THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 17. 1011. 18 HELP WANTED MALE Agents nod salesmen Cob tinned. CITY sMcsrnei. v. A. Htnby a Co., lilt St. Mttfi Av., T,. r. j,7. BUi profits for you Manufacture bar.ey crisp. New confection; 6c package coss vo.j He: machine. r.W. prepaid; !"mp!(i, 10,-.. Shaffer Co.. 625 Naiora tt., 6an Francinco. E.XFF.R1ENCED stock remedv ssles men if you are a live wire, looking for a kooA loo. o wart you. Onlv men of otd n.cral character r.ecd apply. Ex ceV.or Mts Co.. K S iota Ft ALE? MAN, good proposition, new plan, special call, good monev for worker; all on rr time; lnvestlaste. Addrers M 43. Bee. Biggest and best loc meali. 1310 Dodg WANTED First-class land salesmen Fertility Underwrite Corporation, iM Citv National Bank Bldg Plt'l" IJXE for traveling salesmen, Cooi teller. M Brandeis 'lueata.. Omaha.- Neb. Money maker for agents. 80J Brandei Eof. WANTED Swe-ral trustworthy boys; good wages. W. U. Tel. Co.. 212 S. 13th St. WANTED Caah boys, over 16 vearg of ae. Apply Superintendent Brandels fetor eu. WANTED A itroni errand boy. I A. Med lax, 116 8. 14th. Clefsnl and Offlve. BOOKKEEPER for flret-olas whole ale house. Don't reply unless you are competent and experienced. J. S0. bee. "CANO"Hlgh grade positions. 600 Bee. WANTED Experienced drees goods salesman at onoe. Apply Superintendent Brandei Store Factory aud Trades. Drug stores (snaps) Jobs. Knlest. Bes b g. WAN TED First cass prescription clerk. Apply In own handwriting stating experience and names of former employ ers. ' therm an & McConuell Drug Co., loth and Dodge. WANTED First-class pants maker, steady work for right man year around. Phone "Red 807, Council bluffs. FIRST-CLASS pressors wanted. ISIS bainey St BAKER helpers wanted. 2202 Farnam. WANTED An experienced platen press feedor at once. L A. Medlar. 41b 8. Uth. WANTED Good tailor and presier for ladies work, good salary. 606 8. ISth. Miscellaneous. RALVWAY MAIL. CLERICS, postofflc clerks, Dii:l carriers. November exam inations in umaha. Sample questions Ute i'Tanulin institute, Dept. ixi J, Ku chevta.. N.- V. BLA'l'- .Vciuex. lei. Doug. 10ol for case. WANTED for U. B. Army Able-bodied uuniaiuuu men. between agea ox Is and i.6;- ciiiwri" ui Lnueu o-iait. ol goou ii.aiaci.Ki ana temperate haous. who can tljeiA. ieau and write the hnglish lan guage, for inioiu.auon apply to Ke cuiiing uiauai, -to, and Huglaa fee., Uuiaiia. Neb.; bU 4th St.. Sioux City, la,. 130 N. 10th 6t Lincoln, Neb. U 1100 MONTH AUTOING A.UTO SCHOOL, OMAHA, NEB. UAKLrhl ANUBE-'i.'. WtUi , ADVERTISING MEN WANTED Is luu a nionin enougn tor you' Can you earn-it vvill you see six business men a uay oustne&s men who know you are lorrung and wul wait to see you? If your answer is yes, write tonight to Brains' i.ui pu ration, uept. b-K.- suranton, pa. . EARN 126 to $60 per week. Positions. Few weeks completes. Great deaaod. Write at once, tree catalogue. Auto (school of 6t Louis, Uu5 , pine 8t, tit. loui. Mo. 7.000 GOVERNMENT positions open. Writhe for list. Franklin institute. Dept. U4 J. Rocater. N. Y. WANTED Men to prepare for automo bile Duuiuess, largest and best equipped buops. Nat 1 Auto liaining Ass n. uosoa ILk.vis To haul brick. Smith Brick Co. WANTED The address of contractor to build dams with sheet piling In Noda way river. Address Box 61 VUllsca. la. TRI-CITV BARBER COLLEGE Men to learn barber trade. Tuition, 15. 3UU (S. Uth. ABLE bodied men wanted for the U. 8. jdaruiti coi Dm. between the ages of 19 un.'l . Vlnt K. natluA V. r n n r hair. 1 r.t f a pen-. Monthly pay 1 to Additional commentation poasible. Food, clothing, quartets and medical attendance free. Alter Jo years service, can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowanceR. Service dn board fchlj) and ashore in all parts of tue world. Apply at U. 8. Marine Corps Keci-uiting otflce, 14o6 Farnam 6L, Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED MALE OH FEMALE) WANTED Christian men and women In Omaha to sell our 1D12 Gospel text calendar, big profit; write to C. H. Weaat, 413 Federal EL, Chicago, 111. ANY Intelligent person may earn steady Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Address Press Correspondence Bureau, Washington. D. C LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. FOR SALE All kinds of good borsaa. 118 N. 21st St. .Phone Douglas 6000. Plas and bhouts- FOR SALE Soring e hosts and fall our Ira 1. Walker, bupt. C. E. Wilklna farm. 7"th and Center. LOST AND FOUND PERS0N8 having lost some artloie would do well to cail up the cilice of the Omaha A Council Uituts btreet Railway t-uuipaiiy to AUcorUtoi wnetner tney iet it in the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In ana cue company u anxious to restore . them to the ritfUtlui owner. Call Doug ' las 46. