Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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jiUJcLLi J
' yV "SemelU" TN.
Anii-Skids (M) i
I The i4 T M kwhi The ""V j
H 1 f t l X lullliiMfcTl .1 . i A i
Antiskid 1 xQgP ( tough, flexible and 1
Stat Commistion Giving Roads Per
miision to Make Them.
Over Missouri Pacific Wreck Vic
tim Po Hoc man Bmereon
Captared lor Holdap.
counts, on on oata and the other on
Red Cross milk and were fined 150 on
each rount. Suite arc to ba instituted
against tha National Biscuit company
and the Cudahy Packing company on
atmllar charges.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Oct. U.-(Special.)-The
State Railway oommlsalon has given the
Turlington permission to publish a new
ate on stone from Louisville and Cedar
Creak to Burnhara. being a reductllon of
I oent per hundred, the same rate which
applies to Llnooln.
The Nebraska Traction and Power
aompany, which has built an Interurban
ln from Omaha to PapllUon. baa filed
a soheduls of rates, being from to C
rents. The schedule is filed by Arthur
English, who, as receiver of the com
pany, baa Its affairs In charge.
The rate on burlap bags from Omaha
to Alliance are reduced to 40 cents per
hundred, a lt-cent decrease in the rata.
The commission has received an In
formal complaint from Mayor E. W.
Cull en of Wlnaide In regard to poor con
nection between passenger trains on the
Chicago. SL Paul, Minneapolis aV Omaha
railroad at that place.
he union Paolflo railroad has bees
lltVinpldA 4a mihtlatt a1 anal
modlty rates from Omaha, Lincoln. Fre
mont and Grand Island to stations on Its
North Platte valley branch, weat of
Northport. The rates are practically the
same as Burlington rates from these four
The Union Paclflo la permitted to pub
lish rates on sugar beets on its North
Platte valley branch to Northport when
the destination Is Scott's Bluft A reduc
tion of from 10 to oents a ton Is made
by the new schedule.
The Burlington. Northwaatarn and
-OrlsAlf m wjhjtun.. v-.u i .
from sixteen towns to Hastings tor the
benefit of an Iron foundry established
there. The reduollon is from 1 to 1
cents a hundred.
. Fare Attends Iaaaeat.
State Railway Commissioner W. F.
Furs went to PapllUon today for the
purpose of attending the inquest to be
held over the victims of the Missouri
Paclflo wreck which occurred last Sun
day near Fort Crook. It Is usual for the
Interstate Commerce Commission to send
a representative to such proceedings, but
when It is not possible for one of the
members of that body to attend a mem
ber of the commission from the state
where the investigation is to be mads Is
asked to be present.
Peraalaaloa to Phoa. Coaasaay.
The Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph
sompeay has been given permission to
Invest (200,000 In stock of Fremont, Tork
and Saline county telephone companies.
This la to be done in pursuance of an
srder issued some time ago by the State
Railway eommliiilnn tA tha effact thai
$ie local company could Issue stock to
the amount of t4&8.74o, with the under
standing that of the amount could
be used in associated companies subject
to the approval of the railway commis
sion. Poltoesaaa. Tarms Holaajt,
After firing four shots at bis pursuers
and after making a desperate resistance
bavld Emerson, who hsld up the cashier
if a loeaJ restaurant today at noon, was
tiftured by Detective Ber.t'.y and taken
to the station. Emerson formerly
Served on the Lincoln police force and
while in the city's employ was known
as one of the most capable officers in
the department
f aeksom Gets Pee alts.
