Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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    J lib, JJKK: U.MAI1A. illl ittSDAV, OtviVBhl 11MI.
This State Fares Exceedingly Well
in Kotebud Lottery.
Out Im the Ststf, Oatsld of Omaha
nad Sabnrlis, 4SO Persons Mho
Itralatcrcil lrw ?i ambers
Imlilc of Klrst X.OOO.
Omaha, its Flst'T clUea nml villages, es
pecially those In Xebravkn, tared exceed
ingly ull at th (drawing of ltoacbud
trncta in South lakuta yesterday. On
the first day alone seventy Omuhans
were represented In the drawing; thero
were eleven frt)m South Omaha, two from
Benson and one from Florence. Of the
first i,X names drawn P9 were thnce of
Xebrasknns outside of Omalia and suh-
urbs. Among the Nebraskans many drew
i low numbers, putting them In touch with
, - some of the finest land on the reset va-
A, tlon.
j" Over 1,000 people crowded the opera
" v-. ' ' ' nw imii; Riuq uvw in
white, Virginia Foster of lallas and
Dorothy Slaughter of Urcgury, started to
pick out number one from among the
63,000 envelope which contained the appli
cations for homesteads. The excitement
was Intense. Each ono In th eaudlence
held Ms breath In anticipation of winning
the first numestead. After the first num
ber had been called out by Judge James
WlUen. announcing that Mary Kendall
of Rapid City, 8. D., had drawn No. 1,
there wu a cheer which Indicated the
feeling of the gathering.
Still there were different hopes palpi
tating In the breasta of the multitude as
each envelope waa opened and none ot
the names of those present was called.
There were all manner of Ceraoumratlons
by the assemblage which cheered us the
lucky ones from ea:n seat were an
nounced. But when No. f was passed
there was a lull. Then the two little girls
drew torti! the envelope which contained
the application of Leonaid W. Ellmaker
of the MeiTiam hotel. Twenty-fifth and
Uodge streets, Omaha.
The announcement that Air. Uilmaker
had oomo In on No. 7 was greeted with
lusty cheeis. Hiram L. Acker was tho
next popular Omaha man. w hen Dorothy
Slaughter drew forth liU application,
which gavo him L2.
The newspupcr fraternity tviis well rep-
resented at the drawing; hut when the
2,000 mark had been reached tonight Den-
tils O'Leary uf the Dallas Nuwi ur.d Mar
tin X. Bowci wore the only members of
the craft who were lucky enough to have
their names callrd out. o'Leary eot claim
145, and Bowes ti e Hod In with the hoodoo
A number oi 1 jl :. He Kays he was
f. offered $2,000 lor li!s relinquishment on
"H the snot.
The first 1W winners and those from
f Nebraska drawn tday are here given.
'I'll is Oinnbit Minnrri.
i Following are thu winners who live In
7 Leonard W. Kllmaker, Omaha. Stu
dent, iMi Dodge 3treet, 'Merrlam."
31 Hiram D. Acker, calesman, manager
. Oliver Typewriter company, tM Laird
:Vllllam Brown Stewart, 1730 South
Twenty-ninth street. ,
2 Brlk Krlkson, carpontor, S."06 Fouth
Thirty-first street.
117 Joseph wiareK, uriCKiayer, ii'k eouiu
Twelfth street.
135 Mabel Christie, nurse. County hos
pital. 1
KHT. V. Maloney, Jr., salesman. WOO
Park avenue.
240 Christian Jensen, DOS South Twenty
sixth street.
2C4 Charlotte P. Trsey. widow, It North
Forty-third ayen'ie.
279 William-K. Moderkak, soldier. Com
pany A, Fort ormilin-
809 H. X. Schlasses, 833 South Twenty
fourth strtel.
-Mary J. Gannon. 11j Marey street.
iWO Paris N. Kridy. K3 Lode street.
3o-Clara Byrne. W32 Harney street.
400 George N. Duqdlert, E1V2 North
Twenty first Street.
413 r'red 8. Crane. Seventeenth' and
California. .
f 4071. B. KoImi. 1045 park avenue.
