THE BEE; OMAHA. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 19.1911. A Distinguished Shoe Shop DUtinguisliod because of fa cial features not found elbewliere. For example: Every phoe is marked with plain price figures. The size is indelibly marked on every fhoe. Expert salespeople to help you to decide npon the correct phoe. The largest space devoted ex clusively to women's, boys' and girls' shoes in Omaha. The very finest shoes at reason able prices. These features nre making this shoe shop the most quoted among Omaha's discerning women. SiiR Hose Sl.OO By a special process the sole and top of these hose uro woven of lisle, af fording the Ion wearing qualities of lisle and the luxury of sill; at the price of good lltle. Tiff YDBM PTTfiT OWN (TOR Tbls Is the murk dlecnased B. and T. special, very neatly effecting that covet ed short looking ap pearsnce wbkh smartly dr steed woman demand this aason. Cornea In doll calf, tan ealf and patent leather, clues 2 to 7. It's the biggest value we have ever offered In stylish footwear at, $4.00 P I 9i s m lira -s. mm 1518-1520 FARNAM S TEE ST CHINESE REBELS ENGAGE THE ARMY (" untlnutj from Klifct Pac.) ' ually .chenping, the loyalist! and rebel bamJ holding it alternately. BHfrn joo end 9U0 revolution! ere reported killed or wounded In today's en gsgement. Tlie Imperial l0!ea were Mueller. Ili-bel re Infos a. mi-Ms wno weru eroseJng the river to support the fight, ins line encountered a amart ro)allst fire and were dlaorganlied. The rebels com plain that their leadership waa feeble. A German sailor was hit by a stray bullet, but not eerlously wounded. Bo far a known this was the only Injury sustained among the foreigners. Three Imperial mildlt-rs were waylaid by an un armed i nob and stoned to death. Another tralnload of aorthera troops ar rived here tonight. Krporl (rout tuuaul General Greene, fH.Kl.NG. Oct. W. -American Coueul Oeueral Urrene telex lepueil tixiay Horn iianKOw us follows; "firing between the rebeU and Iroper ielieta aided by the ship begaa at 7:10 ocik this morning near the river auJ the i all ay eiaiiua." 'the railway siauou la on the north bank ut the umu rive, west ui Hankow. Chinese ollicaus repot t lual neguua lloos are proeeeulng between AUinual bah Chen fing and Uenerai Li Yuan lleng. the i evolutionary commander at Jtankow. though tne nature of the Dago liatluns la not divulged. It Is stated that Urn object of the revo lutionary expedition up the Han river last .evening wee' to attempt the capture t( I general Chang 1'lao s camp near the Uei gtan uuncesaioii through an attack In the real. Joint .atnl Farce, WASlUMiTON. Oct. 1S.-1 here is no joint laieicalional lurce acting as a unit in China, tu the view of Hie tate Ua paiimeul. s-acn of tne naval tomiuaud 11 la euppoaed to be acting uuder in etructiona ironi hi own govei nmenu eon. Mivjueuily the ituestton of seniority ot vuramendcra and light tu direct the luici national operations has uol beau iMWuiit to an iasua. ATIONS A KB mOHAULB Charge at Fabian that Japan laeltad Revolntiea. TOKIO. Oct IS. Despite the assurances given both by the Chinees government and the revolutionary leaders In the oen trsl Chlneaa provinces thut the lights of forelgnvra will be respected, offlclule here regard the situation as likely to develop phases alarming to outside nations. Tbs maintenance of a scrupulous Im partiality will be very difficult at times snd It Is certain that any simpleton of Interference on the part of the foreign- Kidney Trouble Overcome By The Great Treatment. I have been a sufferer for years with kidney and bladder trouble and took al most everything a drug etore contained, without