Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE BEE:
11 '
. Kntered at Omaha postoff'ce M second
class matter.
undsy Jim, one year 41 O
Saturday Bee. ona vear IK1
JsJly b (without 6unday), on yaw.
aaliy Be and Funday. one year
Fvenlnej be (with Sunday). per month. c
Ial!y He (Including Sunday), per nn,.tf
Deilr (without Punda ). per did...
Address all complaints of irregularities
tn delivery to City Circulation Dept
Remit by draft, express or postal order
payable to The Be Publishing company.
Only 2-cent stamp received fn payment
ef tna.ll acrounfa Personal checks, ex
cept on Omaha and eastern exchange, not
Omaha The Bte Building.
South Omaha 2318 N. St.
Council Bluffs 14 6cott St.
Uneoln 2 Little Building
Chicago 16 Ma-queue Building.
Kanaaa City Reliance Building.
New York 34 Wt Thirty-third.
Washington 7JB Fourteenth BU, N. W.
Comrnunk-atlona relating to newt and
editorial matter ahoold be addreased
Omaha Beet Editorial Department
Flat of Nebraska, County of Douglas, ta
Dwig-ht William, circulation manager
of The Bee publishing company, being
duly sworn, aaya that the average daily
circulation, lee (polled, unused and re
turned ooptea for the month of September,
ISM. was 47,136.
Circulation Manager.
PiihecrTbed In my presence and aworn to
Wore me this U day of October, ml.
Notary Public
abeorlfcera leaving tee city
tamawrarlly shonM have Tae
Be aaallea to these. Addr
win be canna aa often no
The Land show will show yon, no
matter wher you are from.
Nest registration day come Bat
nrday, October 28. And don't yon
forget it
Doubtless President Taf it begin
nlng to think "there ain't so enemy
Woman has finally squeezed her
way through the Golden Oat of
Tbe newe wIU bo published aa aoon
aa Maine's election returna are In
acd decided.
DemocraXle motto: Wnen eaoght
wltn the goods, try to put It on the
other fellow.
. The secret Is out st laat . The
mayoress of Hunnewell, Kan., la on
a lecturing tour.
Boms of those bsaa ball stars do
not shine so brightly when they tarn
space rata prophets.
K. takes real effort. . but Edgar
Howard la doing hi beat to forget
and forgive th check book.
A man's dlapoaltlon can not al
wsys bo accurately scented from the
fragrant bouquet In his buttonhole.
Dr. Wiley has charge, also, of cau
sing, which must be particularly ex
asperating to former Solicitor Mo
Cab. - At any rate, the champions of the
street fair are neither as numerous
nor aa noisy as the street fair
A Cincinnati millionaire bewails
that nobody "love a millionaire, any
more." Go around to the stag door
and ssy that.
Lelf Ericson made something of a
discovery, himself, enough to be
given a half day when Columbus baa
a whole one.
How would you Ilka to keep the
score of on of those Chlneaa battles,
calling out tho names of the dead
and wounded?
In making Ufa human for the
violator of the law, It la noceeaary
to make It humane, also, for those
who obey the law.
Mr. Bryan must be afraid tho Ne
braska democracy Is slipping away,
from him, and that be has to culti
vate it hard to hold his grip on It.
Hsd, we only known that the
Prison congress delegates were like
wise rain-makers, w might have
tsd them here earlier In tha season
The anti-Manchus boast of having
f 2, 000.000 'in their treasury. It will
take a whole lot more than that to
push over tha ancient throne of
Mr. Bryan is convinced of on
thing, that no Inexperienced candi
date should be put up next year by
the democrats. Call up Malormln
His eminence. Cardinal Gibbons, to
whom Americana of all croeds hav
again paid homage, never stood for
narrow lines of thought or action
bene his greatneea
It count be a busy place, that sum'
mer white House. The wife and
daughter of the president will go to
Virginia to seek a recreation before
returning to Washington.
As an appeal for votes, an up
state paper prints a portrait of i
local candidate for office over the
admonition. "Look At This Face.
Well, if th election Is to bo a beauty
contest, w will all have to turn
Gang-ht "With the (foods.
