Mtka4lla Mluloa a Hefaae.
... . CerUlo legation are advlalng both
. .Chin and Manchus to take refuge In
trouble behind the Methodlet
..of the main city lying between the loga.
.... lion Quarter and the tut wall. Tiiia i
k. ...m jt . . 1
tne moat tui V atmniA mmr-i I. .n r.t I
i.w .v.- .
t ,, . .
hoio d b. ? ,? I"" WUh th
...Jiouaehold belonglnge of fleeing onea con-
r er.rcloam ZuV.
II the o.ty gate. Many carta emerge
rrom the rort aide of th city, ome
ffuarded by aoldler. Cartload of allver,
eometlmea without a guard, pau day
Land ntgUl in ai.d out of th legation
: The money la brought to the legation
; from th detenselea unlnea bank for a
.temporary af depoalt and then removed
.to aaier circulation, or o be forwarded
to th mlnleter of war, generally In eg.
change for royal troop. . who are re
' celvlng ihe.r pay with unprecedented
regularity.. Wealthy Chine are lo in
trusting their money to Uerman.
The government haa asked tiTfc mlaalon
doctor to eatabllsh Had Croe hoa
pltal ouUlda the city for the reception of
wounaea wno are expected to return.
a. icw oay irom th encounter with
uenerai u xuvn Ileng'a rebela
. Foreigner are anxloua over the auc
tion In Teklng, but not alarmed, out
alder have not yet entered the legation
quarter. KevertheleM. th fulleet precau
tion are being taken. Unarmed picket
form a line about the legation wall and
extend Into the foreign quartera. Fear
are entertained for the foreigner In th
province of Shan-81. many of whom are
Americana. Th robela In that province
are aald to be In poaaewton of the capital
Tla Yuan Fu, where there are several
mlaalon and which alio ia the aeat or
, 8han-BI university.
SHANGHAI, Oct. 31.-A very few day
will tell the future of China. The burn
In of th native city of Hankow ty the
Jmperlallst accompanied, according to
: report, by brutal treatment of Chinese
;by Manchua, has created the woret po
ibl Impression.
It la predicted that unless the Man
;chus Immediately demonstrate their sin
cerity of the Imperial edicts being is
sued at Peking, the slaughter will ex
ceed that of the Talplng rebellion.
; The district south of th Yang Tae
3lang la omlnoualy quiet. There I every
indication that the native city of Shang
hai, Nanking Ctilng-Klang, Chan-Chow
nd th lower Yang-Tee forte will be In
?h hfd ot th roal" w'th'n a week,
j Wlifttjer-thelf conquest will be accom
panied by a wholesale maasarre of Min
hu. or quietly aa heretofore, depend
Jon the Influence of the leader. For
eigner at no point have been molested
Jand they will remain unharmed, the
yebel chiefs aaaure the pre, unlraa such
factions a those of the imperially at
lankow continue, end tho report of the
rdlshonor and murder of defense! Chi
ne women and children make It lm-
.possible to control the rebel.
L1".!' r,p"rt" of " P-ver town.
-and others In th kar .. u -i
. - - --
jand other, in th. heart of 8...fhuen
province going over to th. rebel, ar.
-received. T i. oanla inumr ih. ,.fii.i
; . . . , . .
Tmt Parkins' la m.nliul - - ... .. -
(features of the situation, as It betrays
j weakness on the part of the dynasty
befora th. spirit of revolution.
Edict. Meatarde4 a t.......
: Leader of the new arty look on th
jUsuanc. of edicts aa a v.ctoty far greater
Mhan anything that ha. been, won on the
;iieia or battle.
t All incoming river boat, are crowded
with refugees. Most of these are Clilnrac,
. mere are a lew roreigneis. K
wltneaeea ef the fighting at Hankow p
.tribute to the Imperialist forces.
