Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1911, LAND SHOW, Page 14, Image 14

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tCon'Inued )
CAPABLE young m. with tire
year' business experience wan wm k of
ny kind, immediately; refeeenee. Web.
drj K
444 Bee.
wishes position. Ad-
tlTT'ATION bv a c-imrtometer cpers
tor: experience In rellroad office. A 471.
6hip joop stock to South Omaha;
mt mileage and hr1nkajr: four
cnlmmnu r?ci6 prompt and
careful aUektlon.
1 Byers Bro Co. Strong and reponib)a
WOOD BROS.. 234- Exchang Bldg.
Great West. Cora. Co.. Omaha Denver.
W. R. SMITH A BON J"t handle hcp.
TA'. K. DENNY CO.. 233 Exch. Bldg,
TAGO EROS, hand! caul, hog, cheep.
CLIFTON Com. Co., 222 Exchange bid a.
Donahue RandIl Co.. 202 Each. Bldg.
Cia. Robinson Co.. 200 Excn. Bldg.
I Tn Standard Com. Co.. 116 Excn. Bldg.
V. K. SMITH A SON Just handle sheep.
Interstate Cn. Better rtaulla. Bhlp to ua.
R1CK.LY CO.. Ml Excn. Bldg.
ROBERTS A CO.. Excn. B.dg.
Allen Dudley 4k Co.. 235-27 Esch. Bldg.
Cox 4k J one Corn. Co., bunch of huatlera
Ralsloa A Fonda, live etock com. mar.
Parmer L. B. Com. Co.. 21 Exchanga
Deposit proceed ot shipment in Stock
Tarda Nat I Lank, only bank at yam.
W INN BROS. 4 CO.. Exchanga Bldg.
UlVKRTT BROS-, lil-M Each. Bldg.
Psutton-Eckmaji Cham. Co. at'tt ramedie
Mart n Proa, A Co.. 2M-7 Excn. Bldg.
Alex O. Buchanan A Hon. 1M-M Ex. Bldg.
: WEEKS GRAIN CO., gram merchant,
'conalgnmenta eoliolted. iM Brand!.
Nebraska-low Orain Co. 74 Brandaia
tnent caietuliy hanuied. Omaha, Neb.
man woo ha ti led ua"
dealer In Sra-w. bar. Chop feed. iil
Brand! Blag.
ROBERTS ORAIN CO., grain consign
trnt eollcitad. grain bought to arrive.
1.4 Brand!.
The Royal Mill Steam Fa:ket Co.
Carrying the Meat India Mall
inc 122 without Interruption.
Seventy-tecond aucceaaful year.
Anelant clttea. ruin of temple,
eltee of great battle, quaint cue
tome gorgoou mountain, won
derful flower, tropical coenery,
and the greatest engineering feat
of modern time the Panama
Canal. Pee the Big Ditch be
fore the water 1 turned into It.
Fortnightly Barvto.
Thames Oct 23 I Treat Not. 11
lAVsxxaov BOX,
General Agent. It Stat St, N. Y
Gen'l Agta, 14 bo. LaSali St. Chicago
J. a Lintsn, C P. T. A. HI. Cent'! R. R
W. hi Bock. 1(11 Farnam fit
. M. C. tUilelda, 111 f arnam fit.
Louia Neeea, car First Nat l Bank
Abeolut Title Given The unallotted
land of the Choctaw and Chtckaaaw Na
tione of the Five Civilised Tribe In Okla
homa, and not Including tb coal and tim
ber segregation, will ba eold at publto
auction to tha highest bidder at the fol
lowing term, time and piece at not las
than th minimum prlc stated In tha ad
vertisement: Grady county, Chickasaw,
f tract. 7.ouu aorea, November , a. 4,
Stephen county, Duncan, TOO tract, 66.201
acre. November 4, 7, 6; Jefferson county,
Ryan, Ylt tract 48.400 acres; November ,
10, 11; Love county. Marietta, IxA tracts.
26.600 ax res, November 14. 14, It, IB i Carter
county, Ard more, 1.1 ; tracta. 3,u0 scree,
November 17, la, 20, 21, 23, 23; Murray
county, Sulphur, tol tracta, 26,000 aorea,
Noveatber M. 26; Garvin county, Paul
Valley, w'l tiacta, X),bJQ acre, November
r. U. Moclaln county. Puree 1 1, sat
tract. 14.000 acre. December 1, t; Ponto
toc county, Ada, ax tracta, 4K.auit aitrea,
. Iieoember 4, 6, 4, J oh neon county, Tisho
mingo, e4 tracta. t&.Mt a-rer, Lwcember 7,
t. . Marshall county, MadUl, S. tracts,
U.bQ acres. Lvoembar 11; Bryan county.
Ixtrant, bu tracta, ak,M acres, December
12. i; Atoaa county. Atoka, l.3u tracts,
X flat rr T uBtnkv 1 tf. H 11 ,Q.
Coal county Co i ate, cot' tract, M.oui
acre, imne; xu, xi, n, 1 tug nee county.
i ait in, m tract, tw. uu acre, oeccmoer
K V: Pittsburg county. McAleater, l.tW
tracts, 167, UJ acre. Iecember 2s, Si,
liil. January 1, 1; Haskell county, bugler,
41S tracts. u.A acres, January S. 4. Lati.
uier ounty. Wilburton. lai tracu. lo.uu
aurea, jsnuary ; lienor county. Potaau,
l.i tracta, jU.eoO aires. January 4. vUan.
mats ha county, Antlera, 64. tracta, 4,uu
acrea, January s, a. iu, cnocw county.
tluo, ttd. tracts. IT.bUi acre. Januaiy
oi, 11, U. McCurlain county, Idabel. 7,1
iiacis, n.iw acres. January lb, is. 17, la.
imi. ri Hior. loan iw acre or agrl
cuiiuisi inn w acras oi ctnei lauds will
joe roio 10 on person in any on nation.
Agricultural lanab are tuos ha v lug a
minimum valuation of te-uu or inure par
acre. Terme ai K per cent at ine tun
if sal, ib per cent In twelve month an
to per cant In two yvars, with 4 bar earn
interest. Payment must b mad la tna
furiu of draft or oeruiitd checa, payable
to J. G. Wright, couiwiaaioner. Upon luil
payment being mm. at any tint ed
will laeu. liuuMMliateiy alter aouruval
-t sale certificate ef purchaaa i,l Issue
svnd pos.e.ilun te giveo. but cuttlna ot
timber or oriuing or mining fur nnnerel
lhrun ant i.ui be pel mated uniu tun
payment oi purcnasa price. Kixht la re
served to reject any or all bide. 1 ur tntor-
5 nation apply to the Cumniiesionsr of th
'iv Civilised 'lubes. Uumuiu. tiki.
htinia. oi any of the Dlelric, Agenu aa
tu lands itnn theu- respeulive ui.trlote.
List of tltee lauds have been prepared
by wutiliM, shu wing ill teiui of sale,
th description of tne various tracts and
ni.minuin price. It will be Impracticable
to furuiab eath Inquirer all of Ulnae list
ana it is suggested person oeeirmg
auch Inforuiaiion epnjfy the locality m
wnicn tney are interested. Bluerinis oi
ine various counue. allowing the loca-
iioa ui tna tana to t eoia win be fur.
.-kit tiiM.s iioluUnn ta tne uidir
aisned upon the payment of I id for eaca
cuui.ty. la tue tuim of draft or poil
inun order. J. i. WRlUHT, Couinus-
a.uner to ti.e riv civilised IriVea, M
oklaname, Auguat I. iu.
Bid wl.l b received unul 4 o clock ea
1 tinreoay. uctobar W. ivu. at th or fie
i to b9Citary of the tfaard of K-
' r the
t. niv. r.niy of Nebraska. Llncoin,
e construction of a hollow hn k
"Ix-ruin LaUiii iiv ' building to coat sr-
r; oxirnaieiy on the Culver. ty
j .nil i.iar 1. 111. loin, according to jilai.
and .1 now ou file In th
.f;lo ot tha tiuiM-rtntendeut of t'onstruv
f un, K'ioiii Ji Adiiiiiiuiii stlon Uull'liiia".