1 i 4H8 J. C. Plummer, driver, Hardens,
J 1 IMS Kowler avenue,
4 ; J 623 B. . Fonieroy, contractor, SOU
! j3one street.
Webster street.
611 C. V. Morrow, 4.'i f arnam aireei.
tili-K. U BuuUng. B'M South Twenty-
eiKhth street.
U28 John V. Dwyer, chief clerk Lnlon
Pacific railroad. 3S1S Webster street.
63i-Mrs. Moggie O'Connel, I'M North
Twenty-first street.
Ouo B. J. Newton, SIS North Nineteenth
"'mHenry Bock, Fort Omaba.
724 Harry W. Butte, tek-sraph opera-
JL BOO-E. H. l-tverson. 6U Locust, East
gT Omaha.
ym Wo o, S. Finch, Hit purdette.
X, e3-B. H. Bpraifue, 43.18 Krunklln street.
V S'J Dohinlk Felix, bartender, 18-Ni South
iKhteenth street. ....
ttuft H. V. Vandercreek, linotype opera
tor, Bee. K04 1-arlmore avenue,
IK Charles . tverun,
K4.vcntMntii avenue.
mil U- Bahtit. 151 North Eleventh
!: Lee Councellor, 47 North Twenty
seventh street.
94: K. W. Flint, :U North Eighteenth
J47 Fred BlUner. J305 North Fourteenth
14-Burt C. Fowler,
City National bank.
salesman, 90i
A Crippled Mind
Many strons minds, giant Intellects,
are held down and starved out by crip
pled dlgestivo power, dyspersia and tho
poison absjr'oed as a result of chronic
constipation. If your stomach lacks di
gestive powor the natural and Ktinplent
thing to do U to, put Into it the agents
It lacks.' Above all things avoid etrong
drugs that Daralyae and iiritate the
stomach aoi-i uowcJa. A u u:.d, healthy
stomach contains the aimo digestive
agents Spruce Peola tablets cnituil'k
Spruco Pepsin tutleta will digest fer
men ting, decnytug food that lays like a
lump In your stomach. We have proved,'
thU thousands of times or we would not
dare spend tbouuds ot dullurs to prove
It to every 'Uiffeier from totnach trou
Llc. We will ueud yu a trial box Kit KB.
priuo Ta'olet Co., l!er,o Minn.
f.Oc r.lzoa oan be bad a' the fillm ins
Omaha Iru Stores: tl-.crtaa & McCoa
nell Lruff Co., Owl lira it Co., Harvard
Pharmuoy, ' oyal Pharmacy.
lit Fountains & Elsewhero
Ask for
Tha Original and Genuine
Tbi Food-drink (or All Ages.
At restaurants, hotels, ami iouoU'na.
Delicious, fovigoraUnK and sustaining.
Keep it on your sideboard at home.
Don't travel without .
A quick lunch prepared ia a minute.
Take do nutation, just say uuauva
fdf In Any MlIfr Trusi j
1.023 W. A. Hntrain, 2-'4 Jones sfret. i
l.'i'J-lHilor Sherman. l1 North Tlrr
tieth strtet.
1.114 Fred Hurllrgiine, Merchants' ho
tel. 1. 119 Arnold O. Hanson, ft Woo! worth
,11'50-C. It. Miirijiianlt. 1411 K'vans strrft.
1,214 Charles F. ells, suli'Snian, ,S2)
North KiKhteenth,
1.246 harlt-s t.'. Teterson, 4104 North
1.2S.V-Nathinlel S. Herdllngrr, 35.11 North
Twenty-third. j
1,2 Will U Swanson, 608 North Twen- I
l.iis Fverttt SloUpnrt, 2"18 Sherman
1.333 Bert Stmiffer, U2n South Tenth.
1.8S4 Henry llorwlts, 4W4 Oram! avenue.
1.3tA Dan B. I'uvla. IMt Spruce.
1.37 William Beniie, i'tn KUn.
1.4..-9 J. A. Sullivan, 711 South Nine
teenth. Uii D. U. Blofdol, S10 lOnfit LoeuKt.
1.82J A. ii. Loin, l4o Oeoisla avenue.
