Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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    flTE BEE. JALAi.'A. - H A . OCTOBER :o. mil.
If Mil I
... . . t
r l ".-j x n mr f". "1 ZTN
Announce to their out-of-town
The Greatest Sale of
and mmm
i We secured at a very low
figure the entire stock of ,
an eastern manufacturer
and importer of high grade :
lace curtains and Curtain
; materials.
17c 1 Have Held Great Curtain Sales in
the Pest Out Jcver
Quality Uas So High or the Bargains So
Occiarkafcle. '.
Traveling Men's Sample Curtains '. , .15c
i Importers Half Curtains, worth to
beautiful Lace Curtains, worth to
"Exquisite Lace Curtains, worth to
And Many Other Equally Important Bargains.
n D 1 B" A All the Imported and Domestic
lJVill!JI4 Laoe Curtains Go on Sale
All the High Grade Our- ? g f""o IF i
tain Materials Go on Sale ' i U t0 UA Y
Uatch For Later Announcements
) im uv
A1J Wool Men Should
Come to Omaha Meet
Tha euirmt number et tha National
Wool Grower contains" plea to hwp
mcu thai li'dirultKd to bring to tlia
.'S!t;r! '"H.Ofo"' rnnvontlnn In
(Kna:.t in I'cinbrr larfer number of
itp mn than to any former ronvan.
um of il.s association.
Omlnc to rtrrnt activities of contra
tiwa:d revitlrm of tha wool tariff and
ri&P'M aiivltra In the asm direction
t Iho ttext fusion, tha, Wool Orower
"The. foiiy-oluhth annual coavaotloa
t.l stand without a. paer in point of
n'XMilty nd Opportunity. . If ths .word
l out from Omaha oo December It
thai sliep men from aiary stats in ths
l ii i'.n havs ruU'i their voices through
ta riaUot.sJ a.cxliUon In a demand for
Justus and a auurs !-ial, conirrass will
Ktid tbe try. '
2 fa arUUs UUa last larUi SaltaUoa
One in Which the
$3 pair, each .39c
$4 pair, each C9c
$7 pair, each. ........ .98c
Ccms In and select a pair
of tan or black slices
$3.50 $5
Latast Style
: Asm rt
314 Bo. 10th St.
sent prlrea down thle ytar to ths extent
that the growers tost IXlW.OO on the
yaar'a clip ad o,uOi),iw through ths
decline In the valus of aheep.
If yvu hsve anything to sxchang ad
vsruae It U The Omana, Pail Bee.
i mm mi --r
H UklylLiLtL ii
Try our light luncheons when shopping.
Hot chocolate, with whipped cream, 5c.
Special Sale
Suits and Coats
Black aud Mua plain tailored suits of a
very iuperlor quality nerge and plain tailored
brown and gray novelty suits in atrlctly new
atylet for travel, business and street wear;
lined with good Quality satin; sizes 1 "
16 to 44; very specially priced at . ..y)i!)
One lot of women's suits of
good serges and fancy mixtures
in grey, blue, brown and black;
a)) good styles insizen 16 to 44;
regular $13
values, for
Friday's Sale
Womnn's 12500 eultn of hsrd finished
worsteds and brown, grey and blue mixtures;
new r.laln tailored style lined with Skinner's
guaranteed satin; specially priced Cin Kf
tar fridy at JpJLU.OU
Alao don't forget to lnspert our extiriHlv
lines of fancy suits at $26 00, Ji9.B0, 13i.50,
135.00, IS9.S0 and 150.00.
. One lot of new winter coats
of fine cheviots and kersey
cloth in black, blue, oxford
grey and smoked brown col-
ort' w'tn cHar trimmed
with harmonizing shades;
sizes 16 to 44. worth $10 to
each, Fri
day ,.
Other oats are
Rewrslble coats at I17.M) to fZ iO. i
Coata of fine mixtures. I12.M to J0.50.
Linens and Vfomcstics
c, 72-lnch. unbleached, good welunt
table dantask In assorted pat- O 1
terna, Friday, the yard., -
7 Ho, unblsaohed linea crash with
blue bordors, poastttsed of exceptional
wearing qualities, Friday the
j-artl ..... . ... . . :.'.
One lot of.. "(5c and 39c fancy linens
constating -f square, dollies and tray
cloths of various designs; Frl- lOn
flays ohoioe XJKj
10c, good, heavy weight utlng flan'
els In all shades and variety 7Un
of patterns, Friday, the yard..
65c 72xjO-lnch seamleas sheets of
good round thread muslin; fine for
hotels and rooming houses; Qfln
Friday, each OcH-.
$125. full slse. tan grey and white
eottoa blankets with pink or blue
borders; Friday, . the pair, Qq
Skirting at 23c a Yard
For Inexpensive, neat service
able petticoats these new moreen
skirtings at iSc the yard are quite
the.Lhiig. They may bo had In
all llgnt and dark shades and ar
fulV J7 Inches wide. For Friday
only, regular 3o valuea at liio
the yard.