Tbey ay that the rebels were in
'jnore than an untialned mob, but eour
.geous and quite ready to coin nue
fighting. The rebels are oiH-ratinir
-Hu-Nan mint and making great quunll-
tlea of dollar eolna daily. The new revo-
Isa Constitutional Disease
It originate in in. pur blood and re
quire constitutional tieatoient, ailing
Urough and purifying th blood, for Its
radical and permanent cure. Th
greatest constitutional remedy la
' In usual ll-iuld form or in chocolated
tablets kuotarii as Baraataba. 109 Uusqa 1.
Nasal and other loeal forms of ca
tarrh are promptly relieved by Anttaen
Ui ur CaUrrleta. tltc. drugglat or mail.
C L Uood Co., Lowell. Uasa
These Swealers
Fil Perfeclly
JVrnuMo tho thnjiiuft and fitting
is knitted in ag tho garment ia mndc
the result is comfort nnd wnrmth,
but without the bulky, fctuffy feel
ing of comnion sweaters.
Even though put to constant ser
vice they retain their shape and'
smartness indeed they're so differ
ent from other sweaters that we
want you to .-lip on one, or n dozen,
and feel this difference for yourself.
Ths Prices:
Girls' md Khan' Sweitcrt $1.25 to $2 25
Women's Swealers . . $3.50 to $6 SO
Bofi' Skaters .... $1.00 ti $3.03
Men's Swci ers . . .$2 50 to $6 00
tl'inary paper is tielnir reileemerl lm.
mediately on presentation.
Well Informed persons believe thai If
he next few days pass without an out-
'ieak there will be a strong possibility
f thn fcltUHtlon belne naxseil thrnnirh
he appointment of Yuan Shi Kla aa
remler with a younger .Manchu as a flg-
irehead In order to CCitniilv VfttK tlii nrn.
10 1 or ,, I0; ,h '""Tnlrm i.f a rablne
locol of 1H10; the forming of a cabinet
-ii... . ., . ,, ' '
convocation c,f parliament and the
"WMi-nt of the railroad plan.
Klaas llown at Haakon.
CANTON, tk-t. tl (via Honkoiig).Oun
have been posted at the admiralty build
ing and the Chinese gunboat are clenred
for action. Armed guards patrol tlio
water front and guard all the landing
"in ruu( ana Kuara an the U
,r,Kon ,,. ,,,., ...
ration flag IIO louver finals r.vr ll.a
lll,Mr imperial euntniri bu Ml
. - .
.'lilnene Imperial cuntnina building, the
!. ui me imnese nierrnantn" Hteam
Ferric or the llunkow Canton railway.
T" r,",,on"' tM1 "v removed ,l,e .
imperial haclRcs.
A rr'nch """"
French conceaalun. The lirlilah f
the C'tuiton A Kowloon mllwnv h...,
ordered to go for eafety to Hhamcen
leiana, where there are nine foreign war.
hlpa In the harbor.
The viceroy hna leeued a proclnmntlon
that no flug dHiiotlng Independence may
be displayed.
The propoaala of the people, In which
the' viceroy and the Mam-hu and Can
toneee bannerman have rnii. in
clude the declaration of military and
financial independence for Kmn Tun.
province and the appointment of a board
or aupervlMlon elected by representative
of the guilds to whom the official. .v.ii
be reponnljle.
tffPostoffice Shos
Profit of $219,118
Last Fiscal Year
WArUIINtlTON. Oct. Sl.-Foe tl.. rie.t
time Since 1883 the 1'oelofflce riei.srtm.r,.
during th fiscal year ended June SO, 1BU,
was conducted at a profit. n twenty
four month, the conduct of ih. .... i
service has resulted In changing a de-
ricit or II7.47K.770 for the fiscal year 19C
to a surplus of tl'P.118 for the fiscal year
1!1I. During the last fiscal veae Ih.
audited revenues of th. department were
SJ37.N7?,823 and the audited expenditures
l3T.M8..' fact ar detailed In a
report of Charles A. Kram nli in. .....
th. I'ostofflc. department. In a renort
submitted today to Postmaster General
During the fiscal vear. at am n? .la
mest lo money orders were Issued, aggre
gating IMO.034.432. and .0),4H Interna
tlonal money order were Issued, aggre
gating r.i.6S1.2U.
