Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1911, EDITORIAL, Image 18

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The Omaha Sunday Bee Magazine Page
ift J V-y XV 'X jSSl rOIME. CAVALIERI to-day addresses herself to a common type, the per- Mme.l J v 7N y - II
'yll & r?f rAl ton vvho ii loo tired to take exercise. She outline for them a scriei Lina Vft , , , Jl J
2 'VJ,'i 'rtff'hi hfvJ ft rVi ' Stx v jfe'Sf o valuable exercises that may be taken at the one time when no one should Cavalieri. Vi vv-Xv s- ,
1311 I Tf.VM I ' llf lfviffl 'Jy Ji be tired, in the morning before leaving the bed. ' ' V . . C.J i Y
' I i-'iMjf- Jy (v4 llV'V i?- These exercises stimulate the sluggish circulation and awaken the inactive W-- "'Maw.,. " '
Im "e ChaMCt
i Vut Yv? supple, twirl them ? CSoSOlJf
07 Jj YSL Si . , . :::V J53feSS.J "Lie on the back so that the blood will be evenly distributed throughout the body."
V. r- II . , round and round, i 'i? V i A T
.fl U M . keeping the- elbow. J af Sf JEfr
v M i) A unbent nd finger i '' FttX
By Mme. Una Cavalieri.
MANY persona, when adrlsod
to take exorcise for their
stomach's sake, their llrer's
sake, their comploxlon's sake, ot
Ten for their mind's sake, arntwor:
"But bow can 1? 1 am always so
No one Is always tired. Some
persons are often tired. And some
perxnns think they are always tired.
IJut it la not In the splendid mecu
aniara of our bodies to be always
There are times of the day when,
we are . the strongeKt It depends
upon our temperaments and man
ner of life what time this Is. For
myself, an opera singer, accustomed
to doing my greatest work, beln
keyed at the highest tension, lu I he
evening, when I am to appear beforo
audiences, I am at my strongest.
The American Boy
COLLEQK profer In civil tnfl-
Bferlng is reported to navs aald:
"Tb tt advice I can five to
my graduates In engineering la tnla: 'Let
your competitors sniuks,' "
Tb professor mean: by this that If a
young man Is going Into a builneie or
rof4loa of any kind It will pay him
doubly to leave smoking, drinking, gam
ilng, and the like, to hi eompetltore,
pccaiM taeg srs im-uoer. Hence,
fearing out all that could be said about
these habits, they reduce the actual
working sour.
It la Queer that we count money so
cloeely and never eount days, hours and
minutes. Evea U w live o bs seventy
year ot (. wnlch la far abovs th
average ot human life, we have at our
command only a trifle over twenty-five
.kOU,ui days. If sn American Uoy
lu from .eveoteen to evnty Ms work-
ug Urn Is t enc cut ouwo ,0 nlst,en
thousand day. At th lea caicuia.
tlon he will lep one-third ot this time,
jhlch leaves blm about twelve thousand
day. W eats and nod relaxation
n three hour a day h will use up one--ghtn
el this balancs, or fifteen bun.
ared days, lvlng blm tea "thousand
gv hundred day, or lhre-vntb ot
tii total allowance.
He has now before him a fair time
Uowance Ur work on the bala ot a
aeveniy-jear life.
But h eannot be urs of venty yeara,
Br of on year. The gift of Ions Ufe la
lot promleed. A1 If it were, he may
fcave to reduce hi ten thousand nv huu
dred day Bur or leee oonaideiahly by
narcms agalnet them day of tllneaa, o
Menl. enforced Idleneaa twhen thr I no
Work to be bad), and a on. 'i'bua, his lea
thoueand Sve hundred daya, out of an
Uncertain eevemy )erre. dwindle again.
If he can be assured of one-thud ot
t: time fur work, he I probably count
ing en the minimum. Yhla Is about
fi-ot thousand d.
I there anything the American Boy
can do tu Insure his time? A there Is
tio way by which he can be aseured of
seventy yeeri. which yield only about
eight thouaand day of work, the beet
thing be esq do Im to Injure hie time
Oay by day. There U eome uncertainly
even In Una. but le. him have fall that
tie can do ihia Th chances are la hi
. "ns')"::,,:;f t "-wv" 'J , . 'v ,x v , . x,' ' , - , t N.
L2j,:fe swg- -
"Lying on the back, raise each leg
knife half
my energy being at full tide, In the
evening hours. The person who li
accustomed to do his work from
sun to sun may awake strongest
in the morntng. Others feel strong
est at midday.
But there is a time when ho is at
any rate "least tired" when ne
On day equals twenty-four hours. If
th Amerlctn Boy te his own boa, be
can work a many ot the twenty-four
hour a he please. A sufficient aleep,
properly eaten food and oleanllneia are
th baals of health, he will learn what
time he must devote to them. They are
more hU bualnee than hi actual work.
for work depend on health and health
come from proper sleep, food and car
of th body.
