The Omaha Daily Bee. LAND SHOW PAGES NINE TO SIXTIES Bt Sporting New The Bee prints foil box scores Of all big league games In no other Onibt newspaper. VOL XLI-XO. 104. , 'If It Comes From X New. Clean, Modern Family Ll ;40r Store. Will Established 1,189. 1300 Fornom (RUG THEATER Home of Family Burlesque. Cater ing to Polite Audiences. ALL THIti WEEK Matinee, 2:30. Evening. PAT WHITE fFunnlest Fellow In Burleeque aud his Gaycty Glrlo A Ghowy Show of Show Girl Who Show Lota of Fun Lota of Girls Lota of Scenery The Show you'll want to see . again. No eeat higher, than 64. eenta. Rubber Goods Dept. We are headquarter tor every aort of Rubber Good a that may be termed sick room or house hold accessories. Our stock com prises more than 1,000 Items. OIc Bags, soo to Invalid . Cush ions. SI .00-13.50 75(j Bulb ' Syr inge, like cut. for ax MX) Pcmntaln Syringe for 49o 7Bo Rubber Glove for 8o Lady attendant In this depart ment Sherman & McCannell Drug Co. leth sad Dodge, Opp. T. O, leth and Harney, Owl Drug Co. 84th and Ternam, Harvard Plain oy. 807-09 ST. 18th. boyal Pharmacy. A Fivo Dollars Three Dollars Owing to the number of people desiring our beat plates and crowns at above price, who could not be waited on, I have extended the time limit to November let. "lit DORWARD, Dentist War Block. 18th and raraam, MOYIKQ VANS - PIAKO MQVIKG - FURNITURE PACMG Gordon Fireproof . Warehouse & Van Co. (ixniiinairi sbutbbt oo.) 916 Booth 17ta Street, Omaha Reed & Rattan Co. Manufacturers of Heed and Bat tan rural tore, Oo-Oarta, Baby OerrUffea, Bto. Repairing a Spe cialty. 11 IT. 16th . Hast to Haw U. 9. Keadqoarters. Telephone D. 204J. Ind. A-MU LAISJD OWNERS Desiring to sell their farms or land will find an ad in The Bee F&rm and Ranch Land Columns most successful MOTHER: J find it very pleasant to trade with COillBS The Jeweler 1520 Douglas St. and I am already locking up a fine tpul rim for su' birthday this month; if you ln"w htr fnyer tiu, it to m j;Jca4f. T0F.1 P R' It Must Ba Good Souvenir with every purchase during the Land Show. Street, Omaha Land Show Visitors are Invited to Sea the litest Paris styles tn millin ery at this store. The most fascinating creations of the famous designers are bare. A particular bat for every partic ular woman, and all modestly priced. Mrs; Richards Second Floor City National Bank Building. TOLIPS Plant at Once All First Glzo Flow ering Bulbs Only Our Named Varieties are tbe " best. Superfine mixtures make a verr effective bed. Seeds That Grow. Ne4 Any? THE NEBRASKA SEED COMPANY Doug. 1261. . 1613 Howard St. Open Saturday Evenings. Phone Dong. 874. Tel Douglas 894 tnd. A-1314. The X,erga Stall Order Hons Is Oman. Importer and Dealer In nne WTalsslea, Wines, Ioora, Zte. MEYER KLEIN Wholesale liquor r Is. Saa north 16th Street. Telephones! Dong. lSOSi lad. B 1809. LAND SHOW VISITORS! ! ! TTe have a special dis play of OAS AND ELEC TRIC FIXTURES at attractive price which we urge you to inspect while in the city. BURGESS-ORANDEN COMPANY, Largest Fixture Uoum iu the West. 1B11 HOVV.UU STREET. TO DAY AT THE IMP 5H0Wl 1 1 i,' ' . ' s iH I Lecture Hall "B." i my 1 1 . j ' 8:00 to 8:30 Prof. Chamberlln, "AgrtculturaJ Developments." I, . to&0,ljf$d to 9:00 H- p- Jne. "Washington," iftJ1 5Japf) 9:00 to 9:30 E. R. Crocker, "Downey, Idaho, and the Marsh vlw'wifiL !WiM BpocU 1 Tent i Mvzsjfy 8:00 t0 8:80 W'Uber Walker, "My CallfornU Rose." IV jyJy$'i 8:40 t0 9:1 H- H- Hayes, "Yellowstone Park." I ' JTH VjjVjj 9:20 to 9:50 D. C. Fteeman,"'The "Willamette Valley," 'Vil l0:30J' W" JOn"Irr,fated Wah'" il U 1 ' . : 1 II D Ji ' Visitors to the Land Show can reach the Coliseum, where the show is held, by the "Dodge and North 30th" cars, which run direct to tho grounds. Also by the '.'North 24th," "Florence" and "Forest Lawn" cars, getting off at Burdette St., and walk ing four blocks east, or, by the "42d and Grand," "24th and Ames" and "16th and Locust" cars to Burdette St., and walk ing four blocks west. , Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Co. n OMAHA. TUESDAY MORMXG. OCTOBER, 17, 19U. Afternoon Lecture Program TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17th Lecture Hall "A" 2:00 to 3:Sft W. L. French, "Farm Work." 2:8D to 3:00 J. A. Jasper, "Los Angeles City and County." 