Caught with tha goods, Senator
Hitchcock and his democratic
World-Herald axa overstraining to
put the blame for their dilemma on
the other fellow. Not only has our
sugust United States senator been
compelled to back up on the fake
meeting concocted in collaboration
with tha notorious Van Alletlne but
ha has also had to backtrack on his
Juggle of Third ward primary elec
tion returna
Here are the plain and simple
facta In this connection:
On Tuesday, October 10, Senator
Hitchcock's World-Herald published
a cartoon displaying a sot of figures
purportlnl to be "Third Ward Re
turns of August Primaries on Can
didates for District Judge." They I
were not the Third ward returns,
as Benator Hitchcock and his artist
well knew, bat merely the returns
of a single precetnct, yet the unprin
cipled senator, presuming; on the
Ignorance of hit readers, put them
out as returns of tbe whole ward.
Knowing precisely how the digni
fied senator would be cornered. The
Be followed up the World-Herald
cartoon with on showing the re
turns on the democratic ticket In
certain preclncta of the Third ward,
tabled them, and they showed Just
the World-Herald's cartoon had
labeled them ,and they showed just
as creditably, or discreditably, to the
democratic nominees aa did the sen
ator's figures for the republican
In this case tbe expected baa happened-
Exposed in the very act,' the
senator and his newspaper dropped
their booty, and came out with an
other cartoon In tbe nature of a con
fession, admitting their own Jug
gling, by printing the real Third
wards returns and the single precinct
returns, aide by aide, and coupled
with a double leaded editorial shriek
blaming The Bee for the democratic
discomfiture. If ever a coon walked
Into a trap through sheer perverse
ness. Senator Hitchcock and his
newspaper have performed the act
Now, aa to these much mooted
Third ward primary returns showing
surprising divergence between can
didates on the same ballot, there Is
no special mystery about it It Is
no secret that In the Third ward tha
ruling powers worked for a so-called
slate' in both democratic and re
publican primaries. Where there
was no competition, no attention waa
paid to those officers, and tha voting
cantered on the places on the two
tickets that were being contested.
If Illegal registration entered into
the primary, it waa the alleged il
legal registration perpetrated a year
ago by tha democata In tha interest of
Mayor "Jim's" candidacy for gover
nor and Benator . Hitchcock's candi
dacy for the senate, because it waa
laat year's registration list that gov
erned for this year's primary. If
there was fraudulent voting, the dem
ocrats are mor responsible than the
republicans, because they have had
the prosecuting machinery of the
county aa well aa tbe election ma
chinery. Aa will be remembered, the
colonizing last year waa exposed at
tha tlm by The Bee, but got no sym
pathy from Benator Hitchcock's
World-Herald or the democratic
prosecuting officers, and with their
connivance an investigating com
mittee of the democratic legislature
undertook to whitewash it Senator
Hitchcock and his newspaper for the
democrats now- practically plead
guilty to what The Bee has charged.
If we can have a cleanup of elec
tion evils, well and good- Tha Bee
is and has always been strong for an
an honest ballot and every one will
ing to help in the good work will be
welcomed. Incidentally, however.
tha plight of Senator Hitchcock and
his World-Herald, self-condemned for
their deliberate deception, is truly
Undivided Victory for Madero.
Lees than one year ago th revolu
tion against th Dlas regtm. which
had ruled Mextco for a third of a
century, assumed a serious aspect
A third of a century of absolute
control and authority intrenches any
man or set of men securely as was
demonstrated in th case of Dlas and
bis party, of which Diss was the
Alpha and Omega. 60 when Madero
took up his self-imposed task of
unhorsing thla iron man in Mexico,
he found a country honeycombed
and cobwebbed with Diaz lam and it
was not all bad, that is. Mexico-under
Dlas had felt something beside th
power of a proud and personally
avaricious ruler. Dlas bad liven
Mexico Its place among the nations,
had developed agriculture and Indus
try to a certain extent established Its
credit abroad and maintained peace
with other countries. In fact he had
brought it out of a very dark and
dismal night of despair into a day of
considerable premiss. It was that
promise in the form of restless
energy and social discontent among 1
part of tbe people that enabled Ma
dero to win.
