' TTTT.tTnr. fT KTT t TTTCntT' V-TWrTrr iftn ' "" 11 i i . . . r. . I rnril I ft HIT MlMimuim WM Mil lllll iTirmigWaWM BRIEF CITY NEWS aTsws Soo Prtn n. Sis. rtZtOTM, BvpiFTtIIE UrtU Onras Tha Universal Clrcte will entertain at cards Tuesday ft"" t t o'clock at Magnolia hall, ttantjr-toMrth and Aicm nviwiua. Colored Boy Oats Urnt Senienoe Otis Bayea, a 17-year-old negro boy. pleaded Unity to breaking and entering before Judge Da Jn the district Monday and Mi account or Ma ags waa riven th Ugut enUmea of all months In the county Jail. SVeOrlokson Back From WuWL-B. Fredriekson haa returned from Wyoming whera ha haa been buafly tnpwtd'ra Bis ranch. He win return In about a nek. MY. PYedrlckaon baa been en FMT"d of late training oxen for his fall piowtog. He expert! to turn about 300 more thia fall. Hasting- JTlg-hts ChangedThe elaas in Civil Government reoently organized at the Public library, win meet hereafter wy Tuesday evening at o'clock. At the preliminary meeting between fifteen and twenty boya and young men rath ered In the lecture room of the library and talked over the work, of the elks and decided that Tuesday evening would be the most convenient for all. Orowlay mads jrew Mantle Dr. Charles F. Crowley la working on the substitution of a new Welsbaoh mantle for the city lamps by whloa he expects to reduce by one-half the cost of operat ing the lamps. The new mantle which he la lnvaatigatlng is of wood fibre. Practical experiments with the wood fibre mantle have proved that it la more durable than the old style, and if Dr Crowley oan obtain the slse be wants, a three-inch mantle, he expects . to ob tain a much greater candle' power than Is now being obtained In the proportion to tba number of oublo feet of gas consumed. Bailey is Seeking Gambling Losses Suit to recover WW. 60, which he says he lost In a gambling house conducted by Charles "Woods, otherwise known as Charles Wilt, was started by John W. Bailey In county court Monday. Bailey names as codefendant Chester and Frank Gardner and "Bed" Perkins, to whom, he says, he lost the money. He alleges that the gambling house la located on the second floor of the building on the northwest corner of Thirteenth and Far nara streets, the entrance being 2J0 South Thirteenth street. Bailey says he lost the money while gambling on several nights between September 12 and Octo ber 1 " SOCIETY FOR FRIENDLESS ENDS ANNUAL CONFERENCE The annual conference of the Society for the Friendless has been concluded and practically all those who attended have turned their attention to the Prison oongreea. At the closing session of the society the following officers were elected for the ensuing year. President, Judge T. F. Garver, Topeka. Kan.; first vioe president, Prof. J. M. Greenwood, Kansas City, Mo. Divisional Vice Presidents-John R. Me rit, Santa Fe, N. M. ; Edward P. Walte. Minneapolis, Minn.; A. H. Haielrlgg, Frankfort. K.r-1 J. P. Jackson, Blsmark, K. D-i George Hlndley, D. D., Helena. Mont.; F. 8. Dietrich, Boise. Idaho; How, ard Kennedy. Omaha, Neb.; George Cos. son. Dee Moines. la. Secretary and national superintendent, the Rev. Edward A. Predenragen, Ph. D., Kansas City. Treasurer, James X. Bradley, Kansas City. Mo. Members at Large General Herbert S. Hadley, Jefferson City. Mo.; Fred B. Jackson, Topeka, Kan.; the Rev. A. J. Williamson. D. D.. St. Louis, Mo.; Chan cellor D. S. Stephens, IX. D., Kansas City, Kan.; Charles Montgomery, San Francisco, Cal.; C. S. Shank, Seattle, Wash.; Major R. W. McClaughery, Leavenworth, Kan.; the Rev. Chsrles A. Ehelton, D. D., Topeka, Kan.; C. W. Gardner. Minneapolis, Minn.; Anson Ralney. Dallas, Tex.; Mrs. M. K. Trum ble, Portland, Ore, ROLLER SKATING TO START Auditorium Roller Rink Opens the Season Wednesday Night for Winter Term. The roller skating season will open at the Auditorium on Wednesday night of this week, and several thousand enthusi astic young people will have an oppor tunlty to enjoy themselves on the fine floor to the Inspiring music of Green's band. The floor