1.C3M O. It. Johnson, 381i Dewev avenue
l.41 Fred 11. Wlison, 110 South Four
1 .C4" Thomas J. Horan, sr., 913 North
l.'W-Joo Ditch. 1011 Kleventh street.
1.0SO Charles S. Alexander, VH Fopple
ton avenue.
1.7IJ-KIWnb-th Parish. 1417 Dodge.
1,7? Kutherlnp Nle!on, 17i Van Camp
1.733 Axel K. Seett:H. 427 Callfornin
1.7V William 11. Trant. 645 North Sevtn
! w-1 b .
!U-Nellle McDonald, 1017 North Thirty-fourth
1K31--1.. W. Wlmber, 1542 South Twenty-fourth.
l.:s V C. Adams, 205 l ake.
?S7S-1 lerbort Cox foreman News com
poxlng rjom, 3710 Grand avenue.
From South Omaha,
137 Sarah Hunk, 27)08 L street.
1'. L. Uray, Swift and Oimpany.
4v4 L. A. Koufhuld, Twenty-fourth and
M streets.
7M-A. A. Samuel, 714 North Twenty
fourth street.
1.0i3 John Kubat, 384 South Nineteenth
1.2"9-VIU;am Q. Schmlts, 2I0G N.
1,21 Ous sjallquln, 1W South Twenty
fourth. 1.2isT L. A, Sandwlck, 236 South Nine
teenth. 1.2H1 U. McAullffe. S1 Q.
1474 Joseph Krumford, U. F. D. No. 1.
178J Matnlas Poterson, 2413 Etitit.
From llcnsou,
B4-Otto Selling, 143 CoutU Clinton ave
K4I John Burant.
1727 James P. Johnson.
Krbraskans Who Landed.
Following are successful Nebraskuns
drawn today:
1U2 Frank Tladell, Farnnm.
Ill N. M. WeJand. Aee.
113 L. Albright. Hiying City.
116-Phll Kenlleld, Albion.
Hi E. H. Blankenshlp, Seward.
12710. M. Locke, route 2, Stanton.
1211. F. Altpress, Jamison. .
11 Charles J. itay, er.. South Sioux
141 M. II. Richard' Rmbcis.
2'KS F. K. Kolar, lwlght.
213 Lycurgus nalK.... Vordel.
' Kll Q. F. Klwaiiis, Butte.
217 H. IS. Culbertson, 2U7 East Fifth
Street, McCook.
222 Charley Fundus, Dustln.
22) 11. H. BlBRerstaff. Ashland.
22'1 V. B. TorlMtrt, Lynch.
2.17 Carl ScroKgin, Crnfton.
233 U1 Konloek. Pender.
2' K. F. Struin, Monowi.
247 Krncst (Jlgax. Creston.
2 L'rban Cathelln. Desota.
Levi D. Munton, llui L street, Lin
coln. 2tl4 Paul Bruockner, Ilorkins.
&01' Hudson It. llliondcs. Norden.
207 Mary Mhixte, Phoenla.
;( Oeorge bates, 2J6 North Sixth
street, Norfolk.
270 Lee W. Barton, Alnsworth.
2S1 Frank Paveka, Prague.
2!2 S. C. Corensori, Hartington.
2J3 Frank H. Tucker, 720 eouth Four
teenth street, Lincoln.
2W S. H. Decker, Coxad,
im John M. Campbell, Clay Center.
3C3 J. A. Butterfield, Brok.
204 it. W. Anderson. Uahoo.
Mi J. F. Sldak, Hartlnton.
to; Harris A. Daly. Chadron,
312 P. "M. Bandy, Uretna.
321 Bertha oison, Bristow.
81:4 Henry SchonoUaun, Butte.
32V Charles T. Jameson, Arcadia.
8J0 N. J. Hyland, 1421 F street, Lin
S2-F. J. Story, Foster.
331 Fred Fornette, Spalding.
341 Louis Nordby, route 3, Hartington.
3.VO lvend;ill !ovk, Cmnstock.
Pr.3 .iohn It. F. lluhgc, Avoti.
35lt Hanson Baker, Lniiurou. .
Utitl John W. Kox, Wauso.
