T1IK HKK: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. XOYEMMEH 1. l'MI. 1 Etc rrMntiiTTiTMIl Winter Underwear at Matchless Bargain Prices All Kinds, Best Makes, Perfect Goods. ndeis Stores A Woman's $3.0 Rrnndeis shows nioro styles in smart sweuter coats than you'll find anywhere ebe to Be irut from. Our later arrivals Include many novelties In these practical and popular fall and winter knit garments, at $198 $050 $Q98 X mt Special Chif on A score of new stylos here for dress and evening wear dainty new colors; specially New Mixture Those long practical mixture coats that will be the big favorites everywhere this season. These are coats readily HO TA worth $20, special nt LI These are all bargains In dcBlrable undergar ments, offered as specials for Wednesday only. Women's Vests and Pants- Fine and heavy ribbed, soft, fleecy lined, worth 60c, at garment 39 Misses', Children's and Hoys' VcMa, rants and Drawer Ribbed, heavy fleece, worth 3 Be, at, garment 25 J Women's I'nlon Kuits Extra fine cotton fleeced and part wool, worth up to $1.00, at.. 79? Corset Cover Fine ribbed, long sleeves, regu lar and extra sizes, worth up to 35c, at, 'ach ir Hoys' and Girls' I'nlon Hull Medium and heavy weights, fine ribbed nnd extra heavy fleecy lined, all sizes up to 16 years, worth up to 75c, at, suit 19 mm i mm : 3 Basement Specials 10c SHAKER Flannel at 6Vc. Three rases of soft fleecy bleached Shaker flannels, In 6, 8 and 10 yard lengths, worth 10c yard, will be sold at, yard Fancy and Dress CALICO Light and dark color ings, perfect mill lengths, u a u a 1 ly sold at Vc, very special, at, yard 3c Many great bargains In blankets In the basement Special lots from our great sale of blankets which continues all this week. BRANDEIS NEXT MONDAY is the Great Rug ENTIRE RETAIL STOCK OF RUGS Bought From a Dealer Who Was Retiring From tho Rug Business. We bought his entire stock at 'a figure so low that we can sell rugs at prices that they have never before told for la Omaha. See the 12 Great Window Displays Thousands marvel at these wonderful values every day. All Omaha la waiting for these great bargains. Highest Grade Seamless Wilton Rugs, 0x12, includ ing Ronbaix Rugs, worth up to $60, at .... $29.98 $30 Axminster and Wilton Velvet 9x12 Rugs, at $15 Room size Brussels Rugs, worth up to $18, at 7.9Sf Room size Axminster Rugs, worth up to $25, 12.98 9x12 Granite Art Squares, worth up to $5, at . .$2.98 Bath Rugs, washable, worth up to $4, at 25c, 79c $9 Axminster Rugs, 44 feet x 64 foet go at . .$4.98 WE HAVE HELD BIG RUG SALES BEFORE BUT NEVER ONE WHERE THE VARIETIES HAVE BEEN SO LARGE OR THE BARGAINS SO GREAT. Ccir.3 In and select a pair of tan or black shoes $3.50 $5 tatest Styles sMOALAuUfia an E. J. DAU8S HEAVY IIAULIIIQ Hoisting a Special! 1010 Farnam Street Tel. Doug. 353 7 ffer Extra Specials for Wednesday in Seasonable Apparel bweder Coats - 5 Ami Oiler ol Waists clover ideas in the priced nt.v J ' 1 Coats liliUV Heavy Underwear For Women and Children Mercerized Sateens at 5c. Mill lengths of highly mercerized sateens, In colors, that would sell regularly from the holt at 25c basement bargain square, at, yard STORES aS23 WUVr&i Q,Z2STjk (fORsg J Wednesday's Specials l.OUO bubhel fancy potatoes, by the sack $1.00 $1.75 oil or gasoline can (5 gal. size with pump), pedal .Mk- Fresh Uuck wheat, per sack, at U.ic, 5oc Sweet cider, per Jug 80c, ftO