Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 12, Image 12

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The New Arrivals in Fashionable Fall and Winter Apparel
Women's Goats, Suits, Furs
All Revealing Those Smart Touches of Individual Style That Characterize
All Apparel That Is Up to the High Standards of Quality.
"jit Wif' r
J nmnlm'u mnct A I spri mi nn i ! n it Tvortion rnnip in Urnndeis. niiturnllv. when thov sppk fnll find Tcinfnr nnnnrpl .-7r lins rnnin in he rp-
'garded generally as the store whore women of good taste prefer to shop. The varieties we offer give a chance for. the expression of
individual tastes.
Mill u ISpI i
' Ptl fa f$ iff!
if n t I I u ! F . I'l d
ll! : )M '
Hi 111. -v
' 1 mm L'r IP
I !"i 10u ftro always ""'6 01 uranaeis greater variety.- iuii are biwbjs sure 01 uranueis nigner quaiuy.
Pk Rlnck Broadcloth Coats Women's'Stunning . . c p s .
Hi Arbe-demand Is greater than ever for these coats and wo I WeW' OUltS at 3i Genuine Mink Sets at RIO, 03- 80. $98 and $150
'"'K have the variety you want to select C1Q I No tner Kroup of suits in Omaha Fine lilack Fox Sets fit JjvJO. S-19. S(9. S75 an(1 $98
1 'Wti )Wf ' lru,u- "I'le'-uiu buuib i i ai iius price can oe ior an instant i "" i ;?. ;j u puy
L,;W5 ,l : I compared with these in quality, in Klne Urown Martin Sl'ts at... 19, $79. $89 and g8
tim :.V NPW VelQUr Coats at $32.50 . .style or in fine workmanshin. Sea- Bla'.k and Natural Uatcoon BeU at S39. $10. SG9
:tw Itf.'Z-n. TT-N.-'i1 ctji" - -r " : 7. . ' .... . na . Sj
Ull'-vJ? 'Wftf rvi.y Boaullful dressy, silk faced velour, plain or braid trimmed. I son . oesi moaeis, yv Blended Sable Squnrrel Sets at ....$25. $35 nd SIO
Blended Brook Mink Sets at
Women's Sample Suits at $25.00
Special purrhaRo from a famous New York den!gner and tailor all
extremely well ninilo of wool fabrics, ,
. . . m-w
Women's Fine Sample Dresses, $15 and $25
pcores and scores offstunnlnf? dresses and gowns from our great pur--.
thsse of a New" York makers Nearly all are samples all exclusive
-styles no two alike. Many very, elaborate. Worth CJ9 fift
UP to B0, at 91.1.0U and ', . ' Ht&O. Vl
Woman's Practical New Wool Tailored Dresses In a variety of new
f; ';.. ...S6.98
New Reversible and Mixture
fany are the double face cloths now in such
high favor. They are those warm, roomy, prac
tical 'models; three great groups $
at $12.50,
lels; three great groups $4 Pf
', $15.00 and 1 .OU
New Sealette Plush Coats
There are many new arrivals in these beautiful new coats.
They will give fine service and they are$ f
wonderfully popular among good dressers
Silk Waists Special at S5.0D
Clever new Waists or silks, chiffons, messallnes, etc.
prettiest of new styles Cjp?
special, at iU
Elegant New Silk Waists
The season's daintiest novelties, beautifully made, dell-
a?!! S10-S15
New Herald Square and King
The highest grade tailored (4 QQ 4-. CR
waists made, at... '. OX.ZJO LO 3U
12.50. $15. $1J
Blue and Black Wolf Sets at $10. $25. $35 and $-10 . ,
Beautiful Grade of !Fur Coats
52-incli Genuine Hudson Seal Coat at $159
52-inch Genuine Near Seal Coat with liuccoon collar and
cu's, at V., ........ .' ....'....$75
52-inch Electric Seal Coats, at : . . . .' J $69
52-inch fine, silky, lustrous liussian Pony Coat at $49
52-inch fine selected and matched liussian Pony Coat. .$89
A full length 52-inch Genuine Alaska Seal Coat-new fall
staple cut; worth $1,100 special at , $795
A full 52-inch Genuine Seal.Coat, large collar and cuffs;
guaranteed brocade liningj worth $900 special at $595
Your Unrestricted Choice
Any Woman's Hat
In Our Entire Stock ,
That Has Been Selling up to $30
. At Exactly Half, Price
This is a semi
annual event in
which' we oHer
all our finest fall
and winter hats,
Parla , -patterns,
New Tork. de
elgns, dresl haU,
evening hats and
street hata. V Evi ,
crythlng that has
boon aelling .at'
$10 or more,' at,,,
Just price.
New Arrivals of Exquisite ' 't !'
