The. Omaha Daily Bee. I LAND SHOW if KltuS IX) ISXLLLS Beit Sporting Newi The Bee print full box scores of, all big league games la bo other Omaha newspaper VOL. XLI-NO. 106. OMAHA. THURSDAY . MORNING, OCTOBER 10, 1911. SINGLE COPT TWO CENTS. Mf ft Comes From ' A New. Clean, LI- . HiLLER'S H 'Must 'Be Good iLf tiA Am Kan quor fctore. Istsblished 1889. - ' ISOd Farnam Street, Omaha Pree A valuable Souvenir .with everv urchase during the na Know. mm HEATER Home of Family Burlerque. Cater ing to Polite. AiKi'enees. ALL THIt. WEEK Matinee. 2:30. . Evening, 8:20. PAT WHITE (Funniest Fellow In Burlesque) and hi Gayety Girls A Showy Phow of Show Girls Who Show Lots of Fun Lou of Girls Lota of Scenery The Show you'll want to see again. No aeata higher than 60 cents- Land Show Visitors are Invitsd to See the latest Paris styles la millin ery at this store. The oioet fascinating creations of the famous designers' are here. A particular hat for every partic ular woman, and all modestly priced Mrs. Richards Second Floor City Nations! - Bank Building. . Shoulder Braces Trusses, S1.00 to 815.00 sack. Expert Fitting. Shonldor Brtcti $1 to $3 each. Lady attendant in these depart ments tf desired. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Cot. 16th and Dodge, Cor. 16th and Barney. Cor. S-Hh and Farnam. 807-9 H 16th St., (Loyal Sotal.) NiiliflU liftliiVii'ii ii' 1 1 61SSUS Voa Sion -FineBt. of all dou tie yellow Daffodils. Emperor-Flowers great size. Primrose petals. Yellow center. PoetlcCt O mains White petals with red 'cup. Paper ' Wiite -Large flow, ers and be6t'for "nouee culture. Seeds That Grow. Need Any? THE NEBRASKA SEED COMPANY Dong. 1261. 1613 Howard fit. Open Saturday Evenings. Five Dollars Three Dollars Owing to the number of people desiring, our best plates and cronna at above price, who could not be waited on, I . have extended the time limit to November 1st ' DORWARD, Dentist- Ware Block. 18th and raraem. Phone Dong. 874. MOVIXG VANS - P1AK0 1.1CV1KQ FURNITURE PACKING Gordon Fireproof Warehouse & Van Co. (EXrSESgMEM B SEUTSBT CO.) IS South 17tb Street. Tel. Boogies SMs Ind.' A-131. . Omaha Reed & Rattan Co. Manufacturers of Seed and Sat taa Farnitnre, Go-Carts, Baby Carriages, Eto. Impairing; a Spe cialty. 119 ST. 16th St, (Test to. )).w V. 9. Headquarters. Telephone U 201. Ind. A-li The Largest lone to Mall Order Omaha Importer and Dealer In "toe Whistles, Wlaas. manors, Ete. MEYER KLEIN Wholesale Hoaor Dealer. 623 north 16th Street. Telephones! Doug, laost lad. B ISO. TO MP AT THE LAMP 3H0Wl Afternoon Program Mala Hall. 3 oO to t.OO Captain Tletor'e Seal Circus. 2:00 to t:00 Hawaiian Singer. J;U(i to 6:00 Odell. The Bee Wizard. ' Lecture Hall "A" . i:00 to 2.10 . aT. Thompson, Expert on Machinery. '"The Avery Tractor on the Farm.1" 1:80 to 8. 0 J. A. Ja.rer, Special Commissioner, fcen tego Co., Cal. "Los Angeles, with moving pictures of Pasadena Boso Carnival, Mew Tear's Day." .' 1:00 to .0 E. C. Crocker. General Mgr. Port neuf -Marsh Valley Immigration. "Fruit Qtowlnjg In Marsh .Valley." . 3:S0to 4:00 3. W.' Joi-es.Aset Immigration, State of Idaho. . "Dry Farming In Idaho." 4:00 -to 4:80 O. T. Baker. Orchardlst. . . ; "Colored i Fruit. HotchlMss." 