Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1911, EDITORIAL, Image 20

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    "Three timet a day
Mary Garden Tells How She Fought Successfully
'ARY GARDES is almoiit the only prima ionna of
high rank who is not tat, or if not fat, bulky.
Her figure, admired at much at her acting and
often more than her voice sculptors toy, it the most
superb of modern timet.
Hhe wears, at Louise, the tame tkirt the wore when,
fourteen years ago, the made, her debut in that role at
the Opera Comlque. It hat not been altered by an eighth
of an inch. Who ilsa ean report tuch remarkable station
uriness of figure? Miss Garden it not fat, the tayt, be
cause the wilt not permit herself to grow fat.
Here she tells hoxo the rid herself last Summer in six
weeks of thirty pounds of superfluous and unwelcome
By Mary Garden
LAST Summer I surveyed myself
In tlie mirror and decided that,;
1 was too fat. Normally and
usually I weigh 139 pounds., ' I
found I weighed thirty pouuds mdro. .
This Is how I did It:
v As soon as I rluo in the morning I
take ny place on the bench ot a
rowing machine, sclr.o the substitute
for the oars and row, row, row. I
do not row by schedule, for I have
one purpose In this rowing, that Is
to force myself to perspire. I
manipulate the fake onrs until I am
in a profuse perspiration.
When I feel that my pores are
dripping I spring out of the ma
chine, tosj off my nlRht robe and
plunpe into the Ice cold bath my
maid has prepared. Sometimes this
half liquefaction requires twenty
minutes of rowing. Sometimes It
takes less, occasionally more. In
the lato Spring when the body Is
Jieavy from tho rich foods and bod
ily Inactivity of the Winter and
tired with exhausting work, it Is
harder to bring about perspiration
than In the Summer when nature
Last Summer, wanting to rid my
self of that heavy feeling, I literally
bent niysoif to the oars. I rowed In
the morning when I rose. After at
tending to my correspondence, read
ing tho newspapers and making my
plans for the day, 1 rowed again,
and again I went, profusely per
spiring, under a cold shower.
The Telephone Girl Who Asked
a King for a Kiss and Got It!
P a cat may look at a king, may
' a telephone "central" girl ask
for a royal kiss over the wire
and get it?
"Yes," is the answer, and from
no less a king than Victor Emanuel
of Italy and thereby hongs one of
the luoRt charming romantic talcs
In which royalty figures in theie
practical, prosaic times.
Tho heroine, one of the prettiest
telephone girls In Koine, is Slg
norina Maria Carrubetto. She has
scarlet Hps and a cloud ot smoke
colored hair. There Is a curve ot
the Hps and a sparkle In the dark
ye which proclaim that the Slg
jiorina U of a merry disposition, as
ready as any of her comrades, upon
occasion, for flirtatious repartee
with the telephone company's pat
rons. Now, H happen! that Maria's
"central" Is the one which makes
connections for the Qulrlnal all
the department of the king's estab
lishment In Itonie, including the
royal ttables. As it is nut usual far
royal personages to do their own
telephoning, Maria had never heard
Victor Emanuel's voice.
I.Ike the young King of Spain,
Victor Emanuel can be easy and
democratic in his mannerj when he
to choones. That is usually bis
nocd when he makes a visit ot in
epecilcn to the royal stables. The
grooms idolize him on this account,
at d none of them more than does
the youngest and most debonair of
tbein all, whom the King is accus
tomed to greet with a friendly
smile, by name, Gluseppl, and a&k
bow he is getting cn.
Not long ago Victor Emanuel was
Inspecting bis stables, with Gluseppl
in close attendance, when he sud
denly remembered a neglected com
munication dte to oue of his minis
ters. "Clusf-ppl," said the king, "con
duct me to the telephone booth."
At telephone central biKncrlns
Maria waj in a particularly cheerful
jiww iniiriilnir duly the day
f .
I" .
i. ;
in my rower."
After my drive on the Bols I dis
robed and again took my row and
followed with the shower. Before
retiring, once more came the rowing
and the shower, this time tepid, for
the cold shower shocks the nerves
and make one wakeful.
So much do I believe In the me
chanical rowing that I think my ex
cess thirty pounds might have dis
appeared with only this help, but I
gave nature more.
My doctor told me that I would
always keep In form, and by In form
I mean light and slender, If I never
drank 'a glass of water unless I
squeezed half a lemon Into It. I
drink a great deal of water and
always have the Juice ot half a
plump lemon squeezed Into It.
