Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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" - : - . - - .- Lih-T3
WT Moot Ttnt It.
gyptian Chocolates SOo, Myers-Dillon.
Oae, B Wo. 1 Utnres. BugHi Otudm
writ I. W. Blauabora Douglas 11S,
In new phone book.
Ball for Charity The annual charlt
ball of tlx Onuhi Jewish Ladies- Keitel
society will bo held Thursday evening,
NovenJSor 2. In the Auditorioura. Flans
are being made to make the affair a huge
aucefna and an elaborate program Is being
Br. aterrlatn'g Paper Published An
Intei estlng paper lead beiore tne last
meeting ct the Medical Society of tha
Missouri Valley by Dr. U A. Merrlam on
"Etiology and Tteaiment of Ecaema," has
been printed in the Medical Herald (or
November, published at St. Joseph. Mo.
Old Seed Recorded A. deed haa been
recorded for the transfer to M. L. Learned
from the Penn Mutual Life Insurance
company of property on the west side of
North 61kteenlh, just north of the alley
between Webster and Burt streets, the
consideration being J 15. 000. The purchnse
v as made a year or two aso.
Pharmacy Students Glre Dance The
stuuents of the Creighton Cohere of
Pharmacy gave a progiam dance Thurs
day evening at the Crelghton Institute
hall, this being the second social event
of the season to be given by them and
the biggest and most eventful affair of
the kind ever given by any department
of the university.
Bosewate on Peace Committee On
request of Dr. Nicholas Murray liutler.
representing the Carnegie Endowment for
InternaUonal Peace, Victor Rosewater of
The Bee haa accepted an Invitation to
serve on a cUlien's committee on the rati
fication of the arbitration treaties, made
up of representative men from all sec
tions of the country, of which Joseph H.
Cheats Is to be chairman. The purpose
Is to arouse publlo opinion in the Interest
of the world peace movement, and par
ticularly the pending arbitration treaties.
Coroner Puzzled
in Grossman Case
The death of Charles Grossman at the
county hospital recently has taken on an
elr of mystery since a woman yesterday
telephoned the coroner and . police that
the man had died of gunshot wounds. The
woman haa not been located and slnco
she keeps her Identity secret the au
thorities are In a quandary how Grossman
died. The coroner last night said the
woman who had talked to him by tele
phone yesterday had not shown any fur
ther Interest In the case.
Grossman formerly lived at 2310 Web
ster street and about three weeks ago
was taken to the county hospital. He died
later and the body was sent to the Duffy
& Boland morgue where It haa remained
hince whtle a search for relatives la being
At the time of the man's death there
r.ere no evidences of violence unless two
Inconsequential abrasions on . the head
could have been taken as such.
Hackney Auto Plow1
Attracts Attention
A three-bottom, "th ree-wheeled, i forty,
horse power auto plow, exhibited at ma
chinery : hall by the Hackney Manufac
turing company jot St. Paul, has 'been at
tracting' intense attention "from visitors
who are Interested In the more modern
methods of farming. Two plowing dem
onstrations have been given by II. A.
Hanson, Ih charge of the exhibit, and the
machine,' resembling a huge touring car,
worked perfectly. No- other power plow
of a similar nature has been shown In
the west and the Hackney has caused a
wave of comment, because It Is adapted
to the needs of the small farmer as well
as the large. Like other tractors. It will
pull heavy loads, can be utilized tor any
power purpose on the farm, and when In
the field will turn corners with as much
accuracy and In as short a space aa the
ordinary gang plow pulled by horses.
Reoeption is Given
to Father Judge
Overjoyed at being able once more to
greet bis conim'tration in good health.
Rev. Father P. .1. .hid of the Sacred
Heart church fared teveral hundred of
his parishioner 'k: night at a reception
in Lyceum hull m Twenty-second and
Blnney streets. Ketlinsly he thanked the
faithful ones for thr-u- demonstration.
Father Judge exprrfsMl appreciation of
the work accomplished by Father Glee
son and Father Hurley and his aorrow
because Father Gleeson is to leave
Omaha soon and has been forced to sub
mit to an operation. In closing Father
Judge told of his trip to Ireland, Eng
land, France and Germany and spoke
of the benflts to his health he received
on his tour.