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET KAIL WAV COANY. LOST A bunch of keys on ring. May fcavo lost tnem In boutn Omaha. Phone Douglas 6ix, or return to Culp-Laog-woriny. loch and Harney. Omaha. -i. LOST Boston bull terrier, brindle and white, last Seen. Fort Crook. L. M Pegau, il Manderson. Phone Web. 2S30. .Retvard. LOT Saturday evening on street, a suing of gold beads. Leave at office of tttnoon or xnorne ana receive reward. FOTTND Th Tl,y Bear expert elean a uuiiwj and dyers. A-iiJ6; D. Mi LADY'S open-faced watch, monogram on back. "N. R." between Farnam r-l Doiij,l!ib on lbtii St., Saturday. Call H ls.i Reward. MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattels. WE LOaFmONEY to any working man or woman oa Just a persons,! note; no security or Indorser reviu.iea. Way mortgage your personal btlon-irgs hen VO' H CKKDIT IS GOOD HF.FE? Al. ir jn-.aotioim contidentlal. Come in a. wi tiiuiic us. O.MAHA TRUST CO . iX7 Board of Trade Bldg. Fourth Floor. Bell Phone Douglas Jilt DIAMOND loans at IS and t per oanC W. C. Flatau. liili Dodge. Red lala. MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattels ronttnned. 1 w w f i i rtl liooono WE HAVS Sl.fw.tW TO LOAV OUT to the peoplo tt Omaha before Ch'lstmss en FURNITURE. F1ANOS. WARE HOUSE RECEIPTS. FIXTURES, REAL ESTATE. HOBfUS. WAGONS, etc.. or on YOUR FLA1N NOTE If steadily em ployed, tamo old Ion- rates and each transaction strlrtlv private. We make more loans than al) cf the others. Tiiore s a reason. If vou can use a piece of this MONEY whv. Just call on tliM largest, biggest and best. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Third Floor. Ji Paxton. Block. 217 S. 16th St. Phones .Douglas 1411 and A-141L MONEY leaned salaried people, women keeping houte and others; without se curity, tasv" i'aments. Office In 67 prin c.fii i.t;-.-. io.n.aa. ii; umaha Natl CHATTEL LOANS NEMASK'A LOANCO., STEAM HEAT. ... . . , . " ONE f.-rooin up-to-dato apartment. No. .SOtce ui,. Douglas Ion A -load. N.-25th St. Tel. D. tlii. uti( Bll . fiimerly N. V Life LiUg. X , VC-T rTrZZ' THREE and six-room flat. Marti I GO TO THE HOME LOAN CO. Mock, ism and Webster. , R0.kT f;i,.9.l,,c.r."..1 .i,.6 FINE 6-raom apartment on West Far-' t ' V.rV! rTitrS LnT?.?i nam St ; heat, shades, gas stove and Jan. Phon. DnJ laa "or "'Vice; very Chol able. PhO"DQJijasa. JOHN w. ROJJB1NS. lfua FARNAM UT. MEDICAL l:avfuralahed Hooias. r n, .v. i THREE or four unfurnished rooms or stltuf'MaSe'rVuUcscVre; V WJk,n chronic and nerve dlsessee 628 Bee Bldg. uougl" 7,!,L . ' ' t-tvo rooms, unfurnlsheei. good neigh- borhood. 1.0S Manderson St , 6V OFFERED FOR RENT t. - - FOUR roomo upstairs. 162S North Uourd sal Uooms. !lt St Web. 6829. 0 M. E. hauls trucks. D. 61L A-26U. Houses and Cottngn. Portola. fainliy hotel. 26th Av. & Har. THREE block from court house, five- ii. room collate, modern except heat, i.'4. The Shrlner. 2R & Harnoy; room & board, winter '. Doug. 7L4L 2215 Howard St., board and room for ju.oo ljj S. Wth .St.. 6 rooms, modern two, li poi' week. except heat and bath. -i. ..... ... oo 4-'.". Fianklin St, nice 5-room DESIRABLE furnished rootns with bungalow, modern, board, la S. soth Ave. Wo uo l.ul uenrgia Ave., 7 rooms, on one 111 tioor. modern. Fbruished Rooms. Z2 W tu. park Ave., t rooms, modern. 46.oO Harney St. rooms, modern, coTlaa TJi Wei 6. V. SHOLES CO., collars, c. iu "-tuney. city Nafl Bank Bldg. Tel. Doug 49. Eleganl rooms.'W. M. hotel; tl'S S. 24th. - " 2is2 North 2th street. 8-room modem Dewey Kuropean Hotel, 13th A Farnam. house; mouera in every respect fcXl.U) - . iikht party. 220 NORTH 2Idr neatly furnished, mod- 1 ' - em Bteuui heated room. 6-ROOM cottage, modern except heat. : Phone hed 19o. 1915 CAPlluL Ave., nicely turniihed rooms; mcraern. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaners; rent tl . . i per day. MODERN-, furnished room for one or HARTHAN ELECTRIC OO. two vouug lauitii, neai- brownell Hall, 3, South 14th St. Douglas E293. with family ot two. Address 11 4o2, caxe Bee. ... FIVE fine rooms, 2nd floor, modern ' 1 ' 1 " except furnace, a.00 per month. UU 411 N. lth, furnished rooms for rent. ;orUk isth. Call In rear. NICELY- furnished room for two gen- MOD. 6-room cottage, fine rep'r. U. 8644. tlemen; private family; walking dis- tance. Hamey 0874, Sunday or evenings. Gnly 2b 7-rooms; new, full 2-story. ! square; 1 block weat of No. 24th line; TWO excellent furnished rooms, down- near Kountze Place. You choose decora town location, modern; gentlemen pre- tlong, lerred. Call Douglas 179. O'KEEFfi PJ2AL ESTATE CO, . i ioi6 Omaha Nat l Bk.; Doug or A-2152. EW N. ltttb St.. nicely furnished, mod- Eve. H. 2843 or H. 6134. 1 ere foowj. . HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, for- TWO or 3 furnished or unfurnished aided, cheap freight rates, moving and roomb. Call evening or Sunday, H. aim. storing. Expresnmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 394. City office 21S 8. 