of the big arena was never In finer condition. It has been partially re laid and all cut down smooth by the use of the electric sanding machine so that It Is as smooth as Ice. The skates have len all overhauled and put In fine con dition and the skaters will find everything ready for their comfort and enjoyment. Judging from the hundreds of tele phone calls Inquiring about the opening date of skating It is safe to predict that the big arena will be filled with merry skaters on the opening night. GOVERNOR SPRY OF UTAH COMING TO LAND SHOW Manager Buckley Is In receipt of a letter from Governor Spry of Utah. The governor writes that he will be at the Land show on Utsb day. October 23. add ing that accompanying hlra will be the Utah delegates to the American Mining congress, besides a number of other rep resentative citizens of the state Tuesday night Is Commercial club night at the Land show. President Cole has sent notices to all the members of the club to attend and bring their families wC fciends with them. This will, with out doubt, be one of the big nights. Republicans Summon Democrats to Aid For Pure Election "If you are In earnest, we'll help you I to It" Is the answer sent by the re publicans to Assistant County Attornev Plattl in response to his talk of allege! fraudulent registration The document ts addressed to him a.s oh airman of the democratic committee by John L. Kennedy, chairman of the republican state committee, and Ben S Baker, chairman of. the Douglas county republican commutes, and is as follows: OMAHA, Oct 16 -Louts J. Plattl. Esq. Chairman Douglas County Democrat i central Committee, Omaha. War Sir: e have your letter of October 1.1 In an BWr. ,0 l"r ot October 10 for which we thank you. It certainly appear that there is Sufficient evidence at hand to warrant a complete Investigation of t'ie registration tn the Third ward In Om',lii and to justify the most strmKint una ures to prevent illegal voting in that ward at the election You suggested In your letter that a non partisan oinaniaation vl repretentatlve men was belnr formed, one of the objects of which would be the Investigation and prevention of election frauds. We assume that you referred to the Citizens' union, the membership of which is published In yesterday mornln' paper A fair and Impartial committee, appointed by that organization, would be entirely satisfac tory to us. and we would be pleased to co-operate with and assist such a com mittee. In the meantime, while such a committee "Is being organlxed, n l.y not set In motion the machinery in tl office of the--county attorney f A vigorous pr6secutl6u of the offender, whosi names aie already obtained, would not only lesrt to their conviction, but would defer others, from attempting to register fraudulently or to vote Illegally on elec tion ddv... H-the-foroe-ln the office of the county attornev ts inadequate to the emergency w will join with you In re queuing, a graiid jury, as suggested In oiir former communtratlon. Fraudulent registrations and Illegal vot ing, long continued, will underline the very foundation of Our government, and It Is ceitatnlv the duty of everv public official and everv private citizen to do his full duty, to the end that the Integrity of the ballot box msy be maintained. Corruption is a curse to anv community, but when It reaches down to the exercise of the elective franchise It Is a crime, the effect of which cannot be calculated. With renewed expression of our desire to aid In any and every way In purifying politics and' In preventing Illegal voting, we are,' very trnlv vonrs, JOHN L. KENNEDY. Chairman Republican State Committee. SEN.T. BAKER. Chairman Douglas Countv Republican Committee. Land Show Tickets in Great Demand The popularity ot the Omaha Land Show was demonstrated Friday and Sat urday afternoon, when Bee patrons pre sented their cbupons st the business office, exchanging thSn for tickets of admission.; The Bee had printed coupons and ais6 the statement that five of them, out from consecutive