Three Little Tots
Drink Much Booze
Mrs. John Ha,ta, 1343 North Eleventh
street, slipped away from home tor a
few minutes to call on a neighbor at
noon Friday. When she returned her
three little boys, aged 2, S and 4 years,
were soused, pickled, Intoxicated, glori
ously splfflleated. While the mother was
out they chlldlessly ran across a quart
bottle of whisky. They liked the taste
of It and managed to get rid of every
drop. Dr. Iangdnn was called and with
the use of emetics, bromides and the like
put them on the way to recovery, but he
says they will hare awful headaches in
the morning.
The Llnlnger Travel club of the Omaha
High sfhool held a meeting at the
Llnlnger art gallery Thursday afternoon.
lCula Crawford, the retiring president,
acted as chairman until Florence Lake,
the newly elected president, was installed.
Miss Crawford spoke briefly to the mem
bers of the club and complimented them
on the work accomplished last year. Mrs.
H. Haller, the club patroness, and
Miss Wallace, of the high school faculty,
then discussed the work of the club for
the coming year, after which the other
officers were Installed and the meeting
adjourned. Refreshments were served and
a "social hour" held for the benefit of
the new members.
Other oft leers 1 acta lied were: Gladys
Lane, vloe president; Marguerite Carpen
ter, secretary; Evelyn NeU. treasurer;
Erdlce Baumgarten and Lillian Johnson,
scrgcants-at-arms; Dorothy McMurray
reporter. Misses Browne, Dudley and
Wallace and Mrs. Atkinson will be club
teachers for the year.
rV ""v ran Tx .. r &
y9 552s, oip
Gentlemen, the above prices enable you to buy good, reliable suits ami overt-oats. At each
price mentioned you will get exceptional value. Each price, represents the money necessary
to buy n better garment than was ever offered you before-whethcr suit or overcoat at any
of the above prices, the value is greater than you expect. And theso prices have been made
with one object-to give the most for the least money. We sacrifice nothing-except the price.
We give you stylish, good tailored, and correct fitting clothing. The clothes are all new, the
styles are all this season's. The largest stock of clothing in Omaha is here awaiting your in
spection. Our clothing is made in the best tailor shops in New York, Chicago and Rochester and no
one shop supplies us. Only the best makes am represented in our store. We are not tied down
to any one, two or three makes. We decide what lines to sell and sell the best.
Men's Underwear
Ho careful wliero you h'iy your underwear
don't taKo any chanrns by buying your under
wear of Ihe overate alorrs. Choose) your under
wear like you rhoogo your physician. The
underwear buslnea Is a profession with us we
linve provided qualities of dependability and at
prices that cannot bo duplicated.
Men's Union Suits
$1 00, $1.50, $2.00 to $5.00
Two-Pisce Suits
45c, 75c, $1.00 to $2.50
Men's Gloves
We Sell Adlers' Gloves
For fifty years this has been one of
the best gloves sold In America. We
have sold them for 26 years in this city
from actual experience we can rec
ommend them.
Light weight French Kid walking
glove, tans, browns and slate
at fl.oo, 91.60, 99.00
Heavy out seam Cape Walking Gloves,
tans and browns . . . .91-00, $1.60, 93.00
We also have complete lines of e!lk
lined Capes, Kids and Mocha gloves
and mittens 91.00, 91 00, 98.00
We show the most complete assortment
of children's, boys' and youths' gloves
In the city, sizes 3 jears to 18 years,
at 90o to 91-00
Young Men's Suits and Overcoats
These Suits and Overcoats are mado especially for young men. To illustrate this a small
sized man's suit on a young man will hung to him like a bag, but a young man's garment
with its graceful waist line and close fitting collar and young looking pattern scheme will at
once prove that young men require young men's garments. More young men every day are
realizing the vast difference between our clothes made to fit young men and the usual small
sized men's suits or overcoats.
$7.50, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $18.00 and $20.00
At school your boy feels better, and studies better when he is well dressed. It costs so
little to dress him properly-with good, strong, serviceable clothes, that there is no excuse for
his wearing his old suit or overcoat. This season's nowest and handsomest clothing for boys'
is priced especially to enable you to clothe him ,at a small outlay. Our stocks are so largc
your selection is easy. Reliable suits and overcoats.
$1.95, $2.45, $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 and $5.95
Omaha's Largest and Best Equipped Clothing Store.