Cooking apples, per peck Oc S stalks celery lov FrebU roasted peanuts, per 5c Oc ft per box, bj B ueuuau apples. at , Domestic Swiss " .. Quart Jars cilery relish or enow chow 4)c Mince meat. (bulk). i.er'Th at " - i .10c TilHOMAlI.riiKI Omaha's Greatest Homo Paper Sale &Th i. S omaha's run yjj I 1 I j Winter Quarterly Style l!oks of the I,nle' Home Jonrnnl Pattern now on sale. With a I 15c pnttern, 20c. Your Unrestricted Choice of Each and Every Woman's Trimmed Hat in the Store Wednesday at HALF PRICE This is another one of tho in connection with our Jiitr Purchase? NuIp nf fino miiiinnrv.. all of the previous prices quoted still being in effect on the lots that are not entirely sold. Appreciate the fact that this Is the greatest opportunity of the sea Just at the time When you are nendlnir a hot vm, son. obliged to pay. Only Half Price for Your Choice of the Greatest Trimmed Hat Stock in Omaha Our goods are all marked In plain figuresthe figures attached being the ones we placed upon them when they tirst came Into the atore Vvednesday you pay only half of the marked price. Vou liave your choice, of fine oMrtcli trimmed hats, bird of para dlse liat, aigrette trimmed hats, imported French model hats, Htreet hats, tailored hatw-evrry trimmed hat km at half price. New Chinchilla Coats for JW Women and Misses V3ZC Ui on" and wlnea predominate, I.' 60, cording to the quality Sale of Silver Plated Hollow Ware This sale consists of guaranteed perfect pieces suitable for pres ents as well as personal use. An ticipate Christmas and other needs now. Choose Wednesday only from three and four-piece tea sets, bak ing dihhes, percolator, caaaeroles, vaunt, candle sticks, chafing dlidies, trays, etc., regularly aold at U.(H) to $13.00, for only $498 A J3o box of Wriaht's Sliver Cream silver uoliah free with each purchase Iroin tlila aale. For Wednesday's Anaorted teas and SO atamps, lb., 48o Aaaortrd ti-aa and (0 iain'. . Tra aiftliiKa and 14 alam(a. lb.. 15c Larse butlle Yacht Club salad lrea- HIS and JO alampa 5o Deiuielt'a Capitol extracts and 20 tallica, per bottle ISO fine doattn boxea aafety inatchea, 6o Walker'a chile con tame and l& taiiipM, per can l&e l ib. Vkt. li. C. buckwheat and 10 atamv 1SH Iiae can Hntder'a pork and bfann and 10 atampa iiOe Tlirre cana auaar corn for S6e 1'eanut butter and 16 atampa, lar Sao hull cream rhee and 10 atampa. pa-r lb SOo (Jailiard'a pure olive oil and 30 atan.ps. per hottle tSo Prauty aaparasue and It alampa. prr tan St)o 1-lti. pkt Iteunelt'a 'ailtol pancake flour and 10 atampa 10a oeinng me ntg iiirerood Urocerv FWIW..'.AW I "and 'io.faJnp,'"'" 1-lb. can liennrtl'a Breakfaat coffee t-lh. tk. l!ttiin.'it; V'inii.'i Mo and iti .in. n . saa 10 ai.i..i.. -apitol oata and "big stunts" we are featuring of the few new fabrics that sprang iinu Miaiaui mvor uecauBe it is ngnt in weight and affords ample protection in severe weather with out the usual attendant discomforts of coats that on account of their texture, must have weight iii proportion to their warmth. We are fortunate in being able to show you such a largo and varied assortment as that now presented at our store. There are tans, browns navies and light greys with contrasting collars ,c.:iD uruauciom. some of them are in belted styles. KxcelleJit numbers at $23.50. lletter ones at $25.00. StUl better ones at f7.50. A New Jumper Waist to be worn over the ordinary waist. Is made of a very good quality messaline and priced at 12.95 each. This is an entirely new idea In waists. They have shirring around the neck and down the front and an accordeon plaited belt. Come In black, brown, navy, grey tan fd m"ld- AH sizes. ,2.95.' Be lu re and ask to see them the first time you are In the store. Dresses for 6 to 14-Year-OldGirU Fome very drenay. Klrllsh mo.leU wn ,ho more suitable for chol wexr have reiniiv .,. ? There are checked HrrKe. PUI.I .color. 