Issues of the paper, would entitle the holders to an admission ticket. Friday the coupons became avail able and the business office experienced a perfeot crash. The coupon holders swamped the clerks, but Saturday was still worse. Clerks, bookkepers and stenographers: had to be called upon to take care Of the hundreds, who came to claim tickets. There is another bunch of the coupons to be exchanged for tickets Monday and still another let Tuesday. Extra help his been secured and upon these two days, the patrons of the paper will not be subjected to sny delays. HOMAGE-PAID TO GIBBONS Arthur Brown Dies " as Results Shock Arthur Brown, 2 years old, through whose left ami 6,000 volts of electricity passed a few days since while be was dusting the switchboard In ths South Omaha branch of the electric light com pany, died In the fcouth Omaha hospital at 2.10 o'clock Sunday . afternoon. He leaves a wife and eleven children Brown's arm wis o naely burned by the electricity, that It was necessary to amputate It In the hope of eavlng nls life. When Brown was thrown to the floor by the nhock his skull was frac tured. He lived at f Bouth Twenty third street, dmaha. vThe body waa re moved to Larkln's undertaking parlors and will later be taken to the residence. Funeral services will be conducted this evening at the home and the body will be taken to' Julian, Neb , for burial. Justice Harlan Buried Tuesday WASHINGTON. Oct. M The funeral of the late Justice John Marshall Harlan of the United States supreme court will be held here Tuesday afternoon at the New York Avenue Presbyterian church, with which he had beon Identified. The pastor.-. Rev. Dr. Wallace Radcllffe, will officiate and the pallbearers will be the eight members of the United Btates su preme court. Burial, which will be pri vate, will be in Rock Creek cemetery. Maty Prelates at Ecclesiastical Celebration of Jubilee. NO CEREMONY MORE IMPRESSIVE Mne of America's Twelve A r-h -hlnkopa la the Prorf mIob Tir. Ulnal's Message to Garner oale for Church. BALTIMORE. Oct 14 -In the cathedral here, where fifty years ago he was or dained a priest, then successively conse crated a bishop. Invested with the pallium of an archbishop and twenty-five years after his ordination received the red peretta or a cardinal. James. Cardinal Gibbons, archbishop of Baltimore, Sunday received homage from Illustrious prelates snd laymen from all parts ot this coun trv and foreign lands. The ecclesiastical celebration of the cardinal's dual jubilee hecan this mora ine with pontiflclal high mass celebrated by the cardinal, with Rev. Dr. William A. Fleteher, rector of the cathedral, as deaoon. snd Rev. P. C. Oavsn, the chan cellor of the arch diocese, aubdeacon. Archbishop John J. Clennon of St. Louis delivered the sermon which was an elo quent tribute to the head of the Ameri can church. Many Prelates Attead. In the procession, which for Impressive ness never haa been sorpuesed In this country, were nine of America's twelve archbishop and about thirty bishops. Included among the archbishops were Dlomede Falconio, the apostolic delegate, and Paul Bruchesl of Montreal. Among the bishops was Hugh Max. Sherry of South Africa. ' There were three civilians In the line They were W. E. Manklns of New York, who received the decoration of knight hood In the Order of St. Gregory at the hands of the pope. The two other civ ilians were Art st odes Leonard! of Rome and Edward Du Mee of Philadelphia, both of whom wore the scarlet, cuata of apostolic chancellors and marched beside the apostollo delegate. Toast to Pope. Following the mass dinner was served to the visiting clergy at St. Mary' sem inary. In response to a toast proposed for' Pope Pius. Archbishop Falconio, the papal delegate, extolled the pontiff as a man of apostolic seal, a man coming from the ranks of the people, who could fully understand their wants and direct the movements of the advancing democ. racy: a msn of Christian courage and of stern determination, able to protect the rights of the church and relltrlous liberty against Irreligious leglslstion and atheism. The cardinal, rising at the end of the dinner. said the prejudices which formerly existed against Catholicism In this country were almost exterminated. He charged the bishops and archbishops around hlra with the command to garner by the end of another fifty years 100.OCO.000 souls for the Catholic church In this country. SUAREZ VICE PRESIDENT OF REPUBLIC OF MEXICO MEXICO CITY. Oct. 1.