8:00 to 3:80 E. R. Crocker, "Idaho." , 3:30 to 4:00 J. B. Bolster, "California." 4:00 to 4:80 J. W. Jones. 4:30 to 6:00 Prof. 'Chsinberlln, "Agriculture." Lecture Ball "B." 3:00 to 3:30 D. C. Freeman. "Oregon." . 1:80 to :00 Wm. tB. LtfflnjweJl, "Apple Culture Id Oregon " 3:00 to 8:80 Wm. WalktT, ''Alameda County, California." 3:80 to 4:00 A. L. Haecker, "Pllos and fcUlafe." 4:00 to 4:30 Prof. Taylor, "Boll Improvement. ... ' - . . . v . v . . ' . . Special Ten! 2:00 to 2:30 CaMa Brown. ' Washington. " 2:40 to 8:10 O. Y. Baker, "Coorado Fruit,' Ho ten kite." Evening Program Lecture Hall "A." T:80 to 8:00 Moving Pictures, '.'Trap Shooting." , &:00 to 8:30 L. 3. Brtoker, "Northwest." 8:20 to 9:00 J. A. Jasper, "San Diego City and Bay, Climate and Opportunity." 0:00 to 9:80 W. B. Lefflngwell, "Yosemlts Valley." 9:80 to 10:00 J. E. Taylor, "Agricultural Possibilities of Utah." A f TO THE LAND SHOW A U li u QBo SINGLE H. E. HUOERIVIArSirsr, Furrier Reliable Fur Sets at Reasonable Prices 1 f Room 0, Second Floor, Continental Block. N. E. CORVER FIFTEENTH AXU IKIVGLAS BT8., 0LJL YOU rightly de maud that the Ralesman who sells clothes to you 6hall know olothes all about them from the sheep's back to your back. What about the sales com . pany who will sell you that IRRIGATED FARM? Its officers ougW to know irrigation from the sago brush and canyon to the alfalfa stck and ; the res ervoir. - Our officers know tbe Irri gatJon buainesa from thorough training and lite-long exper ience. We own. manufacture and sU producing Irrigated farms In Utah. Free Inform 'tlos and consultation. Spalding I Jvlngston ft alt Laka l 0. Ity Omaha Sales Office, S1S-14 City National Basic Bid Omaha. trtah Bootbr-,Lad Show . CET TED ACRES OF THIS OREGON APPLE LAND Toil -an gat ten acres or more of ttr rich (00-acrs tract that la being aubdlvlded and sold only two miles from Falls City. This la your o nance to purchase at right price a home near a thriving city, among congenial neighbor ana 'n the heart of the great apple country. Thar la no land ivrvxisi more auitabl to applss, and von will hav the advice and assist ance of expert apple grower te call upon. Ten acre of this lar4 will orlng wsalth and certain In dependence. Investigate this trart before you even seriously cob aldsr Purchasing elsewhere and do It at once, aa the acreage la limited. Addreaa FALLS CITY ORCHARD CO., Inc. - rails Olty, Or. Very Best Set of Teeth so Rub ber $8; Allooi- BOO tlO . .MA in. ULAnKi tt tKXlOH BiociT Pennell Millinery Go. PAXTON BLOCK BALCONY FLOOR n ft OOPY TWO CENTS. In the Heart of the Business District Within easy access .of every point of Interest we have es tablished a ' place to dine that should appeal to you. Food - Service -Cooking of the quality that will win ' your permanent patronage. Served A 14 Carte or a Table d'Hote meal for 80 cents. Little tables at pleasant win dows. 17th and Douglas Sts. EtlE, fiOQ The Land of Opportunity! For Descriptive Literature and Prlee Lists, Wrlto Molvin Hansen 474D. Wiilamelta Sireel, Eugeno - Oregon s i , Beautiful Tooth There are but few people who have them. Uood teeth everyone might have If they would go to Dr. Bradbury. The quickest, eaaleat aad least painful are the only methods employed by us aod hundreds of our patients, both ta aad out of the city will gladly tell you about the good dental work and our up-to-date waya of doing things. Crowns and bridge work from IS 00 par tooth. Plates that fit trra It 00 to 111.80. Painless extrac tion of teeth. Nerves of teeth removed without hurting you. . Work warranted ' ten yea-a. DR. BRAnBTJRY. TTiA TVrtHt 17 Tears Baju Ziooatloa. IMS Tarnam Vfcoae 9. 17S&'' Satisfying Meals Tour Judgment of what you like, and our knowledge of how to prepare It, Is a good reaaoa why you should DISTB Iltl. DELtVJOMT nEGTAURANT ' IBIS cdge Street, a . Bell, rop. Rcllablo Dontistry at m Wv Taffs Cental Rccns