And what has Madero don? .Theo
retically, at least, his victory la un
amaea. ana it is only in theory tnui
far that it may be viewed, for in
practice it is all to com. But in leas
thsn a year th revolution began
November 20, 1910 Madero has
completely overthrown Dlas and a
parently subdued Diaztem, conducted
a popular and peaceful election by
which h and hi preferred candidate
for th vice-presidency, Benor 8 u area.
ax ale rated th highest so
within the gift of Mexico. Had De la
Barra, or Oomea ren chosen vice
president, the Madero triumph would
have been incomplete, but Bnarei waa
the man of his choice and the fact
that he comes from Yucatan, indi
cates a larger measure of Madero
strength through all portions of the
republic than was at first counted.
It seems well that the full Madero
ticket has gone In, for this puts up
to the new leader, unhampered, the
task of running the. country. Of
course, while Diaz may never return
to Mexico and his old friend and ally,
Reyes, baa fled, it will be too much
to expect that the old regime will
not be able to set np a few pegs for
the Madero government The record
he makes must be what he will be
Judged by.
The Fallibility of Man,
The fatal wreck of bandar morning
blotting out so many human lives
naturally produces a shudder of
horror in addition to the sense of
profound sorrow. The explanation
of President Bush of the Missouri Pa
cific laying the blame for the colli
sion to the fallibility of man." does
not relieve fhet feeling- of impatience
ana Indignation.
The terrible catastrophe, according
to all accounts, waa caused by a
freight conductor rusting Into a sta
tion and registering off without even
looking at the register, no other
check being provided to make sure
against tha fallibility of this man.
It is also certain that no such nezM-
gence could have been followed with
the same disastrous consequences.
and in all probability no wreck
could have occurred at all, had the
road been equipped with any kind of
a block system of signaling- and
operation. A block system in work
ing order would not have permitted
the crews of either train to imaaine
that the other was on the tracks of
another railroad.
Post mortems, unfortunately, do
not bring the dead back to life, hut
the lesson of the wreck is compuljory
equipment of every railroad with
every proved safety device that will
leave it less at the mercy of human
fallibility and make it mor secure
against accidents.
Our amiable democratic contem
porary haa discovered that the fact
that the democratic nomine for
railway commissioner, branded by
Mike' Harrington as a railroad
capper and pass distributer lives in
th southwestern part of th state,
wlpee out all other objections to
Again, once and for all. take
note that a man is not Justified in
spanking his wife. A Los Angeles
Judge has Just so decided, fining a
husband $5 who thus took things In
bis own hands.
The preacher of the Prison con
gress' annual sermon has raised
anew the old hurrah about the im
minent peril of the republic Well,
it makea a good talking point, any
way. That Missouri Pacific wreck 00-
curred In Sarpy county, so it will be
seen later whether anything differ
ent happens there as the aftermath
than here in Douglas county.
It Woald Help Some.
LoulevlUe Courter-JournaL
PVirmer Vice President Fwirhanka
aartlon that there ahould bo more hu.
neeo In religion may bo open to discus
sion, out hi aaeertlnn that ther should
do more reua-lna is bualneaa win kuii.
be challansed.
Good Advice.
Indlariapolla New.
Dr. Wiley's wife, following th r,.
food tnstincta of tho chemist advises
houaewlveo to patronlio clean atoraa.
Goad advice. The dirty arooer la a ma.
enemy to tho family than tho one with
snort weight or meaouro.
UBtalllatloa of Amdr.
Cleveland Leader.
In view of the fact that both Italy and
Turkey eined The Hague convention In
li(7 for "the paclflo settlement of inter
national dispute," it is to bo teard that
tho suspicion la being foroed upon Mr.
Carnegie that this Is still a hard and
cruel world.