17th St.. Bee 2708 Farnarh.. large front room, gentle- Bldg. man preferred.; 1 FOR RENT The twenty-room brick LARGe roomy parlor, two bed. 1814 bouse, with brick stable and about five Dodge. -Reasonable. acres improved grounds, at south wetit 1 1 " 1 corner of Sherman avenue and Spruce 2707 FARNAM, ladles or gen til men, fclltet. inquire room 314 First Natl Ban a nicely f urnlbhed modern rooaib. Phone Bldg. Telephone Douglas 1242, Harney 63t. - - 1 1 a-ROOM modern house, nearly new. 1710 1040 FARNAM, south front room for Decatur St. l. "Phone Webster till. two- . . . . '.... . - . ,' !, 'V 2021 N. 20th. S-room modern house. In- lta . PAB. XYEUrZlegtrtS.I!rl- ouue Weoster 1676. - vate family. Desire l' or 12 ladies at , 12 00 each per week. . Must see to appre- 7-ROOM bouse, not modern, gas, water, elate. , .... sink and toilet. H. M73. - LARGE front ' rooms 00 first and sec- 7-ROOM house. 2627 Charles, modern ex ond floor; strictly modem, rent reason- cept furnace, good repair. Inquire 2623 able; -half blook from -Fai nam car. Also Charles. . basement housekeeping rooms. 209 . So. ' 1 ; ' . . . 25th St. . . SNAP tt good tenant without: children; ' t rooms; modern except heat; good ioca- AN elegant large room and alcove on tion; near car. 'Phone Web. 877i. main floor; also two, nice rooms on seo- ond floor;-nicely furnished, walking die- DUNDEE Seven rooms, strictly mod- tance; strictly modern And private fam- ern near car, paved street: cheap to lly. 134 N. 24th St. permanent tenant. Phone Harney Sdl7. 108 6. 26th Ave., large front room; gas, 6 TOOm house, strictly modern, i23JO. electric light, bath, gentlemen only. poom house, partly modern, I9o0. ' , 7 - 3 room house. Phono W. 1664, I10.0& TWO rudely furnished rooms with board., for ladies. Phone Web. BSDft. 6-BOOM cottage; not modern. 404 & 1041 Park' Ave , nicely furnished front 27 tp Ave' room for housekeeping; single or en- g.r0om. modern except furnace, 2101 suite. Miami. 121 a month. ' ' " ,.' . ' . 6 rooms, strictly modern, 241 Jones, FURNISHED room, all modern, hot j 60. water, heat. 2629 California; walking die- u' j j. KEMP. Both phone, tance. ' , ' . ,v.. v FOR RENT 2716 Douglas, 6-room cot- NICELY furnished modern room, eleo- " ,.. D4,d . " trio lights, 1900 per month. 2664 Douglas, tage. m. water paia. open. m oat rrnDVIA-Furnlshed rooms- SEE 8317 Dodge St.; open for Inspection; nlgbt. ' , li 1 STEAM heated room In private famUy. m X21X B - 8 til ot. 1 . . ... . u.-- n,. " SOUTH 28th St., two completely fur- Pnrntsued HoBiekeesmg Roosna. nlBhea roorns; modern; walking distance; , '." . , . . fine location; 115.00. TWO or three nicely furnished front ! rooms complete , for housekeeping. 2uln 33 50, modern. -rcm, brick house, 1301 Davenport . St. So. 2Sth. THREE- nicely furnished housekeeping ,17 oo-1222 S. 27TH ST., 6 rms., mod it front rooms. 2018 Davenport h;at " 11 'J T- " . . ,, u. . S16 00 3175 S. ISth St., mod. ex. heat TWO fumlsned rooms for llgbt house. jj3 oo-6 N. 41st St.. strictly mod. keeping. 724 N. 21st. 126002602 N. lth St., rm.. partly The Manuel and Howard. 21 Howard. am K-(lt -nd Military Ave., t rma, 2 and 4-rm. akpg. tpu, U3 to Hft miKj TOUNO widow 29 wish.. .hart 6? t" S-.T rin?.t. and of a 6-room steam heated apartment; " d referwee; required; wlUim walking dis- uii001733 B. Wth St , 5 , mod. tance. Addrets. N aoa. nee. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. LARGE roomy parlor, two beds. LSI roR RENT A new seven room rood- Dodge. ReaQPbie. , ern nou8a, call T.Zl Davenport. Harney LARGE sleeping or housekeeping room; private family. Harney 6618. m &th Bt s ropmi completely ' 1,1 ': , . .. modern, $i3.5u. Hall, 433 Kamga. D. 7404, 4-ROOM and alcove, nicely furnished; .4ju rent for the winter. Tel. Harney 64M. . k. 181 N. UXD ST. 7-room house; all mod- t rooms,, strlotly modern, new tor light er. 0II lltie; Webster 1216. housekeeping. 616 N. Aid. - .. . 1 , , . . 1 ... . 9-room, strictly modern bouse, 1236 Far- FOUR unfurnished or partly furnished nanli month, rooms for Uoubekeeplng. I'hone Douglas j l KEMP. Both phonea. 5136. . 1 TWO wen-furnished connecting first floor rooms, housekeeping or rooming. " All modern. Also front hall bed room. 6OUTH 30th St., flve-room cottage; 2707 Dodge St. Harney otat. fjr.t ciass condidon; good neighborhood; ' partly modern; 116.00. " t uraUhed stonacm. , NINE rooms, close In; rent reasonable, I-ROOM modern bouse, nlceily furnished, M 446. Bee. one block to car. Tel.- Douglas 3477. one pioca in . SIX-ROOM cottage. 2507 FTanklln Bt. NEW 6-room modern house, with large reception hall; 'beautifully furnished; for 10-ROOM modern, strictly up-to-date the winter, muit have A No. 1 reference residence; hot water heat; east front list Webster 1171 ' nd Eul bt.; opposlta Turner park 4.0 WILL consider renting my 6-room wMAE)S A' H.NfiFN,.M. thoroughly modern, nicely furnished Oat MoCagua Bldg. Douglaa IStX. McwTh6nrDougJa.4M.'Cla,drtt- FOR BALE Fully equipped abstract of- Mcruty. prion xjougjas to. fi (Arnms 6,u0o.OO yearly. Must sell FIVE-ROOM all modern furnished cot- 25 1 ot 9r h-to- Address J. tage for rent. Phone Harney 1S5L Hotel, and Ap.r,en,e. Ify, NICELY FURNID ROOMS for gen- & A. " tlemen- -THE CHATHAM, llu e. Uth bl , " .'' Y, ; 6-ROOM modern house. 242T & loth. PALM HOTEL, 12jS Douglas, newly Douks 660. furnikhed rooms. 