I have never been out to an after
theatre strpper in my life. My
first thought after a performance Is
to get home. When I get to my
rooms I cat a small piece of chicken,
drink a glass or two of water with
the lemon Juice in It, and go to bed.
When I vary this light supper It U
for my favorite dish of crawfish. I
am served with a dozen ot them and
only eat the tails.
To these three rules, the dally
rowing, the Inevitable lemon juice
In the water I drink, and the light,
unfattenlng supper before going to
bed, I attribute my loos ot thirty
pounds last Summer, and my ability
at all times to keep my figure from
before, Gluseppl, employed at the
royal stables, whom she had met
more than once at some working
people's ball, had sent ber a whole
volley ot ardent kisses over the
"Bin." Ahal the royal stables
again. Probably more electric
kisses from Gluseppl!
Hut the voice that demanded con
coction with a certain number was
not the voice of Gluseppl. More
over, it was saying, a bit Impatient
ly: "Pronto, pronto," the Italian
equivalent for "ready," meaning
that the one who calls is waiting to
begin the conversation.
"Aha," thought Maria, "Gluseppl
Msrla Carrubetto, Who Was Kissed
by a King by Wire,
Sunday -Bee Magazine
Copyrlgh. 1911, by
"Then the cold bath."
But besldea these, I am careful
not to do many things that are the
hall mark of the woman who Is too
1 never drink anything stronger
than water. I like beer and stout,
but I never drink either.
Alcohol in any form is 'fatal to
I do not take much exercise out
of doors because I have not time.
But I am always active after I leave
my bed. I am always walking
about. When 1 sit I alt, I do not
lounge, as 1 have seen so many
women do, especially In America, I
sit perfectly up
right, using my
spine for a sup.
port, as nature
Intended It, not
as a cushion. X '
never. lop about''
In a chair. When :t v
1 am restless I
move about tho
I have taught :
myself to stand
correctly, and
when a woman
stands correctly
the parts ot her
body arrange
themBel v e s In i
the right pro
portions. She does not
look baggy nor
American wo
men don't, as a
rule, stand well.
They lean front
or s 1 d e w t s e. "
Some ot them do
this on purpose
to give the Im
pression of lan
gor and Indifference. How
unutterably silly! A wo
man Is at her best when
she Is most alive. Mag
netism is simply the pow.
er to move others. That
is to be like an electtro
dynamo. It is to I've tre.
m e n d o u sly whllo you
Is gay this morning. He is
disguising his voice, think
ing to fool little Maria." So,
with her Hps close to the re
ceiver, she called crisply
over the wire:
"Basta, Gluseppl. Non ml
fal scherxe." (Enough. GIu.
seppi! Quit your kidding.)
And then, archly:
"Non vuol baclar tua?"
(Colloquial Roman for,
aron't you going to give mo
a kiss?)
Just a second of silence,
and then over the wire Into
Maria's delighted ear camo
the unmistakable "cheep" of
a telephone kiss. But the
kiss was followed by this
startling bit of information,
in the same strange vloce:
' "It Is with the compli
ments of your King, Victor
Hearing which, Slgnora
Maria Carrubetto promptly
fainted. She
had to be ex
cused for the
"Gluseppl," said
the king when
he emerged from
the booth, "the
operator at cen
tral has a very
sweet voice."
"Yes. Your
Majesty," said
Gluseppl, blush
ing. "You have
heard It often.
Nearly every day. Your Majesty."
Gluseppl was growing pale.
"She called me 'GiuseppL and
asked for avWks."
"Oh, pardon. Your Majesty!" And
Ciujeppl fell on his knees.
"Gluseppl, are you acquainted
with this girl have you met her?"
"Oh. yes; many times. Your
Majesty. Only pardon"
. "Do ycu love each other?
American-Exaniln-. Great Britain Right" Reserve.'.
"Always the lemon." "And the midnight crawfish.
Against Her Too
Rapidly Increasing
Curves a s.kJr-t&
'',13' - sir
'... .1 ,i 1shri Xj0' ' r-.-H .
- ;Dv &r7' 4fry f - 'rS VISF V
:-m rfM
j : - s
-V.U;.: vi;.v
... -: .vf i t.'
"Devotedly. Your Majesty.
"Ah. Then you havs my
permission to marry her.
Go and tell her that I take
you both under my pro
tection." And the king strode from
the stables.
