) . TIIK OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 20, 1911. FilOMIIIEIIT ODD FELLOW SAVED FROM CATARRH BY PE-RU-IIA. f. r I ii f. 8 v 3 a mm mm ..... win : 1 f f f ! : ::'., ......... .... . ., , .. j f I : ':.' r 1 Mr. Ceorfe u.h.r f the AiaMa l.rand Lodle. No. 135. Independent WIS say) V "w ' - W Order Odd renew, Clencoe, Ontario. V ! A NEGLECTEJ COUGH DINGER 01) CAfARSU FJLLOtVEJ. ; " have been using Peruna for some time for a cough and catarrh ! of the throat with vary satisfactory reiulta. i ( "HavlDg neglected the couch, catarrh developed, and my physi- j (lam laid I waa threntened with catarrh of the stomach. My breath ! s waa very offensive, and 1 was troubled with nauaea. ; ' "Less than two bottlea of Peruna cured me." Mr. Geo. Parrott. j t Dyspepsia Twenty Year. C: Mr. Sidney . Weascla, Morrltton, Cpot., Canada, writes: j t'l have been troubled with dya tepsla and Indigestion for twenty rjeare, during which, time I tried dif ferent doctors, but did not get the tfesired reaulta. J have been .compell ed for weeks at a time to give up Jvork. , being eornplotely prostrated, jl had to confine myself to a milk (diet, aa nothing would remain on my jitomach. VI had about given up, thinking tny caae Incurable, when I heard of Peruna and decided to. try It. pa bottle made a groat change, and after using another bottle of this wonder ful medicine, I had complete freedom from pain, my appetite had returned and I could attain enlov mv tnnili. "I bclleva Peruna la the Krandeat medicine under the sun. Today 1 weigh over 225 pounds, is It any wonder that I praise Peruna?": Pneumonia Followed La Urlpx. Mr. T. Uarnecott, Aylmer, West, Ontario, Can., writes: "Last winter I was 111 with pneumonia, after, hav ing la grippe. 1 took Peruna, when 1 became oulte well, snd I ran mv that any one can be cured by It In a rea- BQVDie "mo at little expense." . POLITICAL ADVKKTI8KMKNT. m .: . .... p . nJ'-"'' " O. J. PICKARD. Thtro are two very prominent reasons why Oscar J. Plckard ahould 31 re-elected a member cf the Board of County Commissioners for an- er Una. Tlrst, ho knows alt detalla of the history of the $1,000,000 Wurt house, having been a member cf the board since the project waa f -jut undertaken, and his knowledge and experience will b valuabitt to tli'o county lu the completion of the building. Bcond, Mr. Plckard, aa tSalrman of the committee on roads and highways, baa in three years TiRdo Douglaa county's system of paved roada the best la this part of country, and the county should have bis services for another three Sttrt In extending the system. Mr. Plckard waa born in the county, he Ua been a taxpayer for thirty years and for three years he has been one ft the best commissioners the county ever had. He la a member or no Jlcial clique and has kept himself free from corporation influence. ,il!MiilJllli,.liiH8,iiia!iji,1u,,iuiMj1iiiuiailitmiitt r .in yiiliii:':i;MiiiHMHiiiiMtiuhiMMiiiiiHiiiHTimtr:,5 VOTE FOR Judge Willis G, Sears FOR Judge of tiia District Court If You Approve tl Kit Record on Iha Beach. Uj Komber oi the Vvtlig KtdL'ne Is Ef vei A. D3si Sport tes in Ihd Bee ALDRIGH SENDS HOT SHOTS Governor Kiddles Democratic Pre tenses in Strong Speech. ' ILIS ADVICE TO INSURGENTS tor Democrat Will ! Ilrlp l.a I'ollrttr In rhraaka Whr Repabllrana Hhoald Win la Stale. rCnntlnutKl on Fourth I'aae.) of Colonel Itryan that we keep this tmnch an at present constituted, free, from lai ctvJoui habtta. Iwme morals and booie fighters; In other words wa want no mn upon the benrh who for yeara and years haa been adillcted to the. iib of Intorl catlna; liiior. 1 do not rare what any man's belief or vlrwa tray be upon the control of the liquor traffic, oae thln !a certain, whether a litlKant be a brewer or saloon keeper, he nevarthn'nsn wants hla Intnreatn when ?ttiey ara before this court to ba decided by a ezurt composed of able and eonarientloua UWyera. "So when It cornea to Rlvinit Colonel ISryan'a advice In the matter of tha att prema court aerioua consideration. In vestlKate the ability of the three men he has on exhibition with him threw Units a day In the various town of this state. Theae men up to (lata have had nothing to Kay In their own behalf, but we must excraa thla for they are traveling with Mr. I try an. "One of Mr. rtryan's enhlbtta whom he la advising the pmp!e to place upon the benrh