Vmvciiiij of NebiA.aa. Ui-ie uiut be
sraitti and marked with the bidder
Ii.ii., and the words "bid for beiu.n
ljiburatory" wrlttea plainly on tlia cut.
"ta- O 17 12-21
Big- Caih Wheat Trantactioni Are
Encoursging' Bayen.
imageet Ball Fee tar la torn Mar
Vet la that Caatlnaatloa f If
farnrahla M'eather I De
laylag Deltverlee.
OMAHA. Oct. 1. Ull.
Th trad in hit broadening enn
UderaMy nd the hig raah wheat trani-sft.
tions are encouraging Miyrri of futuren.
It Is a well established act that rholr
milling wheat In the nnrthweet win 'be
ecarce hecaus of th Injury from ruet,
froot and the recent wet westher. It I
aleo reationshle to expect a material
change from the flattering condition In
Argentina before harveet Is reai hed An
Increaee In the- world's vimhl supply
chfrkrd the day trading.
The strongest bull feature In the corn
market la that the continuation of un
favorable weather I making It difficult
for country delivery and very heavy
shipping sales are yet to be filled. Ceh
corn Ih selling at fanrv price, but the
speculative trade Is well divided.
Opening value In wheat were higher,
hut trado slackened and th tncrea In
th vleihle eased the market and l.ttle or
no advance was registered.
Bear had little the beet of the argu
ment In corn today. Recelpta wer
heavier and caih value ranged Wao
Primary wheat receipt were I.MO.nOO
bu. and shipment were 7,oftu bu.,
Klnet receipt last year of 1,Ki2,0i bu.
and shipments of bu.
Primary corn receipts were WO.Ono OU
and ehlpment were 4M.0H0 bu , against
receipt last year of fr,CuO bu. and hlp
mrnt of 4,2,0) bu.
Clearances wer lrd.oflO bu. of wrn,
Jh.'tm bu. of oata and wheat and flour
eaufil to VU,hriO bu.
Liverpool closed Hftd higlier on wheat
and Wfl'id lower on corn.
The following cash eelea were reported;
WHEAT No. 3 hard, 1 car. II 1U;
car. 1101; No. s hard, 1 car. HOI"; 2
cars. 1101; 2 car. II 0"; J war, tl.0u!4; No.
llhlTI 1 Cr' WCi N0, m'xo1' 1
COhN-No. 2 whit. 2 ear. fiSc; No. 2
white, a car, 6hc; 1 cr, fJc; No. t
color, I car, No. t yellow. 4 car,
.o; No. 3 yellow, 7 car, tlic; 1 car,
eJr; No 2 mixed. 2 cars, 7Wc; No. 2
mined. 9 car, 67Hc.
OATR Standard. 1 car, 4fio; No. 2 whit
14 rare, 4ee; 1 car. 4f.V; No. t white, i
car, 4oHc.
Omaka Cask Price.
WHEAT-No. 2 hard. 2J 0OH41.ft4: No. 2
h4-C?V 03; No. 4 hard. 97VOI1 02.
C-ORN-No. 2 whit. rfl?c; No. 2
whit. t,b4c; No. 4 whit. 7t8Te;
No. 2 color, tiic; No. 2 yellow, 67e-ai
fHc; No. X yellow. 7V(7'.c; No. 4 ye
low. J,fU87Hc: No. 2. 77V1c; No. 2. 70
7e; No. 4, 8eH(tKWc "
i-VAlSN- h,,- 1H!: tandard,
iU46c; No. 2 white. 4fifJ4o.; No 4
white, 4fvtm'.'c; No. 2 yellow, 46tt4MC:
No. 4 yellow, V.yibc.
f.?dArro,w"lln- nil"
IK-mac; No. 2, fSCiWc.
Carlot Receipt.
Wheat- Corn. Oat.
Chicago tm lot
Minneapolis si
Omaha J01 'ij
Duluth iu ... .
reatara ( tk Tradla. u4 Closla.
Price Board of Trad.
CHICAGO. Oct lalthough today
for the first tlm sinew iui th visible
aupply of wheat In th United, htatea
went beyond th 80.0u0.00o buhl th
prloe for th cereal mad a gain of
to Vi nt. Th chief reason for th ad
vane was that world shipment for th
week war much lea than expected.
Corn finished a shad to H higher, but
oat at a elxteentn to decline. At
in end of trading hog product varied
from to off to lfc Increaa in cost.
Met only wer world hinm.nt. r.t
i wheat mor than ftv million bushel
under th total for th corresponding
vim a year ago but th supplies afloat
for Importing: countrlaa ha.1 ,r....j
.lesrly 4,0uu.ui0 In the last seven day
...u n r, w ii,ui.w nunnei oeiow tn ag
.ivsaio n nun in remarkable alse
in ioii amount or wheat linmed
M.eiy available In this county gav th
..arkel a temporary set back, and caused
.n unsettled feeling. Th doe how
er w at nearly the top point of th
-.J. uniween in one in n and tha t n an
uecember fluctuated fiom HeaawaSo
With last aalea Ho net higher at ta.
December corn ranaeu from uuua
and MV,o, closing toady o up at MSaStc.
vn araue war oniy in tair demand.
No. 2 yellow waa quoted at "aaVfC
t-iquiuaimg eaiee oy longs carried down
oata. lllkheet and low level leashed
by lb December option wer 47o and
4. Sc. Th closs 47 Wit Sc. wa a shads
net lower when compared with Satur
day night.
Liberal export helped lift provision,
pork closed 10 to lfo dearer, lard to oft
to 2sfo up and rib at 2So to 7o ad
vance. Wuotatlon of leading product wr:
Article. Open. High. Low. CIom.
es1! h
!! 1 04
I 9&HtjW
.1 04'al 1 w
W. M'lfl t
101 VH
1 00.88fe3
July i.
U 17W
U lo
1 1 14 2t
U Hi
io ;
I 06
I aft
I 0
FlOUR Market steady; winter patents.
24; straight. 3kJ4f; spring
siraignts,, oaaers, si.iutQo.uu.
K C tevfli'c.
UAKutk- toed or mixing. 7uce1.00:
tair to cnoic maiung. siutbia.
ttEBDS Tlmoiby. lt.0uj'it.2i; clover,
214 !ll If i.
I'ROVISIONS Me pork, per bbl., 214 60
1014.1b. t-ara. per luo itx., xs.i. snort
rtba, sides tioosei, i. '.oe.oo. short cloar
aide boxed i te.2jO.i.
Total clearance or wheat ana Hour
were equal to iws.Quu. Primary re
pel pt a wer LtJ0,OU0 bu., compared with
l.Mtl.oo bu. th corrHnding tlay a year
ago. Th vlslbl aupply of wheat la th
United State increased 1.s,im bu. for
th week. Th amount ef breadstuff on
ocean paaaaa decreased s.Mi.uuo bu. Es
timated receipts for tomorrow: wheat.
lua car: corn, tnt ear: oata. 2w car
i vi rim Kad
f hlceso Csah Prices wneat. NO. 1 red.
M errill oo; No. I ri. ;c-; no. 2 hrd
llvw il Ok; No 2 hard. ll.UJitl.04; No. !
northern, oo. pruig, si.vaxi
1 11: No. I spring, 110.1 U; No. 4 prtn,
tOcatl.M; velvet chaff. 8oc-uii U, durum.
taciltl.Oe. Corn. No, z. uj.ive; iso.
white. 7:-372c; No. I yellow, T?v-2te
No. 2. 7i,l,iwe; no. white, 7U,o.2c
No, 2 yellow, 7mBT2Ve; No. 4, 7ujno
No. 4 white, .iVtj'lkc; No. 4 yllow. 7o
Ilc. Oat, No. 8. 40470; no. 2 wnit.