'State Food Commissioner Jackson got
ipeedy results from prosecution ('
Island, where merchants ana jwwvr
wars charged with failure to brand ortg
Rial packages with the net weight Flees
ameuuClcg to IM were Imposed In four
uses where the accused pleaded gu lty.
he roaW in each case were HIS. The
Nebraska Mercantile company pleaded
rullty to failure to brand the net weight
a coffee, Richard Kelster pleaded guilty
is the same oaarg la regard U lard and
Donald et Porter pleaded guilty aa two
SHELBT. Neb.. Oct. 18.-(SpeclaI.)-James
T. Clark has an interesting rello
of the old Indian war days, It Is the
only weapon used by the troops under
General Custer in his last fight which
the redskins are known to have left on
the field after the massacre. It is a
Colt's revolver, No. 1S356, patented Sep
tember 19. 1871, and July 2, 1872, with the
Initials "TT. 8." stamped on the side. It
is over a foot long, barrel seven and one
half inches, and including the chamber,
about nine and one-half Inches: six cham
bers, using .45-callber shells. "Jim"
Clark is now a retired farmer living
here, but for ten years prior to 188$ was
a cowboy. In September, 1882, six years
after the battle, when many people had
visited the scene and chipped away the
first monument erected by the govern
ment for souvenirs, that hs was standing
on a ledge of sandstone, viewing the
field- He weighs about 200 pounds and
the led so broke and scraped away the
sand which had blown over the rusty pis
tol. All the cartridges had been tired
from It and it is supposed that the
soldier emptying it bad thrown It from
the Indians.
Beatrico Socialists
Decide to Open a
Co-operative Store
BEATRICE, Neb., Oct. 18 t$pr olal.V
Bant on reducing the coat of living, an
oreanlaatlon wee perfected here last
right to be known as the People's Co
operative aoclatln. The policy of the
aaaociatlon will be to handle gooda such
aa th laboring men ni-ed-oal, groceries
and work clothing. The store will not
be opened until at least 100 members have
been secured.' The board of directors
comprises Mayor V. E. Griffin, Edward
Knoerlg. Loula Scliarrer. Thomas Hill,
J. E. Warfel and S. 8. Toung. The su
pervisors are C. Routh. Theodore Horn.
R. L. Klrby, O. P. Ralston, J. J. Statler,
ft. Workman and R. L. Ryder. Many of
tns socialists of the city are Interested In
me movement.
Charles McDaniel, who was arrested
last week on the oharge of wife doner
tlon, waa arraigned yesterday before
Judge Walden In county court and
pleaded not guilty. He waa bound over
to vhe dlatrlot court and In default of
11.000 bond he was remanded to the
county Jail.
John Welner of Wymore and Miss
Fannie Vanosek of Odell were married
here yesterday by Judge Walden.
Oliver P. Sackett. father of Hon. H. B.
Sackett died here yeaterday at the home
of his son. aged 14 years. He leaves a
family of four children, his wife having
psased away years ago. The Yemalns will
be tekuu to Cameron, lie, Thursday for
raul Dreap and Mlaa Anna Penults,
both of 'this city, were married this
morning by Fsther Petrasch.
Mrs. C. O. Phlvers of Bellvllle, Kan.,
died here yesterdsy In the United Breth
ren hospital. Her husband is pastor of
the United Brethren church at that
place. The remains were taken to Vln
ing, Kan., today for Interment
.Word wss received here yesterdsy from
Eagle, Idaho, announcing the death of
David Sutherland, a ofrmer resident of
this city, which occurred at that place
Monday night He waa M years of age.
HOLDREGE, Neb., Oct U. (Special.)
Rev. J. C. Olson, pastor of the Swedish
Free Mission church in this city, has re
signed in order to become editor of the
official church paper of his denomina
tion, the Mission Tidings, published In
Minneapolis. Minn. He will preach his
farewell sermon here October 29 and de
part the next morning In order to be
ready to take up his editorial duties
promptly November L He will still do
ministerial work, having temporary
charge of the Free Mission church In
St Paul. Minn. Rev. Olson has been in
this city four years and his decision to
go to the new field of work Is deeply
regretted by his people hers.. His suo
ceaaor will be Rev. John Udd of, Denver.
NEBRASKA CITT.. Neb.. Oct. 11.