Clearance of Women s
$1.25 Union Suit ac 89c
Wany irnmen want Just such aulU
aa tbeae for the entire winter's wear.
They are fleece lined, ankle length
Styles with long sleeves and come In
white and ecru. rMzes four to nine,
worth $100 and 1US; Friday. c
the suit
One Lot of. Slightly Soiled
-. and MuatxHl Underwear, age
Assortment constats of women's
and children's vests, pants, drawers
and union suits that are either
slightly Holled or mussed trotn ills
play. All winter goods. In broken
' sties, worm up to $1.0t tbe garment.
Friday. 2 60 to cloae
Hosiery Bargains
Womii'i hosiery with 14-In oh silk
hoots and heavy lisle tops and Hale
heels, sole and toes to help out the
wearing qualities; a strictly fast
black dye. 50c values that are
.llhity "mperfe't, SAo the pair or
pairs for $1.00.
women's misses' and hoys' fast
black, full fashioned seamless nose
In all sues. ::o valuta, tor Friday
and aturdv. lgUa the pair.
Women's fine silk hose with extra
wide garter - tops and - lisle soles;
choice of black, tan. blue and pink;
regular $1.00 and $1.5 values. Fri
day and ciaiurday. 7 so ths pair.
Are CutPrJc&DousIhTTie
Asaorted teas
etampa, per
pound ......
Tea ail Unas and
cakes Tork Violet
toilet soap and OC.
a lam pa. pound "t K.r
paokage UV
-lb.rcan pure pepper
and 4 stamps. XUC
Bennett's Beat Coffee
end 20 stamps. 3C
lba Uennett's Best
Coffee and 0 cl
stamps V
5-1 b -can Bennett s Capi
tol baking powder i "
and 100 etampa. .. ..V'
10 stamna.
20o can Bennett's grated
ror ,
Fresh made
honey cookies
Ualllard'a pure olive oil
;;a!'. iOc
14-lb sack Diamond
Crystal aalt and -r
20 stamps J-
S pass. Swifts Pride
Cleanser and 10 Kt
atampa "
l-ln pkg. Bennett's
Capitol oats and
10 Mamps XVV
j-lb. pks. Bennett's Cap
itol wlivat and "I !
10 stamps. Avfy
l-lb. pkg. Bennett'a Cap
itol pancake flour
and iv HU
atampa AVt
Bennett's Capitol ex
Iracta and So t-tampa.
hot t Is . . 18c
10 Bars Beat"
'Em-All Laun
dry Soap for
25 c
I-arse can Snlder's pork
and beans and o ltf
2 cans hulled beans
wKh o.hlrken and Kf
2 etampa aJ.
tten'a Tourist and
Graham crackera and It
etampa. per - fr
package XUd
Snlder'b chill
lv rtampH,
He's Comino Here De's Corainn Cere
of Women s
priced .n-,J
Fancy coats at 250 to
macky bclotn Ccau at $10 to $;
Sale of Agents' Samples and
' Broken Lots of Corsets
These corsets are made of a good
ciualtty coutll In extra length styles.
They are boned with non-mutable
honing, equipped with four strong
hone supporters and trimmed with
lace. E;leant models that will give
satisfactory wear and which are
very comfortable.
$1.50 Values at 79c
Women's Kid Cloves
One lot ot women'! two
rla&p, good quality kid glovea in
Blzes 6 to 7 Vi . Inclusive. In
black, white, tana, mode, green
and navy; worth .
$1.00 the pair. Frl- f)Cjt
day at - x
31 liargains are Crowded
Into This Small Space
Dustless lust cloths gsa
Dustless mops, complete, each. . . . 7
Broom covers, each gso
flood wool austere, each a&e
Hard wood wash wringer benches
for $i.6
8-foot clothes lint) props 16o
3 rolls toilet paper-l.OnO sheeta to a
rollfor ; 38o
8 rolls toilet paper--5o0 sheets to a
roll .860
5c boxes hard wood toothpicks. for
only 50
S-1 rawer aplce cabinets 760
5uc china tolling pins ..S&o
Hard wood bread boards 9o
6o good wooden ealt boxes ISo
1,000 Plain White Cups and
Saucers at 6 pairs for 25c
These are the popular Mt. Vernon
shape and regularly sell at $1.2u the
Decorated baby platea-a good 50c
value j so
$4.00. 7-piece decorated water acta
consisting of a jug and six glasses.