Waehlnrtnn Poet. ' Rival Vr1r- nan.
dldate for office are nlannlne- a duo
with revolver, only on of which ta to be
loaded. This looks Uko a splendid scheme
for the uplift of Mexican politic If
they would load both guna
Springfield Renublloaa: Abdul
Is atUl alive in fcalonica, but his "I told
you so.- can bo heard only by th ohlef
eunuch of hla ax-ma1eatr. Sun k.
was dethroned, tho dlaraembermeat of
tno ottoman empire has by no means
been checked.
Chicago Nawe: Senator Ki.nh.nAr
will have to admit that it la foallh to
allow a man to mak law for a great
nation when ho is denaaly Ignorant of
tho ways in Which a fortune waa nald
out to elect htm to hla high office.
Now York Tribune; Ooor" and
'our are not slanderous word, anrvird.
Ing to tho aupromo court when applied
by a landlord to a tenant behind with
his rent. A teat oaae ahould bo made
at onoe to aacertain th praolao degree
of Inventive wbion a tenant may apply
to a land lord who dafaulta on hla prom-
' or neat, repairs and rodeooratioa
for tho fat
Baltimore American: a Cnited Stat
dlatrlct attorney aaaerts that not on of
tho clerka discharged for testifying
egainet Mora had been able to get em
ployment In a New York bank. If there
la such a low standard of banking mo
rality aa to permit tho punishment of
employe fur refuting to commit perjury.
It la a very serious matter for tho pub
lic, and certainly la not ealmilatwt tn
Increaae confidence on tho part of th
puUlo. Th district attorney did Dot
mine matters la calling it "a "i-
Booking Backvranl
IhisDay inOmalia
OCT 17.
Thirty Tears Afro
Quite a Or broke out In th etty tem
laundry on Leayenworth street, Wilkin
EVana. proprietor, being- loners to the
stent of about C900 damaa-e.
roc tho Torktown cftntannlal celebra
tion, under tbe auaplon of tho Emmet,
Mrmqmnt noeoelatloa. theoe are tho oom
mltteee: Arrana-nmecta, George M.
O'Brien, inchaei Lee. Peter O'Kalley.
Thorns Tail 00. M. J. McMahan. Daa
Monah&n and Jameo Brophy; floor com
mittee, John Bheabsn. John Prion,
Patrick Heafey, James J. Nlchol and
Pat Carroll; reception committee, Charles
McDonald, B. MoOlnn, Richard Plereo.
Patrick Ford and James P. Murphy.
Tbe chairs for tho now opera house be
gan to arrlv today. Tho work on tbe
treooolng at th ootranc attracts much
attention trocn peaaersby.
A graceful lltUe yawl, with wins
spread Ilk bird, tied up to the landing
at the foot of Dodge street, and three
not "ancient, but sun-burned mariners,
stepped upon terra firm. They ware J.
T. Smith of Montana, Fred Ek Bunker of
Boston and Archibald Poteous of PVrtrm,
N. & They had mad tho trip by water
from Fort Benton and were several weeks
on tho Journey, but struck on only three
Following up the enforcement of the
EOoeumb law, tho barber shop and other
Une keeping open on Sunday are getting
their. Ferdinand Bchroeder was ra
leaaed for tho fourth time on charge
of keeping hla barber shop open on Bun
day. Tho B, 4b AC announces a new Lincoln
and Omaha train. Coming from Lincoln
it Is to make tho run In two hours and
forty minute, and going tho -other way
In three hours and five minutes.
A pleasant anrprlao waa given to 1ST.
and Mrs. Charle Wells at their residence
on Twenty-third treot by a number of
young people, tivtludlng Newt Barkalow
and Miss Love of Keokuk. Theodora
Ring wait and Mrs. Hall. Charles B.
Beach and MUs Doano, John Rlngwalt
and Mia Johnson of Keokuk. Robert
Morrta and Mia Wakaloy, W, B. Snott
and Miss Rlngwalt. Georr Savage, Will
Wakeley and Guy Doane.
Twenty Years Ago
ACra Bol Degeo gave a high five party
in honor of Miss Furat and Cora Furst
In th afternoon
Will Brady, while crralng Ninth street
and Capitol avenue at midnight waa
stabbed in tho face try e thug who' haa
not bona monunod.