1 pUni vrsea ami ca.hiiierea in Mack iiaviL?. hrSlf,.- $3.50 and 1 5.00, ac- Wednesday Notions 10c bolts of five yards of black mercerized skirt braid, 2 for Be 10c, 100-yard spools, machine silk thread 4c Women's and children' 15c ''pin-on- hose surportere, all colors, per pair 5c cards nickel plated safeVy'pina, all sixes, a cards for. ...... .3o 5c cards either black or white hooks and eyes, all sizes, 3 cards 6c papers of 360 pins." V papers'," Re Wire hair pins, per paper ic 'c. grey and white corset ciasps, special for Wednesday oniy 4c and Thursday tnider'a 'chile' aau'ce 'ai'i.V 'in " Z la per bottle.;. J 10 "ainpe. I It. a of 7 .1 8So AaKorted rn.'l... .. "i" '. . "OO pka. ... ,v 'amp. a. per hwansdown codfish and k';.';.;,"..V . .loo per lOo Diamond Crystal' ' labia ' iu " . alampa, pr imri,.., " "n I'apitoVnihice' i d l'l lOe and 10 itiiiini. ce meat S6c guart can of aoupa for . r rauco-Anierican au. DUfHI.K STAMPS ON IH'TTKKINE. Wednesday Meat Specials llaraburrer, 3 pounds for...2!S Hest Sirloin Steak I'ot Hoast I'orterbouse Steak 7lite 5 lioe At this popular price we're showing Bhoo value that cannot be duplicated elsewhere. Wo're well aware that all shoe stores sell women's shoes at $3.00, but what a difference In the shoes. L The price means nothing it's not copyright any store can name it the shoe means everything. Madam, if you wear $3.00 bhoes and will look at our ehous at this price, we will make a sale. We've every size and width which guarantees a perfect' fit and we see that every foot gets it. FRY SHOE CO, The Shoers i6!h and Douglas Streets ABOVE ALL IN QUALITY FOR HOME CONSUMERS PHONES Doug. J 19; Ind. A-2119 Win. J. BOEIIKOFF Retail Dealer) Office-803 S. 7th St. am Where to Find the Bee In New York City, N. Y. Arthur Hotallnc, Grand CPntral Depot News Stand, Aator House. Harry J. btatiun. Cchultz, Grand Central Tyson Co'e. News Stands, Including Hot.l Knickerbocker Hoffm.tl 11oui liutfl Maiili.ll.o Hi,.,i u,.i Murray llotul llnttl Uetinont Urand Uuloo Haul WalJort-A.torl. I 'I lifTlftlBirmniar-AjJ'- j AMlsmiEMS. BRANDEIS THEATER BABOAIIT MAT. TODAT, 88o to $1.03 Tonlaht last Time EDDIE FOY nr the oxmii iiro bono show "OVER THE RIVER." THUSSDAT AKD 7 HIS AT Montgomery and Stone, in TKin BEST MTTSICAI. SUCCESS "THE OLD TOWN" STABTIBO HE XT 8UNSAT Popular Matinee Wednesday JOSH O. riSHEB. Presents THE PIBTIKCT BOTEI.T1 RED KOs l P&onesi Ind. A-14M, Door. 44. Matinee Every Day 8:15. Everr BLo-ht ilt. Advanced Vaadevllle. Amelia atone and Aruand KaUu; flanophlend Minstrels; Moray Casu; Xieander JDe Coraova ul Company; Eliua Morris; Bubj Xaymond and Company; Dt Vole Trio; nuietoacot; Urpnenia Conceit Orchestra. Prlceal Ble-hta lOo, 85o, SOo, 7oo. Matinees, luo, best seats 86o, ex eept katnxuaf and Sunday, "Omaha's Pan Center.' t&ngeMJ'it. Dlly 18-85-80 Wow Playlns the Incomparable "THE KMICKEKB0CKth$,,Yrw4m?;r EXTBATAOAJETSA AMT VAUDEVILLE splendid