Now, with the work hour befor him,
he I niaetec of a situation that will
yield him power and Independence U.S.
1( he does that, he ha aoid
out to th enemy.
An American! Boy become hi own
competitor when h Introduce Into
working hours, tlme-deatroylng activities.
There Is considerable grim humor
lU tb j.opular laying; "If whiskey
,nt,rfere, wn your bullneMi s,v.
business." It sounds Ilk a Joke, but
It has a baal of truth in It, for It may
be translated Into tula formi "If wbla
key Inierferea with you- builnesa, it
will probably kill both th bualnesa
aud you"
It must be clear now, to tb Amerl.
can Uoy, what th college profeaaor
Lot th other man kill hi buslneaa.
If a wante to; but you atlck tlsht
to youre, and get something out ot j
wiwr vi nfj wvrftiug aay.
And even If you do thl. tlier la
till another thing for you tu do. If
you want to uiak the moat of the
other inun'i weakneea. It ia thte:
Uo nothing- OUTtiUE OF Hl'SlNES-i
HOURS that will enj you back to
your Job the nest morning with a bad
The brain, the nerve, th musoula
cyetem are your ecrvants with which
to net work done. Jt le poor economy
to malm aud dratroy the very aervant
on which you depend for aucreaa.
And, si'tuklng of auccees. It alwaye
become a queeilon whether th
American lioy caree more for hie fu.
ture. ludepeuUenc and character thaq
he doee for hli atomach.
If he aeta more etoie by the former
he will be a man among men; If by
the Utter, there U no clasninuatlon for
htm, becauee the lover of evil thing
fur the stomach I neither a true man
nor a true animal.
A true man eat and drlnkg to live.
n e rui eiimisi never ueaa lor a
rina at in oacx door or a saloon
CopyrlrM, 1911, bjr
until the body is like a pen
should have exercise. The theory
that a young person who is growing
requires exercUe, but the growu
person needs no more than Is In
volved in his dally work and every
day pursuits Is , old fashioned snd
not deserving of consideration. The
man or woman who spends all day
In an office assuredly needs exer
ctso to rid his body of the poUnns
accumulated during thu day. Such
persons should munagn to secure
some out-of-door exercise If It Is
only In dropping off the street car
a few blocks before reaching home
and. walking rapidly, pumping some
fresh air into the lungs starving for
But for all ,tlred persons, what
ever the occupation or manner of
life, these exercises nre practicable,
for they take but little time and re
quire no gymnasium because, they
can be taken on whnt all of us pos
sess, our beds. t'hitoRo the time
when you feel freshest, either at
night before falling asleep, or lu the
morning ou awakening.
Lie flat upon your back, to that
the head and fet will be of
nearly th ssme height, and th
blood b vnty distributed through
out th body. Lying thus, prs gen
tly but slowly snd firmly upon th
abdomen with th palms. Begin at
th hips and successively press with
th palms until th finger met.
Then begin again at th walt
n i' r- a - .... " , V"-' Tmi " "' "p"" " I
1 :
Amerlran-Eitamlnf.-. Creat Britain
I "-'Vv.. 5
"The rocking exercise it admirable
Rljfhts Reserved.
is helpful to the weak back."
line and continue the preure down
ward and toward the centre until
onoe more th finger tip meat.
So contlnu until vry part of th
Dwarf Forests Which Grow in Winter
INCIDENTAL to a study which
the Forest Service has been
making of the pigmy forests in
southern California, many curious
and interesting facta have been as
certained. They are, it appears,
true forests, but composed of oaks
and other kinds of trees, which,
owing to deficiency of moisture and
other adverse conditions, have be
come dwarfs.
Such "elfln woods" are found in
several parts of the world. In
South America they occur in the
coast region of Chile; in Europ
and Asia along the borders of the
Mediterranean and eastward Into
Turkestan; In Africa on a small
area to the west of th Cape of
Ciood Hope.
A characteristic tree ot tha pigmy
forest in southern California is the
evergreen "scrub oak," known to
the botanist aa quercus dumosa,
which, under favoring conditions,
attains a height of twenty-five feet.
for stirring up stagnant circulation."
abdomen has received the gentle
pressure several times. Do not
persist in this until the muscles
feel sore, which, at any rate, Is not
likely to hsppen, If the pressure Is
light, as I have advised.
