Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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OMAHA MLNDAV JKH: ori'ULirut 2., 1D11.
Do You Wish to Im
prove Your Complexion,
Hands or Hair?
If you wish a skin clear
of pimpkvs, blackheads and
other annoying eruptions,
hands soft and white, hair
live and glossy, and scalp
free from dandruff and itch
ing, begin today the regular
use of Cuticura Soap for the
toilet, bath and shampoo,
assisted by ah occasional
lijrtit application of Cuticura
Ointment. No other method
is so agreeable, so often
effective and so economical
' in treating poor complex
ions, red, rough hands, and
dry, thin and falling hair.
Cuticura Soap and Oint
ment have been sold through
out the world for more than
a generation, but to those
"wishing to try them -without
cost, a liberal sample
of each will be sent free
with 32-p. book on the care
and treatment of the skin
and hair. Address "Cuti
cura," Dept. 15D, Boston.
can find her shoes here!
Particular About Price?
"We show the best Shoes at
$2.50 or $3.00 ever
sold for the money.
Particular About Style?
We show every new fea
ture in last, toe and shoe
making. Particular About Quality?
We have shoes at $3.50,
$4.00 or $5.00 that are
fit for a queen.-
We ask the attention of
the woman that is "over
particular" about her
16th and Douglas
9 li'inT EZuUJtp
Humphreys' Seventy-Seven
Breaks up Grip and
Quick application.
The quick application of "Seventy
poven" decides the duration of a
Fall Colda are apt to hang on,
better take time by the forelock and
keep "Seventy-seven" handy, it is
your best assurance against Coughs,
Colda and Sore Throat All dealers
Bell 'Seventy-seven." 25c. or mailed.
Humphrey' Komeo Medicine Co., Cor.
William and Ann Streets, New York.
Fits Delightful Cruises
I railnf Nrw York
by th I'Mkiui Twin,
bvrew fcleaiutira
RS.S. MoltU 28 daj$?n: $ ISO'.V
wtvitv lott..) ! wJ U12 V'Vml p.
Erery Luxury of Trarel.
ETery Befloemtot of Scrclc Insured.
Aim Crutt't to IU Orirnt, BtmiX iwHm,
Arvn4 Ik World, Italy tgypl, ttc
Bend for lUiMtntcd Pamphlet.
W. Randolph St., Chicago, or local agt.
The Omaha Bee reaches more
readers in Omaha than any
other paper.
Governor Kiddles Democratic Pre
tenses in Strong Speech.
Yotln for Democrats Will !Vot Help
I.a Knllrtte la hraak .TTiy
nepabllrana Shonld Win
In State,
(Continued from Fourth rage)
ure put through but that It vai neces
sary to have republican support to ret It
through. The republican legislature ot
1907 assembled with a republican fov
ernor reduced freight rates In the state
of Nebraska 15 per cent and every re
publican In both liouws win lined up for
that measure. The republican party re
duced rassenger rates in the state of Ne
braska m per cent without the aid or
consent of any democrat In either house.
At that time the republican party re
duced express rates In the state of Ne
braska 2.1 per cent without the aid of
consent of any democrat in the legisla
ture. And during nil the time that all
these great measures were under con
sideration Mr. Bryan was never seen In
the halls of the legislature. He was
wholly a disinterested patriot. He did
give some attention to the democratic
lesi-ilature that followed, but mighty few
results came from his presence and for
some reason, best known to the demo
cratic cohorts. Mr. lirynn was always an
unwelcome visitor and Kucst at the last
democratic legislature, p.nd all be It to
tho shame of the democratic party, too.
"But I did not complete the roster of
the republican legislation enacted by that
republican legislature of liMT. They en
actod a railway commission law that ab
solutely controls the actions of these pjb
11c service corjioratlons within the state.
The commission can fix and revise rates.
It can make any railroad, if the publlo
demands and it Is Just, to put In new
depots, to put In new tracks, to change
schedules and classifications, and can
compel these public servants to do any
thing that Is reasonable and Just, for tho
convenience of the public in controlling
and transacting Its business.