4:80. to :00 C B. Chamberlain, Agriculturist for Great Northern P. R. "Free Government Land In Montana and Oregon " Lector HU "B" te :S0 D C. Freeman; feo'y Chamber of Commerce. Eugene, Oregon "Fruit Growing and Dairying." 1.80 to 8:00 W. B. Let fin? weil. Traveler sine. Lecturer. Union pafllflo. --. ... '-noneer Daya ln the West- ".ti - 1.00 te .IHty 'Vi'il.ber "lfcr, Pee r 'Alameda Co: Chatuear Cammarcs. Cal. ' "Reaeurcea of Alameda County." 1.80 to 4:00 Prof. L. J. Taylor. Boll Expert. "Boll Iirprovement." 4:00 to 4:80 H. H. Bays. Gen. Passenger Agt. Wylit Permanent Camping Co.. Tallowstono Park. "Moving Pictures Trip Through Yellow, .stone." 4 80 to 6.00 -It'W.. Brown, Publicity Mgr of the Walla Walla Com 'I Club. "Walla "Walla.-the Gateway to the Northwest" f;80 te 1.09 1:00 to 1:80 8;Su to 1:00 1:00 to t:10 8:10 to 10.00 Evening Program Lecture Hall "A" iC'dwio lwis, Expert on Explosives. "The PuPont Nemolrs Powder Co., 3t LouU. M" Prof. C. E. Chamberlain, "Glacier National Park. Montana." jr. A- Jasper, "City of Hustlers." W. B. Lefflngwell, "Tellowstone National park." 3. Edw. Taylor, State Horticulturist of Utah. "(Special Agricultural Featurea of Utah." A 3 Edw. Taylor, State Horticulturist of Utah. 11 I I I iTWTi' ' A "Special Agricultural Featurea of Utah." V, . WMk Lecture HaU B" lfil QXW TO i$ Y !'' CokTra"MarsValley." fSSW WSijt' Wl'K, 'iSO to 8.00 A. E. Mlot Beo'y Tulare County Chamber of Commerce, Cal. .AV XttAC'fl l'fWi''fl "Aarloultural and Horticultural Reeourees of Tulare Co SiTp&(y St'uTff'lfr'' H :?V to !0 Wllber Walker. "Oakland, the Key. to Calif ornla.T' VvtK rfrtnJ'V IllutolOiOO J. W. J ones. "The development of an Irrigated Empire, Idaho." yFl'i Special Tent . " lv' wif? ffiA I"" K Thompson, "The Avery Traotor on the Farm." . ! JLV irJrX ii'40 to :10 H II. Haye. 'Travel Talk on Yellowstone, with Motion Pletures L'UWl. Hff'JP - and Colored View.." . 11 SCA riZ JtFyAlZC l'9 o :bo H Moigan. Uroharaist, "valleys or the Yakima." ' 'vfH "No JrJ&wi , lOiiiU to 10.80 IS Von Forell, bpecialiet on Sociology. . MV S FsisTi n'r" tt" T'"Ti t TiTrryT""" t-1" y -iriisrif TiwrTrZiimf i : i n Pennell Millinery Co, PAXTON BLOCK BALCONY FLOOR i i LAND OWNERS Desiring to sell their farms or land will find an 4 la The Ue Farm and Raorb Land ' Co1 unins most GacceesfuL s 11 MOTHER: Itcith you and Fatter and Si$ mould, run down to Omaha and visit tn a few day. Fa I flop ping it RIPE and J wort you all to t COMBS The Jeweler's wondtrful display of diamond goods and fancy catchct it' a grtut treat for everybody and it l a rtal revelation to nu. TOM LAND SHOW VISITORS! ! ! We have a special "dis play of " OAS AND ELEC TRIO TIXTURES at. attractive price which we urge - you to inspect . while in the' city. ' BURGESS-GRANDEN COMPANY, Largest Fixture House to the M'est. .i... , 1811 HOWARD STREET. M Ml il treet Car Seirice TO THE LAND SHOW WBBgBSBiBHPB' VmSSUKSX IfffWMTima . .Visitors to th 3Land Show can reach the Coliseum, where the show is held, by the ' 'Dodge and North 30th" cars, which run direct to the grounds. Also by the "North 24th," "Florence" and "Forest l-awn" cars, getting off at