Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1911, LAND SHOW, Page 10, Image 10

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Alio Alfalfa and Spudi Are Here
'rom Wonderful Valley.
Phtrrah Shew ml !. ApUt
True, Flftr tears OIA, riaatea
7 Cathalles at Walt
wast MlMlaa.
Th vJ!y of th Tak:ma, Weihlnrton,
rich byond calculation In lu i.aiural
rurca, la rprntxl at th Omaha
Land 8 ho by biff booth In the aoutb
m part of the Colireu:a. Thl exhibit
la In charr of fJf mai. -ll. H. Morten.
A. T. Rets. Uo(l Juiilai- and V. S.
Hunt. It waa etnt t Yalma and Ben
ton eojnta and IikIu.V- all tho product
cf tha countlaa, aileji6 at random from
amcnpr (ha farmer.
Alfalfa, potato, atrwbv:rie. a-rui,
pplca, peaches and ptais are grown
abundantly In tha yalky tnd the i..brta
at the Land Bhow nu i.i.eitlon
of tha poaalbllltl of t. Ma:, ".utter."
aald Mr. Millar, "thee txiih.:, c. not
do u juetlo. for w c.u th.I h.u.J to
aihlblt hr; but, hu uoii ..i.c J of
tha advisability of It tn product wiu
thar4 hastily from Carmeta and are
raally not aa good a w can prod w e
aod aa produe every yaar."
Savarel commercial club of Takluia
alloy town joined force to present
their product to th pttrona of th Land
Bhow aad laur will atnd th cama tua
with other exhibits to tb Chicago (bow.
In addition to tbe nurnsreua farm prod
ucts ihown, a aerie of large photogiapb
of Induatrle and loculHIe In th valley
wo exhibited. The be Industry la a
profitable one and extensively followed,
thousands of eolonio being located In
Yakima and Benton counties.
A curloalty exhibited In thl booth and
on that tell better than word th won
derful fertility of th famous Yakima
valley la th photograph of a fruit tree,
fifty year old, planted by tha Cathollu
t Whit Swan mission. Tha photograph
show an Indian standing stolidly under
tha great tree, th branches of which art
bowed to th earth with fruit
Sacramento Land -Products
Are Shown
Th 6acramonto valley, "land of bloom
nd beauty, I described, and product
from It ar exhibited at tha Land Show
by th Trowbrldge-Bolster company of
Oajiaha. who have gathered a rar eel
lactlon of wine, truita, grains and
graaeea and have literally amotbarod th
booth they occupy, in th canter of th
hag Coliseum.
Every occupation carried on In th val
ley I described and Illustrated with lab
orate photograph aad froo llteratur,
which la being dlstrlbutt-d to tha visi
tor. Btatlstlcs on tha production of th
lead, th expense accompanying Irriga
tion, pWatlag and harvesting of crop
have bma prepared and ar being given
to thee Interested.
A Portaaat Tetaa,
. W. Ooodloo. Dallas. Texas, found
a aura cur for malaria and btllonsaea
In Dr. King Now Ufa Ml la, jsc Kor
at by lieatost Drug Co.
Training Virgin Praire Sod by Means of Modern Machinery
if -iV:
Tr -
.7 . v
: vr
1 1 ' ' i
" - J: : ' .
ire Thousand Visitori Will Be Here
Duiinj the ConTestion.
Nona of tha exhibits at tb Land Bhow
la attracting more attention than ih
great gaa traction engine which are
playing ao Important a part In th de
velopment of th west. Every farmer,
very land man, ovoryone who la Inter
ested In tho opening up of tho thousands
of acre not yet put under the plow, real
ise whai the great entclnee mean in the
work of transforming arid acres Into fer
tile: fields and making the bar prairie to
blossora like the rose.
Tb remarkable Illustration accompany
ing Uila article ahowa three of these en
gines at work on a tract of 22,;0u acres
la Chynao county, Colorado. The
thre engines have broken thl aeaaon
more than s.OOi) acres of tough prairie
sod, averaging better than KX acre a
day. tauh angina pull tn ti-lnch
plow, and th thr turn over a com
bined furrow width of thirty-five feat
An automatic aelf-steeiing device make
It possible for on man to run both an
gina and plows.
An exhibition of plowing by thes ma
chine will b given at Thirtieth and
Kpencer streets tills afternoon.