Men's, Wo""!1! and Children's Shoes
Are fitted here
with rare and
attention. Be
sides the excep
tional values wo
offer, our large
stock enables you
to select with
ease. Your choice
Is unrestricted
all sixes, In all
prices, la all
9100 to 9 so
, .fl.BO, 93.00, $3.90
rhlMrci. .ios
Men's Shoe . .
Women's Shoes
.gaso, 93-00, S3 60
Tho House of
high Merit?
I Ml C-
.1.. , .i.i i. m m-yT
Omaha's Fastest Crow
ing Hat Store
Ton men here
n.ade this a
groat hat store
you know
and appreciate
v a 1 u e a and
good styles. A
new shipment
of the rough
fussy hats
has Just ar
rived. Come In
and select
yours tomor
row. Law ton ..99.00
Aabury ..93.00
Rutland ..93.00
J. D. Stetson, up from .93
"Doctor" of Miraculous. Cures Oper
ated Here in 1908.
Evidently ' Dors Nt Care to Be
Reco'salse br Hausdreala !!
Treated on Ills Former
if th. "marvelous Dr. Veno" Is on the
square, why did he change his name from
Mayo to Veno?
This Is the question some of venos
new patients are asking tVtemsolves, on
learning- that Veno operated here In 190S
under the name or Mayo.
"Doctors usually consider their past
work nf rrat advertising value and are
very proud of their names," said one.
"I should think that the doctor wouia
want to keep the name, Mayo, under
which he treated hundreds in Omaha
during several months in 1908, beginning
In the winter, so that all of them would
know of his return here and bear testi
monial to his work."
Veno. then advertising as Mayo, had
offices In the old Boston store at the
inriht ninur of Sixteenth and Doug
las when he was here In 1908. He claims
to have been here fourteen years aso, hut
The Bee has been unable to verify that
rirmv nountr Attorney Magney says
the county attorney's office will pross
nit inv fnke doctor on complaint, and
If any who were treated by Veno, or
Mayo, In 1908, consider themselves victua
lled, they can fat quick lesral action
against the "doctor" by filing a com
plaint that he Is engaged In Illegal prac
tice. Veno's name is not registered with
Mimiv clerk and practice by an un
registered doctor 1 a miidcmeanor, un-
dei the state laws, punishable by a line
of t50 to $300 for each offense.
Injured Man Thinks
First of His Mother
"Mother Is sick. Don't tell her, for she
can't stand this."
The first thought voiced by Switchman
John Pratt. 24 years old, after he blindly
had stepped from the top of a string of
moving Burlington fre'ght cars at 9:30
o'clock last night and felt them crush his
right leg below the knee, was for his
Roy Rice, a fellow switchman, who had
been walking behind Trait atop a string
of freight cars being pushed south, saw
his companion walk to the end of the
last car, step as If to reach another car,
and fall. He flagged the engine to an
Immediate stop at ' Fourth and Jones
streets and ran to Pratt's assistance. The
police ambulance was called and took the
Injured man to St. Joseph's hospital,
where the leg was amputated just above
the knee by Police Surgeons Peppers and
Ciiss and Drs. Morrison and Smith.
U. 8. Engle, engineer, and George
Clemen, fireman, did not know what had
happened until they were flagged to stop.
With R. E. Walker end J. A. SlBselt,
switchmen, they cared for Pratt until the
police ambulance arrived.
Pratt Uvea with his mother at 1015 Atlas
street. He refused to allow anyone to
notify her of the accident, saying that a
suiter could be Informed this morning.
Distillate Engine
Run Successfully
"Buster" Brown has Invented a dis
tillate engine, which la on exhibition In
the Alamo space at the Land show, of a
type never before successfully operated.
Crude oil sold at refineries for a cent
a gallon Is used for fuel. Machinists
who have Inspected the new engine be
lieve It will revolutionise modern power
producing methods. Prior to Mr. Brown'
advent Inventors and manufacturers had
given up before the problem of utilizing
tills by-product of the refjneries for fuel
because In all other machines heavy de
posits of carbon In the cylinder made the
machine practically useless at times. This
thirty-horse power Alamo has been run
for weeks and haa never deposited carbon
to blacken a piece of white paper when
the spark plugs were removed. It was
run for sixty hours without a stop and
was In as good condition at the end of
that time and running aa smooth aa at
the beginning of the test. A force-feed
oiler, guaranteed to force oil Into the
cylinder against a pressure of 300 pounds,
lubricates each ring of the cylinder at
every stroke.