47.(a4i: No. I whit. 4HTW7"4e: No.
whit. 447c; standard. 47'14:vj. Ryo,
No. 2, 8tovva. Hariey, 7To..ii. Clover,
UtW"'1! Timothy, guiioa lax.
hu l i cn ouaui i w. m..w. ;. r.C
l.,.u. 41 AW,
KGU8 Unsettled, reoetpta. 4.W1
at mark, case Included, ltlac; first
Zlc: prim flrat, 2Jc
CHKUSE Steady; daisies, llc: twin,
UvtC'-'Vc. yours Auiericaa. I4v,ui4vc
long horna. 14Siii4Nto.
POTATOES fveoeipts 2M ear; Weak
Wisconxin. 4tv&vc, Michigan and Mis
souri. HMav.
POULT ky-Um, wk; turkey, jto
chicken. I1: springs, iiwc
VfclAL btaadv; 40 to to 1. wta (.So
40 to 86 lb. wta., H610"; 8 to Hit lb.
wt., lie
Receipts. Shipments.
Flours, bbl.
W beat, bu.
Corn. bu. ..
Oats, bu. ..
Rye. bu. ...
.... 12.1t J XK)
.... M.iaa) S7.O0
......i,000 42.004
.... u.'O) i.uuj
barley, bu
164.UU0 14,f.m0
Car Lot Receipt Wheat: 42 car, with
17 of contract grade; corn. t car, with
10 of cooua. t grade; oata 1U car. Total
rereipt ol wheat l Chicago, Minoeapou
nd Duluth t4r wer i' cars, com
pared with l.Mrt cara lat week, and hti
caia th coreeponding day year ago.
t of tk liar oa Varloaa
NEW YORK, fct 1.-FL0I:R Steady;
spring patents. f 'i.M, winter stiaights.
ti '',i4.1&; winter patents. 24 iStifi , spring
clt ar. 14 1VU4 jo; winter extias .No. 1,
U ttiiA 70; winter extrse No i, .) lft t 4.S,
Ksnaaa straights. IlicfjtM. rttcepts.
31,.Ui. bu.; shipments. 2.."i till Rve f loin .
firm; fair to good, 4 it'a 0: 1 hole to
fsncv, $.- lo-.jri 4i.
COKNMEAl Firm; f'ne white and vel
low. 4o-o I 4f: coaree. IllVil.. kiln
dried. I (i.Su.1 7.'i.
V HEAl Spot market firm; No. 2 red.
21 00V elevator, and 21014 f. o. b. afloat;
No. I northern Duluth, 21 Wt f. o. b.
float. Futures market wa relatively
firmer than the, owing to buying
by local mills and on atraddle operation
as result of Harrow differences, clonine
MtNc net higher. December closed $1.04V
in.v. II iri's.
CORN Spot market steadv: No. 2.
7S'4c nominal, ejevator, domtitle haul to
rrive; export, ro. i, i.-r: nominal, r.
o ti, afloat, h uture market wa nom
inal. OATP-Fpot market steady. Future
market nominal.
FEED Steauy; weatetn eprlng bran.
lOfvlb. earka, J.'fi 10; standard middling.
ion-lb. snik. . 10. city. 1-Ih. SHcks.
IIAY-Prline. nulei : No. I. tl.loftl 25: No.
2, II li. No. 2. 1 OKijl.l.
HOI'S -Steady ; state, common to choice.
1811. 47,c
HIDES Firm; Central America. 51fl
LEATHER Firm; hemlock flrte, 2&S
27c: econd. 2.!fiiiHci reject, l.Sc.
PROVISIONS-Pork. steady; mesa, 217 00
'! V.W ; family, ti 00921.00; hort clear.
lrt 7f'(117.So. Fiecf firm: me, 212 6"f l 00;
family, 113 .vv,7 100 ; beef ham". J9 W
23 60. Cut moata, easier; pickled bellies,
10 to 14 lb., 2ll.Wnnil.75; pickled heme,
I120O. Ird, steady; middle west prime,
lfV;906; refined. etady; continent. I:i;
South America. 210.60; compound, 27.X'B
TALIJW Firm; prime city, hhd., 6v,c,
nominal; country, ti'viyie.
BUTTER Steady; creamery peclaJa,
21C; extras, )c; first, ZHUJtKc.; creamery,
held epeeial, 29'c; extras, 2S4'!J'2c; proc
eea ape:lal, 24V; extras, 2.1VU24c; fac
tory, current make, flrat. 2121'c.
CHEESE Barely tady; akim. U3
EGOS Barely ateadv: fresh a-athered,
extra. SOiiiaic; extra firsts, V'St'Sc; freeh
gathered, dirties. No. 1, nyiSc; fresh
gathered check, prime, 16c; refrigerator
tint, season tnre chargea paid.
fi'Uc; weetern gathered white. JK'32e.
POl'LTRY Dressed, weak; western
broilers. lmftlGc; fowl, VirlHc: turkeys,
average best, 18320c; other. lV1ec.
Kaaaa rity Grain anal Provision.
Cash, etrong; No. i hard. Il.oitri (W; No. S.
"eft 21-07; No. 2 red, 21.tni.M; No. 2, 8ScO December. 2I.t9i.VH.
CORN Unchanged to He higher; No 2
mixed. 71e; No. 8. 7oc; No. 2 white, 7314c
No. 3, 72vc; December, 61Vffll7ac; May.
63v: July- snav-
3AT8 Steady; No. 2 whit. 4ttc:
No. 2 mixed, 4UV4347HC " "
RYE 4Jf'Je.
HAY Stronger; choir timothy, 21209;
choice prairie, UlKHi 13.00.
HUTTEH Creamery, 2Vi. flrat,
ecoiida, 24e; packing stock, 19c.
EUdK Extra, 2ac; firsts, 2lUo; sec
onds, 12o.
Reeelnt Shipments
NVheat 2US.0OO 2S!.00
Porn 27.000
oata 23.000 2,000
V 11 hie apply of Grala.
NEW YORK. Oct. 1A Th visible sup
ply of grain In th United Stale Satur
day. October 14. a compiled by the New
York Produce exchange, waa as follow:
Wheat. fio.2!4,uuO bushels; Increase,
3,t.i2.0u buahals.
Corn. 8.tkio,Duu bushels; dcraa, 1.481,
000 bushel.
Oat, 21,708,001) bushels; Increase, 437,000
. Rye, 7M.O0 Obushals; Increaae, U7.O0O
barley, 2.710.000 bushel; Increase, 4e,
000 bushel.
Th visible supply of wheat In Canada
iat , (Saturday was (.M7.000 bushels, an
UK-rease of 1.482.000 bushel.
t. Lamia General Market.
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 11 WHEAT Cah
lower; track No, 2 red. No.
hard, 1105(5110; December, 04fiW(c;
iuay, il.ottut 1.V4.
CORN. Kl,iutv: track Nil 1 Tie- Kn
white, 73m$74c; December, t3e; May, 4Hf
OATS lxwer; track No. 2, 47H"lHe;
jo. i wnne, tijim. uecemoer, ii'se.
RYE Lower at .88c.
POULTRY Firm; chicken 10c; prlngs
lie; turkey lial&o; duck UHc; gees lOo.
BUTTER Quiet; creamery 22a30c.
EQas-IIIgher; l9Vi2lHc
Mlanoapoll Grala Market.
December. 21 0HV.: Mav. Il.Uwn I.IS'4.
Cah: No. 1 hard. 21.10V,; No. 1 northern.
Il.oavva 1 10; No. 2 northern, ll.06VdI.08;
NO. 8. ll.UHWr1.05.
FTA.X 12.4.
CORN No. 2 yellow, Tie.
OATS No. white. 46&He.
RYE No. 2. 82V0DSC.
R RAN 221 Wiil.uO.