obtaining any benefit I suffered ao that I became utterly discouraged. e I could not sleep, was a) way a eiasy and had a headache ell the time. I aaw -ne cf your adverttsemenu and as a laat resort, decided to try your fcwamp-roet. I am now taking the third bottle and feel like a new woman, sleep well and have no pains whatever. I strongly u Iviae all aufferera to take the only real cure for kidney and blad der trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Bwemp-Root was a Cod-sand to ma. You may publish this letter If you ih ao that It may be the means of bringing twin poor aufterere back to health. MRS. MART O PON NELL. Lander. Wye. utsr!b3d tr.J swern ts fcsfare me this July ltth. not. Ctiaii.y Allen. Notary Public, In uuJ for Fremont Co., Wyo. Letter Ve Or. Stilmar t Co., ainrkemtua, X, Y. r w w w i mm br.d to Dr. Kilmer Co.. Bingham ton. N. T.. for. sample bottle- It will convince anyone. You will also revive a bookUt f valuable Informal le i t... i g ail about the kiJneys and bladder. Ui.en writing, be aura and menUu.i r..e Omaha Dally Bee. Uegular flfty.c.m and one-dollar size oottlos for aaa u, . 1 druK alurce. He's Coming Here ct-n would arouse tremendous indignation among the Chinese. some feeling as sine t Japan has already been noted at Peking where Chinenn mer chants snd financiers have freely aa-tn-ted that Japan incited the revolution In order to create Prints which would prevent the Amertoen-Euiopean loan. la revolutionary circle, on the other hand, reports are being circulated that Japnn Is extending aid to the lmterial government and this ImpreeMliyn has al ready created an untagonlsm against Japan in tho south and Is said to have re sulted In the beginning of a Japanese boycott In Kouth China. HUH another Chinese rumor which I likely to cause troublo for Americans Is that tha United States encouraged the revolution by Its Insistence on the rail way loans. Kvery Indication, official or otherwise, points to the determination of Japan to remain absolutely neutral. It Is declared In official circles that the Peking govern ment made advances to Toklo with a view to securing assistance against the revolutionists. But Japan replied explicitly that it would not Interfere aa long as its Inter ests were not attacked. The revolution ists have been notified, however, that the iron works at Hang Tang, which are un der Japanese ownership, are to be re garded as a Japanese Interest. Dispatches from Manchuria seemed to indicate that the province has thus far shown no signs of uprisings. The utmost caution Is being exercvleed, however, by officials from Mukdnn northward. GOVERNOR DENIES THAT HE PAROLED FRED 0SSENK0P (From a Bteff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Nab, Oet. Ufijpeclal.) Governor Aldrch denlee emphatically that he paroled Fred Ossenkop of Cass county asserting thst under the now en actment all paroles are now granted by the new state prloon board which la in reality the advieory board ef pardons composed of C O. Msggi of Unooln, John O. Yelsar of Omaha, and Dr. J. t. Butler of Superior. The board Is given the parole power while the governor etlli reserves his constitutional right to Isaue pardons. Oaaenkop killed a neighbor named Byrnes and was sentenced to ten years in the state penitentiary on the charge ot manslaughter. Cpnslderable protest It Is said comes from Eagle where Oasen. kop lives and where he haa gone elnca being released. Governor Aldrtoh de clares that he does not blame the people of Eagle for kloklog, that they have a kick coming because of the paroling of this man among them. GAME WARDEN HUNTS FOR MEN WHO SHOT DEER (Trore