Poor Signorlna Maria, feeling cer
tain of endless disgrace, could
hardly believe the good news
Gluseppl brought to her.
She is now the most envied and
hanolest talaohana rlrl In Rome.
I r, :ilVV-W i Thi Exclusive
I VJ 'xV ;'V' U 1 One Just Taken.
i 'ilri W V LJ' ' C. AVv. the Siberian.
The Loss of Mary
Garden's Thirty
Pounds Is Shown
Plainly In This
Photograph of
Her as "Natoma"
"And I stand SO not like
An Indoor
j II
AMvra TmpIiip I. pan Crawfish Tails!
Half a Lemon in Every Drinh!
1 U Aitf"
I never allow myself to be bored.
People aak me to places where
they think I am honored by being
present. Perhaps I am, but I am
fearfully bored. When I leave one
of these receptions I am ten years
Alaskan Furs More
HAT Is royalty going to do
for ermine? The supply
of this valuable fur has
been obtained hitherto from Siberia,
but the little animal that furnishes
it is well-nigh exterminated, and
pretty soon It will practically cease
to exist, commercially speaking.
There Is only one answer to the
question. Kings and their consorts
will be obliged to fall back upon
the ermine of Alaska, which ani
mal, though a nearly related spe-
fur very Inferior to
Its pelt Is worth to-
day only one dollar, whereas that
of the ermine of Northern Asia sells
at from ten to fifteen dollars.
Seal alone excepted, the most im
portant fur-bearing animal in Alaska
is the mink. During the last year
23,738 mink skins, valued at $103,-
these other women.
Rowing Machine!
lO Rules for
By Alary Garden
1 Do what the policeman
says, "Keep moving,"
and never grow fat.
2 It is not necessary to be
mountainous to be a
prima donna.
3 Never eat between meals.
Nibbling makes fat.
4 Don't be bored; it makes
you fat.
5 Alcohol kills slenderness.
6 Never drink a glass of
water without the
juice of half a lemon.
7 The line from chin to
bust is noticed first,
and gives the stamp
of your personality.
8 A woman is at her best
when she is most alive.
9 Magnetism is simply the
power to move others. .
10 Life is not from the body,
but from the mind. '
older, and feel twenty pounds
heavier. If you want to keep young
and thin, don't let yourself bo
An Invariable rule of mine Is to
never eat between meals. Nibbling
13 a frightful habit, weight-making
and age-making. I know a woman
who says she eats when she Is lone
some. She shouldn't be lonesome.
There Is so much to do, so much
that can be found to do, It It Isn't
ready at hand, that no one need
fatten herself by unnecessary eat
ing. Let me give you a bit of curious
anatomical history: In 1897, when
I made my debut as Louise, I
wore a narrow little black skirt
that fitted me well. Whenever I sing
Louise I wear the same skirt It
has not been altered a particle.
That means that In fourteen years
my hips have not varied an lota
in size. But in that time my chest
has expanded twelve inches. That
change has all been due to my vocal
lessons. In fine, the lower
half ot my body is as God
made it. I do not know
many singers, so do not
know how they live. But I
think they grow so large
because they lie in bed
too much. It is not necessary
to be mountainous to bo a prima
The policeman gives humanity,
and especially women, good advice:
"Keep moving." If we will follow
It we will never grow fat.
Valuable Than Gold
f)88. were shipped out of the Terri
tory. Next comes the muskrat, with
a production ot 223,893 skins for tho
twelve months of 1910 worth
The Kuskokwlm and Yukon val
leys furnish the bulk of the musk
rat output. The natives of those re
gions use vast numbers of muskrat
skins every year tor clothing and in
barter with other tribes. Their
value is steadily increasing, and, as
a result, the animal Is hunted more
vigorously each season so much so,
indeed, that extermination would
soon threaten it, but for the fact
that the Federal Government has
now made Alaska a game preserve,
and will establish adequate protec
tion for this and other fur-bearing
The total quantity ot furs shipped
out of Alaska in the last year repre
sented a value of $917,625 not In
cluding the skins sent out by mall,
or carried out among the personal
effects of tourists and other travel
lers. Of these pelts, 5,567 were mar
ten, 2.047 lynx. 2,002 beaver. 1,861
land otter, 2,002 white fox, 1,154 blue
fox, 53 silver fox and 2 black fox.
A skin of the black fox. In first
clais condition, is worth $l.w.