of the supreme court la nn old Kehtleman, grnlal and personally correct In bis habits and morula, but It may be a!d In oil truth thnt he never con ducted a larga or Important caae through tha district and supreme courts of this stale. Record of Iha llepabllcaa. "The republican nominee have for years been upon the district and supreme benoh In this state and have a record that any court anywhere can Justly -feel proud of. Men of larga experience and wide Irarnlng, they will bring to the su preme court distinguished legal ability and attainments that would be of assist ance and benefit generally to the litigants of Nebraska. "In thla show that Mr. Bryan la travel ing with I am most astonished of all In his performer for railway commissioner. It will be conceeded on every hand that tha most Important offlre In the state of Nebraska I a railway commissioner. Not even the supreme court Itself passes upon thing so Important and of such wlda special and unlversay Interest to tha people of Nebraska as does our railway commissioners.- This Office constituting at Is does the people's court, the poor man's court, tha r-h man's court, where'n all meet nn a common basis, should be kept In the hands t ,the peoj)h?snd;pu1 of the hands of tha special Interest. I say to you that a Jpadlng. dmra,la the state of Ne. bra ska, scarcely second In point of influ-noa-end abUUMbovafaaicyan himself, has said and 'UM,-U aai'Ulk that Mr. Harmon, tha democratlo candidate , for railway commissioner la in the hands of the common carriers of thla atat. Ills position and Influence will be used when ever necessary In an important case or ay matter before the communion to ren der -a decision In favor of the railroads, tha - rxpreaa companies, tha telephone companluB and telegraph companies, and diss rob the people of their just rights. i:V il Herlaa-toa and Ilarsnaa. ' ' 'I am unuoq.ualntd with Mr. Harnian. I knpw , udthlng about his personal worthiness- Ur his (a till ity, but I hav a right to take my, choice In thla matter from democratic sources, and I say to you that Mlka P.' Harrington, on or the big Ideinacrats of thla state and nation, Is laying a better foundation for his charges against Mr. liarman than I Colonel Bryan for hi praise and quali fication of Mr. liarman. "The fact Is that Colonel Bryan knows very; little about Nebraska Issue and Nebraska political history of recent years. Thla may aound strange, but neverthe less It Is true. It Is true because h says ao many thlnga that are contrary to the recorded political events as they appear In the last three legislature In the vtate of Nebraska. "A great deal of political history, or economical history, or legislative history, or whatever you may term It, has hap pened and occurred and bean recorded while Mr. Bryan was In China or South America or some other foreign seaport, and he has been so busy advising and prophesying aver since that he has nsvsr taken time to post himself accurately upon what has taken place In the last four or flv years In Nebraska. H only hears It In th form of gossip or Irre sponsible assertions. I say this because of th atrang and Inexplicable advice that Mr. Bryan Is giving to the repub licans of the state of Nebraska. llryan aad the Proarreaalvea. "Mr. Bryan aays to the progressive re publicans or th state. Com and vot th democratlo ticket; Uave your own party. Vot for Senator La Kolletl. th republican. But her wa call a halt and aak why, for what reason ahould w do thlT What la thtr In th record or th history of the democratlo party that would lead a progressiva republican to forrak his own orgaiUsatlon and loin force with a party that both In th state and In th nation haa been a fail ure In constructive statesmanship that ha fJlen down lit carrying forward any progressiva principle of government In th last halt century? A party that 1 today, both in thla atat and in th na tion, reactionary, nonprogressive and hupelessly divided on every great eco nomical question. "In th last two decade the opponents of republicanism In Nebraska bav held th executive office on-half the tlm. have controlled a many legislatures as haa tha republican party. Tell me, what particular piece of progressive legislation haa lt en put through and signed by a democratic executive Independent of th aid of the republican party. "Mr. Bryan tell you that the demo cracy of Nebraska la th progressiva Political orgaulsatlon of th state. Is th organisation that you mutt go to for development and good government, but never doe he give ua any detail, or any circumstance, or tell ua of any legisla tion that hla party has placed upon th statute books. Utawmir Baal Brraa't laawea. 