i 14 TILE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY. OCTOBER 24, 1911. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Trt.de. Increase and Bemal of In terest Are Feature. WEATHER IMPORTANT FACTOR Wheat Finn Ip After Ik." ol Weahaa Early In gessloa Cloalag Orders er Top Price. OMAHA. Oct. . 1911. Th Increase In outside trade and th renwal of public intercut In th mrket seems to be the roost striking feature The recognised bull leader anil ow ner ef big llna of cash wheat ar steadily Increasing their line and buy ing up wheat In elevators. There la a lei up of rain In tha spring hnt belt, but conditions have been very unfavor able In thnt quarter. Tha market re-oven readily after all depressions. The rank and file in the corn trade readily admit that the action of the mar. I'M will depend on the weather rondl tlon the rett of thla month. It will take a period of clear cool weather to mak merchantable coin. Further wet weather will be aerloua and higher value woold result. Wheat firmed tip after a ahow of weak, has early In the eee.lon and cloning trade were near top price. Cash wheat w unchanged. Heavy realning and aoma weaker t"tte to wheat gave corn an easy t-ne. The better weather forecast wee a heansii feature. Caeh corn u VitVJ higher. Primary wheat receipt were l.M.OM) bu. and ihlpmenla were S64.00Q bu., against receipt laat eer of a.42,OuO bu. and ship ments of oTT.Oui bu. Primary corn receipt wer 713mo bu. and nhipments were t3.Q bu., against receipts last year of 674,0uu bu. and shlp- Blent of 441.000 bu. Clearances were 43,000 bu. of com. none of oat and wheat and flour equal l te.OOO bu Liverpool closed unchanged to SiS lower n wheat and fed lower on corn. The following cash aalea were reported: WHEAT No. t hard: I car. J1.04H; 10 car, fi 04; No. I hard: I car. Jl 04; I oar. 11.04; I cara, 1.03m No. 4 hard: 1 ear, ii.m. CORN No. 1 white: 1 ear. Wic. No. t white: t ear, T04c; No. 1 yellow: car, Co. No. I yellow: 8 ears, 4!Hc No. 2 mixed: cara. tlte. No. I mixed: 10 cara, 4W4o, No. 4 mixed: t cara, 6c; 1 car. 6c. OATS No. t white: I car. 4e; 1 car, 44o. No. 4 white: I car, ete-je; I car. 64c. Omaha (stk Prleea. WHEAT No. I hard. $1.0M l.W4; No. ! bard. 11.0241.06'i; No. 4 herd. 97icfl31.04, CORN No. J white, 7tfr70ViC: No. ! 3 wnii. (wa.wa; no. 4 wnite, wfN7" no. color. 65'U70c; No. 1 yellow, 64U'- No. 1 yellow. S'4tj9'4o; No. 4 ellow. b".to; No. I, Wo; No. 8, 4jfgiV; No. 4, Vio. OAlM No. t white. 4747'ie: tandard. 4VW47c; No. I white, 4'fl4c: No. 4 white. cSy; No i yellow, 44i'4?f4Wc; No. 4 yellow. 4H4Mn BArU.EY-Msiiliig. H.llfilTl; No. 1 Feed. WM1.W. . RTE-No. J, 8ti397c; No. J. lV390ii. Carlot Receipt. ; Wheat. Corn. Oat. Chicago 44 J2J Ui OMAHATHE MARKET TOWN WEICKS GKAIN CO., grain merchants, oniignmenu auucltil. 74 AiraiMlei. . Nebraska-Iowa Orala Cm. 74 Brndia TUai UPDIKE GRAIN CO. Conslao. Sttt-ut carslul.y hanuteo. Omaha. 14. M&RRIAM COMMltoalON CO. "Aaa U4 tnao d ha irl4 ua," CAVER ELEVATOR. CO.. wbo.aaale tsaler In gra-, bay, cavD teed. 141 -laauela BUlg. ROBERTS GRAIN CO., grain consign ment solicited, grain bought to arrive, j Hrendala. GOVERNMENT NOTICES GOVERNMENT BALK INDIAN LANDS Absolute Title Uiv.n-'lhi unallotted land o( tha Choctaw and Chickasaw Na tions of the rive Civilised Tribe in Okla noma, and not including the coal and tim ber segregations, will be eotd at publio auction to tn highest bidder at the fol lowing term, time and places at not lent thaa the minimum price ataied In the ad vertisement: Orady county, Chickasaw, liecia. ei.ew uiee, .Ntu.e-moei' a, a, ttephen county, Duncan. 730 tract, Av.Mi) acres, November 4, 7, I; Jefteraun county, Hyan, tl tiacta 4.4ot acres; November!, 10, 11; Lov oounty, atarielta, b&4 traoia, 74.H0 aires, November IS. It, 15, le; Carter county. Ardmore, 1.1JS traoia, HJ.aoO sores, November 17, U, HO, U. U. J J; Murrey county, bulphur, tu tracts, io.uOo acres, November K4, A; Oarvin county, l-aul Valley, tut tract. acres. November 17, Ss, S; Mocialn county, furoeil. m trmol. 14.K0O acre. December X, I; Jr'onto tee evuuty, Ada, itm tracla, 4u.l4 acres, Dvcember 4, 4, . Jonnson county, iisno. ndngo, 6o4 tracta. t,'M acrec, Ueceiuber J, h; Marshall oounty, MadUl, Hi traoia. ,lul acres. December U; tor y an oounty, Duraat, to tracts, k,Uu acre, December 12, i: Atoka county, Atosa, LSu tiacta, 3!4O0O acres, Decmbe, 14, H, i. is, U: C.vei eoumy Coaigaie, u tracts, Rnu gorag, Deoember aJ, 11, O; Hugiica county, .jvut. iu uauta, su.kw av.i, uvuiuvt H, 17; Pittsburg county, McAleeter, L4.M uexsts, leT.luu acres. December u, kk x 1KU. January 1, 1; Haskell county, cjiixler. 4J tracta, lu,JU) aorea, Jaauary a, 4. Lu. mar oouuty. WUbunoa, im tratita, 1s,msj aorea. January 4; Deflore oounty. foleau. s4 trcta, Hl.su aoTM. January : Bualaoa oouuty, Asuera. . iraoia. uuu , January , a. lu; Ctoocw oounty. hueu, sol traota, HM auraa, Jeuuary Oi. U. U. Mocurtajn eouuiy, idaoei. i, Vraots. 4,sut aorea, January la, 4, 1 u, UiA Not mure than law acre of agri feiwiura. ana wu auiee o, oiuer .awu u, be aold to one person la any one nation. LAgrtoultural lands are Uiuee uaviug a nuulutuin valuauoa ut (Aiw or tuore tier acre, 'lerme are A par oeot at tiie luu of aala, at per cent la twelve muuiua ac' Per cent la two yeara, wito e par eeul lutareat. r"yuietiis must be uuula ut lue fmiu of dralt or oeruiwd uttsva, payable to J. O. toiisbt, ouiiimisalousr. Upon lu.l payment bung tuau at any uiue Oeetl wul lasua. inimeMiaie.y alier eppiovat f sale vertiuaie w purooae wiu issue and puessiuu be giveu, but cutuug u taubar or arming or mining (ur uuneiaie li.u.ii ma, iwi u tWMi.uHl uuui ,-.i payment of purchase price. Kigin t r sm vj te r0eui auy or aa bids, a or talr. luaUwa apply to tue Cotuiuseiouur of tue lv Civtuaed iTioea, Juusaogae, Ukla beiua. w any ml u. Dutxiok Agenu a to lauda wtLain Ituur raapwuuva district. Uum of tiMiae lauua have been prepreu by aounttee, eawwutg m. tartna ef sale, tue aemruiMta of Uia varlaua Lrauu aua uuni prtae. It U1 ba lia4Haeuoa4we te furajaa eavn loatuurer ail of itis list aud It aaggewian txuu penrau osuuig auca laiureinmm apwaly lam luceaiiy iZ Whiott umf era isunuat aUueprinu ef toe ariuua emieiiea, aoewuig tn loca. Uua of tae bui4 te few sold eili be fur 'i w tied apaa suftksMwa is the uaaer tea avaa taa paaaianf ef .M far eaea cuaaiy. sa lae tuna ef draft er rmil auwo eedar. J. O, to HIGH T, Cesuoua auKusr tw tae Jmr OrtiuMd Trttui, Mm taeosaa, August L 'ail. Tho Royal Mall Clean. Packet Co. ! Bermuda i Hp B K krarat price X Oast baa ever pr TaOcd far finUlaat raue4 trt tadUt, Tbcew mtm tur rgg wUo ' took v. CkMfmr ttll f amttulmr a 1 S10 $15 rrwAio Hftala aayt fttstaMga Ucl(wltl f trOIuei. By Trmjia-AtTen. f tlx user7 Kftc4-fae I ej-ttM b-14ir t-iS M SOX. iruiJi eW. 1 ball PL Cblcaao, I u U ti J T- A, KL CeuL K K K x, . v 14.2 Farijaa e ! H ll Mlnnrapoil ftil Omsha 7 6 4 Duiutn lf4 rmcAr.o f, R AIM A.ND PHOViniOXS Prices ea Doard ef Trade. f'HICAU!. (t. 2.t.