George W. Cook returned from a semi
annual trip to ta PaolHo coaot.
Mr. and Mra J. C Morrow returned
homo from New York and Philadelphia,
where they visited friends.
Tho republicans at their city convention
put up thla ticket: For mayor. George
P. Bonus; treasurer, Henry Bolln. comp
troller; Theodore Olson; city cleric. John
Groves; polio Judge, Louis Berk; coun
cilman by wards in order, P. M. Back.
George B. Btryker, Bol Prince, W. F.
Bechol, George Munros. John McXearto,
John Steel, H. Jacob on. A. G. Edwards.
Tho domoorata name this city ticket:
For mayor, Henry Ostheff; elerk; J. K.
A. linahail; treaBarerr" Bamuei Ortnr;
comptroller, LouiaHelmrod; polio, lunge,
Thomas Capolc oouncilmen, J. J. Ken
nedy, James Donnelly. Jr.; Ed. Bothery,
William Hoy. Ed. X Brennan. Frank
O. Patrick. Ed. S. Howell, James P.
Connolly. Frank D. Cooper.
Ten Tears Ago
CWwm Thomnaoo died at I'M a. BL.
from tho effects of a tall downstair at
tho Ivy lodging house, 131S Douglas street
judge Samuel H. Sedgwick of York,
who headed tho republican aupromo court
ticket was in the city, being in company
of Judge G. L Day, an associate on tbe
supreme court commission.
Dr. H. L. Arnold returned to th city
after several daye absence.
Tho o&e-atory frame building of . Dr.
J. C Whlnnery at Thirty- ooocd and
Mapla streets was burned to tho ground.
Tnhn TVuivhartv Went tO ChiOSgO t
Join a' pert of Omahans, John A. Creigh-
ton. Dr. Q CL Allison sad Jona Bcnena.
returning from Europe.
mum Bertha Swenaborg was hostess at
an Orpheum party In honor of Ml as Es-
tabrook. Tho other guests were air. ana
Kr-n jnaanh Barker, ir.l Mioses Edith
Smith and Peck and Mesaers. Haskell.
Fred Nash. Ludlngton and eloign. ATLer
tli theater supper waa served at the
home of Dean and Mr. Fair.
Mr. and Mra H. HiUer entertained to
honor of Mra A. Polack. who was about
to leave for her future homo la Chicago.
People Talked About
um. Initiative. Referendum and
Recall, and Miss Suffrage were foremost
In tho host welcoming President Teft in
nt.wart wdward White, aaturaus ana
author. Just back from a hunting trip
la Africa, thinks he shot th largest
lion over killed ther. Tho Qualified claim
th riak of placing Theodora
Roosevelt and John T. MoCutoneoa In tho
nature faker class.
xttr Kaina- aeDarated lor twenty-two
r. TtWntamln Oaring. M year old. and
hi father. William Goring of Brooklyn
hav boon reunited. Throughout tno years
r thir aenaratiOB the older G axing has
boon living in Brooklyn. whUo hla son
waa no farther sway tnsa -now twuoia.
Long Island.
Th. world record for -long ttence-
pleno playing was taken from Charles
Wright of tattle Creva. alien., wnen
Harry A. Bennett of Boston beat the
record by one misut sad thirty seconds,
then almost collapsed from exhaustion.
The former record waa twenty-
hours and forty-flv minute.
Th TrlDOillan coast town. LMma, to
whioh th Italian warships sent a tew
---- paistd abeirbark calling cards th
other day, la th same old town over
which tha American flag floated for a
whole year nearly a century ago. wu
Uam Eaton, tho American soldier of for
tune, during tho seoopd war with Tripoli
in mis. aoiieoted at Alexandria a force of
3D men-Orooks, Turks, Arab naaroan-
arias sod nine Americana, marched sw
niia iM-na tho daa art, cantured Darn
and stayed there a year, when th
bashaws bousht him off. It waa a r
markebl feat ay remarkable character.
Mania Depose oat Artillery.
Chloago Record-Herald.