HS Jolih Lcckllter, Lincoln.
374 John B. lliuka. Blooinf le'.d.
STft John J. Kleiner. Burohai-U.
370 Aukuhi Luttig, Spencer.
8"i7 "harlos A. Davidson, Foster.
3SI Kllrabeth M. Wellman, Niobrara.
3M Sadie Perkins, Stuuton.
ir-lierman Smtih, m W. Military
avenue, Fremont.
3?0 Oscar tfchrhier, 1138 6mith street.
?1 Amos. W. Brorterson, Spencer.
HH1 Ralph Noll, B 111, Wymore.
'7 J. W. Plckeral. It. 2. York.
fs August Schleicher, Leigh.
4i'2 August N. Peters, Yerdel.
412 Albert F. Ayers. Valentine.
415 Clara Heine, Hooper.
418 Hotihner Urtrnwoil. B. 2. St. Paul.
4!3 A. Johnson, lehilnH.
427 J. F. Goinmln. Dubois.
4: Hans H. Hansen, It. 1. Fremont.
437 Anthony btantou, O'Neill.
4S A. A. Chab. Wilbur.
4 10 A. K. Rallies, lrvlngtOO.
443 A. Kluna. Comatoeh.
46 G. A. Kendall, 2lu South Third
street. Norfolk.
eii4 Herman Ureenlng, Columbus.
4.1 7 Mis. IIuIOj, Rich, Scrlbner.
40S J. II. Boughn, Randolph.
49 It. Reetl. Wauira.
42 W. B. fcnttain, Nellgh.
4t4 C. Schudlac. West Point.
4 M M. Fundhouuer, Warsaw.
473 John McCoy, HartlDgtoa.
474 M. Hansen. Avery.
477 H. Puik, Wlsner.
47s C. D. Howkin, Palmer.
4t2 J. Ii. Anderson. Leigh.
4i 1 Jim Status, Lynch.
4iti L. B. Wilson. U12 West Division
street. Grand Island.
4-.S Mary Hanley. Wausa.
4ij E. E. Post, McCool Junction.
W-0, A. Bchnatrky, Nellgh.
47 F. C. Brooks, Brunswick.
6i A. M. Borgardner Deonl Lilian.
607 A. M. Funbei-g, Wauaa.
613 L. E. Taylor. Fullerton.
61 i J. p. Turner, Emerson.
624 O. H. Puss. Ord.
M Hilda BenBtson, R. 1, Anoka.
62H J. HrunckhorAt, Pierce.
6 JO A. St-isku. WeMon.
M3 Mrs. h.lllh Stewart, Bloomfield.
t3l-H. Stahn. O'Nell.
6'jj lira. Ajary E. Gllson, Meadow
620 W. Ti. Bellows. Cairo.
U7 R. Whelr, Alnaworth.
f 31 M. 8. Baiker, piainvlew.
6601. M. Stawart. H- , B. l-. Lincoln.
651 Dick Hunt. Crete.
6j0 ilurnhull Nlun. B. 105. Alhion.
6o7 Tony A. Bond, Ii. 4(1, Chadron.
fl 11. Sohmlti. Wayne.
r 67 Marie Uoodhanui. Ord.
GiS'J it. J. Trettcr. U. ivti. pimont.
671 A. L. Johimun, N oca Lake.
67-M. Richards, ICS North street, Lln-
J riiun v c ,tt-n n c:? rh.,i.
r.-G. T. tnisrlch, Tllfien.
bD-y-O. T. itelnbuuch, Clearwater,
til Fred Adams. Uompha:i.
CM James Hayes. U luiebao.
A. Scfcwauk. It. 1, Madison.
Ml J. P. Sinclair, Anoka.
617-C. O. Snulitr, Lynch.
W fraok. iiarsh. aIIuuii.'IoM.
f& Louis IJ.ron, U. ti. Winner.
641 iurnma fcreece, Crelshton.
tS Too IHorak, Fender.
-Wut. II. Lulek. l'ltanant Hill.
6 Mijt biitschtr, Crtiijl'lun.
til B. A. Johiiaou, B. Ul, bo. Auburn.