-heat pr.in today elt tne i renMire of esle by large owners and fr the first time In neaiiy a week milfered a material sethack. The close u as at a decline of S'(i ic to 4C net. Tnc end of trsiiiiix left curn So to 11'v o'r, oata .town 'i'sSo and hog producta 1 loo derlina. Inveftnient d"niand for wheat showed in uiti Iib, enap man at any time alnre the recent bulge began. Kor the cash mticle in particular tha demand waa de cidedly slim, rienty of reasons were In evidence to mske the bulla een the wis dom of t let a temiwirary retreat. orii niiment were larger than ex pected. Kmlles took place from tim to ilme, but tiroadlv considered, the merke, In etste of decline from the etart. i n. of the features was a widening of the lecember-Mav differenee, certain Inter ests elllng the near end buying the de ferred option, ftetween U.e opening and the cloe liecernber fluctuated from 11. H1 to II n;-. with the close steady at 11.01. a drop of So compared with haturday night. colder and clearing weather following the recent rain, led the corn rroad to change from the general bullish senti ent of last week. December rented from tefiW'Wc. rinsing unsettled. liSluc nit lower, m f.;''rt',i,c. fash grade were weak. No. 2 yellow tu quoted at 76 Leading oah and elevator concern were free seller of both December and May nut December varied between 47.e and tsvfcNc, with the close off So at 41'tc. rrovlflons followed the downward ten dency of hog and corn. The. outcome was a decline an around, but not in any ce to exceed 10c. Quotations of leading product were: I Open. I High. Low. Clo. Safy. Whentl I lrc..l WMiHI I May.il WSSII OTMi July. II OOS loo I t omil 01SM i 06S, I 06,1 0H--.fl? W.Mto'sl OOl 1 OfH V4' iKVk eit't 44 64 I 4iS 47 47 4"i O'i fcAi'll'- 50V4i'. Corn I Deo..lW,HW , May.!8nHjiH July.luairV 44S, Ut I - lec..4iHTSIV4ir' May.lf-OWnSi tOS July. 4,S 47Vk 47!asi 47i 1'ork I i Jan.. 1 TB-shl IK H 1 721, 16 hi I 034 I 15 It 714 1. ) 16 86 I 16 W Xlay 16 W I 1 02! Lard I I Jan.. 0u 10-24 nibs I I Jan.. I I Si May.t 0-2' t Si 05 I IS t OTV 22'-, I 30 I 27H 2741 Cash quotation were a follow: ITI .1 ll T I'lrm u In,.. n.l.nl. Si ORie. S 40; tralght. ii&v- : spring straights, 4 bK,i4. 76; bakers. 13.705.00. . v vt at r- HARLK Y Feed or mixing, 7So.l.02; fulr to choice malting. II lZ'tftl 22. EKDS-Tlmothy. 4ia.fMili.fc: clover. $14 uvfriu 60. fho visions m. pork, per bhl.. 116.75 M 'io; lard, per 1" lbs., IS.OO; short ribs, -iii.-e, iiuoeei is.uus.so, abort clear, llmxedl Sv(8.76. Total cIcui-Htice of wheat and flour weer equal to rtoZ.TOO buehel. Primary re ceipts were 1,M7.(K bushel, compared wltli 1.42. 000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Tha visible supply of hem In the United fctate Inci eased l.ii.U.tM) bushel for the week. The amount of breadstuff on ocean passage Increased titf.OUO bushel. Estimated receipt for to morrow, wheat, lb cars. corn. 20 car. oata, n cars; hogs, 26,000 head. cnicago asn -trices-Wheat, ' no. J red, H.01SS1.08; No. t red, 1.0l Qtl.OS: No. t hrd, .tl.06ffl.ui; No. t hard. 11.0291.06; No. 1 northern. Il.Ofttt 117; No. 2 northern, tl U1 .16; No. 1 northern, ll.llwl.14; velvet chaff, 90v 1.12: No. 2 spring, tl 051.12; No. I spring, tl.utxf.il.t2; No. 4 spring, vuc&41.fiS; durum, fc'n1.08. Corn, No. 7(!i751c: No. i white, 7t!'Jf784c; No. 1 yellow, 7674o; No. 8, 737fc: No. t whit 7S4764o; No. t yllow, 761jr76ci No. 4. 724a744ej No. 4 white. 74X4tc; No. 4 yellow, 7iiij7S4o. Oat. No. 2. 4T41474c: No. t white, 4 toc; No. t white, 47Vtt4Kcr No. 4 white, 47&47c; standard. 47Vu4S4o. Hv. No. 2. 17c. Barley, Mi$1.3fi. Clover, 14.00fll.60. Timothy, tl S.OO111 18.I6. MUT'I KK-steauy; creameries, S3(ff2o; dairies. 21 (0 26c. ibGUa bieady; receipt. 1.060 caaea; at mark, cs.es Included, 16tfUo; firsts, Zlu; prime firsts, 22c. CHEEbK-tiuedy; dalnles, 144$144o; twins, UVuHo. young Americas, 14' 144c; long horns, 14WH4c. rOTATOES bteady , choice to fancy, 60tc; fair to good, 67043a. 1'OL- LTHY Unsettled; turkey. Mo; Chickens, tw. springs, 10a VUAL-Bteedy; 60 to 40-lb, wts., o; 40 to lb. wts., MJpl040; 16 to 110-lb. wt., llo. laily movement of produce: Articles. Kecelpta. Shtpm'ts. Flour, bbl 17,(-J0 4tWX) Wheat bu 77 do 2.000 Corn, bu t"i,fi0 2J.0U) Oat, bu tn.Of 2i0,00ti Ry. bu 11.000 . 1. 000 Barley, bu IU.OuO ' 1000 Car Lot Receipt Wheat, 44 oara, with It of contract grade; corn, t'l oara, with 71 of contract grade; cat, 122 car. Total receipt of wheat at Chicago. Minneapo lis and Duluth today were est cara. com pared with tXT car last week and 74." car the corresponding day a year ago. NEW YORK OMEBAI. MARKET taeetetleaa at tea Day ea Varteaa Ceaaesegltles. NEW TORK. Oct. 3 -rLOUrWeteady ; spring patents. f .na.i; winter strslguts, 44 2ia'4.u; winter patents, t4.ikmil.iu; epilog clears, 84 o4?4.2o; Kausaa straights, 4. id'ul W. Ke flour, firm; fair to good. oimio5o; choice 10 lanoy, D0 4. COrlNMEAL-KIrm: fine whll or yellow tl 6J)1.8- kiln dried. t3.eVSO.76. Ka Quiet; No. 2, isvo. nominal, c I. f., Mutialo, to arrive. BARLKV-Sleady; malting, tl 16122, 0. 1. f , buffalo. WHKAT opot market easy; No. 2 red, $L0d, elevator, export basis, and tl.0a f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 norUiern Dulutu. tLlt f. o. b. ailoet. ITutuiee lower under liquidation, owiug to lower cable, l&xgvr world a es porta and favorable weather, but the decline was checked by mills buying, closing 40 net lower. December closed tl.otH: My tl U. COKN pot market easy: No. I. ex- port basis, boo nominal. I. o. b. afloat. Future market waa nominal. OATti spot market eaay: futura mar. ket nominal. HAY-etrady: prime. 11.10: No. L 81.16 tl.M. No. 2. fl.JUWl K; No. t tl.10. HllrJS-Klrm; central AJnerlca, Uo; bogota. Jl0i-"0. LKATHfciK btady; Hemlock flrsta. tt fvila; eevouda, 2jJ4o; lb I id. lMTJlc: re ject a, li. fHOVisiONB Pont, ateaay: aneea. 41ATI CT17 ; fuinlly. ti2-0iMl.u; short clears, 41 7Ltfl" 60. Hemf. steady; tunes, 1 12 Soh u ro; lamiiy. 