Strange to say, It la only within th
laat decade that many farmer hav
awakened to tho fact that bora traction
la a very expanalv and Inefficient form
of power. For ao many years th fanner
has been uaed to raring for his horaea
that he ha come to take tha labor aad
asp" aa a matter of course, not real
ising that the average annual cost of
maintaining a farm work horse l ap
proximately too and that all h get a out
of tho animal lu return is three hour
of work a day througout th year. It la
only within th laat tew yaar that farra
r generally hav begun to reallso what
heavy expenao they ar under In hous
ing, feeding and taking car of their
horses through th long winter, whan
thy ar doing prmctloaaly no work, in
order that thoy may hav thetn whn
tha aeaaon of aoUv work begin. Thr
ta a good deal of work In caring for a
horse, if It Is properly car4 for, ar.c'
that must b men to do It and thei
men must b boused and fed and paid.
'i he modern gas ,tt..o.or, when, if la
not wo.k.og, ntuli't m car no av
tentlon, and abto.u.e'.y no expense' can
fce thargiu to lu other than interest on
the Investment and depreciation, both
of which should also b charged In figur
ing th expens of hori traction but
seldom ar. Th tractor stands allot
and old in lu shod all wlnUr long, un
less It Is desired to uses It for sawing
wood or some other form of stationary
work. At a turn, of the rrank It la ready
to do th work of thirty horaea. Tho mo
ment Ita motor ceasea to work tb ex
pense, other than Interest and deprecia
tion stop absolutely.
In considering th valuo of a tractor,
tho fh-st point In Its genersi utility or
.the all-around serrlo which It per
form. Th tractor, for Instance, which
ran be used only on hard, firm ground,
s In breaking, or for stationary work,
such as thrashing, I an expense invest
ment for th farmer, bnraua be must
keep a large number of horaea through
out the year In order to do the many
other klnda of work. The modem gas
tractor, with Ita light weight and high.
wid wheela, can travel, with eaa over
oft ground and can, therefore, be used
In drilling, harrowing, discing and har
vesting, m addition to th heavier work
of breaking and threshing ; It, therefor,
provide th farmer with a portable
power plant with which he can do prac
tically an hi work and which .enable
him almost entirely to do without horaea
In farming, aa perhaps In no other
business, almost everything depend upon
doing thing at th proper time and get
ting them done quiokly. Horse can do
only so much, and th farmer can work
hi horse only so many hours a day.
The engine owner can work hta angina
night and day If he want to, plowing
fifty to seventy-five acres every twenty
four hours, and keeping It up without
fear of tiring his engine or wearing it
is in Juki this particular that the
modern gaa tractor ia worth so much to
the farmer. The greatest value la not In
Ita ability to do hu plowing and other
farm work at a much lower cost than
that of doing It with horses, but in the
fact that It enables him to do hi work
Just when ha wants to do It. and to get
through with It quickly, while soil and
weather conditions ar Just right. Tho
modern gas tractor of thirty-horsepower
will break from twenty-five to forty
acre a day. tubbl-plow twnty-flv to
fifty acres, harvest sixty to 100 acres.
Furthermore, th tractor enable the
farmer to perform two or three different
operations. In one trip across ths field
that la, to pult several different Imple
ments, ons behind th other. Farmer
frequently plow, harrow and drill at one
operation. With four tan-foot drills and
two twenty-foot drags behind, two men
can drill and drag 100 to 150 acres a day
at leu than 20 cents an acre.
With tha modern gas tractor the
farmer can plow as he never could with
horses. Plowing la tough work for
Worses at best, and the farmer has a
natural disinclination to overwork them
by throwing his plows In a deep' as he
would if ho had no regard for the source
of his power. Th tractor owner haa no
compunctions on this score; ha can "sock
'em In" good and deep, with no fear of
tiling his engin or wearing It out. Fur
thermore, he can take the time to "plow
mor thoroughly, becaus he can cover
o much greater an area In a given time.
Th tractor enable the farmer not only
to'plow more deeply and to do bis plow
ing in less tlm. but also to get his
threshing out of th way earlier and
thus turn to hi fall plowing earlier.
In a word, th modern farm tractor
doe away to a large extent with the
Distillate Engines
Run at High Speed
Silent, high-powered distillate engin.
running at high speed, have ba plaoerf
on a linoleum floor at th Land show In
th center of Machinery hall by tb
Alamo Manufacturing c:r-veny f HUla
dale, Mich., and the dUpla Is attracting
hundred of Land Bhow , eopl daily to
an Investigation of the efficiency of th
Alamo crude oil machine.
F. M. Bceaon Is In charge of th ex
hibit and assisting hlra 1 "Buatr"
Brown, an expert from the factory and
one of the Inventor of the Alamo en
gines. The light for the exhibits at the hall
ar aacured from thl exhibit, which also
opera tea tour moving plotur machln
uaed by th lecturer in illustrating their
descriptions of the western and mlddl
wtrn atatee.