Tno Mohammedans of Tripoli expect the
Groat Mahdl of th Sahara to com in
and lead them in their tight agaiiutt tht
Italian. Prophet ta whom w havo
onniVlenfi predict that thla la going to
be bad eaeoa for ataadia,
Birth Rate of Fools
Awt-IUckaatlek Magrtaat
Cowwrd Baso
a raaova A dear.
A ttvely lmagmation la needed nowadays
in fitting scenery to the words of Indig
nation poured out at a distance by per
sona so unlucky aa to be pulled by the
federal authorities for failing to conduct
business according to th rules. Invari
ably th victims aooua the minions of
th government of conspiracy, malice,
spite-work and minor crimes against
"legitimate bustnesa" and tho full force
of tho flood of wrath cannot bo accur
ately measured until th heat of the
moment subsides. Two weeks ago post
office sleuths fell upon a "got-rlch-qlck"
Institution In New York and pinched
one Jared Flags and five associate on
the charge of using th malls to de
fraud. Th usual outpouring of indigna
tion followed, but a few days la Jail, a
look Into th schema operated, and aa
outline of th evidence, furnished a sot
ting for tho dramatic outburst that help
th reader to a full appreciation of the
scene. The promoters of the scheme
had an exceptionally good thing, and
sudden separation from it caused acute
Mr. Flsgg and his associates worked a
scheme of doing good for Investors will
ing to take a filer In th Stock market
on a plods of profits not less than 1
per cent a week. Th present status
of th suspended gam shows clearly
enough that Mr, Flagg did 'em good, all
right, all right Out of nearly fl.000,000
put Into th pot ther la less than one
tenth of th cash within reach for re
turn to th easy marks. What became of
the rest of th money is not apparent.
No direct investments at tbe Stock ex
change were made. Flagg and his crowd
being excluded aa crooks. The weekly
dividends war paid out of th deposit,
and every divMent check seat out waa a
booster. Aa a possible safeguard against
prosecution the wary promoters required
each depositor to sign contracts authoris
ing the investment of th money in cer
tain stocks, By flashing these contract
an the Jury when th time comes they
expect tn blow up tho prosecution. .
Among tlve associates of Flagg are
two "prominent and respected cltlaena"
former United States treasurer, who
boosted tha integrity of tho concern in
Connecticut, and a retired preacher who
worked th church crowd in New Jersey
and Pennsylvania on a commission basis.
Flagg .remained in th background, con
tented with tbe . task of receiving the
money, signing the weekly dividend
checlfs, and looking wise. A former x
perlenca on tbe iron cot of a Jail caused
such physical anguish that, he admitted,
sleeping in bed is painful, and suggested
the wisdom of keeping th spotlight on
less vulnerable booster of th game.
But while he kept behind th curtains'
on th business side, be ahoce above the
bunch in two. specialties aa the presiding
genius of th Saturday dinner and in
hla seal to fill -tbe -coffers. of widowa
Every Saturday- aa regularly.;' as th
stroke of th clock,- after -th 'dividend
checks, had been mailed, the. office staff
and the outside boosters of both- sexes
repaired to. a fashionable restaurant and
sat down to swell least ' of eollds and
liquids, at the expense of tho surplus in
tho treasury. Usually a widow garbed
in th habiliments . f " wo and with a
bunch of money, ripe for Investment, was
a guest ' of honor on the -Joyous occasions;'-Flagg
aat at the. head of the
table, - and waxed marry aa the cham
pagne popped and th win went round.
Ob one ' of these festive occasions, a
"modest, charming widow from Cald
well, Kan.." supposed to posses 130,000
in clean life Insurance money, managed
to bo the guest, and th favor and
attentions showered upon . her at this
and subaequent feast enabled her to
get in on the ground floor of th gam
and supply the govern merit, Who agent
sh waa. with needed information.. Flagg
waa particularly fascinated by th merry
widow, and confided in her his plana and
oplnlona Not a dollar of her money
would h take for investment. "Bait It
down In gorrernraent bonds." he advised.