4u.su47ii.ou; beet ha ma. JS 60 i:0 60. Cut meats, quiet: pickled bo.lle. 10 to 14 pounds, 410. Tm 1100; pickled hams, moo. Lard, eaay; middle west prima, 8 14 C.; refined, firm; contlnsnt, 8.aV; 00 ut h AmerlcaJD, tlO-60; compound, 87.86 V 78. taujOW Firm; prime city, hhda, 4c nominal; country. 64vtSTAo. HUTTER rirm: creamery, sneclala JlWXic; extras. 8u44)3to; first, 2i Wc; creamery, held soci.la, SoaVe; astraa. IU-'V', rirst. yioaio; process, epeviala, MtMtf-io: extras, sxo; flrsta tj)r03o; fae lory. current make, firsts, 214c. IHEtst-steady; sklma, L14a. lAjnJ H I ng uiax : freaa gatherei. DeT doa., 8W3Uo; extra flrsta, 23io; firsts. us c; neio. rrean. poor to taur, u9ie; fraaa gathered dirt is. Na. L lVdiao; freab gathered aback, prim. 16 1 freaa gathered checks, puvr to good. Utftac; refrigerator, first. season's ateraae cuargea paid. Suiisla: retrigeretor, poor, LW17c. refrigerator, dirtlee, UUq; weet- ern geibrred. nitre. &ac. KlULTBI-KraMd. nutei; western ehlckeaa, kir: fowl. qf16c: turkeys, aicraas beet. Iktjlku; otbara, lOQUo. tgOersMsaaas eemla atavrlurt. VTX.'WACrRR, Oct. 2A WKaVAT-Kaa. 1 XMarUasra. aa.i-Jt. IT: Na. I nur-riva- UMxOXJm: He 2 hard wtntca. big; ljm oeutiW, 14 4: May. 810RV a 1 a Aianrtarv. aig etnac-CAlU-lCt-idauijTig. eUUuLS li ka Xsrkrt, PEORIA. rrf- 73. (YlR-iil.. r. white. 4-; N a. I yellow. No.' 8 ys. iuw, 1 jv: c. a. ruw, rTjC. Q. tuixed. Na 8 ui'iao. an, Na, liUel. 1. vc; fcen-iiiav. cut 1 , , -ce 1 - .. , f v . m . v. MARKET Scgtion on Exchange Dull and Lift left Daring' Day. PBICE CHANGES ABE BLIGHT tailed fttatea teel Agala Prove Most Active gtoek aad Display F.ffecllv Resistance to Bear Attack. NEW. TORK, Oct. 23. Price barely moved through most of today's session on the etork exchange. The market was dull and Duties, and In the absence of any Inducements for speculative opera tions, iraaing. was light. London sent over a omewhat lower range of prlre before tne opening ana tni tact, coup en with moderate pressure from professions! trad ers, caused elleht recession In the early trailing. The market rallied btifkly and held firm until shortly before the close, when a final drive eltnmtnated most of the modest gain which had been made. Heading showed the areateet strength of any of tha leading stork. Cheata- peaite tmio recovered part of the Ion which tt Sustained last week unnn nuhll. cation of an unfavorable annual renort. and Norfolk Western also moved up ward. I'ntted States Steel was again the most active stock, and displayed effective re sistance to hear attack. Tha day' trado reports Indicated that Incoming order were smaller than a week- tin. nothwlth. standing that prices of mnny products are almost at tha lowest level of a dec ade. Perhaps the moat slcnlflcant event of tha day was the announcement that a large part of a I3u.ou0,000 loan for th Fiusslan government waa to be placed here In the form of 44 per cent; six months' treasury bills. The offerins- of so large a portion of the loan at this point was regarded as the only logical one In view of the extreme ease of money u) jNew tork. A compared with the rate il payment on the Frueslan loan, funds for bIk months were Quoted here todav at i per cent. A moderate Increase was reported In the mercuntlle demand for money, both lo caily and In the interior. Foreign ex change ratea held steady. The fact that the Dank nf Krarlce offered to procur :.O0,0tK) of th 82.000.000 Bouth African Kohl offered In London mlnht operate, it waa thought, to relieve the situation suiiewhat at th French capital and lesi-n the chance that New York would be called upon to export gold to that point. The hond market wa quiet nd lrregu lar. Total salna par value, t2.100.0u0. United State bond were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotation on stocks were as follow: miss. Hlsh. lam. rtM. suit cti.ifiiers pre Amlsniftte4 CoCpper .. Amerlras Atrtmltursl .. Am. ltt Nusar American Can American C. A F Am Ottos Oil Americas H. L. pit.. Am. Ire ferurltlee American Ltnueetl American Dn-nniotlee ... A ma ri nan a R Am. S ft. pld Am. Steal roundrles Am. Sugar Rerining American T. A T American Tobaoc fli .. Amartcaa Woolen Anaconda Mining On.... Atchlaos AtchiMn fd Atlantis Coast Lias Baltimore Okie balblabaat Steel brook lyo Hapld Tr Canadian Pscttle Central Leather C'enlral Uaather ptd ('antral ol Naw Jersey... Cheaspsak Okie ttilusso A Alton C'klossa U. W., saw Ctllcaso O. W. pl4. ...j.. (bicaso A N. VV Cklcaso. M. A It. P.... C . C , C. A iu L Colorado P. A I Colurado A Smitbera.... Cessolldsted Oes for a Products Pelavsre A Hudaoa paoTar a Rla Orande... Panrar A R O. pld Maimers' gecuritlas .... 10U lo.:oo mh IH M'4 4 4-H lovi 47 Uj 4 an V4 14 14 H Sow 10144 M 11414 1M 10 inli ini4 1U(4 M 6. line 4114 4914 KM 10 1 I'M) HO "jiie. I. too 1M 1114 l'e "jjji 101 4 lit" ui '44 104S to H 4H 101 Si 100 JIT 400 1JAH 140 M4( '"iofi 'it I "0 107 400 101 'Lioi "it" t ... 04 7414 44, Ln W' U'i lo tue iii ll 31H 4 WO 7 Hi t 14 S7 1444 M 10 41 lit UH 14444 U 44 II 404, M 41 14tt UV4 4i 111 H 144 44 lcH n i0' rr its JV i 104 u lt M ias 1 rr U4H 10dl4 10414 44 1144 40 "4. 4.104 1244 "is 71 1,004 1144 1744 40 UM4 "io isi" iiivi Krle Erla tat ptd Kris td vtd l.aon 4no 1110 :a '"piu .9014 5I1 4I4 140 12.11 4 lot! 4 s 4114 140 M1t 41-4J 'iiii 44 104 Oanarsl Rlectrlo Great Northern ptd Ureal Northern Ore etfl . Illinois (.antral Intarburouah klat. Int. Mat. pld International Harvester.. li 44Uj 400 nt. Marina pfd International Paper ..... International Pump 2714 "tl" ioiii lows uenirai Kasaas CUr Swuthera... K. C. . pld Laclede Oaa 104 104 104 i Louiavllls A NaahTlile... Minn. A It- Louis. m.. t. r, g. (. M.... Missouri. K. A T M . K A T Ptd Miaaourt Peat fie National biscuit 100 too luu 1JH4 ai TO w t$4 National Lead 104 100 Ino 4714 P4i J5 li N. K. R. ef a. M ptd.. New York Central N. Y , O. A W Norfolk A W eaters, North American ......... Northern Psoin Psaltls Mall Peanayrvsnls Peupls's Oes y . c,. C. A at. U PltUhurg Ooal Preaaad Steal Car Pull man Palace Car Kailwsy Steal prlng..., flaadln Haeuhlls Steal Kepubll teal ptd Rock Itland Oa Hoak lalsa Ce. Pf4 UUA. P. 84 pfd... ft. touts W l. u W. ptd Ilciea-fiherrield . A I.... knuthars Paetfle Southern Itsllway So Hallway pfd loo 8.104 1044j no 11444 114 loO 10 4 TnlH 11:44 li7 44 11 41 144 MV4 140 Tenneeae Coper Texas A raolflc T.. St. L. A w T.. at. u a w. ptd t'niott Pactflo I'nion raiiiflo prd. . : t ailed Statas Realty t'nited States Runner.... t'nlted Statea Steel V. S. steel ptd I'tah tr.per Va -Caroline Ctsmlcsl .. Wahaak Walia.k pfd V, ct.ra Maryland We.ttntbouaa laclrlo aatarn Union Whrelln A U g Lehli Valley Total sales tor tke day, 8TT.M (oaras. Neve lark Moaey Market. NEW YORK. Oct 18.