Burdette St., and walk- . ' ing four blocks east, or, by the "42d and Grand," "24th and Ames" and "6th and Locust" cars to Burdette St., and walk . ing four blocks west. Omaha & Council Bluff Street Railway Co. 3 II (1 ii HT. K. HUEiEJRIVIAMINJ, Furrier Reliable Fur Sets at Reasonable Price Room 9. Second Floor. Continental Block. N. K. COR.NtR FIFTEENTH AND DOUGLAS 619., OMAHA YOU Tightly de mand that -the salesman who sells clothes to you shall know clothes all about them from the sheep's bark to your back. What about the sales com- . psny who will sell you that , IRRIGATED FARM? Its officers ought to know irrigation from the sage brush and canyon to the., alfalfa stack and the res ervoir. ' Our offlcera know the lrrl- -gatlon business from thorough' training and Ufe-lotig' ' exper ience. We own, manufacture and sell producing Irrigated farms In Utah. Free Intona tion and consultation. Spalding I Ivlngston Inv.flo. alt Lake Uity Omaha fialee Office',' 818.14 City National Dank; lildg., Omaha. Utah Booth Land (show GET TEN ACRES OF THIS OREGON APPLE UNO You -an get ten acres or more of the rich fcuO-acre tract that Is being subdivided snd sold only two rallea from Falls City This is your chance to purchase at a right price a home near a thriving city, among congenial neighbors and 'n the heart of the great apple country There Is no land ARTWIIBB more suitable to apples, and you will have the advioe and assist ance of eapert apple growers te call upon. Ten acres of this land ' v ill ui lng wealth and certain in dependence. Investigate-this tract before you even . seriously con sider jurrhasing elnewhere and' do It at once, as the ecieege is limited Address FALLS CITY ORCHARD CO., Inc. 'Palls City.. Ore. ,' Egyptian Chocolates Our Latest Creation Xone Better at Any Price. Bold In 1 and S Pound Boxes Only. Price SOc and $1.00. If By Mail f l.OO and sajOO. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., 16th and Farnam Sts., Omaha. What's the Use of eating a poor meal when you ran get a good one for the same price? Ve Aim to Please Tou. BELMONT RESTAURANT ISlg Dodge Street, a W. Ball. Fro p. In the Heart of the Business District .Within easy access of every point of interest we have es tablished a place to dine that should appeal to you. Food - Service -Cooking of the quality that wui win your permanent patronage. Serred A 1 Carte or a TsbU, ' d'Hot steal (or 10' cent. Little tables at pleassst wis "JT X- 91 tttlM SI SDS. J ber 8; Allmi- an $10 HQ PI A P if tW r.teJmt BIW Urli ULAnK, t4 fA.viuN slsck. 17th and DoogUs BU. The Best Is The Cheapest The finest land In the finest, valley In the finest state of the Weet. Yet-on the easiest terms.'.'.. The West 8tayton, Oregon, lands put under Irrigation last summer by the Willamette Val ley Irrigated Land Co., will stand the closest Inspection, . You must write ' us for' speol. fie details snd illustrated liter ature, for yoa owe U to your self to find out shout the project. Address Hartman G. Thompson Bank Portland, Oregon. General Managers. -0DES0.j. The Land of Opportunity! For Descriptive Literature snd Prlco Lists, Writ Mclvln Hansen 474D. Willamette) Street, Eugene - Orego