a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb.. Oet. 11 (gpeolal.) Chief Deputy Game Warden Miller la on a eulet huat fir several men who shot a deer near Wahoo and whe afterward had their pictures tskaa with the cereeee ef the animal banging from a tree. Warden Miller whose home Is at Wahoe heard of the killing of the animal and ie after the men In the hope ef finding eomeone oa whom te place the fine ef from 1M0 to tm Mr. Miller haa the photograph of the raeo and their game In his poeeae. Ion. It has been established beyond reason able question according to the game warden, that the animal waa chased eight miles from Colon to Wahoo by two Kte- fere. Pally Alfred. Larson Andrews, aud a man named Button. FLOWER PARAdYhELD IN GERMAN CELEBRATION. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Oct. U.-(Bpeclal The first of two days Oerman celebra tion was held today, the elty being fllle.t with visitors from all of the prominent Oerman communities of the state. Hav ers) bands came In during the day with the Germane and the big flower parade was held at t o'clock this afternoon. ARBITRATORS BEGIN LABORS De Uoiaea Street Car Trouble Now in Their Hands. AJTTI-SALOOSISTS ARE CONFIDENT Ilea Moines Faeltoa Preparing Am element riarea te aballtate for Sal na ..J. R. Dobblna Mnat aerie Term. (from a Ptaff Correspondent DES MOINES. la.. Oct. !. Hpclal Telegram. The practical application of the principle tf arbitration to settle s controversy between the street car com pany and Its employes wss Inaugurated today when the recently organised arbi tration board began Its sittings. Ths board first took up the case of Roberts, the motnrmen who was accused of amok Ing while on duty. The board rules that he compsny must present Its side of he rase first and affirmatively how why It had discharged the men, thus giving an sdvantage to the workmen. The three cases are to be taken up sep arately. In tha course fif the hearing today It developed the company had not Issued new book of rules for twenty-one years, but had changed rules by filing bulletins. Antl-Nalooaist Confident. So confident sre the members of the citizen association that they will win win their case In district court agalnM the saloon petition and scurs the closing of every eoloon In the city that they have already begun the preparations for open Ir.g amusement places In the city to tske the place of saloons for the men who have no other place to go. Dobblna Mnat Urn Term. Taking people s money awsy from them on a "fixed race" la ths same as arand larceny, according to the finding of the supreme court In a decision handed down today, affirming the cai e of the state against John It. Dobbins. Dobbins wsii a lieutenant 'of J. C. Ma bray, lie was convicted at Council tsluffs on a charge of grand larceny. He was scone ed of having beaten T. W. Dallaw, ot Princeton, Mo., out of $30,000 on a "fixed" horse race ataged at Council Bluffs by the Mabray crew. Us w-as sentenoed to an indeterminate term of five years In the penitentiary and has been at liberty on bonds awaiting the result of ths appeal. English Must Act or Ouster Follows LINCOLN, Neb., Oct. ls.-tpeclal Tele gram.) In an open letter Issued early this evening, Governor Aldrtch writes to James P. English, county attorney ol Douglas county, that he had better get busy as a police officer and perform hU duties or suffor at the executive hand, ender the provisions of the fiackctt law. A ghoottnfr Scrape with both parties wounded, demands Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Heals wounds, sores, burns or Injuries. Be. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. KomacavTi or ocsajt txaksm. Pert. Arrives. KKW YORK Niagara SAN PRANClsOOTrlneala VKTOH1A Kwiaailia NAPLES p. HI Pimoaia DUNKIRK Al antra on an GENOA TENICNinrg HAMHtlHO ..Vtrtaria UuHuRV Pral NSW YORK sauastle letterdssi. Baline. K. P. Cecilia, . Masckarla. . . Arrftdace. .. Aim ood a ..sal. It la 'the, duty o! every expectant mother to oreoar hep avstom far tVi coming of her little one ; to avoid aa far M possible the ettfierioe; ot such m-vMiuBi, . uu cnueavor io past through the crisis with her health and strength nuiaa paired. This she may do through the use of Mother's Friend, a remedy that has been so long in use, and accomplished ao much good, that it is in so sense an experiment, but a preparation which always produces the best results. It is for extras: application and ao pen etrating in its nature as to thoroughly lubricate every muscle, serve and ten don involved during the period before baby comes. It aids nature by ex panding the ahia and tissues, relieves tenderness and soreness, and perfectly prepares the system for nstural and aafe motherhood. Mother's Friend has been used and endorsed by thou sands of mothers, and its use will prove a comfort and a benefit to any woman in seed ot such a remedy. Mother's Friend 5JS? S II0THEI15 tains much valuable Information. UUZI-ZIDKCCVUTOX COL. Adi. Ca, LIGHTHOUSE TENDER LILLY SINKS AT WELLINGTON M0. KANSAS C1TT. lie,, Oct. ls.-lrtklng a submerged etiunp la the Missouri river near Wellington, Me., thirty tulles below this city, early this morning the gov erunieat lighthouse tender Lily eteve a huge hole la lu side and sank. The deck remained sis Inehes above wstsr. No Uvea were lost. It probably will be floated asaln. The boat was In oherge of Captain W. C. bagoe. It had been up the AliouH three weeks placing tbaauej lights. ifiictcctlfcuHcf! I T tTaiai-, MOrgL, OR gLSCWMtat ! Get te Original and Genuine UOflLIGK'S MALTED MILK iTheFoodDrinkforAHAges UCM MIUL HALT CIAIS tTrtACT. Ol PCWOfl iV aa eai w - tint in nnv MiHf I V,e r Insist on 4IIORLICKS, ae e package Soeae coi.iis i ai. sk ut: ad tent:. Laxative Bronx Quinine, the world till ia ana gnp remray I fur full nam. Lca fur signature C ureve, ituo. emovea Cause. e Call W. DCCiriNltIG FRIDAY, OCT. 20TII f'snufsctarers' Surplus STOCK GALE HAYDEWS An event of kveneat int'rn 0 aj( economically lnclmeu buyera. Tre mendoua bargain cfforluaa ti fi 1 1 y every atock. Manufacturers' rurtlus hloika and tMtniple luiau of H(U, ahla meixhandlae at a email fraction of wertn. TAFT WILL EXTEND HIS TRIP (Continued from First rage ) Keiao and a apere engine was rushed to the a'-rne. Uaitig te many lequests from atops alona the way the presidential train al re;ily waa running sn hour Isle, the dflsy getting s new engine resulted in the loss of another half hour, and efforts are be ing made today to catch up with the schedule before reselling Salt Lake City. wnera the train Is dus at 1.10 p. m. Gov ernor ripry and Senator Rmoot of t'tah and Colonel I. C. Jackllng of Salt Lake City will accompany the preeldent through I" (ah today. Special a to pa have been scheduled at Ogden. Logan and one or two other points. DEATH RECORD. lira, Allr I. Rrwylen. GENEVA, Neb., Oct. l.