A large amount of monev la
for the I'ostofflc. department, the report
howlng that mora than Is held
by the treasurer of the Tnlled Htate and
assistant treasurer, tor the use of the
postal service and that more than S.0,0uO
la similarly held fur the us of the money
order service.
Legislature Spends
uasn and State Funds
Are Much Depleted
rom a Staff .
1JNCOLN. Oct. 31.-iB..h.ii t... '' .
-For the first time In many year, wlthl
.u- ' ' "
. ... nine in many year within
th. next few week, person, holding Z
.r.l fund warrant, against the state of
vi.,-.i,. .. ..
...... -.ii nave to sen tiiem ir they
desire to reullxe on their naner at .....
According to State Treasurer Ueorge'a
report mude today only S-W.713 41 stands
between this proceeding and- the brokers
who buy at discounts, and this will soon
oe exnausted according to statement
niade at the treasury. These warrants
will be registered at the treasurer', of.
floe and will pay 4 per cent Interest to
the owner.
Th cause of the shortage of the gen
eral fund Is generally attributed to th
anxiety of member of th last legisla
ture to make many appropriations and
the unusual amount of debta Incurred
for new building for which the last see.
slon provided. The proceed of the 1910
levy Is all that la left and the )U levy
proceeds will nut be forthcoming for
some time.
The Investment of permanent school
fiiiul In bonds und other securities leaves
that fund more or leas depleted. The last
legislature appropriated U l4.&ua.71 for the
blenuium, which I t'. 7VS 61 more than
waa appropriated by th 1XI legislature.
Itie stale treasurers report ahow
a i
total or tfcj.ouiu for which he Is ac
countable, whereas on tie aaine date last
year tha amount was I731.K70.S0, Of the
money on hand I4S.000 la on depoalt In
the banks, while in uuO Is cash on hand.
llaak Sold.
KLlxHlA. Ia., Oct. SI.-iBpeclal.)
The Interest In the Owaaa Bavlng bank
beld by llessra. IMckeraon. Korener and
Van Orsdel has been purvhaard by at. N.
Jdilrnon of Kiflngham, who sueceed
Wr. Van Orsdel a caahiar.
City Thinking of Moving to Build
Own Water Plant.
hlppees nf low. npitnl onelnde
Their f'ase and lined Ask for
More lime l.tprma Hales
or In Kfferl.
(From a Staff Correspond) nt 1
lKS M'.HNKS. in. r)c'.. 31. -(Special
")lernm.) Another turn In the contro
versy between the rlty of I Molnt.4
and the witter comienv eame tolay when
the muyor nnrl city council threatened to
change the plan of attack and bes'lii the
building of n tit v water pUnt n ease the
'ompnny surceeil In having the con
demnation procerdinKs transferred to the
federal court. Mayor Hanna believes that
the step taken by the company Is solely
for rte!av snd that the city would be Jus
tified In planning to build. The con
demnation court Hfter hearing the ap
plication of the company for chanRe to
the federal court adlourned for two
weeks to consider tho matter.
Kbtppers Finish Case.
I'resentatlon of testimony on behalf of
tho les Moines shipper In regard to dis
crimination in rates was concluded beforo
Interstate Commerce Commissioner Har
lan today and the testimony of repre
sentatives of other cities of Iowa was
commenced. It became known that the
railroads will ask for thlhrty or sixty
days- time in whlcft to secure the evi
dence In defense and that the case can
not be fully presented for some months.
All the testimony given today tended to
show that Iowa shippers are placd at
great disadvantage.
"Freight rates In and out of lies Moines
nro the agitravatlon of my life," declared
II. C. KMngman, a I)e. Moines vehicle
dealer, while on the stand.