FLOUR Flrt patent. 2S4OU570: ec-
ond patents, f.00r06.3o; first clears, 23 90ifl
t jo; second cieara 2.Bua3.i)0.
PklUdelpkla Produce Market.
Weak and lo lower; extra weseem
creamery, S3c; extra nearby print, 83c.
soot Firm: Pennsylvania and other
nearby first, free case, 2 10 per case;
currant receipts, free case, 27 60 per
case; western firsts, fro case. I 10 per
rase; current receipt, free cases. 27 204
7 80 per case.
Peoria Market.
Oct. 11-CORN-Steady;
t white. 71e; No. 2 white, 71c; No. 2 yel
low, Tlo; No. 2 yellow, Tlo; No. 2 nUxed,
71c; No. 2 mixed, 71c; No. 4 mixed, 7uc;
Sample, 6Kc.
OAT Steady; NO. I Whit. 47 wo: tan.
dard, 47o ; No. 3 whit, 4eo; No. 4 whit.
Llvoravool Grata Market.
Domlnal; (uture firm; October, 7 Cd;
December, Ts 6Hd; March, 7 Hd.
coruN Boot rirm American mixed.
2,d; futuree dull; January, ta td: Feb
ruary, la td.
Mllwaake tiraia Market.
northern, II lmWJl 14; No. I northern.
IT lOvtiul.Liv,; Decembar. I100H; Mai',
OATfJ-8tandard. 47Vt7J4tc.
HARLEY Malting. I1.12it.23.
Omaka r-rc-ra Market.
BUTTER Creamery. 29c; racking
tock. 18e.
F.teflS NO. 1. VXi; No. t 12c.
POULTRY Broiler. 13Sc; spring. ISc:
rooalar. to; hens, 2'tc; ducks, 10c; gtea.
Coffee Market.
turee today opened irregular at an ad
vance of 2 points to a decline of i point
and sold off right after th call under
heavy realising and operation for a re
action which wa marked by the rapidity
of the recent advance, lower European
cable and th higher Brazilian move
ment. December contract soon sold off
to I4o0 or 0 point below the high record
of (Saturday night, and while tha market
rallied from th lowest during to middle
ot th day on renewed covering of trad
buying, it eaeed off again later, owing to
furtner decline abroad, svuropeaa selling
and continued realizing or liquidation
Th cloa waa easy, at a net decline of
12(121 point. Sales, 147.260 bags. October,
November and December. 14 ooc; January
14 vc; February. 14 Mc; March and April.
11.8nc; May. lllc. June, 1SK.C. July, Au
(um and September, 12 8uc. Havre was
IW11-M net lower. Rio was 400 rot higher
at I Ii0: Santo wa l'O rei higher, 4 I
2sO: 7 2 MX Receipts at th two Bro
Ills ports, lOt.Oia) bags, against 78.000
bans last year. Rio exchange on London
.S d higher at 14 8-Jtd. private cable
aid that Brazilian comnileaarle esti
mated the current crop at a.unooo to 10.
140.UO bass, and th coming crop at t.OOO.
OuO bag. ?lior wer reported in Sao
1'aulo Nevt i oi k warehouae tiellverie
Ssturdav were 13. Ml bait, against 15 423
lm Iitat )'ear. Todav s special Sant
cable reported 4 i.nchanned and Su
Paulo reieipti. of 112.v ban, againat "I
Oum tasa on Saturday
Spot coftee. firm; Rio, No t. UXtjlSTjC;
Santoa. No. 4 14c; mild, firm,; Cordova,
17Q18C, nominal.
rirm Tone of PreTioiu Week Not in
Hesdlat 4 I ailed State
above Most Decidedly Effort of
Pressare -Otker Railway
Stork Weak.
NEW YORK, Oct. 1 Demand lo.
rtock foil materially today and tn mar
ket lost the mru tone wnich wa chaise-
teriKtic lat week, enort covering, whicn
tne mainstay ot th niaiRcL ou us
Hi en t au vanca, ceaaed, and there wa
vuiually no inquiry at to nigner level.
tin market aieo had to meet the etifcci
oi at. lual i causing sale, and there wa a
reaction wrucu scaled down recent gain.
i to 2 points.
I'iIiiik ui the American looacco com-
puny reorganize mm plan in court waa
the one event ot tn any, wltn an ea
1'ii'iui oearuiK upon secuiules value.
1 he action of tne maisei inuicaico mat
itiKi" tne eflect had t-een discounted oi
ttiu. I.hium of the determined opposition
l tim doubt wax leil wnttner It
writinl hurt eeu 'i tic intlinailon was re
ceived alter the oioa of tne market thai
ii, e reorganization Bcheme might be op
potcd by the United (Stale government.
Krmling and United Mates Meet snowea
mvt decidedly the effects of pressure,
celling ot United Mates Steel wa largely
irom out of town. Northern Pacific huh
the heaviest loser of tha standard railway
iftKiies, aithounh the Harriman stocks ana
M. 1'aul also were weak. An unexplained
advance In Lehigh Valley toward tne
clone carried it t points above It low
prlc of the day. The stock closed with
a net gain of more than 2 points.
Heav.nexs of the Steel share wa not
telleved by trad reports, which were
more favorable. The volume of new
liuslnese wax said to have reached a
larger amount. New order of the United
mm creel corporation are estimated at
about 34,0il tone daily, as compared wltn
il.iXH to 3.'.0U tons a month ago.
The report of the European supply ot
copper revealed an unusually large
shrinkage, the decrease of ,fWj7,oo0 pounds
being the third largest alnce tne tailing
in stocka begun In March, 1910. The total
European supply la now tha smallest since
th end of May, 1809. Th London market
wa Influenced by the decrease, spot cop
per advancing on active tradlnK.
The bond market was irregular, i no
Allla-Chalmer bonds developed further
weakness, but recovered partially. Erie
bonda wer decidedly strong. Total ealea,
par value, 23.703.oOUi United State bonds
wer unchanged on rail.
Number of aalea and leading quotation
on stock war at follow:
else. Hire. Lew. Clow
Too 11 l H
AUI.-OTialmers, y'd
Amalgamaxd Cbpr
Am.ricaa Asrtciilturs
...U.fio tl 'H
. tn
Am.rleaa Beet Euar ...
American Caa
.. ll.0
45 V4
c. jj r
Oitton Oil
HAL lf1.
Ir Bscurltle
Locomotive ..
8. A K
S. A R pfe.
too It
103 V,
Ht l Far.
Am.rlrsn tuiar Refining 400 lli4 111
Americas Tel. A Tel.. 7n0 wi WW
Amlran Tohafc pt... 800 8714 8
Ara.rlcan Woool.n '
Anaron4s Mlnins " 4Vt 4
Atcblans 11.400 107 104
Atobleon ptd
Atlantic Coaat Line .... WO 111 187
Baltimore A OHIO 1.1W 84 874 StMl 40 8Vt V
Brooklyn Rapt4 Tranalt.. l.tmO 71, Va Ti
Csnaillas PaciMo 2.4o0 U0 x78H
Central 8t
Central Leatlier Bf4... 800 '4 86
Central ot Naw Jersey. 100 tf 27"
CheaapMke A Ohl. 1.000 14V. 71
Oik-no ft Alto
Chi. Ot. West. an.... tno 18 11
Ch. Ot. Weat. f 400 81 17
Cbt. A N. W Ka 1 1
Chi.. Mil. 'A St. P.... 4.8"0 1" 10
C. C. C. A t. L. ... 100 42 43
Celoraoo Fnal n4 Ire.
Colorado A Southern
Conwllilaten Has 808 118 184
Corn rrooueta
rialavare Hadena .... t0 14 144
Danver A Hie OrsaAe.. 1.20 14 14
P A R. O. pt4
Dtatttlr Secnrttla - i.. - 8 -88 - 81
trt, 4.400 11 80
Rrl 1st pt4 1.100 tl 80
EM. 4 PM ' 1 41 41
Oeaeral litrte l.l0 Ut Wl?