illo .md 1 tettiest 1 liorus tliia Feaaon. Tuesday, (K'toiier 81, "Moose Mailt" In honor ot liiother Iinhof. Ladles' Dime Matluee Every Week Say. Boyd Theater 3 days commencing Tliursday BTov. X MA'fIfil BA1UROAY "THE CAMPUS" A muslo olay of collars life. Prlcesi Kla-'it, 8!i, 50L7 jo. fl; Mat. Sat. 85, 60o Beat Suulay-rLOBENCB BOBEBTS KRUG THEATER Matinee Today 8:30; TonLrbt, 8:3a Best teats Mo. Mo higher FOLLIES OF THE DAY and Mil. LIB SB I. tOW 'iHB OIBI. tar, BLUB Ladles' luaa MatiaetV AMERICAN THEATER Tonlffht Mats. lues., Thors, Bat. PftlCKB S6o ONLY ansa BVA LAHt, and the VOOUWMO UTOCJC COMPAsTT In Hiujau Walter's Play of "THE WOLF" Neikl Wa. T"Q Cleat t'oinejy of Hill WAHs favorite Firemen's Uniform Shirts. Best California Blue Flannel. I i ll M P ! ..ftci!.AcrlTOni. .,tf .-. ..,.. ,i l.i i i ml.. You Are Cordially Invited to an Exhibition and Demonstration of La Grecque Corsets, From Nov. 1st to Nov. 4th, 1911. An expert corsetiere from New York will be here to fchow you how much improvement you can make in your figure by wearing these stylish, shapely, and thor oughly practical corsets. Every woman desirous of looking her best should get expert advice of this New York Corsetiere. "With her aid you will enhance the good lines of your figure and improve any poor one. Wash Goods Department Specials for Wednesday German Eiderdown, 27-ln. wide, good patterns for bathrobes, at a yard 2S Bathrobe Blankets, a,' good size, and good assortment o( colors and patterns, each, at -82.50 Silk mixed goods, plains and fancies, 29c goods,'' at, a yard ...... 25 36-in. Flannelettes, neat pat terns, at a yard .... 12 V4 Dress Ginghams, fancy plaids, checks and strlpe3, ' at a yard 3C-ln. Cotton Challies, good patterns for Comforts, 15c goods, at a yard ....10 Special Bargain Offerings 75c Furnace Scoop at ....30c 15- In. Japanned Coal Hods, 25c 16- ln. galvanized Coal Hods 20c $15 Rex Oak Heaters, heavy nickeled, 14-ln. fire pots, $11 $17 Rex Oak Heaters, same with lG-in. fire pots ..913 Same with 18-in. fire pot, $21 value, at $14 $50 Steel or Cast Iron Ranges, great snap, at $23 Dustless Dust Cloths, at ..17c 15c Carpet Deaters, at 7c Read the Special November Grocery Opening Sale for WcJnesday Ton a;et the best and freshest foods and sav trom 86 to bovb. IS lbs. Crannlated Sufar. . . 1.00 4H-lb s.tcks Diamond H Family hltth i;ra(ie Flour, nothing- to equal it for the price, per eacit. at $1.30 9 lbs. uost white or yellow corn meal loo 9 lhh. bt"H Boiled Breakfast Oat meal 350 3 liars Heat 'Km All or Diamond (' Huuif 330 6 ha. .rood Japan Hlce, 7 He qual ity 25e 4 lbs. fancy Japan head Hice 3oo 1-11). cans asserted soups . ...7VaO Ciallon ian.1 Golden Table Syrup, at 35o 3 pltKx. Tjlamond II Self lllsinK 1'ancakP flour 95o Lu l.M Scouring Soap, the greatest cleans"!-, per can 6o 1-lb. pki4. Coin Starch -lo llolden Santos Coffeo. per lb..32o The bent bulk l'eanut butler. In., at ISO The best Soda or Oyster Cracker", lb .60 The beat crisp Tretzels. lb So B 3 . MM j. Vi, The inside or Twin Flue construction of a Laurel Range is tha root of its unequaled cooking and baking qualities and fuel saving features. Come Thursday, let the demonstrator show you the why and wherefore of the superiority of Laurel Ranges. $8.