Iterord of Heal ProKrem,
"I say to you, sir, that this progressive
republican legislature, that was repub
lican in overwhelming majority, saved to
the people In cold dollars and cents more
than J10,000,000; that the expenses of that
legislature were JDOO.OUO less than Its dem
ocratic successor, and that the recent
democratic legislature cost the state of
Nebraska $2,000,000 more than the repub
lican legislature of 1907, with one million
times less to show for It. In fact, the
state of Wisconsin, the most forward and
progressive state In this union, has not a
more thorough, a more general or a bet
ter control of its public service corpora
tions than has the state of Nebraska by
reason of republican legislation.
"This republican legislature of 1907
placed upon the statute books of Ne
braska a pure food law more far-reaching
and more stringent than Is the national
pure food law. It has put diluted and
drugged whisky off the market; it has
been a great factor and done a great
good In lessening and destroying the co
caine and morphine habits; It haa put off
the shelf Innumerable patent medicine
fakes; It has removed the short weight
article from the market; it has taken
adulterations from food products, both
foreign and domestic; It has been a great
benefit to finance and health; It has done
untold good to the people of Nebraska,
and that law was framed by republicans,
was passed by a republican legislature,
and was signed by a republican executive.
Every republican In the legislature lined
up for that bill and it waa not necessary
to have attached to It a single democratic
vote not one.
"The primary election law, that genuine
piece of representative and progressive
legislation, was framed by republicans,
was passed by republicans and came to
the people by the republican party, and
not a democrat vote was necessary to
Its passage or execution.
Stick to the Standard.
"In the face of these records and this
history, Mr. Bryan, how can you tell the
people of the state of Nebraska to vote
the democrat ticket? I repeat sir, again,
advise your followers to rally around the
Ftandard of progressive republicanism;
nominate your friend Senator LaFoIlette,
and put clean, able men upon the su
preme bench.
"But the democratic party In congress
today Is Just as reactionary and non
progressive as Is the democratlo party
In the state here. The leadership of tho
democratic party both In the house and
senato In Washington Is In the hands
cf men whom you. Colonel Bryan, have
denounced as being standpatters and be
ing the alders and abettor of an Aldrlch
of Rhode Island, a Hale, a Lodge, and
a liulley.
"Senator Martin, the leader of the dem
ocratic forces In the senate, whom you
sought to defeat for re-election, is in
your own language a ctandpatter, a re
actionary, and u friend and advocate of
tho special interests.
"Oscar Underwood, the all-powerful
chairman of the ways and means com
mittee, from tho south, Is the one par
ticular personage to whom that demo,
cratlc majority in congress bows In hum
ble submission. He Is the man from whom
Champ Clark takes orders. He Is the man
whose organization Champ Clark, Mr.
Bryan's friend, is simply the mouth
Piece of. He Is the man to whom this
speaker comes to Inquire and to ascer
tain whut will be the program of tho
day. The speaker sits In his chair and
carries out the program mapped out by
Oscur Underwood. And who Is Oscar Un
derwood? A congressman from one of
the southern states whom the progressive
Colonel Bryan denounced as an arch
standpattir and a friend of the trusts and
special Interests, a man who was "rec
reant to the ancient faith of democracy,
a man who was in league with the steel
barons, a man who sought to put legis
lation upon the statute books that would
be satisfactory to thi-se men and these
What Kind of Leaders, Mr. Bryant
"Is this the kind of a leader Mr. Bryan,
to whom you would commend the pro
gressive republicans, to come? Would
you Blncerely and really, Mr. Bryan, ad
vise the progressive republicans to de
sert the standard of Senator La Follette?
Would you advise Abraham Llncolns fol
lowers to desert his standard and sup
port Stephen A. Douglas, the compro
miser with secession and slavery?
"Mr. Bryan severely criticizes Presi
dent Taft and bis administration, going
upon the theory that there Is no redeem
ing feature in all that our president has
done. This Is obviously unjust and un
fair In the extreme. President Taft is
certainly doing his full duty In enforcing
the Sherman anti-trust law. He Is prose
cuting to success many Illegal combina
tions In restraint of trade, and on the
whole is conscientiously enforcing the
law. But aalde from all this, U mag-
Winners in Girls' Tennis
'" I ' !
S w V I
; v v. sr.
. , ,.
' f
i i J? f .