-MONEY On call steady; IV;!:1- per cent; ruling rate. 24. per cent; closing bid, t per cent; offered at 2't per cent. Time loans, steady; sixty days. i3 per cent; ninety day. J'nf 2 per cnt: six months, 2XC4 per cant. PRIMB MERCANTILE JAFER per cent. ITERUN3 BXCILANOK-Steady. with actual buslneea in bankers' bills at for alzty-day bill and Kai"M.o lor demand. Commeroial bill. 84.83t SILVER Bar, Mo; Mexican dollar. 444. BONU4-Goveraiuent. steady; railroad irregular. Closing quotations oa bonds today were a fotluwet t. t m. a r..l4ei4. m M. 4s... 44 4e Is, cusuua iwittJspaa 4s 41 aa. pa 101 do 4a 44 4e teaaiae MleK C. Se. lat la... Tt e a, ea 4U U S. dek. 4e lll... J e 4s. i. me L A N. sut 4s. .. n Allia-C'kal. 4a4 Is... 4 ) g A T. 1st 4a. Aster. As la 101V4 as 4s If A. T. A T. sr. davit Ma PaltVs 4s 74 Ass. Til ina 4a..... VM a K at kl 4e i 4s luMr. T. G. a Ike.... S4 Aresav A Oa. 4a. I as asa U K- Ai blase -... at X. T.. N. U. A E. ee ee. 4a. ! rr. 4s lis er. a. xmlft, A W. lat a 4s.. e4 A. a U te 4B..... 4S V 4s 1144 Bel. A Ok4e 4..... lMa. Psatfi ds leu 4e a 4e a aa4 Se 4. W, lav.... NOIL Kds. 4a . . 44 raa. Tr. e. 4e... 44 fees. a. loa 111. 4 ilea o Oa. 4a ! h, aos 4e. 11 Cea. Leatawe la..., 4Kasdiaa . 4s s2 er. ad H. i g SS..141 eg. L. A g P. tg 4 T O 'Sea. a uaas is.w4) sea. Sa , rri e rat. le- "4 LI . 4k.l 0aaMe A. 44 ess 1st a44 4a.... to' C a- A . !... . A. L. t te es S- 4. aSs. H sal. 4a.... 41 en sL A A P. 4 4a tu4 am a. a.- H4.Hf.iStl, ta Id Nl. ml 44 rt. 4a H . itaUvay ks.....l er.. lea as. 1 a m. 4a Ts -0.4S. Ml. 4S..... 4 Bt Pse4tu 4s. ...Vt c. a A r A e M 4 er. 4a. 1 D. A ST. 4s..... . 4a 1st 4 r k... 17. IX A A. 44. 4s. aC. S. RvSbae 4s ....104 4o ret aa. rr. S Si.l ss a. 1-1941 IXlilirs la ...... 14 Vtl-Xr, 0aas. !.." e,i p. I M. H.e.ku4 Ut ta....aue u ' 4. Vat a, to... a U. aj eMail MA. 4a...... 17 "w.a, ar-. aa. IB., p 100 11:44 1W4 DitA '"iii 'it" '" 44 J 10 uv4 uw ijH 00 1SH 141 IX.BSO 140 14 140W 10 wi IIH 'H "n '1444 '1444 Mti 200 4t 47 4a i 1 104 44 II f s 1.004 10144 lKUj let l.KO 14 M4 1M 444, 44 lW 144 to 4V S4 44 VM I4v U1 tt4 100 4144 4144 414 40. e l'a 141'4 1U4 too K ll4 1144 T Tn 4144 . 414 ItUj 1114. ovi t 4rt4 ft.) lw4 lot 44 t4 8000 441 4IV4 4414 20 4T4 47V 474 WV4 " io '1144 'itii 44u ""400 '7" 'iii nt 4 , 8.44 MV4 11 1444 Int. Met '4 tiPknam Is 10214 I4. OUmni. Losdos tock Alarket. LONDON. Oct. 2X American ecurltle were quiet and featureless during th early trading today. At noon price ranyed 1 roio aooie to below, tatur day s New York close. ' nndun closing stock quotation: Console, sinner .... '4V. Loulaellle a Naak.UI do account 7Mo.. Kan A Tax.. 41 Amal. (AlilM I4UjN. T. CeCntral. . . .l'"4 Anaconda 7 Norfolk A Weatera lo4 Al'bleon MS do ptd 44 do prd 104 Ontario A Wartarn. s4 Paltlmora A Oble... t4 Penn.rlranls 4 Canadian Psrlfio ..2.14 Pand Mines 44 t ha.apealia a Ohio. 73SRaitlo Tt1 Chi. Oroet Weatarn. 14 loutbsrn Ry r4 Oil , Mil. A St. P.lll4 do pfd 71V, D Bears 114 Southern Pae.ltls ..11144 benvar A Me R... Hi In loo Pielfls 14 do pfd 44 do pfd 44 Erie II C. S. Steal 41 de let pfd (1 ds ptd 113' do 2d pfd 41 Waba.h 11 Orand Trunk 3T do ptd 11-4 lllnols Central ....142 . ..-iif ,,u.ri at 24741 pet ounce. .vi(iNhV-lH'ul4 per cent. The rate of discount in the open mar ket for short bill is 3'4 per cent; for thre month' bill, 84S3 per cent. Boston Stork Market. 22. Closing quotation on stocks nd bond AMouex Amal. Copper A . Z L. A S Arliona Com B A 1. c . a s. M Buna Coalition ... r.'al. A Arisen.... Cal ft Heels Ctntinnlal Cop Ranxa C. C. F-a.i lluu, C. M... Franklin niro'tx Con Orenby Con. Greene Cmoanea .. lala.Rnrale Copper Kerr Lake bake Coupee La falle Copper...., Bid. 1H Miami Copper !4 4l'4Mnhak 14 llNaTad Con 14 40 Mplaaln Mlsss .... T l Nlih butt 14 14 North lake 4 4114 did Dominion 17 14 Oscanls M '.iParrott S. A C... 4U 12 Qulncy II lORbannon 7 4 Superior 2t 2 4 Superior A B M.... 1V tl Superior A P C 14 4U. I S. R. A M... 11 11 4o pfd 41, 11'tah Copper Co.... 14 41 tnont 44 4 Wolverine 41 Ve.T York Mining; Stock. N KW YORK. Oct. 23. Closing quota tions on mining stocks were: Alice 1(0 Little Cblef ... I ...144 ...10 ...141 ...100 ... to Uom. Tunnel Hock . 40 Mexican de bonds Con. tii A Va II Ontario 76 e0phr Horn Sliver T Standard Iron Silver eLa4vi coo. uiterad. ..100 Yellow Jacket I Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 23.-COFFEE Fu ture opened steady at sn advance of lOiaiti point In response to higher European cable than expected, report that firm offer from Brail I were aieadv and generally unchanged, and cover. ng on reallxlng by recent seller following th big break of Saturday. It seemed that nearly all the brokers around th ring had selling order on the advance, with rumor circulating that some of th bigger bulla were realising and the mar ket during the day eased off sharply with piicee at one time showing a net lose of 5Q18 point. Private cables from Santos, however, predicted an early fall, ing off In receipts as well as reporting unfavorably on the new crop outlook and the market In the latter trading firm up on renewed covering and bull up port, with th rloae ateady net 6 point lower to 8 point higher. Hales. i),&o bugs, October and Novem her, 14.7IK-; December, 14.68c; January, 14. Mc; February. iaH6c; March. ia.tc; April, 18.4c; May. ia.4j!o: Juna 18.89c; July and Augut, 13.86c; Beptember. liasc. llavra was H highor to 1 franc lower. Hamburg wa 1&l higher. Rio, nominal. Banto uncranged, 4a ino. Receipt at I,eB,'a,"lBn rf lOs.000 bigs, against 43,imo buKS last year: ludiahy 69.0(a) bags, against 42.500 bags laat year. New York warehouse deliveries Satur day were 6,168 bags, against 13.811 bag last year. Today special Bantos cable reported 4a unchanged this morning and ai2.Pau, rc'" of 84,0)0 bags against 70.noo bag the previous day. Bpot coffee, unsettled: Rio No. 7. 1547J 15V; Pantos No. 4. lo"!o. Mild, dull; Cordova, 17180. nominal . ' Metal Market. NEW IfORK. Oct. 18. METALS Standard copper, quiet: pot, October, November, December and January 818 14 bUlb; London, market ateady; pot, IM; futtires, 64 I6e; arrivals reported at New York today, 1,710 tons; custom house re turn show exports so far this month of iuna ueite copper, 81z.27ttJTU.75: f. tr0J?'t"5 137H'ffl2.50; casting, 8UO0i li25. Tin, teady; spot, 84J.00ia4j.J6i Oc tober, J41.Wrg42.26; November. December 11? Jan.uary' 41.SSt..Hi; Kebruary, 841.86 J42 86; JUondon, firm; pot, fll 7 6d; future. 