JaUe oru, Hutubuldl.
iil-Wck Hunt. Cit.
Urf Marshuil Kc'.sun. ii. ljj. Albion,
y; Tony A. Bond. B. 4i2, Chadron.
U.I-H. tchmltt, Wayne,
ttfl Marie Uoodnand. Urd.
&J it. J. Tri'tier. M. hi. Tierauut.
tv 'J. I. Helnuutfh, Cltfurwatur.
CiT J. V. Illaliu, H. t. bt. Paul.
Naveua. H. S. Ctelshtou.
eoe Stella Lutker. Oin. 1I , HeJ Cloud.
SnJ Natuyaa N. idea en. Uavld City,
toj Petor 11. pa'lesn, t'annetrux.
yei r.i J ,'uJ,! ikc-u,y. Vaka:lo.
ttrt- Ptttr I'ctcrsi.n. Ii. V Urd.
(ii-i harlcs T. Howo, O'Neill.
ilarx-ev Ludiuan, Jcl.utottn.
fui-lui.u T- Luatuii. Kilver Cicvk.
TW J. Ii. Kollna. C-huyler.
1t Thewas J. Cowlnr, Lynch.
Ill Kiank A. K!oe. 1: 2 r,iley, Neb.
li-I.Ull IjumJ, Ru.hvlHo.
z fctr; a jt. t : .tu.,
(Cout'.uued on tkvenlb Pats-)
The Chef Wears a Smile When He Serves It
The 'dishes it makes nre so delicious he knows the whole family will ho plensed.
(Unreservedly Endorsed bj FootJ Inspectors.)
Sold in Ixtrgo Sunltarf rckaecs Only 10 Cent.
Write today for Mrs. MacMuTnhy'g Book ot 100 best recipes ror 100 delicious dishes. It's free.
Two New Plays
by the Auinor of
15 cents a copy, 4.oo
a he Hoyal Mall Steam
Packet Co.
Seventy-second Successful Tear to
W here all scusohs are summer
"The American Riviera," combin
ing all the (rlurles of the far-away
Southern cllmrs, yet only a few
days' sail from Now York. The
Id mil place fur spending- a fall or
winter vacation. 8h the hlK lltch
fcefore be wutr 1 turned Into It.
Regular Mlltac, ea the palttlal tteamart
Ihimes Oct. t8 IrenlNov.ll
Ueneral Agents
Jl So. La Salle St., Chicago.
J. O. Linton, C. P. T. A., LI. Cent. It. R.
W. K. HocU. llt Karnain 8t.
H C. ShlehWi. 1316 fr'arnam St.
luls Nrw, care First Nutlonal
HhiiH. (minhn.
UT tlie Boat palatld
erulelus steam aOual
s. $. "Victoria misr
(18.600 Toaa)
BalllBS freie New York
mnuarv ia, ina
T Day Crntsa to
MLUnl ItllA.MCA.N iJ
the Cu.i aua
autt upward. Tke "VICVoHiA
l.l'IAK" ! lulJld with t'trj
niodra f.aturo, provhtiog every
lmiirf sad cotrfurt ta kins
4U CnUn tit Fill luHtM, foufk Amtriaj,
Arou. tkt Wnid, ilut aa4
Bead for IlluettaM Booklet.
Itu W. luuiJoiph Hi-, Chicago, or local agt.
WT1 Ask your doctor about
WflU XjOUQiL couh8- Ask him if your
U J own 1$ necessary. If not,
then why cough? Does he recommend AVer's Cherry
Pectoral f Ask him, and let
The late W. S. Gilbert, whose
Pinafore, Mikado and Bab Ballads
are household words, left two un
published one-act plays. One of.
these is very different from the
work we know best. It is a tragedy,
a grim incident of London prison
life, called "The Hooligan, M and
is published in the November
A play in the old Gilbertian
style is the burlesque, "Trying a
Dramatist. ' ' The charge is ' 'having
produced a dull and tedious stage
play, ' ' and the jury is the assembled
audience. This delightful play
appears in the December number.