Oraat North. of4 .... t.m Itl U
. w.k.M rt Atfa.. 1 8n0 At 81
Illlnol. central JO 1J8 1M lOJ
Interkneeuati-Met 8 "
IntArhnmiiatl-Met. Vf4 1 ., 100
Int.rnatlonal Hsrvester.. t 104
Inler-Marlne rfd
Intarsatlonal Paper 100
International rump .... 804
Inara Central
K. C?. Southera 10 80 10
K. c gDutn.rn pie
ttrM, Oaa t.400 104 104
Lnulavtll. NaahTllle.. LJn ii I'm
m.?. S--u: , iij
M K A T 8,8"0 11 81
m:: K. .T.,td .i2 J! !ft
Miaaourt Tacirio .o"w - a
National Blai-ult
National La4
400 41
. 100 88
1,800 10
too It
8.8M 1
1 41
S.loO lit
100 It
N Ry. of M ia pra.
New York osntrsi...,
N T. O A w
Norfolk western...
North American ,
Northern PacltlO
Pefltlc Mall
2.100 ux Kl
TOO !17 10T
100 84 84
1.S00 1 17
104 88 88
P.opl.'a Gaa
ritta.. C. C. A Bt. le
Fit u burg t oal
Preiawl 8te.l Car
Pullman Palace Oar
Railway Bte.l spring. . . . . .....
Reanlng !."; -
R.nuMIe Heel '" , :
K.publlo gte.1 pt4 4iw
Pock lalana Co I,8"0
Boek I.lan oe pi ... i.
t V A B P 84 pli 10
pt. Imuls Sotbat.r -
St. bovia s w. pio.... , -
Bouth.m Padlo J
tvouth.m Railway .... 4 Railway ptt .. 1.4"0
TMineseae cropper ....
T.ia A Partlr
Tol . Bt 1 A W 1.4O0 H
11 ' a a W m TOO 43
rnio memo --: -
t'alon raritla M 1 "
t Kile Stale rvaaiiy.. .....
lotted Ptatea Ruhher.. l.Tn ai
lnlt.4 Btaiea Steal ..lllKno 41 t
u3 StMl pfd.. 1.1" losj mi
ah Copper
Vinrtn.a-Csr.lln C..-. . "J
W'abe.n .
W.h., pf " JJW
Dui Marrlan4 400 17 44
m.u.iR.KAMU Klertrla .. 88.400
..t.rn Villon 804 78
Wheallog A Lake ne. . -j- -j
UM.h vs ir i-iToJ .alei.
Total sales tot ? w.
Nee York Moaey Market.
X.-0-W vork (irL la. MONEY On call.
stesuly at per cent; ruiiruj rata, 2s
per cent; closing bid. per cnt; of
fered t 2A per cent. Tim loan, steady;
sixty day. SS Pr cent; ninety day.
I'm per cent, six month, 2V5 Pr cent.
cent. . ,
8TERUM1 IVA.V- nAlvuif lim, wim
actual business In bankers' Mils at 24.83M
.i.tY-div bills and at U Ur4tw0 for
demand: ooinmarclal bill. 14.88.
SILVER oar, N'c; saeaiuaa louara,
BONIrS UOvernmeni, lltmj; raiireaa,
Closing ouotation on uonos vuuay wart
ss followsi
V. g ret. 8s. rag- 'n 8 8T
4 8. voupon iv ee 4e 4
4e 8a. re toiH'K. C. Ho. let 8a... 13
4e ceupea k'lwL. S 4ek, 4e (141) 84
4a a reg ikwu. M. ea. .... ea
i. ea. es.... ea
A T. 1st 4s 87
a. 4a 87vT
in 4. T
4e- soeses wz a. ,
Allie-Ckel. let Is... 44 4 sea
ism. as aa .oi mo. r
T. a T. e. aiu -.-v. n. or at. vas n
Amer. Toh. 4s 81 N. T. C sea. 8. rvi
4o 8s ll 4o eeb. 17. M
Armour a re. 4Vk. . iii. I.. N. It. 4k
Ao aiaoa aa
84 ov
1- WAV
Irt a
41 "X
4o cv. 8
A C L. It S
B A O. 4....
4 l
Br. T c. 4e ...
i'. of til 8a .
.loaw 4. rr. 4
. 84 Wo. Pasin
. 4e e
..;(. U rl. 4a.. 81
. 4v, ev. 8a llli
. .10I, 4a oos. 4a o
. . MNRea4lng gen. 4 47
..ljel. U 8. P. f 4 7
..!! 4. gea. as IT
Cea. Leather 8. .
C. nt N. 1 t
a A 0. v,e-.
do ret. can. v,a - l s, w es. 44 T
Ch tease A A. 8.. 44 1st go 1 4 4s.. 8
O. B. A Q. . 4S.... MA A U d) 8s..
do ges. ta v.. Maa. paolfl. cel. ta.. tlv
CM. A P. 4.481 it j, . a.
O R. L A r.e. ee " ee It t. 4
do Hs 4a 4o. r gea. 4s ... T.J
Colo. Ind. U Ttvafei. luilwar ts ....101
p. A H 4a 8lnlos Paritl 4a 11
Colo. Mid 4a .. .. M do cv 4a t
r A r 4a 81 Ua 1st p r 4a ... M
D. 18 Q 4a. . 80 P. g. ubber 4a Iu4
de ret. M t gteel 14 8e...l"J
pt.ttll.ra' ! 7NV-Cer. Cham. ts. lue
Kile pr lies 4a l7Wabaih 1st le 14
de gea 4a IT c let sad a 4s. . IT
de ev 4a ear. A. 4iWest. M4. 4e 8T
' ee ear B T4 Weat. kL ev. I.... 1
Oea alea v. 8a.ltwie, Tea. 4a ...... t
U. C 1st r- 4a... Mla Pso. 8 ti
I.oadoa Stork Market.
LONDON. Oct. 14 American ecurities
opened steady today. Later the market
advanced under the lead of Union Pa
cific, and Canadian Pacific. At noon
prices ranged from to 1 higher than
Saturday closing.
Lxndon closing etock quotations:
Omenta, money ... 7 Lotinvtlle A Nub 111
erooast TiMe , Kan Teiss
Amal Copper II N T. Central 10
AsaeoaOs 7 Norfolk A Weatera 1
Atrhlaoa 110 So pM 80
4o pfJ liAOMarlo a Weetera. V
Stltlm re A fthto. 10n r.Qnaylvaola
Canaitlan Paritlr ..UKan4 Mine
... 7
... Tl
... 80,
... 711
.. 1'
... 421
... 18
... 17
Cheaapaak A Ohio. 74 Rea'tlng
CM. Ort Wettern 1 gonlnrn r
Cht., till. A St. r 117 40 pfd
1-a Heera . lsomtim Parlfta
iMmver A Pie O ... Union Pactfle ..
4o M 8 o Bf4
Brie 11 Vi t. Steel
do ut pta ii 4 pr ........
4o 14 Pfd tmWabaah
Grand Trunk 4 4o pfd
Illinois central ....141
iU't.i.-iiir, steady at 24 'd per
MuNEY liy51 per cent.
Th rate of discount In the open mar
ket for short bills Is SS'n3'4 per cent; foi
three months' bills. 3V.l7t per cent.
Boston Stock Market.
B03TON. Oct. 1. Closing Quotations on
stocks snd bonds:
La8ill Copper ...
r e..4..ea..nsJ Miami Copper 1
KNN a- 44.. ..Mohawk
Alouea Nevail Con 18
Amal. Copper l Niplmtng Mines .... 7
A Z L B 11 Nona buna
Anyone Com 4 North Lake I1,
U A C. C. A 8. M. 4 Old Domlojoa .... 87
Butte Coalition ... liieOu-eole M
tal. A Arlina 41 Parrott (8. AC)
( al. Heel 37T Outory 81
Oatennlal Shannon T
r opp.r Hang 11 Superior 84
rant Butt.