-Lacklng only the ceremonies of the Inauguration. Fran cisco I. Madero Is president '. of the Re public of Mexico. By a vote of the elec toral college, which was practically unani mous, ho was officially nominated today. Jose Pino Buarea without doubt will be the vice president. If not already such. Even. If ha has failed to get a majority, there Is now no reasonable doubt that the chamber of deputies will name him as Madero' s lieutenant over Francisco De la Barra, who obtained second plaoe In the vote of the electoral college. Francisco Vasques Gomes was hope lessly distanced. Madero, who one year ago was plan ning his revolution which began on No vember 30, mo, and culminated In th overthrow of the Dlaa regime, which had endured for more than thirty-five years, today manifested but a casual In terest In the outcome of the election. His last opponent was eliminated when General Bernardo Reyes fled from the country. CANADIAN PACIFIC BOAT ON SHORE OFF NORTH COAST VICTORIA, . d Oct 1.-Th Cana dian Paclflo steamer Princess Beatrice is ashore on Noble Island oft the north coast of British Columbia. Th pas sengers and crew bav been taken ett by the steamer Venture. The Princess Beatrice la not equipped with wireless and the only word of the wreck reaching here has come from the government station on Triangle Island, northwest of Vancouver. If you have anything to exchange ad vertise it In The Omahx Dally Bee. n I I i OLD FAmiLES CF FLORENCE ARE UNITED BY MARRIAGE M'ss Agnes A. Shipley, daughter of ravld V. Shipley of Florence, and Mr. Hsrry W. Mlckelten were msrrted Sun day at 1 p. m by Rev. Charles W. Favidge at the residence of the bride's psrents. SIS State street, Florence. A Isrg company of friends and relstlves were present. Including th groom's father, Mr. Anton Mickelsen of Desoto. Neb. The attendants were Miss HaTlle hlpiev and Mr. George Mirkelsen. A bountiful wedding dinner waa served. No Man is Stronger Than His Stomach A strong man is strong all over. No nun csn be strong who is .offering froos weak stomach with its consequent indigestion, or from some other disease of the stomach and its associated organs, which im pair digestion and nutrition. Par when the stqmacb is weak or diseased there is loss of the nutrition contained in food , which is the source of all pbysicsl strength. When a man "doesn't (eel just right," when ha doesn't sleep well, has an uncomfortable) feeli. in the stomach after eating, is languid, nervosa, irritable and despond ent, be is losing the nutrition needed to rnnke strength. Cue at rata should us Dr. P' erect uoiatn mtaicmi Dimcovcry. it cures diseases of th ttommeh and otttmr rtfis of d.'iestion mad nutrition. It enrlchta the blood. Invigorate th liver, etreiiCthe.T the kidney; nourlmmmm the nerves. sf to Cll'CS UEALTU USD ttTBEXGTU TO THE WHOLE BODY. You can't afford to accept a neret nostrum substitute (or this non alcoholic median op known composition, not wea ibmigh the nrgeet dealer may thereby tnak a tittle bigger profit. Ingredients printed oo wrapper. Fill TEETHING Watery Foster. Dried In Sabs, Would Dig and Scratch Her Face. Used Cuticura Soap and Oint ment and Was Cured. Wnwn my llttl girl was abont eHghi month old, ah waa teknn with a Tory Irritating breaking out, which nam on nor raoe. cock and back. Wbeti she first nam down with It, IS came) in llttl watrr lik fostr under her erna, and on her chin, tnn aftv a few dart It would drv down la snalT. white soahe. la lb dsTfime she was quit worrytome ,ar.d would dig snd scratch her fane nnarly all Ut