(K) Premium Given Free to Kach Purchasvr With every Laurel Range purchased during this exhibit we will give choice ot a C-pIece chest of silverware or a 5-pl:C9 set cf "Wear-Ever" alum inum cooking utenseld. "If it's a Laurel it's right." See them. Try HAYDEN'S First Jgj, NOTICE (Coal Consumers) Beginning November .1, we will deliver In Omaha, East Omaha, South Omaha, Benson and Florence clean hand-screensd SPE CIALTY LUMP COAL AT $4.25 per ton. We are Bole agents for this SPECIALTY LUMP COAL. We also handle all other kinds at CUT PRICFS. All our coal is under cover Call us up. We can deliver promptly. ROSENBLATT'S CUT PRICE COAL CO. 122;) Nicholas St. (THE HOME OF QUALITY COAL) ii m mi ii ii ii m in 'inrnnT . I i mm m mm I n 1 1st I sPM SI lOfHX' l"sii in Tr Firemen's Uniform - Shirts. Best California Blue Flannel. -'ti i EXTBA SPECIALS WEDNESDAY- tar our pAMOua DOMESTIC HUOM bur (treat Bianaet bale Btul Continues. Blankets worm l.n0 pair, 75o blankets worth )1 .25 I'Hlr, 860 l(lank-.-ts worth 1 1.50 ralr, (1.19 lilankets worth $2. 00 pair, M1.49 lilankein worth $2.60 pair, M1.7S blankstn worth 13.00 pair, $1.88 Comfortable Sal Commencing at, each, 69c up to $18.50 Extra specials on Batts from ISq each, to 91.33 Ready Mad Sheets. 72x90 tiunray, worth fSc, on aale 380 81x90 aheets, worth 69c, on aale at 65o 12 and 15c Amoskea Outing Flannol, on rale at, yd. . 10o Good Outing Flannel at 6 So, 6Vo and 7iio Lonsdale, frcnulne article, all day at yard 6Ho 7 hie heavy unbleached sheeting, nt yard l6o pure linen dollies, worth 15c, at, each !H 16c H'K'k towels and loo bath towels, each lOo Special Sals on Bab Dry Towels. Wash Hans, each lo Bath oweln. 3ftl Bo, 7 Ho, lOo, lay, 3 each. in tha Busy Hardware Dept. 10c Rice Root Scrub Brush, 5c 14 rolls Toilet Paper, 5c size, 1,000 sheets In roll 50c 8 rolls 10c size, Wednesday 50c No. 8 Waffle Irons, regular $1.25 value, on. sale....6Dc Mrs. Vrooman's Sink Strainers, at 10c 25c Wilson Bread Taosters 15c $1.25 handled Axe, snap ..60c No. 8 Cast Iron Skillet ...25c No. 9 Cast Iron Skillet . . .80c $1 Cast Iron Kettles, No. 8 size, oA sale at 05c Batter, Batterlne and Cheese Bale Wednesday. The best crean ery butter, carton or bulk, per lb 33o Fresh Country Creanvery Butter, lb., at 380 The best dairy butter, lb. ,..85o I lbs. g'Kid tabble butterlne ...95c Full cream cheese, lb ISo Presa Vegetable Prices, the Talk of Umaha. 4 bunches fref.h rauisnes Bo 1 heads fresh leaf lettuce ....Bo 1 soup bunches Bo 4 bunches fresh beets Bo 2 bunches celery Bo 2 bunches oyster Plant Bo Fancy Denver cauliflower, lb. t 7V,o ancy wax or green beans, lb., ft iyto 4 bunches fresh onions So lieets, carrots, parsnips or turnips. per lb aWo 3 lbs. Jersey sweet potatoes ..100 Rutabagas, per lb. o Fancy cabbaxa. lb. .lHo Fancy cooklnir apples, peck. '. . 15o Red onions, per lb flVfcO IS MMt Laurel Stoves Wednesday to Saturday, Nov. 1st to 4th inclusive. 'We cordially invite you to be present and Bee for yourself why a Laurel Range will heat (J griddles without heating the oven, the oven without heating the reservoir or the reser voir without heating the oven. It's a great fuel saver, the best satisfaction giver. UTI On J...-.'.i. i ii DRS. MACH & MACH B BAILEY & MACH SIIfllT3 Neatest equipped dental office la Guiaba- HiKbsat (rale dentistry at leasonable prlcea Vurcelaln ri.llnt. jvst line lbs tooth. All Instruinenia carefully aterllued after each opera, i.wn. Oor. 16th aa rarnam ate. tiiid TLcoa fAxtua ticocir t a i in i -rmni 1 i i im mi fn riiwiiipuwiii.in, ' m a ,4 i