'Voloiiel Bryan for year haa been ad vocating th initiative and referendum, a measure which, both la prlnciul and p.actlc Ui absolutely right, and that tha people ought to have It. Mr. Bryaa haa bea boasting that thla la on of tb tenets of democracy, and aa ttatng aa of tha proud embeUishmrnts that . baa Dia.-keJ hla parti' progress) and develop ments. But what ara tha facta T Three a ago. wit hi a democratic executive nd a democratic- aenate; tha initiative and) referendum, ma&aur cam up In th waa eg tke IVuvbua bill, audi under the leadership of an able democrat, fnr rears Colonel rtryan's boon companion, the in itiative and referendum was defeated in a democratic legislature, and that only three years ago. The Initiative and refer endum, as originally proposed, was bit terly opposed by the democratic majority and never could have been submitted to the people only by reason of the progres sive republicans In the democratic legis lature. vAnd when you come to the con sideration of some moral legislation, I am here to say to you that the 8 o'clock law that this legislature of three years ago boaita so much about, was placed upon th statute books of this state against the will of a democratic majority, signed under dure by a democratic ex ecutive who promised he would not, but did, and because he did, was retired by the democratic party to private life. "Mr. nyan In giving his disinterested advice to the progressive republicans of the state falls to mention these cold facts; fails to point out wherein or In what way the progressive republicans of Ne braska or the nation could have greater Influence than they have in the republi can party. Democrats Are Reactionaries. Mr. Bryan Is, undoubtedly, a progrefslve democrat; Is a genuine patriot, and no body has higher personal regard for him than has your humble servant, but In order to he accurate Mr. Bryan should say open and above board, Mr. I'roxreaslv Republican, come Join my standard, let me be your leader, mine Is the only leadership which can ever successfully give to the state or nation a. true pro gresstve policy. Mr. Bryan might with some consistency say this, and If he did say this, he would speak mote, correctly than he doea when -he advles a whole sale awltchlng to the democratic stan dard, because the democratic party Is reactionary; It cannot be progressive, be cause Mr. Bryan, the progressive. Is without the pale of his party organlxa tlon. He Is compelled to make a cam palgn to be a delegate to the democratlo national convention. In face of the fact that every precedent and every courtesy entitles him to thla position without even asking for It. Bo little faith and so little regard ha Colonel Bryan In the demo cratlc party, and so far have they drifted from hi teachings and hi standards, that he deems the only safe and proper thing to do Is to take a chattel mortgage upon every democratic voter, putting him under bond over his own signature that he will support the Initiative and referendum, and, between the lines, Colonel Bryan a a delegate to th national convention. I say to you that in pursuing this course. Colonel Bryan deems It necessary to do ao because the democratic, organlxatlnn of the state Is against the Initiative and referendum; I against these progressive measure that he stands for, and will defeat them if possible to do so. Leader of Democracy. Let ma call the distinguished gentle man's attention to the fact that when he Is giving advice for the sole and only purpose of disrupting the republican party, that he better look well to his own laurel, for at the present time in the state of Nebraska a powerful organi sation is being formed and completed tit deliver the Nebraska delegation to Gov ernor Harmon of Ohio, candidate for president, and th democratic organisa tion of Nebraska is in favor of Governor Harmon. The Dahlman democracy is for him, and allow me to say further that the democratic organisation, with John C. Byrnes, the corporation lobbyist, as tha state chairman, Is lending his influ ence to the candidacy