(Spedal.) The bodlee of F. W. Petrlng,
his daughter, Mrs. F. W. Rottmann. and
her little daughter, who were killed In the
Missouri Paclflo wreck at Fort Crook
Sunday morning were brought to this city
yesterday and conveyed to the Petrlng
home, from whenoe the funeral waa held
today. Because of the serious condi
tion of Mrs. Petrlng the funeral was pri
vate. The bodies were carried to the
cemetery In three hearses, where ser
vices were sgaln conducted. A large
number of cl Miens and friends collected
at the cemetery to pay their respects to
the memory of the deceased. The floral
offerings arthe graves were profuse. All
the stores oft the city were closed during
the hour of the funeral and the whole
city mourned the death of the victims
because they were all popular and Mr.
Petting has been a resident of this city
since 165. He leaves a large family of
children and a wife to mourn his death,
while the husband of Mrs. Rottmann is
still in the hospital at Fort Crook, and
ths only member of her family here was
A store planned for and operated in the interest of
masculine contingent a store selling male apparel ExdoiiTcIy. Where
men may gather to discuss tha new things and outfit with every assurance of satis
faction. Th lierg Clothing Oompfinr store's interesting 'autumn exposition or style
6how ia now in progress; it is undoubtedly the most distinguished and diversified ex
hibit of good clothing nnd accessories in Omaha and is entirely representative of the
highest ideals attained by thin country's foremost manufacturers such as Kuppen
heimer, Schloss Hros.. Stein-Bloch, IlirsehWickwire, Society Brand and other high
class makers at prices from
$10.00 to $10.00 the Suit or Overcoat. . . s ,
tVIen's F'urnIsol"iIri0a
You will find In our stora ths largest stock of underwear ia ths city. TVs csrtslnly rn
ple&ss you. In union suits, gucb makes ss Superior and Vaeear are our leaders tn medium or heavy
weight; 81.00 to 5.00 ths suit.
Finely knitted fall weight meirerUed and wool two-plsco suits, 48c to f 3.00 ths garment.
Bern's Special Caps Gloves in tans or grays fl.lS ths pair.
Largo variety of plain or plaited bosom fancy shirts, gome with separate collars, 50g to
the Infant eon that did not accompany
the parents on their fatal trip.
LINCOLN. Neb., Oct. U-The dn.
part ure of President Deapain of the local
V extern League Base Ball club to Kan.
aaa City for a conference with Panlel
Shay, manager of the Kansas City Amer
lesn Association team last season, fol
lowing Shay's annuoncement of a few
days ago that he was through with Kan
sas City ss a base ball town. It Is be
lieved by local parties to mean that Shay
Is intending to purchase a large Interest
In the local club and become manager.
President Deapain baa encountered
flnanolal difficulties during the psst sea.
son and it is known that some new cap
ital wUI be Invested tn ths club soon.
WUI of Lata William Ott Levws
Property1 to Widow an a
NEBRASKA CITT. Neb.. Oct. 18.
(Special.) The will of the late William
Ott has been filed for probate. Ha leavee
all bis property, real and personal, to his
wife during her life Urns and at ber
death It goes to his sons, to share and
share alike. The daughters received
their share of the estate when they were
A bunch of gypsies with wagons were
overtaken hers yeaterday by two men
from Perelval, la, who demanded and
secured 120 which they claimed that one
of their number stole from a safe In one
of the stores at that place. Ths women
went into the store and engaged the pro
prietor In conversation while one of the
men robbed the safe. After getting their
money they refused to prosecute.
The cornerstone of the new Burlington
passenger depot waa laid yesterday with
approrrlate ceremony by the employee
of the company, with Agent J. W. Ho
bertr acting aa master of ceremenlea.
Thn depot will cost something over toO.Ooo
and ho a two-story pressed brick with
terra cot tit snd red sandstone nrnamenta.