Dress Silks and Velvets
Monday a special, showing of stui)iiing robes in
chiffon cloth, .marquisetto with border founda
tions, satin crepo 'meteor, Lyons silks from
hand looms for afternoon and tf (?C
evening gowns, at. vl I" vJ
Kadame Butterfly 24-in. All Silk Marquisette
Plain and brocades, self-tone and glace effects; fff or
1.75 and $1.50 values, at yard $1.?
Black and white Pckin stripe silks, the height of fash
; ion; 20 to 27 inches wide, at yard . . . .GO,to $1.25
Extreme novelties in Silk Bordered Crepe de Chine, spe
- dally adapted for dress foundations, etc.; worth $1.00
. and $1.20, at yard G9?
$1 and $1.25 Silk Paon Velvets, lu 37 different shades,
t yard ,. 00
:One square with all silk mesHallncs, taffetas, foulards,
. crepe de chines, etc.; worth 75c yd., at yd 39
Another square of dress and waist log Bilks, Terslan and
Bulgarian printed Mescalines, etc.; worth $1.00 and
$1.25. at yard COO
Oc6 trjroctal tfqtiare of high class silk novelties, French
r silk plaids, satins, etc.; worth up to $1.50, at yd. 70
An End of October Sale
Imported and Domestic Dress Goods
Mostly in 54-inch materials, medium hard twist
- ed dress fabrics, homespuns, cheviots, diagonal
suitings, French and Costume Pfkn 7Ql
serges, etc.; at, yard. UvL"l JL
Dress Goods on Front Bargain Squire
"All this season's serges, panamas, barred and
checked dress goods, novelty suitings a posi-
tive saving of one-third to one-half ; CA
'-at, yard .'. .3UL
:36-inch Basket weave dress goods in 18 OT
different colorings; basement, at, yard. . .Dv
:"IIave you seen those beautiful two-faced suit
ings, plaid and plain backs, requiring no lin
:. ingsT 54 inches wide; at, yd. $2.50, $3.25
42-lnch wool taffetas, the genuine Fred K. Arnold,
Oreis, Saxony, goods, at yard $1
60c, 27-lnch Jacquards, yard 250
C9c, z7-mcn jacquardg and dots, yard ......... -2O0
tu.ii waist paiierns or EOiieiie, ai each "Jl
UV I nvT?S Til 1TPT 15 X Ty?i
:lTiiilttUlCl.7- the iUliLdL'iL ILlL
, ..... ... .
At no Time in our Business Career Haye We Been Able to -Offer
Such . Splendid Bargains as Will be Offeredvin This Blanket Sale
All week we have talked about it all week crowds have stood before our 12 great show windows marvel
' ; Cy--L Wng:: "How can they joe sold so cheaply ?" '
;15,O0O.vPaif$pBla in This Sale Bought by us at a Wonderful bargain
; ; . i. , - , .... '
Wo douht if ever again we, or any other store in America will he in a position ; to offer such wonderful
. blanket bargains. '
u AH Wool Blankets Worth (9 ;50
$5 and $6 at
In this lot are all of the $S and $6 strictly-all wool -block
plartis, "cheeks and broken- plaid blankets in.tan and white,
blue and white, grey and white, red and black, etc., weigh
ing about five pounds to a pair and all'of them pv
' 1 1-4 and 12-4 sizes. Your unrestricted choice S ijlf
of these tomorrow, at, per pair
DrCozar Blanket Worth
up to $13.75 a Pair at
In this lot'are the, well known Dr. Cozar blankets adver
tised in all magazines -at- $13.75 a pair, together with an
lroniense lot of fancy plaid and novelty dainty colored
blankets, the' usual price of which is $12.50 A r (
a pair. Everythihg in this lot goes on sale
$15.00 Blankets at
$7.50 a Pair
In t,Uls lot are the extra large Dr.
' Cozar blankets,-white and. sanitary
. color, together with 12-4 and -1 3-4
fancy white blanket with deep gros-araln-
silk binding. It is sufficient
to say that no better- am a
blanket .can be made i Jill
than these, at, pair. . . . . .V w v
$5.00 All Wool 11-4 Blank,
ets at $1.98 a Pair
This is a lot of all wool, fine soft, tan
colored' blankets, full 11--4 " size,
weighing ,fivo pounds to. a . pair,
equal to any, wool blanket (ft a
. priced at $4.00 or $5.00 to go VI
at ner. nair. v
- . .
$7.50 Single Blankets
- at $1.55 each
One big lot of nearly 2,000 11-4
and -12-4 all wool blankets in plain
white, gray and tans in checks and
plaids worth from $6 to $12 a pair
and made by the manufacturer of
' Pullman Car blankets and
of extra heavy weight to
be used one on a bed, each .
$10 Sleeping Porch Blankets, $3.98.
A lot of Maolnao Wool blankets. These are extra heavy
green, red and black blankets. They are in weight and size
intended . for outdoor Bleeping porches. The usual
' price on them is from $7.60 to $10 a pair.