-(8pclal.) Mrs. Alice I. Brsyton, one of the best known women In the state, died at her home here last night. Mrs. Brsyton was for many years an enthusiastic worker In the state and local equal suffrage league. Remove First Sign of Old Age. "The infallible first algn of age In the sagging jheek muaclee," saye Mmo. Llna avatlerl, ahone fame aa a beauty culturiat la carcely outahown by that gained before the footlights. "Theee are more difficult and ssrloua to treat than wrinkles, ' she continues. "The sagging muscles Indicate that they have grown too weak to remain In place; they must be aaaiatsd, strengthsnsd. The best way to strengths!! and hard en them Is by using a wash lotion made, by dlSMOlving An Ounce of powdered aax ollte In a hair pint of witch hasel. This rreales a freer circulation to the af fected parts. :ealdea causing muscle and fkln to contract. Baxollte, procurable at every drug atore, has long been known by complexion specialists to pos sess remarkable properties, valuable In treating not jnly flabby tissue, but all wrinkles and furrows. Adv. Dr. Lyon' PERFECT Tooth Poudor cleanses, preserves and beau tifies the teeth and imparts purity and fragrance to the breath. Mothers should teach the little ones its daily use. Do You Know Year Dealer? When you go to buy a diamond do you know your dealer? Probably rou , are certain hat he Is honest and truthful and haa a reputation for fair dealing. Hut do you know that he has a repu tation for being a good merchant In the aenae that he thoroughly under stands his bual neaa? That la aa Important question In diamond buying. If you are dealing with a man who knowa but little more about theee precious atones than you do. you are very likely to be the loser, not tj ot the dealer, yet w through hla fault ae a poor bualneaa man. The Ed holm atore understands the diamond buslneea thoroughly. ; Don't Merely ay Invest. Albert Edholm nrwBx.cs Sixteenth and Xarnsy. . WHISKEY BARGAINS Onr of f ftr tnr this week i in Bottlfld in ( Bond Kentucky V Whiskey, is C. it dar Brook, Full Full auarts. 90a P Cnklnnl 0. ?s5g Rnmnanv wwiupuiij 1307 Doughs St. to oautiful Tooth There ere but ftv people who have them, uood teeth everyone might have if they would go to Dr. Bradbury. The quickest, esslsst and least painful are the only .nethods employed by ue and hundreds of our pstisnts, both In and tut of the city will gladJ) tell you about the good dental work and our up-to-date aaya of doing thtnga. Crowns end bridge work from 13.00 par tooth. Plate, that lit from 14.00 to til 89. Painless extrao tloe el teeth. Nerva ei testa removed without hurting yeu. Work werraated ten yea-e. D&. BRADBURY, The Dentist If Teare Same ijooettoa, sS raeuemJM gfcoae B. lrso. LB.rMOUflGo, &L Sooth End 1 Gih St. VIADUCT r'Homoof tho Lone Ton" GENUINE SOLID OAK lie's Cominfl Here This offering cer tainly oucht to ron. vlnce you that you can make' your dol lars aconmplleh MORE at the Ituhel store than at anv other homefurnlah- ine Institution i. n Omaha. e rlalm iwint. tt-1.. 1L.. ' wojr inai our val ues can't be equalled anywhere. e care not where you are used to buylnir, we care not what aa!ea mar be ai- vertlsad In tnilav'B paper, we Calm In all sincerity tnat you can't find val'ta thst vtll match P with theae oale enprlnlg anywhere In Omaha ''"hi rtreaaer la "a nf MM Oak, rl'-f'lv fn lhad In "olden, tt r-es laeee Fench bec mlrmr. Tt Is neatly de. elad. mal of bst Ta- tarlal and (rlbed n a most hand, some manner. AMISKMKXTS. lUDiTomur.i Saturday Night, October 21st K m n? F'mw ijy IM ii - is LfEr : , - ' J r"! fer BlgDreVeaoa thUvkl i sad iv ai Other Big Dresser Values on aale this at 811.75. $14.05. $18.75 $24.75. AH Splendid Bargains. Iginr nrT-nnri i Credit If You Wish CHINA CLOSET Solid oak. rich fumed Early English finish, two aoor eise plate rail at top. Spe cial at Tinisn, two $12-75 Penin sular The 1 mijh S3 BUFFET Genuine solid oak, fumed golden or Early English, lined drawer for silverware, French bevel mirror; a tremendoua value $14-05 DRESSER High grade dressers, quarter sawed oak superbly flnlaheJ. mammoth bevel mirror $18.75 ill BASE BURNER A powerful double heater; best floor warmer oa the mar ket, self feeder, du plex grate, new sys tem ventiduct heat ing flues, giving dou ble headng capacity, handsome fres n "I C nickeled 393.l3 trlmminge. wJ1 w frlce "w Tew OM aeove take a la Ssohasgre. Extension ' Tttle A thoroughly well made table, genuine solid oak, els-foot length. no uu s value, at .