This exercise is of great value If
the intestines are
Without othor
help complex
Ions have been
cleared aa if by
magic after a few
weeks of these ex
ercises. . To atir up stag
nant circulation
this Is better. Still
lying on the back
as directed, go
over the abdomen
lightly and quick
ly with the finger
tips, giving every
inch of the sur
face a quick, sharp
patling. Complete
this stsge of th
exercises by gent
ly kneading the
abdomen with the
Let this be fol
lowed by the rock
ing exercise. Still lying on the back,
slowly raise the body until the
weight rests upon the forearms and
the soles of th feet. Supporting It
thus, fancy that your body Is a ham
mock and awing it lowly and regu
larly from side to side.
A fourth exercise Is one which is
borrowed from the aetunlly lower
anlmula, but it proves that we can
learn from all beings. This has
been taught us by the despised pig.
Have you watched him rubbing his
backbone against the railing of tils
stye and grunting the while as
though he experienced the utmost
satisfaction? And so he did, for
he was massaging the nerves and
with a spreading crown and a stem
a foot in diameter. In the elfln
woodland, on the other hand, it fre
quently forms a dense thicket only
eight or ten feot high.
As one advances into high lati
tudes or climbs to corresponding
altitudes, trees diminish In stature.
A similar phenomenon is observed
as one enters desert regions, though
the result ia a dwarf forest of an
entirely different kind. In either
case, of course, the dwarfing is due
to a struggle against adverse con
ditions. But in parts of southern
California there Is a combination; ot
conditions which produces a pigmy
woodland that leaves out both the
alpine and the tropical species. It
Is altogether peculiar.
The fact that the pigmy forest
often forms an almost perfect min
iature of the typical woodlands of
the temperate cones naturally sug
gest that dwarf trees are the
stunted survivors of full-sized speci
mens which once covered the same
areas. This, indeed. Is probably the
fact. Accounts of early explorers
appear to show that the white men
who first reached the coast of
southern California found full
grown forests where the elfln
woods now flourish.
muscles along his spinal column,
awakening them to new life and
stimulating every pnrt of the body.
This la what we do when, clench
ing our hands and holding them be
neath us, we draw the back up and
down over the knucklea. Thla ia so
fatiguing that three or four move
ments of the body back over the
knuckles are enough. ,
Lying on the flat of the back,
raise each leg several time until
the body ia like a penknife half
open. Alternate until the muscles
are tired. Thla Is one of the best
exercises for reducing a high abdo
men. While atlll lying In bed, utilize a
few minutes, if not more than two
or three, In vigorously masssglng
the acalp. You will be rewarded by
the new beauty and vital appearance
of your hair all day.
To make the arm supple and
graceful, raise one at a time, then
both together, above the head. Twirl
the arms round and round, keeping
the elbow unbent. Spread the fin
gers apart and let the hand bend at
the wrist. Pretend that you are try
ing to shake the hand loose from
the arms,
These exercises can bo finished in
fifteen minutes. If taken ia he
morning, and followed by deep
breathing at the open window, and
dri:iklng two or three glasses of cool
or hot water, according to taste, this
series of exercise ia an excellent
preparation for the day. If, on the
contrary, you awaken with a feeling
of lassitude and dou't feel equal to
the exercises, try them at night
Tliey may enable you to sleep better.
I have known persons who bad vigor
and determination to take the exer
cises In both the morning and even
ing. You will be the best Judge ot
which agrees wtth your needs nud
habits. But choose that and persist
In It. and your reward will be better
health, improved spirits and greater
A visitor from the East, seeing
the pigmy forests of southern Cali
fornia for the first time, feels as If
he were entering a new world.
Everything seems to be topsy-turvy.
We. usually think of springtime as
the season when plants begin their
growth, and when trees aud shrubs
spread a new foliage, which re
mains green until Autumn. In the
elflnwoods this is reversed, and
most of the growth Is accomplished
during the Winter. Through the
Bummer season the mountains are
browu, and from a dlotuuce look
lifeless, but Immediately on the ad
vent of the Winter rains thoy put on
a venture of green, which remains
all Winter Jong.
One may add that the pigmy for
est In places assumes buch a
density of growth that passage
through it Is impossible, save by
clearing a path with the axe. It Is
literally u continuous und well-nigh
lrr. penetrable thicket, the matted
vegetation being rendered still moi
impassable by the sbarp-poIiite,
spines with which many of the tin
trees are formidably armed.
One upon a tlrr. a very cool man
called on his doctor and asked hlra fur
medical edvice
"Take a tonic and dismla from your
mind all that tends to worry you," aald
the doctor.
Several month afterwards th pa
tient received a bill from the doctor
atkiinj hlra to remit US, and nwer4
u thus;
"Uear Doctor J have taken a, ton!
and your advice. Your bill tend to
worry me. eo dlamie It front my
Moral Advice aometlmea defeat Its
"Thla la ihr fourth eeaion I have met
you at this watering-place. Misa Brown,
and every time yju appear lea )eui