60 rants, weekly, U up; steam heL. . ' ' HOUSE for. rant or sale; very chean, - 111 -Atlas. Inaulra ) Ho sr. Hub hotel, steam heated. UOg Doug. Bf. T- rthlitz HCiTKi fni- FIVE-ROOM housM, wit h aleotrlo Maht, g theHb-tTa SfSfe. Uf N . DODGE HOTEL, 13U and Dodg; all COZY 7-room house, strictly modern tool ouiaide rooms; week r-t. with not water heat, on car line" at " .,. . ,' , , .4 . v, .. . : " ' W. corner or Uth street and Missouri k I?IL' 1 Kt:?Sa.t rum- Av fcou,h Omaha; large grounds, with hot and cold atr. fireproof; price, garden and fruit trees. 127 60. Inquire both mones. ja.1 DougU-, ,ighton Real Estate Co., 3o rutti tc-lLt a. hJ N.rLh7 bo. Ltoaha. tloual Lank Bldg. 11 11 .ni-lintel iLnnt n irii.T CLOSE in s-room cottage, modem, U ard Hot,, t'ux-nt rm. iO Haw ard, fho-e Douglas Ck 10- 8. Cst 8t ...... OFFERED FOR RENT Hotels and Apartments CnilliseJ. Grand Hotel, rooms o up. J0 g Ula. Vienna, mod . reasonable. 1011-1 rmra TUB IRVING, Ilfll Leavenworth; first tlass room and board. OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rata. NEW YORK hotel, rms. 60c. 1018 Douglas Hotel Antler, aiegant rooms. I10H 8. 10th, Hotel Lyons, rooms 60c up. Ill N. isth. OrrHpn T-Tntpl Council Bluffs. Rooms Burlington, nice rooms. 1 block to depot CASS HOTEL, nice rooms. 1708 Cass 6t WINDSOR HOTEL Rooms 60c to 1LM. Apartment svnd Flats. OFFERED FOR RENT Rnnses and fotteaes Conttnned XfrkVTVn Plant and lmtue. rer--ivivz v ,Jlr(l j.0Ki Exprees A Rg- (sge Co. 1WS Pt Mary's Ave. D. I4i. OMAHA EXP. CO.. moving vans and storage. Trunks- baggage del. D. A 4i N. 17th. 6-ROOM rr-ttage, modern except beat Call Harney S63A MODERN 10-room house, NS1 80. JBd St. Inquire next door south. FOR ' RENT Modern apartment. 6 rooms, two bath rooms, apartment 4 The Clarlnda, list and Farnam. Houses. In. Rlngwalt. Brandals Th. Bldg. FIVE rooms; cheap rent to light party. H. Andreasen. 2416 Parker. HouSfS rM of the eJty. Crelgo SIX rooms fine condition, modern ex cept heat N. St I'hone W. HOM Storva and uilict-s. WILL sublet south prlv offlc and reception room cheavp, H Be Bldg TWO offices, Sd floor Crelghton block; also store St 116 6. loth St Alfred Tr.omaa, Ageat. . First Natl Baok Bldg. WEIRICH Fixture Co., high grade mill work; storm sasb. Webster 2677, 1317 No. 6tth St. 1(06 and 1823 Farnam St Tel. Har. M9& 6 TORE at No 2SWI CTumlng 8t Store at No. 2104 Cuming St Store at No. LV Harney St Office or sales room at 16th and Harney St. 4-room office suite at No. lfU7 Farnam O C. RBDICK. lf17 Farnam St. OFFICE to rent. Mulligan. DO S. nth. CLOTHING st or, cheap rant K21 O St., South Omaha, DESK room 186 Bee, Wish to sublet suite of five rooms In City National Bank Bldg. Call D. 4ig Halls. WASHINGTON HALL Lodges, diwi, banquets. C. C. Sorensen. IX 2i25, A-2336. OFFERED FOR SALE Fsraltsre, WISHING to loave the city will sacri fice furniture of 6-room house for H00; house modern except furnace; 120 rent; easy walking distance; good place for roomer. J 227. Bee. ONE leather davenport and rocker, tables, etc, practically new, cheap. ml. FOR SALE Good cook stove, also soft coal heater. 614 N. 16th, So. Omaha. South lOuO. Basebumer, little, used, 115 00. 2220 Grand Ave. QUARTER-sa wed oak dining room tabl and chairs, almost new. Douglas 6044. 'typewriters. pit.tct n Oliver tyrjewrttar from th Oliver Typewriter Co. XeL Douglas 21. FOX typewriter. 1606 Far nam st 6MITH PREMIER modols No. i or No. 4. in excellent condition, rented three months lor 16. . SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO, 19th and Douglaa. TYPEWRITERS Special sale for a short time on all makes. See window for big price reductions. - B. F. E wan sod Co., U16 Farnam Bt. -Omaha. TYPEWRITERS Remington No. I 111; Chicago, IS, Hammond, 111,; WlUlamS Vlslole, 114; Underwoods, L. C. Smiths. Smith Premier.. Oliver J. ts,. at baigam prices. B. F. bwanson Co., Uli Far 1 St. city THE ROYAL la king ot typewriters 146. Typewriter, I1S-60. 1607 Farnam. D-eOS. LIGHT touch Monarch Visible for rent. The Monarch Typewriter Co., ill 8. 14th St Phone Doug. 408. M osteal iDstram ents. PIANO bargains. 106 N. 16th. D. 1103. LEAVING THE CITY WILL SELL AT ONCE. SACRIFICE, a Steinway piano. 1403 Lothrop. Webster 86 Pianos, wholesales prs. 201 Boston Store. PIANO, sllghuy us a, at a bargain. Segerstrom Piano Mfg. CO., 19tb and 'ar bam Sis. FOR SALE 1400 piano for 380. Call D. 60ui. MAHOGANY plAno and player very cheap. Call Harney 447L FOR RENT Piano; references required. Call evenings 626 80. 28tb. VINE mandolin, guitar and banjo cheap for cash. Call Tyler 1233. BllsoellaneoiM. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes, all sixes and makes; bargains, American Supply Co., lllo Farnam ot SIX-FGoT bookkeeper's dk, oak tin UU, lor sale at lloou. Apply, ueorga W. V. right, bee Publishing Co. FOR BALE One five-footed show horse. Oman a ieiit auu jtwuuig Co., 1103 Uar neX St TWO good second-hand National casb regumrs for sale at a bargain ana ou es terms, kx. Wbiutbuase, tut a. 16th 8t 16 DIAMONDS, horse hoe pin, solluurs diaanoiiu ring, will samiiice at s big u. gum. Address, 8 216, Bee. FULL dress ' suits, evening party drekees. for sals or rent 318 N. lith iotm Pel a man. Douglas 3123 ; A-3ti, FOR BALKW-Alaaka seal coat, perfect condition; worn snort tune; 8s bust 84 lung; will sell for low tigure. 