of Governor Har mon, and ao I say as I said a moment agd, that Mr. Bryan la certainly incori alatent when he tells the progressive re publicans to Join the democratic stan dard. But this advice of Colonel Bryan's is wholly Impractical and political his tory of recent times, and former times, beara out my statement. Mr. Bryan is advising th progressive republicans to leave their party, while If they stay In tha ranka of the republican party they will be and are the controlling force in that organisation; If they leave the re publican party and Join the democratlo ranka they will be in the same situation that the ona day. all flourishing and powerful populist party are now; that po litical party that was the pioneer in pro gressive egl"latlon. loat Its Influence, lost Its identity, lost all of Its power for good when It was absorbed into tha democratic party, and so recalcitrant, and so nonpermeatlng and Impervious to progressive measure was the democratic party that not even th all-powerful popullt party could afford a leaven. The democratlo party la today back to Ita old way and It old tricks, stumbling and blundering along, ignoring progres sive elements like Mr. Bryan following within It ranks, and I aay to you, Mr. oryan, wun aa aincerlty, if you want give real, practical advice, advisa to Join the ra.iks of pro- canlani and under its ill march through to vlc- f.-sr Is jejili of the atat of Nebraaaa loaa an live Jeglxlalarea rn to tha pmrat t'.rw of x-Naie-rrr joinicr! arnratlan or patty ever did. "As I bow nxnember 11. fbere was la that traatt of 1SOT only Eva democrats; thn wan In the bums only a boat thirty feexxrais; oat of a poarrfbla Ul or ft memteri of the leglrlatara there was only about thirty democrats. The rcord of this legislature shows that the republi can membership of both houses stood te the front snd that tluy voted for every progressive measure that was put upon the statute books that winter. "Evety platform pledge of the republi can party was redeemed. There was not a singlo pledge that It was necessary to have a democrat vot to carry I through. There wns hot a single piece o important I- gtslatloa put through that winter that It vns necessary to have om democratic vote to put It through. whIV In tho legislature Ju?t adjourned then was not a rlni?!e decent or moral meat (Continued on Hfth rage.) to your followe. gresslve r bannera you vsi to u will b means good government, representative government and proper government in the choicest and best sens. la Fol lotto's latere! . tampalga. "You advise the nomination of Senator L rullelte. which is wlsa and good, but where will Henator L Kollette be If his followers accept your advice and vote th democratlo ticket? Io you really want Senator La Follette nominated by the republican party? If you do.'advi your followers everywhere throughout this broad land to vole for Henator Follette at the primaries, to get Into th progres.lv republican organisation and e to it that many delegates go to th rational convention and that they vote at th primaries in these several states that are to declare for a preferential choice for president. If you will advls your followers to do thla, my dear sir, you will ho. giving sincere and practical' aavice ana enator Ia Follett can nominated. "Mr. Bryan, if Senator I.a Follette waa nominated, would you vote for him? If you are a progressive., why did you ad vocate i'arker for preaident-the very In carnation of reactlonarllsm-th arch-standpatter-ond advls democrats very wher throughout thla nation to vot for Tarker and against Theodore Roosevelt, th king vt progrslves? "Had Mr. Bryan bten living back In the days of Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. luglae he would hav ad vised tha Lincoln republlcana to aupport Douglaa and he could hav don It for th sm reason and with th same con siatncy that h is now advUlng pro gressiva repubilcaaa to vot th demo cratic ticket and desert th standard of I Foilett. What Hrawbliraa Did. "But Mr. Bryan being abroad, aa I said a little while ago. will atk me, 'What record can you point to, or legislation can you show m that th republican party of Nebraska has put upon th statute books r la answer let m aay to Um karnedl genttetaan that tha legla latur of 1W7. OYrwtalmlng!y republicau. elUi revoMU'afsi guvataar, did uo. SQUARE DEALING IS MORE THAN HONESTY. Extending liberal credit to home makers; delivering gxods when promised; treating everyone who enters the store as a guest; courteous salesmen to wait on you; returning your money if the goods are not satisfactory; and selling only guar anteed merchandise, are all a part of the square deal you receive at the "UNION." We hold the confidence and patronage of thousands of home-kecper3. and we want to do the same with you. "Your Credit Is Good" for a home or any single article. - Jm Jfl a v, arwv , il 'im7fi'Bw,ii I I iji;!' 