1191 7 6d; local sale 86 ton tawiuiitr si u.w. ieaa. eaay; J4.26jj4.30, York; 84.10g4U. tat Br- Toul; IXJndon. 15 16s. Spelter, steady. J4.16f44.26, - . -j-i . d i.. ioui; London, 2 17 d. Iron. Cleveland war rant. a lmd m London; locally iron ZTtiZrZ'' Vui, .T. nortnem. fis.u "" "" "-wBie.; ino. i aouthern nd No. 1 aouthern oft, 815.09215.60, intlmony, dull; Cookon'. J8.(Kff8.12i4 8T. IlTIia 0.t n-ue-rn. il. firm; $4.15. Hpelter, trong; J4.J0. Braparated Apple aad Dried rraita AuuFiSJ1?- 9?' "-EVAPORATED iuhHPet'l. bl,t prlc,,a ara teady. With 1 iar ht nffsaHtAxM am k. a. m lOalOUc; choloe, 4--ojWo: DrimaillAi. ' DRIED YRClTtl-Prunee. Inactlv. but WiiS I" tlr,m: JutAUons rang from ui.w mi ..auiiurmae io liw SWfi fni flrikrr.na A ...I . . . . . - m....wv, U U II, put steady; choice, ISfUSc; extra choice, 18 C.6o; fancy lfauio. Peachee. very quiet, but offerings are small and prices r,'a1: c,hol5 UllSo; extra choloe. lltW2c; f4icy. l3V,(0i2c. Raisins, firm. Fills IrtaerlxrAi. 1 ti .i a. w - - -. , iwh Aiuacaiaia a-AXI wa, rhn Uu 4a fan.. A - 4 . , '. T , - mrwm.l, .TJC S4ISU1SSS, 4jTc; London layers, Jl.40iffl.4B. Cottoa Market. NEW TORK. Oct a POTTnMiu.i oloecd dull, 80 points lower; middling up. ,tiii, r-vni-, rniuillina guir, s.ioc; sauea, 17. 0 bales. Future oonned aaae. rwv. tober, 8.10: November, 8-lJo; Deoember. 9.JtHi; January. 17o; March, I.Mc; May. 9.42c: July, 9.33c. .onon nuure closed steady. Clo Ing bids: October, J.06V; November. .08o; Deoember. 9.22c: Jinuarr. t alc- H-.Km. 9.13c; March, 9 aoq- April. 9 Ko; May. J.JSc: June. 9cJuly. J.43c; August, 9 50c; 6ep- Dry Goods Market. NKW TORK rv. nu-w nnnno The cotton good market la adjusting nirmiuy io a lower cotton Dasts Sid or dors are aocumiilatlng on print, brown cotton, duck and cotton yarn. There w a Denier volume or epoi nuainea re- for spring have been priced on a level 01 iu per cerii neiow tn pnoea last cur rent. Twryeatlae aad fteata. PAVANNAH. Oa.. Oct 81 -1TTTJC. TINE Firm at 4c: sale. 4s bbl.: re reipts. 6M bbls.; shipments, 1,321 bbls.l stocks. S.Ml 1. bis. ROSIN Firm: sales. 1.201 bbls.: re.-elnts 8 .49 bbl.; shipment 4063 bhl.; sto4jg, cl.;J3 bbls. Uuotations: B. M.40: Li. s t: ni. : , u, rt. 1, K ana M, 84.6; N. J.70; WO. 87 80; WW, J7.60. rklladelphla Predace Market. PHILADELPHIA. Oct, 83. BUTTE R- le hlsher: extre western ceramery, 84c; aearby prints, 84c. EUO Firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases. 8 10 per case. current receipts, free case, 87.50 per case; western flrsta free case. J110 per case; current receipts, free case, J7.J0ijjT.S0 per case. CHEESB-Weady, New Tork, full creams, fancy, 14c; fair to good, lt-14c. 1 leerpeel Orala Market. LIVERPOOL. Oct 13 WHEAT Spot, nominal. ruturea easier , December. 7 d; March, 7 4Wd; May. 7 674. CORN-Spoi. firm; American mixed. 4s 8d. Futures, eaaier; January, talOHd; February, te nwlatk Orala Market. Dl'Lt'TH. Oct IS. TT1 1 EA T No. 1 hard. J1.U4,: No. 1 northern. Jl 114; No, 2 northern. JLC,; Deeenber, JX.aO4. May, b-i4v Kaugm Max scat. NEW TORK. Oct 88. nOAR TRaw. nominal; mueooradu, 8 teat, AoiWo. centrifugal. 8 teat ASwMgltt; molassea sugar, a test. . 8. (totpd. USo. Reanad. (teady. X 1 1 1 . Wool Market. T. LOriS. Mo.. Oct 2S- WOOL Sltrw; terrttory and western mediums, 17(J0c; fine Belli uua, labile; floe. II j ii-. Klata 1 4"rer rv -t i latte-r Marrt. w rerrT- n rvsi OMAHA UYEJTOCK MARKET Cattle Receipt Large and Tendency of Prices Lower. HOGS OPEN FIRM, CLOSE LOWER Fat Sheep and Lamb In Large Sap ply at All Selling Points, wltk Trade glow and Prices Generally Lower. KOUTH OMAHA. Oct. K, 11L Receipts were; Ctte. Hogs. Cheep. (ultimate Monday Yt :.0 i UMi 4ame day last week...l2? 44.7. fame day 2 wks. go..l0..,3 t.'. Vt.'r, Same day 8 wk. a4ro..lo,;,4t l.fUf. M.CVi Same day 4 wka. ago. .I'M- .'l 44.OT") Same day last year. .. .12.514 2.119 K.TVi The following 'table ihovr Uie rerelrrts of cattle, hog and sheep at South Omsha for the year to date, as compared with lent vear: inn. 191C. Inc. De?. attle ikl.SSS trs.l'iO 36.806 Hogs 1.9n4,S74 LSSl.C 343.H8 Sheep J.3K1.346 02.44J !.' The following table how the average price for hogs at South Omaha for the last few day, with comparison: Date 1811. 110. il().!18t.llcr7 ,1908. Oct. 14. Oct. 15. Oct 16. Oct. 17. .1 4 87 I 8 87! f 40( 6 64i 09j I 19 I 1 8 -47! 7 4SI S Bs S mf 4 811 . 8 80141 I 7 461 I 80 t Ml 27 6 11 .1 6 .V 8 65' i 42: ci 4 141 b 10 .1 31SI 6 6S 1 37 6 09 19 5 10 Oct. 1ft. ' 'rt. 1. I l .- I X Hi , ..H. ri 'l 0 UB: ' n I 8 8041 8 S7 7 41! 5 2t 6 18, t 14 Oct. .. ict. il. Oct. 22.. Oct. 28. S at S aii 7 bli o ilt I l"l " tv 8 44i 7 Mi 6 43; 6 87 6 11 7 5? t til 5 70 8 13 t 14 Sunday. Receipt and disposition of live stock st the Union stock yards, Bouth Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 8 . m, yesterday: RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle. oHgs. Sheep. HT's. C, M. dr. fit. P.... 4 6 I nlon Paclfto 82 6 94 C. A N. W., east.. 5 8 1 C. Ut N. W.. west..lS8 26 109 4 C, ft. P., M. & O.. 4 8 C. B. Ac (J , east.. 1 .. 1 C. B. A Q., west. .232 13 4 3 C R. I. & P., east 1 1 C, R. I. A P., west 3 1 Illinois Central 8 C. G. W ill.. Total receipts . .4K7 60 208 rJlSPOSITION-HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 576 6St 9S4 Swift and Company.... 929 Cudahy Packing Co 1.029 Armour A Co 1,106 Armour, from Denver.. 94 Cudahy. from Kt. Paul 767 1.113 1.2; 1.... 2,4h5 2.6H4 i,0K "kis Cudany, from Denver.. Morrell W. H. Vansant Co .... Benton, Vansant & L. Hill A Son F. B. Lewis Huston A Co J. H. Root A Co J. H. Bulla L. F. Muss 97 14 125 ar, 3:'4 i2 1S7 2V4 21 Ml 78 233 L. Wolf McCreary "I 8. Werthelmer , H. F. H-amllton Lee- Rothschild Mo. A Kan. Calf Co Christy A Kline , Other buyers 96 V 153 1S1 aa 1.4n 22,653 Total 8,464 3.833 31.075 CAi'ibfi-Receipu of cattle wcrs large this morning, there being aoout the sanie Dumber in sight as on Monaay of last week. To rnaae another comparison, tne receipts are aoout on par wun the corre Hponunig aay of last year, but over 4,000 head Bhort of the number received here uiiee week ago and four weeks ago. At the same tuna oiher market po.nts were buruened with large receipts ana were Henamg out discouraging report. A a result of thia local buyers were In clined to feel their way until they knew mora about how came were selling ai other point. A a result ot thi the traue waa Uiw and dull and it wa nrn.