The November issue begins the 83d volume.
a year. At all book stores, or The Century Co.. Union
Why Merchants Like
The Intenso
It is a
500 candle power
Gas Arc
This means
a strong light
The Intenso consumes only 14 feet of Gas
per hour. This means economy because you do
not require many Intensos for even very large
It does not jump or flicker. This means
that there is no strain 00 the eyes.
Let us show what The Intenso will do in
any large indoor space. Phone us to send a
representative who will go over your require
ments with you and explain our attractive
selling terms. Complete lamp display at the
gas office.
This means YOU.
his answer be final
r i
Sqnare, New Ysrk
The light is
diffused so that
the goods arc
shown to best
This helps sales
Tali's OelIiI Rocns'BeSt Spoil NCWS 10 TIlC B8C
; J ;f: 4Tf lid: no h v
'vr- -
WHEN we sell you fur
niture today we think
what you may say about us
a year from now.
All our advertising would be of little
value to us if it were not supplemented by
the cordial good faith of our customers.
Good furniture depends upon wood, work
manship, design and style these four must
go together.
We give much prominence to our display
of Berkey & Gay furniture. We know what
it is. So do you, no doubt. Nearly every
body in the country has read somewhere some
thing about Berkey & Gay and the furniture
they make. We, exclusively, sell their line
Some very special furniture opportunities
are on our iloors this week.
Bee Special
Prtca Prtca
Mahogany Tostcr Bod, single size $10.00 $30.00
Mahognny Poster Bod, Binglo size. . . .$55.00 $33.50
Mahogany Poster Bed, doublo aizo. . .$33.00 $27X0
Mahogany Napoleon Bed, Bingle size. .$C2.00 $43.00
Golden Oak Napoleon Bed, double size $53.00 $39.00
Golden Oak Napoleon Bed,double size $Go.OO $4&50
Mahogany Napoleon Bod, double she. $52.00 $39.00
Ordwfl &
An Opportunity (0 Make a
Worlli While Saving
Thr Specials
V have divided one big lot of 400 dresses Into tbree
lots and will place them on aale tomorrow morning. Each gar
ment la of the high standard of quality we demand and that
you'll appreciate well made, carefuly finished and may be
depended on for thorough satisfaction.
These lots contain Messallnes, Taffetas, Velvet Velours,
etc. Borne are plain tailored, others are elaborately trimmed.
Every new and popular color and up to date style is repre
sented. We predict very rapid selling at
$5, $10
We include In this sale (00 skirts, well cut from voiles,
serges, mannluh suitings, etc., values up to $12. GO, at
$2.95 and $4.95
Your unrestricted choice of any hat In the house worth up
to $2C00 at
Npioiii 1'Ioor, Wlicro IXonl is Low. Over McCrorcy'e 5c and
10c Hfori. Take the i:icvtor and Have Money.
Tlifrs Is notliliiK new about tho liloa
of wslnK S"'0 fr restorlns Hie color of
the tnlr. Our creut-Krandinotliers Pt
their locks k-ift. Uttik and slossy by
using- a tra." Wlicnsvcr tlielr
hslr full out 'jr tooU on a dull, fuJed or
slreuked spiyearatice they msils a brow
of saga loaves and ttl llld It to their
hslr, wllh wondorfully belief tulal sffe-t.
NowaJays wu don't have to re--iort to
old-time, tlroome ineltiods of satherlnif
the horbs and maklnic the ta This Is
done oy skillful chsmlsta better thun we
could do It ourselves, and all we bave to
do Is to call for tha reudy-iuado product,
Wyuth'a Hutju und Mulphur Hair ltoin
rUy. fontat'ilna nuge In the proper
and $
strcnslli, with the addition of sulphur,
unother old-time scalp remedy.
The manufacturers of this remedy
authorize driiKUlsta to sell It under
guarantee that the money will be re
funded If It falls to do exactly as rep
resented. lou't neglect your hair. Get . a
bottle of Wyeth's Satre and Sulphur .
today, and i.otlce the difference after a
:'ew days' use. i
This preparation is offered to the
public at fifty renU a bottle, and U
recommended and sold by all druseist.
"Special Ateut, Khermau & McComul!.
ICth und Harney fls., I8h and luil..-..
8t. ' '