"I never have any assurance what the
rates will he on my orders because I
neve, psy the same rates on the same
articles I have been overcharged a num
ber of times."
IV cw K.m press Rates.
O'lie new express rates for Iowa became
effective tonight at midnight. Tho rate
make a general approximate reduction of
15 per cent In the express rate of th
state, although It Is expected that when
they are actually worked out the fraction
will be even greater than IS per rent.
The most Important feature of tho new
late Is the maximum gradtinted charge
which the express companies will be per
muted to make under the now rule of the
board of railroad commissluners.
tlHISWOU), Ia Oct. 31. (Special.)
Peter Fuhr, 35 years old, a farm hand In
tho employ of John Hully, living a few
miles eouthcaat of Urlswold, lies In a
semi-conscious condition with mnall
chance of recovery, as the result of what
Is supposed to be an attempt at suicide.
He had been husking corji and Friday
evening his team came running In from
the field with a load of corn, and mem
ber, of the Hully family discovered
Fuhr dragging behind the wagon, a
line from tho harness being tied around
hi. neck and fastened to the hind axle.
It was at first thought the man wa.
dead, but efforts to revive him were
finally successful. Physicians are In
doubt as to the extent of his Injuries, a.
he lie In a aemt-conaclou state and hu.
not been able to talk Intelligently since
reviving.. Mr. Fuhr Is a single man and
ha been In the employ of Mr. Hully for
eeven year. No cause for hla act la
known. f
He has always been considered eccen
tric. It Is a great wonder that he waa
not killed outright, as he was dragged
nearly half a mile serous rough ground
with the team on the dead run. (.
t aroaaeleaa More Than Week.
IOWA CITY, la.. ,Oct. Sl.-(Bpeclal.-Mlas
Lulu White of Colo. Ia.. the human.
pathlo nurso student at the I'nlverslty of
Iowa who was Injured one week ago Bun
day by falling from the Cedar Kapids
Iowa City Intorurbnn brlda-e. has not vet
recovered consciousness. For little more
than 200 hours she baa been In an uncon-
26 Below
Get Our Prices on Rugs in All Sizes
27x54 Velvet $1.00
27x54 Axminster : . S1.45
9x12 Brussels $9.75
- ni'" i) i i
, n- ,.
e, izm - ...
sdous condition-", nnd physicians have
almost given tip hope of h"r recovery.
ANAMOSA. Ia., tx t. ;;i.-(Spe. al.)-The
Merum brothers, who wire principal in
the sensational dedvrry from tbe state
reformatory here whin fiuur.l llamakrr
was shot nnd killed, have been sen
tenced to ten years at hard labor at
Winnipeg, Canada, according to a tele
gram received by Warden Mar (ids Itarr.
It is believed th state will seek to
arreM the brothers when they have
firvtd tli-ir time In the Canadian prison.
(Continued from First Page.)
circuit court Judges when the tobacco
hearing resumed this afternoon that If
there Is Incorporated in the reorganisat
ion plan the suggestion of Attorney
Uenerai Wlckcrsham that tho govern
ment he granted tho right to appeal to
the court for further relief at nny time
within five years, none of tho bond
holder' would consent to the dissolution
plan and that It surely would fall.
Charging that Independent tobacco
dealer., who protest against a plun pro
posed by the American Tobacco company
for disintegration of the Toba.-co trust
are attempting to destroy tho American
compnny for the purpose of "picking up
Its profits on the auction Mock," Te-
lancey Nlcoll replied In the circuit court
of thn I'nltcd Status today to attacks on
the reorganization proporal.
The independent tobacco and clpar
manufacturer. vho opposed the plan .Mr.
Nlcoll declared rcprcnenic.1 a combina
tion doing business worth $:iM,ou0 a year
and that they were con. blued In thin
cause "to cripple a small competitor."
"These are the poor, downtrodden and
suffering persons," continued Mr. Nlcoll,
"whom Mr. Drandeis, Mr. Yerkes and
others described to this court yesterday.