tnna. " I eansnlhed our physician and found she was suffering from eczema, which be said onus from hoc teeth- fnjf. I twext th ointment he gsve me and without anT redirf at all. Then I wrote for a book on Cuticura, and rur eh seed som Cutioura 8ocp and Oint ment at the drugstore. I d,d as I found directions In th Co ti our a Booklet, and when eh wns on year old. sa was entirely eared. Now she is Uvea years and four months, and she has never basm trenbled with evrnma aino she was oared by th CuUoura Boap and Oufciourm Olsatznent." (Signed) Mrs. Frerensn Grayer, 811 lwi St.. Syra cuse. n7T May . Cntiour Boap and Ointment are sold throughout th world, but to those who have tried th usual rpmadto and found tbwm wanting and who have, ot faith hi everything, a liberal sample, of each, with 33-a. book on th akin, will be sent post-frem, n application bo FoUevr Drug Chens. Oorp !. aA. Boston, Uas. Or. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder 6,000 Subscriptions; $5,000 for Charity! MEANS A PENSION FOR IY1E WO IsTVAXIS, friendless and bedfast, car) hope for a livelihood by maaaalne soliciting Literally be would have to reach 40 or so people for BTIIT order, which mould KOT iv voMagA, leaving prlnttnK and work a COM.FX.ETa LOSS. )nlv by gra.-e of ME ACT csn s friendless para lytic survive But. if. as a matter of CHAB.ITT the put.lio will favor HI with their magazine order and renewals at the LOWEST publlahod price. 15.000 can be esri ed f,-r CIAKITT, snd as a matter of OKATUTT the X1TTEJKE8T will take care of me for XUJTB and later v a HUSH'S waxes or endow a hospital not forever REMEMBER, J.fioo subscriptions, to the Saturday Krrnlnu 1'oet and IsHe Home Journal earned SI. Oil" rOR tun BABY S IONS two years ao 1 or t.OO" subscriptions ohtalned last year the Curtis Co. lisve slreadv deposited $i,00n of the amount with the Conservative Saving and Loan Association, trustee is packed in a dust-tight metal box, with patent measuring tube, which is both safe and convenient for tourists. John Says: "Sflx a pound of Spaghetti and a box of rigs and Ton har an Infl ation of the Italo-Turklah war. X alnt no tla-hter myself bnt X ean run some, Smoks TRUST BUSTER So CIO A KB and get nsrvyl'1 John Cigar Store 321 So. 1 6th St. 6,000 Subscriptions This Year Earn $3,000; Total for Charity, $5,000 The Ladies Home Journal, MONTHLY, $1.50 The 01Vt Woman's Magazine. The Saturday Evening Post, WEEKLY, $1.50 Founded by Benjamin Frauklin. The Country Gentlemen WEEKLY, $1.50 Oldest Agricultural Journal Id the? Weevt- Vour renewals count. Every Meotxl ortkfr contribute flOc. Yoni order to all tiireo contribute 91.AO to the fund. Moreover every nmnarlne ordered from Jane 1, IDtO to Ot. 12, 1012, entitled you to vote) de ciding ht charity the .V0 "1U reTeirt. I Positively Must Have 297 More Subscrip tions by Oct. 26, or I Will Fail Only 10 Days Loft. Ploaso Get Thorn In. For 500 hundred nubsrrlrMons to th ibov threo msfratlnes eanh month this, year, th CURTIS PIBLI8HINO CO. .ill DKFOK1T a total of 5,000 with the) CONSERVATIVE PAVINGS & LOAN ASS'N. for my benefit, the PRINCIPAL to KEVEKT to some CHARITY to be DECIDED by the vote of my subscribers. vv .:P'i :V "V JfevS 'ayi"V-Ai4it.iWf!i I A PENSION FOR LIFE To fall Is to rerlah, but If your order will prode me with food and shelter for life and later penalon torn other unfortunate forever nd still leave the principal Intact, for mercy gake, why not? A BRUTAL ALTERNATIVE For 11 years I have lain absolutely psralvzed from Jraist down, lnnludiDS the lower organs, having neither oelliif or power of motion, yet friendless and hedfsst. doomed eventually to perish through the gradual In crease of septic wounils; unable even to sit erect, 1 must literally support myself or perish The sltustlon Is horrifying- for my senneJesH flesh will no longer hear my weight, yet tomorrow, were I 111 or In need, 1 would be defaorted to my fate. To say your maitaxlne order will earn JN.ftOO for charity seems a stransre eppesl The difference lies sole.lv