tor 98o
In the Hardware Store
tSo kodak toldlng lunch boxes.... ise
lOo up-to-date ateel mouse
60 colla of steve pipe wire : . . .ao
$3 50 Triumph galvanised asb sifters
Tor tl 98
$4 50 Perfection Galvanised ash' sift
ers ta eg
35o hard wood bath tub seat's. ... iso
Heavy wire cost hangera, for. .SSo
Xjo Ferfe.-tlon toasters . . ; a5o
$1 00 waffle irons, low framw. . . .750
$125 waffie Irona with high frames
for gas stoves g0o
16o sink scraper and brush iloo
I doen brass moulding hooks Bo
Tack hammers, good quality. ..... So
!!LJ'?d P'otur wire, any site... Bo
100 brown and white casseroles with
nickel platei steel frsmes,
rood Grocery
nd 75 I Asaorted teea and i t
U8C 4c
One dosan boxes safety
matchea v -
for .:: ou
bwanadown codfish and
6 etampa. per - f
package -t-Cf
Seeded raisins and 10
stamps, per - Ol
lba. Jc Jap rice tz.
for t)C
3 Jara peanut butter
and 10
atampa VrC
15 pounds of
Sugar for
Full cream cheese and
pumpt, p.r rtr
irginla Swiss cheese
end 10 stamps. oar,
per pound u(.
40c can Go. DalMet s
fancy mush- ocn
rcms for asOt
sauce and
Everything for Everybody
Friday and
Saturday Are
the Last Days of
Our Great
1 U . 7 ,
33 Off
On All Ostrich
Trimmed Hats,
Including All
French Models
Willow Plumes
at One-Half
For Comparison Sale
only. Remember, we give
a written guarantee with
every plume we sell.
500 Untrimmed
Hats on Sale
Made of silk velvets and
felts, in all the newest shades
and shapes; $2.00 values
100 Ready-to-Wear
In BUck -and all colors Each a
Fretty shape worlti no less than
Comparison Sale Pries.
98c Each
300 Fine Silk
In black and colors; our
regular $10.00 values. This
200 Hatters' Silk
Plush Hats
Made of the finest materials,
all imported blocks sold
everywhere for $12.00 and
$15.00. Comparison Sale
I can restore your
teeth without the uas
of pistes or bridge-work-
Call and let
us explain.
Bailey, Ths Dentist
SsiaWJsjsl w '" CHJ
im ma a national nk fcfag.
h - .- ''vi '
Important and Inter
esting Store Mews
$18 and $20 Suits and Overcoats
In Friday's Sale at . $1! 50
To the man who is not averse to receiving $1.50
worth of clothes value for every $1,400 of clothes money
expended this is the clothes opportunity par excellence.
Suits and overcoats in this sale are all hand tail
ored from strictly all wool, and worsted fabrics, in a
most delightful. range of colorings and patterns.
The stock includes stouts, stubs, slims, extra slims
and regular; so you can be certain of a splendid fit no
matter what your size or build. We've a'big surprise
awaiting you in the "Blue Serge. Values nothing ever
shown in Omaha before that will equal them.
Overcoats in any shape you want, convertible col
lars, 50 inches long; 46 and 50-inch Dress Coats, in
black and Oxford, Kerseys and all the newest shades
in grays and browns.
Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes are well represented
in this big Friday and Saturday sale with truly match
less values in style and quality, at. . . .18 and 20
' Pick out your suit or overcoat now a small de
posit will hold it for you and before you take it out if
you find its equal in value at the price we will cheer
fully refund every cent you have paid. Come Friday.
The Remarkable Educated
Captured by. daxincr Seal
ited in Submarine Garden . Tanks to thousands of admir
ing tourists at the seashore resort. These clever amphib
ious mammals, with marvelous instinct, almost human
brains, readily reponded to patient, intelligent and novel
training and. have beeft so thoroughly educated in tho
ways of the sawdust arena that they will present to ths
thousands of visitors to the
At the Coliseum
ARoa Seal Drays
You must see these agile seals and sea lions perform
ers Juggle Balls, Batons, Tire Hoops, Walk Tight Ropes,
Play Drams, Horns, Bells, eta An act never to be forgot
ten. Seen as a special $1,000 Tree Act three times daily
en the big Vaudeville attraction stage at the Land Show,
Coliseum, Connencing Oct. 16th
Remember One price, twenty-five cents, admits to
everything in the Land Show; children 10 cents.
Comic Section
The Sunday Bee
Hayden s 8 .
You've often heard of the
famous Hayden Wonder
Suits which we sell at $14.50
and we ' cannot talk too
strongly regarding their
merits, as we believe them
the best values in the United
States .at the price.
But for Friday's Sale we
have reinforced this line
with 500 suits and 500 over
coats, made to sell to $20.00,
which we'll offer at .the same
price, choice
m All
Citizens from the Vasty Deeps of
the Pacific Ocean, Near the
Beautiful Pacific Grove, Monterey
County, California.
and Sea Lion hunters, exhib
,With Happy Hooligan. Little
Nemo, the Katzenjammer Kids
and the whole interesting family