-tii-nuu midday betor very much business wa uansacted. ... 4 u supply of beef steer Droved to be .uii moderate, there being very few voiiired beevta of any kind in sight. Of- -eririgs ot range neet cattle were also very moderate, out" the trade a a whole was iinsatlMactorv owins to tha i-.rt ih.t advices from other sailing points were so discouraging. As a result of the break eporied at eastern points price here were weak to loo lower and In some ex treme cases Dosaiblv aa much as ln-ii-u. lower. Cows and heifers were In larra snnnlv and th trade waa slow. As waa the case with beef steers, prices ranged anywhere from Wak to 10c lower, and In um. caaea looked as much as ltkgl5o lower. 1 h better grades of cows and heifers, It anything, suffered more decline than th cannera and cutters or the cheaper grades. Outslds of a few good to extra oholcs cattle, the general market nn .tn-l,.. and feeder wa around 10oi5o lower than last week's close. The supply was large, snd It was late In the day before an v. thing like a clearance was effected. Quotations on Native Cattle Good to choice beef steer. J7.0ik8i7.76 : fir to good beef steers, J6.00J.7.00; common to fair beef steers, J4.7i35 75; good to choice heifers, J4.7hiS6.60; good to oholce cow, 84.3005.00; fair to good cow. J3.76S4.26; common to fair cows, Ui3.te; veal calvea, J3.50iir7.76. . Quotations on Range Cattle Good to choice beef steers, ts.6ofi6.60; fair to good beef steers, J4 80ji6.50: common to fair beef steer. 81 2fc4.0: good to choloe heifers, 84 2f tt6.00; good to choice cow, J4.9MJ4 90; fair to good cow. 83.76434 80: good to choice stacker and feeder. 45 00 f6 78: fair to good Blocker and feeder, 84 2.M26.0O; common to fair Blocker and feeder. 83.4fl4.25: tock heifer. JJ.J64J 4.2.1: bull, stag, etc.. JJ.2iai.O0. Kepre.'entaUv aalea: WESTERNS NERRASK- A 14 reeflsrs.. 969 4 45 10 feeder.. Ml 4 80 J 26 4 46 10 cow 910 10 feeder.. 6Kg 27 feeders., rt H. H 1 feeders.. 178 F. O 81 steers.... 937 1 JO 5 cow 1104 4 25 81 feeder.. 491 ( 35 BarUsohe-Wyo. 4 94) 8. Hesse Wyo. 1 00 CI. I.amb Wvo 27 feeders.. 1226 6 li P. R. W'erdon Wya. 2J feeders.. 940 5 15 U feeders.. 860 1 10 81ebert A Hayea-Wyo. 62 feeders.. M 5M 51 feeder. .1049 I 00 21 feeders.. 91 6 00 Williamson Bros. Wyo. 27 feeders.. 1084 4 90 feeders. .1010 4 7 H OC1 a Demand for hogs from local quarter had a vary fair edge during moat ef the session and price for bula ruled steady to strong. Buppilt amounted to about Iifty-flve kad and tn larger portion of tin estimate, showing up be fore 10 o'clock, cleared In goud shape. Closing business. Involving a dosen or more loads, waa affected adversely by a weakened demand and final value set. tied at level about a nickel lower. Ulppera and speculator furnished poor support at all times, buying only aig or aeven loada In all. Heavy butcher and packing grades made up the big end ot receipts, and aa these kinds are more properly suited for local slaughter the needs of the shipping trade ww lalber uncertain. a! wer cloeely bunched, the Bant as recently, and long airings landed at W.tvul S7. Home little business was done late at prices as low aa J.ju. The best bacon anlinaia on sal touched 84-4U, a nickel under tiaturday'a high price. Representative sales: Na A. 8a. Pr. He. Ae. So, Pr. 7 4"4 mi I 174 40 4 iu I 14 44 Ml 94 I 87a M 14 ... 4 1 40 W 4 I le SIM II. It., 41., 44.. ...t4 lit I 4 ...143 ! IS ...ir; tw) 4 44 ...1I M I 14 ...le M 4H 144 I t a HI ut is ... I lo 44 4 lt4 ... 4 121 111. 1W I I! J 11 I Ml ...to ...t4 ...! ...tni ...til ...Ml ...la 44... II... u t te 1 14 S:u la I M 11 m in 4 w rr ii it 4 11 n 7 14 1 11 n 4.4 1 14 41 I t fee 4 1 1 tn u tr a 44 1 1144 ...Ut ..H 14 St ..in 1 I M ..f MM 4 44 ax. ..... -ui ... s 17 ... 4 47 14 I 87 2 ..le 44 4 14 4.....l4 ..4 4 la t I . M 1 1471. M.......IJ4 84 4 rt2 a. ... 17 i .M4 ... 4U .Ut US I I aa ia 1 1 si T. ...... set a u T4..M...I3I K III 44 Id 4 I 44 41 a4 ... ea 14 1.4 UI I 14 IT ...... . 4 14 I St Tk i l US I SI 44. 14 4 4 44 II ... II7, la . lat in, . ... I 17 44 ..St ... 4 17-4) .11 14 I 17 .. ... I 7W ..H4 U 17 .44 ... 44 u. . SHExlP Few eellar ef sheas aad lamb cerrat to C inmilt tlietnaelvee on tii pro!- a 1 tea e,m4"l.o ot tr-1e. hot all trren uisncii ol tne maraei. riastina for ooi- 1. riepf uii-g war p.ntliui. a big supply locany being one ol th foremost. In auiuiuon to the aLw) nead eeuuiata at 1.1,1 point, eastern trade wsa aieo glutted, v.iusO getting one ol the .augral runs .n lue history ot the tnarktt. a mean uernand at last weeg's ciose only server o tnaae a bad Bituauon vtoise, soil lue einouut 01 business transacted esriy at oiobu only a pour test o( vaiues. 411 liiawn aesBion p.uu.ie:u lo oe an ajlernoon atiair, with teeuer cUbSu ,ule anu tat atrinaa tne excepuoo. De l-i te put tact, noiiiing creuiiaoie couiu ue t-aid regarding Uie uen.anu tor killing etoca. lacsers heid back from tne scan and Insisted on a seal ot price se verely trimmed. IndicaUon pointed tu ihe sals 01 the bula at uevuues ot about Fat lamb slatted out arounu .0.x6.40 and the limit on choice quality a placed at lo.aO. Fat aheep trade ruleu unevenly lower, uncertainty being due to .be relatively email proportion of good uwes, wethers, etc., in the auppiy. V eighty feeder lambs, euitaoi for dry lots, drew fair competition trom country iiiiycrp, but other ot.erings were neglected and the general trend to values was bear ish. In some respects It waa weak to 1.1C lower deal. '1 tie attendance ol corn belt finishers proved reaxunably large, out common, old ee.es and plain. Utile ,amhs wore unpopular In most quarter;. The better kind of weighty lambs rangei around J4.n0&4.65. while pee-wee grade; eold largely under 84.00. as low aa 8J.26. Feeder ewes moved from 82 50 downward. Quotations on sheep and lembs: Lambs: Good to choice, fair to good, .r.."tni6.26; feeders. 83.2"4(40fc. Yearlinns: Good to choice, 83i4.15; feeders, JJ.lMjf 8o. Wethers: Handv. J) 263.60; heavv, l.irgS 40. feeders. J2 909 3.26. Ewes: Uood to choice. J2.903 16; fulr to good. l?.fi&-3 2. :; breeder. t3.2a3.8S; feeder, J2.10r62.50; culls. Jl.&?2 10. Representative sales: No. . Atr. Pr. 26 Nebraska wethers fW 8 00 1010 Wyoming lambs 73 80 4t4 Nebraska feeder ewes 67 1 SO 27 Neb. feeder ewes, culls.... 