- 5Q75 STEEL RANGE Body of heavy ateel plate, rlvlted together like a steam boiler, six large holes, sectional top, large square oven, duplex grate for ceal or wood, tea pot shelvee. high warming cloaet and other features; elegant ly nickel trimmed, tale j j-4sgn!mfl5igg bbv' is Frank Gotch World's Champion Jess Westcrgard (TZAHKIOUT Tho Wonaforful Turk GEORGE WEBER BILL HOKUF John Kcrsenbroch Seat Sale Now On. PRICES: 50c to $2.00. AUDiToniur.' roller mmi Openlnc Night Wednesday, Oct. 18 til. Musio tf Green's Band. Elegant floor and bast skates tlurt money can buy. Doors Open Promptly at 7:30. 'Admission. 10c; 6katea, 20c. BOYD'S THEATER Throe Days Commencing Thursday, October 19. WKXTVEY OFZBA CO. la "The Chocolate Soldier" Company of 100 Orchestra ef 95. eats Wow Selling. liuraDiiity oi Mason ScHamlinTcneisthe Marvel of the IIu- C sical Xhxli... Til 1 ft-i 11)1 If yon were to eater any untie store la tho United States snd ask what piano has ths best tonal qualities qualities thst are sweetest sad last ths longest ths person to whom yon put the question would reply. "Ths Mason ft Hamlin." This instrument baa no equal, and you cannot appreciate tho state ment made hero until you have seen, heard sad played ths Mason. Hamlin. Then It yon appreciate aaueic, you win at ones understand tho "differences'" thst assure Mason A Ham. lln perfection. You are invited to hoar ths Mason Hamlin at thlg store. Whoa yon wish to purchase, oir easy payment plan will enable you to become an owner ot thla marrolous piano within a short time. A. HOSPE COMPANY 151S.151S DOUGLAS STBET. OMAHA. Branch Store, 467 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa, Western representatives for Msson & Hamlin, Kranlch ft Bach Bush ft Lane, Cable-Nelson. Pry or ft Co.. Kremlin ft Son, Hallet-Davls and Hospo Pianos. 0ST -HighGrade Furs 11 EXPERT REMODELING nil Corner &Otn and Fanaaaa. TelephoiM Douglas a 040. KRUG THEATER Igatlaee Today, Si30. STlgbt, SiSQ est Beate SO Cents. AV vrmtTM and bis aunoa of showr Chow g-lrla who show. A Keal Bot sue show.. Satra Full returns of the World a eerlea base ball games will be read from the stage. AMERICAN THEATER Tonight Mate. Tues., Thors. Sat. Prlois lOe and S6e 1CI8S bva xutsro aad the WOODWABO STOCK COMFAJfT la tbb tbcbxs or UV1 ITazt Week in arrxijB or thh oons GuOjaxnaXv Vhoaeei Ueugr. S4 Xna. A-14S4 A-DTAWCBD TATrDBTIZiIin Mat. Svary Iay SilS avery Might S:1S, "bcrooge"; The Lorch Family; Bedini and Arthur; Horace Wrigbt and Kene pletrlch; Patsy toyle; Abbott A Whites Marseilles; kUnetoecope; Orpheum Con cert Orchestra. Prices. Night lOo, 3 bo. toe, T5c; Matinee 10c. best seats 2to, except Saturday and siunday. BRANDEIS THEATER Tonight, See, SOe and 7 So. Saturday Mat Any Beat SS Cents. McFADDEN'S FLATS itew on-oa awp wmw mpsio DKDAY-MX WAT UIUKA. k)majias rum cixni" Dally agat, IS-tS-fiOe Bees. ls-ss-so-TM eeond Oa te the lisnd Shew. TiiE laafc:v uilie:s BXTKATAOAKSA AMD TAWDTI1A Aa elean and sweet aa Its title UnpUea Little Charlie Howard. "Ulutch" Cooper anJ Grtit &!13. Chorus nt I.llv Buda baalee' ZMae Statlaee Xvery Wees Day. FREES Our Illustrated catalog of diamonds, watches, chins, cut glass and Jewelry. Either mall your request for one or call in person. We would be pleased to have a visit from you. RYAH JEWELRY CO. 15th end Donglao Bta Uina t ua. -J