They are going to be sold Monday, at, per
One Lot of All Wool Navajo Blankets
One lot of all wool Navajo blankets. These are exact
copies of the hand made Navajos and are intended for
ccuch covers, lap robes, automobile robes, etc. Usual
price is from $0.00 to $7.50. These
are going to be sold, at, x
These are in sizo one-half of a single blanket. They are what is known -as " "Drummer's A
Type. They are suitable for small beds, cribs, etc., and are of every conceivable make of all-wool jyS
blankets and will be sold at, each
One lot of steamer robes, always suitable for automobile robes, with coat, each,
. I I i - - .A nan
New Models in La Vida Corsets Here
No corset was ever more popular in Omaha. Brandela
Is exclusive agents and we show the complete range of
faU styles and models ro perfectly adapted to the grace
ful American figure. We have the exact model for you.
Hear the
iily Vlu
lrul coo
car t u
Victor Oi-
Every af
ternoon in
Assemb 1 j
Kooni a
free concert.
Special Sale and Demonstration
of Cooking With the
Yfear Ever Aluminum Cooking Utensils
In Our Chin Dept. Oct. SO to Nov. II.
AVa are thoroughly convinced that Wearever Aluminum la the most
economical for you today. Buy a kttle in Wearever for $2 that will wear
10 years, and one of the cheaper for $1.50 that will wear two years. Which
la the cheaper? Don't waste money buying inferior aluminum ware, it's
poor economy. You save money by buying the best in the beginning.
Wearever la sanitary, easily cleaned
and always retains Its handsome ap
pearance. Careful selection, superior
Quality and a larger variety are the
features that distinguish Wearever from
all others.
Come In and look over our extensive
new line, and if you don't buy, it will be
because you don't need aluminum ware.
In order to Introduce our new line of "Wearever" aluminum
ware to the trade quickly, we are giving with this coupon and
UIK- handoome eareer aaurepun like illustration.
Bring it with you and get
one of the Aluminum Sauce
Pans from our demonstra
tion, at 29c
Drandels is Exclusive Agent for
Munsing Underwear
It fulfills every wish for
comfort, fit and durability
In Munsing Under
wear you get perfect
fit 3nd superior wear
ing qualities.
Women's Vests, Pants
and Union Suits All
weights and all sizes at,
per garment
Women' Fine lubbcd
Warm Fleecy Lined l'n
Ion Suits Regular and
out sizes; worth up to
$1.50, at garment 7J)
Women's Fine a Ilihbed
Fleecy Lined Vests, and
Tttiifs Regular and ex.
tra sizes; worth 60c a
garment, at ....39
Misses', Children's and Hoys' Warm, Fleecy Lined Vests
and Pants All sizes; special, at a garment ..'..23
Misses' and Hoys'. Fine and Heavy i;ibbed Fleecy Lined
Union Suits, at, each f 40?
Misses', Girls', and toys' Munsing Underwear Vests,
pants and union suits, fall . and winter weights; all
sizes, at a garment 49 75 08 and $1.50
V... . (r - I
The Choicest Novelties In High Class
Laces & Dress Trimmings
Silver and gold Metallic Laces, new East Indian ef
fects, Macrame Laces, Real Irish Crochet, real Princess,
new effects in Venise, Crochet, Baby Irish, etc.; also rich
beaded Pussementeries in silver, gold and Oriental ef
fects, silk and beaded Fringes, Beaded Garnitures,
Girdles, Tassels, Cords, Buttons, etc., etc., at very spe
cial prices.
Brandeis Sells Perrin's Gloves
2-clasp effects In finest Grenoble kid, Paris Point or
embroidered backs; in the newest shades for street
and evening wear including grey, navy, brown, tan,
beaver, champagne, white and tfl CA CI 7C 04
black; fitted to the hand, pair . . ,13U$ 1. 1 "$Z
We are exclusive Belling agents ior these celebrated gloves.
Women's Genuine Arabian Mocha, Lambskin and Cape
uioves urey, macK, tan, navy and white;
fitted if desired, pair
Monday Specials in Linen Dept.
Hatli Towels Good size,
bleached bath towels,
hemmed or fringed ends;
- usually sell for 15c. at
each 10
Table Damask Excellent
quality mercerized table
damask, full CS in. wide;
always sella at 50c a yd.
Monday, at 20
Special Sale of Bed Spreads
Large size fringed spreads with cui corners. These
spreads are good weight and tome in choice patterns,
at S1.G9
Hemstitched Table Cloths
These cloths come In a beautiful range of patterns
2x2 V4 yards in size; worth up to $1.75 each a special
group, at each OS
Hallowe'en Novelties
Nowhere in Omaha can you see Hallowe'en
Novelties in such variety as you find here. Hun
dreds of novel designs in table favors, decora
tions, lanterns, candy boxes everything for
party and home decoration.
Special for Monday Large Pumpkin Lanterns,
the regular 5c sixe, at ,
S p. m.
( pe ratio
1 i
. amuse
ment novelty
is our