in the fact that whereaa by xrnrn of CIIABITY I KIOHT earn 110 a month to FXRISH Ister t mint therefore earn $5 000 for OXARITY, the UTTllttEBT of which will brine me (35 a month for life, 111 or well It Is a brutsl alternative to pledre my premiums to some unknown ohsrlty, for commissions do KOT psy expenses. Hut I cannot live AJOKS, nor could I get bUTTIOIEITT buslnese to FAY a woman by any other rian. My emellst difficulty. Is the comforting idea, that a helpless maji can live bv pubbllc benevolence. Nay, nsy, my friend, OUAJtITT Is WOT In the ecbema of nature, being merely a SOHSTITTJTB for the worn JV3TICI. v live WOT by what we receive but as we OrVB. Naturally the weak must give the most. Now please tell me: Every ISth person In the United States reads either the Saturday Evening Poet or the Ladles' Home Journal. There efe KO.noo subscriptions In Nebrsska three-fourths of which expire during the fall 1 have already written to 4.800 subscribers al ready on my books, l.oon people in Omaha alone pay 2.fio a year for the Saturday tWonlnu post, purchased weeklv who could save tit" Pray tell me what significance haa the word CHAJUTY if 300 would not rlace their order WOW, a month in advance, to Insure, he riBST lino subscriptions for OCTOBER to earn this IS.imiO for CUABTTY, merely to allow me the INTEJtXST. Remember, If the 500 are received for OCTOBER, my catalogue Mill reach flO.OOO people In No vember, and the full $5,000 will follow, never fear. By all means, plve the ltST and JOURNAL your FIRST consideration but don't forget that I want your order for ANY publication whatever. Please write for inv complete catalogue and story, "A HROKK.V BACK." Phone Dougln. 716.1. Always nddresm GORDON, The iiflapzine, Ulan, Omaha, Neb. ,091! 1 . -Uk A Life Sentence ef suffering with throat and lung trouble Is quickly commuted by Dr. King's Ntw Discovery. 60c and yor saJa by Beaton It ug Co. Harmless Vay to Darken Hair, Sage and Sulphur Makes Gray Hair Vanish Who does not know the value of tag and sulphur for keeping the hair dark, soft, glossy snd In tood eondltionf As a matter of fact, sulphur Is a natural sle ment of hair, and a deficiency of it In the hair Is held by many scalp specialists to be connected with loss of color and vitality of tha .hair. Unquestionably there is no better remedy tor hair and scalp troubles,, especially prematura gray ness, than sage and sulphur. If properly prepared. The Wyeth Chemloai Com pany of . New York, put up an Ideal rem edy of 'thlsiklnd, called Wrath's Se and Sulphur Hair Remedy, , and author I lie druggists to sell It under guarantee that tha money will be refunded If It falls to do exactly aa represented. -I If you have dandruff, or if your hair ! Is thin or turning gray, get a bottle of this remedy from jour drugjflst tcday. , and see what it will do for you. This preparation is offered to the pub llo at fifty cents a bottle, and la recom mended and sold by all druggleta Bpeelal went. Bbennaa MoConnell Drug Co.. isth and Dodge Bta., and Wis and Barney Bul jf 0 II 1 I In 17V" ve s' rtm1lWJ'-,,rt, lIMiP "V I fcvr. J 1 I Hi After Your Day's Work Be itrong and keen after your day's VrorS -!rink a cold bottle of Old Faahioned ijager Beer with your evening dinner. Give sect trJ your meal, because it 'a rich and mellow- vritH that delicioua tang of the genuine old faaU oned German lager beer. Aak for "Old Fashioned Lager Bef Vr!it ever you want a good, wholeaomd drink. Pint bottles only of clear glaaa, to yoxi ma ae it clean and pure. The red or yellow Vrapper keeps out all light, preserving the snap and the life. Order a case sent home it's (tplerMi drink for all the family. Doturlaa 1118. Ind. A-2148. Save the Caps from bottles of Old Fashioned Later Beer and exchange them for valuable premiums. Ask us for book of over 2,400 premiums it's fre. Cackley Brothers, Distributors. Wui. II. Ihubmiaun, Gen. Kulra Aiicnt, 121 onh HtiteanUi fee. MAIL ORDERS for "Old Fashioned Lager Deer" filled the day received. S&ppeJ evry5f&Bfc n