.. lov, Pupailor A B M...
Ia Tamarark
Olroun Con
Granby t;en
Oreen. rananea
J C. 8. 8. R.
80 do pld
6rtah Con ...
A M 81
Krr uki
.Sl-lirtah Copper
le Uovall tCos. I 13va W inona
Lake Copper il Wolverine
New York MIdIbk Stnok.
NEW YORK. Oct. le.-Cloalng ouots
tions on mining mocks were:
.iso Lttti Chief
.... 4
.... 40
Com. Tunnel stock.. 20 Mailraa
do bonda
17 Ontario
Con. Cal. A Vs.
14 Ophir
8 standard
80 Yellow Jacket
Horn Silver
Iron Silver
Leadville Coo, .
CHEESE Imported Swiss. 32c; Ameri
can bwlMfe, 2c; block Swiss, tec; twins,
u.Vic; aaisies. inc; triplets, 16c; blue
lebel brick, 16c; limberger. 2-lb., lac; llin
berger, 1 lo., 19c.
UUTTUK no. a. l-ib. carton, 29c; No.
1, in 60-lb. tubs, 28Vtc; No. 2. 27 He; pack
.ng, KMc
POULTRY Broilers. ISc; springs. 19c;
hens. Lie; cocks, itc; ducks, ltic. geese,
1U:; turkeys, 26c; pigeons, per dox., (l.ou.
Alive; Brailers, Lfc; hens, c; old
roosters and stags, 6c: old ducks, full
feathered, 10c; geese, full feathered, loc;
turkey. 18c; guinea fowl, 16c each,
pigeon, per dox., 76c; homers, per oog ,
2M); squab. No. 1, 1160; No. 2, 60c.
FISH Pickerel, 11c; white, Sue; pike,
15c; trout, 16c; large crapplea, ISajisc;
Spanish mackerel, 19c; eel, lc; haddock,
lie; floundera lc; green catflan. loo;
roe avnau, ei.uv nun; nnna roe, per pair,
j0o; salmon. 13c; halibut, 9c; yellow
perch, tc; buffalo, 8c; bullheads. 14c
BEEF CUTS Ribs: No 1. ISc; No. 2. 12c;
No. 2, 8Ve. Loins:. No. 1. Wc; No. 2.
ISHe: No. 2. ic. Chuck: No. 1. No.
2. 6ic; No. I, SAtC. Round: No. L 11c; No.
t, a-wc; io. , e-ac riaie; ino. I, 6c; No.
2, 4c; No. 2, 4c.
FRUITS. E1C Apples: CooWln v..
rletles, per bbl., $2.75: Jonathan, per bbl .
24 00; California Bellf lower, per box, 21 25;
Loioraoo uunainan, ua xanej , pap box
22.86. Bananas: Fancy select, per bunch'
tC lo-'.y , uuiu in liuiiuu, a-. (0y a. 1,K
Prlc.. ot Beef Cuts Ribs: No. i. lac
No. 2, Uc: No. I. bHc Loins: No. L
19HC; No. 1 14c; No. 2, o. Chuck: No
1, 7Wc; No. t. Hie; No. 8, to. Round: No'
1. Uc; No. 2. 4c; No. 2, So. Plat; No?
c; No. 2. tc: No. 2, 4H.
VEQETABLES Bean. String and
wax. par mk. bk., 80c. Cabbage: Wi.
conaln, per lb.. lo. Celery; Michigan,
per doi., 26c; Colorado Jumbo, per dos
tba. Cucumber: Horn e-rown n.w a,.."
too. Egg plant: Fancy Florida, per dox.'
Il.tO. Oarllo: Extra fancy, whit, per lb
15c Lettuce: Extra fanoy leaf. re An, '
4oo. Onion: Horn grown, white, per
crat. 11.76; yellow, per crate, 1.0; red
globe, per lb.. 2c; Wisconsin, yellow, la
eevciiB, jur opaman, per crata
81.76. Parsley: Fancy horn srTowr,
doi.. bunches, 46o. Potatoes. Minnesota
Early Ohio, per bu.. Sue: Wisconsin win,.
urea, per ou., soo. eweai potatoes: Vir
ginia, per ddi., aj ou; per ou. bk., 21.36.
nuuii. in sacs per id,, lc. To
matoes: Home grows, per mkt. bsk., toe
ini-.i-uiji,uua-Aimonai; Califor
nia soft shell, per lb.. 20o: In sank inr.
lo les. Brasll nuu: Per lb., Uo; in
sack lot, lo leas. Chestnuts: Per lb.
lie. Cocoanuts: Per sack, 26-00. Fllberu
Per lb., 14c; In sack iota, lo less. pa
nuu: Roasted, per lb., 8Hc; raw, per
lb., 7c Pecan: Large, par lb., lo; in
sack loU, lc lea. Walnuts: California,
per lb., Uc; In sack lota, lo less. Honey;
New, Z4 frames, 83.76. Kraut: Per la
gal, keg. te-io. per t-gal. keg. ILlu.
Evaporated Asiple aad Drlad Fralts.
APPLES-Steady, with arrival heavy,
but mostly for export; spot, fancy, 10
10c; choice, StfaVac; prime, 86'9c
DRIED FRUITS Prunes, quiet, but
firm; quotations range from 7jl2Vic for
California up to 4tf(JoO and HHdlS'o
for Oregon. Apricots, dull and mostly
nominal; eholc. lrVfil5c: xtra choice,
le-filoc; fancy, lTt&lsc. Peache. steady
on reports of firm markets on th coast;
choice, 11(q;11o; extra choice, ll$l2c;
fancy, 12H412Hc. Raisins, Inactive, but
steady; loose Muscatels, 6HQ7e; choloe
to fancy seeded, t4c; e6dlea, 6&7c;
London layer. SL404L4.
Dry OooAa.
Th cotton good market wa quiet and
steady during the day. Many large Job
bing house buyer war In , but their
operation showed little expansion. Dress
Sood showed a steady improvement in
emand. Yarn ara easy. An effort to
under way among large silk manufac
turer to limit th credits ax tended by
raw silk factors.
Metal Mark.
NETW YORK, Oct. ll-METALS-Cpel-ter,
dull at to.166tB.2S, New York; KOO,
East St. Louis. London market quoted
t b27 Hd. Antimony, dull; Cookaon.
tJ 1J3'.25. Iron, Cleveland warrant,
4tia 6d In London. Locally Iron was
quiet; No. 1 foundry, northern. 2lt.2u4
15.60; No. 2, Ili.Oaalt-tS: No. 1 southern
and No. 1 southern, soft.
Cottoa Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 1. COTTON-Fu-turea
closed steady; closing bids: October.
8.uo; November, 8.06c; December, 8.2bc;
January, s.iic; reoruary. K.ioc. Aiarcn,
8.860; April, .2c; May, 8.860; June. 8,toc;
August. 1 3i tveptember, 8.87a.
v-v 1 vo-cvui iliiawi iuiwi ev iv miui.
higher; middling upland. 8.60c; middling
upland, 8 7&c Sale. 1.680 bales.
iagar Market.
quiet; muacovado, 88 feat, t46o; cen
trifugal. 9 teat, 5 86c; tuolaase, i teat,
luo. Refined steady.
OU aad Rosla.
KOelN-Flrm; typo T, 2A4&34.M; type
O. tt iVWQwtO.
. Wool Market.
T. LOUIS. Oct W WOOL Slow; ter
rnoij and -ii7i--r. msa'.'Jrr.s. ITCT-"; t:a
medium. Iftoic; fin, lljltc.
Elgta Batter Market.
ELGIN, Oct. 1. BUTTER Firm at
28c, output, tee, 700 pound.
St. Jaaoaik Llv took Market.