'Phone Douglas 3046. NATIONAL each register, big b gain. 808 N. 16th. UARGAiNS In store fixtures at less than cot ot materlu.1, si null lot ot nearly new store shelving and store enclosure, six-drawer counter especially suitable for grocery buslneas. CtiiUai tupyly Co., llli r'arnam. 116 BUY8 almost new dress suit, only worn a few times; tall and slim. Addr , R 363. Ba. NEW and old lumber, and houses to move, cheap. Dworak Lumber C0..IM o 13, FOR SALE- New and second-hand bil liard and pool tables. Wu lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; esy payments. brunswick-balke-Collender, tu7 8. loih 8t SEVERAL standard -makes of pianos will be disposed ot for storage and re pair chaiges, will sell or trade. Call mornings. Chat. H- Tuatcbar, piano fac tory, IS08 Harney 6t. Kindling, M load. H Gross Wrecking. W. 28i4. FOR SALE Two scholarships In the Omaha commercial college aud two In Boyles college.' Business office, Omaha Bee. 100 6TEAM RADIATORS. SOME PIPE, some cast N- 6lti nbeig. 1JU Harney. CHEAP, one aleotrlo plana, I mualo boxen and 64 vending machines. tiM Leavenworth, H. 343, Ind. A-CO. OND drop-head Singer sewing machine, good as new; bargain. 8271 Charles St. PERSONAL MAXWELL cures plies. 401 Om. Nat. bk Automatic Phone Bus's. 32; resldenoe, II 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. O Lad dish P-armsvcy- Uth and Dodge. PERSONAL CContlnued ) Kt SACIV. 'lt 11W kromstic uLAJvOAU-i treatment. Mme. Allen of Chksgo l'W b. 17th Stv flt.t floor. D. Mechtno Therapy rrsg t regiment stomach trouble. Dr. Margaret llalloran, tU-t Nevtl.e Blk. D. 7.61. open after a FOR ELEtrTRIC CARFET CLEANING PHONE D. 6C. PRICES REASONABLE. FOR rates of Flats Beer Tel. Doug. lrtSL MRS. C. W. CHAPMAN. H 6-40 Hair good, all description, i-omhlngs made up. Massage. Rlttenhooe. Old Boston Bid. Dr. Burke. Women's Diseases. 41 Dgls. Blk .rtra fixi v? n prTwlP rnMnimv A a-w xv.. . - - - --- . - , .1.-...! .MS M Ulh tit iMlltf . m lull fill AMPAl I lieatiu ls. Mis. Sieeie. ex-rMXrVi-UX KJJ p,,r, 0, r. 107 tt 1J. J fl. Mrs Snyder, Swedish masragn, baths, rsaiator and vihis'oi trratnirnt. 1 he Duiifany, r 1st 3, !th and pierce. D. ioM. Dr. Burke, nervous difaof 41 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as etranrrs are Invited to visit the Young Women s c hristian association building at Seventeenth St. and St Mary s Ave., he'e Ibey will be dliectod to sultubie boarding places or otherwise aasiKtad. l.ook for our travelers' aid at the Union Adellght hair food grows balr. Mme. Frsoer. Megeath Sta. CO., in 111 and laru. MRS, M. 8. P1EKCE Shampooing, hair dressing and manicuring. Make a p rlalty of dving and removing surplus balr. IM1 Farnam. Hainey n.tL liid. A-U . HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace, strengthen. Wo. BELL DRUG CO. WE rent and repair all kinds ot sewing machines. Ind A-lo&l Doug'-i It. NEBrtAStvA CYCLL CO., 16lh and Harney Sts. f KfiRXCiV. Treatment Mrs. pteele. JYaAOOAUXj w; b i;uii :d rU)ori rm- k tuit. aii viTinM armv .,1 i w . . ., off clothing. In feet, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and bell, at l-il V lift, fit for of .'nllAoftttn tn IK. worthy poor Call phone Douglaa 4 ana wagons win can. 1U.00--V.TJ treatment Mine. Allen ot Chicago. 100 S 17th St.. 1st floor. D. 76hi. M ONFriri treatment E. Brott 710 MASSAGE. Swedish movement; nothing better for rheumatism. Ladies, $1; gentle men, 11.60. Apt 2, 4i2 t iroain. D. Ui DRUG8 at cut prices; freight paid on 110 orders; catalogue free. Sherman A McConnel Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. WANTED Small girl to board. 3220 Maple St ' POULTRY AND PET STOCK POULTRY supplies all kinds. The Ne braska Sued Co.. ltU3 Howard. D. Ltil. THOROUGHBRED 8. C. Rhode Island Red chickens, old and young; take Ames Ave. car to toth and Oraml. Call at mi baratoga, FLOOR sweepings, good chloken feed, 11.00 per hundred. Wagner. M)l No. 16th. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TlTLIfl. Frank J. Norton,. 316 8 17th. Bee Bldg "There's a Resron- "I minimise your title troubles.'' Both phones. . T- Abstracts, M- T. Brenmui. 324 Brandels Th. Midland Guar. & Trust Co.. 1714 Far. H. li. Neale,. pres.; J. Campbell, seo. D. tini. Peter Jensen. Jr., Co., Tel. Doug. 2293. Reed Abstract Co., oldest abstract office In Netn-ska. 208 Brandels Theater. BUlLDfcR' INFORMATION. Electric gas fixtures. Omaha Sliver Co. Platte Gravel efc Washed Sand Co., 443 Bee Ideal Cement Stone Co.. 17th and Cuming. L. F. Van Valkenberg. plumbing. W. 887. 6. E. Waters, cement cont 1616 N. Mh 8t I'latte Gravel 6c Washed Sand Co., 443 Bee Omaha Sign Hang. Co.. D. 3636. 114 a 12th Fuchs, Son & Blind, painting decorating. M. Peterson, gen al con. 4336 Ohio. W. 13KL A mar. Spiy. Co., roof g. paints, 1106 Nlch. SEE J. T. Coatsworth. L130 8. 