On of th exhibit on th Alamo spac
which has attracted more than the usual
attention given by th layman to a ma
chine demonstration is a moving picture
apparatus. This machine Is of six horse
power and Is one' of the most economical
aad perfect moving picture mechanism
rar lnvav,d.
A thirty horse-power distillate engine,
operating under full load, on a aeventecn
aad one-half kllowat generator, on a pint
f fuel per horse-power hour, I another
demonstration of Alamo efficiency given
Land show visitors.
Perhaps none of the other machines
shown by Mr. Beeson la calling forth ao
much approbation a the five borse-power
engine which operates a four-Inch cen
trifugal pump and circulates water over
a space to show an Ideal irrigation sys
tem. This laat exhibit was completed
Monday afternoon. All generators used
on the Alamo apace are of Weatlnghousa
element of uncertainty In farming and
places It more nearly upon a modern,
sclentlflo baals. v
Committees Have Beea Appellate, ta
Meat aad Take Car of Dele-a-ate
Waa Will Come ia
vrarxas Neat Meatb.
Arrangements for tha comfort and en
tertalr.mtnt of tha 5,000 visitors who are
xpee'ed here when tha annual con
vention of tha Net ra nk Teachers asso
ciation begins, are rapidly being formu
lated by Sune.-intend.ant of Schools B. U.
Oraff, who la at tha head of the commit
tee on arrangement. Mr. draff Is plan
ning to have tha high school cadeta
patrol the city In uniform during the
three days that the convention Is In ses
sion, to ao as guides and furnish Infor
mation to the visitor.
Three committee have been appointed
from the ranka of th local school
teachers by Superintendent Graff to meet
the delegate at the depots and to direct
them to the hotels. With the arrange
menea being made by Publicity Manager
E. V. Farrlsh of the Commercial club tha
meeting here will doubtlessly eclipse
anything of the kind ever held by the
If you have anything to exchange, ad-
the It in the Omaha Dally Bee.
Weak Heart
Many people safer from weak hearts. They may expert
enoe shortness of breath an xertion, pain aver th heart,
or dizzy feelings, oppressed breathing after meal or their
eye becom blurred, their heart is not sufficiently strong
to pump blood to tb extremities, and they have cold hand
nd feet, or poor appetite boeause of weakened blood supply
to the stomach. A heart tonic and alterative should be taken
which ha no bad after-effect. Such is Dr. Pierce's Goldea
Medical Discovery, which containa no danxeroua narcotics
nor alcohol.
Tb Ingredients, as sttrsUd under eatb, ar Stone rest (Celllanmlm Canada;
s), Blaodraat (Stnrulairtm Casatfsnsta), dolden Seal root Hydrastis Uh4m
(), Quean' root (Stilllarla SVvica), black Cherry bsrk (Prunut Virginians),
Mandrake rot (Podophyllum Ptltmtum). with trlpl ref.ned tivcerln, prepared
In e scientific laboratory la a way that no druggist could imitate.
This tonio contains no alcohol to shrink up the red blood corpuscle ; but, oa
th other hand, it increases their number and they become round and healthy.
It help the human system in the constant manufacture of rich, red blood. If
help th stomach to assimilate or take up th proper clement from tbe food,
thereby helping digestion and curing dyspepsia, heart-burn and many uncom
fortable symptoms, stops excessive tissue waste in convalescence from fevers
for the run-down, anemic, thin-blooded people, the " Discovery " ia refreshing
nd vitalizing. Stick to this asfe and sane remedy, and refuse alt " just a good '
medicines offered by the druggist who is looking for larger profit. Nothing
but Dr. Pierce's Goldea Medical Discovery will do you half as much j-jod.
Th Key to the Situation The
tlslng Columns.
and se what wa grow, than come and see ua and let us tell you all
about the country. We are here to serve you.
The World Investment Co.
Now is tlie Time to Select the Location
for a Farm Home
The products from every state in the west are represented by samples shown in the booths of
these states at the Omaha Land Show, and you are there given the opportunity to look them
over and decide just what section is best suited to your requirements. Purchase price of land
and crop yields are important items and you can secure this information at the booths.
Remember when looking over the exhibits that the states showing the best crop yields and the
highest quality of grains, fruits, grasses, etc., are found in the
Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, California, Idaho,
Oregon and Washington.
The lecture program today includes two illustrated talks by Wm. Bruce Lef
fingwell; author, traveler and lecturer, both to be giveu in Lecture-Hall "A."
4:30 p. m.--"Development of the West." 9:30 p. m.--"Ye lowstone National Park"
Dr. Frederick H. Milloner will give his demonstrations of the Wireless Telephone in the
at the Booth Showing the Electric Block Signal
u,, ,.