6T. JOSEPH. Ma., Oct- lt-CATTLE
Receipts, 2,600 had, market alow; steers,
84 eotiS.OO; cow and heller, lltuaAOO;
calve. 13.807.7.
HOOb Recoipta, 2.090 ka4; market
stesdy to weak; top, tutO, bulk of aalea,
Kei City Get MaaB.
KANSAS CITY, Oct. 1A An art mu
seum 10 cost 1308.000 l given to this city
by th will of Mr. Mary Atklna who
cTied hr recently leaving an aatat
valued at one million dollar. Th will
waa probated today aad Include arm
aagresaUng tloa,vj6 to local chorehe
aad chanties.
I. Met 4s T epasama la
Ice M. M. 4.... 44
Receipt! of Cattle Are Lsrgre and
Vtlnei Weak to Lover.
Offer-lasts Ar Limited, bat Market
I Weak oa BearUk Advice
fro tk Eaet ftkeep aad
Lamb Irregaler.
OMAHA. Oct. M,
RecelPt were: Catne. Hog. Sheep.
TTstimate Monday !!" 2 4.n
Fame day last week.. .10.22 2,J9 41.7T;
Same day 2 weeks go.ln,643 1 ,14S 6.!W
Pame day 3 weeks ago It 4HH 2.001 4ooo
same day 4 weeks aKO.Il.Kts i.9- si."."
Same day last year....l3.4S7 1.778 4S.2
The followlne table snows the receipt
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
ror the year to dute. compared wun
lait year: 1911. 1910. lno. Dec.
Cattle 816.724 941. 90 2e.l4.
Hogs 1.M7.631 l.o..UlO 333,9'Jl
Sheep 2.211.637 2.2ti,716 10.9a
Th following table shows the average
prices for hogs at South Omaha for the
last few days, with comparison:
Dat 1911. 11910. :10.1. 19u7 1DM.0.
Oct. 7..
4T 8 47 7 M 161 6 92' I I 06
8 27 7 67 tf la 6 81 I 22)
;1 7 bl J 07, t 301 6 06
Oct. 8..
Oct. 9.
Oct. 10..
t o4i 8 SX 1J o Hi 8 . a w
oct. a
oil i s 7 li, I - ill:
2M 4 it-
12.. i 2.f
8 411 7 701 5 901 6 11
6 21 t 0,
28I I to
I I 10
6S1 '
6 271 6 U
Oct. is..
( 37
8 3f
S 37
8 47
7 Rl S 79,
Oct. 14..
7 40 6 Ml 09
Oct. 15..
7 4Sj 6 S-'l HI
7 46; 6 50 t 98
Oct. ls.
Receipts and dlsDosItlon of live stock
at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha.
:or twinty-rour hour ending at p.
C. Al. & bt. P o
. . n
'5 i
3 1
10 49 4
2 3..
U 68
47 172 11
v abash
Mlhoourl raclflc... 1
Union Pacillc S3
C. oi N. W., east..
C. ot N. W., west.. 206
C. St. P., M. & O.. 10
C, B. & Q.. cat
C. B. ot Q..west ... 22
C, R. I. at P.. taut. ..
C, R. I. A P.. west. 2
Illinois Central 1
Chicago Q. W 2
Totals 486
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 674
swut and Company 1,12s
Cudahy Packing to l.txut
Armour Ac co Mi
Morreil t
v. i. Van Sant Co.... 21
ben ton. Van bant ot L. if"l
itl it at Son 646
f. B. Lewis 317
Huston & co &
J. B. Root t Co t
J. H. nulla 223
U V. Huh 11
L. Wolt 4no
MOCreaiy c rvellogg.... iUd
b. Werineimvr )
ti. F- iiamiituu v. fal
Lee Rotlisciiiid 2il
Mo. At nan. v all Co.... !
Cline 6t Christy Ia3
Other buyers I,2o0
Total 8,091 3,274 2S,a02
Cvi 1 Ltj A he week oiens out wnu
gooa, huavy run of came, the arrivals
consisting almost entirely ui western
rangers. There were only a few loads
ot cornled beeves In the yard, and as a
rule they were not ot a character to at
tract dressed beet men 'and trade ruled
s.ow, wltn tn trend of puce lower on
all but th best of them. Demand tor
tb gras beeves waa not particularly
urgent irom any aource, and with libera,
receipts and with bearisn advices from
astern markets, tb trad wa slow to
start and prices anywhere from weak
to a dime lower than the close of laat
Cow and heifer found a very fair
outlet at not far from steady prices. De-
mand for fair to choice grade was vig
orous from both local packers and out
side butchers and deslrabl offering
moved freely at prices that compare vary
favorably with th latter part ot last
week. On the other hand, canner and
common cutter were alow sale, and
ther wss very little inquiry from th
country tor tnin cow and nailer, veai
calves were In good request at firm fig
ures, and It was about A steady market
for buns, stags, etc,
Weather conditions were against any
great activity in stockers and feeders, al
though for the most part price were
well sustained and desirable grade moved
freely. Last week's supply waa pretty
well cleaned up, so that yard traders
were allready to stock up this morning,
whil there waa also considerable In
quiry from th country for good stuff of
all weights. Movement wa reasonably
active and price quotably ateady all
Quotation on native cattle: Good to
choice beef steers, 7.2uS7.90; fair to good
beef steers, 26.6037.26; common to fair
beef steers, t4.6&6.&0' good to choloe heif
er, $4.7.Vj;6.50; good to choice cow, 14.609
6.00: fair to good cow. 3.76a.4.50: common
to fair cowc, 23.76ig4.o0; vaal calva. 23.50
Quotations on rsnge cattle: Good to
choice beef steers, fc 60.6U; fair to good
beet steers, 4 90fi.40; common to fair
beef steer. t4.2&&4 80: good to cholc helf
rs, t4.764pS.26; good to choice cows, 24.40
to.ou; tair to good cows, ti.ixB.4.40; good to
choice stockers and feeders, fc.(Jjt 00;
fair to good stockers and feeders, R40Q
t.uo; common to fair stocker and leader
13.25-4.26;. stock heifers, 23.25iS4.36; bulls.
stags, etc., ia.2fi3j6.oo.
Representative sales:
At. Pr. Mo. At. Pr,
844 8 1
,. Ill ITI
"'vv'tafc.rtNS NEBRASKA.
Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
8 calve. ,
43 feeder
10 heifers.
14 feeder
22 heifer.
, 172 T 26 12 COW.. ...1066 4 10
.1130 100 10 feeder.. 8!8 4 80
. 798. 4 St 18 heifer... 717 4 26
. 8x6 t 10 42 feeder. .1208 f 25
. 77 4 00 T feeder. .123 100
6 cow iH
10 calves... 373
t heifers... 790
t heifers.., 710
21 .leaders.. 620
2 to
4 15
4 60
10 cow Vi I 70
S3 feeder.. 108 4 76
22 calve... 20 4 fc
4 86
M. P. Clarey Nebraska.
21 cow 923 2 90 2 cow Ill IH
3 caJvea... 143 1 50 2 helf era... 710 2 66
HOOS Explnatlon for th condition of
hog trad wa lacking, th market drop
ping to level 6 luo lower under a light
auDolv. It waa a alow trade from th
outset, despite th fact that of taring wer
limited to about imy loaue. racner
claimed that local cost needed trimming
and In support of this attitude pointed
to early advices from th east that wer
mors or lea bearian.
Shipper remained under cover from
start to finish and bought in all only a
few odd load required for actual order.
Ther waa no demand whatever of a
purely pculatlva character and clear
ance was not complete until several
rounds had been mad by local buyer
on tacklntf account.
Early bid Indicated a 26 t5S.aO trade,
but actual business showed some im
provement over this spread, th long
string landing at t 30. Best bacon ani
mal on saie, a good offering of apnng
farrow, landed at Woo, identical with
Saturday'a high price.
Representative kales
Na At. 88, Pr. Na At. 8a. Pr.