"When this gam is played to a finish,
we'll beat it' to Caldwell. No one
would ever think of looking for me in
a dump Ilk that." he assured her. He
wouldn't put cent in his own game,
but there wer fools enough to supply
bis need. Th merry widow alluded to
th adage of a tool being born every
minute. "A mistake, my dear," Flagg
replied, "ther r ton bora every min
ute." The fact that fUS.OTO poured into
Flagg s office during tho first three
week of September warrant tho re
vision upward of the Barn tun adage.
Nearly 11.030.000 waa received since the
concern waa launched In, January, 1908.
Every en of th dupe received the
promised 1' per cent a week en the
investment, but ther 1 no record of
any on getting back the principal. The
dividends were too Juicy to cause anxiety
about tha investment. As scheme go
nowadays Flagg was fairly successful.
Yet Flsgg is a piker in th swindling
business when lined up aganat tho dassl
lng operations of Franklin Syndicate Mil
ler of Brooklyn Just twelve years ago.
Miller promised 10 per oant a week to
Flagg-s 1 per cent. Miller sooopod tn
about SS.OOO.ono in tour years to Flsrgs
leas than tl.OOO.OOo. In twenty-throe bus!- j
nas aays 01 uciooor auu wrwuuw,
19. Miller's eonoern took ta (Pffi.OOO In
cash and IISS.ODO in chooka, a total of
91.000, establishing record for suck
ers' coin never approached since. As an
actual fact, money cam in so fast near
th end of tho gam that it could not
be counted and waa shoveled into the
safe. When th authorities at laat
pounced upon th shop only tsoo waa
found, tho rest disappeared with tho vul
tures for whom Miller waa th goat
Had Flagg Inflated his dividend rat to
th Miller standard, there la hardly any
doubt, with tha Increased ratio of bora
fools, that h would hav rivalled the
record of th Franklin syndicate instead
of the humlMstlnc lack pot of tlfflOOO
raked In three weeka
Tillman to "Dt tn tb Harness.
Springfield Bepubllcsa.
Senator Tillman. It seems neceesery to
aay. falls to tak the moat correct view
of public of flc. especially so important a
one a hla own. Ho propose to b
nAAtm. for r-lcUoa. even if no
ahould bo confined to hi bed. unles hi
disability amounted to complete physical
parelysU. Th senator haa suffered al
ready from two paralytio strokes and
whll bla "sand" excites one's unbounded
admiration, bis determination to "die
In the harness" caa b Justified by only
on thing. If tho senator's candidacy Is
duo to a desire to chock th political
progrea of Governor Col L. Kinase,
crlclciam of hi eours must Immediately
glv war to trnstlnlo1
Pittsburgh Dispatch: Otoe of the in
dieted trust magnate from Boston de
clare that he would "rather go to 111
with my aelf-reepeot than be fined and
discharged with my good name tar
nished. But how u going to Jail going
to keep his name untarnished?
Indianapolis News: If, according to
oni of Senator Stephenson's campaign
managers. It costs between S1S0.O0O and
taro.OOO to conduct a senatorial campaign
properly In Wisconsin, then Senator
Stephenson's campaign must have been
decidedly Improper. He spent only
' $107,798.
Washington 6tar: Demebrau are a till
waiting for a sad. penetrating wail from
th west; a note that will cause the
mountain lion to restrain hla cry and
the coyote to listen In abashed silence;
the voice of W. J. Bryan bogging his
friends not to nominate him.
St Paul Dispatch:. James H. Hill sees
hard times ahead and all because of th
politicians and newspapers given to po
litical ghost dancing. He say ther Is
uncertainty aa to the future on this ac
count rather than on account of tha
court decision. It 1 great consolation
to th people to feel sure shout what
the courts wlU do.
Washington Times: An examination of
tho accounts of the Washington navy
yard haa disclosed a short as of mn
than $3,000,000 in tho laat twenty-five
resra is a leakage rather than a
shortage, tor no embezzlement or graft
haa been discovered, only loose and un
businesslike methods. The disclosure of
such a condition In one great government
establishment show tha need of tefnrm
In all.
Exception to the Rale.
Kansas City Star.