8.SHMf".iB.' I 'III in;!,.- ' $9.50 For a Regular 515 Howard Overdraft HEATER Howard overdraft heaters will effect a saving to you of at least one-half your fuel bill. They are ao scientifically conatructed that it la absolutely Impossible for them to consume more than half the fuel required by tha ordinary soft coal heater. They have full blue steel hodlea caat Iron top and base and very heavy guaranteed fire pot. Handsomely trimmed In sliver nlukel. $22.50 For a Guaranteed $35 STEEL RANGE TEKMS S.1.00 CASK, 91.00 FEB WEEK The best medium price steel ran8 on tho market todayi Have full Hteel body of cold rolled Bteel, heavily riveted, and lined with asbestos Insu Intlorm. Lut'Ke Hiuare oven, upper wanning closet liand buu.oly nickeled. 1 J 4 4 Vour Old Stove Taken in Exchange on the Purchae of a A'cw Steel Range, t $19.75 This Excellent BASE BORRER For an Excellent $35 Base Burner We offer you an excellent well made base burner, constructed by expert workmen, equip ped with guaranteed firepot; has revolving and shaker grates, nan heavily nickeled swing top with patent magazine cover, patent auto matic feed inaKuslne, lari?e cold air circulating flues, air-tight flttlnt; doors, putent cold air regulators,. large base and heat radiating sur face, and a ba.se burner richly ornamented with Bilver nickel trimmings, at the above low price. Sale of Rugs and Draperies 17.50 Art Reversible rugs, 8x12 CO OS size. Bale price pJ.clO $18.50 Seamless TlKcr Hriibsels CJ-g O rTK rugs, size xl2 ft., sale price O ' $30. 01) Seamless Wilton Velvet P" Q F7K rugs lzo 8x12, sule rrlce ipXO.SO 12.50 Nottingham l.ace I'urtalnR, fl- Of good quality. Hale price, pair p-S--J $5.00 Lace Curtains, pretty pat- B0 fC terns, sale price, per pair . . . . p"trO $7.50 Portlerea, very lieavy qual- flJO HQ Ity, sale price, per pair fpLJO 4 4 $5.15 These base burn ers are strongly constructed, are exceptionally good heaters, have au tomatic feed mag azine, and are handsomely trim med In a durabla nlckal plat. mtfittincrC W It OMAHA v SE-CORJes-JACKSON STS. CONSOLIDATED WITH THE PEOPLE'S STORE. For an Excellent S8.50 Soft Coal HEATER Has full cast iron top and base and full blue steel dfum, heavy grates, screw draft air attach ment for regulat ing the Inflow of oxygen, has pretty urn and la artisti cally trimmed with silver nickel. A first class heater lu every respect. PAINLESS DENTISTRY How Are Your Teett? Are they in good working order, ucmfortabl and of food appearance? If not, we can make them so iq strictly .sanitary, white enamel office, with nil of the latest' scientific, pain- relieving appliances and original methods. Our arsoclato dentist are all wide-awake, up-to-date men of experience, each ona .uvlng been In practice for years. We will do your dental work quickly, akill fu.ly. and with tha least possible pain. W do not make any charge for consultation and estimate of coat. With all completed work w give a '.vritten guarantee. : rr l Pi ZstaaUaaad la 1838. What the People Say- Prominent Merchant's Ex pert ace. Oct. 17. 111. To whom It may concern: After neglecting my teeth for years through fear of tho dentist I was finally forced to have something dona or loaa them all, aa what 1 had left had become loose and very sore. Dr. Kalley tightened the loooa ones and put in bridge work to replace the missing ones, and I am having more comfort than I have had for yeara. I take pleasure In rec omn.endlng Halley, the PentlM, and hia palnlea methods to any one wun bad teeth. Iteapeotfully yours, l)anlel Hedgren. 4222 So. 12th Hi.. On. aha. 20 YEAR GUARANTEE BAILEY THE DENTIST rOHMERLY OF THE PAXTON HLOCK NEW OFFICE-704-10 CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Sixteenth and Harney Streets. Phone Douglas 2568. HOURS 8 A. M. TO A P. M. 8L'.M)AY, TO IS XOOX. fl'T THIS AU OIT TO KIM MK 1 4 4 1 4 1 V ,1