Fanning and Stoecker
Nominated by Piatti
The following letter haa been sent by
Louis J. Flattl, chairman of the demo
cratic county central committee, to the
executive committee of the Cltli"ns" union
In reply to Its request that he name men
to serve on a committee to help safeguard
the coming election:
To the Chairman of the Executive Com
mittee, Citizens' Union, City Dear Sir:
Yours of this date with reference to the
selection of two representatives of our
organisation & part of a committee of
six representing your union and the re
publican and democratic parties of this
county to wait upon the mayor and chle!
of police, etc., duly received and contents
1 have appointed to serve upon this
committee Charles E. Fanning and W. F.
htoecker. Very truly yours,
Chairman Democratic County Central
ykntrra' Masquerade.
There will be a big roller skats
masquerade at the Auditorium tonight.
Prizes will be awarded for best costumes
and Green's band will furnish the music.
MUSCATINE, la.. Oct. IT.-Two hun
dred women button strikers and their
sympathisers, followed by 100 men, en
gaged ta a general riot with the police
tonight when the latter Attempted to stop
them front marching to the south end
plant following a mass meeting. Many
persons were bruised by clubs and stones
before the crowd was dispersed.
IE? I mi IP f E B
Steer Pot Roast Qtt
Steer Steak . - -, 10
Young Veal Chops 10
young Veal Roast 10
Veal Stew 5
Genuine Spring Lamb Legs,
per pound QV4
Lamb Chops 10
Lamb Stew, 8 lbs 25
Pig Pork Roast
7,000 lbs. No. 1 Skinned Hams,
per pound 14 H
10:30 A.M.
and 3 M. P.
Small Ham 10
No. 1 Calumet Bacon .17
6,000 lbs. Sugar Cured liacon
per lb 12
3-lb. pall of Lard 35
Fresh Dressed Chickens ....)
From 7 to 9 P. M. Lamb Chops,
per lb 5c?
From 9 to 10 P. M. Pork
Chops, per lb 13
1610 MR
MET U!i)
ROWLEY. Ia., Oct. 71. (Special. )-A
threshing machine was badly wrecked
and Its owners, Harry and Jesse Oll
phant, narrowly escaped Injury and pos
sible death when an explosion supposed
to be dynamite exploded Inside the ma
chine While grain was being thretihed.
It Is believed mat a stick of dynamite
was placed Inside one of the bundles by
some miscreant. When the bundle struck
the rapidly revolving cylinders of the
thresher the explosion followed. One end
and part of both sides of the machine
were own out.
Feed the Child Good Bread
The child'. 1ellht la a dainty mouth
ful of good, wholesome bread. The freshest
I 1 ua. wnoiesome bread. The freshes
I AT !"! b?t b hd U Tip Top bread
I Oil ' " ?n?5 tU. hour of thi morn'
X W 1- an.d?!'Ll1'',l ' y."r dealer In Its fresh
t is truly the only bread
-m vu ever purchase.
JDrCQQ. . . 5c at all grocers
Mayden Bros.' Meat ; Dept.
Down, Down, Down Go the Prices
Thia means money for you when the prices go
down you get more for your money and can nf ford to
eat more meat. Here nro some prices for Saturday:
H fl jar jm.
Pork Ronst ' BUj
No. 1 Round Steak ......... . -VJ.VJ. .V.V.V.V1V1 1 H
Shoulder Steak, three pounds for !!!!!"""" $
Pot Roast, 7c. 6c and . '..".."
Hindquarters Mutton or Lamb .7! '.T. WT.T
Forequarters Mutton or Lamb "
Mutton Roast ; -'. 1! .!.."! 'J !55
Mutton or Lamb Stew, ten pounds for . zL
Lamb Chops, 12 He and
Mutton Chops, three pounds H9
No. 1 Hams """"Vu?
SaU ftc'k ia.c..n. vM
ayden Bros.' Ileal Dept.
l 1 11 .1 mm m, I,,
Caw ccw caw CiuA. crcag. ccagr casg
How to Stop Drinking
We are In earnest when we ask you
to give OHKINK a tnsl You have noth
ing to ria ml everything to sain, tor
your money will be returned If after a
trial, you fall to get results from OH
1UNK. This offer gives the wives and
mothers of those who drink to exc-esH
an opportunity to try the OKKINK
Treatment. It Is a very blinple Inci
pient, can be rflven In the home without
publicity or 'one of time from business,
and at a amall price.