14 lit 8) IM 61 821 U0 M
81 II ... U 41 8a It I a
41 la 180 4 t 48 It 40 4 8
II It IM 6 88 8 11 ... 4 8
M 84 lu 6 II t tj 140 4 SO
81 1.1 SO 6 11 47 II ... I 14
at ..... HT ISO 4 IJVa 41 1,1 40 I t
14 l.'l SO 4 17 v 44 !K4 12 4 8
48 H1 M 6 17 71 1"4 8 IM
41 lil IM I 27 48 la 40 6 8
44 itl 4M 4 80 84 J '4 ISO 4
11 lai ... 4 M M J -4 M 4 88
l It 10 4 M 4 Ill UO 4 10
II 16 4 80 48 Ill ... 4 80
14 UI M IU 41 8u0 10 I to
11 rri so 80 ts 8i 130 1
4 let IM 4 14 11 ltt 14 4 11
ft 18 4vO I 84 48 IM IM 6 1T
71 It W IN 41 8tl 41 6 l.'w
4 la M 6 10 IT 110 IH IM
U 114 81 6 8 80 MT lJ 4 M
44 til U 4 10 44 -JTI N I 14
II Il ... 6 80 TK Ui ... 48
14 tol 88 6 80
SHEEP la Ho with prospects at last
week s close, receipts of sheep and lamb
were eouably moderate, giving a total
of about 4.ou0 head. Chicago waa "filled
to tb guard," however, and with all
early advice from that market indicating
eml-denaorellaed trade, local buyer acted
hesitant and beariah. Ther waa very
lull buainea transacted tn any class of
tock uatu wall along toward noon.
Quit a Btrtne of annd fat lambs ram
In via the Union Pacific, but other line
delivered offering tht were mostly feed
er. L'eslrsble tat sheep were unusually
bard to find and the demand, in con
trast to recent preference for mutton
frades. had a decidedly poor appearance,
n fact, there wa no kind of killing stock ,
that attracted a really healthy Inquiry 1
from packers snd trading In both lamba
and sheep started out on a slow to un
evenly lower basis.
Support from country buvers lert plenty
to be desired In the way of clearanc
prniperui. Good lamV with a little
weight seemed to be fslrly popular, but
th underweight grades met with a
dwindling demand. Light stuff can al
ways qualify when grass and corn-field
roughage are available, but when the fall
season near it clos. ther I generally ,
a big change In the requlrementa of tha
trade. In this respect th present situa
tion; le seasonable, urylot nnisner en
tering the market, whil th rank .
of grass-finish buyer are rapidly
thinning. Widening of th price
ran ire la becoming mor pronounced eacn
da'. of course, and bulk of offering
today found a mean, slue-glen market.
tome lower all along the line.
Quotations on Sheep and iambs
Lambs, itood to choice. Io.35M.60; lamb.
tail IU S'-tiU, .O. It'tl.lX, . 1 1 1 1 - ' , ircun a,
t;v60J4.t5; yearling, good to choice, 4 15
$4.35. yearlings. feeders. I3.7.M34 10;
wethers, handy. 13. 66134. 00; wethers, heavy.
... t ... I . - . ... lnr.,K tul...
3.oO"iz.; wether. reeaers, o ioqso 00;
ewes, good to choice, 13 .16f'!3.40; ewes,
fair to good. 2 0O(q8.15; ewe, breeders.
3 2Tyfj3 7n: ewee, feeders.! 66; ewes,
culls, 2150(32.25.
TT 1 'mU--.
nenaerson aiKS
to Charity Workers
"We must instruct ourselves and spread
the knowledge until It comes to th
Judge of the country," said Prof. Charles
Richard Henderson of Chicago univer
sity, "in pointing the road to follow in
securing compensation, indemnity or In
surance for workmen for accident
which occur In tb ordinary process of
Industry," at the meeting of th Nebraska
conference of Charities and Correction
Monday noon at the Rom hotel.
Prof. Henderson, who I chairman of
th International aoclety to promot
worklngmen ' Insurance, declared that
the courts are not educated up to tb
point of passing laws to bring about
worklngmen Insurance; that law re
garding th worklngman ar antiquated,
obselet and should be cast on th rub
bish heap.
"Instead of getting Justlcs," said Mr.
Henderson, "the working man who is
Injured at his work spends three year
in litigation, gets 250 when he should
get 2200 and at best gets the kind of re
ward that stings his soul and maltes
him hate the constitutions of this
Mr. Henderson said that Nebraska
commissioners should ask for a law
which should glv compensation to th
laborer no matter what the cause of th
accident, that society get the advantage
of the work done at which the workman
has Incurred tha accident and should
pay the price.
"Then be would not have to go begging
when he Is Injured, but would hav a
fund provided for the car of his family
while his earning capacity Is stopped."
Mr. Henderson denied that employers
are greedy and avarioua and tha em
ployes are reckless, and maintained that
a certain number of accidents are bound
to happen In all industries.
Mrs. Draper Smith presided at th
meeting which wa preceded by luncheon
at which about 150 charity workers wer
Play in High School
Tennis Starts Slow
Play has been rather alow In th high
school boy' fall double tournament dur
ing tha last week and two of tha matches
In th second round had to ba defaulted.
However, play will go oft faster thla week
and If th matches ar not played they
will be defaulted.
Larmon and Potter, the only team which
ha played Into the third round, ar
picked aa likely contender for th cham
pionship. Busmann and Davis ara also
picked as wlnnars, Busmann holding th
singles championship of tha school at
present and Davl being runnerup In tha
single tournament last spring.
Following ar th result of th match
in th first round:
Wooley and Loo mis defeated Brother
ton and Dunham, 6-3, 6-4.
Buiard and Hammer defeated Stebbln
and Evans, 6-3, 6-1.
Carney and Burkenroad defeated Cran
and Petersen, 6-1, 6-1,
Cummins and Carson defeated Rhoade
and McCague, 6-1. 6-1.
Larmon and Potter defeated Schleh and
Curry, 6-2, 6-3.
Susmann and Davl defeated Creedon
and Gardner by default.
Nobl and Crocker dfated Schrum and
Dragoo by default.
Wooley and Loo mi play Busard and
Carney and Burkenroad play Susmann
and Davis.
Winner of th Baldrlg and McShan
Powell and Swiiar match play, Nobl
and Crocker.
Larmon and Potter defeated Cummins
and Carson. 6-L 6-2.
Sellers Murder Trial
Opened at Valentine
VALENTINE. Neb.. Oct, 16. Th trial
ef Eunlc Murphy and her brother. Ken
neth,' Harry Heath, Qeorg aad Alma
Weed for th murder of Charles Seller
on June 17 1 for trial tht morning. Tb
caa against Miss Murphy will b prose
cuted first.
Th four men took Seller from th
home of a rancher named Hutch Jack;
and hanged him to a telephone pol. Tney
claim that h had threatened to kill th
prisoner If Eunio did not consent to
marry him.
Th stat contends that th crim wa
Committed In order that th girl might
secure th Insurance which h believed
tellers bad let. hr.
Tb Omaha High lvn and Creighton
university will clash In light scrlmraag
practice Tue day afternoon on Creighton
field. And although tha high school ladj
ar considerably outweighed they ar ex
pected to mak a good showing against
their older and heavier opponent.
Th high school boys need some hard
scrimmage this week to prepare them for
th gam with De Molnea Weat High
on Friday at De Moines. Non of th
high school lad wa Injured la th gam
with York Saturday and they ar now In
excellent condition for a hard week of
practice. Praotic on tha dirt ground at
Twanty-ftrst and Paul street ha been
discontinued and will b held hereafter
on th Creighton field before the blue and
whit (quad com out for practlc.
Serloa Laceration
and wounds ar healed without danger of
blood poisoning by Bucklea'g Arnica
alva, th healing wonder. 26c. For sal
by keaton Drug Co.
Th Ky to th Situatlon-B Ada,