I i 0
I a tfMU-tU
? -J
Bunner I'p.
nlflcent work of Iresldcnt Taft In push
ing forward to final success the peace
treaties will make his administration one
of the most memorable in the history of
this entire country. Theodore Roosevelt
la prouder of his Influence In bringing
about the Portsmouth treaty, and thus
stopping a bloody war between RuskIu
and Japan, than he is of any other offi
cial 'action In his entire career. These
peace treaties of President Taft's will do
more to establish universal brotherhood
and amicable relations between the civ
ilized nations than anything that has
transpired In more than a hundred years.
And I fay to Colonel Bryan, that no
matter how much he may differ as to
the policies of President Taft he should
not be so prejudiced as to be unjust to
a man who has used his great office to
establish & world-wido policy that will
be hailed by all as dlvlnellke In Its in
fluence upon the peace of the world.
Vote for (iood Government.
"Let us see to It that tho cause of good
government stays under ttho banner and
clings to the standard of the republican
party; for, after all, my. trlends, the
republican party haa tolled hurd and has
tolled long, and has climbed further up
the infinite hill of progress than any
political organization of ancient or mod
ern times,
"My fellow republicans, the cause of
good government In this state and in the
nation demands that you stay within the
ranks of your own party, fight your bat
tles together, unite your forces, concen
trate your energies, focus everything, and
you will march forth In an irresistible
force, redoujidlnrf to the cause of good
government.'of American government and
of American liberty. Accept tho advice
of Mr. Bryan and you will scatter your
farces, you will exhaust your energies,
you will become but as a broken reed,
playthings In the hands of your enemies.
Again I entreat you stand united, face
the enemy, your party, the repumican
party, is the sheet anchor, tho party of
the nation."
Serious I.nceratlona
and wounds" are healed without danger
of blood poisoning by Bucklen'a Arnica
Salve, the healing wonder. . 25c, For sale
by Beaton Drug Co.
CHICAGO, Oct. 2S. Maurice Bnrlght,
labor union organizer, wus today found
guilty of the murder of Vincent AHman
and his punishment fixed at life impris
onment. ' Enrlght shot Altman, also a
labor organizer, In the bar room of a
down-town hotel.
Plan on Foot to Give Suburbanites
Same Privleges at City Folks.
Director Diets Contends Those Whn
Want Metropolitan Conveniences
Should Hear a Fair Tor
tlon of Ksnrnae.
Shall the suburban towns of Florence
Dundee and Benson enjoy the privileges
of the publlo library in cateh-as-catch-can
style, or shall they levy a tax and
come Into those privileges as fully and
freely as tho citizens of Omaha? This
was the question that raised something
of a flurry at the meeting of the Omaha
public library board Friday evening. As
a result ot the discussion Secretary Ryder
was directed to communicate with the
authorities of Florence, Dundee and Ben
son to ascertain their intentions.
Director C. N. Diets had warm support
for his contention that those who desire
to enjoy the metropolitan conveniences
of Omaha ought to bear their fair pro
portion of the burden ot taxation levied
to provide those conveniences. Mr. Dletz
asserted that a great many men take up
their residences In the suburbs named to
escape paying city taxes In Omaha, and
that before they are granted any more
privileges they should evince a disposi
tion to pay for them. This they can do
by taking advantage of a law passed at
the last session of the legislature by
levying a small tax to pay to the Omaha
library a certain sum per year, which
would entitle them, to take out library
cards on the same terms as Omaha peo
ple. Tho decision to open negotiations with
tho governing bodies of the three sub
urbs was made on roll call. The direc
tors advocating this step took the posi
tion that the usefulness of the extensive
facilities of the Omaha library can be
materially increased If the people of the
suburbs will take the proper step: to
come In on a pay basis. At present many
of them are availing themselves of the
Omaha lists In a more or less devious
way, which tho directors foel ought not
to be longer tolerated. Under tho new
law In question the Omaha board would
not be making money, but the bene
fits of the library to the people would
be widened, as It Is believed the list of
borrowers would be greatly increased.
At present people living beyond the city
limits desiring to draw books from the
Omaha public library can do so only by
raying DO cents a quarter. Action under
the law would abolish this charge entirely.
Vigorous Man of 80 .
Works at I-Bis Trade
Mr. E. B. Norton has found
the fountain of youth, and
he is not at all backward in
passing the good, word along.
During more than fifty years
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
has added many active and
happy years to the lives of
hundreds of thousands, and
is doing the same today,
without a rival.