64 1 00 628 Montana wethers 120 I 70 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle Dull Hogs Lower 8heep Steady. CHICAGO, Oct. 28. CATTLE Receipts, 36Ooi head; market dull, generally lOwlRc lower, beeves. 34.70(je.76; Texas steer, J4.l0ufl.00; western steers, 84.16ij''-10; stockers and feeders, J3.26'o.70; cows and heifers. J2.00rg6.OO; calve, 86.0009.00. HOGS Receipts, 80.O0O hetul: market mostly 6c lower; light, J6.9oi.tt2'; mixed, J6.uCkS.67Vi; heavy. Ki'g6.6; rough, JtMWj: 6.26: good to choice heavy, i.2.V(i4i.60; pigs, 83. TRff: .".; bulk of sales. Jti.35fifi.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 70.000 head; market steady for best: others 10c lower; natives, Jz.2ifj3.i0; western, I2.4ta 8 80. yearlings, J3.60u4 40; native lambs, Jl.OCKrjtUO; weatern. J4.00i3.10. St. Loola Live gtoc-k Slarket. PT. LOUIS. Oct. 83. CATTLE Receipts, 6.300 head, including 3.814 Texans; market steady ; native shipping and export steers, J7.2..'8.00; dressed and butcher steers, J5.257.50; steers under 1,000 pounds, Jl.OOrt 8.00; stockers and feeders, J3.0Ory6.25; cows and heifers, ta.tKyS.86; canners, 31.0013.00; bulls, J3.765.25; calves. 84.009.00; Texas and Indian steers, J4.00ij7.u0; cows and heifer. J4.6Ofl7.00. HOUS Receipts, 9,944 head; market steady to strong; pigs and lights, J4.76 4.70. packer Jtl.46Q6.iO; butchers and best heavy, J6.60g6.76. 8HKEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.200 head: market steady; natives muttons. 43.nM3.A6; lambs, ROOtgS.et): culls suid bucks, J1.2ES3.50; stockers, J1.0O&3.0O. Kansaa City Live Stock Market, KANSAS CITT. Oct. 21 CATTLE Re. celpts, 82,000 heat), including 2,000 south erns; market steady; medium steers 10c lower: dressed beef and export steers, 17.0uii.0O; fair to good, J5.S63-6.90; western steers, J3.9WS.7.J6; stockers and feeders, J3.7&0-6.9G; southern steers, J3.66j.6.25; soulliern cows, U.76iJ4.26; native cows, Ji.&ixo.OO; naUve heifers. J4.00.50; bulls, 83.26-4.26. calves, M-OOtgrf.&O. HOGS Receipts, 8.600 head; market steady to 60 lower: bulk of sales, JtUito 6.60; heavy. J.40(ffl.62Jni: packer and butcher. J.S04.60; lights, J6.6XxigD.36; pigs, J4.2i.(&4.25. - tm,lU AND LAMBS Receipts, 7.000 head; market ateady to strong; lambs, J4.6org.9; yearlings, J3.75avi.50; wethers, MiWiii.76; ewes, li.964J4.60; stockers and feeders, 82. 25(83.80. St. Josepk Live Stock Slarket. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Oct. 23. CATTLE Recerpts. J. A head: market slow: steers. J4.5Ou4.00; cows and heifers. J3.604j7.76. HOQ-Receipia, ,)!oy head; market steady to weak; top, $6.60; bulk of sale, u.oci.aQ. SHUEP AND LAMBS Receipts, J. 900 head; market slow; lambs, Jl.OO'U'ti.OO. Stock la Sight. Receipts of llvs stock at the five princi pal western markets Saturday: Caul. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha U.Suo 3.7o0 eo.ouo Bt. Joseph 2,600 6,200 Kanaa City M2.uu0 g.5o0 St. Louis 4.300 9.9U0 Chicago 36,000 J6.0UO Totals.. ..89,200 (2,800 166,100 OMAHA UtCAEAAi. MARKET CHEESE Imported bwlss, 32c; Ameri can wiB, Lie, block bwiss, loo; twins, lCnc; daisies, 16 c; triplets, leic; blu label brick, lo ; Umberger, 4-lb., 14c; lim berger, 1 lb., 19a BUTTER No. L l-lb. carton, 2to; No. U tn o-lb. tuba. 2Vo; No. J, Hfec; pack- Pa, 1TC i-OCLi'RT Broilers, Uo; spring. ISNj; hena Uo; coca, sc; ducks, 16c; geese, ix;; tuiaey. piseuns, pr doa, gi.su. A4v: bialiera. Uo. bna, sc; old iooir and stags, 6c; old ducaa, full leathered, 10c; geie. lull foauisied. lue; lurkey. 16c; guinea fowia, lac eacu; pigeous, per doa., ioc; houisis, per ooa.. 42 au; suaba, iso. L 81.60; No. 3, 6uo. FlaH r.ckeiei, lie; wnlte, auc; pike, 16c; trout, lac, larg trupp;es, loulsv; apaniah macaerel, Uo; eel, lac; haddock. Uo; flounueie, lie; groan calf 111, lo. roe aliad. 6i.ts each; shad roe. per pair, joc; salmon, Uc; halibut, 9c; yeiUw perch, so; butlaio, 4c; bu.lhaau. 14c. BEEF CUTS Ribs: No L lc; No. 8. Us; No. 8, t'tc. Loins), No. 1. lsfcc; No. 8, lirSso; No. 8, 8-)4C. Chuck: No. 1 70. No. J. 6c; No. 8. 6 4.0. Round: No. i, llu; Na. J. 4,o; No. 8. Wc. Flat; No. 1. to; No. i, n,o; No. 3, IWc FRUlTeV-Applee Cooking varieties per bbl.. Ji?a; Joaaihan, per bbl., 84.0U; Cali fornia Belleflower, ptr box, J1.26; Colo rado Jonathan, extra fancy, per box. 12 lo; Ben Davis, per bbl., J2.30. Ba nanas J ancy select per buch, 82.252.00; Jumbo, per bunch, 42.7n4.74. Canta loupesColorado, standard 44 count, 81.76 per crate; pony cralca, 64 oount 81-60; Colorado Oaage, 18 Sise, per crate, Il uo. Cranberries Wisconsin fancy, per bbl., J8.0u; per box. 83.00. Date Anchor brand, new, to l-lb. pkg. In boxes, per box, 82.26. Figs Calltorni. per case of 13 U-oa. pkgs sac; per ease of 8 12-os. pkgs., J2.au; per case of 0 -os. pkg., Ji.uO; New Turkish, I -crown In 20-lb. boxae, fier lb., loo; i-crown in 0-lb. boxe. per b., X6c; 7 -crown In SO-lb. boxe. per lb., 17c. Orapea Nw York and Michigan Concords, par 7-lb. basket 19c; California Tokays, per 4-basket crate, J1.2S. Lemons Liuionelra brand, ealra fancy, JuO-Sot) else, per box, 86.76; Lorn a Llmonelra, fancy J0-3tA else, per box. 46. 0U; ltD and 420 slsss, Juo per box Was. Oranges Niag-rA Uedland Valencia. 98-124) isa, per box. J6.26; 160-li(-2u0-216-2j0 alaea, par box. J6.6O. Peaches California and Colo rado, per box, 81.00. Peara California Duchess. B Hardy and B. Clarlgtau. per 66-1 b. box, J2.60; lot of 10 boxe or more, 82.40; Lawrence, per box. J3.40. Quinuse Michigan, per basket (2 26. VEGETABLES Bean a StrUiaT and was. per market baaket II yL2o. Cabbage Wisconsin, per lb., lktflVc. Celery Mich, lean, per doa, 86a; Colorado Jumbo, par do., 160. Cucumbers Hot house, per dos., 81 75. Ejs gplant Fancy Florida, per do.. JL0O. Carllo Extra fancy, white, per lb., 160. Lettuce Extra fancy leaf, per do. 40c. Onions Home grown, whit, per crate, J1.75; pellow, per crate. JI.40; red globe, per lb.. 2Wc; Wisconsin, yellow, in sacks, per lb., J,c; Spanish, per crate, J1.75. parfcley Fancy home trown, per do, bunches, 46c Fotatoea Uaneeota Early Ohio, par bu-, 80c; Wis consin while stock, per bu., tuc; In 10 saca lot. 60 less. Sweet Potatoes Vir ginia, per bbl. 44.60; per bu.. bsk., Jl So. Rutabagas In sacks, per lb 10. To matoas Heaoe grown, per markst baaket. 