Columbus, it will be recalled
to King John of Portugal to finann hi.
expedition to th Indie Th king
couiont see hla proposition end turned
him down, after which ha nnnrht
Ferdinand and Isabella. The Portuguese
maionan, Barros. explain the king s re
fusal. His majesty, ho stvt aav that
Columbu waa a great talker and boast
ful of his abilities and h placed utile
ooniiaeno in him.
This Incident is Cited merelv t
that it doesnt always and necessarily
follow that tbe big talker Is all wind.
Expanding Hainan Power.
Baltimore American.
Wlrelesa messages have been
between 6an Francisco' and Jauui. tht
wonderful production of human trnnwl.
edge and ingenuity establishing cam-
oiumcaaon Between points six thousand
miles apart and bridging the ocean. Per-
nsps tno next discoverer of the north
pole will be enabled to telephone, his dis
covery to Washington and answer identi
fication questions on the spot
tv . " -
Light Biscuit
Delicious Cake
Dainty Pastries
Fine Puddings
Flaliy Crusts
The only Baking Powder made
from Royal Grape Cream p! Tartar
4 rT a
TArf rtritrif is Finest Chewing Cum in the World.
JT C J lUlllUl t Everybody Love It Made from the best macriils--j
mmmmmm ajyorej with the juice of the natural mint leaves M
essence oi percrminl conihined Keeps the teeth deanthe br cuh pure ds digestioa ,
The delicate. oVhoous flavor bsts as kreg as you cant to chew.
rtKgtauio f-gr ft B) auld tht anginal traJroaartuii aolajr and akouU bw it atgaa
I don t like the woman you msde m
take out to surpr She Tim such a way
of pinning yoti don
"That merelv force of hsnlt with her
She's a dressmaker ." Baltimore Ameri
can. "Do you expect to leave footprints In
the sands of time?"
"No," replied tlie flippant person; "but
my do? has left footprints 1n some fresh
paving cement that 1 bet will puzzle tbe
fteolopista a few centuries hence."
Washington Star.
Knicker Are you descended from a
belted earl?
Booker No. I think he merely wore a
gallus. New York Sun
"Do elgarets annoy you. Mla KeanT
"Not at all. It'n the fellows who smoke
them that I can't sumd for." Toledo
"Anybody can run an airship, said
th man
But there was no use trying to contra
dict him.
He was dead when the spectator
pulled him out of the wreckage. -Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Miss Old girl I wonder why that baby
always yells whenever it sees me.
Crusty Old Batchelor Because, madam,
bahfee have the privilege dnnled of other
beings, of expressing their feelings a
they please. Baltimore American.
Ethel Bella told me that you told her
that aecret I told you not to tell her.
iMadge She's a mean thing! I told her
not to tell you.
Ethel Well! I told her I wouldn't tell
you she told me so don't tell her I did.
Chicago News.
Instructor (of class in English litera
ture) Why la It said of the poet Dryden
that he "Is read with frequent astonish
ment r
Solemn-Faced Young Man Th aston
ishment grows out of the foot that tha
postal authorities allowed his stuff to
go through the mails. Chicago Tribune.
Detroit Free Press.
He was poor, yet he was handsome.
And hla years were twenty-three,
And be worked to make his Living
In a corner pharmacy.
There he one day met the widow
Of an ancient millionaire;
She was old and she was scrawny.
But she had the coin to spare.
Now, this poor but handsome drug olorai
Started tn to sympathize
With this sad and lonely widow
With the wrinkled weepy evea
She'd be 70 her next birthday.
Ho waa on!y 23,
But in drawing soda water
Ho was graceful as could ba.
H smiled upon her sweetly
And he praised her widow's weeds.
More Ice cream he always gave not
Than the average widow-needs.
Her postage stamps he -moistened
In a drug clerk's graceful way,
'Til the grateful, lonely widow
Asked, htm up to call one day.
Now the poor but handsome drug clejV"
Who was only 23,
Isn't drawing soda. water
In the corner pharmacy,
He was married to th widow
By the parson yesterday;
Was it love of her or money?
Love of money, I should say.
9 ' ' V