"I was 80 years old Ue 5th ot
last May, and I have used Duffy's
Pure Malt Whiskey for the last
15 ygars. I am a carpenter and
Jollier, and there is no doubt In
my mind that it was Duffy's Pure
Malt Whiskey that gave me the
vim to work until I was 80 years
old. I have recommended Duffy's
Pure Malt Whiskey to a good
many elderly people, and I cannot
1023 Danforth St., Syracuse, N. Y.
Duffy's Pure FJlalt Whiskey
Is a gentle. Invigorating stimulant and tonic that influences for good every
important organ of the bojiy. It builds up the tissues, tones up the heart,
gives power to the brain, strength and elasticity to the muscles, and rich
ness to the blood. It brings into action all the vital forces, makes diges
tion perfect and enables you to get from the food you eat all the nourish
ment it contains.
It is invaluable for overworked men, delicate women and sickly chil
dren. It strengthens and sustains the system, is a promoter of good health
and longevity, makes the old feel young and keeps the young strong and
vigorous. Its rare purity and honest rlchncts have won the friendship of
the civilized world, it is more than a medicine It will keep you well.
Duffy's Pure Malt Wliixkejr is the only whiskey UuU waa taxed by
The Government as medicine durlug the Spanish-American war.
Sold in SEALED 1SOTTLK3 ONLY by all druggists, grocers and dealers, or di
rect. fl.00 a large bottle. Doctor's advice and medical booklet free on request
The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Itocheater, X. Y.
MR. E. B. NORTON, 80 years of age.
praise it too highly." E. B. Norton,
. mm . B . m r B - . 1 . ,j .
W Ifi) o5L U If oa TO
ffeir Hwor Kftadl
bed the Wami
Tomorrow wo enter upon the second big week of our "CLEAN
SWKKP" PIANO HAI.K. Itemember we are FORCED to remove
these itnno front our floors, as hosts of workmen are waiting to
start work on all of our Xloors repairing tho relllnfls and walls that
were so badly damnired during the early work on the new Woodmen
of tho World building.
The must have room! That's why we are sarrlficing all these
celebrated pianos, all of which have been pnt in excellent shape by
experts and are hardly distinguished from new ones.
Ion't wait another day in the expectancy tliut perbnps Inter on
you will bo able to duplicate these bargains. YOIT XEVEH WlIXi!
We make prices and terms that cannot be duplicated by any Western
Piano House.
Then if Everbody is Satisfied
We are exclusive rep
resentatives for the cel
ebrated Stcinway, Web
er, Stegcr, Hardman,
Emerson, McPhail,Mch
lin, and the hand-made
Schmollcr & Mueller
if!2(X) Cabinet Up
ritfht piano now.
$250 Kimball Up- nn
right piano now WwlJ
$275 Singer Up
right piano now.
$250 Norwood Up- 10C
right piano now. ... .0 1 L J
$2G5 Kiuzio Up- ClQC
right piano now. . . . .0100
$250 Erbo Upright 01 9 C
piano now 01 00
$275 Lexington Up- CM r
right piano now 0140
$275 Sclia for Up- '
right piano now. . . .
$400 Kstey Upright
piano now
$.175 Hardman Up
right piano now. . . .
$400 Knabo Upright
piano now .
$050 Steinway Up
right piano now. ...
$750 Steinway Up
right piano now. . . .
$000 Chiekoring &
Upright piano
SI 85
' Son'
Manufacturers, Wholesalers. Retailers. 1311-13 FAR NAM ST., OMAHA, NEB.
Our Record of 53 Years of Honest Dealing Protects You in Every Deal Ycu Make
fWUMJi-wm''iiLipwir .ijiM.'eiitiia iuiiijiumii.ij.iiji
3 C
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Clothes That Girdle The Globe
Many SINCERITY styles and fabrics come
from England and many Sincerity Clothes
go to Knprland and the continent, with the wearers inside of
them. 1 ney are correct here or oversea, Sound fashion has
no boundary line it girdles the globe.
Whenever you wear Sincerity Clothes you
are kin to the best dressed man. When you
find the label that reads
it is a pledge that every part and process of the tailor
ing has been search-warranted; searched for a fault
and warranted to be free from it.
3 C
3 t
3 C
Nebraska Clothing Company