These Interests, one firm alone of which
manufactures more than 400,000.000 cigars
a year, are the oppressed and starving
competitors whom you have been , urged
to protect. J
"What do they want? They want the
American Tobacco company thrown Into
the hands of a receiver In order that they
Tharo is Only Cno
That ia
Always remember the full name. Look
for tlii elguatura on ever; box. 25c.
An Individual as
Executor, Guardian or Trustee
miiy be burdened by sut li appointment and unable to give It CAREFUL
attention owing to the pressure of Ills own business. It is at best an
accommodation on his uit, and necessarily receives only hurried and
unstudied attention. '
With a Trust Company no mh-Ii opixnt unities offer for failure as
Our knowledge and special experience in these matters are at your
disposal and we invite consultation.
..: try,,
Jfllart ...
Capital and Surplus.
State Deposit
Omalia Prices.
urusseis seamless
9x12 Velvet-seamless
9x12 Axminster . .
Get our prices on Stoves nnd Ranges
j A good 4-hole Range, set up in our home, $24.50
I fi.linln Rnnrto iifi ?n
Royal Acorn Heaters
may plrk up some ot the good thing of
this company at the auu.on block."
Assails Mollres of It Officers.
Mr. Nlcoll assailed the motives of the
attorney general of Virginia, the Caro
lina', Kentucky. Wisconsin and New
York who have appeared, protesting
against the disintegration plan. "I have
heard it said," he declared, "that these
men are attempting to build for them
selves trust busting records for future
James I:. Puke, president of the Amer
ican Tobacco company, waa among the
officials of the defendant trust present
when court convened. Attorney Uenerai
Wl kersham waa prepared to present the
government's attitude toward the plan of
the trust's dissolution.
Mr. Nlcoll during his argument was In
terrupted by Judge I.a Combe, who an
nounced that a belated petition of protes
on the part of the state of Wisconsin
had Just been filed. Ixiuls D. Tirandels.
representing Wisconsin as petitioner, ex.
plained that the Wisconsin tobacco grow
ers were opposed to the reorganization
plnn, and he asked the court for the
privilege of presenting the case from their
standpoint. This was granted.
Mr. Nlcoll declared that at every step
n the efforts to reach an agreement as to
reorganization, counsel for the so-called
trust were opposed by the attorney gen
eral of the Vnlted States, who was "In
sistent upon drastic and radical condi
tions, which Imposed on stockholders of
this company enormous bur Jens, limiting
their rights to an extraordinary degree."
'I do not find in the Sherman law any
Justification for the Imposition of such
pynaltlea on our clients," said Mr. Nlcoll
"but we have yielded. Yet there come
Into this eurt protestants who charge
that we are attempting to avoid the law."
CHICAGO, Oct. 31. Coroner Hoffman
announced today that he would know by
Friday whether Arthur Illssonette, Chi
cago policeman who died at a hospital
lust Thursday, died of poisoning.
lilssonette became 111 at the home of
Mrs. Vermllya, whom he boarded with,
and to whom It Is said he was engaged
to be married. Mr. Vermllya was
questioned by policemen, who failed to
connect her with the death.
Coroner Hoffman declared that If h.
. .$40,000.00
Hot One Oay But Every Oay.
Well made Sewing Machine,
like cut, complete with full
set of attachments, at
. $16.00
. $17.00
in all sizes. Stoves
should find evidence that Blssonette had
ben poisoned he would cause to be
exhumed the bdles of seven relatives of
Mr. Vermllya, who have died durinir
the last few years, having left her
Contract to IH Ditch.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 3I.-I Special Tel
cgram.) Th secretary of the Interior
ha awarded a contract to Kobert Kln
kald of Newell, a. D., for constructing
a drainage ditch Involving the excavation
of approximately 82,000 cubic yards of
material In connection with the Hclle
Fourche Irrigation project.
To Make Your Hair
Soft, Bright and Fluffy
(Fashion's Guide.)