26th St. telephone Douglas H134. for repairs and alterations to your house. WANTED TO BUY. LIST your city property tor sals with VogeL 409 Karbach Bldg. CITY l'UOPtKTY FOR ALU. Rare Bargains 4th and Capitol Ave., all inodei n, now. S-room house, finished In oak, CiTTcn and hard pine; furnace, fireplace; laundry; two toilet rooms; sleeping porch, eta; this goes very low on the best of terms. Tel. Harney 60. Harry H. Putnam, 6140 Burt st A PRETTY COMFORTABLE HOME On Burdette Bt, overlooking the city. When you are tired of throwing away money for rent and conclude to lay a foundation for happiness and contentment WE CAN HELP YOU VERY MUCH. New cottage, payments same as rent Call and see owner at 310 Bee Bldg. FOR SALE On payments. 30-foot lot east front 8. 11th St, near Dorcas, pries 1 1 ci. We bulid tu mil G. Grafae, 24J0 & 16th. Red 7006. 34.600 Practically new modern s-room house, flrst-claas condition, nice yard, good neighborhood, convenient to two car Unas; good terms. Call at 3tt Web ster St. FOR SALE 4-room house, lot 40x116, gss clstorn and cltv water; within easy walking distance of Vinton street car barn. !1,2jO, t'M cabh. balance time. 'Phone Red 7221. BEMIS PARK, rooms, modern, hot water beat, fauna corner 'ot M.2ou, Glover Realty Syndicate. Douglas 3tjX INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. 13 ROOMS, ALL MODERN. Ifi.OGO. We have a two-apartment house, con taining 13 rooms, two baih rooms, aevun bed rooms, l'h parlor, dining room and kitchen in each apartment, with new plumbing aud good heating plant This property Is too large for present owner and it Is a splendid proposition fof some one who will buy It and divide II Into four tnroe-room apartments. Owing to the arrangement of tiie.hose this woik can be dona at a very small expense and When completed tba ap rtments will rent for 176 euch. The buyer can live in one apartment, rent tba rest make a good lxiveetment out ot your home. The building is well built and in good condition; only thirteen minutes' lie- to the enter of thai city; on blook from the Dodge street car line and In good resi dence district THE NITMPFR IB 2T1 N 30TH ST. It Is Just norm of Ohio on the Florence Blvd. A good six or seven-room modern house will bo taken la exchanga at the right price- Tli pi opinion is cmuuuly worth looking at. NoRRiS V AtARTIN. 400 Be Bldg. Douglas 4170. A 4X71 BUNGALOW AND TWO ACHES. At 17th and Newport Ave, we bsv a brsnd new 6-room bungalow, beautifully lo ated. overlooking the surrounding country In ail directions; plent of young fruit started, und lust the place fur a Inan who wantb tu farm a little and con tinue nu work downtown Price, ou.y W,1PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. REAL ESTATE fITY rBOPKBIY FOR ULF. rronunued POTTAGE of five large rooms and bath. In good repair, with city water and gss, lot 4ultA within one block of car and walking distance of Mo. Pao. and Union Pacific shops. J7 N. 1Mb. Fur ssle st reasonable yr'.d. Owner will show properly. FOR case of Blsts beer teL Doug. 1040. NICELY furnished rooms, sultahle for tivo cr thren gentlemen, 8-3 N. 23d St. near Cunimlng Fl-RNIPHK-D rottsge cf I rooms, I blocks, ol poslofflca. Modern except heat A snap. Call at i7 North 30th, betweea I to U a. 111. lo I 1 ro. ststlon. IS N. SvTH. South Omaha, two oot tsges. 4 and 6 rooms, corner lot eon. venienl distance from packing houses. I'rioe right Liberal terms. Owner oa premises East H lot 10. block S.S. In Benson, easy walking distance of car: new homes being built on lots nesr this one; make offer. Address P 3iU, Bee. VACANT .vth th fth 17th JHh 'th (Tth trth ,-4th M Avo A PoPpie'on Last ont . . -Il.jno Ave. and roppleton So front 3 lota and Seward tfouth front $ skx, snd LsJrd East front nxi and spauldinK South front.... 6rti and Purdette ituth front &mi and Chloairo Sonth front s,.. and 'liant North front sivl Ft On.aha Ave West front 2-10 md Plnkney North frmit !:, Th e sbove are all full lots and can be on ref-onshi trm Md PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., D. 17M; A-1JM. O'NKIL'P Real K.l and Insurance Agency, 1606 Farnam; city property and farm lands a specialty; we have bargain REAL ESTATE FARM - RANCH LAAO FOR SALD ArkssMi, NORTHWEST Ark.n.aji f- h. Oiarks, the land cf health, happiness and unfailing crops: diversified farming very profitable; unexcelled climate; a good fruit, grain and stock country; but a nome where you will be satisfied. For Information snd list ot bargains writ A. L. Trent. Fayettevllle, Ark. Canada. NEW COUNTRY OPENING. The Grand Trunk Pacific railroad Is now closing its gap aero the famous ! rater alloy in CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA the choicest region of the richest province In Canad-i. Here la your chance to buy fertile land at opening prices In tlio great Fort George country. For further Information call, write or wire B. MEYEL. DISTRICT SALES AOBNT, filn Paxton Bldg., Omalia, Nab. Phono DoiiKlas 8167; Ind. A-43S. Colorado. IF YOU want to buy good farm land st 310 rt) to IttflO per acre, or want a good homestead relinquishment writs to or tali on The Mattusou-Purdy Land Company, Otis, Cole. Bargains Fruit land. Mil Brandels Bldg. FRUIT bind bargain Intnrmountain Land Co., 1122 Farnam. Phon D. 4026. ' FOR SALE 4 NO acres best land In Weld county, Colorado, 6 miles from Dover, on U. P. rsilroad; price 7 pt-r acre; half caah, balance 1, 2 and 3 years 6 per cent P. C. Caldwell, South Omaha, Neb. Georgia. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traveraed by the ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Landa adaptable to the widest rang ot crops All the money crops of the South plentifully produred. For literature treat ing with this coming country. Its soil, oil mate, church and school advantages, write W. H- LEAHY. DEPT. K. Oenoral Passenger Agent ATLANTA. OA . . . Iowa. 1 ACRE8 31,660. twelve miles out. ail smooth upland, not a foot of waste, no buildings, but fine building site; iiuo cash If you build; (loO ir you aon 1; long time on oaiance at s per cent. McUee Real Estate Co., 106 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs, la. THE easiest way to find a buyer for your farm Is to Insert a small want ad 11 the Des Moines Capital. Largest cir culation In the state of Iowa, 48.000 dally, ilia Capital la read by and believed In bf the standpatters of lows, who simply rv fuse to permit any other paper In thelf homes. Hates, 1 cent a word a day: Itsl per line per month; count six ordinary words to tbo line. Address Den slolne Capital, Des Moines. Is, Minnesota. TIMBER land, cut-over land. Koo chiching Co., Minn., 33 to ISO an acre. Pest land In the state for dairying and farming. C N. Wirt International Fells, Minn. Nebraska. FARMS IS per acre up within 26 miles. Orln 8. Merrill. 1313 City Nat Bank Bldg. NEBRASKA and Oregon land, 3 up, IM Brandels Blag. IMPROVED Nebraska farms, 8 aa acre up. Write or tall for our list. Wood ward, 714 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. - 100-ACRE farm near Benson for sal cheap, owner has Incurable sickness, in-quire room 601. iirown block. . A SNAP. 160 acres of choice land 1 miles from Llichiltld. L!0 acres In cultivation. 60 ot It in aiiaua.; an ii-nceii, price, SH.MJU. J T. Campbell, Lltchflold, Neb. EASTERN Nen., and Iowa, farms to exchange fur uskot lands, walker at Co., mu inanities, umana. WESTERN Nebraska relinquishment, 666 acre, wul take part cash and terms. O. B. Dean, Lookout, Wyo. uregoa. 1,100 ACRES of apple and strawberry land In Hood rlvsr valley, Oregon for sale on easy term and cheap; best wbole. sale proposition in west. 8ee or write owner, A. w. li., Minneapolis btaia bank, Minneapolis. Minn. SOUTHERN OREGON FARM FOR BALE I'i.i acres 6 miles from the famous Suttierlin Valley orchard tract; 30 acre choice ash swale button cleared; loo . . u . , ,4 fir.t K..n.K I u t , H Sl V W . ,ww ,' w J cleared; balance pasture and tinibai; f, , . -, . . . I n. 1 . u . , w .- A,um',uuv i.ii.v. , v,w wiiiui springs and running water; six miles from It. H.; one mile to school; telephone: on county roaa, e-room dox nouse and barn; good sui ply of small fruit; 3-ycar old orcnard. Piles tJU pet acre. Write the owner, A. M. Armstrong, Oakland, Doug, iaa Co., Oregon. OREGON APPLE ORCHARD developed and taken care of for 6 years. No extra costs NO Interest NO taxes. A reliable Investment that can be bandied on monthly payments convenient to you. Price advance IM PER ACRE Nov. L Oregon bearing orchards net from lX) to kl.UM per acre. SAM 1AM FRUIT COLONY Ser't and Genl. eales Manager Tempo rarily. Sanford HotoL Oklahoma. FROM 30 to 32o-acre tracts from 31S to q6 per. acre. Seo Vogel, cut Karbach blk. antsi Dak eta. 300 ACRES In Gregory oounty. South Dakota, luO acies broke, ho aires mora suitable for breaking, balanoe vary beat nay and gi axing land; ha abundance of water and lots ot timbor, thla 1 one of tr.ti beat location In t-oirth Lakota tor a tanch, price i; per acre, ;.i lath, bul ance 6 year time, 6 pr cent Interest j. f. Spats, st Charles. B. D. slleeaUaMaa. IOWA and NEBRASKA farms. Orahaa s Peter 319 Omaha NsA'l stank Bklg. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm aad Itsnrn leads. V arrwe Irrigated. 4 mlUa frnra T t Isnd. Wvrt. ; all In alfalfs; 1 section It 11 1 1 1 r 1 1 , ' 1 1 1 nimmii. .tu., w OTWa broken: fine land: and 11 acres 11 mii from Atkinson, Neb. H. Gross. 601 8. 11. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrant, W. Farnam Smith A Co., laso Farnam - OMAHA Property and Nebraska Land OKtUE KLA1, EflAlbl CO.. 1016 New Omaha Nat l Bank Building. MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Inr. Co. WANTED City loan Peters Trust Co. CITY and farm. JOHN N. FRENZIR. 3100 to 110,000 made promptly. F. Weed. Weed Bldg . Wth and Farnam, alvi. Ai v ,... vu uniuuwi or real, dence properties. 