5u;6c, MISCELLANEOUS Almonds Califor nia soft sliell. per lb . toe; in sack lota, lo lea. Brasll nuts Per lb., Uc: tn sack iota, le leut. Chestnuts Per lb.. 16c. 1 o- coaauta per sack. J6 2 Fuberta lr lb., 14c; in sack lota, lc lea. Peanut Roeaied, per lb.', 8Wc; raw, per lb , 7Wc. Fcavr Large, per lb., lac; L4 tut lots, le lea. Walnuts New arop, UU. Cali fornia, Pr lb., 17Vc; In asuk tola, la it as. f 1,1, r New. per U-gal. V, tbl., I!!5: fee 13.76. Krout-Pr 15-fal. keg. 12.75; per 6-gal. keg. J1.10. St. Louis Geseril Market. it inns rirr n..WHriTur..i, wek; trsrk No. I red. lcU 31 .02H ; No. I hard, 81 nfi-fl.14; December, 8l.01ti31.0m; Mv. Jios-vffl.o. CORN trf'wer; trncK o. I. 7?73ttc; No. 2 white 74H3T.V; December. Sa't: Mav, i44,(rt iif,c. OATS Steartv: ttark No. 2, ITc; No. 2 white. 4-Vi4tVo; De-ember, 47ic. tv o,.... . . aoi.-Ai r., e nir- o'lwue m 1 tjv-vi wx.v.. FLOUR Hi m: red winter patents. 84 40 0.flO; extra fancy and straights, 840031 4.W; hard winter clears. 8S Vfj3.85. PEED Timotnv. ?12.1)JZH.6(. CORNMEAL JJ 30. BRAN Steady, racked east track. Jill 31 14. HAT weak; timotny. J19.0tv7r24.): prairie. Jl! OOtf 16.00. BAtlOINO TWINE Hemp, 7l,c. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged: lob bing. J14.2S. I-ard. lower: prime steam, JS.72i4ygs.82H. Dry salt meats, unchanged; boxed extra shorts. 19.00; ribs, $9 00; short clears, Jt.n1, Pacton. unchanged: boxed extra short 10c; clear ribs, 10c; sonrt clears. J10 12H- POULTRY Firm: chickens. 9Ur: springs. 10c; turkeys, 14616c, ducks, 12c; gese. 9c. hi tter steady, creamery, 2377300. EGGS Firm at 22c Receplts. ShlDment Flour, bbls 12.0tV 9,ofif) Wheat, bu 72.0t0 RS.ono Corn, bu 114,000 46.000 Oats, bu 102,000 26.000 Kansas Cltr Grain aad Provision. irivtm rtTV r,.t tn miff . t. -,. .w unchanged: No. I hard. J1.04ygl.U; No. 3, Jl.rr77jl.09; No. 2 red, 11.0291.0314; No. 8, $1.011.02i: December. Jl.O'-;'iti(ffl.024; May. J1.0rAri.o54; Julv, tt7iffiWc. t-UK.M uncnangea; jno. 3 mixed. T3o; No. 8. 72Hc: No. 2 white. 72lVfr7Sc: No. IL 72Hp: Deoember, Sfo; May, 68'4o; July, !rfS-- ua'is sreaov; no. 8. white, 4S3Btto; No. 8 mixed. 46H4740. RTE 97c. HAY Steady: choice timothy, 8J.ri choice prftlrte, Jll0tyi3.5O. BUTTER Creamery, 28c; firsts, J0 seconds, J4o; packing stock, JSc E(KiS Extras, 84c; first. 27ViO sec onds, 14c. Recelpta Shipments, Wheat bu Mono Ml fro Corn, bu. 61,000 2S,Of0 Oats, bu, 16,000 13.000 Mlaneapoll Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct 2S. WHKAT-'De-cemher, 31.10S; May, ILMHSLWH; July. JL16ri.l6Wj; cash. No. 1 hard, 11.13 "4; No. 1 northern Jl.UHeUlS; No. 1 northern, J1.0S-l.oS; No. J, JL06H1.06. FLAX 82.394. B A RLE Y-&cg.l. CORN No. 3 yellow, 7Sc. OATS No. 8 white. 48S46HO. RTE No. 2, 9.M9SS4o. BRAN 421. 60rg 23.00. FLOUR First patents. 6.493.70; sen. ond patents, J6.006.30; first clears, J3.909 4.26; second clears, J3.8048.20. Visible "apply ot Grata. NEW TORK, Oct. 23 The visible sup- Sly of grain In the United States Satur ay. October 2L a compiled by the New Tork Produce exchange was as fol lows: Wheat 61, 815.tn) bushels; Increase, 1.615.000 bushels. Corn. 8.110, Offl bushels: decrease, 650.000 bushels. Oats. 21,7fS.O"0 bushels; Increase, 69,000 bushels. Rye. 792.0HO bushels; Increase, 176,000 bushels. Barley, 4,213.000 bushels; Increase, 323,000 bushels. The visible supply of wheat In Canada last Saturdav waa 7.430,000 bush els, an Increase of 463.000 busnela. Two Killed in War Between White Men and Angry Negroes COTVETA, OkL. Oct JBL Efl Suddeth. a negro, was shot to death tonight by a mob of cltlsens who had armed them selvs following a battle this afternoon between blacks and whites. In which Sud deth killed J. D. Beavers, city attorney, snd wounded Carmen Oliver and Stellar Thompson, whit men. Buddeth was wounded and was than strung up to a water tank but was cut down before he died and locked tn a va cant building. Tonight Deputy Sheriff Plowsrs attempted to take the slayer to Wagoner to jalL As the negro was being lifted Into an automobile th mob opened fire on htm. Probably fifty shot entered his body. Large numbers of enraged negro are arriving from th surrounding country and a race war seems inevitable. MUSKOGEE, Oct, 23. While what militia can be raised tonight ts being rushed from here by special train to the assistance of the white population of Coweta, larg numbers of armed ne groes from surrounding points are has tening to that town to assist In the fight with the whites. Besides the killing of the city attorney and the lynching of bis slayer a number of both races have been shot In the fights, according to reports reoelved here. The negro population la Infuriated by th killing of Buddeth. They sent out runners to all nearby towns, several of which are exclusively negro settlements, to call them to aid In fighting the whites nd maks good their threat to wipe the town off th map before morning. Sounds Praises of Underwood for 1912 BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Oot tl Con gressman Oscar W. Underwood of Ala bama waa put forward as the next demo cratic candidate for president by United States Senator John Bankhead of Ala bama In recent statement today. Mr. Bankhead says that Mr. Underwood has go equal In either branch of congress in th execution of publio policies and that his capacity for organisation is shown by his eontrol of th pre ant bous majority. Senator Bankhead declare that after visit to vaiioua part of th country It is his deliberate Judgment that if there Is any sectional feeling as to Mr. Underwood, it would be In tha. southern ers' favor. Attempt to Dynamite Eock Island Train KANSAS CITY. Mo., Oct B.-U. tale gram to th local polio asking tnem to watch for thre upcted man brought tonight th first Information that an attemp was mad this morning to dyna mite the Chicago, Rook bland A Pacific paaaenger train. No. 87, Trom Bt Louis to Denver, at Eldon. Mo.. 170 miles east of here. The track was damaged by the explosion, but the passenger train p d over. A freight train which followed wa delayed for aa hour while tha dam. gga was repaired. Three men, who were seen In Eldon yesterday, are gnspauted aad their descriptions have beao sent to tha police of all surrounding eltlssv Flag of New Republic " of China is Displayed NEW TORK, Oot. S3. Th flag eat th "new republic of China" was displayed today at a public meeting of 604 fhlnaos hsld under th auspice of tk New Tork branch cf tha Youag China sisaoia'stlnii In aid of th revolution. It was red, with a blu field, similar to that of tha Ameri can Hag, and la plaoe of the stars, had a whit sun. The alarccast v"! Gas the Oood Ss th Owe 14-n Lot tho PviaCW g.aiar Jg