OKKlNli is prepared In two forms:
No. 1, secret treatment, a powder; Oll
1UNK No. 1. In pill form for those who
desire to take voluntary treatment.
Costa only II. DO a box C on e In and tuU
over tne matter with ua. Ask fur book
let Kherman McDonnell I"rug Co , ltl,
and Io4lg, 24th and Karnain, 2U7-9 .No
)th bt. Owl frug Co., I61U and ilar-
Sunk. st Cali
fornia Wines
Sunkist Wine, full qt.. . ,50c
Jackdaw Rye, bottled in
Bond, full quart $1.25
Maryland Rye, full qt...75c
Maryland Rye, gallon. .$2.50
Home Made Grape Wine,
white or red, gallon, $1.00
Wine Merchants
Prompt Delivery.
Both Phones.
121 N. 16th St. Opp. P. 0.
Ihe Reason Why
You can get better meat at Ifath's
for less money la eunily explain?",
oath has always iiiaiiitamtii u high
standard of quality. When he
changed his buslnevs to a
(.auti basis, he found that he roulu
mill maintain tna high uuallty at
lower prices to his customer Ilb
lAUSE: Ions on Lad a counts U
eliminated, delivery expense oaved,
aa well as a big eavlnii In time and
expense of booKkeeptng and coll.c
lion charges. ALI, of these Hum
lielp to reduce prices to rutoiuti
WITHOUT aftecllng the niarKln of
profit. I'Iil'Sb are only a KKW rm
Hons, but they ought to be sufficient
to Induce a trial order this wutK
c top on your way home.
Tot Saturday
Home dressed spring and hens lU'io
Home inadn pork Hauvuge ia'ac
Home rendered lard la'io
Kacon tacK4, strip MV.jO
Hacon lea'i, strip l7Vn
Tot roast 8Vio and 7V.u
Jos. Bath's Cash Mark t
join I'arnnin Htre-t.
Tel. Douxlas S984.
2 OrxiAba'i Pars jrl
Om&ba'i Para
Food Center
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Department
Cooking Appies per perk 30e
New Chestnuts, per lb 100
Iilack Walnuts, per banket. .. .60c
3 large i'laln Lettuce 100
3 stalks Celery lOe
fresh Mushrooms, Alligator I'ears,
lmpoiied Kndlve, bpiuach, New
Onions, Head Lettuce, .New Klrf.
8 -os. bottle Olive Itrllnh 15c
2-ll. can Imperial .SKlnleis l'lw
fur 30o
II pkgs. "Argo' (Jluitu March eoo
Vermont or Ohio Maple Bugar,
per lb loo
Zoc Imp-tried C'SktUe Soap. lb. 18c
Muffed Olives in glass, 10c, 160
and BSC
iOc Jar Queen Olives 3fic
I rk'M. "I'needu Itl&oult" . ...19e
15c Imported Sardines, per tin, to
3 tans "Reel Cross" Milk
lOo CrUp Pretzels, per lb..
Layer llaJslna (in cartons)
"Lotus" Treamery Butter in
cartons per lb ".35o
Our Best Countrv Butter In san
itary Jars per lb 340
Ptrlctly Fresh Kggs. per dos., SOo
Dontestlo Bwlss cheese, per lb. ISo
nox Imported Cumeinhert Cheese
'" ate
Large Ripe Edam Cheese. . .91.10
Chow Chow or Celery Reltsh, per
luart goo
icttnge Cheese per pkg 100
(jicawgk zaxzj Q,vzKrjj Qzrxj2CKf& cK5WG C" Caoq
Comic Section
The Sunday Dec
With Happy Hooligan, Little
Nemo, the Katzenjammer Kida
and the whole interesting fam y,
Pcunds Best Cans Granulated Sugar
If Yo Purchase $1 Order of Other Goods.
We tarry a tull line -if Tta. t ottee, Mi Ices, Ex
tract , li.iklurf i-'owder etc.
Try Our Coffee, tpeo at at, a lb.. SOo.
Moyunc Tea Co. 4?Jf.KMhB