11.000 to Mu.OiiO W. H. THOMAS, 1.03 First Nat. Bank Bldg. . -1 T TT- V .A l..n mm W . . I LOW RATES. EEMI8-CARLBERG CO. 110-812 Brandt-Is Theater Bldg. WANTED FAR I LOANS. KJoka In. vesiineui ajuhm.iij', uuaa FIRST TRUST CO -itj QARVIN BROSra C l A tin IP rtiVft miinlittl Ka. m , " nifA boutfiit 4ad oia. 6XUsLIi BHOa FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE t- t II A tr a f JswelU Board ot Trad D. Iut7. SEE J. L. Barber to sell, or ex than., anything. 440 Board of Trade. D, iSKr FOR KX CHANGE If you havw atoeka ot merehandlse to exchange for equity In farms desorlbe fully and list with me; commission, I per cent; prefer large stock tle.ion and up, from parties who actually want a change. A. M. . auf f man, Lockridgo. lows. TRADES Jf yoa have anything to trad writs in & E. Walt 17 BeaTBldg. I HANDLE exchanges everywhere. Fir rasulu aee ma. Dean. 817 Bea Bldg. Ix Ui WE axohangw properties of merit. C. W. Walsh. 613-18 O. N. Be Bldg. Doug. TSU. WANTED, from owner only, large and small stocks ot general merchandise, clothing, hardware, etc, to exchange tor unimproved, clear land In Minnesota, North Dakota and Montana. John A Martin, Aberdeen. 8. D. WHAT have you to exchange for - Iowa farms or other lands? Mr Myrtle num. ohoa r. asm. wep. no. NK-UH A SVC A Trunin- U...u. bonds for lot or diamonds. Doug. 6077. ' TEN first-class residence lota In Linton, Ind,, worth 31.600. which I will trail. rn. Omaha property. . Address R A. Kelsey. 1S2B Laird street Webster 30S . SU.OOA EQUITY In One, 300-gora farm near Maryvlile, Mo., to trade for md or hardware; a long time will be given on balance. Income thisyeax 12.600. Price, 1126 per acre. Address Y li, oar Boa. THIRTY thousand dollar southeast Ne braska farm; Incumbrance rl.buu; equity for merchandise. Tbo. P. Matthew Norfolk. Neb. FORTY thftli mmi.A 4.11a- ,.w nM..i Iowa farm; take half in raerohandlsa; nmr m (wo-imras; want gooos. ino P. Matthews, Norfolk, Neb. I HAVE for trad near good to a tn Dodge oounty, Nebraska, close to Omaha, 40 acres ot aa good com land aa the-rwda In the state, want 7 or 3 room modern houna: must he well located and clear of encumbrances. Charles Hanley. Agt. 107 a 16th St. Omaha. Neb. 640 a. good land mile cf town and R. R. Hamilton Co , Kan. Ptioa, IU per acr - Mortgage 31.400. Want 6 to 7-room residence. Make offer. Bog CI 160 acres good land. 8 miles north Somerset Lincoln Co.. Neb; price. 11,600; mortgage, ninO. Want auto, vacant lot or equity In sural! cottage, ox 476. 1H0 ACRES in Garden oounty. two ml! from good western town; 86 acre In culti vation, seven acres Irrigated, perpetual water rights, all tillable; owner having moved to Omaha will exchange for de sirable residence property; value, 330 per acreWeJer6fttfjaftr p. jn. WANTED TO BUY Id-hand goods. Kieser. 1020 Center. IV61BL WE PAY highest price for man' 3d band clothing. M. Nathan, luu 8. 13th, A SADDLE. Andrea F 441. Baa, WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rant 4-room bouse, part modern, in any part at aty. Address N. 4, Bea. THREE or four unfurnished heated rooms, or apartments; walking distance praferrad. Douglas 77 tU. ROOMS WANTED Persons having rooms to rent during th next two weak pleas list with Information Bureau, Omaha Land Snow, car Omaha Be and Land Show Information Bureau, Y. M. C A. Building. . WANTE1D Furnished rooms In ex change for piano lexaon by a first claas teacher. O 466, Bee office, WANTED-SiTUAT10NS YOUNG lady, with high school eduo. Jon. wtaha a poaltion. O 3Z1. Be. MAN want position as Janitor; goad rfainoe. Addra B u. car B, FIRST das practical nurse a b ngagad at one Douglaa tiki, SEWING by th day In famine; good work guaranteed. Phone Webster MAN and wit very capable deslr employment; exparlanced as nne and huuaokeeper. Address, b-396, BT WANTED Place on farm far t years old. 8 336. Be u DAY work and family whlng7H nay 2ti Comptometer operator, railroad axnai-. leno G. 3u bee. -" GERMAN, mlddla aged, raspectabl widow; all aioue, would uka a good hum with an elderly guruleniajj, mor. than wage Beat references. Address Y 6. car Be. WASHING and curtain don T. H 6430 FIRST CLASS laundress want work by th day. C. Peterson, iilO Ohio St WANTED Position as cook. Call at 816 Chicago St EXPERIENCED salesman with tba best of references would like to bear from a reliable house tor position on the road in the state of Nebraska. Address B 646 Bt. ' YOUNG lady stenographer; prefer po sition out ot city; experienced; good pea. man; car of Mr Adella Long, Truro, low.. WANTED Position as chauffeur, either private or garage; am farmer; hav diploma. Box 17 R, 1, Stanton, la, WANTED A position by a refined Christian nurse, young ladies' seminary pit-tarred, beat rcfeiences given and re quired. P Sal, car Bee. WHITE LADY, day work; neat; tidy.. TeL Doug. 6725. Sunday and evenings only. LADY wants laundry work. TeL A ii SITUATION wanted by colored girl to work V or ail day; maid or second g-i Webater HSU, WANTED By competent colored wo man, child nurung or sucond wor. Web tier 6140. WANTED situation by a middle aged experienced man; position as general farm superintendent, accustomed to op erating uu-g Illinois faxm. understand modern farm method f handling aiawk U ail ada, Adams H hat, i