Henry Bchapare has filed his petition
In the district court praying for a divorce
from hie wife. Lonnle Schapera. charg
ing that ahe la unfaithful to her mar
riage vows. They were married In May,
l?lo. The plaintiff Is a Burlington engineer.
LBJQH. Neb., Oot. II. (Special.)
Washington Irving Walling died at nls
home Monday morning. October 16, at I
o'clock of heart dlaeaaa. He was bom
November ts. 1VW, and died at ths sge
of 73 yesrs 10 months and M days. Ha
was among the oldest settlers of Colfax
county, coming from Iowa In ths fall of
1S7S. Hs Is survived by his widow and
eleven children, three sons and sight
daughters. They will all be present at
the funeral, which will be Thursday, Oc
tober 19. at I p. m. Interment In Leigh
Hold rear Hotel la Sold.
HOLDREQE, Neb., Oct lt-(8peela!-The
Hampton, the largest hotel In this
city. Is now under new management.
Landlord L C Miller has sold tha fur
nlshlngs ts J. F.. Elder of Garden City,
Kan. Tba latter took possession of ths
business yesterday. Mr. Miller still re
tains his Interest la ths hotel building.
Lahore Killed by Trala.
FAIRBURT, Neb., Oct II. (Bpeclal.)-.
Pedro Duean, a Mexican laborer of this
city, was instantly killed by a freight
train near Athol, Kan.. Tuesday. Pucan
is a native of El Paso, Tex., and for
soms Urns past has been working as a
section laborer for the Bek Island
railroad. The body, which was badly
mutilated, was taken to Kensington,
Kan., and turned ever ts the coroner at
that point.
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Oct. ll-(Bpeclal Telegram.)
After a short business sssslon today ths
Odd Tallows and Rebekahs, both la stats
assembly here, boarded a special train
this morning and went to Tork, where
afternoon dedicatory exercises for the
new Odd Fallows' home wers held. Ths
return trip was mads this evening. Ths
special train wss composed of thirteen
coaches, all of thera being crowded. At a
short business session today ths following
committees wers named for tomorrow's
buslnsss sessions:
Credentials I. P. Oage. E. J. Farr, O.
M. Garner. C. V. Luna and A. H. Lewis.
Distribution O. N. Beels (past gTsnd
master), B. P. Pitch, W. H. Caulk, M.
N. Troupe and J. O. Palmar.
Appeals Clark O. Hannon (past grand
master), E. H. Davla. Nela Lungren, 0.
E. Lowe and F. W. McConneil.
Judiciary W. B. Hoeglend. C. O. Watt,
O. Ortmee and C O. Bailey.
State of Order J. W. Keller, Erqest
Oalusha, T. R. Berry, B D. Bail and W.
L. McDonald.
Legislation J. fl. Morrison (psst grand
representative), C. A. Baumgardner. R.
C. Alvor, L. Jorjrenann and W . B. James. ,
Returns F. O. Manklng, A. B. Wil
liams. O. W. Hock, J. D. rorsyth and J.
B. MeKlm.
Charter J. K. Arnold (past grand mas
ter), H. Bellinger, B. A. Francis and M.
Q. RadoJltfe.
rrlatmtrasel lata Wits
by rear of appendicitis, take Sr. Xtatfa
New Ufa Pills and away goes bowel
trouble, Ouarantead. n. r sals by
Beaton Drug Cs.
When yon hare anyfalng few sal sr
exchange advertise It la Ths Bos Wang
f W A f? R1 1 o
There are imitations of VJRIGLEY'S
that copy our packages, our wrapping, even our advertising.
But it's illegal to copy our SPEAR and would cost them too
much to copy our pure springy gum and cooling, lasting flavor.
So LOOK FOR THE SPEAR and you'll get all the teeth, breath, ap
petite and digestion benefits of the genuine.
If It's WRIGLEY'S tho Flavor Lasts.
Bll l-Tf-.1".VrK IKNTW Tst
H ,11', . V"M WtS SSJ
If It's WUiG LEY'S tho Flavor Lasts.
if '