"Th. reason many women find It dif
ficult to arrange the coiffure pleasingly
Is because of the toe -free use of wet
shampoos, which make hair dull, brittle
and 'stringy.'
"One of the most pleasing tilings
with which to cleanse tho scalp of im
purities and keep the hair clean, fluffy
and eilky, Is 4 ounces of cither orris
root or corn meal and 4 ounces of
therox. Mix together and sprlnklo a
tablespoonful on the fcalp, then brush
thoroughly through the hair. This rids
the hair and scalp of dust and dandruff,
and a few times using tones the scalp
and hair roots, causing the hair to grow
noft, brilliant and easy to manage."
Natural Laxative
Quietly Relieves
Sick Headache,
Stomach Disorders, rs'
Velvet Coats and Suits May
Now Be Steam Cleaned
By Special Device.
The ordinary "cleaner" Is put to his
wits end when asked to bring the origi
nal "Pilo" or "Nap" back into a lady's
velvet coat or suit, and to date no other
Omaha cleaning establishment haa been
anxious to take In work of this charac
ter. But It's different at Dresher Bros.'
Dry Cleaning lis'.aollshment at 2211-2213
Farnam St., for this lively concern has
Just Installed a special steam cleanine
device to De used exclusively for clean
ing, steaming and pressing velvet gar
ments, restoring the original shape.
Not only this, but Dreshers have se
cured a special operator, who has spent
most of his time for year in difficult
velvet cleaning and I shaping work.
Ladies' velvet conla and suits may be
etcam cleaned here for 2, $2.60 and $3,
and the original "pile" brought up like
if you wish to know more about this
new cleaning feature of Preshera, phone
Tyler 13tf or Auto A-2J25 or step Into
Dreshers' branch In the Pompclan Room
of The Brandeis Stores, or at Dresner
The Tailors, 1515 Farnam St.
Dreshers pay express one way on ou.t
of town shipments amounting to ?3 or
sold on payments
LiMrfJat ' vll
b urn wmI
Do Not Pay too Much
.Many people
realize that they
pay too much for
their diamonds.
They come t o
learn too late
that they have
purchased at a
More vhere the
dealer demands
more than a f.ilr
profit. The Eu
holm establish
ment sells poods
of high quality,
'but its priced are
no more than
those rharped by
any bouse in tho
country for th
saint quality. A
customer here
Puys only ,vhut the stones are worth,
"f can provo all our advertised
statement mot havo the repu
tation for more than tacntv-one
eurs of faithful dealings to hack u'
up. Irai fot very cent of your
money worth hero, reincnilier this
Don't .tferely Bay Invest
Sixteenth and Horney.
Senor Vicente Blasco Ibanez
A novel of the utmost dis
tinction by the greatest liv
the power, the fascinating
realism, and the splendid
literary art will make a
profound impression on
discriminating readers.
A. C. McCLURG & CO. Pubtukn
New York CHICAGO San Francisco
comes In every
bottle bearinc:
the triangular
label. Just re
member this
and order Blatz.
"Thm Flrmt Btrr
Cvop Brmwod"
802 8H Doatlu StricC Oathi. Nek.
rhont: Dougltu 6662
Candy Special
for Wednesday
25c Cocoanut Hon Kons
per pound 15
6oc "l'rint'rgs) Sweets" Choco
lates, ier iiountl 39?
Our candy eouutet is tbe mom
attractive, up-to-date, placo to
buy ('AM)V in Omaha. We
have again reached that time
of tho year when weather con
ditions will permit manufac
turing and offering most every
kind of candy. We have too
many Kinds to enumerate and
we invite yon to call at our
store and we are sure we have
the kind you like.
Myers-Dillon Drug Co.
Jtlth and I'arnniii St.
South End 16th St.
"Home of tho
Long Ton"
1) LEW R.
bii 8i.ia.
latraace on Court
iei. ti. ivii
' ,i j
X 1 i I
I till
; 11 1 'U-